HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-16, Page 4• d� fae� Inc wit tint • r.: otic; t path 1eR 4 • W i.N G'H."A.M. TIMEiS, OCTOBER NI i81.46,.= a,mn. Via•.-r..•at ,...f., .. ..-u.�.w.ai.~:+.a..v.,�w,...,...,,,n, 043 i�tg��m Cats FRIDAY, 00`,PO13I�ilt 11, 1993. C. E IL I , CHEMIST —AND— A FARMER'S ADVICE. I w Tells The 7ttecple To Shun Imitations. HE HAD IIBEN IMPOSED UPON 13Y AN UNSCRUPULOUS i)I::1l4ER WITH THERESULT THAT XT NEAR- LY eon HIM TIII`. LIFT: OF A L(1VEI) MEM- BER OF ITIS. FAMILY. From the. „ onlstcelc 1. Il. seutinol. A reporter from the Sentinel re- cently dropped into - he Victoria but in boxes with the trade mark en the wrapper. I 'event to the eupboarit tuid, taking the box containing the the pills and threw it and it's con- tents into the fire. I then went unci procured half a dozen boxes of , tile. genuine Pink Pills and from the time my wife began their use, there was an improvement in her condition. She used about: admen .luxes alto- gether, and to dray t11Cro'is no Bolen t ter or healthier woolen in the lieigll •• horhood, ,and , Dr. ,.Williams' pink Pills are the standard medicine :111, our home. Publish this? Yes,` it may do sumo...other sufferer ,good Hotel looking for general news and we are all tbankfr 1. for what Pink tl ill tl l'4ilt',il ^a -a--r- —M^ • ••••--1 (� ylG, 40.-43:11.1,p.--13..— " ' .w' e ..t'ar't •wIsiiiI:oz. •r l.f NI Wingliain, (October lith, 19001 pi r ctcdb� ,it.l)ca11s,€'�oduoc.0ealer. , r 41 .,<U6 to070 � Zaf'� ' O ea I •.'OOStoU70 L1orre yy' i -.01otu pe1:,100 lbs.. 00 Spring; AVlluat Ont, Q41...., .. i'wl1 iE"11cat,. .. ., �'� f �^I to yo:111 elle ;-egistt r for the arrival of Pills has done ikfir us, but ba .. gun; ,t,v' ..0 1) t1 1f @2t .d� • more. Among those present he you caution your readers :lga}nst noticed a well dressed farmer sitting those vile imitations." : reading, a small pamphlet. The re- The warning uttered,•by'- ,M . l was anything �' new, < � Neel). e , - answei' cI in the negative the farmer dealers inSome of the (3ountl'y turned and adclreesed him. "Look• 1 try to impose on the public by trashy I ing for news, Cil? Well sit down alit i imitations colored to rrefent tile a pp: I'll give you•somethin Nvorth pub- 1 earance of genuine I.)Inl�'' fills, . 1 he Na W. TELEGRAPH CO Opp. Bruns "�° k Hose. se. Barley PChs Butter, .,, 0 10 to 0 11 01.5 to0ID3:1 Oto 0 19 t 0 1 �.• Mo3CC:S:+'JM1Tr P,Y! �WWIuiYCS=M rFF.^', 4YY16 ��"•+t,M <Y%:l+.r• li lI Cr 030to035_ 010 to 038 �a Geo Carr has a few more Suits and Overcoats which Eggs per'illiken 0 11 to 0 11 Wood per cold .. l 95 to 1 50 •Day pet •tor.; uta . t) 00 tol0 00 ',Potatoes, .der 1)4,.ltot, Slog t • ti 2:a to 0 30 1,'otatoeis, per lF,ttbsil, slew 0;'25 to 0 30 Callow, per 1b 0 .4 to 0 4 Pried Apples, pot 1b e 0: -2 to 0 2 •C hiakens '', r , 0 20 to 0 25 • bucks <> .: 1n -ti.g0 to 0,60 K9eertn <, ..... 0 •5 to 0 5 Tui1}eys.. .. 0 7 to 0 5 Dressed Boge, .... 4 75 W 4 80 'Wool 10 to 23 porter asked the landlord if there Banks is oirlti th at tlltl:rlublic will c,o O YOU w �qs > {{3� r� a tl 9 l tl �, and • being ( 11 to heed, for some u11SCrti p1110t1S %,� 6'�E,1 q - - . 11hi pas, to1r.V(5 air n, on ow pl,nianitisto piv rent •A * tol(uu crt•te X7.60 -per month. and ,peys off princlg 1 :awl ittet(•at In -tight )earl; other zailu^.nIn' +, maili!.m. lune of .payment limit, aRt.t,eight )1 iS 1tsr.th,o,t;age.,iriln(•vrdptiip• eft, ,n(t o•„ , net tet It sfeeee , i lishill The reporter was at once public can always protect ::them , . ,A r,i. „DIITI— A, l c . and the droner contmu- 1 ed, "You see this little boon: I hold r the ger�liine pills aro novel sold by Wr.t"a1,.'f'"'�t .al'Js;•1•, - .. - Ont I on the alert and ti c f I selves by bearing in mind. tlla:t, the Ti:°ti'quitit;ii'� aa:tri ,,2.((J sit �><tlilllni�& rte in my hand? Well the title of this Is I the dozen, hundred or by the ounce. �_;_- ir. EDITORIAL NOTES. A nisi' brutal affair took place in the Kingston penetentiary one day last week when an insubordinate convict was shot through the head. It seems strange that here in Canada prisoners should be treated with such severity, and that a jury should be formed to acquit the officer with a • superficial exumination. The Gov- ment should lock into this matter. C0l'MalNIC.ATION. We '11 I To. the Editor Of theWinLham Tiuys, from Bristol, Carleton Co., N. I>., 1 and tint - Some of your confreres, more and am a well to do farmer. For :12 -partienlarly those of Goderieh, several years my wife was troubled' - are charging Mr. Gibson, M. P. P., with pains in tete back and weakness .. with nepotism, at this !,articular of the kidneys. About two years ! - r AlI9I of 00 ncres,'Iii los9 taa•nship Arneo'Co., juncture, and that unfairly. i11 that ago she was taker, very ill, the . 75 acres cleared;;ets41 of seri• g water, two Food" we its; nc,v wind•mill, good house; large bink item, two of his relations held offices trouble seemed to tike the form of 1 tahlev two ac boarmg orchard 2 tulles from 'Five Prize Stories' and there is more 1 They aro always put up in' line. common sense in it than in half Of 1 around which- will' ljd foul3cl dill he is selling at cost. prices. They are all sea'c)11ab1e goods Cls l C i New goads arriving every few days keeps our stock rn id and good Trimmings. rwssa..:•r':x:e4rrt+�'s*r1*4Dnermxa. in' :... jl well assorted with all the latest in. ;: it� ` IT. '� 1..S AND �� C� r� 11, lr GEO. CARR, L11i , Wingllam. to ->--n a r �r gl'e S<1tlSlclOttakl In f'l'L?rl' i'f Sl.JrCt; rpt T. Leslie's Old Stand. �.'.�,-'i,'-�-?.1�'i�-r''i�-.ice'-=1ff4:� �r.,.--=,r��"•r�•r,�l �:i�.ei',-....����.`lw.:r.?ir! F1':1N�i1r-•. �i IAs1'i?r�.$�tl' •i" �5�`3 r r " the pihilosophie•11 works of the clay, I direction for their use the whole- ens 'eiDtz t-. ,i, • ra. and It don't lay in any of the stories 1 closed in a label bearing the: 'whole h1 Sete. Ile"ih „ M--�^ '.! either. Well about a year ago I got! trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink �" ' ' The emierc:il: eed ho ellJo-t running 4116., bold of another' little book by thee' Pills for' Pale' People." If you, want �:ii,chttul' viti+.1 ,:t:(i 'jelly 3.414,on same authors entitled 'Four Genera- ! a medicine that will euro all diseases Teem.,ln1..1 el ttoeitee etre August !8th tions' which I read through, and one , due to .poor and Watery blood, or very important thing I saw was, be- I shattered nerves, ask for the genuine ware of' imitations, just as I read in i Pink Pills). and take nothing ¢Ise,, no- this io this little book. Now I wish to show matter what some interested ;dealer; how I was taken in (deceived) and! who is looking for larger profit may how I found it out and how near it ! say i - came to costing me the deareet mem- 1 her of my household. Well to be -1 gin at the beginning. My name is do not hold ourselves res mi ; , e or opinions exii-es?ed by the writer of any communication. Shepherd Banks; I reside 11• miles A `300 aCr ngham, Ont. rent, well watsred Apply to box FOR SAL OR DENT. under the Ontario Government, one of then! for a short time only but not now. Both of them had severed their connection with Wroxeter and < goo• s rc acute rheumatism. We consulted +` no less than three different doeuors 1 A pplt to Mrs. A. Stewart, Lurosnow, Ii, ,A.. Stewiut St. 'flicnms or A.G. Stewart, Teeswater, who, however failed to hell) her. She continued to grow weaker and! %Vhiteehu,eh station, 4 from Lueknow; an oxoellont bpportu hitt' for doirg a prolitablo dairy bnslness. were residents of Toronto, the one weaker; and the pains she endured for at least two years, and the other were something terrible. For over a for four or five- years previous to the year she was unable to do a single appointments. W. Gibson was recons- ! thing about the house, and she had mended to the late ?Ir. Pardee by fallen away in, weight from one hull -1 Dir. Eyvel, who at that time was a dred and eighty pounds 1;0 one bun-! Hansard Reverter and also owner of dred and thirty pounds, and we des- a paper in S trete, unknown to his paired of her recovery. I happened uncle who I believe was never con- to notice in one of the newsrt:sp0rs a; suited in the appointment of either testimonial of it sit -Miter cure through and for which he was in no way the use of Dr. Willeims' Pink Pills. responsible. If a member is not to I immediately got a couple of boxes. be allowed to take -a position from My wife began taking diem, and • by a Government which he supports it the time she had used these she be- surely would be nothing short of gain to gain appetite and her pains! tyranny to proseribe his relatives if were much eased, and we began tot as in this cue .triol' received their have great hopes of are ultimate re - SHEEP ASTRAY. • Strayed from the premises of Joh» w.. walker, lot 11 eon. 6, Turnberry, on or about the middle of July, one ewe and two lambs. tho cve his a mark .3 tho letter W on the right side. also a nick in the right lug, Any person knowing- the whereabouts of same) will oblige by netifyin,r the owner.' ..101-1b1 1VALREIt. AIL COTRACT... appointment on their own merits. covert'. I then Went fur i nother SEALED Tl DLI;S, n,idressedtbthe•Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until,noon, on O.1E WHO Kxows. supply of the Pills. This tinge I' arida,', ovember 13th, 1800. for the conveyance of purchased them in bulk, paring 30e' net Majesty's Mails. on proposed contracts for four h 1st f J next veers from the s o gnu try STAB. IN CANADA. for 100 pills, which were taken from 1 E cttc}ren trienf rrrow end N'i,:ghaui, (i Mazes per Word comes from Brazil that the ,re(.k enc r v}•. a large triads bottle. I tgol:i them . Between•a Gorrio and Railway Station, 12 tnne•t home and my wife began their use ver wooer each way. 3 Between Wroxeter and Railway Station,12 times, and 0til alien ':1 t, ru r ,,�tl'1 and 20tb, 1890, lin(1(sacla_dit •foll&Witig:until the enol of the SA)Itit))) rtti#tig. pli';ng your apples's-4)4 get them- -rf9ttlutaet,)red into jells t . ti < -ka'v1riff;,cC,1 r'1n4DI'; •W inghs3s,, ,rn Uth<,1Jr'r-a French •Canadian - immigrants who n after she bean to get worse ter weck each way. I soon after h+ 4 Butwern r.anysiSO and Lucknoa,-3 times pet recently went to that country find 1 again• the old pains returned severer , t,:oc •irh wa ' that the promises made to them are than ever. We still continued the 5 Letween 'rurple Grove and Ripley, once per not likely to be fulfilled. This was use of the pills until the- third o to- be expected. The immigrants them were gone. About this time I 1 . d got through the mail, aloha with my were warned, .,before they Left neigbbol'e, the book entitled, Four Canada, that the prospects held out Generations, issued by, the Dr. to them were altogether too alluring , Williams' Medicine Co. On reading to be true; and, on the representations it. it did nut take *lug long to find out that the fills I hard purchased in of the Canadian Government, • over I, }sulk were a fraud, as Dr. Williams' one-half of those originally booked i Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, refused to go. It < would have been better f'7r all of them to have , --v - :. remained at home in Canada. Here f they _could leave found homes and a } • permanent living , on our Western . lands if they were prepared to work ; h<u•d.at the.staitt,,-anti they would ; id 1] have-bte1i among,` Mends, who would' Mood means sound health. with puri, 3�'lnpyttlliZe wltll tl1 In. they 1, the riob, healthy blood, the stoma •sh and cii- gone thousands of miles to a country gestive organs will be vigorous, and e :3:0 with a trying` climate, where sickness will be no dt7 ,, . t):)i0. IRiseunlatisin andanti death are often at on early Niti F(lgoum w3S1 lisalnl yin! bcrof vanish peeled the lot of new settlers. `Their F4 Sett ('.fn( nt is among people whose ' language they do not understand, f i ;� and whose hadits are apt to prove i far Isom congenial to them. Dis- .:Y�: k., atpiluintlllents under such eiroum- Your nerves will be strong, and yogi ata at'c3 are almost certain to come, bleep sound, sweet and refreshing. and have come to many northern set- Hood's oo 'ss y ,g• manSarsal i1la rod emapure,sense. tier.; who have been induced to go to That is why thousands take it Braz'1, and other countries where to cure disease, retain good health,l,re- 00iirl,ti0 is fN'e so entirely different to vent sicknebs and suffering. i1emember Whet they have been accustomed. One night last week some parties entered the barnyard of Mr. David. 00'x' AS Gilbert, Stephen, and carried off .rs �x p - r l' a faint tine, turkey r. ±r. GIbert,s son chase but did not succeed in tithe os •True glided Purifier. $I per bottle. capturing the guilty parties. — corn rdvnr ilei; P$,y to Hoods Pills tour,,I y to op*1Me. wee ea••h way - Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed contracts may be seen and blank forms of Tender n,ay he obtained at Post O,iices along the respective routes and at this office. Ff. G. HOPIUIIic, Post Office Inspector. Stratford, October let, 1850. E Oni lain. mosaersemmeasmatua vM Large lot of Stearn's P11"...0 J. 17ee: G e#tiaar•l; ii;9c,�1.LL EGE • 'Hol es a gtee t le'tri vim 1n l.11,Miugh•Fik°y;a;°Ed ,work, and its graduates, i ie iu'et6Mond. Aggie ,.er 1 a.; r ,,angc cl ire:• position to 11 111111.1, 1 •e.1 ter tvr.. as Stenographer with 1). M. !Perry (,;,.., Detroit. M'.ts 6 ui,r,wt, 1,1ruo,i ;a,•t•i?sok-keeper, Corrin,;ro i. t Long, '.'rt -n Mtcb. I I.ise•,zit - ,•;':n i 1` le'Y4 aapher,0-.R. • tri 3. a+111 xy Milder, urltndklupias, Mich. IT PAIS TO ATTEND THE HEST. For eatato tl , cora w tic i ral'itrt AN'N'aChatham, Ont Ca., EINE PER!FUMES have just arrived: Conte and try the' latest odors at WITLIT THE B iLEP iOtdE DRUG STORE. :IN A ' ORO K. '213,1r STORE. . • -The have received fall dishes weren't broken however, only the prices. We the first installment of Crockery and China for trade and must make room for it by getting out the present come along and help us make room for the larges, Stock of Staple and Fancy Crockery ever shown stock, so land Choicest in VJingham. �r`i r"� til aG G q. i v� always the best we can procure and at right prices. The 'Xt ' r 1!i growing at it di ° l' y rrIo iv`� ' : rrivin g in. large quantities at special (� c. ✓t 1 , value rn is steadily N. F 1i 1 Q .! MA A ,1 SON'S. CHINA HOUSE, W a NGHAM. -. an tS FALL and WINTER WEAR 1 SYRUP OF TAR ADD WINE --�I�C�It—•. COUGHS and COLDS. ENS LONG. BOOTS and ' BOYS and GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS. MAKS AND V LISED at REDUCED PRICES. t An. old + lie waiter tic JC`li u lVc2'$ ;:" , mix;t G+r ;l ti till <ti', i)Ut was un3 e i lilt" nn .l far, 'NJ) xl h r>d'l. r7]ric tIr- ffi) 1.1+.; ilia a 'change in 2.r_'L. > yc ..r:,. how we o111.- y(1:3 reliable fol t(Jr` clocks 1•,)r •• Oto WArINVII)S, JITINVIAalt ranee o;ILVIIIIWAYfi.E lin the sialine proportion. WATCH PAI N C rend CLOCK A SPECIALTY Eyes tested free. MUNSHAW HAp, Jr.intrEmina land OPTICIAlllt. SOUR NEW -?" d - . S ' very complete 'and :selling as cheeap eVer. •GEO. GOD, • iint;;]Aixftn. Gram *lied Shoe Dealex amlir+}a' N y,'S.. , DE Li p�1,-Ijas .. just passed into stock for the Fall Trade :.L'.;`.,mW FLANNELETTES, S_ ' ,IRTING, GREY COTTONS, 8 14 and 9 1-4 , - Tw.led. and. Plain S ,eetin s, Fall Print and. Drees Goods, , lan'ketp and Fall Tweeds, also in Beady e Made Clothing and, Fall Overcoats. A Clearing Lot of UNION and TAPESTRY CAR - inn's. See them if' in need of a Carpet, before purchasing, FOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. .-_ Sonie very new and nobby goods. V' Also a lot of SOFT and STIFT FELT L"I' HA FS from 25c. and up. A car of CHOICE TIMOTHY for fall seeding on hand. ''. .46.... WILL, L1