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The Wingham Times, 1896-10-16, Page 3
.411.01 Mushrooms ••rows Through a,:s- ;phalt. Asphalt ustethrooms is now onetof Out., has certainly the most remark - Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a the deliesteies ciwtho dining room Bmf able freak at' nature known iii. the 1 great surprise aud,delighton account of the F, - ToafteToronto. Yesterdagrti shape of a lamb, which has' two its xc'"ie the g bladder, l tfles8 kidneys, breli relieving gigal�tust ream bloomed in WWI bodies united sit the shoulder, eight every part of the 'urinary passages in vigor right under the ashphalt side- pegs, three tails, five eyes, three inn o.or female. It;relieves retention of walk on Shutter Nstreet, beside the : heads, two of twhieh are natural, water and pain in passing , almost im- lrotel, It could am well through :a I while the thittii is round as a ball c rethhie a your remedy. quick ou wantlSold at relief and in the asphalt, but it was to ;and has only one eye. The monstro balsa's Drug Store, Wingham. big to come theou#l;h, and in some situ stands eighteen inches high :and THE WIND x A . TIMES, OCTOI3ER i t► , J 8 . A. Freak. Relief in . Six I3ours.. Distreseirg R. S. McLauthlin, of Ilark sway,1.Kidneyours and t.l3lt:dder Diseases relieved in aid hy ho South American phenomenal manner raised the (when born wdrghed ten pounds. :asphalt above it !'four inches. -. . A hole was made in the pavement A. DIESSAfG13E TO MEN. . and the edible taken out. It was :a 'mushroom of the ;first quality, and. ,:Proving that true honesty and weighed, a pouts& A similiar our: i true philanthropny stilt exist. though not quite ea large carne up in I If any man, who is weak, nervous and ;the asphalt taene-solve ten days ago iibebilitated, orwho is suffering from any ,very near whefte ithe second one ,of the various troubles resulting from 'was found. , (.youthful folly, excesses or k, will Beefsteak and sslphalt mushroom I'take heart and write to me, I will send biln confidentially .and free of charge ,was a favorite dist;ut the hotel yea- :the plan pursued toy which I was rector- 'tcrday. The gue ts,are looking for pod to perfect healthier) manhood, atter /more to cense. ;:years of suffering grout Nervous Debility lLosa of Vigor and Organic Weakness. r'or over rim 'StearnIwant I have nothing to,sell and therefore AN OLD AND W> r.;iL:IVEtl,D REW; Y.—ant no money, but as I know through Mrs. Winslow's Sootbitaa' Syrup has been I my own experience ;bow to sytnpathize for ovt>r fifty vefuri: by millions of : with such suffererall am glad to be able encu mothers for their ehiiadsen while teething to,assist any fellow -being to a cure. with perfect success. it sooth' the aha well aware of the prevalence of child, softens the gum's, allays all pain, 'quackery, for I myself was deceived and cures wind st faith in for illiarr oett. .Islileaoalnt to the et ste tank nd, Imosed but I rejoice tuon until ro ad is salyy that I am Soldby Druggists t❑ every part of the 1 now perfectly well and happy once more Id. `J.' 'enty-live cents a bottle. Its and am desirous therefore to make this Bewor value,is incalculable. sure and ask certain means of cure 'known o a . for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and you will write to me you can rely upon take no other kind. . being cued and the proud s+,tisfaction 1 of having been of great service to one in 1 need will be of sufficient reward for my trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send 5c..ollver to cover postage and address, 1 Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rockwood THE HAGERSVILL SENSA 'TION. ,BODY Olt THE LATE MRS. (OARPENTER Mick. EYriUMED AND SENT 110 THE GOVERNMENT ANAL1ST. TURNBERRY . MAN* to sell Canada grown Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ShrubK, hoses. Bulbs and itnlbons Plants, Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Seed Potatoes, etc. We catalogue only the highest and most popular varieties that succeed in the coldest climates, New season now commencing; complete outfit free, salary and expenses paid frau start for full time, or liberal commission , fission for part time, Apply now, addressing nearest office, ane get Owlet of territory. LUKE BROTUIERS COMPANY. International Nurseries, Ctncuau, Al., or Moe rase;,. Que. An Insurance Case. Mr. Justice F*lcolnbridge has given Judgment in Jordan v. Pro- vincial Provident institution of St Thomas. The plaintiffs sued for , $2.000, the amount of the policy of insurance issued by defendents on the the life of Mrs. Jordon, deceased. The defendants finding that certain answers given by the deceased on her medical examination were untrue, cancelled her policy and the premium. She devised the policy to the plaintiffs, who contend that de- fendants had not the power to eoncel. The jury found that the answer given were material to the contract made, and also untrue, but were innocently given, as the deceased did not known her serious condition. The learned Judge holds that defendants has power to cancel in deceased's life time, and even after her death, upon discovering that the answers were untrue. Ile dismisses the action, with costs. Idore Curative 'rower Is contained in a bottle of Hood'sSar- ; saparilla than in tiny other similiar preparation. It costs the proprietor and (mtondod for last issue.) manufacturer more. Itcosts rho jobber Hagersville, Ont., Oct. 8.—The Mr. Willl Campbell has returned snore and is worth more to the consumer ease of tlr.:.supposed murder of Mrs. from Wellesley where he had been It has arecord of cures unknown to any Robert Cawpcnter has been placed spending a few weeks holidays. other preparation. Itis the best to buy In the bandsof the Ontario .Govern-; Mr. James Powell has been re- because it is the Only True Blood, Puri - fie,. anent Detective Murray.. The' engaged to teach in S. S. No. 5 for Crown Attorney of the eousitycf next year. Hoops PILLS are the best Brant, urdened the detective to pro- i Harris school is now vacant. Mr. cathartic find liver medicine. coed to the Springvale cenietry, ' Douglas Frazer, who has taught reliable and sure. near Ilagersville, and have the : there very successfully for the past body exhumed, which was done this ; seventeen years, is leaving on ac - afternoon in the presence of Drs.' count of his salary. The people in Jones, McDonald and Howell and the section will soon see their mis- others. The object was to corrobor• 1 take, for Mr. Frazer bas done ex - ate and verify the details of the re-; cellcnt work in the school. Mr. port of the poet mortem, which was.' Frazer has not decided what he will made up by Dr. Jones at the time Of I, do during the coming year. the inquest. The different bruises i Mr. Ben Henning, who is at pre - upon the exhumed body, and other I sent living in Harriston, is moving particulars, which were reported in back to Turnberry this week. Mr. his evidence before the coroners and and Magistrate Grant, of Brantford, were carefully examined by the . other medical men. They verify Jas. Wylie is assisting him in the moving. A meeting of the ratepayers of Turnberry, was held in S. S. No. 9 • the doctor's testimony at the two on Monday the 5th inst. for the pur- previous courts. The stomach and pose of deciding whether the Elec- other organs of the body necessary are being sent to the Government analyst at Toronto for examination. The detective left on the evening train to report the proceeding of the disinterment of the body. Fads In Ncdioino. There are f ads in medicine as in every thing etre and a "now thing" fre- t) sells fur - short time simply it btuud twenty-four against the because I la is nothing else, the people demand and was passed at the close of the meet - wilt be satisfied only with positive, nbso- in , to have the matter voted on lute merit. The fact that Hood's Sar- saparilla has stood its ground against all again in January. If the right of competition. sad its sales have never way be not granted along the gravel wavered but have remained steadily at the road will not touch Wingham at the top, demonstrates, beyond any ell Mr. Hugh lost two doubt, tho intrinsic virtues of this medi- eine. The new things have come andMcDougall gone but Hood's Sarsaparilla rests upon !cows lately. They broke into a the solid foundation ot absolute meritI field containing rape, and as it was and its power to cure, and its sales eon during the night they were allowed tines to be the largest to the world. Ito eat to much. • Ber Clothes Caught. I The farmers are busy at present Kemptville, Ont . Oct. 8.—An I taking in their corn 'and getting up trie Railway Co. was to be allowed the right to lay track and run their ears on the gravel road between Wingham and Teeswater. Mr. Murdoch of Lucknow who was the representative of the Electric Co. clearly set forth the benefits to be de- rived from the road, but when the, result of the voting was made known family Gentle, Mr. Angus McGregor, of Bruce, had one of his first and second fingers taken off in a cutting box on Monday. While he had his hand in among the knives one of the boys palled on the driving belt. with the result that he had about half of each finger sliced off. bbeen 'ty ' new But in medicine, building of the road. A resolution .11 eight year old daughter of Chas. Wilson, a farmer residing at Pelton's Corners, a few miles east of this place, died last night in intense pain from severe burning which she had had received the previous Friday at school. It appears that ` while the teacher, Miss McKay, was absent at noon, some of the children began tampering with the fire, with the re- sult that the deceased child's apron ignited. Becoming terrified she darted out of the school, and con- tinued at a brisk run, thus giving the blaze a greater chance to spread over her body. est. i• iousness Isscaused by torpid liver, which prevents diges• tion and permits food to ferment and petrify in the stomach. Than follow titsetneas, headache, Hoo thsomina, nervousness, and, their potatoes. Mr. Campbell of the sixth con. is going to have a sale Wednesday 'Oct. 14th. Mr. Campbell will in future reside in Wingham. While Turn - berry will lose much by the depart- ure of Mr. Campbell and family WVinghatn will gain thereby. PILL -PRICE Western Advertiserdv&tIser FOR 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. ONLY ONE DOLLAR To January 1st 1898. Sixteen • Pages Each Week —wITII— ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. The days of 25 cents a box for pills are numbered. Market :Reports, Stories, ete. Excellent Reading.... for every member of the family. We offer good inducements to agents. For terms, etc., address— Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at ten cents a vial are surer, safer and pleasanter to take. And ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., London, Ont. are supplanting all others. All druggists sell them. Cure Constipation, Sick and Nervous Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude, ?ieart- burn, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite and all troubles arising from liver disorder. tiles Cured in 3 to ti Nights.-- Dr. Agnew'a Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in from to 6 nights. One application brings com- fort. For Blind and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also ogres Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eraema, Barber'% Itch, and all eruptions ot the skin, 35 cents. Sold at Chis- holm's Drug store, Wingham. H. C. Arnold, personal business manager for Grenville Kleiser' Canada: leading entertainer, was in Brussels and arranged for the appear- ance of that distinguished artist uu- Sder the auspices of the Mechanics, linstitute for the evening of Monday November, 2nd. dr blood poisoning. Hoof til not relieved, nous fetor © I Cynthia (looking at photograph)--- just Hiram, turn our head a little. lrule sttmuiate the toms i. Hiram—You have turned it the Ayer, bare headache, din r , �'. `s. don, eta. aei silo : at.iread , Cynthia --New York World SPECIAL. GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION.: CUTLERY, I 'W e sell everything required ora complete SILVERWARE, BELTING and scf�aol outfit.. FITTINGS. MACHINE OILS, TEXTCOPY BOOKS, in every branch, PORTLAND BOOKS, PENCILS. CEMENT, PENS, CALCEMINE RUBBER PLASTER, and SLATES. WHITE LEAD and OILS, I amonannonnollammilimmagamommunsallaallimmulasit for )Infants and Chiidren. THIRTY Te"trs' of servation of Cas+nria iia. . patroannts of millions of persons, permit us to speak of it without guessing. man It i nostiona'bly the best remedy for Infants and Children, k,a the world has ever own. It is harmless. Children line it. It gives them health. It will save their lives. Ix it Honkers have something it/dohit/dohis absolutely safe and praotioalip perfect as a. child's medicine. Castoria dost,®Tv 'mor• Castoria nllaya reveitshnass, ° Caster;•.• ).rmrents vemitaia¢j_Seor Card. 'Castors+. aures Diem -here acid Wind Cafe. Caetorie, relieves Teething Traxbles. Casters,a ours Censldpatiomt .Z ri1NA tlteeey-. zm Castoriv nen+ralis G'no 0 'aete of earitoait x`wid 'se sr. poisonous air. Castoria does not oontaiRt morphine, @ -we , or ether narcotics property. C astoria assimilates tho flood, 701-0141.44i;�w s°c.emaela and. bowels, giving healthy and a^t tusral sleep. Caetoria is pert sap 'ha ono-the'bottles only. tic it ,sit sold hulk. in Tu. Don't allow any ono to sell yon aeaytkirtg 0194. en the plea or promise that it is "'est as 01901." and "will avw^ro'e eve ' ono." See that you ger` The Bac-admile sij'ynatwee of is en every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitch,:;r'8 Cv ltoriae nearemszommgmetrgmnEsnomgarnmo "ate, RcHOoL BUILDERS HARD WARE, LEHI(H l VALLEY OAL, ALL SIZES IN STOCK. J. CLEC & CO Hardwire Merchants Suefvessors to J. A. Clime & Co. laoon-Top" kaft !hating Stove PATENTED FEB. 1sT., 1896. SCRIBBLING L®6_ TR A • patent, BOOK COVER. given away with every school book purchased from us. CALL AT THE POPULAR BOOK STORE ALEX. ROSS. This stove is made cfgenuine! Russian iron; no imitation; lined 1 with ttteel. The cleanest stove: made, no ashes can get out on the floor; will positively keep a slow burning fire for 48 hours; by putting in one large stick it keeps fire all night. Never re- quire to move ashes more than ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, once in two months. It will take a stick 21 inches by 10' Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the inches. Saves 25 to 50 Per $ old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. . cent. fuel. Can regulate it the same as a lamp; can have your i o rooms at any temperature,, build a fire in two minutes, and i heat a room 20 feet square in i ten minutes the coldest day in the year. r $ 5 0 If your dealer DOES NOT }CANDLE OUR STOVES write US direct for price before you pur- i chase. Any infringement on patent ; I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me will be prosecuted to the full a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well a extent of the lam. or better than ever. AT 40 We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- thing such as • LETER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, 1ha BMW,: SOLE MANUFACTURES— R.EWA AI GOOD AGENTS WANTED. MEYER BROS., 87 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario. Opposite Macdonald I3lock. HALSEY PARK Josephine St., Winghaii