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The Wingham Times, 1896-10-30, Page 7
S 1 A L.J 1 a GUNS RIFLES, AMMUNITION, ,CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, BELTING and FITTINGS. MACHINE OILS, PORTLAND CEMENT, CA.LCEMINE PLASTER, 'WHITE LEAD and OILS, BUILDERS HARD WARE, LEHIGII VALLEY COAL, ALL. lrstll.2ES IM STOCK. J. CLEGG 8 CL, . Hardware Merchants ° Successors to J. A. Cline & Co, Western t;di&ter FOR 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. ONLY OE - ' :DOLLAR To January ist 1S98. Sixteen ' tai agee Each Week —WITII— ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. Market Reports, Stories, ete. Egcellent Re.iding.... for every member of the family. We offer good inducements to agents. For terms, etc., address— ADVENTBSE a PTC CO., London, Ont. 183 THE CULTIVATOR 1897 AND COUItRY GETLEMN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. 9 TILE \Y111 GRAM TIMES,.00TOBER 3Q, 1$9,6. Death of 0, X. Dunlop. 1 TUU N13ERRY, A once familiar figure has been ' (Intended for as issue./ removed from our midst by the' Minutes of council held October 17 death of Mr, 0. M. Dunlop, whieh members all present; the Reeve in took place at his residence in this the chair. The minutes of last meet - town on Tuesday last. Tho event ing were react and approved. was not unexpected, as he bad been Cemmunieations were react from confined to his residence for about TIN. Jany Re Ballagh drain, from seven months, and bas been in failing D. Iflebb P. S.I. Re award on new health for over a year. Ile was a union'eSchool Section Turnbersy and severe sufferer and on account of the Diorrisx4*also from Rev. Mr. Moss, Re nature of leis disease was unable Dog tax:. Reports: The Reeve le - to rest' in bed, and for several ported having let a job of building months was obliged to sit in a chair culvert onesixth eon., opposite lot 17 night and day. Mr, Dunlop has been to S. Vanstone at $$4,00; also allowed a resident. of Seaforth for over . eight inch tits for eight rods of d. aiu twenty years. Ile came hero from: instead of culvert at east corner of one of the Southern States and for . lot 16, con, 0; hiso let e ,job of repair - some thne was engaged in the :ing large eulvprt on con. 10 to John restaurant business. For several ;Weir at $3. years he was chief constable of the : The deputy -re. re reported having town and was one of the oldest let a job of gravels ing 06 rods on county constables in the county. He , Wingham boundar , to Alex Porter, was also an expert in the detective : at 24e a red; also le a job of repair - business and was frequently employ. ing Wingharn bound. •y, to Richard ed in this capacity. I -le was a ' Porter, at $4, both je,bs completed genial, wholesouled man, who was , and recommend paynibut of Turn - liked by every peason, while his : berry's share o1 both jot* also let a courteous manner and gentlemanly job of Turnberry's shar&of cutting, bearing secured him the good will tiling, and filling hl the yce drain ever of those with whom Ise came in ' to Moore Bros„ at 24e ' per rod , contact professionally, Re was well township to famish ill nish tile. known throughout the county and 1 Mr. Diment reported thework of many will regret to learn of the ;gravelling on the Grey boutndary, death of Charlie Dunlop, as he was has been satisfactorily completed more familiarly known. He leaves a and recommend payment of Turn - widow and two sons to mourn the loss' berry's share, $14.37. of an affectionate husband and ever 1 stir. Musgrove reported that lie" i from 12,000,000 in 1891. to kind and indulgent parent.—Sea- . had along with the Reeve inspected140,000,000 pounds in 1893. forth Expositor. the Ballagh drain, and found tie It stands to reason that this great timbers ail out and cleaned out/ ' advance in the production would not Colds and Catarrh Relieved in the drain, and ordered Mr. BallUlglf„; would not have been made 1.0 to BO Idinutes,—One short puff , to ;o back and deepen the drat P for p, f there was nothing in the industry of the breath through the Blower, sup- 15 rods so as to take the waterrfrom I Ior those engaged in it. But there plied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's ' Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder Mr. James' tiles. , ig, matey in the industry. For the over the surface of the nasal passages. i Mr, Gelnmill reported that along, : pi+oof of this we have only to quote Painless and delightful to use, It ;with the 12eeve ho had examnned the did. ease of two factories in Nebraska relieves instantly, and permanently of and ellin McKay's; where beets are turned into sugar cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds,. Head- jobg g ., lavg anhe, Sore Throat, Tonsilltis and Deaf- I hill con. 11, and found cutting and ;and which case is referred to in the ness. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. gravelling well done and ,, gravelling ' American Agriculturalist. Two tri 41A t” t+y1" X • wC w:3 :is:. . ,, a rxSiaileeefree=e a,'E.."' ,�sf' eerapc: o• eassiesseta. aloatEY IPi' St7•Crala BEETS, friends converts it into stockings. It used to be considered hard to AN INDUSTRY J1taAT SHOJI,ID cola. think of a present for a young MAND TIIE 4TTENTION OF Filo. woman to give a man of her acquaintance. This is no longer 'the ease. All she has to do is to knit him something. And anything made by her dainty fingers is supposed to enhance its value in his eyes. She can knit kiln an umbrella cover, t3 bag or a pair of stockings. The bag must be a travelingibag with bandies attached to it. These are made of silk, of course. Last year yon could not have persuaded a, man to carry Gerinany had increased from 13,000 an affair of this sort, but now it is toils In 1880, to 1,213,000 tons in just "the thing.',' 1$90 In the United States great TWis summer alleof the girls be - progress has also been made, the longing to the "400" at Newport 4uantity of sugar and molasases pro- went around with these bags on their 'duced from beets having increased arms, and knitted themselves and their mala; admirers gold, bicycle and tennis stockings, as well as travel- ing bags and umbrella covers. GRES SISTE 1+ARMERS- In our iss a of the 7th it was pointed out ow largly the cultivat- ion of sugar beets is increasing in other countries. lt, was shownthat while onty282,090 tons were produc- ed in Franco in 1870 the quantity had rieen to 750,000 tons in 1890. It was further shown that the pro- duction of sugar from beets in "Did you divide.your bonbons with I not finished; also inspeet;Ad jobs at thousand farmers (double the num- your little brother, Mollie?' "Yes, I Eadie's b 'idle and Wells' hill, and bar of last treat) are engaged in ma; I ate the candyand gave hirc• recommended payment, growing beets for these factories. the mottos. You know he is awful- • Moved by Mr. Diluent, secondedby i From '90 -to '95 the prices of beets ly fondof reading."—Chieago Inter- :Mr. Cruickshank, that Messrs. Mus- :ranged from Irl to $7 per ton, ac - Ocean. . . grove, Gemmell and Cruickshank be cording to'•quality. It was after - Miss Daisy Medders '(coyly)—Do a committee to examine the Ballagh Wards found to be inose satisfactory* you love me, Jason? Jason Buck- drain, and if not completed, to take o have an average price for beets leberry—Course I love ,you! Do you to have the . above 12�per ;cent, sugar with 80 stepsWork done at oncepurity, and this was 1 laced at5 s'pose I'd have been actin' the fool `Carried. over you all this time if I didn't? Moved by Mr.,Cl, that the Reeve andruickshank second- per ton which i the price this fall ed by Mr.GemmjlIf the beets run`,below 12 per cent Mr. Diment be a committee to inspect sugar of eighty, per cent purity work done by Che Messrs. Carruthers the are accepted at one half on the Sth coal` line, and if road is price. Last year \the farmers sold benefitted to i ry and settle with them an average of fiftegn tons per acre of —Carried. . dressed beets net weight. This crop York P The folltt"wing accounts were pass- netted them $42 per*acre. It is safe ed and cheques issued: J. Leech, to say, says the Agriculturalist, that gravel, $ :15; S. G. Brown, printing, $12 per acre, would fully cover the 86.75 John Weir, culvert, $3; Alex. cost of work and rent t�f land, Inc v - Porter gravelling Wingham ing $30 per acre clear profit. The bound- ary, w8•,°Richard Porter, repairs to plants are thinned out€ largely by Wingham boundary. $2; Wm. Ran- children, and the rest of the culti- vation , culvert ; 2.50; Thos Musgrove vtrtion by horse power with improv gravel and balance; $1.04; R. Bishop ed implements.—San, graveling on Grey boundary, $13.50 ` Jnct McIntosh, inspecting work on The Best Way of Planting B urea Grgy boundary, 87e; John McCrack- After ordering your bulbs ,set about en, damages, $1; Mrs. Eadie, McKay getting a cornpost in which to pot 1•x11 job $1.50;Geoge Sehistral, cutt- them. As good a soil as any com- ing, grading, and gravelling, $28.50 posed is one composed of ordinary Colin Eadie, gravelling, and repairs, garden loam, sand and well ° rotted ;'+6.20; Elliott' Bros., tile for road, cow manure in equal parts One $3.33; Art. Magee, repairing culvert third sand may seem like "tooimueh $5.99; Robs Hupfer, repairing two of the good thing," but is not.: No - culverts, $14.38; D. Robb, P. S. I., where in the world are better Ikulbs union school award, $30.80; . Win. grown than in Holland, whose seal is McPherson, John Burgess, J. S. Me- nearly all sand. Better bulbs can be Tavish, selecting jurors, each $3. grown in clear sand properly for- Mooved by Mr. Cruickshanks, tilized, than in the richest of soils seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that this without sand. Mix your compost meeting do now adjaurn to meet in well and have it fine and mellow. McDonalds hall Binevale, on Mon- It is very important that the manure day November 16th, at 10 o'clock should be old. Fresh manure is a. M. harmful to all bulbous plants, cut or JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. i in doors. I should advise the grow- ling of several bulbs in the one pot. Blood is Life. The effect is more pleasing because It is the medium which carries to of the greater mass of colors in a every nerve, muscle, organ and fibro its . limited space. Three or four Hya- nourishu)ontand strength. Tr the lsii3od cinths, Tulips or Daffodils, may be is pure, rich and healthy you will be successfully grown in a seven-inch well ; if impure, disease will soon over- take you. Hood's Sarsaparilla has pot. Half a dozen Crocuses or power to keep you in health by making Snowdrops, will be required to fill a your lalood rich and pure. I six•inch pot. Three or four aver- -Tuth. Carmelita—I wonder Why Dorothy didn't have her skirt cut so the stripes would run straight up and down? Grace—Oh, that girl takes a biased iview of everything.—Now Press. IT PAYS TO CANADA OUSHIESS COLLEGE • CHATHAM, ON T. STUDENTS ARE EVERYWHERE SUCCESSEUL. .John Pierce, just placed as steno grapher in the Mt'ntreal office of the Richelieu k Odtario Navigation Co, Arch. McPherson, assistant booltr keeper, Goold Bicycle Co., Brantford. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST; For Catalogue, address, D. AIcLACHLAN " Co., ' Chatham, Ont DEVOTED TO .Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit Growing, Live -Stock and Dairying. While it also includes all minor de- partments of Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entotnology, Bee - Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm. Questi. )ns and Answers, Fireside Reading, Do- mestic Economy, and a summary of the news of the week. its Market Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros- pects of the crops, as throwing light upon one of thee most important of all questions--117hento bay fruit when. to sell. It is liberally illustrated, and contains more reading niatter than ever bef ere. The subscription price is $2.50 per year, but we offer a Special Reduction in our CLUB RATES FOR 1897. 2 Subseriptionsremittance$ 4 6 Subscriptions', " 't 10 10 Subseriptions, 15 Earn) all new subscribers for 1897, paying in advance now, we will f the remit- tance, our receipt o send fr m to Januar" t'3t, 1897, without charge. k3" 5PEC1i xx (" ti' r 1'''iuu , Address LUTHER TUOu ; ' rL SON, Palis1idr(• N.Y. F NEW CROP TIMOTHY SEED, AMERICAN PLYMOUTH .BINDER TWINE, SCREEN DOORS, REFRIGATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Also full line of BAQUET LAMPS at very low prices. &MITH & PETH1CK1 BEAVER. BLOCIK, 'W'I1 GI AM, Strides of a Canadian Institution. It is over a quarter of a century since th's Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal was established and it certain. ly grows better with age. During the past eight »months it has made greater strides towards perfection than during any live years of its history. Well may it astonish American publishers that the Family Herald, and Weekly Star can give so much for a dollar a year. ft is no exaggeration to say that it is the most welcomod, while it is ausolutoly the most eutertaining visitor that comes to tens of tho ands of Canadian Homes. The Fa i Herald aud Weekly Star has c + otherpublishers ' t where bh.her passed t filo t p might be jealous of it, because it is em- phatically the leader autl without a com- petitor. No home can bo dull or tin - thrifty where the Family Herald and Weakly Star is taken. All Canadian publishers wish it well, for it deserves it and we see that only a dollar a year secures • it and its beautiful premium, "The Orphan's Prayer." age -size bulbs of the Bermuda Lily Hoon's Pit.x s are aasy to take, easy to g operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. can be grown in a ten -inch pot.-- 20o. ot.—Zoo. Miteistrate—If you were innocent, why did you run away the Moment 1 n.itting Revived. the policeman, appeared? Pat— The latest fad. of the society girl is Beene, yer honor, thitu cops do be to knit. `chis pastime of our grand- r t t therr l on man, --t , grand - always itlls.tn g mothers day has become the rage. Harper's Bazar. Every fashionable young woman at 't0 )en confession, they say, is present has a bag' in, whieh she ear- good ar- g 1the soul." "Yes,ood for ries knitting needles, silk and worst. the for ler ed. Stockings are r�1 hat she devotes the soul that snakes it, but very young The n'el t tion to. s taten fuu 1 one that has to listen to i s tough on the it."—Chicago Record. i man has bicycle stoekings knitted I Inc him by Ms fair admirers now. Eben E. Rexford in Ladies HOMO- journal. omeJournal. • • Others bitve found bealttl; rigor and He no longer has to buy them. All y n rills, aretl it he docs ii! to pick out the color of tiittrlit ih Floods Sateen afro, ataat OHS. cutely '►tali pnw"r tohelp yarn he 'wants, and one of his girl riot try it! For Infants and Ohiidren. Ms fao- ni2'i1e f.kvisturs "That acting is simply superb." "I don't see it." His lack of ap- I I predation was apparent to everyone but the wearer of the Leghorn bat who sat immediately in front of him! —New York. 1160 )LM, (Jit4111 Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills Cure A.11 Troubles. Arising From Torpor of the Liver. Easy and Quick—Banish Siert Eandaohe —Purify the Bloom and Eradicate Ail Impurities from the tt yoto31t. The demand is big. The pills are little, easy to take, pleasant results, no pain. 40 he a vial, and 10 cents at all druggists. vERY FA I LY 1x: SHOULD it P.10%1 THAT Mrximnire ;alq •,'Z,Kr',r.,1'4'��E,o • r 7‘Pi Is a very tan 5.Tkabo remedy., both for Iii. Tr.riNAr,'and texonsxnNAn ane, and 'won- derful inn itb shtick notion to relieve distress. PAIN -KIL.L is t, s fro Duro int f4oro 7Citrout, Uoulalta, ('k ii is, Aarttt•rhtrita 7i''s',,tery, Gerson 5, wl 'as. nod alf.va'ct t,0 ml Itotcrit 1 r , PAIN -KILLER rq 4,1Thk:nmF.erea. 1'lryt Cl' $. 'tile'it EMhdeclu+, ',Atli in 1Ito )11mok air 1±i11bt,. tl;tuviauatis iia sod NeUri.ts't,i, ,6 N`�•.L? IL L,.+\ fp S'' 7iirinSAitt,Y dist ' r T" Ra•i C Lusa Al'i(r. `' '!•t1):It%limn vt•rrev AND rt.010.:trM511 PLOW i+1i rt1.e+ aC 1.1'ttlnee, line, Sprains, Severe lu itch' IAN. + r 'f1 ' is the -refl tsI aria �• r M lho ,',toted Vtgatt ' L •T -t• I *1... W!tt"111tit titc'illell,4 idltller, atlr to 1 -»liths ..ltfl t It si1t'tllrtiit+tltt'n}ext hand. K lrF 7 t l F t,ttclTtit113`or. txteritaily wire t,a (alhtf otlrllrf. 1'••, r1t••ttp0ona '1"tke „b140'hwt ther0i•flb54c w t't.5ur i'A\ i5. 5,4.t tetty01a>it VERY' LARGE SODr UtS, 50 OE x'rs .11Trf T TTMITITTfr►rfMTtTT7t7,,,ra'r'rytry The► Emulsion Is invaluable, if you are run E down, as it is a food as well as a medicine. The D. & L. Emulsion Will build you up if your general health is impaired. The D. & L. Emulsion is the best rand Oil, most with palatableroost delf i• tate stomachs. The D. & L. EmaAlsion Is prescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. & L Emulsion Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. 50c. a. $1 goer Bottle I Be sura you get I ©AY19 $t LAWL1tNt 13 Cu., LTD. ` the genuine Cc •i.11L11Y�J11111LAlLL1A erillsolifarare •c - pliNY rECTORA Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in asurprisingly short time. It's a sal- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. McCounsa & Sox, Bouehetto, Que., report in a letter that Pyny4'ectnral eweft Mrs. C. Curacao of ehsonlc cold in chest and bronchial Want.rand also cured W. 0.:dcOotnier of a II tn 1.411;.etandlnj cad. Me. J. II, iti','x rr, - Ch- emist, 5nl lenge St„ Toronto, writes; As a got.aral cough n nd lthn; syrup Pyny Pectoral » s Uln prt uta on. Ie ret nein a o f fav un tI u, has gWad the ntmcst ng spoke n to ell too l+..ve:is d it, tunny having spoken tomo of thu It 1n sea derivod fano its auto in Chair fnu,llirs. It in xnitabla for old nt y.nnt, b liig pleasant to Its &•110 With nt^. Iota bcenw..n set fu1( not I can slwns recomuwuS 1t as a sato camr.11nbrocoughtn(oil.1 e." b &urge Eottle, ff3 CN. DA.VIS & LAW :E Cn CO., LTD. • 1,Y Sole Proprietors 4; bfoxTrotA Iw I•P•A•".;.3 Ti:c soder:l stand - a ra arc.:. 'aniily Medi - (i cine : Cures the {( corm -nor) every -clay 4's ills of h= :sanity. • rR4r::i 41'111• 7i MAntt " rC LiZIN a Irresistible Pie, •l is a Cure for Dias•,.::.:,. The followin.t .5.00•• . rtat iucaJ., the best proof that diahetee is. x t„ iuci::,',', and that there is a remedy w t a i,'•. Ontario, County of - ,t•t 41, to :t: I,Charles i:na,.ft:s 0„•y :5. "t,i•trho County of Caln...t., •' ,,'kit ii ;.. ,.o hereby solemnly declare a 1. I reside at 180 ii •ll tit-eet, in the sa:d City of Ottawa. 2. Porth() past t,it,•'tt Sa'^r: r ,r5. y,. L•acn a great snfl•uor rr ren hi It:•ia . , .rl; n .111 g the prominent sylhlpte) .+ i1f' t ti t T4•:•1 43rGre paiu5 011 ury ba• k, hot it, , a the base ofthofp{ne.,r,IP, o.k dizziness, headaclicia t•ttt. 1 r •t:.f o,hs.i state generally 'and suffered, g1 s t az, i t r t tunes. The intense pain. pr.iven • c I say 8,0 p ug,and I Scanned to got worse Coati 114.1! y. '1 re do "tors Who were called in t+r•nt, t a:C.1 111y disease diabetes, but their tri atni ,t sena i1 .good, and they kola out but si fg'tt Bose ,.f n y r. covert'. I Was then 80 far wino wit'.1 the Oise.00 than could not turn in bed withlut hol,a 1:) urine was of a davit wino colla, a,1 i full of se+lhnont. 8. I'to.lk all hint34 of medicine, bat without permanent relief. 4. Bon,ring4of Dowt'a Xilaiteyrpips I gob & box at H. IP. ,Aaaor tr hv'sd •tuS..tore, hut':.ving beau so often disaO,,anted i had 11„ instil in thein. Xloivovcl 1 u a: t••.1 tnlcioti •In, and they situate the sunlit *pint 5.1 ane,., e11intr1 I eater' mowed to get better Fhom that time on a t out mut con in n u 1tt1 r sin noir Y(Sve rl 'N t 1m, p after (IVO woeke rite Of noaU'a ICidu+•y ri14s, entirely Tree from rain of any kind. 'PlsoUrine isnatttral, sad I ant mite Working right along every day in my shote. S. It is a groat smelt, of ptea,tete for rile to teQtifty to tete world 'of the curative ilotaets Of Doan s rridtsey Post, mil I snake this solemn deelaratiou con ei t, tdnualy bellnviut; it to be 1ilaid kno\vinit h tt that it 18 HE'LL mime, force • and effect as. if mad. under otttll and by virtue of the Cabidla Eaiaenon Aet. Sg+Y, Ctt.t1lh n f3 ?0080, . beclared before me nt tltn flip of Ottawa, ins theCOOutyof Cariewn, this 4tli clay of Aprils 1806. 1i¢d. toxin , 011"A IIA, A. Contuairiiithet,stil.