HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-09, Page 3HOWICK PRIZE LiST.. HORSE'S. Span Agricultural Horses, Wilkin. son Bros,, . & J Campbell ; Heavy Agricsltratil Gelding, two years old, Jas Beal: Heavy agricultural filly, . Jas. Mei+.wens; Span general pur- pose horses, Wm. Casemore, Jas Mc- Leod ; General purpose gelding, two years old, Jas McEwen ; General purpose filly, tvt !gears o1(1, Geo Nay Jas Downie: Roadster gelding, two yearsold, A & Campbell, i n Galbraith ; Roadster gelding, one year old, John G Lambkin; Road- ster Hilly two years old, ,John hol- land, Jos Davidson, Roadster fills' ono year Jus 1) vicl- sonR 'Edgar; Brood mare, heavy Agricultural, J G Gal- braith, J Bell ; foal, heavy agrieul tura', J G Galbraith; J 13e1! ; Brood mare, general purpose, Win Case - more 1 and 2 ; Foal, general pur- pose, Wm Casemore 1 & 2; Roadster teRm, J McKay, II Collins ; Road- ster, horse, gelding, or mare, 13 Cook, J Merrifield ; Saddle horse, T David- son, 1'1. Darroch. IMPLITAF.NrS AND GENERAL MANUFAC- ,, TURE4.3. Iron bi;am plow, Gillies & Martin, Polton Bros ; Gang plow, Polton Bros.; Rot 'Cutter, Polton Bros.; Single ea3riage, Gillies & Martin, J Schuett ; i(umher waggon, Gillies & Martin, J N.huett; Sot double hrtir•- rows, Pol.1(ln''Bres • Set double har- ness, heav Set sit,gle h Best' hull Bull, 3 year. ston ; Bull u Wilsuu ; Buti Brown ; Best Johnston ; Coir -' Joh nston, 1 and 2; • Heifer, 2 yea=1'b Old, .5 taunter, 5 Johnston ; Year lg heifer, S John- ston, ,J Wilsou .; tI calf, 5 Bunter, J \Vilsl ) ; tl( fet•a11', 5 .Johnston, J punter ;rie:rd, .Johnston, Dur- ham grades --0u Wilson, 3 John- ston ; .IIeil'er 2 )'ea old, S. John. Ston, 1 and 2 -ling heifer, 5 Johnston, 1 ztaui 'gii iter calf, S Johnston ; Fat ex, 10w, steer, or heifer, R Edgar, J \;Leod ; herd w, W Gal- ersey cow, J (Mite grade, Rhein ; rsess, E Rhein. uy Nge, 5 Johntson ; 11{:1 or over, S John- it•r 3 years uld, J oder 2 years old, W 'male any age, S S Johnston; Milch braith, A Littlejohns G Lailibkiu. STIEEP. Leieesters—A ed va, J Sander- son, J Stewart ; shcarlg :am, ,1 - Sanderson, .7 Stewart ; 1;n lamb, TIL W11V. 1.MJi:iVI -talc oats, J Campbell, J Salter ; 2 bus Mack oats, 3 Campbell, It Peel; 1 bus white beans, \Y Strong, It Edgar; 1 doz• ears yellow corn, 1t Edgar; Chas Caudle. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS, Tub butter, 50 lbs. Itobt Harding, W Strong; Tub butter, 20 lbs, It Harding, 1t Edgar ; Butter in roll, It Harding, J Lambkin; Loaf home made bread, J Hunter, J Salter. BOOTS AND VEGETABLES. 1 Bus potatoes, Sinith Bros., J Campbell ; 1 bus late, C C Caudle, It Edgar ; Half doz swede turnips, C Caudle, J Cousins and Sons; Half doz any other kind, Dolton Bros. W H McCracken ; v red mangolds, W 1I McCracken, A Littlejohns ; 0 yellow mangolds, W 13 McCracken 1 and 2; Half doz. carrots, garden, t W Strong, J Campbell ; 6 Carrots, dela, W 1I McCracken, S Bogan ; i Peck potato onions, W 1I McCracken 1 C Caudle ; Peck seed onions, W H McCracken 1 and 2 ; 6 parsnips, W H McCracken, W Strong; Two pumpkins, W II McCracken, R Edgar ; Two citrons, W McCracken, S Bogan; (1 blood beets, W II 31c- Cracken, 11 Peel ; 1 doz tomatoes, P P AyleSavurth, J Cousins & Sons ; 3 heads cnbbag•e, W McCracken, C Caudle ; 1 doz red peppers. J Cous- ins & Sons ; 3 heads cauliflowers, C Caudle, W McCracken ; 2 water melons, W McCracken ; 2 squashes, W H McCracken. FRUIT. Winter apples 4 of each—Cana- dian red, S Bogan, Cousins & Sons; Northern spy. T Davidson, P Ayles- worth ; Rhode Island Greening, W Strong, .J Downie; King of Tomp kips county, R Peel, ,1 Cousins & Sons ; Russet, A Littlejohns, .J Ilol land; Baldwin, S Bogan, A Little - johns ; Ben Davis, S Bogan, Smith Bros ; Tolman Sweet, Smith Brus, A Littlejohn, Fall apples—Colverts, J Johnson, It Peel ; Duchess of Olden- burg, 1V Strong, A Littlejohns ; Alexander, R Rolston, II Collins; Maiden's blush, A Littlejnhns, .7 Cousins & Sons; Snow, P Ayles- worth, A Littlejohns; Best collection of apples, recommended—ea' Holland - 3 varieties of crab apples; Jas Me Ewen, R Peel; 3 varieties of plums, W McCracken ; 1 doz pears, J Cousins & Sons, R Peel ; 3 clusters grapes, It Peel, A Littlejohns. LADIE'S WORK. 10 yards home made full cloth, J Salter P P Aylsworth; 111, home made yarn, P P Aylsworth, J 13 3 'Sander.oii 1 anr ; Best Johnston ; Pair blankets homemade, ewe, baying rnisedilambs in ,7 Salter, W Strop; : Pair ladies 18)0, J Stu_lersu:r 'anal 2 ; hand made stockings, J Salter, W H Best Shearling ewe, J Skerson, J Hele; Pair men's stocks hand made, J Stewart; Best ewe Ilia' . 7 Sand- ,J Salter, W II McCracken ; Pair son ; Pen sheep, J 5: ndetlr ands( I11eI1'S Illitu hand made, T Davidson, Ram, J • Sanderson , 13e't \e any R Grieve; Pair glen's gloves hand age, J Sanderson. Oxford' w•ns.._ made, J Salter W I3 i1IcCracken; Aged ram, J Holland : J his & Fine shirt, this years make, hand Sons got 5 first b second an alrnntt made, ll', (;neve. li Harding; Flannel in the res-, of dais class. Shi —W II Webber got 6 first second and diploma in thi Grades—Rata, 5 Johncten, T cram) ; Rain iamb, E Sothet Easily Cured, Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily cured by the use of hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. No ef- fort required of the patient, who is al- lowed the use of stimulants until ho vol- untarily quits their use. May be given seoretly in tea or coffee and a cure guaranteed in every case, For sale by all first class druggists at $1,00 per pack- age. For full particulars and boots of testimonials, address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. (Thin -__M husband --Hew do you like the view. 1Vlft, (with c.5t,icy)— Oh, I am speechless! 11usband---11'ei;, if'. that be so, I think we had Better stay here for a while.—Judge, Bacon—It's f'i uny you duu't ride!' Egbert—I'm waiting until they have bicycle built for two. -You can get tandems now,,' "I know; I mean a bicycle built for 2." --Yon- kers Statesman. Captain --Now, Sam, when you goes to de bat jes't let de ball hit yo' on de haide, on' take yo' base like 1 dial, Iiits dead easier • den tryin' to hit dab curved piteh,th. Jaglets—Who invented work, Bill ? Raglcts—I don't know, but he ought to stayed and finished it,— Truth. "Money am Wien like some days," says Brother Watkins; "dew in de maunin' an' mist at night."—Phila- delphin, Record. "Doctor, my wife has insomnia•— lies awake most of the ni;irt. What shall I do for her?" `Get home earlier.'—Life. "They say a piano sounds best when it stands near a wall." "I think it sounds best out in a ten - acre lot."—Chicago Record. 1105 shirr, hand made, It Harding; Patch-, 4 eel quilt W 11 Bele and R. Grieve; ass. Knit quilt, W Hele, R Grieves; Id' Crochet quilt, R Grieve, J Salter J Cttverlid hours made, 5 Karnaghan;, Cousins & Son ; Best ewes, 11 tg 1, P Aylsworth; Crochet iii wool, raised lambs in 139(1, ,J Cousi& W Hetes It"Grieve; Crochet, In cut Sons h' Sotheran ; Best Sties ,. ton, 1V Dane, R t;.rieve; Embroidery ewe, E Sotheran 1 and 9 ; Best in cul.ron R Grieve 11 Harding; En'- lam b, W Birowu, E Sotheran. hroitlery in muslin, W lisle, W swassa• �1)anu Embroideryiu silk, Tl' lisle Berkshire—Boar any ago, p i> ,1,ylsworth; Poiot lace, RGrieve, Bogan ; Brood sow, Alex Roberts. haw;Berlin wool raised; 1t 1 and 2. Chester White—Boar, +drieve, tiv dale: Berlin wool fiat, R1 rieve, P P Ayslworth; Berlin wool, 1 \wers, Chas Caudle, P P Ayswortlr 1 ix flowers, PIP Aylsworth; Wax it, P P Avlsworth; Drawn work ousins & Sons, W Dane; Cone P 1> Ay lsworth; Arrasene , , W lisle, R Grieve; Hair work 1y lsworth; Cretonne work, R • Leather work, W Hele; Sofa crazy work, W H McCracken ns; Sofa Cushion any kind, W acicen, R Grieve; Macrame work, It Grieve; Tinsel work, W 1I McCracken; Fancy in cotton, It Grieves, J Sons; Fancy knitting in WwoolII' rieve• Braiding, R Grieve, W D Dane; SK Manderson ; Brood Sow, Alex lto ertson, T Manderson: Pair sprin pigs, T Manderson. POULTR}. Pair geese, J McEwen: Pair turkeys, J Salter, T Manderson ; Duck:, J Salter, J McEwen ; Liget bralnnas, J M)Ewen; Ply moth rocks T Manderson ; J Johnston ; Pencil- led Homburgs, .5 11 Johnson ; Leg- Ii horns. W 11 Webber 1 and 2, GRAIN. H Two bus reel winter wheat, J hr: Campbell, S L'ognu; 2 bus white R; winter wheat, NV Evans, J Campbell; kni 2 bus speiug wheat, J Campbell, .J Cou McEwen; '2 bus btr•ley, .1 Campbell, 1 W Evans; 2 bus huge peas, ,7 Ca in - pelt, J McEwen ; 2 bus small pc is, J Canipbell, W Evans ; 2 bus white uchE" h�{ a Zs especially true of hood's Pills, for no medi- cine ever contained so great curative power In no shall space. They aro a whole medicine 00 Cheat, always ready, al- ways efflolent, always sat- SICtactorY; proieat a cold or lover, crit° an liver ills, °Wick headachejaundice, constipation, ete. 260. 0. 01y1Y tilts, to talcs with flaod'tt Sar sMDttdl1$. drrleves, ills ar ag carpet, P P Aylsworth, tl oiler .ats W Vele, W gnats braided or booked n. J H Johnston, Y eath- er flow„ I> Aylsworth; Shell lsworth; Tissue work, Dane; Hand boquets, usins & Son's; Table sins & Sonss, W Dane Pearl NTS ARTS. ng, It Grieve; Oil painting, e R Grieve; Painting on satin R W Hese• Pencil drawing, It Grieve. Crayon, W Hale 1t Specimen of pen. I SOLE MANUFACTURES-- manship W W Strong;, Paint. MEYER %n1; on potte Vele u 1i Me -1 work, 1 0 Caud W Dane bouquets Mitshing white Stile. To prevent white silk handkerchiefs turning yellow when washed iso sop should bo rubbed on to the silk, no soda should he mixed with the water, and the handkerchief should on no account be boiled. A hot, thiel:, soapy lather should he used for cleaning the handkerchief, Which should afterward be freed of all soup by rinsing in plenty of cold water. It should bo dried if possible in the sun. spats on Wood. Lamp oil, well rubbed in, will remove white spots caused by hot,p1atos from (phis; nr;tt sideboards. PILL- AGE. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pn1M, 10e. vial aro planned after tree -.nest modern in medical science. a WANTED. .A. MAN: to sell Canada, grown fruit MA Ornamental Trees, Shrub,, hoses. limbs and Bulbous Planta, Grape Vines, small Fruits, Seed Potatoes, eto. We catalogue only tho highest and most popular varieties that succeed In the coldest dh rotes,:ref,w season now commencing; no nplet t outfit treealary and expenses paid from start for full time, liberal commission far port tin).,, Apply, w, sodre.alo ^ He,rc,t ,mire. ami set ohmic of .tm s.l'K1: nit1TII5040''lrAN1', p,t• Ili ..,14"1..1 "urserivs, 0113,1...,, W. ..r .'.1 TKaA1 (woo. They aro °s great an improvement over the 50 years old strong dose pill ior•mulas as u bieycl -' is over an ox cart in travel, and less than na1f the price. Cinnamyn Drop Coated mates them pleasant to take— Iseimg purely vsge table nitres ti,(snl P1'1,401(1641%. safe—they never gripe and they rawer fail —40 doses, 10 cents at all druggists. IStfflTI i� i FOL. JG -7. Balance of 1896 Free. ONLY ONE DOLLAR To January 1st 1898. Sixteen ALL T Pages etch Week ITII- 0� THE W Market :Reports, Stories, Excellent Beading.... for every metnber ei the family. WS ORLD. etc. We offer good inducements to agents. For terms, etd., address— ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., London, Ont. SPECIAL. GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION. CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, BELTING and FITTINGS. MACHINE OILS, POR T LAN D CEMENT, {CA.LCEMINE PLASTER, WHITE LEAD and. OILS, B UILP.1`RS HARD WARE, LEHIGH VALLEY -OAL, ALL, SIIZES IN STOCK. J. CLEC Hurst are Merchants Suceesssls to J. A. Cline & Co. 4Qtun-Tor "Jrafti Heating Stove PATENTED FEB, 1ST., 1896. 13 R Cracken; Col of paintings lt,l 87 Church Stroet, Toronto, Ontario. This stove is made cfgenuine Russian iron; no imitation; lined with steel. The cleanest stove made, no ashes can get out on the floor; will positively keep a slow burning fire for 48 hours; by patting in one large stick it keeps fire all night. Never re- quire to move ashes more than once in two inrnths. It will take a stick 21 inches by 10 inches. Saves :25 to 50 per cent. fuel. Con regulate it the same as a lamp; eon have your rooms at any temperature, build a fire in two minutes, and heat a roam 21) feet square in ten itO' kites the e.•Idest day in the year. 1t' 1oar dealer DOCS NOT 1TANDLE (KM STOV;:S write us auras( far price beast; you par - . Any inf beaem'nt on patent will I,(• po executed to the full extent ul the has. Goon AGENTS W )NTI D. What is t 7.4 aesa Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething trouble,, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa toric is the Caildron's Panacea --the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dn. Ct. C. Cartoon, Lowell, Blass. " Castoria is the hest remedy for children of 'which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, snit use Castoria in- stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grsves," 1)s, 3. F. latranELOE, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoris is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior toanyresaription known to me." R. A. Amman, X D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the el/Bayou's depart- ment have spoken highly of their expert once in their entails practi. e with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wo are free to confess that the menta of Castoria has won us to look watt favor upon it." 1111}Tsa HosrtraL /NO DlsrsrteA P... IIus4s i, Mass:-. Amity C. Sanaa, Pres.. M'iM, a Centaur Voan'any, 7'F Mu am.7 Sizonet,1Iecr To _.,t ott, ;�ti� ��+�"•.n�v"".�.Y���a,�'?>~,.4;ra�%:,;.airy:• ...+a. �:��, ,aeasarkaa r SOHO We sell every thing iequira i for school outfit. Complete TEXT BOOKS, in every branch, COPY BOOKS, PENCILS. PENS, RUBBERS and SLATES. SCRIBBLING BOOKS T57.2 A patent BOOK COVER given away with every school book purchased from. us. CALL AT THE POPULAR ROOK STORE, ALEX. ROSS. II Xark 41 PEN 3<r"Iaars We do neat work in the Job• Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- thing such as LETER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, W ingham. tibilytet~lwob© tea, O1 $ 5 0 ARD. I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and Blake to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK, Opposite Macdonald BIock. Josephine St., Wi igham