HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-23, Page 8• .1 TUE WING L .AM TIMES, OCTOBER 23, 18 96. c,Lrnations, in the centre of which l IVICITae County I aspitai, NDOO " 1 was a slicer liorsr shoe, This work The stone balld.n, adjoining' the was designed and built by Miss court house is popular:ry regarded as Kerrigan, of Toronto, and W. a,jail but judging by the eh. i Iter , Klt yciilne, barrister, of Clinton. of the inmates it is more nearly an hospital then a d The ceremony over, some innnutes P jail., <<,Lir ago were spent, in cordial congratulations an old roan named Howe fell and. g PAY P` p broke leis le on the streets of ! to the ha air, A superb supper er was then served, during which Walkerton, and he was at °Ince ay-IIVIA„i ttrusie was supplied by Cortese's r restedi.irn into j alk as a vagrant, and ;LE Y SQ UARE three days a o it was discovered by C• Ii f the. LAROE OPERATIONS along the line of iielobesarweviellheer1161~111:1,1 111 THE CENTRAL $. c711AKERY--- $. Opposite tine orchestra from London. Thi music' lie is to this day, TWO or . Warrants first class Bread and was delightful; it filled the souls of g f I Cakes- o r varied kinds tus westthlram4: 9 l i the gusts with enthusiasm, and the, Port login people than one o I brine the bargains we offer forwarded to the jail. Here he will A. special purchase of Ladies' Mantles remain until caner has eaten him up. Men's Ready Made Clothing, Suits, And so it is from every part of ,Overcoats and Waterproof Coats. spoils, the county. It this thing keeps go. We bought these goods at ) ing on, we suppose it will, the county , .our own price and our 1 .e in P should employ a staff of competent! counters and tables swarm*. Lf ter supper medical men to treat its sick. , with nurse-persuading o most Otherwise the jail will develop into I prices. Goody are a pest house, and become a menace , 1T 13 d e who .being ltrran ed to the public lrealtlr,--Walkerton Tele - brought to one's memory the words of Shakespeare: "The plan that Relit :to music in him- self, Nor is moved with concord of (meet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and rrt' same l , a musicians supplied the musicfor dancing after pleasant evening' was spentby the'guests. Too much praise cannot be given Messrs. ry on spared neither time nor expense in givingthe guests a good time, They proved to be princely enter- tainers. Among those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Scott, Mr. and Airs. Jas. S. Moffatt, Galt; Dr and Miss Whitelaw, Guelph; Misses Edmonds and Cook, Strattord; Mr. and Mrs Saunders, Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. R. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs James Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs, II. Ross and Mrs. Musgrove, Bluevale; 1' - howler, of Wingham; Miss Kerrigan. Toronto; Miss Coek- well, London. their number a niannamol ',Chomp son, was the subject of a caner, and; s he hadn't much money: he was a arrested as a vagrant and promptly a -n0 marked for scope, quid: selling on SATURDAY --BARGAIN DAY. We invite you down as early in the day as possible, smaller crowds and better choice.... . SAT NDAY--BAilGAIN DAY 10 doz. large Towels worth 10e. Saturday 5e. 25 pieces 32 inch Shaker Flan- nel worth 8c. for 5e. 10 doz. Black and Colored Gloves TORIES FINED FOR TAM - regular 30e. for. 10c. PEEING WIT MILK. 15 doz. Indies' heavy, ribbed, Cashmere Hose worth 50c, for 35c. 40 up-to-date Mantles regular $6 for $3.90 10 pieces of Cream and White Lace, 10 inches wide, regular 25c., 35e. and 40c., Saturday 15e. 10 pieces of line Dress Goods worth 50e. for 35c. 10 doz, Gents' Ties woruh 50e. for " 3oc' in with milk supplied to the. Willow 8 doz. Gents'extra fine Ganzies r Grove factory. worth 5e., Saturday o0e. Hector Johnson and Mrs. James 6 doz. Ladies' fancy Trimmed Elliott patrons of the Comboro' fact - extra fine Underwear regular tory and Simon Lisdale and Joseph 40c., Saturday 2oc Robbins patrons of the Attercliffe 20 boy's two piece Suits, to Station factory, Ieaded guilty be 28, worth t0 for $2.50 fore Police 3Magistrate Paylor of 50 men's large Uregul, all wool, Devonville to the charge of supply - worth $8.50, regular $5.50 ing milk from which cream has been 20 men's Suits just opened, regu- extracted and were fined, the two lar > 10 for. , . • • . 6.5Q I former e20 each and the two latter 50 pair Button and Laced Shoes fine at $1.60 for1.35' $15 and $1,50 costs each. 5 doz. Corsets worth 50c. for35c. I The practice of tampering with I milk supplied to cheese factories !S11IALL WARES. seems to be decreasing as these are Pins, le.; Bair Pins le.; Ribbons, lc.; I the first cases that Mr. Millar has Handkerchief's, 1c.; Clothes Pins Ie.;1 had this season. There is eceasionly to be found unscrupulous persons who will. stoop to do a dishonest thing and watering and skimming milk is too great a temptation for thein. These need to be watched very closely. Tine greater number at M. H. WINDOWS. of cheese factories have Babcock milk testers, and the makers by test- ing the milk often are able to deet skimming and watering very quick- ly. This serves to deter many who might be tempted to take from their neighbors in this way, Every cheese factory should have a Babcock Milk tester, and N DIV MACIIINE to Miss Mary Bryrdone:: „v test evei`.y patrons milk fre The lfarriagv of Miss' 11> a,., 3rydoit`' dauglr of the late quently. A record should be kept PATRONS OF CHEESE FAC - During the past few weeks In spector Millar of The Western Dairymens' Association, has had the following patrons of cheese factories summoned for tampering with milk by them. L. Challenger was summoned to appear before Police Magistrate Flagg of Mitchell, where he paid a fine of $10.00 and costs for tamper - Washboards two for 25e. -'e invite ynt. all to shave this Great Bargain oppur- trr•,ttr £WELL-BRYDONE. «'lib ct,hti "d Herald has the fol- lowing ioteresthi: account of the marriage o1'111r• Itiftix 4.1l of Bluevale, About two years ago a young man, well and favorably known in Seaforth, was united in marrige while residing in Manitoba. The knowledge of rhe whole affair was kept a secret until a couple of weeks , ago, when the wife of Air. N. Strong arrived in town, and the boys were surprised, at finding that Old Nelse had taken himself a. partner for life. J C LS The happy pair intend. making Seaforth their Home and spending I equal to any city. Pull' Pastry extra fine, WEDDING CAKES ORNAMENTING that cannot be excelled outside 1 • of any city, and done so reasonably that it will always pay you to have it clone at the CENTRAL BAKERY All oorders 'promptly attended to. I a ii constantly making and or- namenting Wedding Cakes which proves our efficiency. The Central Bakery has a far and wide reputation as a first- class bakery, Returning thanks to my num- erous customers for their past patronage and hope for a con- tinuance of the same. Iam ■ ■ the remainder of thei' lives among 6 '7QtrT 'r111fAc.111, ONT. Nelse's old friends. He is one of ' those jolly fellows who brings sun- }- ' t shine wherever he goes. He and Mrs. Strong will be appreciated as wet - come additions to the ever growing population of our town. On Saturday while Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robinson, of Fullerton, were visiting at his brother Henry's in the township of Hibbert. In leading bis horse out of the stable a colt belonging to the latter, kicked him in the back, in consequence of which he will be laid up for some time. HOLSTiEN DAIRY IS HERE TO STAY. We understand interested parties are spreading the report that we are not likely to be long in the business. We beg to assure the people of Wingham that we have embarked in the milk business to stay, that we ere increasing our business daily that our milk is clean and pure. Our customers are nor hest commendation. BEswvrrnmucx=Pints-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, on Oct. 12th, by the Rev. J Fisher, Mr. James Bes- witherick, tailor of Gorrie, to Miss Julia I ko, of }Lowick. SMELTSER-BAIinn-At the residence of Mr. K. Disney, on Oct. 14th, by the Rev. R. Millyard, Mr. Jas. Smoltzer, of East Wawanosb, to Miss Maria Baker, of Clinton:' LITTLE -BRUCE -tit the residence of the bride's father, I3th con. Hullett, on Oct. 14th, by Rev. A McLean, .Thomas Little to Bella, seconu daughter of Mr. Robert Bruce. 1fMorrroonxaiY-IawIii-On Wednesday, Oct 21, by the Rev. G. A. Gifford, Miss Debbie Irwin. daughter of Thos. Irwin John St. to Mr. Ales. Montgomery, of (rangehiil.' ;;` HAUGH-ROBINSON-On Wednesday, Oct 21. by the Rev, Wtn. Lowe, Miss Jane Robinson to Thos Ha,lgh, all of Turnberry: ` ' fMAxwELL-BRmnosa,--In Mornington on the 14th inst., by the Rev, E. A. Fear, Mr. W. Maxwe)l, of Bluevale to Miss ;,1ary Brydona. DYED, BAILEY -In Hullett, on Oct. 1.6th Mrs. John Bailey, aged 37 years. Mnsox In Clinton, on Oct, l7tb, Sarah relict of the late Charles Mason, aged 70 years. JJExxnea-In E. Wawanosb, on Sept. 8th, Laura, daughter of Giles Jenkins, aged 13 yeare.q Andrew iBrydoncr to W. Maxwell• a of the test of all suspicious samples on corner of and the Inspector should be called ' prosperous young frVtmier of Bluevale , c I . in was celebrated yestercitry afternoon v' ll n absolutely necessary. The VICTORIA ST. at "Courthill,' in Morn'tn on tow'.u• of the Instructors employed b n°c 'oeiation should not be taken ship, the spacious residence os James the ass aeutin patrons for tamper and T1 SNP. -ti John Brydone, brothers of the t with pros. • le "Their time should bride It was a fashionable event, ing with mi. some 1 35 guests, eompris.nt„theleadhe taken up w,''it instructing makers sig residents and youth xind beautyin the most improved methods of j of tl'e neighborhood bang pvesen x nuking the finest qt- ality of cheese If The ceremony took place at five' al id butter and not in doing: work 1 o'nlock, Rev. E. A Fear offieiarting. th, nt should be done by the faetory- llirs. 14'eat played the wecIdfing pie, n themselves or made, necessary march. The drawing room w:- l by , paying every patron according beautifully decorated rvitlr palms I to t- e quality of the milk supplied roses and carnations. Tire ,id e who ► bi' hi tn. There would then be no ase bright and attractive brunette, was gowned in cream erepon, 'with chiffon and pearl trimmings, veil of tittlie and orange blossoms, The brfde's maid, Miss l tulheron, of Mitchell, was dressed in Sicilian trimmed with silk Iace. Both look:1 ped ,cbarr*iingly sweet, The I'bride I hatter fay la, 's come pito such dis- Opposition with the largest and best assorted tarried alt bort difference to a patron r on. The brides nth,?: • cod carried tilt roses. The groom ihetween ortting tn,+teal fat reading and • = e pit iso sirrali that pairs' by tete ton for all leading plows. R. W. RUNCIMANis pre- pared to do all kinds of repair- ing on machineryat reasonable prices. CASTINGS of all kinds supplied on short notice. Will pay cash for Wrought and Cast Scrap Iron. WINGHAM SAW and PAINING MIS.. MMeLEAN & SON, Props. A. large stock of all kinds otrough and plained lumber, Shingles, Lath, Apple Barrels, Cedar Posts, Hard and Soft Wood, etc., kept constantly on hacid and deal on shortest notice. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. ItieL EAN it SON. M. PATTERSON The Leading Jeweller has the largest and new -6 est stock of novelties in JEWELRY 'and SILVERWARE ^+ ' &i5u"t ! liR C1 iif1M4..11011 `1tiMai " "1".ezure *49 7 t"( tr r - of perfect pants when you it buy ours, made to order. As easy and as free the first time you put them on as though worn a' month -still fitting, jra•I-, the way new pants should. a FALL SUITINGS ■■ ■ CJ C frJ in Wingham. Having the larg- ent Repairing trade in this section of the country, we can afford to sell cheaper than others who have a small re* pairing trade. M1 PATTERSON 3 JEWELER. Directly opposite Bank ' of Hamilton. WINGHAM - - ONT. iatdri i glint for skimming or water- it ill I have no time just now to compose an ad., but Inge i ' 1 a be lamented that owing to }I if you want a PIANO, ORGAN, SEWING MAC1C- the sl%h t difference of opinion be- INE, WASHING MACHINE, :."WRINGER, BIND - weep jai ne authorities as to the divide, the system of paying for ER, MOWER, SEED DRILL or anything in the milk acrtgtr ling to the percentage of , implement line. Remember I am ahead of all gxet of white roses repute. ".tire I keep re - vote assisted by W. 13rydone f b 1. 11,, ` y addmg ,. per ce, well to recon• , Office and warerooms op of the factory mem T nfIf o polite P. O. ng• the ceremony the bride and far in 7cl•,iptinagon silk, nr pooling Agent for I`ar1n0 Implements. stood under a cypress arch Both are b::tter thank the P. 5, -----Have 13 'ears experiences l a the business.; tl n• .atilt , UrriSter, of Clinton, brother do d will not g Ts w - 1. . l lfi , consider t Ties t• method All of the newest, arriving now every day. Drop in on your way down town and take a look. ,l Cr Lr L 0 ,i, • NI 0 w11 DOWN TO 1 r r r . L a f 1-99 Wingham. i C-'-] `s .-["rirti C ?r'ic--ri> rdfdF• 7C ,r -.-G i --ry, r r -: ,rir-rr r- Om •r Ont. ar,! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, r-THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and S 1`RDAY. This sale will continue until the whole stock. is cleared out: We will give you Bargains that other merchants cannot touch and they are sure to kick about our prices, but it is none of their business, the stock is ours and we can do as we like with it. We have passed into stock a large consignment of goo s bought for less than 5oc, on the $1, never mind where we t them, they are here for inspection. The following are sorb the cuts you -will find here. These prices for cash only-. O i: , rhes and Isy*1t frl. iopieces flannelettes 3cwere5 " 4 " 6 8 < <. " 5 " i0 6 " to 5 5 10 " 15 5 25 20 " 35 5o on $I Cloaking 5o `° $I Mantling 5o " $1 IO 1O 15 7 I2 15 20 20 I0 largerangeofTweeds 5o $i And a great many more prices we could give, bat space will not permit. cc " {, ': • f7 A full range of Mantles, new stock, at one half usual prices. We have no room to mention all our large stock, but all the rest of our goods will show the sane fate. Come early and take ad- vantage of prices you may never get again G. M=NTYEZM MACDONALD BLOCI1. WI1vGIU11.