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The Wingham Times, 1896-10-09, Page 5
THE WZNUIIAM. TIMES, OCTOBER 9, 1896. 5 JUST ;ED A FRESH, '4UPPL1 OF 1Pilisr e s�a41�-,l r' �� Al CH1SHOL M'd ORM STORE Y witmat.A 1, l) 'T. THIS IS A. .- , Mr. Jos. Barnard had the mis- ri7 fortune to get some of the banes of `c i hs foot broken while working at a .-'.-' Well for Mr, A •McIntosh. BLYTII. V : J.. Underwood 28, 0. McMichael 25, L. Fortune 7 ; IV : W. Weir 55, Wednesday evening last a grand F. Geniinil 28, W. Abram 23 ; 3rd display of fall millinery was shown Sr; : D't Weir +453, 14T. Hayes<42, M in the different establishments in Willits 40 ; 3rd ,Ii•.: M. (xemmill 40, town. Notwithstanding the dis-'W. Palmer 3.4, L. Underwood 3.4; agreeable "wt ather the fair sex turn- 2nd: M. Abram 45, J. Master 43, E. ed out in great numbers to see, Melntosh 40 ; Part II; W. Weir 21, which was considered the best dia.G. Gemini!! 21, E. Hooey 20 ; Part I: play. ' E. Barton 21', L. Kinsman, 21, R Mrs. Levy and family moved to McGlynn 20, JoiiN HABTIA1 , Honsall on Monday. ; Teacher. On Friday evening our council, held their regular monthly sitting in + On Thursday of' last week Mrs. Industry Hall instead of their regtt•' Josiah Tyreman, Seaforth, received lar night, which would come on the ;rho sad intelligence of the death of first night of the fair. They 1e-; her only'sister, Mrs. E. Earle, Fall appointed John Bell tax collector at : River, Kansas. The deceased lady the same salary as other years visited;Seaforth in the early part of besides doing a large amount of the summer, spending several weeks other business keeping them • there l with M. Tyreman and family, and until near midnight. ! it will be remembered that the train Mr, Gallagher, stonemason, of on which she made the journey was Belgrave, has commenced the stone !held up by robbers, and a Large work of Elam Livingst,.ne's factory. i sum of money taken. Mrs. Earle W ROK.ETEit. An olcl Greek water clock was a most ingenious affair, ir, hut, was unreliable and far ©o from a handsome ar- ticle. What a change in 2,000 years. Now we offer you reliable factory ' clocks far *wren FS, -CLOCKS, Jltii'a3'.A7f J1! mad N ' RWA1TG•B in the sante proportion. W LbEto d tri CLOC" A SPECIALTY ©0 l was a Canadian, born in Kingston, but had resided in Kansas for the past 27 years. She had been fail- ing in health for some three or four years although her demise was sud- den at last, Three children all Provo the merit of 'Hood's Sarsaparilla—post, tive, perfect, permanent (lures. Cures%of scrofula in severest forms, like goitre, swelled neck, running sores, trip. disease, sores in the eyes. Cures.of Salt Rheum, with its intense itching and burning, scald .head, tetter, etc. Cures, of Boils, Pimples, and all other crap, tlons due to Impure blood. CUres .of Dyspepsia and,otlher troubles where a good stomach tonic was needed. Cures of Rheumatism, where patients were un. able to work or walk for weeks. Cures of Catarrh by exp;lliug the Impurities 'which cause and sustain the disease. Cures of Nervousness by properly toning Butt foe 11 tlhe nerves a x,u aura blood Paper Telegraph Poles, Paper telegraph poles are the latest development of the art of making paper useful. These pcles are made of paper pulp, in which borax, tallow ate., are mixed in small quantities.' The pulp is cast in a mold, with a core in the center forming a hollow ' rod of the desired length, the cross pieces being held by key shaped , wooden pieces driven in on either; sides of the pole, The paper poles,, are said to be lighter and stronger i than those of wood, and to - be un- affected by sun, rain, dampness, ori any of the other causes which shorten the life of a wooden pole, 1,arly last Saturday morning James Gib.on, of Brussels, passed that bourne from whence no travel- ler returns, aged 81 years, His death was not unexpected as he bad been ailing for the past year. De- ceased was born in County Cavan, Ireland and came to Canada in 105 - After living in Darlington. township for some time --where be married Miss Sarah Ingrain who survives lli.in-- they removed to St. Marys and came to Brussels about 1861, Mr. Gibson was a shoemaker by trade but had not followed it for years. Of four children born to then} only ono is living, viz., James Gibson. g 1 1 , Cures of That Tired Feeling by restoring Strength. Bond for book of cures by Sarsaparilla To C. L Hood Sc. Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. are the hest'afte+ +huger pills, aid dlge;st,ult. 2.5e.Flood's Pills The Forresters' Concert held here ; grown' up are left to mourn the loss ' Hog Cholera. on Monday evening was fairly well' of a good mother. Her husband Windsor, Ont., 5.—Hog cholera attended and all went away well' died several years ago. has again broken out in Malden Ducked. The violin paving of Miss • On Saturday last while • assisting he farm p of Henry Delisle inspector visited Duk d I HIi 1 wet pp' I ATallry, Fred W4olfe who resales a Gibson Bros. shipped two cars of , of hogs, the valuation being placed h l well assorted with all the latest in ; mile from Deemerton, in the tow...- probably ow: - at five a head. He then a lumber en Tuesday. dollars_ ' ship of Carrick, met with an a'eci- I Joseph, �-- A troocl number of oar towns- l , visited the farm of BoufFord �°�• -g� �-'r visited the shc,w at Brussels ; tient which may probably prove and destroyed three more animals f d.� �T� �7f K `` people O of l I31t elf and f Geo. Cary has a iew.more Suits and Overcoats which ii TA Lo 141 al rt Few lore. I bit tri, �' Yel he is selling at cost prices. They are all seasonable goods il and good Trimmings. in jiri Ducker an Bert Harvey'S songs ., •e much a heisted. (at threshing on the premises +,f Mrs, decided to slaughter the whole hemi GJ New goods arriving every few days keeps ours c 1tIi nenszocsiammiseapratwarser tr toktT Eyes tested tree. VHHOHAW last week Which was a gland fatal. Onethe e s came o an • which appeared to be afflicted with ;succcess I Wolfe who was standing near by -I the disease, allowing ten dollars a Mr. Allan Boag, who 'owns the put it on again, and then attempted l head for the animals. He visited eider press hero,, is doing a rushing , to hold it on the pulley with itis fork- i several other farms but did not business. People come from a great ;• handle.. The fork caught in the i discover any more cases. distance to get their apples •convert• • pulley and the prongs , were driven ed t 'd with great force into his body, pass-' ...11r i'w-"+s f'.LL1F a and OPT/MAN. --.AND — GL A Y' „I G PRIDES '1'o make room for more G-.-G.::v0d;;:� ,.t 'F.?. J1- IS ,lf�D. Gm, E M u x -t ^e 1:.: P�.Lo, dal J `'. -:ar+.ti:?,;;:w,R3 ,.ti.; .Y.'a'.aen,s'�`•"•z rwr into eider. ; Live $toot. markets. John Barnard was at Brussels ing into his breast and running up- show last Friday, judging the; wards through. He pulled out the fork I Montreal; Que., Oct. 5.—There poultry. There was not -a great I himself, and went up into the mow,were about 650 head t of butchers' man birds shown but the quality + but soon tell -down from exhaustion. en ttle. 125 calves and 100 sheep and was g1ood. - , y i The doctor was at once summoned I lambs, offered for sale at the east and found on examination that one ! end abattoir to -day. The butchers i of the large veins had been punct I were present in large numbers, and BLTJEVALE' ured, and expressed grave fears of I cunsiclerable amount of buying was Next Sabbath horning at 10 the patient's recovery. I done, but to on eemed to be no ad - o'clock, Mr. B. Gerry will address i 'rhe weather on Monday was de- I vance made on the low prices paid S. the children of .the Pras.iyterian S. .last Thtltne y. There were no rightful, incl a ,perfect day it was really prime beeves on the market, parents. Both hese gentlemen addressl will are; for a ball game. In Lconsec}aunce, I •end the highest price paid was about quite a number assein3lecl on the ;;1 c per pound, with pretty wood :from Brussels. The same addresses.! Recreation Grounds on that tater p 1 will be given toile Methodists in the i tuck at from 2';.c /1 tie per ':+, ; com- af'teTnOOn. The collections will 1)e' n0011, t0 witness dile base t)alI lua"-- i mon dry' cows,and gall ,fatted young given to the wealr.Sabbath Sfjhoolbetween fxoclerich and Wroxeter. A ,tock, sold at from 2c [L '11c, and the Mrs. Herbert Burgess, .af Owen !large number of the spectators were !loaner beasts at about 1' e per lb. friends of the respective clubs who' Sound, is .visiting her mother, Mrs. i Calves were more some of ons than for I were more interested in the result ` King and also her uncle, Mr. John ,socfhe tinge, mad soave of thein were Iii 1 } ill i than the townspeople. As yet little I remarkably , fie+c a�niraals, 11, Rnnr S : ease l forth, although nest yeah may 'scei hirac ti_'S pounds, at -lc per lb. a team here that will be able toeotn- j Common valves sold at from 'll C $6 pete creditably with any of the (each, anda couple of "bobs" went amateur clubs. Monday's game was I for about $2 each. Ship}:t rs are a, splendid. exhibition, and both te:;un , �. a•yinn 3:'.c per la fur woad large GORILIL. King, who IS seriously interest is taken in base hall ill. "ea- < Rev. A. Y. Ilautley, of Belgrave, jI ,1 c,e < bought ;t pets of extra calves, was visiting friends in Blnevale on Tuesday. Rev. John .Ross, of, Brussels, was prevented from preaching in the Presbyterian Rev. b toriTHall, or last Belgrave,bbcon• put forth their best endeavors to • ;sheep; lambs are sellin r in lots at ducted the services and preached the win' The Godericah battery was L a'. I from 2:(.4e Cr' 3c per n• Fat t hogs churchducted vacant as he was given per- little two strong for the, Wroxeter c:,ntinnt+ to sell at from 3 ke @ 5c per rnibsiun to do so by Mr. !;woks. bops and with the score against thens Th- but there were not, many r,f them Rev. Mr. Borland, M. A., will. they 'seemed to lose heart towards , an the market to -day. the close of the game, at:c1 in the 1+:est Buffalo, N. y., Oetoher 5: preach in the Presbyte, ian churell next Sunday. . The village youngsters spend the nigts with mirth and glee, playing tick -tack. Rev. John Moss, of Brussels, was visiting at Mr. John Robertson's on :Monday. . Miss Miller and Miss Tena Rae, of Wroxeter, started on their wheels on y Tuesday afternoon to attend ilcd by 1iTr. D. Fuss of Bl ussc. Blyth flair but were obli "ed to remain P " ' ' 83 cars, market very slow; lambs, and his decisions gave general a+„ @ at Mr. Messer's alt night on account satisfaction. Bath teams were geed to choice, .�4.<5$4.50; culls of the rain. last couple of inning they glade some, , t;at;tle-Iicceipts, 175 eats'against costly errors, but apart f'.•om tide, , 160 cars last, week; market steady- ; the game was repiete with brilliant' and sharp fielding, and sev- p choice to prime steel $1.25 n 1.7r> plays+fair to good steers. ,8.40 C 1.65; eraone, two, atimes le sides were nd three ovdee,r inred shorc good fat ,0 faird butehers' togood bluchers' cows,340 it was really a pitellers' Cattle. At $2 50 alt'; 3 Hogs—Receipt:e, 140 the close of the garne the score of cars; Yorkers fair to choice, -3,50 C the game was 14 to 5 in favor of the cars: dao Gammon to fair, ::,2.50 Goderich team. The game was um- 1 m- ' p'^" MEN'S FURNISHINGS ISHINGS C� Ln rL- rti We give satisfaction in every respect. O. CARR, sn T. Leslie's Old Stand. Wingham.0.1 iry_r-71 OA: 't iar+�r�;. r+f ht -i ; `.�F A- 9 :`+r t ���r.-. ti 7r ra: P3.25. Sheep and lambs—Receipts HOWICK- The following is the regular monthly re ort for S. S. No. 1, A large crowd from Gerrie attend- Howlett. T e report is based upon ed theliowfet: Fall Show, held at attendance, unetuality, good con- I'`ur;l•.v:cir on S'+turdary last. duct and general proficiency: V : Rev. Jas. Charlton, of Hanover, darks obtainable 493, Thos. Fergu- formerly pastor of Gorrie Methodist son 416 ; IV: '=Marks obtainable 69.5; church, preached the annual Mission- Lizzie Cathers,526; Etta Burns 501; ary sermon here on Sunday last, Frank Douglas 384, D Teskey, 353 ; Principal Campbell was on the siek'III Sr. : Marks obtainable 687: Elsie list last week and consequently there Teskey 650; May Lathers 561; was no sebool in the senior.depart-13o1'tha Dennis 49 went. 480 ; Jennie Stem' Mr. Alex. Baine left last week for II Marks obtainable • Jessie Galloway rt 313 ; III Jr. : 70, Wm, Cathens, the Lake of the Woods, where lie has i 552 ; M. Finlay, 5` "; Lizzie atlo- secured a position as teacher. i. way, 433; II Sr.: 1 arks obtiaa sable, Mr. 'Wm. McLeod, of Tara, form -1663, Wm. Trimble .56; Alex. Fin- eriy of thi•i place, was in town last i lay 508 ; Baker Po eroy� 461; E. w visitinfrinds. i Rush 387 ; Alex Son iter. 249 ; , >i While Mr. Wm. Montgomery, I±"inlay 588 Wm, Mc of 687 ; CII of Jr; Marks obtaina!l g 748, Wesl ; T3owick was attending the Palmer- � M. I'ome{':I y 5f� :' ston show on Tuesday of last week ' 564; he lost a valuable hors;, supposed to Finlay = Dennis 453; Joe Or mway 35 have been stolen. Wm. Burns 285 ; A D teman 270 ; Mr. Levi McDermott, of Detroit, , Robt. Nickel 244 ; Joh$ Iloltzham formerly of Gorrie, was visiting in 1150, Wit. Iltirrliir, Teacher. town. The following is the report of Un. Mr. Clegg and :tinily have romov- S. 5., No. 13, Howlett cl Turn* ed to Toronto. i berry for the month of Spteinber: composed of gentlemanly fellows, and cerumen, $3.25 17 $3.75; Canada lambs, good to chnice, 4.65 at „$4.75; and we would be pleased to welcome sheep, good to choice bandy weight diem back to town again. Expositor. wethers, e8.65 aa' :1.83 ; nulls and ---- __ common, $1.50 La' $2.` •re d:tilluttto ror visitors. Bo stone blind, deaf and dumb to nil family marterq of an unpleasant nature in a household. Be punctual at meals. To be late is a disrespect to your hostess .—bnd form for yourself. Never .interforo with inferiors when visiting: It' is a breach of good manners. To be constantly correcting your host- ess' children will in time make you an objectionable visitor. Mothers resenttbis. Always express a willingness to retire at the family bedtime. In your own room you can remain up as long as yoit choose. All visitors should recelleob that the evenings belong to their liosb and hostess, and they are expected to add to their ;onjoymoppt. , It is bad form to lounge on sofas all ANps m,trhe day, reading novels and tak- ing no interest in those around you. Your aro a vis;itot. and formality should be toloServoci.•si{,@til?d,'e0,A ?sto expect d to be se r`'•o `' itch o' e'hairs`in trio ,horning, so that the mistress of the house will have a chance to settle her affairs. This sort of consideration is ap- predated. If a pleasure is proposed accept it. You aro expected to be entertained. Be agreeable to a gu s , • • r chlid "" +% ! '17A;IIlA,7,:'JlPil:!!'1!!%11.4/11111i;1f11lUh'lIl/illl,+lll.'!1ll11%i111711ti✓117i!LN,.�• ~' 4. ' ! ,yi t , v .ti ei of t' It'l, arf4 #�j 4l lit j I�I'f� ,rtl�li I I 1 p7t�r �willi Gr. WIN G c ON AND AFTER WILL SHOW THE PEOPLE OF You note the difference in' AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY children. Some have nQarly . every ailment, even. with WHAT A the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through ilnharined. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with- out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, wit 1 hypo= phol>phites, is cod-liver oil partly digested andadapted CLEARING' SALE, MEANS No Shand or make beleive, no goods narked up to try e '`' big cut. T �, I ALL I M in many cases going into the middle. Next week quote prices that will astonish you. Call and see us to the weaker digestions of prices. children. , G. M O NTYR Scow hRowas. Belleville, Oct. swot. andthee 1 ll to is whether ! DIACDO�TALD BLOCK. yeti like thorn or not, 1