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The Wingham Times, 1896-11-06, Page 7
THE WINU.UA.MVI. TIMES, NOVEMBER 6, 1806. SPECIAL. SILV T1L LES, MIVIUNITION. V�TARI, ING and FITTINGS. MACHINERTLA.ND CEMENT, CALCEMINE PLASTER, WHITE LEAD and OILS, BUILDERS HARD WARE, LEHI:GH VALLEY COAL, ALL SIZES IN STOCK. J. CLECC & CO., Hardware Merchants Successors to J, A. Cline & Co. Western AdvErtiser FOR 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. ONLY ONE DOLLAR To January 1st 1898. WINGHAM CIDER AND JELLY MILL. The undersigned intends running the Wiugham Cider and Jelly 11i)1, on Tuesday and Wednesday,August 18th and 19th, and August 25th and 26th, 1890. and every day following; until the end of the season. Bring along your apples and got the manufactured into jelly, HasTales & RITCHIE. Winghar , Aug, CM), 3890. Siixteeln a Mages Each cella -- W ALL i-- ALL TILE NEWS OF THE WORLD. Market Reports, Stories, etc. Excellent Reading., .. for every member of the family. The Best Combination Yet. "The Family Herald, and Weekly Star," the Beautiful "Orphan's Prayer," and "The Wingham Tii.iEs.' All for .7" IT PAYS TO Marriage For Money. I)P. PAl11Cittlese OX '1'IIE TENIIENCi: I To DE(1RArll: Iht•1r1RIAGI T() THE • I.rCrI, t)l ('OMMT:nW'N. I cannot -dismiss this twitter with- out deface:Aing the tendency, so conspicuously operative among us, to degrade marriage to the level ot commerce," writes the Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst, D. D., in the November' Ladies Home Journal in a paper on "The Toung Man and Marrage." This is not denying' that there are , ., ___.._ __ _ . _ __. Imaternal considerations that in this Eating Fruitmatter, as ha all others, require to be respected. A poor young man (rood health follows the use of marrying n. poor young girl, with fresh fruits, and at no time are fruits only the prospect that their life more valuable than now, in the.; Best fore Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. properties make SURPRISEniost economical and est ?tor_..' — f Every Day CA 1T R will b i mos° compli changeful autumn, when the microbe wi become more Ilnt 11 I'or infants and, Children. r. eated as tinh obs is a e g 00, i'001. which t I hasapparently l dormant I ..a ryiro e -�., _,.�� ., -7 •�7a" r s ar s t apareny itnl ( ern?ak1 iia c tye,t have had afi'etstionate 'couples wait all summer is on the rampage again I a. upon me to be married and then ask looking for impure blood iu which 4 me to t''ust them for the wedding to revel. A prominent authority , fee. I think. that we who are clergy- has pointed out that fresh fruits are men ought to refuse to marry ftp rich in grape sugar, melte acid and 1 •plicants who cannot show to our pectose, Nourishment conies from. satisfaction that there is no likelihood the first component, and the two that either they or their possible others materially assist the acids of offspring will ever cone upon the the stomach which .art necessary to sl;hool question in I'L'nion des Can - town. Nor, on the other hand, does proper digestion. Farther, fresh ton: de Iesti bis own organ, pub- lished at that place. It states -that the Manitoba gnesticnt has been settled, and only awaits the sanction of the Manitoba Government to he made public. "The settlement was reached," it says, "after considerable negotiation, and two months sooner than Mr. Laurier promised. "The Liberal Government," it re- marks, "is naturally anxious to obtain a settlement, which will be acceptable to the great majority of the citizens ot the Dominion, Protes- tant and Catholic. Mr. Laurier, Sir Oliver Mowat and their colleagues negotiated. with the delegates of :1[a'nitoba. and tried to secure as many advantages as possible for the Catholic minority of that province, and all the concessions obtained will be accepted by Mr. Greenway and his Government, there is no doubt that these conditions will be equally acceptable without recriminations by the Protestant element of the whole Dominion. "What we can state with certainty is, that the two Governments hate reached an underst , tiding incl that this understanding will not destroy the national schools, to which the majority in i\lanitoba are attached and that this settlement secures for A Voice From Tokyo. the Catholics religious instruction A private letter from iter. Dr, and teaching of French in localities Scott of the methodist College, Tokyo, 1 where the majority is Freneh, as Japan, says that the poor people 1 well as the employment of Roman have suffered terribly from the floods. "The. water rose in the house of 1 Rev. William Elliott, our missionary I at Toyama, to the height of five feet. Great numbers of poor people have been drowned. People who 'Premier Laurier's Organ on. t"•:.•e ycaooi Question. Hon. Mr. Laurier, having bean spending a few days at Arthabaska- ville, more than ordinary interest attaches to aa article on Manitoba's CANADA BUSHESS COLLEGE t my objection lie against any amount CiATPI ANL, ON T. , of contingent assets with which either or both of the contracting parties STUDENTS ARE EVERYWHERE j may chance to be endowed. My only We offer good induooments to agents. For terms, etc., address_ ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., London, Ont. 1831 THE CULNTIVATCR';a 18191 SUCCESSEUL. ' contention is that in .every marriages John Pierce, just placed as steno- grapher in the ivL',ntreal office of the element is love, and that marriage Richelieu & Outario Navigation Co. I which. are 'arranged,' marriages Arch. McPherson, assistant book- keeper, Goold Bicycle Co., Brantford. I which mean, first of all, an affair of chemist's shop, are the chief agents IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. perquisites or • a barter in coin in purifying the blood Perhaps the modities, are a distinct infraction greatest value .of fruit juices is that For Catalogue, address, upon the spirit of the seventh coal- they are powerful internal tonics; Chatham, Oat D. MCLACITLAN Co., gfialldnlent. The voluminous ells they stimulate the action of the play with which we know such various organs naturally, help unions to be sometimes celebrated secretions, enrich the blood by only aggravate the mischief, and purifyi.ngit,especially assist digestion operate to teach our young people and at the same time, says M. in all conditions of life that marriage 1 Tardieu, are better than the best may be reduced to a species 01' traffic,1 summer and water drinks that skill, differing from the dealings on the ; ingenuity or wealth can devise. stock or produce exehango only in some of the details with which the Margin is consummated. Such examples are distinctly alien to the entire genius ' of the institution of marriage." invaluable as a remedy for scorbutic affections, No remedy concocted in the chemical laboratory can in any way compare with this fruit potash. Tardien, the eminent French author- ity says that the salts of potash which are contained in fruits, not in the NEW CROR TIMOTHY SEED, AMERICAN PLYMOUTH lNDER TWINE, SCREEN DOORS, REFRIGATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, • Also full line of AQ U ET LA "A,`, PR at very low prices. SMTH & PETHICK, BLOCK. TRY GENTLE'VIN IBEAVER,�p(� till WINGIIAM, - THE BEST 014' THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit growing, Live -Stock and Dairying. While it also includes all minor de- partments of Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee - Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm Questi>ns and Answers, Fireside Reading, Do- mestic Eeonomyp and a summary of the news of the week. its Market Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros- pects of the crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all questions ---Wheal to Inti, aiul token to sell. It is liberally illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever bef3rc. e subscriptionbffe ,ices is $2.50 per year,, Special Reduction in our CLUB RATES FOR 1e97. 2 Subscriptions, to remitta$ 0 ,6 Subscriptions, 11 1f1 150 1'b Subscriptions, ICarTo all new subseribers for 1897, paying aavant now, we 'will rn nd front our receipt of the retnit- tauee,.to Janne 1st,. 1897, without charge. Address ka"Sorenf Gal's Fut, LUTHER T ..etZR, rub16s)rers Albany, N. Y. BALD ONT. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured by the use of Hill's Chloride of Gold 'Tablets. No ef- fort required ot the patient, who is al- lowed the use of stimulants until he vol- untarily quits their use. May be given "That acting is simply superb." j secretly in tea or coffee and a cure uaranteed in"I don't see it." His lack of ap tall first Class dlenO�, assatirl 0O perorle pac pback- preciation was apparent to everyone 1 Lige. For full pa.rtieulu.rs and boon of but the wearer of the Leghorn hat testimonials, address The Ohio Chemical who sat immediately in front of him! Works, Lima. Ohio —New York. „:c':•'.efu�, I'acc•Ach'c, Sciatic ,:Cttra.Lac Patna, fta the trifle, etc. Pror•frdppty Itellevcd and Cured by ...,.n i:3 ©L L ! L W Menthol Plaster Having used year D. k Ie Menthe' Plaster 1.t• sere; a pa in hu the back and lumbago.I ,::,hesitmhigly t eronnnend same us a safe, , 3. and mold remedy; in•fnet, they netlike magic—A. LtPOINTE, E1DabotatuWf, Ont. Price 2r;p. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lrn. Proprietors, MONTREAL. Catholic teachers of boat sexes in the districts where the' majority are Catholics, and several other equally important concessions.” It is also certain that both Mr. Laurier and Greenway reached the jhave been out fishing since tho flood 1settlement'with the expressed wish • I have hauled up dead body after dead body with their fishing hooks. "On the day after our arrival two lady missionaries started for Kola. I Part of their - road led through a mountain pass, where a stealth runs. I The road there was submerged and those heroic ladies of our own We - 1 man's Mission a ry o'`man'sMissionary Society were obIiged i to walk one mile and a half through l water well above the knee while the • ll the Those who are R AE°III HAIR a Should not Miss seeing DORENWENDS beautiful, current Was so rapid that PROF. strength they could command was HUMAN HAIR COVERINGS, LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S WIGS TOUPEES, LADIES' BANGS, PLAIN and WAV FRONTS, SWITCHES etc. ,000 wENas loll? EE , HERE AT THE BRUNSWICK HOUSE ON WEDNESDAY, NOV, ism, ;needed to withstand its force," Speaking of the students in the col - !lege, Dr. Scott says they are very 1 bright and eager to learn, "It is 1not surprising"' lie says. "that there !should be great ignorance of Chris - 1 tian truth, but there is no ignorance of the methods by which to test to the very' utmost the teacher's know- 1 ledge of Christianity, and no lack of a. free, strong spirit of enquiry that will not be easily satisfied with anything short of solid truth- " A young Buddhist priest, dis- satisfied with Buddhism, has become an earnest enquirer. Ile attends the services regularly and in the school is studying English as well as others branches." -sem•. ... :No®! Break Ui p a CoId in Time BY USING - PYNYmPECTORAL The Quiolc Ctuo for COtiGfIS, COLDS; CROUP, I3RON- C ITIS, IIOAI1SENESS, etc. 1.fus. JosEPIi NonwIca, of 63 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: "P,vnyPcctoral has never failed to cure my children of croup atter a few doses. It rnredmyself ofaion:•standing cough after li several other remedies had failed. It has alsoroved an excellent cough cure for my family. I prefer It to any other medicine fur coughs, croup or hoarseness•' IP H. 0, BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, N.B., writes: "Asa core for enugha Pyny rectoral is t;umhn eheelrswill nn/llnnbaro mvoedlothuctura ." I have; ray cos - Large Bottle, 85 Cts. Davis & LAWR1INen Co., Lee. Proprietors, MONTREAL Oe a.- 0080 ® • ® OVA* 0 7.11 eZzef for TrOlLbleS ® ; ,e -- 0 EVASION a' In CossteuL'T ON and ail LNNG 'a DISEASES, SPITTING o4 'ItmooDD, tFii COI:Gil, SLOSS of APPETITE, ® DEEM= the benefits of this e artic:W are most manifest. Dy the aid of Tho "D. & 1." Emulsion. I hart got rid ofa hacking cough which had troubled =for over a year, and heave gained considerably A�n - , so we11I was ]ll aan4gltt. I liked tots i.,meslun g whuu rho three co.n,o around to take it. • 'r, 10. WIXGnADI, C.E., Montreal, SOe. and SI leer Bottle ® DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTO., MONTREAL ibm®A• ®! of securi, g for the minority, schools as efficient as those of the majority. There is no doubt hutthat .on this point both Premiers agreedperfectly. Bath are also in favor of religious in- struction in schools, as are the ma- jority of Canadian people. ".l remedial bill will, therefore, 'not be needed. It is more than pro- bable that such a law would proloke energetic resistance. on the part °Neni toba, Whose good -will was needed before any remedial law could be putt into operation." With an immense assortment o4 such goods as ill bring joy and dogly bards to Thll e e those who have thin and fade hair, or who of Prot. Doyentnend el ya batt artist American continent cannot produce the eq production of Hair Goods, and many thousand are enjovingg better health, inthe Aran roved appearance, through using his inventions. pian, n younger cora more imp p1 cold in the head, datarrk and other troubles throtl�h the want of the for from c hairair isthe natural ,,head protestor," ?'ref, Dorenwend a Art goods are those bed as best. to nee. They produce a natural and beautifying effeot, and i �radtti�yes rtbe requiring. theta to allow prejudice to prevent enjoyment of thea g gained. It is worthy of strict investigation. Remember at BRUNSWICK HOUSE, WINCHAM, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 I. Consultation, fitting, and all information, Free, at private show looms at Note A Casing Trait. Writing to to friend, Dir•, Wier the poet says lie has had the privele,;e of viewing the new premium Oct are intended for the subscribers to the Family Retold and Weekly Star, of Moittteel. "The Orphan's Prayer." Mr, Wier sm)s the picture is. one sure to captivate at first sight. Thele is great anxiety to ,get the picture. and Valuily herald end 1Vfaltby 'lar itnhoein• tion lousiness teems to be more than brisk. It is booming. We hear that both the Orphan's Prayer and the family herald Can be had for one )'ewe for only one dollar. THE GREAT Fatnily medicine of the Age. Taken Interrnaily, It Cures. he Stoma h,, Sorerl7phroat,Sudden dPain ln Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures ;ufs, cruises, Burns. Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Aheurmctisnr, Ftosfd'/ Piet. \n ever attained tu•sueh nhbennded Mailer Rt, blear tr•thnetiy the tiller of the Pam )'i b h We have no 0 ns u.: cle elfeeis to p"nihinu thl ,nc.'u•st p;dta, and kiOw it to be to gown at tld0 ••.t,Neul IniupnDk. Eidliltuf We yet >;urya>ee••,t the Pain -idler latch 11 n"+'Meat minable nattily in, dielheautointtsc to neat! Wren. At'.5t iib+ern:.l. Welt! ; nt a 0 .1101 of rn:nevh,t' p in. di-, has gnued :, ,e ut,aioh Mufti tv Pray1.01a 1,,d I lite K. •+y '' N. n., Il►ill•s' ' soldl1vu'yv wa; l� . 0 lu'tt:ei ; Ise"ratlth7t V"r lt'I' LtAittll: UOTT I.1$, 60 ei•:N'rs. ONE GIVES RELIEF. modern stand- ar:: Family Medi- cine: edi- cinc: Cures the cor_ rnon'every-day ills of i inanity. 'Kidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pill form, the cures they have made, :and the fame they have attti:ined have opened the way for Iu host of imitations and substitutes, bub those' who have been cured of K1 Y Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine, those whose lame back itt no free from pain, those who now have noadaolies, those who have escaped from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease try the use of Doan'e Kidney PILLS are the ones whose opinion is valuable, When scores of such people borne forward and tell leubliely that Doan's Kidney Pi1lA cared them after other means failed, it is evident that the only CURE for Kidney Disease, Bladder aria Urinary difficulties, tame Back, and the number• less results of disordered Kidneys is Douai. TCidney Pills. Be sure to get Doan'%. Price fifty cents per bort. For sale b: I..i •