The Wingham Times, 1896-10-30, Page 2IIlike many others probably
need Cod Liver- Oil, but
can't take the ordinary emulsions.
Then come to us ,eior Warnpole'a
Tasteless Prepart
Yat, can't taste the
L Wild eneri y
i1 Cod Liver Oil.
all yell tatt.e
.that's pleasant.
Wheat you get is flesh and stn engtll.
Cures eougbe and colds and wasting
3larelt 30th, when 1 started again, I
was confined to the house with
sciatica, It toegated in my hip and
shoot (Iowa my leg to my foot and
was very painful. I could not move
about the house without the aid of
a cane, and then only with great
pain. I was totally useless as far as
doing my work w is concerned,
and never free from pain, an
made ole feel very tntieh doer
for beyond that I felt strong and
anxious to be about. I amu a member
dice aeon. of three benefit societies, from which
I drew pay, viz ;The Three Links,
The Iron Moulders' Association, and
the Raymond Society. People camp
to see me, and of course r(leommend-
ed a sure cure. I didnt try half
them. It was not possible but I
tried a great many-partieusarly the
remedies I had been in the habit of
The `Toronto City ('i?uneii wilt using for lumbago—hut I found no
never he charged with lack of relief. I tried Dr. Williams Pink
i oclesy. It has ,just adopted a Pills. after using two boxes" Ila
resolution asserting that Toronto is ticed an improvement, and kept on
the very best place its which to es using them. When I had used six
tablish a cold storage warehouse, and boxes I was back at work again.
therefore "this council does earnestlybox rept andoo until I had finished the 8th
Solicit the Dominion Government to fe, I never felt better in my
''indorse ;aid assist this valuable work " lIare you noticed any rec
undertaken in the city of Toronto " fence of your trouble sines'?," quer
this is refreshing. While London and the reporter. "I have not" he
others progressive cities have lt.r. pined, rt r, Wad a singls e twin
ranged fur the establishment of cold ' all the Dfouldingdshops ren �in worked
storage warehouses, Toronto has been and never in his life laid off as to
keeping m the background, in the . as he was from the attack of sesati
hope filet it could follow its usual sicIle hardly knew what it was • to
custom of looking to the Government naturep, and isthat that tough and wi
Ihe Gall stand Incl
for aid. We are certain that the i greater physical strain, than nl
- 11%1 `',- L1ANJ r ' tY ' ' . '. I . • (11
•nit (�_'? t�" i.
.rwww. w
_..'u""^",^w"'w'.+•�+�.+wn++r.„ cu:,.r .�..-
71( pi( ▪ i
or Weed seed p a:rim into taco barn frr o p g an.a*,.
1 r 4�. latn•utlt 1)tty of;tlza anuses m crib 1088 twlct will -o dei the)g�rriwgih, of Om oy and
1 a : wort: bye holm; sprenci over• tli€� teflon irk utar alder Htcwk thin„ �'o destroy these
- " n and atilt gakta lint a iitkla i roseno ill, same lord,
, thawing \vita/; avoid this. to anent It strongly. ,end its the pigs are
, statnlipg; at tho trough aria u little on
Xerosone cinulsion will ottiokiy dispose Quart tins t
rar,put, to d°ItrOy the new brood wliioh ,IJ
these )et;
t will s user ono Pound oo snit, years "conte ee a crap of peas fort
quassia ti
Tl#a maa,�sn ca 'need Ilea Slimy v ttit#rti'7:ra
Q lcaraeterirtiea,
Hungary in its climate and ,alit
and gra ly resembles our zuicl;ilw states, Tho
(.1 zG g.rr:trer part; of its 1.1,003,000 of lthabl-
:• t:aitta aro engaged in agridntlturt=, Groot.
i� • #ng e.1.c#Rlly wheat and corn, and rale-
ing all kinds of farm animate, among
width the horao and the hog oeoupy the
ilk:.,+, Once. .lire stock 0f tho present
Iltr>t,ctiian swine wits originally brought
Fran the Mongolian desortt when Attila
with his hordes left that overpopulated
land I'ndoubedly thi3 stock originated
from the wild hog, which, during the
Inog warring peregrinations of itsawners,
was snb•jeotc•d to the most remarkable
(Mango of form, withortt losing its prim,
otl)ai good qualities, hardiness in k000p,
log rout fine fattening qualities. Among
tho four principal breeds raised in Hun-
gary none exoei tho Mongalioza, The ox•
trnsive oak and beech forests on the
mountain slope of Hungary furnish un-
equaled swine pasture, and have largely
aided in giving the ,hlangalloza swine a
loading position in the live•stook mar -
b` atilt,', YOUR DEM113.
O .1s . Ct f. .'i3 rug Store,
Dominion Administration will hake !people o5t
eo Ie would imagine_ Almost any
no such appropriation of money at I` person in the city can verify
its disposal. Its share in the cold stor- j story. Lir, Waldren said as the
age movement should certainly not be porter got fel to leave; hasI only ho
to provide warehouse aeoonamodatioit - some poor notice
who suffered
for the large centres of pOp111<ttian. If �rdid matt nat+ce my ease and g
the Government sees that the best of I relief. as i did
arraomenents are made with rail• 1 # Williams' fink Pols ere
way and steamship to carry the new blood, build up the nerves, a
ways?ae to the old worto Market het thus drive disease from the syste
the carlieet opportunity after it is 'aft!Iner
hundreds r cases they have earn
marketed, it will be doing its full rafter all other medicine had fail(
share. ---advertiser. ; thus establishing the claim that they
are a marvel among the triumphs- of
kets of north and middle Europe. Many
re- thousalids of their hugs are each week
isle disposed of in Berlin and Hamburg, be-
aao 1 cause, as R Berlin butcher told the
et writer, "the whole hog goes in 'the
sausage tub." The head of the Maugallcza
is short and broad, nose cylindrical do -
, o
�d at
P Cha
ban -.
1, f
oho e
I els r
an fleshy, th#nay covered with hairs; jowls
broad Rud fleshy; ears largo, somewhat
d rounded and dropping; nock mostly
short, fleshy, and full arohed; the with -
o, ors are wido and do not rise above the
book: beak straight, long and bro
loins full and deep; brisket doap
wide; ribs well sprung, belly wide a
straight, nearly touching the ground
well -fattened animals; hates large a
full; lower part of logs fine -boned
strong: skin soft, thin and pliable, of
yellowish or black color. During t
winter the skin is thickly °overact w
curled hair; at the neck, withers, a
along the back the hair is somew
coarse, but not long. During the su
mer the hair grown is thin, some a
mals heing nearly bald. A full•srro
Prfanginliora hog stands at least three fe
high, and measures from tip of thosnu
to the root of the tail nbnut four fee
Ordinarily, fed aninlats at the age of on
year weigh frozn 150 to its° pound
but when well fattened the weight of
full-grown hog increases to from 500 t
000 pounds. They are not very proliflio
breeders, producing seldom more than
from seven to eight pigs in a litter, bat
they aro vez'y careful in treating their
young, and therefore the loss of pits is rico:
but inconsiderable. The hardiness of this 1 filth
• breed enahles It to thrive even under un- hoot
favorable conditions, and to winter in ' and,
the open air without suffering. It takes low
to the pen, after pasturing in fields and • ago
forests is over, and fed with Dorn un,
other grain it prodnoes a first -rata lard,
which is not surpassed in flavor and
keeping quality by th1tt made from any
other breed.• --Orange .Tudd Perinea
' )))f
\-a )tt
modern medical science. The genu -
A VICTIM OF SCIATICA. ine Pink Pills, are sold only in boxes
!bearing the fall trade mark, "Dr.
( Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People."
S`3'flt,O:rY'G AND 'tsFTILI ANG.. 1 Prote.,t yourself against imposition
! by refusing any pill that does not
THE suFFERIi SOF A WELL KNOWN Icontain 'tile registered. trademark
GUELPH CITIZEN --COULD SOT ; ar0un(1 the box.
STICK'.-^AGALv AS STRONG Ott Of Ixlsla Wit.
Some time ago while was trading
From t' C in a village store
c Guelph brnzcury f n one of the clerks
'came to the junior partner, who was
There is no business or occupation t waiting an zee, and said:
flint Ilzatn could follow that is ore I "Please step to the desk, Pat Flynn
trying to tete h ay in wants to settle his account and wants
the win • , o zouldin a receipt."
A. workman leaves the sho vriG'$ h ' The
merc•hant 'chant was evidently an-
elothing r r •. err , espir-i' noyed. "Why, what does be want of
ti"t"o win eh' Is bio to'
a receipt?" be said: "we never give
7 arrow, mak .g am ae d , one. Simply cross his account off the
° k ')1•`iftaliba• . caan
y bOGk
at �, d kind- , that is receipt enough.''
ted„t. ' eee 'r•`"' A. mon • e'r"""reeeireee to "So I told him," answered the clerk,
main of more than ordinary j "but he is not satisfied. You had
e 'a and to continue at his work ' better see high."
e'tltl, ids be in good health, for; So the proprietor stepped to the
est alw ng shop is no place for an;} desk, and, after greeting Pat with a
e Tnnildl latica is by no means a t "Good-morllinj;," said:
Valid. S( illation for men of this "You want to settle your bill, do
cainT r:rg in e the dread disease
aft, and one you?"
rim he seldom shakes Pat replied in the affirmative.
lamed a vie ' it again. In fact "Well," said the merchant, "there
mself' free from •e that it le incur- is no need of my
me people deolal ',evince
Sle, but that it is a
la , e persi.
lith ono ran
,ittite, but who is ni.
Ialth, thanks to hi
receipt. r !7 y "�
'ot we are able to p . Seel I will cros$ your account
'oat interview off the book;" and suiting the active
'ted with the' to the word he drew his pencil
)w • perfect diagonally across the account.'
est , use et "That is a .goad receipt.,"
tannins cathed L. x. ' nt "And do you mean that that settles
air working y' The better it?" exclaitzied Pat, 1
:5 men in GueJp h le "That settles it," said the neer-
lovvreq,•eee4ha les, WaIdr oeVi '"`. ` Ghent. �`A
s better n ri� ) ,"And ye,re sure •ye'il never
dre11 " fir) known t h art y askin ole for it again?"
s lived in . h b). "'e 4I never ask you for it again, t
30at V.Y. , nuously since he n 'as ") •*+n,.��• _
eo years of age and he has Al')
eed Ilk Beth year. Mr. Waldre n j i'ui1h, tc,.
a lilc)Itlder, and has worked a t n 1;fct' � 'money in ills pocket, w
1311:1s11t.tie forafteC
22 years, and bl• • a or I Fld,'t r „' (Intl";
0, 'Whig noted as a r,� X11 2>Z uX44 it.
'" tt cliff. ' su
c he i. ; steady work- 11} , wets I t tali .rub tn.
l than whose veracity jai `• 'Tai'tie '
ee ttionr, . t „ • r-xlo r'r a fid . I xhoub hi*¢ iia 1 ti
e t•e that riit is a well known snore,. �:a1zrl
warp Waldron had to ' i Y.
lei January 18f1G, on AC -I t&resa to = . add ttea•E" Yat g •0t icon
i of :a: severe attack of sciatica, b ie j ecce � t� ,n . e how
for eleven weeks he was unable :abort the
-=�"'•'r`:`•-- :aha-
"ata;r, Knowing' that he s.tetr in c i t he
1. at work a was '241 tear.• 3 - ee'< ar the
ltiferalni•v reporter Xtoart Irl, ey l�rt►re w s (Jute. i
at clic residence elle Organic co c relit )f i. 1 elf aa2. s, ,"'s:: VI
inn the exact facts evening, sec 3Q mir �` 'rt'1t ro net, rt fldee. '•soj je0tt
attthn of tlae ease. Gur30 It ie j . te#ati ort( Alit I' p
when s e dears
oaken to on the f tat#on, shu)rrs oft*+�aoniedy #. 1f pnlpi. 1 ea
replied quite freely, nitd had Lill ; I'itia iiott,.i'yreff; ; aatli' ` mn hog•iri
kt, replied
in quite in Loma of A D3if::4,; rel rl 411 , 4:14P"
Ym f
Pink Pills with hi remarkable fitconvinces.t, g rra ilettr;. a J up 1 ry
�'i " , C'ltfs'tuI qs v9h
Z am not one of those U. �'. mi
ayelti"1 newspaper notoriety, Photo ra iqA
�',sldren +� y, are a Splendid d sit'th' Uncle ,Si}• yo ar r,el
neither have I been ;air, Y it sin
Ott from deaf&'g door, but from W`�`1i' sa they �`nele
tF whpn Z ' to lio,,,e I'v: i , �r? outer
quit work, u.ntii trent 3•ears. c►irirrp roc r, ,fay,
Y 3•afire..,.,:-�r��r,s ��' nr. onto to , 'utri<Yt
the manure; oieall 01 tti
14co. o#t Late ('abtaegr,, eaelh.from ears to tell Attar $ d i
ofI 4s,, and if tho light is b.e1;'un
carry n0 liti,''ln will rest,n.. #a tho oa,_.-' - i 1• oktttnattr is the fernier Who hrus solxtau
hood, atom ,+
t luny have hatched meantlilliN
, i clips boiled a .Ow Minutes li s bogs. A very little groin
al t in gut gil7on witb.
gallon, lOtbhen 0� 11 ��
ono genian of whale-olL soap in n ofisal e 1n� srth ifs and. kense» titacanpldi a aka the -
gni-gttucl ot'dor, so g digestion ill
tan of hot tvarar; zn#x, tiro two land add ' that they can ntako 1r a
cold waiter to )slake fourteen g;alloits in most of the heavy corns feeding which
all. Apply this to the planta with a will come one o):= two months inter, Xis.
spray or with a brnslt broom sligl)od in a good pion to. bail refuse apples ahlesd
the solution, melee, to teem, filo dose sntali potrttoas, wlnditaIl and
into the canter of at plant.
! pumpkins. If no grain can be had it
,liteebut not on �the ho� p }�� anoartsida-•.. 1 P * with theca. Lhis makes asltzteli
better growing ration than will an,y kind
FAfi#l1(1 LESSof grain ezrept wheat. It is a common
LAND. mistako with farmers to etatot,. and
The Qui Sts•1e,atPor•toit toymos:Notion: ow I the Aunt
i mgrowth
r, tt akin their hogs, during
nt?. will be
—more, Manure arra]uras Acres, thereby better prepared fol hhat ofs,' feeding
It is probably tram In most kinds of , wbeu the, Dorn crop is harvested. But
business that there Is. Never any groat ' the hog's stamaeh piroliod all summer
imprnvouuent except on corn/minion. So i is unprepared for this liberal feeding. it
long as careless land wasteful utethads • injures the digestive organs stili k•)norc.
will give a fail profit they are likely to Ian 1rroIIt is pasalbl0 from slags managed
be Contineed, nut with the increase of in this way. They must sernehnw bo
competition or the increase of tho dill#- , kora thrifty all the summer, or they
turtles o9; production, improved methods will oat make______the best trseof Iibsralfeed,
botarne a Ilecasr,ity. Thin hits most oar- big when it comes.
tainiy Neon the fact with regard to farm, , -
ing. While the laud was atilt, and ,
Creighton orate',.
would produce good or oven fair °raps ; One tablespoonful of butter, one of
without manuring,
there was iittto #n• 1 l t1r, Quo hait]pnonfztl paprika, Dna of
motive to change. The object then was 1 Felt, ono tablaHptaanful anusitrooin 00t -
to auitivate thelarggoctaren of land, siting sup, ono of l.mou juice. Cook five min -
it of its available fertility, and to do , ate,;; add nrto pint oysters, pgoked over
t]tis'wlth as little labor as inmate. To ien,l dra1utttt, and snaked ant#; rho edges
draw out and spread manure required curl. +'ni've 0n wafers or toast,
labor that to tine overage farmer seemed
bettor onlployedcin ottipivntiiz n)ox0 'lEA(.Nn..u' HElFi2i1S,
Will pet! to buy fine wheat middlings
anti cool•• i h
Hence it has been the experience of ,ill ' twee -exec eau- si,.,,:L; :run runic the Heifer
settler's on fertile 5011 that has never bo- 1 "•''°n Need Ibr fav:nr,• 1i.ackiug,• Cows.
faro boon cultivated that the value of Thews s, olns to be a growing idea that
manure has been generally disregarded, : rho first calf dropped by the heifer should
until increasing diflaoulty in securing not b, nllowact to ani•:, the ree4en tieing
good crops compelled. farmers to bfgin given that the heifer should not be al -
saving, buying and using the manure lowed to know that there Is any way'
heretofore thought sof little value. In the ' batnobe hand Milked. The beginning
fertile valley of the Mohawk in New of b.)o first inclkitz:; period of rho goring
York it is said that the earliest tattlers : heifer Is an Important and orltical time
ro%voefd their Maros wire° the ancumuia- iu s,)eping her future tzsefuinus] as n
t#ons of n)antrret ar0n0dthem wars likely + dairy aniutsl ttnd Inaladeis iter c)#re x011
to rat the timbers on which they rested.: handling• as well as her foaling. An ex -
Yet i
t n
t n
sans ,
e ch
localities I (mango a
itra8 a i t+a'-
the x s
sootiest . the a s following '
g not in
sans P
the soli fertiltynthat iin tunt heerearlyrdae ys this, mz sir g in the d oairo to The matarmil instinct;
that is an strop �
was so little regarded. But so soon as nouri�.hment for h -e young then knows
manuring becomes necessary the farmer ; no other cleluanri; and if the lean wbo
begins to find that he has too much land, ! milks this h_ ifar is gentle and c001105 and 1
The farmer on 200 acres cannot ordin- teeth] her, she quiokiy adopts hint, and
arily make manure enough to give a top ; she gives him all her milk, and in her
dressing oftener than once in sax or way `loves' hien and boen„z,
ad; sevon years. On a 50 or 130 -acre farm it + once. while if the flaif is a1111,1:e:I to soot:
R easy nl
• to
ud c in eon f manure to give a dress- for a week or f0 dad, the heifer ca lroe'� kt, •, •r • tt.r
5 tD tG � A C? +�
�rt0/k"d'Et<B ,, r N22 S
The- Greatest of all Liver,
Stcliaciz and Blood Medicines,
Rheuiutttisara, (lent and
Chronic Complaints.
They Cleanse and Purify th
Ali Druggists ani.
General Dealers:.
Unlocks P i,,
all the clogr ,
avenues of the ¢I,ay._ls,
Kidneys and Liver,
carrying off graduai1y,
without .weakening the
iasystem, all the in.;,uri-
tics ani foul humors of
' the secretions, et the
same time (orr:�:'t•-
ing Acidity of the
,"9torasver, ettt'ltr„ ri Kw
otailt2000, Dyspepsia,
y h{sad ihes, lllxzir ., s,
`1 r r &aarthurn,Constin,,••
�v i tion, Dryness c
.�.A1SI:Ia, Dropsy, 3ltrz-
a rtes., Of Vision J. ,t: ,-.
p C1'cs, Salt R$1t.1301,
y: i.y*si Colas, Scrofula,
3 ri of
1'iert'ot . < .s
nand General ley) it ty•
,�' •ill these find many other
'.' similar com1,?Tint; vi::ki
`r..±oto the happy lora;.... •:e
£t: 501;j L ,311)
For tat to 111 DYCCio:..
our or live years. Thst with " understand tho Chang;, to hand milking,
in Clover seeding as often as Roy grain crop ' and the usual perfarmanca of breaking
nd is grown means a yearly inCreAsa in far- hits to he gone through with; milk is }
bub , tillty. Fiat if the manuring oaoura only ' not only !told up, hat kicked over, and —
a 0000 in Rtz 0r Fovea yctais the iarm will less milk is obtained, the estimate !m-
oo he all the time growingpooror, and what ing that between two he1fer., one not
to , She farmer seems to make as yearly 81109,,ed her, calf, and the other given It �iqp'g'� t FarSnrtsthatsuit,
nil i profits will ho offset and mere by the for a tvook, filo £?rst w#11 ^ire I,i per i 68@r'� 6 lay jive comfort, trothe
slat gradual wasting away of his capital. sent. more milk, and will mirk the i ' wonror and satisfy
longest season. The calf need not bo re- lefee, rnnrfriende,3'onha
an CELLAR FOR POTATOES moved from bar sight. bub tied at h'•r t' 6"'" h l viz l,ettor try tss. Our
w crt:rmpnt, makers
CR t ? ltnowbow todutheir
i,�ZIL'1i` work; tlr)n't tt)ink
there arc'any better
and yet are charge no 0)or0 1 hon others
not 1 do for it,forior work. Hundreds of new
ui}� i fall and winter t:: °,'•INS to choose from,
n - bead, and if
ta;)tl n)ilkod she ma quick -
et i One Sean In Colorado .Answers An oz�1i- ly disderd the calf and care for the one
ut dory nen uIre,ud•,tie. ; who Hulks her." •
X have just roturnrtt fawn a trip
s, ' west, )i nd h twhile he rin Colorado, at districts
a where potato growing is an large an
o Industry, and where _
how to raise potatoes, my attontion was
called to their potato collars of which
there are large numbers. The cheaper
forms of simplest construction are
y, In the p,roUtidt preferably,
ough not always oo n slope facing
11 or ear:a They aro long, narrow
uattally, throe -fourths or na we he -
too general loyal of the ground, but
n they ore built so omoli above
nd that a wagon may bo backed
them when tt, is desired to remove
nut gives a general idea of their
traction and interior arrangement,
on in a simple cross-section. Usually
the p
us so
How Overfeeding is Done.
ee rig is mostly done with soft
food. It is placed in a trough and the
fowls are allowed to help themselvea,
the consequences being that novae get
more thon their share while othero get
much less, the fortunate ones- becoming
fat and limy, and all of them reaching
tho same conclitioa later. Soft food
should not be considered as a meal, hub
only a part thereof, hence the fowla
ohortid never bo given more than one-half
the quantity they would eat. It is notion -
tory at times to vary the ration by the
nsn of soft food, at bran, roiddlinga,
Jinseed meal, and ground meat (Ittl be
best given in nett farm, but all Wastes
of poultry will eat as much as possible
s ttgether, ao they aro induced to
to so through competiton. Ducko and
ro moo', portial t3 whole gratin', and
their Rotolo, which coo be itoattered -frott
wide surface, in which coo en loorts
notch they can and will euk btlt
next day they should recolvenot over
half the quantity eaten the day be• 1
said the e te," said Pat. "I'.3 bei 0
vEN77L 470,4
rt has boon' asked if the nooks can
he divided and separated withnot raq
ing the use of Nutt, by placing an
one another and allowing tho birds f
range. This experiment has been tr
with snocess and Alpo unntutesaftti
Where a flock of about twenty la
fowls have been kept up for a weak
the poultry house until the hens tIre
qnainted they will not allow a rialto
among them, nor will they ttrat awt
but the more active breads will fora
e_ area and fregnontly
; beyond the limit. The retoption tilo
part of the other fleck will not be very
1 cordial, but the stray hen may liccont,
tonfustd and soon have to remain anti
become ono of the flock. This it duo
• partly to the resemblance of the honsts
' ere there are a numbor of poultry
; houses+ they should be painted in differ-
; cut colors, or be of different dr•signa If
fowls are to bo thus separoted, however,
the males should be removed, as they
will soon begin to battle for supremacy
and the winner in a contest deprives his
beaten ft ntagonist of his entire family,
Also, it feeding let each nook be fed at
the door of Om house in which 15 be-
longs and food only at regular periodo.
itreat Trees Annie. tiorttways.
&ono 20 year ago, S, It. Young owneO
an eighty -fore farm, which it now with •
in the eity latilta of Harvey, Ili. Most
stead of planting forest tens along tha
streeta, be set some 2,000 or More Trans-
cendent and Hyslop critha. Tho greater
more &Arable along sidewalks than
many ornamental varieties. Tha preaont
residents have all the fruit they want
Trees on the lots not sohl supply the
mon followed kn. 7011/11, th0 itightTals0
beina lined with fruit trees Ti •
belongs to the public. Why cannot the
Ainerlean people follow Hilo pion more
generally, and plant hrsrdy pears, apples,
nd aline For peers, the Lincoln Fug,.
sh Beauty and i-Inionlicalstigth
leanteuao, aro suitable, while about I,ol. wont hero to
02,1 pay for old pooda. Wottt ,Iono for potties
100 furnishiog their own cloth,
ly. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot
me be properly reticle for Stt Spot Cash, oaki
at- and see our work. Our tent's aro cosh,
Opposite the Macdonald Block,
Wfo•thatzt, Ont.
those collara are without wails a !
rundo of polio; covered ,
131111" in011" of earth. A trot of chutes ,
hay or atraw otron which are six to
atrange'l.. along.," each side woes toilll thn ;
"0„:t• easily how the Wagon; throat are
, Made of inch lumbor, end art about one
font square in cros&-Scalen,. projecting
' fix to right Indica above the roof. In
tam crest of the roof there nt•o,
two oe MVO ventilators constructed *
the manner of the ohutom. The entrance '
to the cellar. rapecioily when constructed ,
so as to he entered with a wagon, is pro- '
aided with double doors generated by a
ollvaity having length of Rix or eight 1
fo,t, and hos for its object the shuttinfg
mit of the frost from in front, When '
necessary, potatoes aro stored In the
driveway as -w•ell As in the bins, tho roar ,t1
of the drive being tilled Ilrettat•F. R, 3
Weed Seed In atanuro.
Pod Reed in manure le one groat ola.
on to its toot. We cute asked how to
nept to compost the manure so that its '
see Ir. Mix is done,
r the pile with loam or dry mutk,
hflnYh the ammonia (tiltrogenj that
Live Stook Notes.
An excellent treatment for Remy legs t°
is to war& daily with tantlla moan and
worm water, and attitr drying anoint
endtmt. If forest trees Ara denired, And
hey tertainly aro for variety, Want mita
otherwite ;tempo. To prevent weed with an ointment made of equal parte b
manure, MG halt nInsIn't S*0., of molted lard arid it
nth chestnUts, -Naar walnuts, thelled•
Afore the weecla haw. gone to daily until tettIell drop off, but never
,ingr bodly infested with aortal pull off Any of them. Xtee all affeetod
Iy vreeds should be eat extra Wax separoto, as the ill/maws contagi. m
twed, fertilized and (wetted ous,
fodder tom. The amount Watch for paraaltes, 'Peer erimeatte
50 1
lit'or Misters.
tight a tallow candle and let tho
eitre tinew Aron in celd water. then
ix *be (vinare with strong brandy wad
b into the blistered hands or ker.
HAS A 11E00110
4hd 41i
IN ektieletrLOr Adults.
lusinesit conducted for 110DER VII. VEER. My
f Moe ta in the immediate viCinity of the PR ten t Office,
toed my &ciliate for scenting patents re u nsu rpessed
Send model, sketch or photogreph of iterentionovitts ;
4.0th'orhistvois osttriefos. OA opinion. ea e0,
Peliftaia‘intgi Ned rey tea toe prosecuting tint
appiiCetion Oita *god 66 oared tar until the
mining Nil italbseseticat sem frit. Ossossuil•