The Wingham Times, 1896-11-06, Page 3...IIv 'Dropped Dsadtta'I'reatvxi. Catvin Catlin, 1i, well t ulnen far- mer, . `lig alta the Brealan read about ; mile; north tff Preston, dCopp41 stead Tuesday atr olt een n, Mr. td^ alis engaged tier threshing I)urinl ,• f4'ternoun he complained of feelins unwell molal smut] tiun•e , afterwards ----shout foal, veloek, hta decided to leave the balm. Just es lee lclf O• barn, he was sten to stagger and fall !weeny to tem ground, Triose +f eese n t at emacs gathered around tate prostr;ttce Aman, who Was immediately'coiree'\led into the house, while awaited 'aid ware Rent for. Dr. Buck., of Preston, ar- rived shortly aitterwarels, but the spark f flirts had Beal seinetinaebefo_e his arrival. The deceased gentle man when pierced up, Was iweonet cus, and died without rcgaiAlp Leon- seiousness. A severe eat was inflict- ed over one ey=e, and his face badly bruised by she 'fait Death was the result of heart trouble. Deceased was in hrs 60th year and was -excep- tionally hearty-. Os') WAR HORST. A (i1tAND AMY ',IAN ,011e)1E.S •SWORMS WI77'r HEART DISEASE AND %YrNM 11 ,6AiO1 U$ vee - TORY WITa2 7L'tIrt Man, aFP' azR. AONI WiS OMB 1(a1i':LYIEl IQ11A1t'r. Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart cannot be over estimated, says M. if. Mnsselwan,. a well known . A.. H. man of Weiesport, Pa, anti he •oontinues: 4.31y ailments were palpitation and fluttering of Oat, heart. I used two Mottles of your valuable cure and feel like a new man. I have taken bottleaandbpttles of other medicine without avail. I Introduce it to nay friends at every opportunity pobeithle It is a great medlaine, • in)etde .of thirty Minutes after the first doe'1bad relief."—Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. Almost a 'Centemarlau. Valentyne Dynes, the oldest rest dent in Acton, and perhaps in the county, passed quietly away last Friday morning in Ms ninety-ninth year at the hone of his son Edward Dynes. The old gentleman had been failing in health for the past year. Deceased was born in Ireland in 1798 and 'emigrated to Canada with his father about seven' ty-five years ago. They settled in Halton County and the family have ever since • resided here. For "several years they Lived on the ninth line near Hornby, but about the time of his marriage in 1826 he settled on the, second concession, and from that time his face has been familiar in this neighborhood, Mrs. Dynes and eleven sons and danghters who are scattered one in Cuba and all other parts of America, survive hire.—Acton Free Press, WANTED TO DIE. JOIN ETST ), AN .AGED Ra',3IDE NT OF BARRIE HANGED HIMSELF, BUT WAS CUT DOWN AND HIS LIFT; seven. "Barrie Oct. 29.—John Boyd an old man, 75. year of, age residing on Bleake street, attempted to commit suicide yesterday afternoon_ by Banging. He went into • an out- building which faces the road, and procuring a rope, hung himself to a beam. A neighbor across the way noticed the actions of the old than, and although unaware of his intentions, became suspicious, and hastening across secured assistance, and arrived on the scene in time to cut down the rope on which suspend- ed the would-be suicide, and save his life, This is the second time Boyd has made an attempt to end his life, having once before swallow- ed poison, but was eventually pre- vented in the zonsulnmation of 'his rash act. ,Ile is subject to fits of melancholia, and his mind becomes so over wrought during these occas- ions as to be for the time over balanced. Boyd is a retired farmer halving followed that voeation all his lite, lately occupy in;; the farm in the township of Vespra, and moving to Barrie only a few months ago. Liver ilIs Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, eonstk patten, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly oared by Hood's Pills. They do their Work 00 easily and thorougl]ly. 26 cents. All drugglits. R Prepared by C. 1. flood & Co., 7.owe11, Mass, rote °nit rift to ts4ke with Hood's Bsrsapurirfa. Best after dinner pills. I I n 111. +. '.".MES, NOVEMBER 6, 0396. c41,113.. ISLAILS IN Tam wA.RLY The girls of 'Toronto (Loam very DAYS. prettily in short shirts and tight trousers. I forgot to asks how t,I(t they were; but fancy they wore: quite mature, in the 30 year class. The ladles who do,t't claim aro pro- bably deformed; at any rate they have enormous fleet. Asidt, from the da tieing 'Niemen wee rather a bore. .Joh Leve a member Parliament, who acconlpani(eel rite; from Niagara, admitted to ,ire that his party was the salvattlutt (tf (gaaf, ada, and contained the gena men iti the country. I t;aw' some of the otherSide but be-'ing forewarned I kept 1uy baud Ill my pocket -hook. "there. are oral i of my countrymen in Canada teach- ing the Canadians how to keep clean I—. even going to the le' gth of wash- , Ing their dirty linen for them. Ipity theses poor tnissionaries; they crust be nearly starved, for' ;here are no rats or mice in this etnlntry wend the birds' nests are made of twigs and feathers and brake; but poet- sung." --Ilarnilton Speetatur. rte .TIE ED.tat,uWI,i' AND POSTAGE WAS IU(+Ir. In Washington's first term an an •effort was made to speed the neaiiseeto move thein at the rate of •one •hundred miles in twenty-four ,hours, or about fo,ir and a half miles au hour, 'lapis wutticl have been a .notable advance .for the carriers • were then txtkiuir nearly thirty hours 'between Pltihie dlphia anal New York le roads were bad and there were nsanyIn 177ti ,there wens only twenty-eight post - offices 1.n the Colonies; in 1795 there were four hundred and ninety-three .and. in 1.798 there was 70,064. The nates of postage when the depart- , men was etganized under the Con- stitution were high.; for thirty miles six .cents ter ,one letter -sheet; for .thirty-six .guiles, eight ceras; fur one .hundred miles .ten cents, and so inercasin.g with the increased dis- tance to the nia -itnuui, 25 cents fur distances over four hundred and fifty miles. Stamps were not in use in 'those days, nor was tete sender of a letter required oto ,pay the postage in advance. The postage six or twenty-five .cep's., :as the ease might be, was written by the postmaster ,on tie letter., and if the sender paid the postage the word a'paid' was .added, if •be.dict not thepostage was 'collected off the person the letter was .addressed to. These rates soon yielded a a Surplus over the cost of the service, spite of the franking privilege the law gave to the Con- gressmen and the heads of the de- partmbnts. * * The demand of the newspapers and periodicals of every el.ass for e heap postage, seconded by r.he subscribers, has led to the re- duction of the rates greatly below the actual cult to the Government. In his report in 1892, the Postmas- ter -General, atter stating that the present letter rate pays twice the cost of tie letter mail, says that the book and newspaper mail is = ai'ried at the loss of six cents a pound: in recent years the Post Office Depart- ment has been characterized by a very progressive spirit, and is now rendering not a perfect but a high class service. No other department has more nearly kept pace with the marvelous development 'of our country. --Ex President Harrison in his, "This Country of Ours" article in September, Ladies' Home Journal. 4Pi Out Of The Tools. PXIYsrcrANS FAILED, ODUE-ALLs FAILED— . BUT THLI G1t,:AT SOUTEI AMERICAN RID - CURE, A SPECIFIC REMEDY I'OR A SPECIrXO TIZOIJIIX,E, era Be BILIS. A. E. YOUNG, OF BARNSTON, P. Q., Q17ICIirr,Y Awn PERMANENLV. This is her testimony : "I was taken sick in January, 1803. I employed some of the best local physicians and was treated by them for kidney disease un- til the autumn of the same year without receiving much benefit. I then began using • your South American Kidney Cure, and derived great benefit almost immediately. I feel now that I am quite cured. 1 have taken no medicine for some length of time and have not had a return of the slightest symptom of the disease," Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. Li's Impressions. We have been permitted to make an extract from Li Hung Chang's diary, in which he records the im- pressions he received during his journey. The part of the diary he reproduced is�l devoted to his im- pressions in Canada:-- ''The Canadian Mandarians dress much more plainly than the Ameri- cans; the latter were in uniform, all of blue and gold, while the farmer wore •ordinary clothing. The Cana- dian member. of' Parliament are born in France and are 67 years old. Canadian men sometimes live to be nearly ono hundred; Canadian wo- men never reach more than 30 years. Hamilton is a big brick house and It large wooden house one on either side of the iron highway, with water in front ani a and bank behind. Hamilton has no mayor. 1 saw at field of rice near here. they called it' Dundas munch. Swansea is the 1 most important place in Canada, I very much enjoyed a nap there. * Toronto is a e;olleetion of wooden' buildings enclosed by a high woodten fence. The inhabitants charge lull admission fee to ttll outsiders. Tor' SOLE MANU1.,A TTIBE:i•-- onto is densely populated and the people do nothing bot walk the "I Rad no Faith." MN MY MPS PERSUADED MN TO '17ty 'roi. GREAT SOn'rR AMERICAN ]tee I U 1rA'!•IO 00111v` AND MY AGOl1]itNG PMN WAS 0081: IN 13 Roui.s, AND 0t,N1 1.'olt ono» J. D. JG1oLood. of faith, Ont, goys: "I have been a viettut of rheumatism for seven years to my bed for months at a time ; unable to turn my- self. Have been treated by many physi- cians witlesut any benefit. 1 had no faith in rhettinatio cures I saw advertis- ed, but env wife Induced ane to get a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure from idr. Taylor, druggist, in Owen Sound.. At tont time . was in agony with pain, Inside of I`2 hours meter 1 had taken the tirstdose the pain had all left rne. T continued notal I had used three bottles, awl I now eonsluer lny- Felf completely ,'fired." Sold 41 Chis.) �_'�" -= r holtn's Drug Store. ( 1 ; f:,2fJ0 in:,ttraiiete. Ti'o Etre at his house took platen hist April, and no • 0 yetitstarted. eknowsluly 11t ran re'cl. When the insurance people went to• investi- .rteto adjustthe toss they found several chicken incubators on the fa?emises, and these; 1nentators were the .cause of the trouble that after" wards carte. 13y the charter of the inarlraute art pane it iy Hot allowed to take;,, tnenitfaet12t'iitg or mere'an- tile risks and the defence set mfr was that Innehing chickens ()y 810811s of incubators wall al manufacturing industry. The application for ::teen - suit war., bred en thins argument, it (vont urged that as Dr. ,Nunes knew the ttiaal'anee would telt hold good - for u manufacturing concern, lie broke his contract with the company and rendered it null - and void by ir►tro(tusiflg the incubators. • It ,teas argued that the incubator busilsuss was the same as the brewing lansirsrss. It consisted of bringing into active life the little germs of the article treated—in the one case 1 • barky and in the other the egg. ,Justice 1''aleonbl'idge deeided to let (lie case go to the jury, which proved Ii to be a real good jury—fur the plaintiff. All that he asked for watt; l his, and for the inseranee eolnpaty 1 there was nothing -but expense. Tne 1 jurymen would not declare, as the counsel fur the defence wished thein to, that the 1n.iking of chickens by t the incubator process was a luaui'1 uiaeturing industry, but held that it was merely an improved farming nietliod, And in the end the • judge entered judgineait.for $1',174.27 and interest. Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves foe Imre :broad. Hood's. Sarsaparilla is the Oue True Blood Panther and nerve build- er. A Novel Argument. There was a faln)er's fire •insur- anee case on sit the Hamilton assizes and during its progress a novel and rather unusual argument was ad- vanced by the defenze for non -suit The ease was that of Manes v. North Dumfries. Fire Insurance c rnpany, in which J. F. Manes, 'a phys elan, living near Beverly, claimed about ANTED. A. MAN: ` to sell Canada ttrown t"racit mad Ornamental Trees, Shaubs, noses.lfnrha and , Milhous Plants, (3lttpa tines, small ,11 Fruits, Seed Putntnes• rte. We Ataloc'ue only the hiritest and nm,t pnputar vnrietlea that succeed in the iotdetst climates, New season arm r(nnmenrinli; complete, outfit free; salary and expanses puid from start tar run tune, of liberal commission for part time. 1 We seU everyth .ng required Apply now..nr(dre.shrg nearest office, Imo get i school out at. rranir, of territory. .•� V .,.- annt.ruam ma n14@nU@aunitnDPUPrlwllle+:ll..b.u. n,., 1."'•• T A'VegetabiePreperation forAs- slmllaling theFoodand Reg- •:' Leg the V tell Aw+t:J L�1eel::ceee . 01 r .clad _.!(k' Promotes Digesfion,Cheerful- ness andRest,Contains neither Opiuni,Morplaine nor 1/fine-mi. TQT NA tc°TIIC. unakin f r r - ' AA:Scant( - Adger& Sara - ..,"mre Seed t S 1t. 1, ton, ., e.r Siuieacu,Dier'r'iloea, r)r rs,Ccnvulsions.l•evnr)sh- 1 e_.- ... ^.;:d L 'ars or S i.EEr' 11 d -v Ic ret ":t'y)'P.J.C. Ili a iW i4.1 *^�,, 11•_x' re, ,,1n^An«,y-'i. SEE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE E SIGNATURE —OF— IS —OF--- IS ON THE W' P OP EVERY BO r'LL OF Cactoria is put up in ono -sir:, bottlos olaly, 1; is net sold in WI. Don't a:lo,r anyone to cel. t yon anything olso on the plea or Foratse that it is "just as good" and "will answer every tnr- , coso," Sco that you get 0-A-$-T-0-E.-1.-A. he fao- � t n _,r' is to ✓4Crory v wrpppe.. LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, Internattona1 1. urser,es, Cu(caao, 11t., oe Jlorral1Ab, (4ue. TI --LL OTTGE-= and T MR,OTI 3-I--, Examine both the Business and Shorthand courses of the s=c..__-earr _ -=%lam•-��7�Teeiia:---_,_---t FOREST CiTY BUSINESS. AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, London, Ont., and you will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College from all parts of the country. Finest set of rooms for business college work in Canada. Graduates successful' in securing positions. Catalogue andpar- deniers of either course sent on application; J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. ilmn-Tor draft }:tg PATENTED FED. 1ST„ 1896, streets, living 00 the money colleet-.L;pE, ed ffon1 the outside barbarians. This stove is made cfgenuitle Russian iron; no imitation; lined with steel. The cleanest stove made, no ashes can get out on the floor; will positively keep a slow burning fire for 48 hours; by putting in one large stick it keeps fire all night. Never re- quire to move ashes more than once 10 two months. It will take a stick 21 inches by 10 inches. Saves 25 to 50 per cent. fuei. Can°regulate it the 'same as a lamp; can have year rooms at any ' , temperature, build a" fire in two minutes, and treat a. room 20 feet square in leen minutes the coldest day in the year. I f your dealer DOES NOT HANDLE OUR STOVES write us direct for price before you pun- . chase. Any infringement on patent Will be prosecuted to the full extent of the wool) AGENTS WANTED. for a ,complete TEXT BOOKS, in every branch, OOi-''Y BOOKS, PENCILS, PENS, . RUSBEE S and SLATES. WJflWDLIN LOIS 5 cI \- TR A patent BOOR: COVER given away with every school book purchased from us. CALL AT TIIE POPULAR BOOK STORE. ALEX. ROSS. ro7tAIWIAilfZvtii•WVII,W1,404)15,4Y41,11/11,419,Wes•ri t;uLT J + Lv p >ll 7 c La We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- thing such as TATER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGI':RS, BusINES'i CARDS, Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. $50 RE 8 D I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring ice a Watch or Clock T cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. 87 Church stroo'•. Toronto Outfirltll.1O1)posite HALSEY PAR Ia t:dealrliel i)t(wee% 9 Josephine St., Ingham