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The Wingham Times, 1896-11-06, Page 6
DA. LEE GETS FIVE _.y ['HE wiNciii.A.m TIM E s, NOVEMBER 61 1b96, _._..w TRUNK BAIL rv��x. YEARs. rPP1 O. Coal in Ontario. FORMERLY or LE4TOWEL. 4 D3 1 An T l Olt Annan rum It •svill be good news for • the ' 114.11 t. C011,1'GE YOUNG LADIES IIAD A Toronto and East 0:04 a.m. 1:114 pan 11:20 44 10:07 „ ingl�um �:;��eo people of Toronto and the province ,yt:.tlfl: it Tar, EMILY at(1pNINr;, i 3:15 p. me -vie, Clinton-•18PUIII,1811ED I Palmerston Mixed 7• Q 11VILi�Y F1bll)AY lU l\ Id g e tlth of Ontario • r u 0 t, `4,1,--••••A bold at- London and mouth t,:ti0 a.m. 11,10 I at large to know that a portion of t d ! the story of the: career and arrest a consists of coal. Capt. Cul i 1 tempt at robbery A few weeks, ago The Star u t the unclelglonn v + ' t, Dimas, 3,15 p.m. t1:001 Se's trip r was tnaclo at. Alma I.inonrdills 11:`90 a.m. 0:04 a.m. 1 Llii, ,lt 6, 1A110, I'1�'e\v Haven Conn', or Dr, John Lee, to Sudbury this week proves to be all Ladies, College Sunday , morning.. 1:18 p.m. 11:20 " formerly of Listowel, Ont,, who went eyi-cpetler for geologists who have About 3 30 a, in. Misses Uraham an Ito New Haven four years ago and all along claimed that there was n4 ;t'IeCarthy, who oceupy a bedroom on _��.. m..w .•�_ 1? IN SIGHT° h carried on a disreputable meal- coal in that district. Capt. Currie the third storey, awoke to find a that and had. in to be one Of the I tried convicted, given. i1 ,. gate an be returned :, S 1 Of HAMILTON LTO tries in the world.Ile possessed yl most enthusiastic state o mind. . young ladies awe --AT T1111— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHI(tM STREE r I'F INGHAlkt, ONTARIO. Subgoriptfon price, $1 Der year, it advance ABVERTIS1N0 RATES Space 1 1 yr. 1 t we. 1 3 n o. 1 1 mo One column s0o 00 840 00 1 820 00 8 00 • Balt " 40 00 20 00 I 12 00 8 00 carter 20 /veC, all found , , "00 12 00 7 00 300 d it freelS• upon woolen. He will rroveto be excelent anthracite window sill and the oilier on t110 050 oOo1 nt lneh 5 00 3 00 3 o ( 1 00 ito W Ia 1(1 sari the 1 notic pO tlth is yet undis 1 civ -have use left a wife and two children with at that. What a boon it will be for floor. hiss Cxrallan made a rush for I Capital,1,3a0,OQ0, Best, , (1A 01.11cote/rprising , his father in Listowel. and begun Toronto people to have their fuel bills the would -bo thief, with the object of , Proeidunt—JonN 8ranaT. the thin edge Gf I practice at New Haven. in less than in winter cut in half, pushing him out of the window, and vleo•rroaiden f 1 f0 t� In •le 1 c an the other young lady began to use i t—A. G. Ramsay. 1 d confldenee a year he ails arrested 1 causing - DIRECTORS i d tl of Maggie Schloss a pretty t :llill,'i�S�9l�tir r41[D MEL her lungs and voice as vigorously as , , gill, of Ansonia, who she knew lio\v. The burglar i JonN raao'ranvool),eA. B.vERB (To o to).' al r, A. T, t eisly Trruls long trial :eel proving tl;at true honesty and.dodged out of the window, the i • 'tine ` t. esbnrg I years old. After a o g , just reached 'Ibronto. I was discharged. Lee stay ed in New 1 true philanthropny stilt exist.. bottom sash of which he, had magnitude of hold- I gayer, lieed well and drove good' • opened, g i • n man, alio is weak, nervous and descended to the round, I eat ' vh was barely 18 I d grabbed the fire escape and which experts from homes. The pollee watched him 1 L 1 lany tated, or who is suffering, flour any ; aid quickly d g clo�cl} He was arrested in a year mf rho various troubles resultiva from I He was not captured. Ho is believed lite ss t tate that the galet Duller, by• death -bed I him cu❑tidentl illy and. free of UhfuQo 1 Columbia eventually,) for causing the death of Mrs. liar'- �;oethreI folly, ex..esses orovorwork, wilt to bo one of a gang o ramp I • an abortion. lira. l,at;e heart irud write to me, I will send ; have been. claim will not cqua pat o state I Dlillel' confessed on her ii -12)for August hast II the plan ptrrsuet, by whch I was restos'• y 4_>tl ounces. These 1 that Lee was guilty, but no ante -ed to perfect health and manhood, after i taken from official , mortem statement was taken. A few ` f m Nervous Debility ft-` and the late Tilton E. through 1, PROPOSAL TO CONTINUE 'IHE SO�J0AN • Canadians i is made that Lee's life to assist any ea , art,at moderate prices, and on short this was over -ruled. ud til 1 nearly Cairo says that e fovea the lead gold died while preparing the case. His ve developed the successor, State Attorney 'Williams, Itanri' knew little or nothing of the facts Robinson mines alone 111 Doolittle possessed. month. jury in the Schloss case disagreed, day- L el \ < node at the Chamber Doolittle, then State Attorney, had 1 I have nothing to sell and Cher the Association of Mines - charges hanging around hero years of suffering from Toss of Vigor and Organic Weakness. THE WAR IN EGYPT. in both want no riloney, but as I know svm a Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings BankHours,10to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of Si and upwards received and interest allowed. Special "Deposits also received at current rates of it:. crest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold Legal and other oasua advertisements, So. por line for tirst insertion, and 3t,. per line Wench subsequent Insertion. 1ioastlrcd by nonpareil settle. Local' notices 10o. pet Me for first insertion, and I se. per line for each subsequent msertttr, Advertisements of Lost,1• Found, Strayed, Situations, and Itusineso Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linos nonpareil, )1 for first month, and 60o. for each subsequent month, Houses and Farris for Sale, not ,exceeding 8 1inee 31 for dist month, 60e. per subsequent month, Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will he strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or to longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without apeoift directions, will he Inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in o the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appeal' that week S. G. RROWN, PROPRIR'TOR AND PUBWIRfRR f Lee re -arrested ot. my own ecperlenoe how to p thizel CASdPATG�—TZifARTOUri THE W. C01IB0ULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB Pfilt4T9ND, rroln rite orego Miller The I lad to be able Posters B 1 7NULU4ING Books, Parnphl�te, , .D_ FI cls Ctroutars tica .ko., executed in rho beat not twice be placed jeopardy, style of the Canadian capitalists are •_ led. Mr. Doolittle quackery for I myself was deceived and falls, Oct. 30.—A sp 1 dispatch 1 notice. Apply or address RRO\VN, lost faith in Cairo the commander ,tisaott>co, \Vingham, k' d but I rejoice to pp that I am of the Ea tiara forces Sir Ilerbert now perfectly well and happy once 1L� Y ui'g . the Schloss and Cases, with such sufferers, am d' May know could :fellow -being to a cure I OBJECTIVE POINT lea w< ct in Canada in a yell' p • in eo ardv, but am well aware Ifof the prevalence of special impose upon until tom ratan in r 7 h ]s cif gold were extracted which i •. The • he Miller case, was dropped and Lee SS the progress of gold e Rand bas been simply s witness these annual output: and am desirous therefore to make , certain means of cure known to all. It addition of $320,000 to the military Nye are pleased to announce that any Rocks or you will write to me you can rely upon'estimates, Which already exed(d the I Afugazines left with ns for Binding, will have aur being cured and the proud satisfaction (attention. us fo for Binding in any style of having; been of great service to one in amount permitted by the inter:iatton- t prompt re c , I is Kotchener intends to dem:l,icP an D®D�DCfI DIAD. givon pplication o the TI1,N51 Office. I •Ll convention of 1885. The abject j escaped d 1 b f thment reward for ml' p Absolute secrecy assured. t o d the fourth time. This was Gee will e o su Send t f Sir Herbert Kitchener in asking E last spring. During the trials and ttrouble.. itvr to oo•,er postage•aud address, 'fol more money is said to be the I his imprisonment, Lee had only Dile I lie. Geo. G. Strong, North Itoekwoc'd'raising of the effective of the J. gyps- , ' friend. She was Mrs. Palmer the • M,oh, i i Ln array up to 15,000 men, and to . Pd>, Fly to Loan • 382,3.6 ,him in Sunday School. e It is Tuttller statedES `192,49.2 ' ed him all through the trials, and 1 Mr. J. McLean is moving i. his `1T EE TYSON 111 I prlvtic a of paying Ounces. wife of E. M. Palmer. She ha of the ,5411 230,040 known Lee as a boy and bad on Notes. TEESWATE1 . continue the reconquest 1e I NotesDiscounted (Intended for last issue.) 1 din' • that the rail- ! AB FIAT `1t0 11a i° * ges at Sit centwith tocol from Dongola to 11jer0al' will motley advanced on liort;,n„ § p E 1 Sb befriend -1 729,223 1,210,574 1,478,•173 2,021,1 00 2, 279,615 vithstanding the troubles r part of this year, the 1896 promises to eclipse years. going is simply an object lanadians. We have the .n British Columbia and in All we need is confidence, t of oar capitalists and we .ntry are 011 the high road and prosperity. p is already in sight. when he was released took him into new premises this weekandr. be completed in a few mourns, and her house, because he was pen- I lliseox intends moving the firs; of r that fourpmonths' provisions t'ur. an niless. She Saye him her parlor for next week. They will both have an office, and helped him to get : fine premises, Mr. Iliscox's is so con -1 army of 15,000 men will be stored at strutted that the centre of the store BMerber, andd that the advance on another start. -While she was doing 1 Berber laid Khartoum will cum - this, Lee accomplished -the ruin of Mrs. ; is as light as any part of it. They mence pi obably in Mi]I.'clr next. Palmer's only child. Miss Palmer re -I are die finest iu the village. The , 1G is uuuerstuud that 1+'ru.uce and eeived a letter purporting to 001110 I insides of both are finished in polished I Russia win pretest against 1110 ex- from relatives in Sheffield, Mass., I ash with plate glass front too. 11editiun auu oppose the increase 111 early last September, enclosing 1 ;1I. E. Stuckey, who purchased the o.. money,and asking 1101 to conte to rhe ell•eetive strength of the Egyptian1 stock of H. E. Hilson, has moved the army. visit them. She left home, and Lee ;same, to IIarriston and 111r. Hilson has. Landon, Oct., 30. --Lord Charles MEN joined. her. For two weeks they ! gone to `Toronto to engage in busi-� I3uresfurd, it1 a speech at the Comm. I l lived in hotels. Lee had a bogus ! ness in that city. rational Club, deelared Lunt tail time marriage performed, and 1 resented , A great many apples have been had arrived lar Eu„laud to boldly inter at the end of any year. Nota and accounts collected. ItoBT. N1cINDOO" Beaver Block Wln,thatn, Ont. the gIri as his wife. She was about ! shipped from around here, the prin- t to become a mother. Lee, while they 1 cipal buyers being Messrs. Little & •near Greg cerin„ „u , ane • and. Rutherford & were driving f' t L m -n I Cl - , while intoxicated, allowed the horse !Sons. Elliott,The prices paid were about Fads In 11.edie1ne, 1 to run away. ,kiss Palfner was '' fifty cents for the best. Some of the ire fads in medicine as ine 1 thrown out and injured. In her I farmers shipped their own but as sir*else and a' new thing" prey , testimony she said Lee beat her over `I be purely platonic. yet have not of t110 returns. With Tee (srapLlie, on the other hand, lis fora short medicine, simply as 1 driving whin I g is new. But in medicine, f the back with a loads. the Old Country marKet rite way itis i declares; "We have pledged our - announce her intention to annex. Egypt. 1110 Morning Post (Conservative) applauds this Nuliey, and bays that the apposition to it 111 Europe would f else, the people demand and :istied only with positive, abso- i. fact that Hood's Sar - ms stood its ground against all an, and its sales have never :wt have remained steadily at demonstrates, beyond any f h' d' while she was lying on the ground, 1 they will do well if they get any - and then compelled her to walk thing oat of them at all. miles. Finally they reached the 1 One day last week, J. Ferguson, Mansion House, in Ansonia, on Sept. ; son of Mr. Ferguson, hardware mer - 24. There, the girl says, Lee tried chant, fell on the sidewalk anc: to perform an operation. He beat broke his arm between the wrist and selves to evacuate Egypt, aid the course Lord Charles liereofura advu- cates, would. be all set of perlidy." The Conductor' Got Left. e intrinsic virtuesof this me 1- pmercy, the elbow. ' e new things have come and her when slie leaded for and ! h0 Cllesley Free Press telly this flood's `Sarsaparilla rests upon her cries finally attracted the atten- I Mr. Brick, one of our hotel ]nen, aniustug story of an i.ss telt that foundation or absolute merit tion of the housekeeper and elle pro- ; ]las the brick on the ground for it happened on Saturday Morning at ,weer it caro, rad its sales eon pricier. The proprietor knocked; fine new hotel, whichf'or the woven (Palmerston, to the early train fur le the largest In the world. Lee down, and then ordered both i fence of the travelling public is he laerusbe ,layers Stratford, havinn t 1 __•.�_w_ ___ hitn and the girl to leave. Lee and 'greatly needed. and exec sionists on board. By some' Noted Murder. Case. Miss Palmer went to the station, and i" One day last week as Mr. Arkell mistaken signal to ilio ut•ivor, the murdered Miss Palmer there escaped, and re - to was delivering for some of our apple train moved out Of the station leav- lei Brennan, who turned to New Haven, being obliged; buyers, a load of apples, his horses ling' Coved fit d[eKtliv;•ftt behind. athy, banker, Barrie, in that to oo at once to the hospital. The I ran away and it is needless to say All efforts to ,rap it proved f chin L and away it went at full .kcal. Con. ille.Xnig'ht being a good methodist, did not sweat' audibly, although the year ago, has been found 1 olice with difficulty got a confession 1 that there was a sudden drop in Lnd sentenced to be hanged. I f our the girl and arrested Lee just ; apples. It gave us an opportunity 'ironer was tried and found i as he was about to escape from New ` of seeing- what sort of fruit was in on the charge at a previous Haven. When the case came up for the centre of the barrel and from the station agent and operators declared but a new trail was granted trial yesterday the court was crowd- I knowledge we have of apples we can i' of misdirection and in this g pp that there wad a decidedly blue air' eel. Miss Palmer was closely gua• d- say that no one could complain of visible around the u 11x1114 serene trial it seemed as if the pris- I ed by her, parents, and avoided Lee's . quality exhibited, only they might countena.uce of the military eutldne- �ould get clear, as last night I stead gaze. She has all along de- i find fault with the waythe;, \v ere.. car ntitrted after matte into court with tete , Y tor. An engine and rat that they could not agree, stared Lee hynotized her, and site ! exhibited. the runaway train, and with the aid did not date face 11e111 of testify ! re .. ••p digging is the order of the of the telegraph it was overhanled at being locked up all night, a against Hint, as he had told her he' day with our farmers and an abund- ithenston, and the reins were once lila" verdict of guilty was would kill her if she ever betrayed ant oro is their report. 1 and the prisoner wasPp ed anybody for making the mistake, fres y er n red him. When she was called to the 1 Last week a gang of young 1nen1 but h0 •punched the tickets •with a Nov. 6—Tbe Blessedness of entire sot, I to be hag witness stand she told a pathetic and i wereengaged puttingdoJvn grime- 00st elaborate lunch for the rest of yonder 10 God—Luke es 1 -10 -:Mr .e ti lti2sot, defense had two branches i horrible story. the told in detail l lithic sidewalk lkin front of the new r 1 B y. 1'. V.—Meeting every Tuesday la < y 1119 trip. how Stec struck ter threw Seri as au ex riment ane no • - •--- evening in the aptis church. rc . ,. lterca againGt the wall < <;,g i It will be the only ' ' ,1 3 20 'Hiss Jennie Pecock. hist- 1 the hair and pounded her. Lee had nATE to Subscribe for the MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET w1F mien, OtiTAR1O. gj • VANSTONE, BARRISTER, aoLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, toyvn and Tarin property- bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Bfock W,Noselt J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c.• Wingham. Ont. 'pti�, Ji,, L. DICIfiNSON, , DAItRIS'1'111I, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK Ole' IoA'JIILTON. 010111E TO LOAN. OMoe—Meyer Block Wingham \,_4 • G. CAMERON, 1BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Otfiec—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. Coltman, ONTARIO. DENT1STRY.-J. S. J SAO/dB, L. D. a.;wumdmAM. Is ming b first -clays sets of teeth ay chanufactureap as they eau o,nade in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perie.tly safe. OFFICE: In the Baaver Block, opposite th Brunswick House. We will send the TIMES IA RT11.1L J. WV/No D. D. B„ D. S., to bona -fide. �'e' sub- I Doctor of Dental Surgery of tho Ponnsylvan scribers from now until I Dental College. t e first of JANUARY 1897 for the small sum of 2 GENTS OFFIOE---MACDONALD BLOCK, 1 Noirf—Ni11 vleltBlyth ovary Wadntmdoy. Iw1NGUA4t, - JOHN RITCHIE GENERA(, INSURANCE AGENT The TIMES is an up-to- date paper, all printed. at home. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION • 8. 0. E.—Meeting in casement 01 b t San church every ,E ridgy evening. ONTARIO q). DEANS, JR., IINunAI1, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge ,Moderate. that *t1 prisoner was Insane • 1 doubt �' t t u b *Neat for ,2 l 1 i block pe he colilmitterl the deed; and,(2), 1 s 11 and dl l Y ed her by 1 1 sidewalk put Nov 10 the band that is knoclltng--'Itev. ie killing arose from. an j down in Tatars as it Will pay in the; `; ._- y I end. therefore manslaug Toronto . rad was no defence -••_• I of on to St al Daniel Clark, of the Toronto 1 ' m for the insane, who was called' e defense, supported the theory ! Iranian might have heed insane 1 ill-founded jealousy, but that 1 •ELL- 'PRIED iiE:tr'•UY,-- i A was committing the deed. i Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been 1 crises of murder, if punishment used for over fifty years by millions of • I while teething ; children iCt as a deterrent on others fine mothers for their FS i t• 9 s t0 maniacs cannot Wtti1 perfect success. 111 soothe+ the to decide is whether or not the l for Diarri oea. Is pleasant to the taste. every part of the For Over Fifty Year„ n that condition he could know AN 0 AND Vb mina ion a I child, softens tiro gums, a ass a pain, question fora colic an(1 is the best remedy irBniitted The Icure" wind later knew that be was cont• ISM world.. y 1'w ©n v itve cents a ottle. Its ng the crime. If he did know, value s incalculable. Be sure and ask ttretieel exams for the deed for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and not hold, good. take no other kind. Boiled Monks m 011. An illustration of the atrocities! perpetrated by the rebels against Spanish authority in the Ilhillippine I Islands is furnished by an attack on a large monastery in Cavite pro- I This thefirst of vines. 'I 1119 was one places attacked. Maddened by the 1 refusal of the monks to yield, the rebels on getting inside resorted to the most fiendish tortures. Several' of the monks were hanged to trees and others were roasted to death by 1 burning' oil. WIIE i3iJILT UP, "tun r c% That's our DOM advice to every weakly, s3xkly, ailing woman and girl, and there's nothing equal to of INDIAN WOIWAN'S BALM for purifying the bloodr toning up the nerves arid building up the health. • For s '0 ill Winghatn by Colin am lbtAl. 1 lvr W OfT11 LEAG}h IlN etliodist ohur every f Thursday evening h. For TWA 1ty-Siz Years DUNN'S AKIN POWDER A THECEICKSBEST FRIEND ARGf llrr !!;fr. rN CANADA. J O IN 013111tIE, WXNGI1AM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Implements a specialty. loorders left at the TIMES office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. Go To �----• FRANK SCELI'S, WH1111. YOU GET 12 SHAVES AND 3. BAIR CUT von $1. Opposite Central Rotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. Wanted—An idea who can thing of soma etrnpto thing to patent! Proteet YOur ideae: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDI:ItBURN 8e CO. Patent Attor. nays Washington, D. C., for their $1,600 mile otter and ]let or two hundred inventions wanted. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Court Maitland, No. r.,, Uanadtan G. 0 Uratic 1'brestors,ntcets rho second and fast h'ridny evening of ovary month, iu Gan. go 7s� 1083k.HVisitinr brethren welcome, W. Cl. 'Gr e Ciatn! Caledonia, No. 40 meet a7•. 8 ""ti,e Aret end third hlonJdy in aveTy month, iu the Odd Fallows halt, V1•itin hrgr ren Irfelog.Je, ,fi, Mulvey, Chiet. Ue 1 G 10, Itv,!.'•Sto'. PuTL ±, SILV .ga'Rd MACH P CALCETI WHITE E BUILDI LEmG ! VA ALL Mil J. I Successors to Vi estee FC Salan ONLY To .1 sixteen ALL THE Market Ecce for e• We offer gc For terms, et ADVERT! 1831 Tl COUNI • AGRiGI Farm Croi Igor tie While it t partment: the Poulti Ke,epin , Veterinar and Ansv mestic Ec the news Reports 1 much at pects of 1 upon ort all questi to sell, I contains ever bef is $2.50 Special CLI 2 Subset Subset 10 Subs 11:37qo paying end fr t cries to charge. fir s i LuTHE