The Wingham Times, 1896-10-16, Page 54 THE WINGHAM TIMES, OCTOBER 1 6„ 1896. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH stiPet.v DE,Williams! Pink Piiis Al CHISHOLM'S BM STONE. WINGIIA171., ONT. NEW CROP TIMOTHY SEED, AMERICAN PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE, SCREEN DOOM, REFRIGATORS, ICE •CREAM FREEZERS, Also full Tine of AQUET LA PS at very low prices. SMITH & PETHICK, BEAVER BLOCK, WINGHAM, - 0 T. I'll,OTBOTING GAME BIRDS. 'The Provincial Government has pmsed an oder in Gonna. for the, protection of game birds in Rondeau Provincial Part aud Rondeau harbor. It prohibits the use of steam vessels for !the shooting of duelts'andprovides that no hunters' boats Shall approach within WO years of the short or rush line. The number of ducks or other game birds to be shot in a season is Milted to 1r0. son:–_,Itoji*spap.. Wednegdarelrening a few of the friends and neighbors of Mrs, Robertson, assembled at her home at Marnoeli, to witness the marriage of her youngest daughter,,Bella, to Jas. W. Gibson, of West Wawanosh. The ceremony was preformed by the Rev. Mx Hall, of Belgrave.The bride wore .a travelling suit .of brown French Gostin cloth trimmed with watered silk and girnp. Tho house was artistically decorated with flow- ers and leaves. We extend our con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, BLYTH. The fall show here on Tuesday and wednesday was in every respect a success, although the weather was probably the most disagreeable of tire:season. On Tuesday it rained very heavy and the downpour continued at intervals until nearly Wednesday noon, and then the weather turned bitterly could with heavy wind and hail. Notwthstand- ing ail these drawbacks there was a magnificent array of inside exhibits and a big concourse of speetators. From 8 to 12 a. m. on Wednesday vehicles with heavy ,loads of human freight poured in until accom- modation could not be secured for man or beast. The new grounds of the Society comprise thirteen acres and are among the very best in the county. They will be improved from year to year. The inside show was away ahead of former years, • while the outside exhibits were numerous and as good as we have veal. Hocses, cattle, sheep, swines, poultry, implements, etc., all played a prominent part and created deep interest. Tax collector, John Bell, is on his annual rounds. S. S. anniveasary service is to be held on Sunday morning in Trinity. (Thumb. A speeial offertory for the S., S. will be taken up.—Tho Tellnao.me Concert Company concert held in• Industry hall en the night of the fair, was well attended, the hall being laterally pieked. It was pronounced by some that were there to be the best that they have seen. Will Goodland, butcher, took a moonlight flight on Sunday morning, leaving several mourners behind. He had only been in business a short time. LONDESBORO. The meeting of the I. 0. G. T. was held in Blyth on. Wednesday last quite a number froni here were Present, some taking part in the concert at night. The Rev. Mr. Andrews will only preach once here on Sunday owing to the anniversary services at Kin - burn. Mr. A. Brogden left- for Toronto on Monday morning where he has taken a position in a drug attire. Another of those happy eeents took place on Wednesday at the home of Mr. Bruce when his eldest daughter, Miss Bella, was united in marriage to Mr, T. Little of the 12th concession of Hullett. • Mr. W. Agnew brother of Dr. Agneweleft here on Tuesday for Ohio, after spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof. Mr. J. Bruusdon took several • prizes at Blyth fair for his waggons, buggies &e. Mr. R. Webb received a car load of wheat from Manitoba last week. Miss Aggie Grieve, daughter of Wm Grieve of McKillop, was taken seriouslyill, at the Toronto Normal School: • She is now recovery. • OUR G °MING made up to ORDER must fit or no JL Ei INOVNANSHIP the very BEST, ASSISESINIKEL'953332=0=11NdlalfGESGSZ=IMMISMI uSEEREMMTI-EiNEENagt1-4, tfkr4n1L7,7?t til 7,41 ti ".j 1(t LIP WHlPFOiIUIOIL The anniversary services in con - neaten with the Presbyterian aura held hero Sanday and Monday were largly attended. On Sunday very able sermons were preached, morn- ing and night by the Rev, Mr. McKay of Woodstock. A very ex- cellent sermon was preached in the afternoon by the Rev. A. Mc1 of Lncknow, On Monday evening a grand spread was prepared in tee basernent of the ehu 'eh by the ladies of the congregation. The meeting in the auditorium of the church was most enjoyable. Music was supplied by 0, W. Cline and company of Winghain,"Jr.. Sam Gracey read two ie!leetions with his usual ability and addresses were given by the Rev. Messrs. Whaley, and Leech and Dr. Mackay. Through the courtesy of Dr. Mackay we will be able to publish a full outline of the address some time in the future. On Tues- day evening a soeial was held for the purpose of disposing of the frag- ments, This too was a successful gathering. The financial result of the whole was over $130. Now that the turnips are housed and fall plowing pretty well on the way. we would like to hear from our Whitechurch correspondent.— Ed. soda beaten up with the whites of three eggs will revive there. past Live Stook alarliets. recognition. 2e Der Ib., Bulls were s'eady at 2 per Ib; export bulls were firm at Ile 33,eper lho Sheep and lambs were 1-nchaolged. Export sheep were quiet at 21e 0 220 per ib,, and a few choice brought 3e; lambs were ueer An excellent tarnish preventive for brass bedsteads and other ar- tieles is made as follows: talie a ter of an ounce shellac and quarter 't a pint of methylated spirits place ti- evir-i ingredients in a glass brittle and at 52.0 O. $2.75 each; buteliers Shake the bottle well, keep it in a sheep were very dull. Calves steaely warm place for a. few days. I faar . ; Choice fetch $6 0 $7 each, - and or- off the clear fluid and apply it to the dinary $2 0 $5„ Hogs were firm, braes with a camel's I•utie brush. • Selections of Bacon hogs sell at 3;e per. Th., and thick fat at 32e. East Buffalo, Oct. 13.—Cattle---2 cars; nothing°doing. Hogs --Twelve cars; 10c and 15e higher. Yorkers 53.75 Ce; $3.80; mixed packers, $3.70 Ti'. Rogers, Toronto, Evangelist, 0?. $3.75; mediums, 83.60 1 Kee; working under the direetien of the heavy, !'33.50 0 $3.55; pigs, $3.00 0 Provincial Boaurd. of the Young Men's • ,Tee 30; rouges, ea ee, eeeee; stags,IChristian Aesociatioa has been bold,. 0 2.75. Sheep and lambs—ling evangelistie servicee at SeafortbI : 8 23 cars, slow, prime lambs, $4.40 0 4.55; good. to choice, 54 0 54.40; culls and cemmen, 83,25 0 53.75; Oleic° wethers, $3,50 0 $3.60; fair to choice mixed sheep, 52.50 0.i. $3,50 culls and common, $1.50 0 $2.25. Market closed steady with some Canada ]ambs unsold. The brass should be well cleaned, polished, and. also, if poesible, heated before the varnish is applied. Trade Notes. A little gold paint to touch up the scraped patches of gilt frames and a washing with one ounce of Toronto, Ont., October 13.—At, Leather chairs that have become rusty and are still in good condition for wear can be much improved and . brightened by the use of white of anmust be more perfect sion egg. It sl'ould be beaten to • a froth than when made in the old - and applied with a brush then let time way with. mortar and. dry on. pestle a few ounces at a, To polish furniture, put a handful time. This is why Scott's. ot common salt and a tablespoonful Emulsion of cod. -liver oil of muriatic acid in one quart of Wale n e v e r separates, keeps beer or .vinegur, and boil it ' f.r sweet for years, and why fifteen minutes. Keep in a bottle, i and warm it when wanted for use. every spoonful is equal to After washing the furniture with every other spoonful.' An warm soft water to remove the dirt, wash it with the mixture and polish with any furniture polish. the Toronto cattle markets to -day prices were little firmer, but there was no material advance. Receipts were 49 ears including 1,001 sheep lambs, 2,600 hogs and 25 calves. Export cattle were in moderate demand. There was slightly firmer feeling. Best price 3e 0, 4e per ib some sold at 3?;.e. Butchers cattle were dull. Demand for Montreal market was slow, only half a dozen. cars being taken for there. Ruling prices were 2c at 3c per pound, but as high as 31e was paid for choice. Stockers and feeders were quiet. Farmers' stockers weighing about 800 Ms., eel" at 21e per 1h good. feed- ers are in active demand, at 2-1;c ® V Hattie Brooks, formerly of Sen - forth won the tided ,ears math. matical seholarship valued at $250. Her sister, Lizzie, also won the Nor - mai School Bursaiy, value $4_5. , Seaforth will organize a. Detatirg Club. li=i7MISMEI=Cr`05.111101112ffilli2EIRDA% cence Science is " knowing how," The only secret about Scoffs Emulsion is years of science. When made in large quantities and by im- proving methods, an -exnul- even product throughout. In other emulsiors you are liable to gat an uneven benefit—either an over or under dose. Get Scott's. Genuine has a salmon.colored wrapper. grammerwextvaSie7.: Mre 4=1:71X1:,5.,..17PM.73"' .reaeeni-eereelee4eeeeee„..4...e.S bee, .; mvszray..mikfn-qp-zkzz-,imtrt sidiN1.40. 11416T-2,`?./ pave • • ,•71.1.* -7^2121===ltleMlle in 1-(01- is to close up -73i siriess in -Loch. )13 r stock must be on or before that tate. lst ay f ,i,Airittrgaler We pride ourselves on keeping the nobbiest and best stook of TWEEDS, OVEaCOA.TINGS, WORSTEDS, Scotch and Irish that are in the market.. Come in and see us and SAVE)ONEIY.‘, erealtK7=:=2,77".Mr.:SMIOraireese.5, • lee r OUR 11 10" X 17,7q TO ORDER ARE If n BEATERS NOW YOU: TIME, Ingham se OVERCOATS to be saeriaced. worth $12 for $8, worth $14 for $10. 376 MEWS BOYS' AN CHILDREN'S !NAP MADE T:Hrrs NET CO. Suits worth $8 fcr $6, worth $12 for 9, worth $15 for n1. Boys' suit; in the same proportion. HATS, OAPS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, NEOKTIES, UNDERCLOTHING. Everything must go alc savrilice. JOH R eingalang riTTiT JLjI .L sz NS, • :•;;t"!".1,,,, Ite Macdcnald Block, Wingham. elMszsAll N,,,..LitnefikrSEac ••• ;L411 0,0 WE MEAJ BUSINITZ'.3S. This is a GENUINE SIPULJE:.