The Wingham Times, 1896-10-16, Page 8Dleittl DO O. RICHT 4iTYLES liellahlt Qualities and satisfaetion, even to "your money back," if yon say so, coupled with moderate prices make a combination hard to beat, let alone the fact that we're always ready to stand the test. People don't eome here day after day for the fua of' coming. See for your- selves, • 4 , Tail. WIN tiAM TIMES, OCTOBER 16„, 1696, . ea • • • . HU RON'S EPIDEMIC nese,: 15!, hands or over, Beattie Bros, NI Nrrigan ; Team, W Deyell, Huron bee for the poet few weeks J Bridges; Special for carriage fifly I been suffering from an epidemic: It or gelding, oue year old, j" Angus I has broken out in several localities & 2 ; Special for carriage filly cr , and at first blush the Sym(L)ms Seettl- gelding, two years old, V W Deyell. Vannor- ; ed serious. The viealaus sutler Sever- mau, OarrnE---Durliam-Breeding cow,Ily from sore beads. There is also an E Taylor, R Hastings; One year old undue enlargement of the spleen heifer, M Harrison 1 & ; Heifer, E causing vomiting. It is this frothy Taylor; Aged ball, J Bridg,es. ivomit which contains the- germs of Grades -Breeding Cow, P Fowler, M Harrisou ; Two ,year heifer,lcontagion taut henee, any persons P Fowler, M Harrison ; Year old baying ebarge of victims of this dire heifer, AI Harrison, 1 & 2 ; Heifer or disease should take every precaution seer calf, 'NI Harrison 1 & 2 ; Y -ear to have them isolated for a time, and old steer, 1 Taylor, M II Harrison ; Two year old steer, E Taylor, p not allow them their freedom until ?owler; Three year old steer, T they show signs of rationality. We Henderson & SORS1 & 2; Beeves T are indeed sorry to know that our Henderson ke, Sons 1 & 2, esteemed contemporary and confrere Sum, R Leicesters and their , of tho Goderieh Signal has been srrades-Agect ram, N Cuming, Hastings ; Shearling ram, Jas J Sztnderson ; Ram Iamb, N Claming, ;i.':•Mell; Aged ewe, J Coultes, Jas Sandereon ; Shearling ewe, J Snell, J Sanderson ; Ewe lamb, J Sander- son, John Coulees. Deems and their r severely afflicted. He has devoted a good deal of space of late, in quoting from Tory'and disgruntle Gritpapers, papers, for the purpose ot making it appear that the appointment of Alex Gibson as Registrar of the county of g,rades-Shearling ram, A ettexae ; Huron does not meet the approval t of the electors of this eounty. We Rani lamb, A McKee; Aged ewe, A are satisfied that the Signal never for a moment anticipated that the e Tories would be pleased with ony appointment the Ontario Government would make; nor do the electors of Huron, Grit or Tory, expect that disappointed applicants for Govern- ment pap will throw up their hats in jubilation, at their own defeat. But we do expect that while • they possess a spark of respect for them- selves they will swallow their chag- rin or show good reason why the appointment should net have been made as it was. As yet there has been no just reason given. Because Mr. Giesme's beothee is a member of Wyandottes, Henderson 'Bros. ; Ham - the LegiElature should not be suffic- burgs, black, Henderson Bros. 1 & 2; Homburgs any other, C Henderson lent reason for proscribing bim from any favor the Government may • see 1 & 2: Langshans, Henderson Bros.; es. 10 pieces fancy Dress Goods 35e. Legborns, white, Henderson Bros. , fit to give himsof 1‘.1rGibson was not worth 60e. and 05e. ter Leghorns brown, Henderson Bros; the nominee lila brother and no c Henderson • disgruntle office seeker in either of 4 pieces fancy Tweed Dress 15e. Plymouth Rocks, the three ridings ean shoe that Goods worth 20c. for Spanish blnek, C Henderson. Hen - 8 pieces all wool Serge Dress Goods 25e. and 30e. for19e. • 12 pieces 'fine Cashmere, all ' shades worth 45e. for 25e. 6 doz. ladiea' fine Cashmere Gloves, regular 30e. for 10c. 10 doz, ladies' fine Cashmere Bose worth 50c. Saturday35c. 10 pieces, regular Mantle Goods regular 02,25 far .... . . t$1.50 54 inch heavy Tweed Dress goods, regular 90e. Saturday 55e. 10 doz. ladies' laced Kid Gloves worit arl. for.. 75c. 6 doz. gent's fine Shirts and Drawers, special 75c. for50e. 4 pheeea 64 inch Table Linen airovzh 60e. Saturday. .... .. . 35e. e _ 20 pieces 32 inch Shaker Flan- nel, regular 8e. for. tb leada two piece Suits, 22 to 5e. 28worth $3.50 for $2.50 Gillies & Martin, W Dore ; Sod Plow - ' S . 50 pair Button and. Laced Shoes fine et 1.65 for „, Wm Gannet, T 11 Ross ; Gang - "St" Plow, Wm Gannet, 1 & 2; Iron bar- . 20 flee I:rieze Ulsters, all wool, rows, Win Gannet, T II Ross ; Sulky worth i:1,8.50, Saturday ...... 5.5.90 rake, Wm Gannet, Wm Isbister ; 020 tine Black Worsted Suits Mower, Wm Gannet • wooden pump, fit ale' eanteed, SatterdaIT• • •%0 50 •D Shost•ers 1 & 2. ' 10 doz. gents' Fancy Ties worth 5(e. for 25e. 25 doz. Braces, regular 25e. Saiusdase two foe 25e. MR. Lams CARTWRIGRT 10 Short Ends:. all wool Carpets DEAD. eie, ". 65e. 10 IIeevy Beaver Mantles, Silk nw,(1, regular 010 and $12 last yeav'e style, your choice for/.a: '14- • 53.75 30 'J -date Mantles worth t0.1 Saturday... . 6'6.25 at M H. rAgiN9001. , 101***11, V., 1...Fe.*0•714ren.W.** let4,4*.ler.t ..elereno._ miclis ;i HAM FALL NOW. 11i.-Ileavy Dratight-One: year old filly, Wm Barbour ; one. year old gelding., Jas Forester; Two' yearold filly, John Shortreed, W 1 , e nit:I:Antics; Two year old geld; , Chas Taylor, W Barbour; Team in harness, John Shortreed, Jas Foreeter. General Purpose -Brood mare, Win Casemore 1 & 2; Spring foal-, Win Casemore 1 & 2; One year old gelding, 0 W Taylor, Jas For- ster; Two year old ffily, 0 Taylor ; Two year old gelding, E Taylor, 1 & 2 . Team in harness, .T Taylor, j Dow. 1Zoadsters-Brood mare, foal M side, Dr. McKelvey, E Taylor; Spring foal, Win Deans, Dr. Me• Xelvey; One year old filly or geld• fug, It Mclnduo, 1,Vin Deans; Two year old filly or gelding, F Kling, G. Cruickshank; Saddle hone, R Por- ter, L 1/Itt; Single borse, in harness ''. 15, handend under, R Meindoo, McKee ; Shearling ewe, A McKee; Ewe lamb, J Sanderson, A McKee. nos -Berkshire, Essex or Suffolk Boar, 0 Henderson, H Evans ; Sow of 1890, H Edwards 1 & 2; Breed- ing sow, R McMurray: Thos Hender- son & Sons. Yorkshire, Chester White. or any other large breed - Boar of 1896,11 Edwards, Thos Hen- derson.& Sons; Boar prior to 181)0, R MeMurraynH. Edwards; Sow of 1896, J Elston, G Henry; Breeding sow, R McMurray, E Taylor ; Extra entries, \V Mowbray. POULTRY-Coehins, 0 Henderson ; Games, D Showers, 01 Deyel ; SAT (1,',2 9Alf-EAP, GAi it DAY. Spec:lel 5 pieces China Silk reg- ular 25c. for... ....... 15e. derson Bros. ; Minorcas, black, Hen- derson Bros.; Bantams, 0 Hender- son ; Any other variety, 0 Hender- son; Turkeys, D Showers, Hender- son Bros. ; Geese, D Showers, C Hen- derson ; Ducks, Pekin, 0 Henderson, D Showers; Ducks, any other, Obas Henderson; Collection of pigeons, Chickens-Cochins, Hender- son Bros. 1 & 2; Games, J Deyell ; Homburgs, C Henderson, 3. & 2; Langsbana, 0 Henderson 1 & 2; Leghorns white, Henderson Bros.; Leghorns brown, 0 Henderson, Hen- derson Bros; Plymouth Rocks, John Currie, Henderson Bros; Spanish black, C Henderson 1 & 2; Minorcas black, 0 Henderson, W Dore; Any other variety, C Henderson 1 & 2. IMPLEMENTS -Lumber waggon, W Gannet, & Martin ; Buggy, HIS FATHER AND MOTHER ARRIVE T00 LATE FOR HIM TO RECOGNIZE THEM. Beattie 1,04. . j.1 har- 46(4101141,48, 1 ThE CENTRAL Thos. Gibson ever asked favor fey. his relations. Mr. Mex Gibson la, - man qualified to fill the positien, which should be the first consider- ation he is one of the pioneers.of the County, who helped to make it what it is to -day, Up till a few years ago he worked faithfully for the party; he is unswerving in his loyalty t� Canada. and hence is a man • who 'well deserves the appointment. Kingston, Oct. 11. -Sir Riel: ard and. Lady Cartwright and other members of the family left by speeial train for Lindsay, to be present at the bedside of their son, Lewis, who was taken suddenly ill with inflam- mation of the bowels. They arrived shortly before his death, which oc- curred this morning. Deceased went to Lindsay from here a couple of weeks ago to relieve a clerk in the Montreal bank at that, town. He was nineteen years of age. The remains will be brought here and interred in the family plot at Catar- aqni. Lindsay, Oct. 11. -Mr. Lewis Cartwright, son of Sir Richard Cart. Wright, died here of appendicitis this morning at 7 o'clock. Sir Richard Cartwright and Lady Cart Wright arrived ten minutes, earlier by speaial train, but their son was unconscious and did not recognize them. Dr. 1. 1.1. Cameron came down from Toronto last night, but owing to the extreme weakness of the patient no operation was attempt- ed. The body will be taken to King,stoa to.morrow for ;interment. PTA AST3AY. .A Way heifer came nod. isi,ned lot in. 14 line, To the ?4t 'of September; a het f.r. The owner exp‘nses 1)r J. A. McLeod, llrucefield, will spend a, few months in the old Opposite the NARKET SQUAW& Warrants first chase Bread and Oakes of their varied kinds equal to any city. Puff Pastry extra fine, WEDDING OAKES ORNAMENTING that cannot be excelled outside of any city, and done so reasonably that it will .allways" pay you to have it done at the CENTB,AL BAKERY All orders rromptly attended to. I am constantly making and or- namentin g Wedding Cakes which proves our efficiency. The Central Bakery has a far and wide reputation as a first- class bakery, Returning thanks to my num- erous customers for their past patronage and hope for a con- tinuance of the same. I am rISAtiaig.VItI4M-ulZE.J0.41lfZanlaiiMMAttLeglateRMiOal tlel'Leoare 111 A. J. NICHOLLS, WING HAN, ONT: aegeat'Zteciall/ kT HOLSTIEN DAIRY xs HERE r..kto 1,1 ip- .(4.i FALL SMIRK'S:. All of the newest, arriving now every day. Drop in on your .way down town 1.11 and take a look. of perfect pants when your), buy ours, made to order. As a easy and as free the first time hail, you put them on as though worn a month -still fitting, F1,-. the way new pants should. We understand interested Parties 'axe spreading the report that we are not likely to be Torr in the business, We beg to :1841.1.% the peopleot tin,igham that we have embarked in the busindss to stay, that we are increasing our business daily, that our milk is clean and pure. Our customers are our hest commendatiOn. 111ltj 1 59 3[11 59 59 51 isi 59 11, 11 WIX GHABit :11 '4" a SAW aid FL 4GI MILLS MeLEAN & SON, Props. A large stock of 411 kincle of rough and plainod lumber, Stith If's. Lath, Apple, i Barrels, Cedar Post ard and Soft , Woodgetc , kept eons on hand and I deal. on shortest no -.1Orders by mail or telephone premps ttended to. '.. I . mtses of the e'.. • y no or about 1 ',, slIeLTE Ali $ON. •ey two year old re,:over th we by paying' ALEX. 11. .LY. BN MACE SHOP, on corner of VIOTOTI S17. .1 a R. W. *RUNCIMANis pre- pared to do all kinds of repair- ing on machiner3rat reasonable prices. CASTINGS of all kinds supplied on short notice. Will pay cash for Wrought and Cast Scrap Iron. , TRWES CLEARING PRICES 'To make room for more c.-4..aRoa GEO. 43:14,M11)., M. PATTERSON The Leading jeweller has the largest and new- • est stock of . - novelties in '• I JEWELRY and SILVERWARE WN ,TO A "re.aile•WeatetVaettAle%stees ingham., - - - Ont. .?7-51.4-510-5171.--ERLTreas.50-L90,!T.iF-021fiVroA745-1r 90-C9M-71-0,574:70,59.97-51-Mrek4FIV:1- and ITT-TicR,C3T3G-II, Examine both the Rdsiness and Shorthand eourses of the in Wingham. Having the larg- ent Repairing trade in this section of the country, we can afford tO sell cheaper than others who have a small re- pairing trade. PATTERSON, 1\41' FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, London, On., and you will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College , from all parts of the country. Finest set of rooms for business college werle, , in Canada. Graduates successful in seeuring positions. Catalogue and:ts, ' e ea dealers of either course sent on application. . . ? J. W. WESTERVELT, brincipal. et‘"N JEWEILAIR. Directly opposite Bank of Hamilton. WINGHANI - ONT. ItenraltireM.. orvr•rwo.••*.nalotio0.04mOrame* I have no time just now to compose an ad., but if you want a PIANO, ORGAN, SEWING MACH- INE, "'WASHING MACIIINE, WRINGER, BIND- No ER, MOWER, SEED DRILL or anything in the implement line. Rerneraber I am ahead of all opposition with the largest and best assorted stock of the best goods in the west. 1 kcep re- pairs by the ton for di leading pldws. :in many cases going into thnt Office and warerooms oppdsite P. O. quote prices that will astonish you. rr.0 iHr.) prices. Agent for Farm Implements.; Ui MeINTYRE, 'WING -HAM. : ON AND AFTER WILL SHOW THE PEOPLE OF AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY WItArTA CLEA Sham or make 1 1 11.1.1*”..10 1 TIV: 1VIEANS beleiv no goodsimarked big cut E .p to make a 1:11] Ar,xt week we .-$vP1. ,tad see. us and get coa;;Iry :Intl attend the S P. . 13 -- ave res xperience in the bu sines s mACPONALD .BLOCK. : le