HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-09, Page 66 OM WINUILLA MIES, OCTOBER 9, 1806. who is Secretary of the ASsoelation. and thenee to the trackless dee p$ of GlataND TRUNK RAILWAY. i 4,.:1 iiktWe.1 1 sPP:aere: worelid‘teern therm6Z1'1'd E141.111Zollar; Toronto and East II:Var.:. "178;g it 3 a,hto a it.t , ai". ,,,,,,,,,e 1 yes wee, ,,,aid Farme, nomtossei, so IaLLVitn Billot1illilinetleCvSer yafto:kine ib t : ae he tilted back in the ,rocking we want reports or all wases that pawed in ber "Summer l'ateuing's ilese *6 10:07 “ I 1 . • • end let the) paper fold itself Deed attention, and tise name of Meditation," exclairaing, Palmerston Mixed 7:20 " 1.040 a.m 3:15 p. ra.-via Clinton Be Desired 111.oderation. .ovei ante. I ania iaelhot out ..nd • l' " • people who will adopt ,eluldren Fun) rsa, OCTOBER 0, 1604. lout teetotal reformer every time. ossel l'am • !their homes. I shall be glad to And thought astonished stops ber bold I Well, replied Mrs. Cortit career." furnish explanatory literatiare to any i right glad to hear ye saaaeo. What if she were living today, and ht fur? buns r 11114 a peep through the Lick tele - one who wishes for it. Well ef ver goin' in Crfserum I: pies, Children's Aid See'y, C scope at Alpha Lyra, a hun le "Violay droops, London and South 6;30 a.m. Kincardine 11:20 a.m. 6:04 a.rar TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET 1:18 p.m. 11:20 " 10:07 " WINO -HAM, ONTARIO. Subserip. it price. $1 p or year, in v civenee, DVERTiii1NO ItATEst --- __ Space I 1 yr. I 0 me, 1 8 ri.o. 1 1 mo -IS maws= BNB= 1.3761$ MOANING BLIT EVA!, E. OPillion$ of miles distant from the (Intended for last Issue.)-----••"'"'''"'". 1".t -r. —,----1---t-TL--- -- ...--". —... Mr. Robert Dimmer' has had this reckon maybe you, will be .otiae bed Huron. Goderich, a Set. a , 1 , . al0B.hei 'newly sided and new wiled- 'fore tl in the merniie an' have the earth, and having a magnitude an WS put into it which improves ;it stove wood ready for the refs' splendor twenty time$ as great as BANK of HAMILTON Mr. Sam French has returned. barn in' oncet an' a, while, ate )yer • W1NGHAM. ,eonsiderably. fire, an' do a leetle turn at the 'milk- Probably A Fake. that of our sun! Commend us to Anaconda, Montaaa. Although he apples into town 'fore they're •down bad a rough time:out there be loellts to 50 cents a bar'l an'- isealthy and feels well. Hole on Maudy, was the ,Soiemn l\ • One Column SO 00 840 00 I 880 00 8 att. .. 40 00 2f. 00 12 00 0 co. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw.I astronomy for the ease with which It ., 20 00 12 he I 7 00 8 00, Uwe Nei) thl 8 0.1 2 0( 1 00 I Zr. Edgar Coultes, who is atteriali interruption ; Hole on! I said was kit eg Goderich High School spent Sum- lout for reform an' Pll b)y day at home. But blamed ef Pin goin' 'far Mr. Will Agnew, of Belgrave, rany revolution, was in our village on Tuesday. Mr, Macdonald of the Royal hotel. ',DON'T WET THE LEAD PEN- .. is able to be around again. CIL. Rev, John Ross, of Brussels, will preach in the Presbyterian church next ekinclay. Tbeanniversary services et Brown Town ,ehurch last Sabbath were followied(by a tea -meeting on Mon- day evening, Rev. Mr. Pring, of Nile, Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Belgrave, and Rev. Mr. Aloes geve addresses. Alaggie Caldbick gave a reeita- 1,?,•antka dressed stepped into a count - tion whieh was well received. The ing rom a few days ago to insert an ad Profeseor Grant thus spoke of the an verasement. Having no pencil of immensity of space: -"A. railway rest of the program consisted of selectionsiby the choir which is her. own she picked up a pencil train. travelling night and day at • d which was tied by a string to a pad the rate of fifty miles an tour, would berry cures Diarrhoea. Dyson tory, (Colic, hanclles enormous nuuabers Mil- Oapital, Q1,250,000. Ret, first insertion, and 111 foreaell subeeq aiu ndother CAtIUR Rut 1.1 lise psrule Cramps, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan-Ilions, billions, trillions are to it a r admit -4011N eTCART iteAemSolmv,0,0e j rsisIP'florretilies'sertion, tutu, and all looseness of the bowels.' m ere bagatelle. But think of the U. r The Revelations of Artronomy.. soes PROCTOR, 0110, 110A011. WM 018s0N, P, A. T. nip:well, $1 for Bret month, and 500, for cols, irtr, is A DANGEROUS HABIT, AND %Cit. SOMETIMES CAUSE DISEASE. rhe practice of wetting the lead pearl on the tongue before using it is an unclean habit, to say the least andaperhaps also a most dangeroas one.. A swoma.n of fine bearing and ele- Never travel without it. Pii00 35o. I 6c, per line for each aubdequeut ,nsertic e‘dvertisomente of Lost, Pound, Strayed situationk havoc which its calculations make of DIRECTORS ‘illheRAII1Oht mon t,h, tiquity."—departed empires looming. WooD, liNR (Toronto). Larger advertiseinebto in proportian. our idea of the past ! "Hoary an- said Businees Mauves Wanted, IlOt OX000aing 8 Untie: Is there anything hi modern with grandeur through the dim and science more staggering to our spectral waste of years—become Cashier -3, TURNBULL. 8 tsillris:rseishastidnFloairgle,f1!;oSalpe,ornslmiitix ecoleitlit guees;3aterms will he strictly adhered to credulity than the revelatiane of things of yesterday. As if this were :savings Bank-liours,10 to 81 Saturdays, 10 1 TAW, for larger ativerlAbements,, Or ftl: astrouomy? Somebods Says that not enough, Professor Barnard, of; la.novDzosits of $1 and upwards received and Intern! jor poriuus, 1 dirledulottis4,:r it itnisal.rtoialtinmildwIlliirtoTron, Jetstronomical knowledge should be the Lick Observatory, who has been: , 0tipellfg ilposits also received et ourrem i • Transitory advertisements musrE :acquired at the rate of a page a day. engaged in photographing in detail 3srea°**43',0%liett Britain and the United State, 1 571.1:11Y• paid in advance t., I.tor contract advertieements must be Is Ire faster than this, the mind is con- the Milky Way, heaps Ostia upon i bought and oold W. cOnBOTILD, Aestvi I tile' office by Wedneedsit.)uplOolottiptit3i)iivionio;Adteor tp0:2:12 I that week &wed." Of all the sciences which over Pellet). in his calculations.. When I wilaelm and confound us with their the plates are finished, weiel , will be i E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. vastness, astronomy may take the seine three years hence, he expects; -.. palm. No wonder that it has been that the facts revealed by them will called par excellence "the sublime revolutionize the old conceptions of JOB PRINTING etudy," for it is too stupendous for a this phenomenon -in short, make all i 1,0.4(04, s1 i Initial .of ordinary calibre to grasP• the old estimates of the stars it con -1, r cauDING Books, Pamphlets, ispxriecueust. eL!iiiottihs.khue)srtt In a lecture at Edinburgh, tains, stupendous as was their etylelloOtag Car Irt,Tir ;:.'`,1r6,1;. number, "hide their diminhilied notice. Apply or acid et, qitows, am Office, Wintrham. heads„! 500,000000 is the number Professor Barnard thinks the camera -- will show. est ecially good one. A very good reach the moon in six months, the sun in 200 years, and Alpha Centauri, the nearest of the fixect stars, in 42,000,000 of years. A belly from a gun, travelling at the rate of 200 miles an hour, would not reach Alpha Centauri in less than 2,700,000 years!" what did you think of that, reader? Does it not confound all your ideas of time and time was epent and we un it was a seeeess financially. Mrs. G. Wray, of Thedford, is visiting her insother, Mrs. Thynne, of Morris. KEEP THE KIDNEYS HALTBY. THE AVBIellE TRROCUR WBICII MUCH Or THE DISEASE OP TEE DAY 'PRAVELS. When the sanitary conditions of a town are in tirst-cless worksiu,, or er1 tbere is little doubt but that such 5 'hind the counter until he sharpened community will be a healthy one in i a brand new pencil for her use and It hid' to live. The kidneys constitute I benefit. Keep these clean, pure, and in healthf ul The habit i.i a foolish one. In - the sanitary machinery of tbe system. working condition, and CO per cent. of stead. of making the pencil write the serious diseases of the day would be I more freely and easily, it hardens Cure is found a remedy that ie I it and makes it write blurred and banished. In South American Kidney i quickly and effectively the obstructions , ill Lbulai . that constantly arise in tbe kidneys, and Newspaper men and those who thatputs them in proper working. shape us.e lead pencils a great deal never iramediatelv. It relieves in six hours. daMpen rho lead in their mouth or Sold at CIA:holes Drug Store Wingbani i __________ . I with a sponge. Besides being in- . ewe:mese for last issue:, 1 [titbit inasmuch as disease has been Quite a Dumber from this vicinity, I known to be coureyed in that way . ,.' visited the Belgrave fair on Friday i into the system. all seemed to be A ell pleased.! -- - - ., with the show. The heavy wind on Saturday Aaron's Waifs. „ picked.quite,a number of apples, rro the Editor ot the M111011011 TINILS. d used ,fer writing. At once moistened the led with her tongue and began to write. An elderly man who was standing by reminded her that the pencil had. just been eased by an old man, rag- ged and dirty, greasy and fllthy,who also had contracted the same habit of wetting the pencil on bis tongue every time he wrote a word. The disgusted. woinan flung the pencil .wayand scolded the young man be EAST WAWANOSII. tjurious te tbe lead, it is A dangerous , BOOKBINDING. 1 1 We aro paused to ALDHOMICO that an v Books or Minr.acities left with us for Binding, will hart. uttr prompt attention. Prince tor Binding in tiny style Canada it. Winner I wilt be given on application a the Times Otilee. the curiosity and admiration uf the out - Canada has many things that excite 1 side world. Amongst these it is doubt , ful it any Canadian • institution cow- I, se Loan on Notes mends more general interest than the im•-ffeneY Family Herald and Weekly Star or Mon- treat. You may travel anywhere th rough- ' Notes Discounted out Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- ' 1 b u Ma nitooa Brinell Uolum- A.T REASONABLE lea TES for Alpha Centauri at the birth of 1 I are sure to see the Family Hernia iiiid privilege of pying I r. the owl of au 3 3 ear. Nol., AI011Oy %a VatiOt tl or. Mortgagee at 61 pei ..untwilh space? Supposing thisball had stat te Uta a'nu Newiountitand• and --- for yuil with is 1......aie.t i7- I Ind accounts eolleaten.toBT. viaN1)00. Cheops's great:grandfather, it would , Weekly Star, a paper even now be only at the outside of ward to eaon week intense :Mai g ' its journey. Cheops's great -grand - too, the Family Herald and Weekly Star Beaver Block Wineltion, Ont. by its subscribers. Ontside of Canada, father dandles Cheops,s grandfather has a very large circulation, one of the -- on his knees; he in turn grows up, highest tributes that could be paid to its waxes in years, and is succeeded by excellence, for it goes right in and cum - his son, who, again, is succeeded by tneton their own giound. It's simply Re s with foreign papers and bents Cheops. Cheops comes to manhood, wonderful. builds the . everlasting pyramids "Gertie-Where dolyou get shay- r N lives to an antidilavian age dies, is . buried; successive generations appear ed, Freddie? Freddie -On the face on the eartb, and pass away; empire Mr. Walterilliggin wheeled over Mr, Kelso, the. Superiutendent of' to Bluevale on Sunday. 1neglected and depeudent children of A shipmeat of cheese was made i Ontario, has written me from Toronto from Belgrave last week, so you will 1 that enquiries have been made to see us all at the fair. I him from different parts of the Burglars are quite numerous just I county of Huron as to what can be now. If you happen to get into bed; done in certain cases of destitute or .and remember that the door is not locked, you had better "get up and bar the doer." Mr• Irwin Elliott spent Sunday at Elma. Mr. Joe. Johnston, of Westfield, neglected clinches). Appareatly, it is not widely known that last year a Children's Aid Society for the county of Huron was formed in Goderich, under the Children's Protection soact of Ontario. called on the 1213, concession on Sat- The objects of the society ale, to urday. proteet children from cruelty, to care Quite a nambes ef the ladies of for, tied protect, negleeted, this vicinity nttenled the millinery abandoned or orphaned children; to opening in ',Villei= on Monday provide suet. children as may be night. lawfully committed or entrusted to The falisaing- is the school report the 'Society, vyit,11 suitable home in allies and to watch over -hal ha! Gertie-pardon ine, after empire, the Babylonian Persian, Freddie, 1 mean where do you get Greek, Roman, rise and fall, down shaved on the face? ---Roxbury to thi‘ present year of our Lord; Ga zette. and. yet this ball, which has been rushing on all this time with incon- Dr. l'owler's Extract of Wild Straw -1 berry cures Diarrhon, Dysentery, (Julie, ceivable velocity, has advanced, Cramps, Cholera, Cholera intantutn, comparatively, but a hop step•ekip- Cholera Morbus and all. SUM .tier co/n- and jump on its way to the nearest plaints and flux..e of the boive,s in oinid fixed star. ren or adults. Again, the same lecturer tells us that light, which travels from one pule a the eaath to the other in about the twenty-tourth part of a see,ond, or nearly 187,0'JO miles in a second -a. velocity which, more than a lion times swifter than a cannon ball surpasses all comp •ehension- would not reae.h the same sate in less than three yenrs. Bat this is the nearest of the fixed stale. Light from some of the telescopic stare, et. are told, require 5,76o ems to reaell tains Ole gr.:3/1143SC wad best irm IL itiut) ap the Wools sydttrii the earth; and from soma of thoee clusters the distance is so great that 11„„O's Pit.Ls ore the favorite family lig'ht would take bail a f tins) to tithe, easy to operate. years' to pass to the earth; so that we CL4 / PATE to Subzeribe for the Dlt MACDONALD, CENTRE STICEE3. WINCH/at, ONTAR(0, R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, ooLiCITOlt, Private and Company Wilde to lout, at toe est rat* Int.:meet. .No collimate!' charged. Mortgages, tam and farm prupert3 bonen& and emu ONFICIEBoarer WINOUAll J. A. MORTON, altISTElt, .tc., WIitao,chit. E • L. DICKINStiN, BAltlilb PLR, ETC. SOLXOITOR TO DANR OL1L7AULT01.1. 110;8IVit TO. 0180e—Aleyer Eton tt Mahan' M LIAMERUN, BARRISTER, tiotiorroa, CONVEYANCER, &a Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite eeibertio Gunman, 08rAnto. DENTISTRI —.I. S. JEBODE, Is, D. S., Vorrou.m. . 10 nianuniorurnit; tirst.elass sets Ot ,L "..,.• .i,.*,;'' ;NI% tooth ..s cheap as tatty mai be made kr.,..dilftlia 111 [.0 mammon. Teth_ extracted With!) mom at paw, by his n process, guarantee., pi.ile [13 sate. OFFICE : In the lisaver Bleak, opposite the 1 Brunsolek !Lame. "We will send the TIME, I sure that she wet marry you. ? I to bona -fide new sub- 110 IN, Li. D. .1., D. s., Richard -What makes you so • 4. Harry -Wel, you see her mother Scribers from now until I Surgery of the Pennsylvan 1 OFFICE...-MAODONALD BLOCK. of each other. -Boston Manuscript. Noak-11.111 visit 141311i ory wode-taay. and 1 have gendered a moral hatred the first of tied the Nero. JANUARY 1 897 ----------- ----- Upon pure, rich blood and you need not I j CI1N 133T011116 fear nervous prostration. Nerves are weak %Lieu they are ituproperiy and in- , I sufficiently nourished. Pure hloott is their proper toed, and pure blood comes for the small sum of i wiNaHAstO,ENERAL 11,14UltANOR AGII.NT ONTARIO. rp --1 - by taking Hood's Siu•saparilla, which 113 see objects, not as they renlly are, . but as they were, half a million uf M Ts. Knid -"Peeve, now, thimis sleep. M r. Kidd -Poor little chap 1. When is 25 he won't littro to go sleep over a woman's ai aging - Truth. What you want when yoq Bre }lift': is a laPrill'ilah tatit wi'l cure you. 'Ery floods Sarsaparilla and be conviecsd of its merit. She -For my part I would never forgive a man that would kiss a girl against her will. Re --Nor 1; but do von suppose young man ve sung the baby to Years ago. These stars might have goodness : r , and , become extinct thousand ot years for S. S. N.p. 9, for the month ofp — I Septeml.t•r. The report is based and guard their interests, • . I • ularit promote their happiness and well I ago, and yet their light 'night still present itself to tit! Startling, amazing as this is, Camille Ham- marion, in a recent number of the. Deutsche Revue, makes a statement which overtops it and makes it seem modest in comparasion. Ile asserts that, though light travele so fast, the photographic leas of a modern telescope reeeiveslinpreseions of stars whose thin rays of light have been millions of years travelling to the earth: rays which, perhapti, set out on their journey thttherward before this our earth had started on he ap- pointed e,ourse; rays, some of them perhaps, of stars which have run their appointed .coarse, which have vivified worlds like ours, and have ages ago been burnt out and resolved into their ultimate atoms, while the rays they - once shed still tray% 1 i onward into space. A hundred. I years ago IS'Irs.Barbauld, roving 111 DOMporlliOtt. not t il , . fancy frorn the 'earth ts, %till". t vered but ittv.e remained steadily at county town. Jripitee, end "the dim. verse., t ,a, i ea, .1 ,,,, • 1 n utr at Plic beyond any of attendance and good conduct:1 being; ta secure the entorcemeut of on the v. ri k o, t n. . i IIT : Leut Dorttioa ; III: ,Jennie haws relating to neglected and Rinerii, M ire Aileen), Mabel Shiell, dependent ehildreu oc juvenile Roy ‘Iiison Jininet Shia, Maggie offendera and, generally, to a.die.cate the claims uf neglected, abandoned or orphaned ehildren, upon the sympathy of the public." • McDaugeill, Alex. NicDougall, Leslie Deacon ; Sr 2tol ; Alberta Rintonl, Alfred 1 imi....„11, f;ora, May William - sun ; 3. 11 : Fra 1: It Mills, Willie 1 Vs hen the society was filet. Elliott, laiv Dane" Herbert Wil- promoted it was thought by some liamson ; Part It: Ida Abram, Bella' people that there was little need for 1V1 -Dougall, A. Het bert Shiell; Ist ;tits service in the county of Hare n Joint Abram, Aleic ltintool, Ray -1 The experience of the last year has mond Elliott, Ilosvard Shiell, Roy shown that this is not the case. Already, in the town of ,poderich Anderson. alone,. six cases have received the attention of the offieers. The societies which have been formed in other counties have done good. and useial work. There is no reason why the county of Huron should not sup. port as active and as useful a society RS any other county, nor is there any reason why the operations of the society should be confined to the bt, the intrinsic virtuesof this medal If any person in the county of sobtirbi of filo sYbtoolin e. The new things have come midi Huron is interested in this work, T 1 -Where cheerless Satiate, inid.it his ' watery vuoohs, olid foundation of absolute merit! ,„,,,,..,, a 4 . 1 with VI CAW at owe me, or Girt with a lucid zone, in gloomy ' ite power to cure, and its Wee con- I I''"."rasar--6- - , _ pomp, Mr. win. Lane. Clerk of the County, Sits like an 'exiled inonaioh. 1 1. or %ale lit liVittgkimist by Ceifla A. e but Ilood'e Sareaparilla Nets upon I shall be glad if he or she would to be the largest In the world.Camp-ball. rads iledieine, There are fird4 in medicine as in eVer. aline 4.1oP and a "now thing" fro- quentty sens for a short time simply beeeuse it is BOW. But in medicine, as jfl riuthiurr PisP, the people demand and will be ,u,11.0.41 nniy with positive, abaci. lute merit. Tire Nut that Hood's Sar- saparilla has rtrifrd its ground against all havo never 5 (e-3 151 7t • The TIMES is an up-to- date paper, all printed at home. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Y. P. S. 0 E.—Meeting in basement. a Presbyterian church every Vriclay evening. Subject for Out. eth—Ond or Mammon? A temperance meeting suggested. Mr. Gee. really ever did? -Somerville Jour- Ilend4rson. nal, KPWORTI1 LEAGUE-1VIeeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist churell. AN ectc It is for women to know that ot opErir for all their ail- Lil ments and dis- orders INDIAN Ot SECRET. NtrODIAN'S BALA is pre-eminent* the remedy. Tired women, weak women, sick women— it cures them all. Never ot known to fail, Price $1110. Pamphlet free by addressing: atm Medicine Co.,Ltd.,Toronto,Ont. B. Y. P. U.—Meeting every Tuesday evening hi the Baptist church. Subjpct for Oct 18-1ellowing afar off; Matt. 26 57 58 --Alex Ks1l. ' For TwAnty.Six Years DUNN'S B KIN 0 OE THE Vs*IlYref!',4,E'D DEANS..la., WINOHAN, 10V • AVOTWINEER FOE THE COUNTY OF 111.11101.1. Sales attended ih any part of the Co. Charge, Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WinerrAm, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Perm Stock mid Perm Implements epecialty. All ordure left at the 'URNS Mlles promptly attend ed to. Terms rermonnbIe. Gro rri FRANK SCELI'S, WID41114 YOU GMT 12 /MAYAN AND 1. MIR FOR $1. Opposito Central Hotel, WINGH.h.L Ageney for Parlsitio saeatin tenacity. CDT ONTARIO Wanted—An Idaa Who can think some• ot simple thing to patentt Protect your 1d0001 411(" may bring yott 'vomit Write JOHN WEDDEHBDRN & 00, Patent Atto nays Waobington. D. 0.„ for their $1,800130= and hat a two hundred invoutions wanted. ••- SOCIETY MEETINGS. r Court Maitland, No.25, Conadiatt 8.1 O. r Poresteteositets the Becotat anti ,out irligmy evening et every tutvath. 114 Ote• garyie Bleak. Thiene brethren welemee. W. G.. Miley, C. It. 11. 33. illilett, It. a, n 6 .40.wp SCaleaeala, 48, 31,081t LJ . . 0.-- the first ,11ul blunt Monday in over mouth, hi tko Oild relletre Mall. rotting Inatleasm weleedeo. .1. Murray, Oldef. H. }tor. -#0s. 1 VI••••••0•01 OVINTEI lng No To No 'to aid . iookiT N - able pale ed la see spe oug sen the giv las be • d sh(o it ge • CC