HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 22
yin; e many other8 probably
40 need Cod LiVer Oil, but
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Then COMP to 118 fim lrampoit
Tasteless. Preparation cud Liver Oil.: CANAW:i tiOIRE38 COLLECE
1.1 PaYS TO
-I'L N (*; t NOArE n g,
roll call% taNto the oil, all you tmie CHATI:IAM, 01W.
is kVflcjCLori y 1'1111,08 ph•a,.ani.
What yon ;;;i4"1i& ttotot•th
Otlre$ WT:018 and cob!, and wa.sting
AUK Vetjh,
1Z.f.7 S
}ads a 4' 0eic'eci at over its con
t":8 in eliorthatot and Busine/
01? ER OO) $TUflEiq
hare been trained in this 8c1 i,1 since.
it was °stain ished w187d and aro to be
found in tiearly e:ety town anti city on
thin etnitatent, heeling choice poettions. •
It in the only sehool in Canada that
has been run&ng '20 years without
change of nutinettement.
Por eatelaste, address,
b. cr. Wit LN' CO.,
Chathatil, Ont
cn,A.PrER L -5-a, WORT
The Roe. aa /Lea.fl?'' t I
311411 utue.. e.-t.,em(0,. I y 'others —
• •
himself . 0.. two pedee
both of Lieh he Lea leen suite
had 1)0011 .. CCM ti lIf);1. to he, at
3)1 which 1 Lim. Wi
duce hita tr. the 10- rin the Fres
as nectar ce tare ee, propri
head-rm.:. tor 0: tbe :,•;•hool estahl
the villtee ot teat amo. The t
at Bowie.: led tor teee• <lane -a
ieputatme tattier hitt. ;—.not that
ever hitt el t meet 50 I Aletianglect
palatal/le e wore in sp. /acing of hi
Bowie& t."4,1:101 1.1.4,21 estahlit
himself es prtainatety Eto
Worth.: bad le (31 eltend to an as
'flasterthip at Elton eerie ire lite so
be hail beeorne a Fellow of Reuter.
he- had tvoriall stateessfully for ten
and lied then retiree to th 1
Bowiek On ming there lie hed
tnittot to occuey Ills Leisure, and
sibiet, make hie fortune, by takin
ys Lto lee Matte, 13y- dint of oh
high preee and giving good food,
. baps in /ter else, rho quality
education hith 110 imparted, —his
lishment had become eopulazt and hc
grown the cepctoicy of the parsonage
bad been enablea to purchase a field
clot() abutting on the glebe gardens
bad there bunt cane nient prelnises
now limited his number to thirty be
each of which he charged 4200 a•yea
Was.; said at him by his friends that
would only raise his price to £211
Plight double the number, and
- or tine. In answer to 21)1
told his friends that lie knew his
business best ;—ha declared that his °
was the only sum Cat WAS compi
both with regard to bimself and ho
to his customers, and asserted that th
bore he endured were already.' quite h
- enough In fact, he r000mlnended
thoSe who gave hlin advice to mind.
1)13 3x et nn • an .said
tha Weeeti557)7yeell its to ju
him in repudiating counsa ream oth
There are very differett ideas of wha
fortune" may be supposed to consist.
-will not be necessary to give Dr. Wor
exact klea. No doubt it changed
tam, increasing as nis money biome
But he was supposed to be a comfort
man. He paid ready money and
prices. He liked that other people an
Wan Amid thrive,—and he liked then
• know that they throve by his memos,
liked to be mastpr, and ales was. e
was just, and liked blejustice to be recog-
etAized. He was generous also, and, liked
tlfitt •
put into the hands of the IM
enda suit commented, al
courte, got his money, and 1
lowetlan ittalmonio us eorrospo
Times' nett other newsraper
tiloup did her lies; to nth( tli
many voey eloquent pa:is/tees
nOt only by birr Or by hex
&glad, but bv (awn who too
up to wove that two hue ch. ecl
a grew deal more than ought
for the charge of a little boy
quarters of the ytetr. Iittt in t
the, next twelve months Dr,
tab/lend to refuse admittance
vitae ble mmHg Ileettuse he had
them No doubt he had Aufrt4
thew contesta—suffered, Mut
There had been pionit3nts
seetnea that the victory would
other side, shoe the forces c
rtgainst him were too niany fo
that not neing ate° to lenul he
to be broken ; but an every on
fought it imt, and in every en
conquered Ho was now a pros
who bail aohloved his own way
made all those connected wit
that it was better to Ilk°
obey hien than to dislike him
with bbn. His ettrates troubl
little as possible with the grace
31< sa and throw off as far as
that zeal which is so dear to th
nand bat which so often see
Laxity their old
Niters or tIRRIStallSS ill the $oho
ith his views laitplicitly, and311 to
no compensation in
f personal eivilities. It was mu
o go shatee with the Doctor In a
o have to bear his hard words.
It is chiefly In reference to one
skiers that our story has to be to
entre we co/rune/lee it, we must
ore words as to the Doctor
y. Of his wife I have already
le was probably as happy a welt
/I bo 111
otor s lawyer, and a separate kiteaere
et Doctor, of sending ineetwarda or foram,
ten thera fol- clothes—uniets it 111iffla
mimeo the sieved delicacy was sent in
a Airs. e;titn- Pi' these, no tett
o school, aria (Ver nuele, ns 1111 been don
were written young, Stantiloup. Then a
own special bad come, and had ordered
k the matter the earring/I. There was; n
a year was a far the Itimily teats:sea Wil
to be paid to ho administered. in q
luring three p ?may,
he course of Behind the tohool,and running down to
Wortle was the little river Pin, there is a spacious
to a dozen crieket-ground, anal a court marked out far
no room for ley:nate:Me. close to the wheel is a
red during reekot-eoutt. No doubt a good tield was
iain mind. mine to make the externale of the place
n it enuring to thosoparenta who love to think
be on the that their boys shall he made lumpy at
ongregated tehool Attlee -ate to the Facet, forming
r him, and ; vitt of the building is a pleaeant,
would have built reside/lee. with six or eight rooms,
se he beet imontled for the senior or olas.sical assist -
Pe 110 had antennster. It had been the Deeter's
mrous man scheme t() finite married gentleman to oe-
, and had copy this lainse,whoto wife /haunt lovely°
1)111)11 fent a separate seamy for lookine after the linen
him and and tatting as matron to the Reheat, doing
ana fight wh:tt his wife did till he be aine success -
oil him as tale—while the husband Mould be in
of wall- enlers mai lake pert of the church duties
they could as a second enrete. But there had been a
0 Youthful difficulty in this.
7(10 tO be
vero 00n -
el fell The Doctorhad found it Al/Moult t
Thera ma tat curate, --but cam e to /els
rids or food or some months preaelled• reg
1.01 when somo Sunday in the parish char
it a boy Wet% sattafaction of the perishione
o ebartte was be accepted no payntenamuc
in the eased tor's dissatisfaction, Nevert
strange doctor certainly the 0880 11011 thoyw
Doctor gratuitously never c
extra ebarge
tha 181" worse of the bargain,
le, which used Mr. Petelooke was is smart
ante suilletent man, anything but robust in
but still capable of great bed
lie was 8 !treat 'weaker, le
sehool never seemed to fatlau
addition 02 (1 sermon to proacl
seemed to nutko no difference
gies in the whel. Ho Ives 3100
er, could. vase from olio h
tal work to another wit/tout f
Doctor Was a Antra. SC.1104414 bll
.31tree manifest to; tho Doctor b
to tiro boys, that Mr. Peacock
deeper in acholerehip than t
Though be was a acme man, his
classical library Wa< supposect
pository alL that MIS known
and terectit. In fact Mr, Pettecie
be a marvel; U1,1t 02 alt the Ma
111111, 11h01 nue% inarvellot
entire faith which the Doctor
Certain chatiget even we
the oldentabilehed "carrion/An
time—and wore made, as ail tilt
posed, by the/We/ice at Ala Pow
Itetteocke we/axe/mad with a pe
spect which almost seemed to it
two men were equal. This WAS
by the boys to come item the
both the Doctor and the assistant
laalcovs of their collegem Oa
the intestine itml other gentry aro
see that there was more in it t
Air, Peacocko had some power a
Whimb WIN potent over the Duet°
Peacooke„ in ner line,eue
most as -well. She was a W011)
thing over thirty yenta- of age
arts came to Bowiok, in the
mat bloom of wcanan's botutt .
plosion was dare and blown,—
so, that it wet inn casibie to dee
color generaltv by any ether win
no clearer skin wee ever give
woman Her eyes were brown, t nit
brans black, and peretcay gait
hair was dark ana very glossy, am
dratted as shinny as the nature
man's head W1t1 allow. Her foatu
regular, but with a groat stymy s
She wile 13111 2(12.' a woman, but with
cf tiler hie& (.2 length under whioli
altitude some,iMOS Stil2OrS. Si
strong mid well made, and app
equal to any lab P co which her p
might tulte et lur. When see had
Bowitk ;Ibsen th: 0 , menthe, a be
had been broken, tent sho had num
not only with ittsiduity, but wit
capacity Tile boy waq the young
of the Marc !lioness a Al tam Lt •
etoy telt/talent paid a second N
o3. the sake of taking hor boy
home as sonn AR he was fit to bo /nevi it,
lice ladyship made a little mistake. With
the sweetest and .re est carressing smile in
the world, she offorod Ales. Petteocke a ten -
Pound note "My clear madam," said eirs.
Peaceeke without the slightest reserve cr
diMetaty, '11 38 80 natural that you should
do this, bemuse you cannot of comae
understatel my position; but it is /alto-
gether out of the question." The Mar•
ehioness blushed, A./muttered. an 1 begged
a hundred pardons. Being a goed-natur
ed wommeshe told tee whoto story to Mrs-
Wortie "I would just as soon hen offer.
eel the money to the Marchioness herself,"
said Mrs. Wartio she told it to hor bus.
hand, "I W01111'11/41,0 tame ft a deal soon-
er," said the Doctor "1
s that he for
ularly every
le to the full
ra For this
.1), to the Doe -
hitless It was I
le) served tho
(rune by the I
wiry -rocking
ily exertion,
tber in the
0111)11. The
1 every weak
te his 031(0,.
3)82313111 )?e(3(1
1314 of men-
etigne. The
t it soen b-
11318011, 3131(1.
e was nmeh
Int Doctor.
own small
to be a re-
a.bout I.atin
ka grow to
rvels about
is was the
placed in
re mule in
1" of tut -
boys sup -
°eke. Ain
rsonal re-
nply that
fact that
had been
ford; but
und could
han that.
bout him
moiled al-
ma some-
vhen she
ory pride
Her own
so much
tribe hor
d. But
n to a
her eye -
t2, Her
I always
of wo-
res WOr0
0311 211)7
le was
been at
nas leg
od him
13, great
eet sett
LE. , To reputliate any su •ii to/101121g was ovl- 1 -a
i te, ntly a necessity to Mr \Veleta. Come- t
11 intro- Dr. Wortle, ae he came to be called about b
(m1101181, this rhea—was patent to all the county ot
dor and and all the diocesa The sufferer died nott , II
abed in let us hope, by moans of the Doctor; and I te
culinary 1 then came t e Writ bishop, Ho, too, had si
. , found 1 . o gad to say a word. He SI
1<e tete 1 was/ a man of the worlde—wise, pruclont, at
end en. 1 not given to interfereece or fault-finding, le
e teeeee 1 friendly by nattzre, OLIO who altogether Do
hod by hated a quarrelet biahop beyond, ell things filele De, determinedet) be the friend if his clergt - eh
sistant- 1 .
, ' to
on atter teen ;—antl yet he thenea t lameelf ob nava ma
There 1 lo say a' WO/ CI T11( ri1 were matters in em
years, 3. Wheel Dr. Wortle ite ;ate 1 , hi
pioutiarly , t.
- oftie. clerical mode et ( xpresslon, 11 eot ca
deter- I leelliet, lie bad 'liven foolish enough „a the
if Pos- I, eit cetera openly th et h . .
ea fe . . tut i Of a tor,
ctTrato who ahould bet -anon° of the "grace 1 4, nti
meting of gocilinets" about him. Ho was wont to :tea
—Pee- i rialcule the piety of young men who de- ,,,4 1
of the 1 4 med themselves entirely to their religious a"1°
td ont-
estab- In a leiter which Ile wrote he a 00
t Spate of ono youthful divine as "a cenceit- ed h
• He I ed tale, who had preaohed for fOrty min- 10ng
Or two f utos." He not only disliked, but openly- indo
, and I ridiculed all signs of a special pietistic T1
• Ho ' bearing. It was said of him that be had 0r, Iv
ys, for
1 been heard to svvear. There can be no 't'T-
r. It 1 doubt that he made larnself wilfully die- It
if be ; tasteful to -many of his stricter brethren. tvitah
0, he i ' Then it came to pass that there was a e trine
'malty I . once between him and the 1)13<1)031 (35 i reo e
s, he t to that outspoken desire of bis for a ourate want
own 1 without the grace of godliness But oven Meta,
e 1a- 1 Tim farmers went to ebuteh. Dissenters ho Ill
hero ! here Dr. Wortle wag successful, The man- all th
ttible , &gement of his parish was pre-eminently well;
nesty i good. Tbe parish schocil was a model. grant
cavy 1 there were none. The people of I3owick had b
all ! believed thoroughly in their parson, and care a
theta* ' knew the cotnfort of having an open -hand- exit ti
stif7 Thls third episcopal difficulty did not en- childr
fibn ed, well-to-do gentleman in the village, apt to
ors, dure long. Dr WortIe knew his MAU, and being
t "a I was willing enough to 1)0 on good terms June,
Xt ; with his bishop so Meg as be was allowed Would
tle's to be in all things his own master.
vith of the
sed. tween Dr. Wortle and the world about his
There bad, too, been sonte fighting be.
able school. He was as Ihave said, a thorough -
der ,
igh ' ly generous man,but he reqnired, bimself,
to be treated with generosity, Any quite-
]. to 1 tion as to 2130 charges made by hint as
He 1 schoolmaster was unend bI
Was a (113t11117 here were differences, in ell of
ella by which Mr. Worth) carried Ids own. What
skins, in the good bishop suffered am one probably
esetta,-- I knew except. hie wife mut his elomenie
1 he time elm:Main, What Air Wortle enjoyed, or
u , he scheme deecrIbed in the last emcee
the shone ter. alley indeed who know anything or
ell better such matters will be inclihect to oall it
joke than latoplen, and to say that one so W1.90
worldly matters as our sehoolmiteter should
of these not have attempted to ootubine se mealy
ld. But things. He wanted a gentleman, a school
sa7 a few master, a eurate a in tt
, a iuly,--
s ant- we may say all in one. Curates and ushers
spoken. are generally unmarried, assistant
an as yeti h at is. is not often in orders, and
or's day. sometimes is not a gentleman. A gentle.
or, plea- man,. when he IN marrled, does not often
no arta wish to dispose of the services of his wife
out the A lady, when she has a busb/md, has gen-
enjoyed orally sufficient dunce of her OW11 to em -
always ploy her, without undertaking 011315731,
nothing scheme, if lean; eta would 110 (10411/2 be ex -
having • coilent, but the diftionities attire too metiy,
.11 it ne- Theteltantiloups, who lived about t Went
bread 2113103<, made fun et the Duet-ar/1nd his
hen the project; and the bishop wits „seta to bavo
°tweet' expressed himself tIR afraidethat he wo 1 I
nt Doe- (1 ) e to license ae 0031(28 313)7 0110 se -
Doctor lectea as usher to thei.sahool. Ono attempt
a while was made after at/ether in vain a -but at
have hist It was dee-tared through 'the country
ets an far and 'wide that the Itootor bail 5310310611.
'514 was ed in this, aa in et ery other enterprise
Wain- that he had ettompteci There had 001110 a
OR' bad . Rey. Alr,Petwookeancl his wife. Ste yeas
e was since Mr. Peacock° had been well known
itt Oxford as a ()tussle, and had bee'ome
Mail, a
Fellow of Trinity. Then he had taken
at 6110 ...coders, and had. qotne time afterwardt
17001, xnarriecl, giving up his tatelloteship as a
nettle matter of coarse. Air. Peacock°, while
was a. living at Oxford, heel been weil-knotvn to
O ein- a lame 0 1
y to meet 011 A 51.111:1111
te had good health, eney temp
At friends, abundant meensecnd
tion She went nowhere with
etor, aml wherever he went she
r share of tho respect which was
an to hint. Site had little or
do with the Retool, the Doctor/
ny years ago resolved al 211014.
MI bin) as a man to work for bin
81)01314 not be a slave: 'AV
tles had been going oxe—these b
Doctor and the bishope, and 11
13111 .irs. atantlloup, and the
the nowsr apers. —she had for
n mamma- It hail grieved her
mutilated that her husband • a
Ise and astertea that hor hutba
rmorant; but tas courage had RI
er, and his continual viotori
lit her to believe at last that 11
ley had one nhald, a daughter,
hom It was side in larcalek th
I 'fumy the length et the Docaor'
rtainly was se that, 1.2 Mrs. N
ad to have anything clone N, 101)
1:eyen.1 her own influence, sh
d Mary, c the boys cone°
ecl to carry a point, they would
eiy" obtain Miss Wage's aid.
is the Doctor proltably. knew
and though ho was often pleas
favors thus milted, Ile so be
tea the granting of favors when
oen asked with a proper doge
ad attention. Site was at the
me of the ago in which father
look: upon their children as
en, while other 41021 regard the
grown-up young ladies. It was
and in the approaclaing Auges
be eialiteen. It was seta 02 1)1)1'
a e. but had ettatienly
tl vely . disappeared from that world, and it roach.
.,,,01,. tut tho ears of only a few of his pane in-
. Bat timate friends that he had undertaken the
very duties of vice-presiclont of a classical col.ci to lege at ,St.Lonis in the State of Missouri.
cat.,„ Such a disruption ae this was for a time
complete:lint after five years AtaPeacocke
3�13! ateptetred again at Oxford, With a beauti-
PretsfaaAinerloan wife, and the peceseity 02
,a" earning tut income by his erudition.
probable that Dr Wortle ehould have
It would at first have seemed very im •
now taken into tee school or into his parish a
2 she tteetleman wha had chosen the 'United
that States as a field for 1114 .01 4 '
oaj 11
1110 DOOtOr,wiloso mind was by no n
etttltitt legItete e as a thorough going Tory
roe. old 8012001, and therefore considered
nan I atincl to hat 4 the name of a republio.
mat , Ho hated/olling stance and alaPeacooke
s-- hiel certainly been a rolling stone. lie loved
Oxford with 311± 2115 heart and 501110- yeara
no- since had been heard to say hard things of
ine M, Peacocke, when ,tht gentleman &-
nor sorted his college tor the sake of establish -
;to. Ing liiinself across tho Atlantic. But he
0 14 •was one who thought thatthere should. be
Joh ' a place of penitence terowed to those orb°
r- atel clearly repented of thole errors; and
Is rnoteover tvhen he heard that Mr.Peateooke
cm WAS endeavoring to establish himself in
ail : Oxford as a "coiteli" for undergraduates,
it, and also that he was a married mall tvith-
of , out any encumbrance in the way of fam
e I ily,theo seemed to him to be an addition-
ts , al reason for pardoning- that American ea -
11 I capado, Circumstances brought the two
s and hero were tho very things combind.
it men togethr There were friends at Ox -
n ford who knew hew anxious the Doctor
o was to carry out that plan of his in refer -
y teaching tvere ecknowledged; he was al -
ea Once to an tether, a ourate and a matron,
s Mr. Peacooke's :scholarship and power of
e ings took place Aiany difficulties arose.
ready in orders; end it was declared ;that
e air. Peacoeke trila undoubtedly a lady.
Many. Invades were /mle. Many meet.
y But at last Mr. and ,ItIrs .Pecooke canto
to Bowlok abd totes up their abode in the
• school.
All the DoctorOt tequireMents were not
at once fulfilled. Ares. Peacock -0's position
was eaeily settled lira Peacooko Who
seemed to he a woman possessed of stet -
ling sense end great activity undertook
her datles without difficulty. But alr Peat
gecko would not at lirst coneant to act all
cant 0 ixt the perish. Ho did however after
a time consent to 1 oilmen a portion of the
Sunday service. Whon he first came to
Bowlek he had, declared that he would
Underake Ma elerical duty. laineation was
his mote:sem MA LI that he meant to de-
vote himself exclutivela. Not for the eix
or eight months of 1.1 4 sojourn did he go
back front this; so that the Motor may be
mid men hilt' to have toned in carrying
out his narpose, rInt at luta the note
parten onuroh mul ere Idled .11. sermon.
W190,Im„ostor olMeared in the pulpit or the
Al 1 that had passed In private eenferenee
between tho Doctor ond his nssistant on
the snbject need not hero be related. Mr.
tezroguiaralvy ril u 1. i o,rige thou a-
n., t..e come,. services as one
of the porishie .. . men Very strong.
Tho Doctor's anxiety to overcome his AS•
sistant's reasoning hod 411A0 been 01%11g
Ther0 hd, no doubt, been much odd be.
twoen them Mr. P1.00lco had Wm trite
to MK nrinolldes,vLateeer those prinelplus
were, in regard to bi-+ appointtuent AN A
f tete nown. Jaakeilbacarri
for his wifetteaatearitettelie* en the tlaugh
of 4 peereattergyman at Wilfdeorentia
prond to see hor as well dressed as the w
or any county sgnire. But he was a do
ineering hatband. ,As his wife worshipp
Ma, end regarded him its a Jupiter
earth from whose 130(1 there could be a
1231 330 appeal, but little harm ca
from this. If a tyrant, he was an ale
tionate tyrant. HIs wife felt him to boa
His servants, his paris.h, and Ids sobool a
felt tabu to be o. They obeyed him, love
him, and believed in him.
• o, tmon the whole, at the time wit
wheat wo are dealing, did the diocese th
contitysand that world of parents by who
the beets were sent to his school. But thi
bad not come about without some her
fighting. Ile Was over fifty years of ag
and bad been Rector of Bowiek for nearl
twenty. During that time there bad be
a succession of three blithopet and he bit
quarrelled more or less with all of them
It Might be juster to say that they hada]
of then) had more or less occasion to find
fault witle MM. Now Dr, Wotle,—or Mr.
'Wort/eat/ he should be called 111 reference
to that !se:Iota—was a Alan who could boar
ensure from no harnan being. He had
left 11 10 poaltiou at Eton because the head
Insider had required from him some slight
change of prectie. There had been Po
quarrel on' that oceatioll, but Mr. Wortle
Id gone. Ile at onee commetteed his
school at 1.10Wik, taking half -a -dozen
pupils into his own house The bishop of
that day ion:mooted that the cure of the
genie of the pariohioners of Amick was
being Ktitordinatod to the/Atli: and Greek
'. of
21)0 31011(102 the nobility. Tho blehort got
response which gave iin additional setts-
taation to his opeetlytranstation to 31)))07'(5
' . Whop end Mr. Worth, there was, unfortnn-
• omnfortalue diocese. BetWeen the next
Itly, inieunderstanding Mut Almost feud
I. for the entire ten yeare during which hie
berdeltio reigned in the Palime of Ilrough-
on. This iliohop 01 Bronghton had been
. one of that large batch of Low (Ihnreh mei.-
; sates ere ronght forward under
Lard Palmerston. -Among them there woe
none more low, more piou, more sincere,
or more givrn to interfernee. To tench
X. Woth. hIg duty as a parish clergyman
',Woe erli. 11.,.' A saree.,.1ty to .44•ii a irllig.
, • it don, and that
age anything requirei for a hey'e benefit or
tor comfort beyond that ordinarily supplied,
would be ehargetl for AS an extra at such
lre price as Dr. Wortle himself thought to be
an equivlent. Now the poptuatity of bis
ed 1 establishment no doubt depended in
00 I great degree on the sufficiency and comfort
nd of the good things of the world which ho
nie provided. The beer was of the best the
0- boys were 3301 3313148 to eatfentheir taste be
0- the eeiection joInte was consultd. The
11 morning coffee was excellet. The 00017
WAR a great adept at cakes and puddings.
The Doctor would not hitntelf have !von
h E./Waite/1 unless everything had been plenti-
e ful, and everything of the best 1-10 Would.
m have bated a buteher who bad attempted
8 tO seduce him with meat beneath the usual
d price, But when he bad supplied that
. which was stilliciett /moraine: to Ills own
inuaal ideas, he did not give more without
n charging for it. Among 1116 customers
there lied been a certain Honorable Ala
• St IntlIoup. aten—which had been mote
1 importann—n Honorable Mrs nt
e ex-
plained to all parents that he e.harged for
each boy at the rate of two hundred a -year
for board, lod I
p. Mrs. Istantaloup was a Indy who fathers et'
liked all the beet things which the world Mrs Wort
could reapply, but hardly liked paying the /
best price Dr W t 's tthool was the
best; thi»g the world could supply of that
kind, but then the price was certainly the
vety best 4
s teas the pr
est ; and Indeed it would be hard to fit
sweeter-favoted girl than Alary Wo
Her father b 1 1 a 1
noted for the manhood of his face, lie
a broad forehed, with bright grey eye
eyes that had always a spine pass
round them though the smile would so)
times havothat touch of iranywhioh sn
may contin, rather than the goodhut
which it is ordinarily eupposed to indite
His nose wag aquili e, not hooky, lik
true bird's beak. but stall that bend vela
seents to give the human face the
est indication of individual wilL H
month, for it MAU was perhaps a little t
small, but was edmirably formed, as h
been that chin with it deep dimple on
which had now Ity the slow pragrese
many ditiners become doubted in its fold
Hit hair had been chestnut, but dark in i
hue. It had now become gray, but sti
with the the& of the chestnut through
hero and thr, lie stood 5 feet 10 I
height, with small hancle and feet
W8 now perhaps somewhat Feint, but w
52111 as upright ou his heree aR 01700,11314
well nble to ride to Manilas for a few field
when by chance the hunt None In the wa
of 13owic1( Snell was the Doctor. Mrs
Worth) nets a rattly little woman, riot
over forty yeare of age, of whom it wa
sa14 that in her day she' ha tl been th
beanty of Windtor and those parts. Afar
Wortio teak mestly after her fittner bein
tall and comely 1 speola ly 11e.
es; but still they who bad know!
le as a girl declared that 23283'y
cr ted tato her mother's pecullaa
eoftnesa 02 (50)1331 eatn,
For many yona pest tone of the pupils
had boon received within ti •
dsou'ArAa% Za S
The Greatest of all LiveG
Stomach and Blood Medicines.
SP ECeni0 FOR.
Rheumatism, Gout mut
Chronic Co pliant&
They Cleanse an, urify the
Ali Druggists and
General Dealers.
Cleloolcs , ,.
Ce' ' .
all the close -at'
avenues of the Itowitee •
Kidneys and Lik,•:;r.
carrying- off gradeolat
el -iota weakening- tat:
-system, all the impute -
ties ane foul humors of
the secretions ; at the
came time COrreet-
lug Acted 1 or ti,'
Stomach, ntim; W.•'-
ousn a, Dyspepo:%.
Head n_ es, Dizzinnt.s.
ion, Dryneso of 0.0
t'.4 .., n, Dropsy, Bbill.,
ta 11le0, Salt rtivxal,
....c.i,,Erycipolas, Scrofula,
11Fluttering 01 Cho
Heart, Nervoaant:S1
and General re.billy;
1.377 371310 and manyother
sa .te- ela, • a asinfilat compl.thltt vide!,
;,'' 1 lane/ into:eat
len BURDOCK 111.00D
an* ay all Drugglats.
isi t t t.ITTEDS
tete not in the
least afraid of Lady Altamont; Intel:tend,
earl S in awfUl dread of Mrs. Peacock°. " Never --
at tha I theese Mrs Peacocks lual clone ber work
I 1 I by the 'ittl 1 '. title jnet tbongh
she ha t ken a paid 11t17SO.
And SO she felt herselt to bo. Nor -was
she in the least ashamed of her position in
that respeet If there was aught of shame
about her, as some people teid, it certai
ly did not come Cram the fact that she
was In the receipt of a salary for the ;Ale-
formanee of certain ptescri bed duties
Such remuneration was, elm thought, as
honorable as the Dotor's Income; but to
her American intelligence the acceptance
of a pretent of money from a- Marcbioness
w have been a degradation.
It certainly was said 02 11(3)' by eoino per-
gMIS that there In est have been something
In her former life of which she was
ashamed. The Honorable Alm Staiti-
amp, te whom au the affairs of 13owi1(
hau been of consequence sine° her husband
had, lost his Mwsuitand who had not only
heard much, but had Inquired far and bear
alantt Mr. and Mrs. Peaceke, declared
diligently among her Wend, with many
nods and winks, that there was tomething
"rotten In the state ot Dexneark," She
did at first sotnewhat Intpriniently one
deavottr to spend rumour ab oad that
the Doctor had become enslaved by the
lady's beauty But 0V011 those hostile to
Bowiek could not accept thi. The Doctor
certainty 31314 not the man to put in aed-
fixity the respeot of tho world an 1 his own
standing for the beat.7 of 11(17 wonlan
ana, moreover, the Dootr, as we have said
before, was over fifty years ef ago, But
tbOr0 80011 came up another grOUnd on
White) calumny amid found a story. It
wan cortalely the cage that Aire Po/wool:a
had bever aceepted ant" hospitnlity from
Alra Word° or other ladies in the neigh.
borhood, 11 reeehed the eara of Mr. Stan.
tiletzp, flint, that the bullet h11. called
upon each other ea hullos !WO WOnt to do
Who ietond to colter/Mee mutual personal
acquaintnnee, and then that Mrs.. Wortie
had asked Mrs. Peacat) to dinner But
Ifirs.Perteneke had to/used not onlY that in -
vlattion, but subsequent Invitations to the
less oerentonicate form of tett-drinking.
All this had been true, and i11)4 been
true also•—though of this Mrs. Stentilottp
had not herd the partlettlarrs,*that
Petteocko had explidned to her neighbor
that oho did tot band to plat herself on a
visiting tooting with anyone. "13ut why
not, my dea" Mrs. Wortle had
n ono was mil
eleven; and as there were boye at Bowie;
as old aSScsventeen—tor the selmol had no
altogether maintained its old character a
being inerely prraratory—Mrs ate n t foul
Mut thong/it that her boy should be ad
talitttel at lower fee. The corresponden Co
which had ensued hal b
3' [ nu leS 4 When reed ved tnere /to pups:A, venieh
t ge,—
was of frequent oceurreneo All belonging
t to the school team built outside the glebe
tll:41181houiti ho 3188 inveat ttlOmlotlyth2twiltn(ki ety17; gbaut;
s land, as a quite separate establishment,
with a datir Op011ing from the parsonage
garden to the ;school -yard. Of this door
th,rale may 110 6211(1 to have become quite
obsolet o oor was never looked,
the bigger boys would come
teskod—perhapit hi oenreh of a
n -tennis 'with Miss Wattle --
ask some favor of Mrs. Viiortlo,
was dellgh tod to welcome them
von to seek the Doettr himself,
tit mush oceasions would ask
e to pass that they were on
M wall. t-tometIes Mrs.
isendlierhoutiekeeper through
the little boys. Xt would then
Imo for the little boys. Tint
generally be during the Do-
*school side of the wall, there
ti eitalgishittent of' servtuatis,
lite young Stitnitlo p had had influena,
• p easton.
and Mrs Stantiloup liad gent her own doe,,
tor. Ohninpagne had been order tl, and Sometimes
earring° in • 4 • 31t'. fetantlioup hod.' thriingh tu
betot forced by Ms wife to refuse to. -PAY game of law
sums deniontled for the e undoubted ax- perhaps to
tree. Ten shillings allay for t% drive l'or, who always
a little boy seemed. to her a great doat,-.. --prhaps o
eetned so to ItIrs 6tantilettp. (;itght not who never
the J)oetoria wife to ItaVo ben- rruild • to how it- cam
iske bar little boy lit her own (Atria er that side of
A I . - •105, fur pittunpagne for the ! wortiowerdt
little boy! it Wu Mon/0mm lir Stan- I for Ronne of
tiltam remonstrated 1)2. Warble Said that I be a good
the little boy hod. 'Letter he taken away ' this would
and the bin paid Seem* TN! little boy , torw absenc
u.as fatten away ial theittioiiey Was offr. it Tfore,tm tli
• ' • :• '.1.'ink utattikaie !potently - wee s, gaper*
g 5131(1,
(3(1 to the argument by preeepts front
her hutlmil. "Why ohould yen make
yourself desolate hre, when we Shall be
on glad to have you Y" "12 is part of my
life that it must ha Igo," Idro. Peacteke
bad answerd. "X am Emit* aura that the
duties I hove undert•alton 4t0 b000tH1nft
; COXT(....
T .41 U CO,
• -,..1.44•4•. 140 kyrg
Por F'nts that snit,
04'0 eelefere te the
71'4'ar1* and proisry
2.1vrcoATo bel ter ry US OUT
15 your trionds.you had
eot make rs
Ito )1. bow lodotheir
w don't think
t b ere any better
and yet w; charthen others
dn for in r.. tor work, 11315 4r1'4s of IleW
fall ord w. ter autorit+ to (!)10056
at prices 1 A" b('t2 WI 311 )5)13 'MVO- to
pay for 01 "(1:,11, *".01 li)epailfee
111;113' 11•4:11::: (8531) t. -n not
tio Prot', .3 13' made for $31 Spot Cash, cap
ono o‘'.. nor work. Our tetITJR 0110 03<3<32,
WI-4-1BSTER &_00,
-ivfiltate, Ont.
051-7 4•44,
PO 14
Sat,MMR IO.AitOt..Alt•VCS
aellerett or Adults.
- - tette:ate,
Caveats and trde•MarkIobr ad: arid all hateru
business coaduct4 for MO TIS PEE& My.
office Min the is< iAte yr
Send model, ska
end my facilitiee sects g ents art aft
(the Patent0Mc
. desctiatiort 4Tid aph lif invention with
g iOndweaAges cleartod.
.110 -.Fore
oho,'<4j its gnash for art OptitioU
patantabilitu. Si)'any fen for prosecuting the
applicatio* tail isell be eatte4 far teitili the
patent 44 ealostreirt "Iirritntore Comiq' ciao
seining Atli felon:mann seat free. ,417 Oetiatitivi•
dalltleall VOtlitiderad Se airlaill Vimildelatiale
wG r No/MO WA41113104111016 D. 4I.