HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-09, Page 8MC t x F W1Nu}IAM T[ME,t6i OCTOBER 9, L896, take the liberty of using it es a his skull broken. fie died in less Medium for this purpose. than an hour after the eceident, I During this season of the year, it The old lady althouglh badly stunned i is well to select,. if possible, a cool is likely to reeover, "S,RTURlDAY_ ..DARC ;[ I DAY., day for slaughtering-. The Ings A slitter's assistant who is roofing .: should be starved at least twelve; as large dwelling s • hours before kinin g ironic litre., had Clearing out 'New mall and Fainter , , g• Brent many just mounted ft Seni1old in the morn - goods at quick clearingfr,rtners are ex erieneed butchers, to go to work when from sonic eau:,e Sales are reawin renter, l.'opular i and the number of shoulder stuck lie fell from the scaffold to the g ^ gg hors is very much less new than ground a distance of twenty feet, appt oval stamps the plan a perfect ' some years a o• however success, It saves money while it ago; ,. we advise When picked up it was found that ,satisfies critical taste. that none but experienced hands one of Iris arms was broken between e`' It affects Dress Goods, Silks and should be allowed to suet: hogs, the shoulder and the elbow, He Mantles. Instructions as to the scalding and was pretty badly shaken up. but It affects Clothing, I+'urs, Boots and removing of the hair, we think are has recovered so as to be able to be Shoes, unnecessary. What we wish to grill removed to the hospital a tStratford. It affects Carpets and Lace Cur- your attention to is the treatment of tains, tate carcase rafter it has been bung It affects Groceries and Small up. The bone between the hind les TUBNBI'I`t. Wares. also the breast bone should be cut We areglacl to see that the S. S. It affects prices all through the through, so as to allow the remove • *o• -, Literary Satiety is progress• store. ing of ;all the entrails, along with the frig excteclingiy* well with the e cep• gullet. This being done the carcase tion of a Fenian raid occasionally. S ,,TURD Y SPECIALS. sltnuld be well showered with coldire think that every intelligent seater allowed to hang up twelve to i yottng lady hind gentleman should a twenty-four hours, accordingto tree taro aril interest in such beneficial state of the weather; if ver t warn societies, Elegant new Dress Goods worth then more cold water should be 500, for 35e.; Special drives in odd used, and a on time longer "` " - - ------ pieces worth CO and 7 5c If the hogs are for 35e.; hang. averred to i very fat, ; 0. P. R• Strict Ended. 'Special Tweed Effect worth 25e. for (which, by the way, is not desirable I Word was 'received early Wednes- 15c.; 12 Mantles, Heavy Beaver, especially in the light weights) they silk faced, last year's style worth g.8, should be split open through the : bentefffected between thehat terms ofe0cnP bad $10 bad $12 for $2.75 to clear; 24 back bone, to allow the animal heat' telegraphers and the company. It tip-to'date Mantles, the very latest to escape• which if not 'attended to, ! a worth 4".•`.;8 for $t; 90; 25 doz. Braces, the chances are which, will have taint. a deputationdrepresentin by arbitration througt; fancy and heavy, worn! 25e., Satur- ed meet. These openings do not in t^ the ton,, d'ay for 12 e,; 15 doz. Cashmere any interfere with the price in sella andthecompany. 'firemen, trainmen Hose, heavy weight, worth 85e. for ing as all hoes have to be divided in 25e,; 5 pieces heavy Canadian the middle when being prepared for 1 Tweed worth 75e. for ' fSc.; 5 dozen curing. o ladies' fine Kid Gloves worth 75e. point in regard wish t fat boos very ' r t 1 'Ii.I.0 Ir.C.HURC.T2. for 4804 5 doz. ladies' Cashmere strongly- Under i The Presbyterians in Whiteehure i un - Gloves worth 30e, for 19e ; 10 clot, should a hog no condition! are malung. I ladies' Fancy Handkerchtefa w rth place where itis huunglapltorcooI, ug. ` , anniversary arrangements for the om the the anniversary services to be hold 5o. Saturdz,,y 2 for 5e.; 50 pairSunday and Monday Slibes, great value at 1.35 for X1,10; even the should itatake thirtyt has left -six sis.or or SundaythereOetobew will be S doz. large Towels worth 1.1 i,,.forty-eight '-and 1`w e On he hours to do so. Of: three services, the morning and Saturday 2 for 10c.; 5 pieces fine 65 ,'c,iurse it' will be understood that' inch Table Linen worth -0e. for 35c; 1 that during the winter weather, the evening berg conducted by the Rev At 2.30 10 pieces of heavy Shaker flannel care in regard to chilling the carcase 4 W A, `lc. a , of Woodstl preach. On the Kiev, A. McKay will vtroi'tlt Se. Saturday 5e.; 50 pair fine in not so necessary but as there are Monday a tea-meetiltg will he sir- long waist Corsets worth 75c, for large quantities being killed durin • ; 35e. sed in the basement of the church, the present season when the wreath g ' r after whieh a good program Will be I that the above precautions shouldgfven in the church, consisting of an • address by>theRev. ' .A. aiekay Read• We have just opened 24 long, all- ibons aro taken, and if ied out, abthove Instruct- : i byng lilt, Graeey and music by wool,. Ulsters in Brown and Fawn, in every case, be .'satisfactoryr, and misses Clin, McLean, Mrs, Brown heavy weight, extra value at $8.50, the highest market price ,• {anti Messrs. Cline, Farquharson, on Saturday we will clear for $5 90. be obtained for bogso prepared. edw ill Park and Brawn, Yours Truly, OVE ' ° COATS, is not so favorable, this is the tinge I7 D. Glean- Bnos, & Co, at special prices all day. 12 ladies' Toronto, Ont, Enron and Bruce. •fine Far Coats worth Wa 5 , $29. s0a Satur- -___._, Clinton will have an orchestra.da y The above prices will be Sharp Praetioa Ina Lottery. 7 good for Taesday, Show Day, to Ir, potter, blacksmith of this town Brussels wants a Curling Pink, give eveaybees an opportunity to to shop on Bargain Day at disposed of a top buggy, valued at Goderichtwill organize a singing 6'83, by lottery last week O class for the winter. -, 9 1. LWINDOWS.dred and twenty tickets, wereesokl ' The street lighting in Brussels is and the gentle ILIUM who did tbe'regulated by the moon at present, drawing acted squarely and fairly, so it is said by Miele present. 117r• Store houses at Walkerton owned James Wilson residing on the by Tolton and ,Taekson respectively, Tiverton road was the holder of the , were burned an Wednesday ticket numbered 38, and that num- ` week_ 3 of last ber won the prize. itir. Wilson was Olintonians went dawn to the not present, and knew nothing of. Station when the train earring their* his good fortune. Two unsuccessfulEstee llencies -to Gt ticket holders, thought there was a : ' deritll passed wi through. They sate the Royal party chance of speculating w tlt Mr. Wil. ;feed. eon. They drove out to see him, and after somediekering. purchased Rev. Jno. Ross caught a young hire ticket for fifty cents. The trick t partridge at the verandah of 'the way suspected by some 0a'thos€. who 1 manse the other day. In agtternptinp had invested in the lottery;. and Jas. Ito get away it became entangled 'in B. Seteord was deputed to take at • the fides, and was etrptured.-- bicycle, and notify ;,'fir i 'rls t ,f I>=ys i B usues l"1'erald good' luck. 1Fl a' I: • News Notes.. An aged gentleman, Mr. T. IZendiy, ,,tattier of the member of West Poterboro, , * et bid death at Chatham by a fall from .- :a chair. .4. inquest will be held. *'. Wm. Hanna, an Elma Township farmer, was thrown from bis rig, while . the horse ran away, and received terrible Injuries, from which be died in a few Pslatitissof 'William .Buckingham a 3roun,- man who trent from London to r; Work on a farm near Hilt's °brners, are . look no for him, A fortune is said ,to ..Await hies, sei,as ',t dto r' Shickl,zna wooreleased trent ,,the beach above !Fish Point . 'n 1 Liddy roads reLer ' L#tr{t1 sTtlr,an, sshe c size, was strrlrte+ori. r",t,ss riding, and hxy oa conpreri been r iv.:Hr. teC,rrarken, Brussels, The halveSt. Louisv:asstripped; andured cap abanc,oY: d. beguiled into disposing of his tiekeu, i last wee lil `'r'i If usaf at 1i Pall : ho v before-Seaeord'e & r;val. On rearm- 'i ' pri e r- Joseph Gamble, a farm hand. on the ing that belied been "taken in'' Ih.E iekessrheir~ he captured 22 t'e he faun of Mr. f °nt3, tifarmy, near 1*,ra ford, stabbed hf n y+.,' .Ind died after to - hitches€: ups and (Imre; into town at a ticket,, and also at Atwood where he • ing removed to Simcoe jail. 2.'10 g. it, reaching Mr, Pesteer's ;atilt 1 captured ''i. A Ie ;est Lvy,rl faunti o f tL I)0 )le the purchasers. of his tielre.t- A 1)i illiant tsrrcirlin was re , beear front Ins Bain) , tine's .ate f •a ?s 'rain between Dal- The, teagg s ended over lel)Y at1 y • o that l;e tyr)n t 1 ,. was 1 to :sir, l,'d at ,St. Colitnrbns r. . i toable to inure hi. caThi I f taanr:21 + ,fI I's,,.srnr,r:tlz is believed to tie 'vt'i1s027,,aartl he e• tl,•er`aerl lYii Dania- *awn on , church, Irish -1 €: i 't rittt .. a trite fed that l::£d blown believed too much h ea dinar, The miners " saatt5f h.eCi()n, by paying' til ,. t"';t I, p , , rt t1P,llay Inf)i'ninf; p '" fertile lime lair' have built their winter eamp in the Henry and Joseph F#etvenzia t,f the F;' ..-;.t , 'whr.n .pohn l't1'r_. t;tnn of Se:i t"orth w, * two acyele > QutE) ivl;rtUn f Ji:ermeo, , m 2 to Mr, ,,O rJldl ; ainefl' I 7s ! entawhere•"` c,,: • "r^r- F were blown,' his •i 17 1 f n w dlrrck t un8, thaverage i and r 7 Miss e , trf'• is t:) ( .et•t'CB and n' 1 _ .''""•.. .; •---'4. -s.,,::-grp.} L ,. ' Yy 6 jail re 'i eNl2tttent8 to all and ss~r;clt cha ;Eckhart, danglhter of Stir, , , ; this ,ons. alTe • "=tttl £t'ere3 X3ic:t:d u off Z*oiitt ai# :John `' 'pal pat•Gd with the 1) , tns Is e;CCeediYt„Iy 0 EA CITY B ,IN "' +t• g° ,{y i"-----',104 al)l,i,svha IIaGab$en atrv,st,UlAIc1Srllap,YCra2IIY.-- Er'I`tr,Rg PPT SRi `IP 64ge •l+t'-eIiK;) e ai•trr:it,l a,Ikerton xf„escope1 . t)oilar txxpl7t'cc' 'I3d tfle lastt iv a).nrl tt•• =I.a t s fand you will f t nd •hem practical at all points. Students attend this Coliefrom all parts of the country, 1+'inest set of I•ooms for •businesscall =ter rkin Canada. Graduate stiecessful in securing positions, c ,f svor2-ticulars of either eanh'8 sent on application,Cattala ne anti par- THE CENTRAL$ dllalposite Ott FII RjET SQUARE Warrants first class Bread and Cakes of their' varied kinds fl equal to any city, l'uff 1-11Pastry e ,tra fine. `fW: DDI 'G• AKES !1ORN E TI f',that cannot be excelled outside F,?l of .any city, and done t:oiiireasoziablP 3 it ou tollINalways ahave it done at the '[,'CENTRAL BAKERY a110 IJt i.4eJill u !''i F L I • Ery a[ tair ttIt-i`ytr411;""" .c ferac:I L*Zel,tc '" :i.i.c All order's t..romptly attended to. am constantly making and ar- namenting Wedding Cakes which proves our efficiency, Tho Central Bakery lies a far and wide reputation as a first- class bakery, Returning thanks to my nurn- erous customers for their past patronage and !lope for a con-tinuance of the sante, I am itg,J of perfect pants wb.en youjibuy ours, made to or.er. As fieasy and as free the first timei.-1you put them on as though worn - a month ---still f tting, FL the Fway new pants sb,ould. ' aY r :t il'. yk' . Jia SIC , S 41 i en sWI NGINA.11, > Inow eve 'y d e tai ax` °bring a y Drop,, 1[t on your way down town and take a look. IP H`OLS I AI Y'ca3f.S lID(il l IE 'tC'8J kv AY.fA LhDOWN TOaJ We understand interested parties are emendingthe report that we are not likely to be 1er,! ir, the , ; Ibusiness. We beg to assure for people -or Wragham that we have embarked in the milk filminess to stay r:, LI"that we are increasing. our business daily, that our milkco is clean and pure. Our oust in,nrs nra nor hest ?commendation. tfirz:TGELAIIG ,CIDER fir` s d • 2 ,. 118th IThe undersigned intends running the (iPin >ham Cider rind Je11vonTeesrlav end VVAdneadc£yAu utIl26th, ! end 1Hashist •1imuur.oz-tzeallTracie •..111 :. ; 'Eat. " , . ..,d , ` and' 19th, and August 25th and1896. and every day following until end of . the season. Bring along y apples and get thein, manufazctured 1 jelly. Wingham, AugLIAmkros. 6th.1896I'Lr2Qir7 A printing office is thought some to be a bad place and the nio .1 I asset into stocl, f IF i.t.,` •>. .;i..tl.I.. tyri!ie 'i iti t 'i .1 .9r 9 tr ..s. ; r,.. 'I fi { , f .,,g O S, $ 1m and 1- 4 by!ifed and Plan iti.. k vdt newspaper worker. a bad mfgt Statistics,however, do notseem to'a" ndi 'ess ooa. 2.11 - bcar out rho ideaC9fthe '1b;10t"i' 's a • , convrets, of t1.e state penetentiaty of yee 's,a so i dead '.. ;ade Texas, there is not a newspa e• -Ot . g nd .1r a .. ,while there areminiscars,doctorsf , , , pratanlawyers batticers bar keeper, photo• I A Clc arinrr .gratphers, +:Qolts, and tllenbers of Pfi TS, See tllemot if ofn LIQ incl TAMEST Yother professions and callings. The', Cf j?- other r gets a bad name beclause the j BOOTS, C ti`pet, iaefore raurchasitl - :a.1 OT S artd 1RU BE cvier .business teaches him to detest shams 1 arici rz , goods.S "Como y neerand lie acylT1s the itypnctite, !Also a lot of SO. T and STIl~E 'EBTk-.ATS. froMany of our reader, will realm ' 25•'iand up'. tiltCwclet,htanvsho stnstaiofCF-IOIC Z'jthe drug business . !tete with his 1brother. Frank is now in laska I ingoiliarid. engaged fir placer ' ' ,. -_god mzninIlls brvther h•g'•-_- II A- !hich was taaailed on tlhe 12 ' line both.the i3usrness and Shortilatitd courses of tie.Tiny. There <tfconit- tEth of i, ber l 'railk; , ':to•i= I'. OTHY for fall see n,oro I eceived a letter ;'Z' Q1 G -r andfrom lain! on :Monday of this weekldvL"":can` a sa math acro_.= L.I, llurr,nen 1 *st'tun d fp•cethsg ttl) tlse°1ekh t9s Annie zit d tem - 1 ! in a de,tQ.v .ilcllli:rht.t-L,utt•1?[;t-( spring Mr. S. Andrews 10- 1lrs, l'ortei, o$ Winnipeg, s viIla;z0 iu Dent C oun4yarIlling . 1r. S o'iert ed tlhc;1eW1tt1 f ti etaui ,r tick 1i 15c,I ceivtt fruttt fi4sourf same coffee and visiting , p £+, vbo is iron !: racy, the proprietor. and badly in- t afia111 vdas a violation of the Criminal l peanut in seed f , sitittr at the home of her f'tatlter i . ;= a 1 van a. friend and e-' late, ;fir. And, Pater. (tree e n juring his assintant,3xr.Cleo: e --teras. r laride a tel 801110 Ot the patl)tiei ,thus perihl ry garden. 'a e nted in his r The re- ! a lively experience with a cow i,' had Ulm 1+,L:. Mercier, Youngest (18(ighter ar'e nfr4 sitting F ,'t the ragged suit is a good era', )a Eater ; of tris, 1:4a Hon. noYrcrre Mercier, ex of clouh.t as to en rrra n;. ed edge h 1 t F peainuts and days ago. With 1 $ren:ier oi' t uuh c. Was married at 1 colli bnnp The ,r_ l Y tz o, i. ith lien tins,., f -,_ _ Montr's 1 to Dr. }Imuer Fauteux of ,5;t, flyar;int'r! . At the St. Thomas light winks the MID thaftin; of the incandescent dyn. linos f&1, damaging the dynamos. The iuilding was considerably datna,ocl and the lighting l,lant, seriously injured. Dreasing noes. J6' :.` dal, London, fllif'. r a +t. rs or north- ,, twelve months in her arms v and ace r#. 1' . W S B On - ern bean species, which !tad devel- I companied by little dog pV {'fr'i', f'iini IpQ1, "..toil .:0('IIiQXit at 11.>•- • ped here strrsrl > a ° ao=1 t ° g and healthy and to the Intra to bink at a cow's young i Its well re matured, while the stalk and ; calf. r I have no time just Atwood, Oct. .M -:Flt Wm. I#aitalkcwell of the peanut seers Y „ - OSI-Nt now p compose , an utwood, O nanny and !itis llan mother l kern l er' to be became furious taut nearer the cow . if 7b11 VV ,i {, p : a ., but coining were leaving this village , p lot to what is produced in ; dog s `tt the sight of the ~ , d 1 4.6,1V R #,e :after doing Missouri., Tho root P n probably, ; r WASHING .T A r:,u[ne Nhnl) rn y the • ,. ,Y, and art. _ .s iiia the burs. they svet•e, r•i •In'„ i otry and Porter. The lady was knocked. + '+, , SEED , z (' •` r BIND > ,lender on the end of i down and a large gash inflicted in ' ` D DRILY, or ' ran away. After running ' which the nut is formed. Sprouts !one arm by the cow's <:Ll y , y,:2 the trance can th • . , . 1; some dis , frotu the lose implement line. p 1, other rventng I t of the latter is I' t q, teked Ott s dJ . .CkrT '+ ' WRINGER l e street, !,, Ire turned t0 one! et rind upper branches baby was torn froits mother's ern- ,opposition with.n@. •h$ei .'I ,! 14 1' d sl,h+°il d Side, t~ointr scree , between a grow do`vn and after enteringthe dIt n l of Z ' , the nut forms and rapidly comes After dis o • t rt , into a tihudhe►le. Stock of • best , , `' `", ° G wad best assorted tree and a telephone post. The to maturity. The ioodS ni tyke welt. 1 lee pairs by the ton for all leading e u ,C'<:131 Q 'S. Office and warerco01 o pposi ;e P. 0. 1. S. ---Rave yeAars for Farm Implements. leas Ype1 Knee ill the business. DEAR SIR,— AWeR are f'rf fluently asked, by shade soil the t ace and flung Arb17P,r and 5f atik men, for ilei by )u :;a d first yore and then the , I he seed front Whdeli the had p say c those wItottl ehe f rngatfiit,t; te'o kinin„ and hand. bngc:r, breaking fi the plant before us was grew planted the :' ouy intrudersy coherlcam danger. lcnelibg of drd1Ieel hog a, and I.nosand. 1» her, and throwing from, wheels to hitter part of May, and can be full the bovine into her esify circle mat your cs.ed iioble paper teaches ag! +.• occupants', developed here about :he middle of ; both horns and tossed it over tit an the side walk. On e;;.atniit- , Y caut;ilt tho calf up On lugs cia;+ who are interested, We; ation it was found that the matt had with properleare.t-•-hews Record barytathe epternber, fence,:presumably to put it out of; . s way. 1 taka ! -