The Wingham Times, 1896-10-30, Page 3TF , NW I '117flEs, 1An6,
4,4444.44, 1.9444104444444444440444, MN. 44444 44,41.44.41•444.04144.4.44. -444444441.44.411,444dikiiikkais444.44.441444.4204444444e4441•4444.
44441 1444V44414441•44441•••••••••44,..sowaymos
4,71.41. aorse.
A ho eei eitcollar :aitcj harness
should be, e.U3 wall fitted as.
we fit shoes,' on our feeter coats on
our backs, itteefore buying theme
Many iI1 buying a collazetiaok only to
size and prite, while shepe andn
qaality are qa;te as ittepertane The;
best hot weather top cad I have
found. is a emehinationd- sole leather;
and. rtiue n Aril) of ziateheing fasten -a
ed.snugly insi.le theDeatther. 1 have,
had hurt heel is galtleit by simply
melee:degt etken the back band'
a hole en either sidle atiel 1 have liad;
them rebbed sore by a:twisted erup-
per, All them liti itiegs meet be'
watched. Ir. workings,. colt *watch
the shoulders, batik tend moutie;
favor and Veheve it, itt:1 you can:;
horses are .net laakingen appreciative
power; rub the ebetelders gently
with Mie hand ; mesh them trequenta
ly with -ealetwater,1f.
Christian .:.Encleavor 'Notee.
itinett often.
:Have mueleprayer.
Stop when the hewers up.
Bleb:deft be alive, be eernest,
.Begin the emeeting ,,promptly on
risme. ,evening parties, two or One tallest).
Anneuneettits hyinue so that all. ,week, or :a.,t7aung lady beitelly
td --
tan hear. ing ehe ,senson," pestle ea el 1'
Select your ' bymns itta:ere coming over-ied, 'awl with short eallowitie e
sle see etre common instaeees of the
the'Meeting. • victin is or'eeldsa Luxutty i favou
Iiow Valcie are Caaget.
I •
7.0eople in good health, earth fa'1,
etley eatalyertaist cold. Bet whet:
. 'the healtit•iftegs and liberties are
' lakett with the stomach ewalle nem'.
:.ons system; a chill is eashy take!'
,,•01all eauftes-of 'cold,' proltably faA Ir
a dealer in
;ague is oneeef the 1114.16t elVtient. 'geobdeatela eGO;
a dealer in ;our
t'fitIrlield.a.1131:1111;(2.1yll'if wle1(1)•Ik3t
,erfag' C-`1'1ec*".'C':;44)fra (1(1;1:11;)`;1' in five lines $650,
Teeth toeing two houee eMeep
ten reset 'n20,4titi eleven Jibes, 10,.
t0; twelve fleet, teil,000.
Dane e: .vieell the Applicant for f
!•ste n -e is engaged. 'It is ;peep psed to
pt plan sleet thing Iiite the fol -
.i ing: Ile with VI, fee of $20
an. • it .4ingle floe avierehant, double
1"W'; :Alm -is added '1,)t• an additional
esti tto on. Thus a grocer and
• Sometimeserepare the lesson as a
• Iflible,reading. •
Asa rule do not sing-- more than
tewo.verses tate hymn.
Easily Cana.
Druttirenne•is, Morphine and Tobacco
habit are easily cured .1r/ the use of
Hill's Chloride Gokl Tablets. No ef-
fort required•of the patient, who is al-
lowed the use -.o f stimulants until be vol-
untarily quits their use. May' be given
.• secretly in- !tea or caffee and a cane
guaranteed iu every case. tor sale by
all first ehtest,druggists at11.00 per pack -
cage. Forlall particulars and book of
• testim ()male, !add roes The Ohio Oeinieat
'Works, Linu, Ohio
able to ehilkaking; veryteot rooms.
.feathes' bed's, soft ehaire, ereate a
sensitriveeees that leads to catarrhs.
It is P,oti iaftri r all, the 'tole' that is
se mein tetbe feared as tat. antecade
Getsee fultef your srihjeet tbat ent c ndieloes that give the attack a
there is no room for self. •
Pray for .Gel's blessiag ou the
meeting befortecoming to it.
Leathe Bible lesson read consist,
bof not more than. 10 or 12 'verses.
Remember'. you are conveying a
imessage from eked to Ms etildren.
.Do not oeetvey more tethan six
inafinutes in intredueing the topic.
dame e aeltang harin. .Sitane of the
worst -eoldel happen to ti:ose wil()
do not! leave their houses or . even
their 'Desle, ird those who ..ere DifiBt
terable.• are often those who are
.mest exposed to changes Vietemperas
tare, rind •11.y,;good. sleep., Akeiti bate.
leg, at id oegelar habits preserve the
tone ei7theirtnerves and ciseuettions.
It was reeently pointed otir by • the
Lancet thatettany Chills are 0001' rue,
.13e,pusetnol,..kgood maitte leaders l'ed at r4glit.,er tit the fog krill of the
levee ter a a day, w beta eitadtpeople get,f re 4. 1.1 •
fers' for Beef. pieces.
id b d la bits r teor time- • • • a • I er ili
•brkun or touk. ci reu la tiou tatetii Heel
poa subject not altogether new, Sornetilles arreante beforeneand fee tby •eith sr over -heated sittiee rooms
but still timely, the -.Steck Growers° oettain ...members to take ,-..:fart in orsueder heated bectroonistatal•bede.
- - • - - • - , •
Stratford, OA., Otti. 23. —Early in
the morning on Sept 30, a barn on
eon. n Wallace was burned to the
ground. The origia of the fire was
a tnyetery. Thit; week witile
Crowe, too owner, wss digging in
the reins, he came metes . human
skeleton. A teamp had crept int)
the barn for shelter. • From a spark
from his pipe, or smne other came,
the hay WAS tired, and the man
perished in the flames.
Journal hat the following to say : It ,prayer• • Ts is espeeigte the meg witleelder- Tee meter -lett d Jetted., running the
notieealsle fact that heirere, are f it il for.sentenee prayers te every lee. .;
ly peep e, In siteh ., ., Wietea,,a (:,,lor !old ..1 el ly :x1 Of, on
bringieg more in tee beer nierket, meetiog. AI members ate satev to ea'. '15 Itic al'NraY'
ouly, (win aetates
L than they ever have heave, end this eeeeend notne the ,persont tt • •
,,,k,i IN 1S
because • they have twee found to et lake peat in prayer. takes place elm
make good beef --the prejudice that
theifers•make cheap meat liaving to a
:great extent passed—and that they
,.are desired more. in pitertortion than
,,otter beef sanimals. The'inarket
'ports this •season will bear out the
estatemene that heifers sett well in
ethe•easternsmarkets, .and that they
:are bringing this season more money
rthan -they -have brought in past
tseasons. 'It is interesting to note the
'Changes dn•demands of 'buyers from
'time to•tim•e, taste chenging almost
:as frequently .as do styles. It will be
Tememberedahat a few years ago it
avas the three and four-year-old 1 have troth i n...f. to sell anal therelorel
:steers .that saki best nn: the market want no incoey, but as I knovr through'
' my own experieuce how to !sympathize
A. .IttiEStSistaatIEntlafe
Provng tllat true honesty c.rici.
tr,tt.n ph.ilforthrop-Or still. exatt
if eve nets,eviel wroAl..... nor vous and
behilliatt.d, or owliu 111 suirerlog i•rOOs tany
of" tbe ,narious g,rouixies xesultiug !pm
youttel forly,.exu!xeses ovovArwork, will
take tier:Art d ,'rite to ols., 1 will gaud
htru eouaidentioday and tee of charge
the plait pursuer; by witioir, 1 was restor-
ed to perfect health and trait hood, after
years of sit tiering from .Nenvous Debility
Lai -is of Vigor and Organi? Weak nese.,
elm it is the younger stock that sell
better. There was a time when
there was a • demand for a very
weighty animal for beef ; now the
'buyers want a medium weight
atimal, going principally on condi-
tionrather than weight. The heifer
• noweeems to be hetet:ling more
popular than the steer, and the hard-
est .enti of all to the cattlemen is that
the people aro •itetally aegilitting to
use if,t great amount of emit= in.
stead of beef.
with Binh eutterers.I ani glad to be able
to assist any :fellow -being to a cure. I
run well aware Roe the prevalenee of
quaultery, for I myself was deceived and
unposed upon until I nearly Jost faith in
mankind, but I rejoice to say• that I am
now perfectly well and happy once more
and tun desirous therefore to make this
certain means of cure known to all. If
you will write to tue you can rely upon
being oared and the proud satisfaction
ref having been of great service to one in
need will bo of sufficient reward for my
trouble. Absolute secretly assured. Send
3e. silver to cower postage and address,
Mr. Goo. G. Strong, North Rockwood
M ich
FOX' over .71fty fLoa•ra
1,nslow'a See---Lhinst by i has been
used over fifty 'years ,millions of
mothers ' their al. ild ••i while teething
with parte owl ••t . It ;smiths the
child, softens ms, anapi all pain,
cures wind coil is the best remedy
for DitirrLoe Is 4 ant -totthe taste.
Sold by l • ggists an ex ' part of the
world, wenty-five cents , ottio, Its
vale s incalculable. Be teat d ask
• Ars. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrn rid
take no other kind,
-- - - - - — -
Presbytery of Maitland.
Met at Ripley, 20. Rev. F.
A. MeTtennan, Moderator, pre tent'
An unanimous call from the emigre-
gatian of Ashfield to Rev. Alex.
Millar, of Kilmartin, London Presht-
tery was sustained. • The stipend
offered is $800 per atteute, with free
use of Manse, ten acres of hind, and
.an offer of two weeks' lielidays to
,each year. The congregation
„agreed to pay for moving Mr. Millarts
effects. Reasons for trantlations
were submitted and ordered to be
transmrtted with the call to London
Presbytery. Rev. J. .'11111.11IY, of
Ktucerdine, and Mr. Hugh ()Liam-
bere)f Loaaish, were a ppiented to
proeecute the call before the Presby-
tery. .of Lendon.
Joas yiNT ,113, ,
Lueknow Oct. 22,1890.
Lich In ittie
1s especially true of Bofors meth --
sine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. They aro a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al -
Ways efficient, always sat-
isfactory; prevent oted
or fever, euro all liver ins,
Sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. alte. of coarse,
Taw only inns to telt. yea lappets earearerllla.
• Friendly,' Bat Hypercritical.
The retie young Man was talk-
irg about autumn.
"See how the leaves fall tremblieg
to the ground," he repeated softly.
"That's somenting of your own,
isn't it ?" rettiorkeel the person with
a calloused nature.
"Yes. Is it not a sad, impressive
thought ?"
"I don't know that 1 can appreci-
ate it," was the reply. "It sounds
like poetry, though."
"Do you really think .so?"
"Yes ; it jinkety-jinks along in
first rate style. ButI don't see any-
thing very impressive about it."
"Doesn't it appeal to your irnagin.
ation?" -
"Not touch I don't see how it's
worth the trouble to write it down.
The public didn't have to wait for you
to be t) ern' to find outthat autumn
leaves fall to the ground. That's
the way they always fall. If you'll
go cut some time and find them fall-
ing straight up or sidewise, you can
write a piece itbout it that'll leave
Sir Isaac Newton a back number,
and make a hit with any editor in
the coentry, And you tr,“I'!. have
t, put it in pouter either."---1Vash-
ington Sete
ates Ttiowd„ L.0.1 August 1Sth
(me instantite- n'.; Ifni!, and August, 25th and 26th,
Ight, etelfree Lite; ,d t•tN•ry dav tho
eke, .e. . end te I t.nt: .4 • 11. Rion,/ your
OTTAK days oreteven vre'salcs.—"fiaicitee itepies esti est won, (est, facetted into
Sittings.[Isere:es Ramon.
• !
Wingharn, Aug. 'iOi. 1S90.
te er Deptertrrient Stores°. '
eNet .
ORO: 4116 (110 OM ts of
Eaate !midi attetitpl: to enp
the 'gangs of the department •tetctre A IVIAN:
4?‘" 19.1,k lett nt.' of ties pnodt
OT171110,41, BOA'S the'illerehants' Review. most pepulai; \hot' Itilliehee8oVe"el
taxing powerie or the Stales Gov- rrt,11!
At theseest sest4ott of the Legislature • •01shtl3r7,e, 'It'i``;r7.';',7,1"e1;`;:,:„:;(7,1•.',T,i'VZI; "mPlew
or liberal cominiviiimi fir part tilmaetatt for
a general license system for all mer- et t 0
i!i eaAnot.,,,?,,,,,,,f,tnenr,,;tryd., ming
they will introdace a bill to establish nearest cave, 1;.no get
chants, the rate of license to, be gov- i
International N iimeries,
erned by the number of branches of ,
E11-11.1P,O-Cro-i-i and ji11-13EZOTTO-I-1,
Examine both the Fusiness and Shorthand onuses of the
and you will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College
from all parts of the country. Finest set of rooms for business college work
in Canada, Graduates successful in securing positions. Catalogmte. and par-
tieular5 of oitlwr 601n•se sen on application,
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Piles Cured in 3 to e,
Dr. enee; Oi tit ta will eure all
eases Of Ititi ii&t Pilri,4 l'eoin 3 10 6
tights. tele appliciation tesnel cove
fort. For Blind furl Mail; '!4. P1014 it is
peerless. Also mem Tetter, Salt Rheum,
Enema, Barber's Itch, and all eruptions
of tho skin. 35 cents. Sold at Chis-
holm's Drug store, Winglen.
"Say, father, why have all the
pietures got fratties?" "Why, yott
little fooi, so that the artist may
know when to stop pu'utirg, of
V1 115S 1b1°1 tOln
PATENTED FAB [itT., 1896
,err, • ••••.r.... • .t
SOLE :xi A., ,
eselitteallkt awsessesteetaa,
nee t011eelielletlet al 111101 111,111111,l1111111111411111,011
t e
similating thelfoo:!andilegt:'.a
tui,g the stomachs and.elotteleef
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
ness and Rest.Contaias neither
0 natt:Morphine nor ivrateral.
OT leTtenae c °TIC .
a fir Lid 711,27-1::117&?
/de; e •••
Axrthit -
/31 Carbon zieJWzr, •
Pliar.rgrst‘z• Nam:
Aperfcc t Remedy for cons ilea-
ilOn , Soar Stonecti,Marrhooa,
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish-
r-ess and Loss 0F SLEEP.
Tee:Simile Signature a
••;;!.,4 Oaotoria, is put r.p 01104.33 ho'Ales only. It
is not sold in bra. Don't allow rayon to sell
you anything ] olsooartd"will answer every pax -
he plea, cr promise that it
is pat as oan
nose," 6ethatzyou got 04El
ishano ila,c7127'=112°.e","-- wriasp:
,, ,, .fy alve:iturc „e•.,:a.,,7 every
We sell everything required for a complete
school outfit.
'TEXT BOOKS, in every branch,
SCR1B MC BOOKS r=0:14;c27_,-§nF7:.
A patent BOOK COVER given away with
every school book purchased from us.
\Ve do neat work in the Job Printing business and a: 0
prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need cif any- 0
thing such as 0
F,NvELO " PosTERs, DopoERs, 131;;,INEs,4 CARDs,
0: anything in the ine of Printing, call or write to the
old reliable TIMES Office. Wingham.
This gove is made cfgenuine
Russian iron; no imitation; lined
with steel. The cleanest stove
Made, no ashes con get out on
the floor; will positively keep a
slow burning fire for 48 hours;
by putting in te.e large stick it
keeps fire all eiehe Never re-
quire to move ashes more than
tact. in Iwo nu eths. It will
take a stick 21. inches by 10
hides. Saves 25 to 50 per
cent. fuel. Can regulate it the
same as e lamp; can have your
rooms at any temperature,
build a fire in two minutes, and
heat a room 20 feet square in
. elittaes the eoldeet, day in
the venr.
if vote denier DOM NOT
DUD sTOVES W111,0 us
t• for vice before you pur-
Anv infringement on patent
viil 13epremated to the full
extent ot tat, We.
teem eeeses WANTED.
17E firit
itAteMnstlaa."-WItettatsliaWeetelit•W''' As'.?tVi!aAatZ4'''et
tit ,•
14144'..10 4444141
itTfallk:;) 0410.1%
I will give Fifty 1)ollars to any. person who will bring me
a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run afi well as,
or better than ftVcr.
.1> () • Josephine St., Wingham
arch Strew., Toronto, Ontario. Opposite Macdonald Block.