The Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 1'
VOL. XXV.---NO. 1294,
reeltee,. e
$ "'
eni'vee •epf
.4e -see
We always,. have and always will
Sell reliable merehandise - lower
prices than any other house in town.
Not the common humdrum sorts and
nothinn. bere that's anyway out of
date, bBut no need to say that. the
stack and prices speak for theM.
selves. The reputation of the store -
is at stake and we're mom than
anxious to deserve the good opinion
of shoppers. You'll find everything
here that any Lady,' Girl, Alan or
Boy can possibly need ,and prices are
little enoag-h toN., bring .the
trade our way. We're selling lots
of goods these days below titer mark-
et, others will tell you -they ean buy
just as cheap and that we must Jf
necessity be losing money, but vou
- don't have to believe them Our
buying chances .are greater, we've
the biggest out -let and. baelted by the
quickest command of ready cash is
the reason and you get the benefit of
t all.
We want to speak to you. of
iflorreage Worms
Issuedb$ FRANK FATERsoN, No 23, Vie-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
AT ANY Tiny.
Training in Commercial Setence and
Shorthand can be obtained at the
The Leading Comm:gal School in Western On-
tario. Thousands (glamor students now in suc-
cessful business life. Write kir prospectus.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
the stock is really fine and the range
of styles is away belond any other
collection we knew of in Winghatn.
We have more room devoted to this
stock than any other house. The trade
of this department insists that-"ne
finer stoek is to he seen the country
over," but. we Must allow something.
for his entbasittsm•
Ottr Clothin
this season 'has exceeded our expect.
ations ond is still growing. Reason
Why, prices right, fit and style right,
everything right every time.
/E:3a )1P".
Also abundance of Fruits and
Confeetionary, Oysters in
htilk Or SerVed in any style.
at W. A. JOHN'S
New Ads.
School Board --Ea Reward.
A, E. Smith-twe$ ter Sale.
Rnettel & Sons-Clearing'Sale.
N. A. Farquharson -Xmas Is Comitur.
M, lifaIndoo-Saturday Bargain Day,
• McKinnon & Co. -New lines in Flinnolettes•
Geo, Oarr-tteduetion of 10 and 26 perment.
D. M. Gordon -Friday and Saturday Bargains:
e -Court Maitlatiel, Friday night.
R. ildcindoo hag been quite for
some time.
-Special services are being held in the
Baptist church.
/7-11.1r. Nicholson is building a. frame
awelling on Diagonal St.
-11.-F. Gordon lute purohased from T. A..
Milla his properti on Patrick street, eee
e-111r..L E. Swots has sold his trotting
VIILLINERYhorse, John Nelson to Johnston of Pe-
WOrkt061n-l-j.."..""4"'s quit'rMteture' in this -Camp Caledonia, S. of S. will meet at
Store's Wilms, clever tIliners ars‘ at 7 o'clook instead of tne usttel hoer, next
ready to trim Hats and, 13pn)efs, to 'MmlanY night.
B% urney's p.roperty in Lower Wingham and'
., any question on that score, von can vein roye into it from the farm at New
absolutely depend on good work and v, ls.t.7
proper styles. Newspaper praises ti.. --Mrs. Nord; has finished hay' 0 I et
mean little or notbing unless yon goods packed and will ship them toin°Winl de
see the good that are advertised. Wye FM' this weekvwhere sne will regide for
the presentee/
:coeds worki has boughb Mrs. Me -
order and do 4nd never ‘,-Mr. Wm. Bolt
-C'onfirmation services were celebrated
in the Church of the Secred Heart on W-
atley morning last by Bishop O'Connor
assisted by the Rev. Fethers Corcoran and
Qnigley, The Bishop left on the afternoon
train for Goderich. where he was toofficiate
at the opening of the new church.
Currie, of the 10th line, of Wa-
%vermeil, was out shooting rabbits one cley
last week, when lie placed the muzzle of
the gun quirt his foot and was resting on
the butt ; the gm was accidentally dis-
ci -lateen and the contents went into bie
foot badly riddling some of the toes. ee'
--Business men ehould not ask publish-
ers to enclose hand bills, etc., in their pub-
lications, as any unauthorized enclosure
renders tbe whole issue liable to ordinary
newspaper postage. Private imat cards
under guise of ornamental printing, are
considered. to be taking the form of advise
tisements, atid will be prohibited by ethe
-1VIr. H. Daviawas in Brussels Saturday
and had an interesting chat with Mrs. Laird,
of Seeforth, an old lady who has recently.
eelebrated her centenary birthday and who
was then enjoying a visit in Brussels with
her relatives. Mrs. Laird. has been blind
for some time, but she is as bright intellect -
sassily as ever and. chats about questions of
the day as freely and cheerfully as if she
had a freeh lease of life. May she live to
ers'oy other birthday celebrations.
r. Alex. Ross will move his fine to
s stationery, wall papers, cy
goods, "c to the stand lately oc d by
H. F. Go ou & Co 's Drug e in the
Gregory bi whey.? h xpects to
open* for hue es Iste. In the
mean dine, in or save irlOVing, wall
paper is goiug st a ice. Mr. Ross will
add an extra e stock o hristmas and
holiday , ..da and with additional
room showing his goods he he able
t tend to the needs orate public, otter
han ever before.
-On Wednesday evening the Guy
Brothers appeared before a fair Wingham
audience. The merits of this company
need scarcely be mentioned as they are'
well known here. . The Music was good ;
the male quartettes were particalarly en-
joyable, and the bramony in the prayer of
Committed to the deep wes bessetiful. The
baton exercises of Smith and Leedy, the
juggling of Scofield, the work on the hori-
zontal bars by Vanerson and the center-
tious of McDonald, the boneless man, were
a marvel. The musical performances of
Keating and Forester were well received.
There are few minstrel ctompanys travel-
ling who keep so clear from the °biotin* teeteldeg. Refreshments were served bv
able as the Guy Brothers. bountiful hand and all most heartily enjoy-
ed themselves. About midnight prayer
-At the meeting of the dentists of Perth was offered up by Mr. Flack, after which
and Huron, held at Kitchell, these officers I the doxoloey was sung, when all left for
•. want ,you to see otir stock and make
the best way tb put us to the test.
1 -Bell's furniturefectork hag been work -
all the comparistms you please, that's ',Rig overtime for the pasetwo or three week
1 mid will continue to do sci for some weeks yet
to get out orders tor Christina st ra e.
Rev H E.:Maggot's left on Tuesday
Imaftwer...1.01Miiii+44. '
A good serviceable
25 incite wide
for 9c, wotth leec,
Garnet, Brown,
IlaVy' and tack,
36 Inches wide ler
20c REGULAR 25c.
mows, OUHEN. NW,:
40inehs wide
AT 12 WORTH 23c.
Special prices in
Furs, Capes, Coats
all this month we
w;l1 tare you money
Garnet, BrOWn,
'Navy and Vasa
42 incites wide for
250. Elitewhere 35c.
line of
mottled or plain
20 inches wide
for 11. Worth 1.5e:
- . .
morning for Hamilton, where he will
\attend the meeting of the western Conme.
getional Association which mots for thiee
&Lys this wok.
Our stook is always fresh well
assorted, 2 lbs. Itedpaths Standard ours should not fail to hear Mr. Murrey.
Granule Stager tor $1; 25 lbs. Wight
Coffee Sugar for $1; Caliente, fine clean
fruit go. a lb., 4 peekages of Cornatareh
tor 250.* ktiXea "! 'Wes 10e. a bottle;
Toilet gowns i• et variety. teee what
you Oen get, to, NIA Gooastielivisr•
•"".I. enriAr.
liLOIVI CI Nit 46 130VVIIIS.
Goodlteeed of Calgary hag been in
the neighborhood buying cattle to place on
his ranch in the West. He is buying good.
your -01(19,0r two-year.olds, and wants to
get teo melees& eta all. It
' f -The O. P. R. company haye comtnenc-
ed work au the new Wedge acceoss the
river, north of the trevn. .A. atom pile
driver is on the ground and thee work will
be pushed forward as repiclly as possibly,
, -J. lee Sweets has boaeht haele eWalter
4G.," the horse that beet Van& in the
litlatalea Mee 13russels a couple of years
ago. The purchase wee made for Mr, Sohn
Neelands, who will keep "Welter G." for a
private driver.
-On Whitley evening next the Belt. J.
L. 'Murray, of Kincardine, 'will give in the
Preebyterian @botch, his popaler lecture,
"The YelloWistone Perk, the Wonderland of
Ninnies," This% lecture le highly apoken
of by alt who bave heard it: It is min -
tailing and inetruotive and ell interested
in the %venders of this gteat continent of
-Word was received here from 1 TIM= 'alpaca liEDITOED.
Tacoma We,shingtoe, Wednesdeer 1 -By requot we publish the following
announcing the death by drowning, of Juo. I letter from the oftiee d the Minister of
Roberteon, whose home was formerly pear Justtce under date of November 9,
Marine* and who was aloe well known to
the citizens of Winghanz, he, haying beep Istx Deem Du. Meeneseno ; -Owing to my
in the employ of Mr. Peter Deans for
three years, some fifteen years ago. The
messege did not contain any particultere
further than that the body had not been
recovered. As Mr. Robertson was foreman
of a railway bridge gang, it ,is suppoeed
that has fallen or been knocked from, the
timbers into the swift current of the river
end if Bob be the case, his body will not
likely be recovered. The brothers and On panioes, broke into Field's bouee, hy force
took him out, the night wing a hitter cold
t Snits, all styles, ',14'7 for
community. in their sudden affliction, Hose 26e for
shirt and having nothieg on his feet, his
absence fre..1 Ottawa your letter of the ,
of this week we will sell
2401 relative ne Benison and. I
othere only enema to my betide to -day. The
Judge's report, dated the erd Oetober, was, j 20 all -wool Ulaters worth $7
• • • • • • • • • • • • • .$3.49
with the other papers, submitted. to rne I fer
stylish Bea.ver*. with
the same time, end heve given to them 120
immediate consideration
port, that the prisonets, with severed com- 10 faney Tweed and Serge
It appears from the Mid Justice's re- i velvet collar for - ........$4.50
tem brave the heartfelt sympathy of the 10 doz. Boys' ribbed, MI -wool
night, and Field being clad only in his
Selma Board.
Regular meeting of the achool Board
held. in. tbe Couneil chamber on Tuesday
There were present : Thos, Bell, chair-
man, J. A. Morton, C. N. Griffin, Wm.
Moore, A. Galbraith and T. Abraham.
Principal preeented his report for the
month of October which on motion wise
The Finance Committee recommended
the payment.of the'following accounts;
McKey, Oozing. $1.15 ; T Jobb, sup-
plies, 45e. ; Sere, Farquherson, substitute
teaching, $20 ; Thos. More, work and
material, 43 ; Moved by J. A. Morton,
seconded by Thos. Abraham, that the
report be adopted and the accounts paid -
Communications were received from the
Boiler Inspeotion Company and D. Robb,
Insnector, Which on motion was ordered to
be filed,
Moved by J. A. Morton, seconded by Win
Moore, that the chairman and Secretary
be instruoted to issue orders for the
teachers and officers salaries for the month
feet were frozen and that uquxtes winch
he sustained were dme to this. The Chief
Justice further reports it ovary probable
that the acts of the eerisoners caused, or at
all events, hastened. Field's death. This
treatment of Field was most inhuman,
however wieked a man, he ahoy have been,
and the case against the prisouere is llama,
fedi a very bad one.
The principal ground urged for es mitiga-
tion of the sentences is that Field was liv-
ing in incestuous intercourse with his otvn
daughter; that this had -excited the indig-
nation of the community ; and that the
peisoners were not the only persons con-
cerned in the lawless affair, though it is
presumed they were the only persons
against whom evidence could be got ; that
these others were as geilty, or even more
guilty. The case as thus represented is one
of Lynch law and Lynch just;ce. Cases of
that kind oan uot in a British country be
10 doz. women's .all -wool
Hose 25e, for . 20e,
5 doz. Cashmere Gloves 1.10e•
for 20e.
10 pieces of Dress Goeds we.
25e for
... . . 17e.
10 pieces of Flannelette worth
10c. for . 7e.
10 doz. Kid Gloves, good value
75c, for . 50e,
10 doz. all Linen Towels ,speeial
85e. for 95p
10 ladies' Heavy Short Coats
$5 for .....$4,25-
5 only, ladies' Heavy Short
Coats 4 for $8.50
5 lbs best 25e. Japan. Tea for $1.00
of October -Carried. 8r:1111v:coon in
treated tenderly, and I therefore cannot Eggs 15e. per doz.; Butter 12c. per lb.,
bring myself to think that the five or six
months which have expired [since the
sentence was pronounced, can be declared
grave crime Of \Vidal the prisonere were ........---...---s-------.--,...........---..
to be an adequete punishment for the very
lynat the petition suggests is "a large D. M. GORDON,.
The Direct Importer.
Moved by C. N. Griffin, seconded by Win the several terms of imprison -
Moore, that a reward of $10 be offered to ment iinposed on the said prisoners," or as
any person who would give information to the prayer expresses it, such a remission as
the Board, as would lead to the conviction to His Excellency in Council might seem
of the party or ps.rties, who broke the win- proper.
dows at the school house on Monday Nov, Martin's term of six monthe will be out
2nd and that this notice be published in the in a few days and with regard to the
AVinglisen TIME8 and Advance. -Carried.
An Annual Gathering.
On Monday evening the employees of
Mr. Chapman, some fifty-five in number,
met at his pleasant residence and there
Emmet a very social evening, parlor games
mud singing being the eldef features of the
were elected : Eon. President, Dr. J. B.
Wilmote, Toronto ; President, W. Bruce,
Listowel ; lst Vice -President, .1: S. :Jerome
Wingharn ; 2nd Vice -President, E. H. Eidt
Stratford ; Secretary -Treasurer, Dr. A. J.
Irwin, Winghain, and Lake Mitchell ;
Committee :-Mesers. Roberts, St. Meeys ;
Croil, Stretford ; Agnew, Clinton ; Turn-
bull, Goderioh ; Committee ot Arbitration
-Messrs. Bruce, Clinton ; Irwin, Wing -
hetet, and Lape, ; Committee on
Fees-IVIessrs. Croll and Hamilton. of
Stratford ; Belpen, of Seaforth ; Anderson
of Exeter, and Bruce of Clinton.
1.. -e."' -One of the greatest festive gatherings
that has token place in this community
for some time was celebrated at tbe defile
'eueeandeleetipiyel home of Mr. Robert
iirrieset'i.,-it being the (secession of the
twenty-first birthday of his youngest son,
George. About fifty of the citizens of
Winglieen were present besides a host of
Mods end well-wiehers from all -the
country round and Mr. Currie's hospitality
was put to the test., A most enioyeble
evening was spent, A good deal of merry
anticipation was itedulged in as to who
%meld get the ring and who the button that
were in the birthday cake. Mr. John T
Currie was considered lacky in getting the
ring and perhaps Mr. John McEwen cee.
eiders himself ditto in getting the button
their respective homo, feeling that it was
good to be there. Mr. Chapman ever trys
to make his'employees feel that he is one'
with them, and after all should not alwsys
that feeling of uuity exist ? If the em-
ployer fails in making a fair return for
capital invested, how are those who are in.
direotly depending upon that investment
expetted to get therefrom, that whicla makes
their own homes, bright, cheerful and com-
fortable. 'Unity is always strength, and
when thus together united into one grand
unit, confidence with each other is inspir-
ed, which has a very healthy tindency in
making things go with s boom. We would
just here state that Mr. Chapman has now
opened up a new branch in his already ex•
teneive glove factory, viz. : that of manu-
facturing a very choice selection of fine
gloves, work that cannot be excelled either
on thie or the other side of the Atlantic.
Mr. Wm. Lewis, formerly of Toronto, has
charge of this department, and he comes
into our midst with an experience that
many might envy. Miss Bell, also frem
Toronto, comes also highly recommended,
to take charge of the girls' department. We
welcome these citizens of Toronto in our
midst and sincerely hope thet their stay
may be long, profitable and pleasent.-Com.
-The case of the township of Chatham we Invite ell out readers to oontribitte to tHS
f. 0 Ituutt. arrival and departure of guests, toot e.
will serve as ft warmag to municipalities' tnents of wen -known people. business um etc.
with a penchant for goihg to law on all tseettehl card to the TIMMS or send 4 ode
possible occassions. In a dispute with the .
C. P. R. es to the kind of culvert that Miss Behner is the guest of Mrs. A.. Ito.e.
ought to have been built to (teem: modateithe ez Mr. J. Stone was in Petrolee. this
Flags on the Public 13nildings at Ottawa
.township, the rettnicipality decided to fight Mr. Allen Bainton, of Blyth was in town the hirtheday of the Prince of Wales, oe
were flying in honor of the semiversary of
traffic of tbe rosid at a certain point in the ween,,,
a lent in the coerte. The fight hag been a w ct do, Mondev.
Business Local&
Monsoon Tea at Glovers's. -
Girl wanted -Apply at Tineseciffice..
Geo, Irvin makes a first class fitting
A box stove for sale -Enquire at this
others, the utmost whtch I can take the Get your pictures framed at Ireland's
responsibility a recommending is a res Furniture Store.
duction of the sentences to one year ssech, Bulb glasses, several styles, for 15c and
and this I have accordingly done. up, N. A.. Featernereoze
What you said in your letter of Septem- Get a first deo oyster stew at J. Me.
ber 24th, respecting the wives and children .
Keene's-The Star Reste.urtent.
of the prisoners touched toe very much.
But something of the soma:, kind is said in
most oases which like applicationa are
made, end as Minister of. Juetice I have
found it impessible in the interests of
society to allow znystlf to be influenced by
such consieleretithes.
Though you have pleaded with great
force for the immediate discharge of the
prisoners, I hope that you will not be dis-
satisfied with tee ',eduction which I have
felt at liberty te recommend. I sm
Yours very truly,
0, Mow.tx.
News Noted.
Floods are reported in the vicinity a
Ur. Lacchlin McGowen of Napanee
was killed form a fall from. a scaffold.
Rev. Henry Harris a retired Methodist
Minister died on Saturday in Toronto.
The half -yearly statement of the Bank
of Montreal shows net profits of $003,350.
It is estimated that 550,000,000 feet of
lumber were out in the Ottawa district this
Set ious landslides are reported to have
taken place off the cliffs at Montmoreney
The new wharf in course of construction
at St John gave way and was damaged to
the extent of 400,000,
As a result of Judge Suider's report, Mrs.
Sturdy, matron of the House of Refuge
tst Hamiltou, has been suapended.
Canadian refiners advanced their prices
on all grades of refined sugars yesterday.
prices in New York are also advanced.
The lete Ald. Yeomans of Belleville left
45,000 to Albert College and an Neal sum
to tbe Bridge Methodist Church library.
The latest exchange added to our het is
the Fordwich Ilecord, A newsy little sheet
that began its initial number two weeke
ago. 11 brother Moote contintiet to receive
the advertising patrooege be has tegun
with, he will have no rostrum to eomplain in
that aparter. We, truet the ittoord may
nava longer existence than its prodeaes.
sor, The Telephone.
. •
costly one for the township. At Osgoo e
'Hall recently Justice Street gave the final
order to compel the township to pay over,
ag a result of the dispute with the railway
company, the sum of 42,212, with intetest
front 1803, end all costs of the aetion. The
townehip has already paid $2300 to the
railwey. The coats will amount to some-
thing like 42,500, bringing the totel entomb
to be paid by the township to about 07,000,
-An amendment to the inunieipal act
passed at the lagt seseion of the Legislature
makes one or two important changes to
which the attention of municipal men
should be directed. The new counciles elect-
ed on the first Monday in 5antiary will
meet on the following Motesityy instead of
the two weeks' interim formerly allowed ;
and existing 00111101i0 WM cease to heve
power to vote money for any purpotse, pass
b *law or erster into contact or bargain
or appoint any official after the aly of ' ; The skeleton of a man, su posed to be
involvmg t e payment et money, or minks returned home
Mr. Itegers, of the Mcrries, Vitt/ rttia' pet., McLellan, was turn up by Mr.
city and town deputy•rourning officers to llogev6Pikrio rriminfAettitin firm of Limb- Weir while plowing on his farm in South
DetiMber. Another Amendment requires
proteed directly from the poWng place to wet, was in town OD We4110:11ky. Dorchester. McLellan worked for Little
the clerk's office VIVI the ballot boxee, on Mrs. Smith And het daughter Mrs. Mit- Brae., former otonps.nte of the farm. and
' of ositncoes Ont., are the guests of 'Mr. disappeared tinder suspicione eiremn.
stances ten yeare ago.
Mr. A. B. George, of Listowel, spent The Pacific Cable Conference opened in
Wednesday in town. • London en Monday. Sir Donald Smith
2 Mr. John Rogers hes returned from Big Hon. A.. 0. Jones aud Mr, Smdford Elena -
Bay Mills, Ifiehigan. • ing, will represent Canada,
Miss; Campbell, of Bervie, is the peat of The Manitoba Cabinet bola a three hours
her eister, Afro. Wm. Dore. seesion to enemies the school settlement.
The agreement was prectically ratified, but
one or two of the points have to be confirm-
ed by the Dominion.
At Sholaper audio, e band 45.000 teen
Go to Ireland's Furniture Store for
Spring Beets. Mattresses and Parlor Suites
Get your Bedroom Suites, Sideboards,
and Extension Tables, at Irelands's
Furniture Seam •
s at Geo.
on Saturday.
-Foe first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try 'Webster & Co..
Remember the place, in Queen's Week.
We do not pretend to sell below cost; no.
man can do so and orry on a business, but.
we do sell on e, doe margin -G. H. Livne,
ft pays to get your bills printed at the
TIMES office. A free notice green with sale
bills, church bills, &c., aed are read in
hundreds of homes.
esogers, Practical Furrier, Welker -
repairs and nusnuf
Miss A.aaie Barton, of Delmore, is the
guest of Miss Sophie Roderue.
A. E. Bredwin, of the :Myth stanaard,
called at our eanctum, Tuesday.
MI" 'Ten"ie DAlla° ba5 rettirkied tr6WI a I celled on and beiug unable to tontrol the
Dr. lArtuon tlt xetv, york, \vat the gued I inwoott,IfIrinedg usipxonntihterksi.11ing four Men mid
visit to Detroit, 'Windsor and London.
of hie friend, Rev. 11.11. Idason. 1 Edmund Harvey, late City Treasurer
Alt Thos. McLaughlin, and wife of ; of Guelph. havmg pleaded guilty of etn.
Gorris. were visiting friends it town on i bezzlement of city funds, and made reed -
Tuesday. , tution eso far as he was able, Wag eon -
Mies Williamson of Xincardine, who hoe teemed to three months' imprisonment by
. -. h f a been spending a pleasant week in town, heel, the county Jtidge.
ton, re -s
ladies' and gen
looted a lot of grain. The police were
o cash for raw furs.
G. ff. Irvin has been in the trade for
some tineeiend knows whereof be epeaks
when he sive that he cannot be undersold
by any thimeiu his line as he buys in the
best market for spot cash only, he is tiro
able to give the benefit of lose aud cereful
buying to his cus_tome_rs_.
s work
Sale Register.
Nov. 23, on lot 17, con. A. Townshila of
Howick, there will be sold by public auc-
tion the entire farm stock, implements, ft..
of Mr. Wm. Bolt, who has sold his farm
and is giving up farming. Everything
must go, see large posters.
Saturday Nev. 28 -There will be sold by
public% metion at the Exchange Hotel,
Wingharn, the celebrated Clydesdale
Stellion-Gulf Stream, the property of T.
A. Powell, Esq. This is one of the best
horses in the eountry , for full particulars
encl pedigree see bills, '
J. Guinan,
Drag Change,
\ :'Gordon Co„ druggists, have purchased.
the stock of Mr. C. E. Williams and are
doing hnsinese in the old stand, opposite
tho Brunewick The combining of
the two stocks makes; a most complete one.
Customers say that for.purity of drugs and
fair prices they cannot be bee.ten. There
you wiil get exactly what you want and if
they have not the artiole asked for they
let you go, bat never enheiltute. All pur-
chases are guaranteed and for 'family.
recipes, the piece to go to get them filled,
eheap And good is at 11. V. Gordon 4:,Co's.
Store. They bought for cash end WI
give their customet s the mune benefit, and
the old mottos stand goods one prioe to
square dealing, if the goods are not as re-
presented, briug tb Anaotimt yettur
money, Receipts s put
up under the direct '
P. Gordon Phartmtoe al Chemist, grad.
Williams. Ste their ad.
rf 7ravvek.
nate of the O. O. P.. Toro i2o, who in
strongly reeernmended Mr. C.
no eonsidstatime the box to Cum,
•ala Mrergalsey Park.