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The Wingham Times, 1896-10-09, Page 1
VOL. O. 1288. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9,1896. Y 9M, WE SES . EAP. ean5,�Yr"i �'�y�ga,�Y••� The intelligei t public of Wingham .and vicinity inc odes the wisest and most careful bu 'ors ii. the country. They are keen to detect humbug quick to' encou age worthy enter- prise. Some 3tablishments may thrive on dou goods and duti :great business ', favorable verdi buyers. The c has, every houi meat been co - Marr% Issued by Fluent toric etreet,Wing required, o License$ AxlrttsoN, No 23, Vto am, Ont. No witnesses NEW C7(��"UDE TS TIME. yy`r�\ A ,.1 Y IM . 7- C7 -is ( - l Training in Com . ercial Science and Shorthand can o obtained at the CENTRAL BUSNESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, - ONT. Tho Leading Comnrer nal School in Western On. tarin. Thousands of for nor students now in cue- cesslnl business life. W ate for prospectus. W. J. LLIOTT, Principal. FIRST OF i E SEASON, JUST ARRIVED. tfal prices, derelict p ;• jcj i , us methods, but no i YEAR ill grow without the i p L t of the clever close reer of this business in largest q since its commence- varieties. peration. We have Give us a call shown the publi the grand possibili- ties of retailing The public has`re- warded us wit their appreciation ` fumy lid sT that makes sue ess assured. MEAN' NEW FURS. {I ' A brand ne .grade of goods to expect. r ready is decid anything ever experience is b ing power is a that the people the most fusilier here for Fine I+ Coats; you run here and what' is brand new. • la and. GRAPE anties and best and be pleased.le� . A. JOAN'S. URA.NT. ,'T. Ne stocck and a higher Canada Business than you have reason a G. Hopkirk—T Carts . he assortment now , D. M. Gordonr—Gen-1+"r lay in advance of ; Chisholm's—Dr. hown before, more ; M. H. MoTndoo—S reason, more buy- I tier. We've found! OUR CERA Ads: ollega. nders Wanted. Furnishings, etc, ay Bargain Day. illiam's Pink Pills. turday Bargain Day. 1 A YEAR IN 'ADVANCE •"' � Mr. C. Nye, for a voral years on the staff of the Swiss Lau dry, Toronto, has now charge of the met anieal department of the Huron Steam Laundry, Victoria street. :Mr. Neil McGreror is nursing a brok- en rib. He was nai ng up a window in one of Chisholm's ne cottages on the base line, whenl,he slipped and fell across a joist with tb-altbove resul --Tlie family of W Carbould, Manager of the Bank of Hami ton, came to town cn Saturday night. Mi Carbould is moving hie furniture into th residence in connec- tion with the bank, t is week. r Mr. Geo. Wade ised the frame work of his new barn o Wednesday. The building is 50xru6 fee and will have stables and root cellars un . erneathi 2 The con- tractors are R•, W. ods, Turnberry, arid Alex McDonald, of ulross. —"Daily bread anhow to get it" will be the subject of Mr. Mason's sermon next Sunday evening it the Congregational church, This sereno is intended to be of special interest to ge earners and busi- nese men, who are cordially invited to attend. LOCAL like our prices and 1 . able ladies now come ,i Snow Oct. 7. ' r ,Clines, Best Far : no risk in buying —Put up your stay= `izitire: every garment ' —A. 0. P. meets on —Regular meeting on Tuesday next. TAILOR MADE i—Casomore shippe • M'BILES I Hamilton en Monday ' —Mr. Sutherland, Collingwood, has accepted a position til Geo. Irvin the Are the deligl t of all the ladies, Tailor. • Beautiful, Nob y and Stylish, Fit gua anteed. --A number of Wi ghamites will take ! nart in the program at Whitechurch on Monday evening. ORE^, ,�, GOODS AOO®S i —Messrs. Gen Pow:il and R. C. Spar - .Boodle',' ling shipped apples his week for the All the leading novelties, Liverpool market. Silk and wool mi tures, Tweeds and D. E. McDonald twee . effects. piping at the Blyth fa r, competing against three other players —The prize money for the Wingham fair will be paid on S+ turday Oct. 17th by Secretary Broekenshi —Speoial soevices in the hMthodist chur finite through next w NEWS. Tuesday night. f the School Board a load of stock to —The Stook Fair r Turuberry Agrieult held on Tuesday n have boon a large nu and it is expected tht held, should the wee, An excellent concert evening. For specie —The Seraphatio Army composed of of (they play both bra merits, will give a melee at Wingbam the barracks. This spoken of wherever i a three months' tour is in command of Bandmaster Capt. connection with the rel Society will be xt. Already there ber of entries made, t a good fair will be her prove favorable. will be given in the features see posters. and of the Salvation iters ekilled in music, and string instru- mellifluent musical aturday evening at and is very highly •goes. It is going on iu West Ontario and jutant Archibald and akefield. same now with pap r sold for 5e. 3U. ; flour per bbl,; 31s potatoes 3s 10; bu rye, 5s ; oats, 2s. tad , bay per ton, 60s ; p Another article of i meeting of the Pro Lond. n and G, T. London for the pu liminary measures monooment of the report being a clip Observer. Anothe nine articles propo reformation of the still another olippin * is from the London Prototype giving tl reason for Vankough- net's ignorance i agricultural affairs, which reads as foll. s : "We are in a posi- tion to answer the q estion, for "Phil" at the dinner said he 1 new nothing about the matter. "He had vied upon two or three occasions to prong , but some how or another the nose of he plough would keep sticking rip just whin he wanted it to stiek down. His own ose and that of, the plough have both he same fault, they can't be got to go here he wants them. He tried to force on into the ground and it 'turned up' at hin in derision, while he has tried to poke th, other into Parliament but has failed to go it there. Was ever a statesman trouble 1 with two such unfor- tunate noses ?" r and pencil. Fall wheat 1 by Hanson that the rest t spring wheat 3s , Dickson, Treasurer, be la Jd 3d, or 13s Od, per cwt.; meeting and that this co ter, 10d ; barley, 3s 04; Mr. Dickson lute found oatmeal, 40s per bbl•; account of failing health t rk per hundred, 85s. tion.—Carnied. tercet is a report of a A deputation from with h incial Directors of the eu Railway Co., held in that body, Alr. Geo Mot/ pose of adopting pre- wait d on the Council re or the immediate corn- the Hall on Tuesday ev ork on the road, the the purpose of hording ng from the Sarnia by Hanson, seconded b article deals with the Oouneil grant the use ed as a basis for the Turnberry Agricultural ardinian church. And of 32—Carried. Geo Henderson was 1 rebate of money paid o a„.,, --As . Mrs. Tipling las driving up the hill othe Diagonal roa on Thursday night of last week, she we, ran into by Master Willie Dawson, who was driving toward the town at a prfessions t gait. The electric light sbinin_ straight ahead pre- vented William fro seeing the rig corn- ing and hence the su Aden stop. Mrs. Tip - ling and two ohildre , who were with her, were thrown out bo were not seriously hurt.i;f' Vii—On Tuesday, D . Kennedy performed a skilful operation . i Mrs. Wightman, of Adrian, Mich., wile he removed a large abdominal tumor. Ile was ,assisted by Dr. James Macdo ald who administered the chlorofo ni. Dr:. Gunn, of Clinton, and Johnson ofAd ion ere also present. At latest reports, Mrs. Vightman was progress- ing favorabiy.ilsr.: ennedymerits praise for having operated acoessftilly on a case so complicated. 11 therto - it has been cus- tomary to send similar cases to the cities for treatment, som of which have termin- ated fatally. To often people act as though they thou ht that only in the pities could be foun successful surgeons. Wingham certainl need not take a second place for rel able medical men. Per ovals. We invite all our regi re to contribute to this. column, arrival and loparturo of guests, more - Meets of well•knowu p.•ople. business men etc., Send a postal card o the Times o r send a note to tilt, cake. Mr. M. Morden is ailing his holidays. .i.r. Macdonald re urnedfrom Ottawa on Tuesday. ,. Miss . 'annio Patt Bluevale. W. Pearle has ret and sound. Chas Long, of L cousin, Jas. Long. Vi1iss Hattie Ron in Brussels and Se John Billies), guest of Bailiff Pat e'j12rs, A. Carr sp friends in Blyth thi . got first prize for lleotr o Railroad. AAS' 11..r ane —01'— STI 4' '441.1$9 BBa•w5, 001.10X, N.VY GAltit?:T and BLACit, 40 inch wide AT 17WOaibd23c. au+ Lan .,n,.wra-n,asc-:r wca ALL WOOL ---SEROBS--- Garnet, &reeve, Navy - and Brack, 30 inches wide for 20c REGULAR 25c. New Tweed SIErLtTI NGS, SEVIEIRAL LEADI0+ SHALES. 25C. WORTH 35c. •e being conducted h. They will con- e., /=Button and Pease it have rented a per- e'eseeeeee‘eeeee. , tion of their factory t• Jno. Murray, who ee—eseeeee, ' will fix it up as a mac ins shop. i./ ALL WO OL i --Goa A. Good has paned out a watch —SERGES— I and jewelry business 11 Dungannon. We Garnet drown , wish him success in 11'. enterprise. I' wide Ser' i tion to the real of his 1�avy and Blot., i'i,�-Mr. Wrn. Button'. putting an adds- ' block on the corner ck streotsaa 12y has rented the old l The f E? moils fi of Josephine and Patr wlici. Eisewjiere3Ga , r ; 4 31r. It. Itnucim pork peeking building 1 and will open up a n 1 shop in a few days,,/ DE D� D CLOTHING D ing dopartment is in l e; —Mr. Hutchinson 1 an scarcely keep up : the firm Robbins & 11 yle and Fit guaran-IRobbiucwill take en It Tweeds. $er'gon and I laundry business. -,: -' -rola, Tweeds ail wool _Had the weather 40a. up, j granolithio walks won pleted this week, from street on the west side .--In the prize list Our ordered clot full operation, we with the orders, teed, the choicest worsteds to select rom Another BOOT rson spent Sunday in rned from Camp safe nation of John I p `fl r.t fPfl f i�,r d over till taut F)ti „�.�j nenC that 1 regret iia g it necessary on resign his poli. ©'0�n`11.44• W Turnberry Agri. FRIDAY --BARGAIN DAY e .res of tt, as spokesman, I uestiug the use of ping, Oct. 13, for ! This Friday, October 9th, concert, Moved will be a great Bargain Ica at Gordon that the t> f the hall. to the this store and each succeeding ociety for the sum Friday will find us with new eard, ttle asunkjingustly forim- a ( and startling bargains, just ca make a note- of this fact. pounded --referred to 1' xeoutive Committee The report of the was read and on motio guson, salary, 475, pm John Dickson, salary, salary, 333 ; Jas. Ooa Irwin, salary, 35; Th 38.34; W. Holmes, re• John Cornyn, printin G. Brown, do, 312.08 ; men's salaries, 30 watering street, 39.25, 310; Wen Patteson, r inan.oe Comrnittee passed : J B Per - age 0.50, 377.50; t5 ; V. Vannorman, , salary, 315 ; Thos. s. Manuel, salary, airs W. W., 33.50; and ad., 37.50: S. T. J. McLean, Fire- ; John Davidson, 3 load of gravel, 75, tat order, 31 ; R J Small, work on street:, 31,23; Jas. Lock- eridge, work on str :ets, 31.25 ; Henry s, 03; Mrs. Saint, n, work on street, vcombe, work on , supplies for Prop. treet, 33.65, 33.50; eating coustraction Thos. Moore, work Moore, work on am Electric Light 35.74 ; S. G. Brown, Bond, work on stree teaming, 73; Jas. Irw 32.50 ; Richard Ne street, 32 ; Alex Youn Com., 34.85, nails for Angus McGregor, ins of sidewalks, 340.25; on streets, 32.82; W stieets, 3'3.50 ; Wing' Co., lights for Sept., printing, 34.50 ; J. iilespie, freight and draying, hill and carr age, 312.00; C. B, Witliams, telegraphin , 57. Moved by Deputy- reeve, seconded by Wilson. teat another oiler be paid Mr. Patterson for hauli 2liuse reel to the Irwin tiro --Carried. stowel is visiting his The award of the a School Section was re to too Execntive Com ns is visiting friends Moved by Golley, forth,/. that 4300 be placed t f Blenheim)is' the School Board. 'rson. By-laws 285, to am it aa few da s with procure money to- me week y walks and 38i, to pro, Y.. • current expense of bell, of Listowel, is usual readings and p At the meeting o! the ratepayers of the township of Turnb ry held in McPherson's school on Monday le vote went against granting the Bleat nc Railway Company the privilege of Iasi g the public highways for the running of : ectrio cars. We are in• formed that Innny t ho voted againet grant ing the use of the r ilway, did so under a misapprehension of the privilege asked far the poet three week by the company. fter Mr. Murdoch of ,_ Miss Charlotte Lucltnow lead exp !tined the agreement secured a situation. which the Innnicipa my would be asked to secured, 11 o sign the feeling wt,= more favourable to- department wards the company It was then decided almost unanimous y, that the, question would be left to a v rte at the next munici- pal elections. . , Miss Nellie Cam visiting at D. M. ( ejler. Tamlyn spen Sam's Dominion th' Miss B. Murdoch, ing friends in town Mr. George Smit Rockwood, was in t Mise Allis 11IcLa visiting Mrs. 8,, G. t" Mr. and Mrs. Ha from a trip to Stra Dr. Johnson, of town Tuesday and friends. John Allenby has dine where he has b ter, Mrs. Briefman. Mr. R. Sutton, st is Spedding his holi associates in town. Mr. Geo. Newton rode on bicycles to . clay, returning Mon lay. I), Mrs. John Elliot , daughter and son are in Alvinston at 1 resent. They intend visiting Petrolea be ore returning. ae Miss Robertson Colborne township, who has been visitir g her sister here for , has returned home Macdonald, having in the dress making ter, Glen d: Hunter, rdon's. Moved by Wilson, a fe* days in Uncle that the Council a week i evening, Oct. 12, at of Lucknow, is visit New his week. , Implement agent, of George DuMau wn this week. author, is very se ghlin, of Corrie, was' Charles Phillips, rown on Tuesday. shot dead while du ry Davis have returned Lord Rosebery ha ord and other towns,' ship of the British driaa, Mich., was in The Public and Wednesday calling on Kingston have dee John Maclean & returned from Kinear- 1iiners, Montreal en visiting his daugh- liabilities of 3175, Sir Charles and tion Agent of Drayton,' their golden anniv ays amongst his old ding at Ottawa to Tho annual rep nd daughter, Gracie Railway, publish orter's Hill, on Sun- net revenue delle tea SHOE Bargain Things are corm g our way in great shape. We're con tantly:running moose . special lots of goo s at speoial prices and . W11013,'ver ibo adv ntng3 turns our way . you get benefit. a will save you from 10o. to 25o. on every pair. MILL NP,�t. Our Iiiilin pronounced. success. Cal and leave your iw orders. r -;.1 ything new and .. �. CS. { 3i,tYl, that �...-J _.. _...,_ Hp to c:,;, • ' before eating any ma whereupon the compan 1; . u f'tr- —'-, toIt. F. Gordon, drug ,o., and i' v7► Ii�gi,�y selling wilds agents. T ley will leave town 1 fa neo, au thenc er n i O If 1.'1 . on friday. Y 0, 40 144 1. ollowing cli on Victoria street i vee Press, refers :whine and repair ; ktlnwn to mt'.ny ( who will be pleased as withdrawn from i age : "A very prett tchinsou, and ittr. the chapel of Christ ire control of the ing, when Miss Em of Mr. and Mia. Th een favourable the 1 Andre �v*0. Sisman 1 •have been coin- ago. The ecremon Victoria. to Alfred 111:e' v. Paul F. Sw. church. The bride i Josephine. of dove.colored serge ublished last week! satin, pearls and ohif the first prize in two bushels fall wheat, bridal roses. Silo w red. was obtai'ncd by 1 obt. Maxwell and in sister, Miss Minnie white fall wheat, by 1'•bt. Maxwell and R. was white ogandy, 117., Anderson. I lace ands white nibbbi f Hu dry goods store, D,troit, left on the ex- cursion for that pl .00 on Saturday.., —. -- -Tow. Council, en Bonds. 1 Regular mouthy meeting of the council ping from the Detroit i was held in- the C lined chamber on Men- to a young lady, well day veuilir3 pre +nt.—Iieevc, Deputy. • •e,rders of the Trues; peeve, Councillor. i��nlson, -Golley, Dore, lute, not done s to know of her meati. Herdsmen, Haus n, Shaw, Gordon, Forbes. wedding took place in Minutes of the 'est regular. and Aches- Fall is dread oliurch Tuesday oven• c vent special nnec ruga were read, approved from Geo.. H, -I a Tipling, slaughter wed signed. the best, lies II, Tipling, and A commnnicat ere united in maid- 1,acifes' Aid asks was performed by hall, Ou id meld 5, pastor of Christ od Ire',1; M. Cor ore a handsome robe e'' Y • was ,n--'• trimmed with white roe, and carried white s attended by her 'ipling, whose gown rimmed with white . The groom was 'nfel, of Detroit, The y her father, Thos. Vs. Sisman travel. iou will be held in home, 52 Howard British crop r show that cerea by ruin, but the r iots and grass improv- ed. The first inter of the Young Pe thin Endeavor Tuesday, with delegates in atte bitrators in the New 'eived and referred ittee. econded by Wilson, the credit of the This Friday we show the largest and finest range of Tailor Made Mantles, Fur 'Coats and Capes in the town every garment is perfect in style and workmanship. Mantles worth $6, Friday. . 10 pieces Tweed worth£i0c. Friday..... 10 pieces Serge worth 25e.. Friday for 10 pieces 32 inch. Flannel- ettes, worth 10c. Friday 10 dozen Handkerchiefs 12 doz. ladies' all -wool Vests for half price .. , . . 20 doz. ladies' fine Hose special 25e. Friday.. . Men's extra fine Water- proof coats $10 Friday , . - • Men's Overcoats worth $5.50 Friday Men's Overcoats worth 410 Friday t f the side= alien's long Boots worth ore money to meet $2 75 Friday own, received their 20 lbs fine selected layer sled. Raisins, Friday seceded by Golley, journ until Monday 20 lbs. fine 1' iliatra Case so —Carried. Currents, Friday rotes. 5 lbs. fine Japan or Hyson Tea, special 25c. a lb. d bylaw 284i 286 to,i the cos u ler, the artist and Friday ously Butter per lb a Windsor bon was Eggs per dozen . , resigned the leader- D. m. GORDoN iberal party. iigh School Board of ed to amalgamate. 'Co., wholesale mil. lave aasigned, with 00. acly Tupper celebrate rsary of their wed - ay rt of the Grand Truuk d London, shows a ency of X82,000. ports up to October 1 3 have been damaged Try Snew's Monsoon Te Drug Store. Provincial convetition pies Societies of Chris- pened in Ottawe on x or seven hundred ate. t makes a first class fitting Pre Cure at William'S 7e $7 75 12e. 12c. The Direct Importer. • Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters eurea headaches, 25e. a package. —Parties who require printing of any kind, should not forget that the Tniza office is the place o have it done right and at prices consistent with good work and. fair profits. Heatlrifeld's Healing Balsam is a sure cure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug: Store. Visitors are leo= Bargain Day. spode,' clayS. Eve aturday is Bargain Day. Speeitel ain y, Moseley 13th. Remember we ve the mo -back guaran- -For st-class tailoring and cheap gents' fureishings, try Webster' & Co. Remember the piece, one door south of IL A. Graham's grocery store. Prof. 0/say's Herbal Bitters at Williams' Drug Store, 25c. D. Gone carpets, oil clothe - fresh grocerie pay your subset ptinn for the Times if you'll .A. Prominent Lawn alreedy. "I have eight &Raven, every here, order a nobby sm. 1 health, not one of whoni but ha. boundless confidence. Tons of grapes aro corning in delly at the Star Reetaurant end still there's more to ives e beet value in ohoeo. and pare tin ill convince. —Geo. Mason bas removed the fence I bride was given away from the front of his lawn which faces • " H. Tipline. Mr. and the appearance of the own if other citizens e east' 'lel': reeel/ October et their future would follow suit. - street, i --The mon wag b re on Sunday and w„ / preached two excelle t sermons to large I 6 Vorty Item 3 Aeo. y every body a leetione were taken to be 0 church. .nolied h1 i f We are indebted e.o 1 os. t Master Fieher Thursday, August 7, lei, 0 It ie indeed or a cope of the Gne ph Advertiser, of Kiekapoo Indian I quite a valuable relic of the days when oer y Chief Veinier. ' fathom were in their pri ne and. the woods aka out a licence of Mum and Bruce N ere. scarcely yet of their goods, broken. The decimal eurrency had not sold their stock .* yet been introdneed an people marketed pence, mentally Treesurer of 51 etowin on aetount of fat... tin would do the Mg health. I% ved by Cordell, amended , . wiping oft the debt oi —On Tuesday th. Company were notified on was read from tbe , Mueeyou,e ig for a rebate of rent of D on, t "request of the Gordon The eomintini Won from A. B Simmons market, - regarding the p nting was referred to the Executive Com ittee. Will111,111 Clerk of :nicer ine risking the e0.0pertl• TDIR's A commumee, ion was received from the 1 oovo to tion of the Win ham Council in petition. bm„, elmr0 ing the Govan'. tient for open mane 001 hundreds 0 5116 morning a evening trains between Rineardioe Palineese.ou. Moved by Hugon, seem Kineardiue 4k. Oonlilinni yin. Ms work is alway Rheumatism Cure af ug Store. gooa not doe° so already, try follow. Every day is a bargain day with toilet soaps—best iu the 1 no bat look for something special on Fade day. leteKelvie's in the old reliable stanct Dyspepsia Cure at We do not pretend to sell below cost; net man can do so and. cerry on a business, but rug Store. get your bills printed at the we de sell on a close mmegin—G. Itivin„ A free notice given with sale bills, iee., and are road in sale 'Register. 1 be received and that this Wedues ay Oct. 14. The fain stock rate with the • Collated of . implc month of Peter Campbell, lot 9, teking, for the opee me con. T rnberry, will be sold without 1. reserve. here will alsebe e Timidity Alla of tumble end some house. ture. Sale at 1 o'clock. Joint Penvra Oe.t. 12. The farm stock thud There will also ba aold 1 Mins tied pateb. of barrette G. Barron Mimi was read from Thos. of bele 3 Holmes, askin thee the Couneft aut him hold turn oration for the shade trees tont of his property. This 1, together with an sefeount Monde referria to the executive Tiumbeer port at next meeting. I acre of ti put in Ins resigeation as Salo at 1 Stlittalle COM WHIR ion,tio of ,e100 from removed, was committee to John Diekso The best plae rt ngham to get thee newest aeul most sh dress goods mid mantles for th st oney is at G. H. Irvin has been in e trade for isoine time and knoies whereof he speake when he says that lee eaten° t be undersold, in tiny thing in his lino ea he buys in the best market for spot cavil only, lie is thief eeil a to give the benefit of lose and earefid buying to his otatomere. The Star Photo Co., Beaver Block. have unrivielled realities for eupplying foliaged portrait -3 in crayon, pastel or water -colors. Pricee within the reach of all. Beware 01 inferior work offered by agents end °theme Framee Buit ell sizes and all pockete Arietioneer. Bannalee en view at either studio.