The Wingham Times, 1896-10-30, Page 5M-.iLE WIN iUAM TIMES 0(7013 Who 'brings us one dollar will get in exchange 6 yds. of good reliable Henrietta Cloth doable fold and'hrt,ve herr choice of these shades viz: 1'Iyrtlo, Bronze, or Dark fawn, youtom, ill find them ready for you, cut off in dress lengths, the above 6 yards is sworch $1. 80, bttt we make this unprecedented offer as further stimulous for the closing days of October. T MEANS A 0000 DEAL TO A 'WOMAN to know that right 'here is a MILLINERY and MANTLE DEPARTMENT where styles are gibe latest and prices whittled down to the lowest possible point. Sailor flats newest affects 50e. and 75c. (,hills 5e., 2 Tips colors pink or green 15e. There';:; a 'fit, tt :''tyle and a finish about our Mantles that make them Prime Favorites. ites. :1 boom has struck our Mantle Department. Prices 0 75 for a Mk -rough Nap Cloth. Some very pretty effects at ?5; Better lines still at $6.50, $7.75 and y310. Fru' Capes are deserving ofspecial ,attention, we show a range that will stand the teat o; comparison. I31k, Heavy Goat Capes 32 inches r' Astrachan " 27 " long, " Astraehlttl ''r 30 " 't Astrachan " 120 " " Oppoesum 41 28 ,r " Oppossniti '' 30 if " Far Ruffs Mink sweep long $11 00 16 50 17 50 22 50 24 50 29 00 1 00 3 00 1'V'e like the customer who likes to Feather Boas all sizes and all prices. .get a 1)arg;tin. .lid. c-.-. I." .8.. FON SALE Oa RENT, FARM of P.t erns, litnloss tntc,,x;,ip, l;rth'e Co., 75acreeOnt.rue;, 1e,.,•1 of apri c w':.ter,tO0;:ood wells; 1,41,n,,1 r. !,1 gem benne. ]ahoy think I at•n, good stable.;;, w,. tee. l,, ., i '„ omh:nel, 2 DINS Iroot whiteahu+nit,t.,ii •,., 4 ir•,u, r,uol.•a„u•; an es,te;lent ,opportunist' 1,'r .; a x tt prnlltabUs Jtury htenness. 1 Apoit to 'arra A. st erart, f,t .ince, it .e. Stewart St. Thole is or A. tt ,itewart, 2,uoswat4:'r. ASTRE 'Strayed groin the lot con. 0, 1 u jibe, 1, July. one ewe and t of rho letter It nu tl right lug. same wil ' lit en knnwint t y nottfylmr the owne JOHN W. 11 John ' '1 alher, • ;Arno the mica.1 0 of I • 1 tl,nto nick nah0Inarki G,i aa. s --i s eronbntts of; M Co, 'V agog. , :">T-;75 u :r- -- .�^^^„ `1' ]aIN S —AND— , 717– S 171 B —AT— t CLEARING PR/CES To make room for more tic S GEO. GOOD. , P9•f:;4ntfN:,.,..•K.sn',"u,,n,.h!•,rt,. y OUR GLOTHI NO made up ORDE' must lit 01' no IT • u t' ANS W W the very BEST. dal sr- u:.i-5r?t The residence of Mr. David Coeh- rane, of the 2nd con. of Howiek, was burned to the ground on Monday evening. The fire started in the front part of the house, where there had been no fire for sorra days. Most of the contents of the lower story were saved but the rest were burned. We understand 1`lr. Coch- rane had an insurance of $200 on the house but none on the contents. The :argent frame barn in Bruce Co, is owned by John Pilger, 10th eon. Carrick. It is larger than that of Mr. Cargill, M. P., whose barn is 80 feet long by 61) in width, while Mr. Pilger'e is of the samo width and 2 feet longer. It has a wing attached, the upper part of which is used for a straw shed, 38x5 1. The outside posts are 24 feet in height, while the posts of the ordinary barn range all the way from 16 to 22 feel.. Underneath the whole is a stone foundation, 10 fcer, high, and here stabling accommodation is furnished for all the horses. cattle, sheep and pigs any ordinary farmer will likely ever own. It is a great structure and represents a lot • both of hard work and bard cash. 1 Has been endor ed the medical profession for r r ent ears. (Ash your Doctor. This because it is always p atalle—al ays uni- form—alw , s contains purest Norwegian Cod -Liver and Hypopbosphites. nsist on :Scott's Em ion with trade -mark of n and fish. Put up in 5o cent and $i.o sizes. The small size may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. R 30, 1590.. L4.vo S1so) Allarketh. Last l3ufliiIo, NOW. York, Oct. 27 —Cattle—receipts only a small bunch, but eight cora left over; tnarket steady. Ilogs—Receipts, 10 cars; market slow and lower; yorkers fair to choice, $3.63 rr' 3.70; roughs, common to good, k',43 (r $3.15; pigs, common to fair, 0.25 (r; $3.05. Sheep awl lambs ---Receipts 7 care, Market fairly steady; lambs, good to ehoice, x•I.10 Ct, c- .35; eull and common, e3.23 Se $3.75; Canada lambs common to ehoice, >4.23 $4.35; sheep good to deice hrtluly weight wethers, ';3.3 , (f: 0.50; cull and common, ,'1.50 (co, $1.75. Closing report; ---Cattle closed Anil with more unsold. Bogs . closest steady with 13 ego's held over. Sheep and lambs closed weak, 10 loads of Canadas came in late. Toronto Ont., October 27—At the Toronto cattle market to -day trade was dull, although offerings were not so large as they have been for some time. export cattle a little stiffer. flogs firm. About a dozen cars were bought for the Montreal market, Some of the drovers sent their export cattle to the old country in first hands, dealers are not offer- ing them high enough prices. Mr. II. A. Mullins arrived back from the West to day and leavers for Mont- real shortly with 200 cattle which 'he will ship for England on the steamer Angloman on Friday. Receipts of cattle at the Western cattle yards to -day were 61) carloads which included 835 sheep and lambs 1,500 hogs, 13 calves and 15 rtlilch cows and springers. Export cattle --There was a fair amount of buy- ing done to -day, but prices were not any better than they have been for sone time, nothing going to 4e per pound except one or two; head of picked from bunches of choice cattle. The run of prices was from 3?;c Ct) 3; c per pound. Cables from Britain are steady but quiet. • There were some carloads of good cattle in to -day, and they went for about X13,80 per cwt. Poorer cattle sold lowly. Sheep and lambs steady, shipping sheep selling at 2.; per Th, fine buck, 24e per ib. for good shipp- ing ewes and wethers. Lambs dull at e2.22 C{' $3.25 each. Butchers sheep $2.25 to $2.50 each. Calves q 5 « el each, Milch cows and springers, pretty active; prices f725 rt' $40 each. .flogs firm; prospects for higher prices before long. Good sold at 374e per pound, thick fat hogs 31e (<i: Me. Sows., 3e. Bigamy. A ease of desertion and bigamy has came to light in which a former resident and Uoderich township and Clinton is the principal. Mr. Thos. Miller, educated and refined, return- ed here a thaw ago years ago with his wife and family, and it was generally thought from former ex- perience, he would have turned to a more virtuous life. By profession a sshool•teacher, and p )pular with the majority of those with whuln he carne in contact, he can lttake• 0 goo(, .liv- ing. Some time a so lis lef; nis wife and six childred hose, the eldest 15 or sixteen and the youngest two and 0 half years old, and east his lot at Sudbury, where he engaged to teach school at Copper Cliff. He was well liked and was Superintendent ofl ). the Ilesbyt•eri;tn Sunday Schaal, He became enamoured of an only' slaughter named IN ink, a German lady and the two were married by the Methodist minister at Sudbury on the first of last July. From that time his contributions to his family here were cut ul', although he ex pressed a desire to have the children meet him in Toronto on his way to Sudbury. There was strong Stn picion that all was not right, and 11 friend of the family took five of, the children to Sudbury, and the true fnwaodness cif :'Miller's rascality was learned. He then deserted wire No. 2 and left by the first train as far as Stratford with the ehildren,where he put them on the train for Clinton and headed on the fast train for Pert IIuron , since which time be has not been heard of. The escapade is a most distressing affair, as both fami- tsklial.ibri.'t,.l'.Ms 1V1 ; . .aa, BAKING POWDER Ie well known to be sn r,erior to any powder in the market. We guaran- tee it to be pure healthful and strong. Only 25c. a pound At CHISHOLM'S DRUG STORE WIN(,r1IA11I, ONT. The wholesale price of CRE is. of TARTER is going up fast but we are sQlling it at the same old price 40 cents a mound, lies are well connected, but there is a satisfaction to know tlmt the whole responsibility rests (01 the culprit himself. Ile certainly should be apprehended and punished. ---News Record. BLYTH. Mrs. A. W. Cartes' add Mrs. Miles Young have returned ft Ms their trip to Manitoba. Our 1'ndertaker, 3. II. Chcllew, is suffering with t , phoicl fever at r: - sent. Sane of the new machinery to be placed -in E. Livingstone's factory has arrived' and been placed on the • grounds. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Walter Scott who has bese seriously ill for some time pest, is improving a little. Some of Mr. Slant I.ivingstone's men were hurting empty houses last week to occupy when they come to town to work. Our townsman, Mr. R. Howard, has once more embarked into the butchering business in the Howarth. brick block. s°4 �i q to 'ht:% �•�� tt- 1� 4 th ogimiamWe pride ourselves on " keeping the nobbiest and best stock of TWEEDS, OVE1 cOP INGS, 1,4/ ORSTEIUS) Scotch and Irish that are in the market. 4r' b' OUR 1 TO aJ� ORDER ARE WORLD JLA► LIS, NOW IS id5,, i YOUR e TIME. ID Q nt interrt: �� is G' close 4 . sines in ate. i[arche .0 -� stock must be isposed of on or efore that date® • lst day of ct: roe in and see u.3 and SAv. 1IIO VEY. OVERCOATS to be sacrificed worth $12 for $8, worth $14 for $10. ��' MADE. SUITS MUST Ute. 375 MENS BOYS AND CHILDREN'S `BEADY Suits worth $8 for $6, worth $12 for 9, worth $ 1.5 for $11. Boys'sameroonion. RV suits in theproportion. SHIRTS, GLOVES, NECKTIES, UNDERCLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, 04/ Everything must go at a sacrifice. JOHN TEL & SONS, ��b Macd • nald Block, W1ngham 1 bc, 'L�k�'J�L✓.l t�.. ..^1111'. ts.r. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Irl