The Wingham Times, 1896-10-16, Page 66
Or13 AUnani '�': hien
k'LiIDAir, OC•roni 1'� 16, 189.1.
Houses.---1leavy Draught, Stallion
over 3 years, Mel:tvin Bros, A Oar
ter, ,Jno .Brown; brood mare, John
Lambkin, J Shortreed; horse colt,
Neil Duncanson, It McKelvey, Wlaw
Brown . snare colt, Hugh boss, John
Lambkin, W Drove ;2 year old fitly,
H Ross, .Tno Lambkin, J Sbortrced ;
2 year old gelding, L McNeil, Lars T
Calder ; yearling ally, A Speir ;
yearling gelding, W Brown, A Mc•
Lauehiin; team, J Shortreecl, James
McCallum; stallion over 3 Sears
with 4 of his progeny for '1)6, Me -
Gavin Bros. A Carter. Agricultural
---Brood mare, G Stephenson, Neil
Duncanson, W Casemore; horse colt,
McGavin Bros, W Rims, W Case -
more ; mare colt, G Stephenson, W
Casemore, G Stevenson; 2- year old
filly, J 13 McLaughlin, Geo Christo-
pher, .Tas Ireland, Jr; 1 year old.
filly, Geo Christopher ; span, J Me..
] eod, T Bolger. Road tees --Stallion
over 0 years, F Scott; stallion under
3 yearn,. A T Currie : brood mare, T
Newsome,: Dr McKelvey. J McLeod ;
Spring Foal, colt, Dr McKelvey, Jno
Lambkin, Bird. Bros; Spring foal,
filly, J J Ball T Newsome; 2 year
old filly, A T Currie, Bird Bros, A
McLaughlin ; 2 year old gelding, P
Seott ; I year old filly, J J Bail;
buggy horse, J D Warwick, E Lamb-
kin, W Ii Vele ; team, T Sallows.
Carriage—Stallion over 3 years, C
Zilliax, A. Menzies ; stallion, road or
Carriage, with 4 of his progeny of
'96, P Scott ; brood snare, J Lamb-
kin, Jas Speir, R Pollard ; 2 year
filly, L Bollinger, M 131 Cardiff;
2 year old gelding, R Cardiff, W
Robb, Geo Johnston ; yearling filly,
R Pollard ; yearling gelding, John
Lambkin, L Hollinger, D Marsh ;
Spring foal. colt, Jas Speir, R
Poliard:2 & :3 ; Spring foal filly, A
Govenlock, L Hollinger ; carriage
span, W Leatherdale.
CATTLE.—Durhaln—Bull, over - 2
years, J II istop, 0 Eckmier •, cow, 4
years or over, A Smith, R Corley,
Jas Speir; cow under 4 years, A
Smith ; 2 year old heifer, R Corley, A.
Smith; 1 year old heifer, R Cor-
ley, Smith, 11 Corley ; bull can,
B Corley, A Smith, R Corley ; heifer
calf, R Corley, 4 Smith, L McNeil ;.
herd, R Corley, A Smith. Jerseys—
Buil, over two years, G A Deadman,
Jas I3nrgess ; bull ander 2 years, J
Burgess, G A Deadman ; eow,4 years
or over, G A Deadman, 1 & 2 ; cow,
under 4 years, Geo Thompson, 1 & 2;
2 year old heifer, DA Lowry, G A
Deadman, Ed Garvin ; yearling
heifer, G A Deadman 1, 2 & 3 ;
heifer calf, G A Deadman 1 & 2 ;
bull calf, G A Headman ; herd, G A
Deadman. Native or grade—Cow,
S Grant, M II Harrison ; 2 year old
heifer, W Wilkinson, M Harrison ; 1
year old heifer, W B Wilkinson, A
McLaughlin ; 2 year old steer, R
Corley, M 1T Harrison ; 1 year old
steer, It Corley, M Harrison ; steer
calf, W Wilkinson, M Harrison;
heifer calf, R Corley, M Harrison;
fat cow or heifer, M Harrison,. 1St.
SIIREP--Leicesters—Aged ram, N
Curring, J Sanderson ; shearling
ram, J Sanderson, Jas Speir ; ram
lamb, N Cuming, J Sanderson; ewes
having raised lambs in '96, M CoaI-
tes, J Sanderson ; shearling ewes, J
Sanderson, M Coultes; ewe lambs,
J Sanderson, N Coming ; pen t.f
sheep, J Sanderson, N Claming.
!')owns --Aged ram, J Smith, Me -
Ewen Bros; shearling ram, L Tas-
ker, 1 and 2 ;. ram lamb, J Smith 1
& 2 ; ewes, having raised lambs in
'96, L Tasker, McEwen Bros; shear -
ling ewes, L Tasker, J Smith; ewe
lambs, L Tasker; pen of downs, L
Tasker, J Smith.
flies—I3erkshire--Boar, over 2
years, J Dorrance, W Thuell ; boar,
under 2 years, J Dorrance, Jas.
Speir: boar, under 1 year, 3 Dore
ranee, It Edwards; sow, havingDemme,littered in '96, Demme, 1 & 2 ;
sow, under 1 year, J Dorrance, W
Thuell. Yorkshire—Roar, over 2
years, 0 Eekmier, R Nichol; boar,
under 2 years, A Robertson ; sew,
having littered in '96, R Nichol, 1 &
2 ; sow, Under 1 year, R Nichol 1 &
2. Chaster Whites ---Boar, over 2
years, It McMurray ; boar under 2
years, 11 Edwards, A. Robertson;
sow having littered. in 'OG, A Robert.
eon; sow, under 1 year, J 0 Henry,
A Robertson. Any other breed•�-
Iboar, under 1 year, if Edwards; sow en ; Dutch Sets, II Edwards, W Ale -
under 1 year, 1I Edwards; ; sow, Cra'rken ; potato onions, Jas llcCal-
any age, J Dorrance; pen of pigs, 3 lnm. W McCracken; corn, yellow
' I N !i U.. ,1• *EI ES, (.)CT(). 3ER 16, 1896..
boar, over two rears, Jno McKinnon; onion sets, S Hoggard,Z ' 11Ieerae
k- .Robb ; woollen mitts, MI's Moifutt J 1 GHANA TRUNK BAU 4yAY
me0allum ; woollen gloves, 1'` me
Oracken, W me0raeken ; netting
mrrs .1 Strachan, rissmRoss; tufted
Dorrance. Ctnhd t, W Taylor, W llobb ; cor
Potil;ray.--Mtluinea fiiwl, 11 Nichol; White flint, Jeff 11eCallum, W Ta'
dark bralznras, 0.W Irwin 1 & 2; lar; collection of corn, W Taylor, -
light brahmas, J I3rethvur, Cl W Henderson, W 1J McCraeken ; wintc
Irwin; black Spanish, J Brethour, C Cabbage, 0 Henderson W Taylo
Henderson ; PlymoutllRocks, 0 W Burled savoy, W Taylor, W M
Irwin, 0 Henderson; white leghorns 0rioken; red pickling cabbage, C
Mrs S Wilton, W 'Taylor• ; brown . Henderson, Jas Burgess; cauliflawe
leghorns, W Taylor 1 & 2 ; silver' John Stafford, W Taylor; pumpk'
spangled homburgs, C Henderson, I'1 yellow field, W McCracken, II E
Garvin ; black homburgs, 0 Render- wards; pumpkin, mammon, VV
son, 1 & 2 ; Bantams, D Lowry, W Taylor, S IJogard; squash, 0 Ile
Taylor; Houdans, C Henderson 1 & derson, Fred MnCraoken ; colleen
.� ; Dorkins, C Henderson ; Lang- of garden produce, W McCracken
spans, Jas Speir, 0 Henderson ; 1W Taylor ; tomatoes, large,. Joh
Cochins,. as Henderson 1 & ? ; , Steffen!, D McLennan ; Plum or
Wyandottes, W Taylor ; black mite; cherry tomatoes, J Brethour, Walter
oreas, Mrs 5 Wilton, 0 Henderson; Taylor; butter beaus, J McCallum,
turkeys, G Irwin ; geese, 0 .Mender- ' 1'; Garvin ; white beans, E Garvin
- IMPAIIT ren , 41t1tIVI: F1:09f CPC 4 i 4 1, It (• 4�1 t 'fill
' Toronto and Nast 0:04 A.M. 1:18 p.m �,
11:20 " 10:07 "
3:15 p. Al,••via Clinton
1'almeraton Mud 7:20 " 10:40 a,m
London and Soatli 0:30 a,In.e 11:10 "
3:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
I;;incardine 11:20 a.m. 6:04 a.m.
1:18 p.m. 11;20 "
10:07 " 0:6i$ pan.
n, quilt, Jas m e0allum, J Evans ;
Tas . crochet quilt, W Pelton, mfrs Stewart;
C patchwork quilt, Mrs Stewart Miss
r Nott, miss Meterell; log cabin quilt,
•; miiss Nott, W Me0raeken; faney
e, quilt, oris McLaren, mI Harris ; knit-
ted quilt, mus 1'f Stewart, mfrs matfett;
r rag mat, miss Nott, mfrs T Ballantyne'n 1r
d- ,air t ale ; r; r'f ilk, m1iR Ross BANK
d- I mfrs Ilele; rope silk, mss Ross W Q�
Biashill; Roman embroider v, !lass ' VV 1 N G H A M
o- N Ross, ails Straehan ; sllelI wort;, J
n Evans, ,Miss Nett; sofa pillow, Berlin
,1 wool work flat, airs T Ballantyne,
n miss Nott ; sofa. pillow, Berlin wool,
raised, miss Ross, W mcCracken ;
sofa pillow braided, mriss meCiePand,
J ase0allum; sofa, pillow, patchwork,
J Ball, Miss Ross ; stockings, woollen,
Miss McLaren, airs Hele; cotton, Mrs
Stewart, miss Nott; woollen socks,
urs Hele, miss McLaren ; cotton, ors
Stewart, airs Melo; tatting, airs
Stewart, miss .!moss; tinsel work, Miss
Ross, miss Nott ; tissue paper flowers,
Mrs Strachan, W Robb ; wax flowers
Mrs Strachan, Mrs Ballantyne; out-
line work, Miss McLaren, Miss Nett,
Mrs Hele; lambrequin, silk and fish
scales, (recommended) Maggie Car-
diff; batten wreath, also reeornmend-
ed; drawn work, (recommended)
Mrs Tleie; crochet in silk, (recom-
mended) Mrs Hele,
FIRE AR's,—Collection of birds in
ease, W Leatherdale, J Wynn ; colt
stuffed. animals, W Leatherdale;
pencil drawing, Mrs bele Mrs Mc-
Kelvey; water color figures, Mrs A
Straehan.; oil painting, Mrs Hele,
Mrs McKelvey ;. crayon drawing,
Mrs Kele, Mrs McKelvey ; crayon
drawing, colored, Mrs Hele, Mrs Mc-
Kelvey ; painting on pottery, Nellie
Ross, Mrs Ilele; on silk or velvet;
Mrs .bele, on placgnes, N Ross, 'Mrs
Hele.; ornamental' penmanship., Mrs
Hele, E Garvin ; business penman-
ship, W - McCracken ; girl's penman-
ship, Mrs McKelvey, Mrs T Calder ;
modelling in clay, M Stt;wart, W
FLOWERS and PLANTS. ---Table
boquet, Jno Brethour; hand boquet,
M Stewart, W Taylor; button hole
boquet, D McLennan, D marsh; cut
flowers, W Taylor. Jno Brethour;
pansies N Duncanson, Mrs Strachan
phlox drummondi, M Stewart W
Taylor; asters, M Stewart, W Taylor
stocks, C. Henderson w Taylor;
petunias, D Marsh, W Taylor;
African merigolds, C Henderson
French merigolds, C Henderson, W
Taylor; dianti•us, W Taylor; zinnias
0 Henderson; verbenas, Mrs Strachan
W Taylor; perennial phlox, D Marsh
M Stewart; double holyhoeks, G A
Deadman ; ornamental grasses, J.
Brethour;flowers not in list, D Marsh
W Taylor.
son, G Irwin; Rouen ducks, G W i W McCracken; any other -variety
Irwin, Jas Spier ,• Pekin ducks, Geo + beans, Jas 1leCullum, 1T Fdwards;
Irwin 1 & 2 ; Aylesbury ducks, 0 citrons, round striped, 0 Henderson,
Henderson; canaries, Mrs T Ballon- :II Kdwards ; citrons, long California,
tyne; fowl, any other breed, G W j Jas Evans, Chas Henderson ; water -
Irvin ; fancy pigeons, D .A Lowry, 1 melons, W McCracken ; muskmelons
& 2: 1W Taylor, W McCracken ; eucum-
IMPLaMRNTs—Patent arm waggon r hers, C Henderson, W Taylor;
Jno Wynn, J Walker ; covered celery, white, D *McLennan, W Mc -
buggy, Jas Wacker, 1 & 2 ; photon, 'Cracker' ; celery pink, D McLennan,
buggy, Jas Walker ; cutter, John 1W McCracken.
Wynn, 1 & 2 ; iron harrows, Cardiff! Dann- PRonucz*-25 pounds tub
& Best; turnip stuffier, J Gilpin. G1 butter, hone made, J Ball, J Shaw,
Martin ; turnip cutter, J Gilpin, J McCallum, W ' Armstrong, M 11
Cardiff & Best; twin gang plow, J Harrison ; five pounds table butter,
Gilpin, G Martin ; general purpose G A 'Deadman, Jas McCallum, John
plow, J Gilpin, Cardiff & Best, turnip ( McKinnon, Jas Ferguson, Ed. Garvin;
seed drill, Cardiff & Best, J Gilpin ; !factory cheese, Neil S McLaughlin ;
wheelbarrow, Jno Wynn ; two seat -1 home made cheese, Jas Simson, Jas
ed democrat, Jas Walker. Davidson.
GRAIN.—White fall wheat, Dr Me -1 DoailnSTIC MAxurecairREs--F1an-
Kelvey, Jno Stafford, Jno Brown; ' gel, Miss Eva Nott ; pair blankets,
red fall wheat, Jas McCallum,
0 Johnston,jJas McCallum; counter,
Burgess, Jno McKinnon ; spring pane, Miss +Nott, Mrs S Wilton ;
wheat, Jas 'McCallum, Chas Mender. home spun yarn, W H McCracken,
son, M Harrison : barley, Chas Hen- Ross; maple sugar, Jas McCallum,
Render -
: gentleman's suit, Canadian tweed, D
derson, .I t Edwards, Jno Brown;
! C
black oats,C Henderson, G Moffatt,
i W McCracken ; maple 'molasses, C
W 13 Wilkinson; wi;ite oats, 0 John -
comb, Henderson, W McCracken ; honey in
stop, Jas Burgess, is Moffatt; small ' comb, 0. A Deadman, Chas Hender-
peas, Chis Henderson, Jas Speir,; son honey, strained or extracted, u
Geo Moffatt ; timothy seed, Dils L 1 A Deadman, 0 Henderson ; grape
Stewart, .Jabs DIoCa111u1n, Jas Speir. wine, 30111 Brethour, Mrs Jas Wilk•
FRUIT—Baldwins, .Jus Shaw, '2_ McCracken; Jas Burgerhubarb wine,swine, W
Henderson ; Farnense, Jas Silnson, McCracken ; . tomato wine, W Mc-
Cracken ; elderberry wine, Mrs.
Hele, Jno Brethour; tomato catsup,
Mrs A Straehan, C Henderson ;
ueliian Ainley,Shaw; Spies, .hs Elliott, D Marsh; ;rhubarb jelly, Lillian ; p -R
I Greenings, Jas Evans, Jas Speir; i berry jelly, Mrs A. Strachan ; jelly
Golden Russets, J Brown, I Gavin ; from any other fruit, Lillian Ainley,
W McCracken ; baker's bread, white
Geo Thomson: home made bread
white, D McLellan, Jno McKinnon,
Mrs McKelvey ; baker's bread,
brown, Geo Thomson ; home made
bread, brown, D MeLennan, Mrs Mc-
Kelvey, D Marsh ; fruit cake, Mrs A
Straehan, Jas McCallum; jelly cake,
Mrs Hele, D McLennan ; oatmeal
cake, Jno Brethour, Mrs Hele; cane•
ed fruit, Lillian Ainley, W McCrack-
M tanneaCTIIREs.—Set double farm
harness, J Donaldson, I C Richards
single buggy harness, l C Richards,
J Donaldson ; ine and coarse boots,
T C Richairds ; axe handle, Geo John-
ston, Jas McCallum ; tinware, Wil-
ton & Turnbull.
LADIES' WoRK.—Ariscene work,
Miss E Nott, Mrs A Strachan ; ap-
plique work, Mrs A Straehan; Mrs.
T Ballantyne ; braiding, Mrs. E
Stewart, Jas McCallum, Mrs A
Strachan ; Berlin wool work, flat,
Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs Hele ; BerIin
wool work, raised, N Ross, Mrs
A Strachan; Berlin wool and bead
work, Miss McClelland, Mrs Hole;
Berlin wool flowers, W Blashill;
bead work, N Ross, Miss McClellan ;
bonnets, Mrs Geo Moffatt ; Berlin
wool and silk fiat, Mrs Wilton, Mrs
A Strachan; cone work, Mrs E
Stewart, Mrs McKelvey ; cord work,
Mrs Hele, Miss McClelland ; crewel
work, Mrs Vele, N Ross; card board
motto, Miss N Ross, Mrs Geo Moffatt;
crochet work, cotton, Mrs E Stewart,
!!lass McClelland; crochet work, in
wool, Miss N Ross, Mrs Hele, Mrs
E Stewart; darned net, Miss N Ross,
Miss McClelland; embroidery,
cotton or muslin, Mrs, E Stewart,
Miss McClelland ; embroidery on
worsted, Miss Nett, Slits N Ross; on
silk, Mrs Strachan, Mrs Ee'e ; tine
shirt, Miss Meelelland, Mrs Moffatt;
fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs E
Stewart, Mrs Geo matfett; in wool, J
Wynn, Mrs Stewart; flannel shirt,
miss Nott, mfrs mioftatt; feather flow-
ers, W Blashill; feather stitching,
Miss Ross; miss McClelland ; hair
flowers, not kno' n ; point lace airs
Henderson ; King of Tompkins Co.,
Jno Wynn, M II Harrison ; Mann, J
Speir, Amos Smith ; Monmouth
pippins, W, Pollard, Geo Robb •
Spitzenburg, Jas Speir, C Hender-
son ; Seek no Further, M Harrison,
W Armstrong ; Tolman Sweets, R
Corley, E Gavin ; 20 -oz Pippins, G A
Deadman, L Hollinger; Wealthy, E
Garvin, Jas Davidson ; Ribston
pippins, M Harrison J Speir ; Col-
verts, C Henderson, W Robb; Rox-
bury Russets, J McKinnon, M Harri-
son; Alexander, Jas Sirnson, Mrs.
McKelvey ; Duchess of Oldenburg, S
Hoggard, Jas Burgess; Failawater,
C Henderson, Miss McLaren ; Grav-
enstiee, Jas Spier ; Maiden's Blush,
A Stewart, Jno Brown ; Peewankee,
It Corley, W B Wilkinson; St Law-
rence,' M Harrison, A Smith ; Chen-
ango Strawberry, G Deadman, R
Corley: Winter apples, ,Tas Evans,
Geo Johnson ; Fall apples, Jas Evans;
Winter pears, Jas Speir, W Arm-
strong ; plums, W 11 McCracken,
Jas McCallum; grapes, 0 Henderson,
D Stewart; crabs. A Gardiner, Jas
Davidson ; apples not in above list,
Mark Cardiff, Jas Speir; 5 varieties
of plums, Chas Henderson.
Roo•rs AND HOED CROPS.—Early
potatoes, Ed Garvin, A Smith, Hugh
Lamont; lute potatoes, H Lamont, A
Smith, 1' Garvin ; collection of
potatewe, A Smith, 1a Garvin, Chas
Flondersou ; Swede turnips, Chas
Flenderson, Wilt Armstrong; turnips
any other variety, Geo Johnston, 0
Henderson ; white field carrots, Jno
Brown, 1) McLelland ; Altringham
carrot,, .Jas McCallum, W Taylor;
scarlet nantes, Walter Taylor, Sohn
l3rethour ; early horn carrots, W
Taylor, Jas McCallum; long blco3
beets, Geo..r',hnston, Jas 13urgess;
blood turnip beets, Jas McCallum, W
Il McCracken ; white sugar beets,
WTaylor, S Istoggard; parsnips.
John 1V y n n, W MoCraeken ; mangold
wurtzels, long red, W McCracken, 0
Henderson; yellow globe mangolds,
W McCracken, Mrs, T Ballantyne ;
red globe mangolds, Jas McCallum, W
McCracken ; long yellow mangolds,
W McCracken, Jas McCallum.
VECIETABLES-0n1o11s, from seed,
r, d, W 111eCracken, I3rethotir
onions, from seed yellow, W Mee
Cracken, 0 Renders m ; onions from Vele miss McClelland; lace, Iloniton,
set'rl, Giant Rosea, W McCracken, S miss Ross, miss Nott
lff'pgard: 01110118 from to sets W r bend,, lambrequin,
McCracken; onions, from Dutehsets Berlin n; and mat, srs Rosa, Hiss
3 >'retllotzr, W ,froMcCracken; topStrachan ; lamp mat, Mrs Ilele, miss
lass; lead work, alas Hale, W
An Easy Cure f or Druuknnesa.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
habit may easily be cured by the use of
Hill's Double Chloride of Gold Tablets.
No effort is required of the patient and
stimulants may be taken as usual until
votuctarily given up, 'Tablets may bo
given in tea or coffee without the patient's
knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every
ease. For sale by all tirst•class druggists,
or will be sent on receipt 'of $1,00. Fol
full particulars address, The Ohio
Chemical Works, Luna, Ohio.
W. G. Collins organized a Council
of Chosen friends in Dungannon with
a membership of 24. Ile went fro
there to Southampton where he
now at work.
10 eta. Cures Constipation d
Liver Ms.—Dr. Altnew's Liver ''ills
are the moat perfect made, and ours like
magic, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, indigestion and all Liver
Ills. 10 cents a tial -40 doses. Sold at
Chisholm's 32rug Store, Wingham.
A serious surgical Operation was
performed on .Mrs; !Fred, Fisher, of
Usborne, on Thursday last by Drs
Rollins & Amos for the •cure of a
long standing adbominai trouble.
The patient is doing nicely.
--ISPtJ$LJS1U 1>
Subscription price, $1 per year, in advance
Space 1 1 yr. 1 u n'n. 1 8 n o. l 1 mo
One 00111pin 600 00 640 00 1 620 00 S 00
Half " 40 00 'X(4 0Q i. UO S 00
Uno [holt ! g 00
for kat insv tion,, and aa. advertisements, line breaub equdh'b4
insertion. Measured by nonpareil Neale.
Loam flatlet's No. per lino tor tiret insertion, and
6o, per line for each subsequent nneorticn,
Advertisements of Lost, bound, Strayed, Situations,
-and Business Chances Wanted, not exceedhig 8 Snob
nonpareil, Si for first month, and 600. for eaob
subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not .exceeding 8 li�:,,oe4
*1 tor that month, 00e. per subsequent month,
Larger advertisements in proportion,
These terms will bo strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or to
longer periods.
Adverdirections, w3Utl o Inserted ts and tilltices forbidandwiteal
a0cordhigly. Transitury advertisements must be
paid Changes for advance
advertisements must be in
thu odiee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
that week
S. G. ItRowN,
Quarter " 80 00 i 0
Capital, 01,250,000. Beat, 066D,000 - Oo z ua Xaa
President—Joni eTUART.
Vioe.Prestdent—A. Ci. RAnsAy,
Joins Pnoero,, 000. ROAM!, W Gnfao o, DI P, A. T.
WOOD, A. B. Los (Toronto).
Cashtor—J, TURNBULL,
Savings Ilauhk—flours, leto 8; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of ir.,,•srest.
Drafts o, Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor,
INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, B 1
Heads, Circulars, an., deo., executed in tho best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
S. O '3IOWN,
,M aR Otllco. Windham.
Ws are pleased to annon>co that any 1300k3 or
Magazines lett with no 10r Binding, will have our
Prompt attention. Prides for Binding in any style
will be given on application e the Ttaius Office.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 pet oentwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
Rome. filen/DOC.
Beaver Block Wihrham, out.
We will S 1,, the TIMES
to bona h le new sub- ARTHUR J. IRWIN', D. D. 8., D. S.,
Scribers J11. now 1121!71 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvan
t d ; ' rst of Dental Cotloge,
interestte . NCompany
cohip(i tsyeten charged. Mortgagee lowestrale
and farm property bought and sold
OFICICE--Beaver Block WrnoHAM
Wiughuas, Ont.
Ofirce—Dleyor Block. Winrhan,
Otilce.-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne hotel. -
L ,� Ir manufacturing Srst.olass sets of
,I teeth as cheap as they can be made
eyt,•�,A in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by his new
process, guaranteed perfectly sMe.
O1rFICE: in the Beaver Block, opposite th
Brunswick House.
Y 1897
e smal \ sum of
As a blood shaker, blood
purifier, health giver and sys-
tem renovator M a n l e y''s
Celery -Nerve Compound is
•• tbe eruptions es the Lace sir*
ttealarly have been removed, and
the triable in nay back as.delt, and
1 fed like
a new renal. X Co s d
*Woos Celery Competind better
Mut doctor'amedicine for blood And
liver trsnbtee, as It Ane proved se
la ntyr elm." baba Leffler.
Waterford, Orin.
For stale ix Wiragkal by tIoli* A
e TIMES is an •-to-
te paper, - all pri ted
at home.
Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of
Presbyterian chnrelh every Friday evening.
Subject for Oct.16(h—Are we doing our
hest? (A. meeting to consider the work of
the conlmrtt-e suggested.) DMatt. 5: 13.26,
15, 14-30.—Mies Deans'.
EPWORTH LI AQUB--.Meeting ovary
Thursday evening in the Methodist church.
73. Y. P. U.—Meeting L'very Tuesday
evening in the Baptist church. Subject for
Oet. 20th—God's attitude toward interop.
erdnce—Xsiah 5: 11.12 --Miss Jennie Long.
For Tw tty -S1x Years
RroTit—!till visitDlyth ovary Wednrvday.
.P DEANS. JR.. WixanAsy
Sales attended 111 any part of the Co. Charge
JOHN CURRIE', W/saumit, UST.,
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implomsntr a
All orders loft at the •riansi cmoe promptly attend
ad to. Terms reasonable,
wxnnn Yon SET 12 aaAvas AND 1 HAIR Otte
roe 01.
Opposite Central Hot ot,
Agent' for Parisian Steens Loom:1 '.
Wanted—An Ideathing m imams,
t oat Idioms; they my bring yu paten* e1
nets°Washington, IN D.O. tot tholft e 41,f Patent
sad ams et Pas kuindr,d Iasvostlotu waned►
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