HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-02, Page 7Tit 4 WILAIIAM TIMES, Ot' T°OBER`,189t;,
LINES ON A r ser sees'ON, 1 ° kiatton Shot bead,
'44"'verity-three, years ago the Loll -1 Niagara, Sept.' This forenoon,
donning', Chronicle published a while the 13th J talion target prate.
;.poem silt" cl "Lines on a Skeleton," dice was in prress, Pte. Hatton of
which ai'rau mu.h attention.
,F.iver y effort, to tl' i essffering of fifty
4ineas, was vainly miide.49 discover
she author. All that ever tr ired
was thin the poem, in a fair, c
hand, 'was found nein a skeletcrt
remarkable beauty of form a color
in the museum of the R,oyif College
n, London,
the museum
11lfi•. Perry, editor
of the Morning
No, 8 coin
acting, a
of Surgeons, Lincoln's
and that the curatol
had sent them to
and propriet
PeS,eh ie ruin! 'Twos a skull
tptllereal spirit fell:
'This e narrow cell was Life's retreat,
This space was thcu2thts mysterious seat,
\What beauteous vision filled this irpk
WktLt dreatns of pleasure long forgot
Nor hope, nor pleasure, joy nor fear.
Has left one trace of record here.
Beneath this mouldering canopy
Once shone the bright and busy eye ;
Bat start not at the dismal void] --
If social love that eye employed,
If with no lawless fire it gleamed,
But through tite dew of kindness beam
That eye shall be forever bright
When stars, and >aun aro sank in night
y, 31st Battalion, 'was
lancer, Ono (lithe 11 ullets
ie ground in front of, the
t and then struck Hatton; on
temple, passing through "the
o for the accident is at:,
no, Private Hatton
and „the cont -
roper .time,
cal ,`
tallied to
was in his right
pany wef'e firing at t
the range was altered the'
is protected ii trent by four'ror five
feet of packed' earth. -Before' any
further firing takes place, • however,
the lower floor of the trelioll. wilt;be:
lowered about 18 inches,
Bernard Hatton epraes•fr op Owen
Sae I3t;,is shout 2 • a
,years; of age,
and joined company No.8 when: it
was first organized; a little over two
years ago. He was considered
rather a good shot himself, and was
ehosed yesterday for duty at the
range because it was understood,
that bo was accustomed. to target
practice He is an orphan but had.
two brothers living in Qwon Sound,
`Within this hollow cilVerli hung t e l
The ready, swift and tuneful torgale 1
If falsehood's honey it disdained,
And where it could not praise was chain i
If bold in virtue's cause it spoke.
-Yet gentle concord never broke,
'This silent tongue shall plead for thee
'When time unveils eternity.
' Say, did these Augers delye the mine
,Or with its envied rubies shine
To hew the rock, or wear the gem,
'Oen little now avail to them,
'I3ut if the path of truth they sought,
Or comfort to the mourner brought;
These hands i. richer meed shell claim
Than alt that wait on Wealth and I'am
,Avails it whether bare or shod
'Those feet the path of duty trod.
If from the Path of Ease they lied,
'Co seek Affliction's humble bed;
If Grandeur's guilty bribe they spume
And home to 'Virtue's cot they turned,
'These feet with angol's wings shall vie
And trcd the pelece of the sky.
International Commerce.
The Right Hon. Joseph Chambe
lain; as president of the Congress
Chambers of Commerce of the E-
pire gave an official welcome th
other day to delegates who attende'
the third Congress held h in the Gr•
cers' Hall, Princes•sc., London:
He said as Secretary of State for th
the Colonies, he rejoiced in ever'
indieatinn of the essential unity ,0
the Empire, and of the communit
sof interests upon which they founds
;,ail their hopes of strengthening th
irelations between the Mother count
;and hor dependencies and eoloni
,He thought they alight say that
omens ,vete never more favora
and he was encourage to hope
the iliet'eAse in yield.
There tie , however, considerable
areas lin gvir'y genu' that are nut
natural gait's lai'ds. lances are
so artily •Lf ssifrcl by frequent
drouhth th tt,frotn' one to one and a
half tens oo hay .per acre i:1 a' maxi-
mum crop:' Land of this 1:i11(1 is fax
better SU' 'Girl for earn; and will
yield fully three times its touch di•
'gestoble m tter per acre as when in
in the silo
The vario
such mate
to an exten
For Over F.'tCcw 'feria
Ax Ora) AND WELL -TRIED RGIvf.^.nr,--
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used fo• over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their ohildren while teething
with perfect success. it eooTh'e tbe
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures• wind colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Is` pleasant to the taste.
Sold by Druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure and ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Mike's Pessimism.
-Corn or any crup put
not improved in quality. ' ,
s fermentations which I
saes undergo decrease I ---; - __. _ :.. _ ..:.
their nutritive effect, i, -i The Bid' Mill at Goderich stopped areBenn ndienew' years ago. Tiley
e., a ton. of odder before being en- rennin;; last ',week and a rnmhc:r of are now renewing their youth, and
.sila ed won d have a greater nutri-discharged,though fighting their juvenile battles over
g , hands taOuNl the cst;ih
tide valuc'tl;ari fie betn'gensilaged• li tliuellt is Writ closed vet. It is said again' rl;uth gentlemen are old
The of 11itPr, Des not helievu 1u Put- however as scion as all the fi"ur is
p into the silo that csan cleared out the doors will be closed
ured, Unfortunately, t'o1,
on )ti. 1 1 h
flieult to euro Indian
It is alsa diiilcu1 to Word was received at leinesialine
„a - „w ..... ...
Best for
Wash Day
For lick and easy work
1 For leanest, sweetest
andwhitest clothes
lurprlse is best
Best for
- For every use about the
house, Surprise works
hest and cheapest,
4ee, for yourself,.
Sir. Charles .Dilke, who is con-
sidered by many an authority on
European politics •
Imperial defence has written a,letter•
t i env er
l g''
be properly •
it is very d
corn fodder
cut or shed
of the silo in
of time. Fc
all thins c
ly to be
the corn pia!
once has de
For thus
during the
pigs and pi
idea to ren,
stalks just
ensilage. hey can be thrown
the ground; and allowed tip re
for about o weeks to euro,
-thee be ht:ed. If it was no'
the increased labor invoked i,
moving the ears and in husking
grinding the salve, the write'. ,,,.,.. I t%11en shq was r Child, she cried for Ca tolls.
—711— stents deliberate laiag
baeheloreb which may possibly
amount for their past remarkable
vigor enc youthful elasticity of body
and min4. Thai's the ,say they
account for it tlleniselves.---Walker-
and preserve. it uatside last w,ek that ill.. Thos. Brown had ton TelesFupe.
quantity for any length died ar his sis •r's house in Azusa On Friday last lir. Ribbert, of
• these reasons, the silo, •. Los Anglos e maty, California, on
1 7 inst. Deceased was the 11th kion,, Goderich Township;
„ Thursday 1 thin v escape frons accident.
efer e d, -is undoubted- rserin,, had a nai4iop ap
'eferrcd far preserving in his bitty -fir t, year and was a son He wall ,talon:; home a load of
and .tactical ex ori. of air, Janies gown of I ine>udice. barrels 14, T. Cottle, ter., reing on
it, n p p
iostt'ated its value, `='- -'firs. the load with him. The barrels
who desire co1't1 nt ; i4th started to slip, ceasing the horses to
'ince; for feeding ht q t lom run away Mr Cottle was thi', n ()ii
tltrv, it is a very 1 i to the load, • rid was severely sinker}
ve the ears frail we up. Mr Hibbert managed to remain
revious to cnttin) nay on the waaggon, and by sheer pluck
nod hung on td the horses and prevented ,
them frotn1getting away. 1
b when Baby c{^ s sick, we gave her Criteria,
iiot advocate putting any of the 1 will br
they listen to the voice 0.e When shob2' ,me Miss, she clung, to Casto:ia,.
sitively Cures
in a surpri ngly short time, It's a sci.
entific cert • nty, tried and true, soothing
and healing n its effects.
couchette, Que,
that PynyYecteral, ured Airs.
onto cold In chesoand bronchial
cured W. 0, ,iceember of a
W. C.
report In a lett2
report In
of cl.
taws, and also
bagketattdiny e
Mi , J. 1:1, Iit1TTY, Chemist, `4y
92a longe St„ Toronto, writes i
Asa made
41conchandlungsyrupr. Lt
Pectoralisa m of invaluable fa tion taall t
has riven the tmoat satisfaction to an Who
have tried it, m• y having spoken to me of tiro
brnetits derive -store its use in their rul:.ilt•:•. la
Itis suitable for Id or young, being pleasant G,
the t•lete. Its sa a With uta' bait b ,u 'n'r;fn', r:,
apt 1 eon abray r4 -commend it as a sago and
te,iaulo conga re Wino."
Yat Bottle, 2.5 eta.
DANI3 & 1: WRENcu CO., Lre.
Solas; Proprietors
2RTTTT1YTTTT,11i1,r 0rTTT,TTft,,,r,,,,TTTTrr
lTheJD1 dc, L.
N ■
Erne esion
grain, into the silo, for it has been lbelore 1whenshotaachlt.ren,shegavatllemrnsrcral,
clearly shown that the loss durings, their sons' ambition or their ow h i Is inval able if You are tuna
.•Hasa o disposition
fermentation is coilsidei'able. '' boy
real alis ositton for study
Our local poetess, Miss Slcimirgs,, . ••
' The mediutn green soja bean is a
down, as i is a food as well as;
a mediein y i
i The ®.1V& L. Emulsion
European and ;on alectet valuable crop to put into ea silo with never plisses an opportunity to show If he he'd, tut him go to the imparedyo , pifyourgeneralhealthrs
corp.—Bulletin 30, Hatch Expert- la
• courtesy to visit0'_•s and lo, alto to I U 11\ 01 blty by all 111C 1.11 i; if he has The D. & L. Emulsion
on the Armenian agitation, in mental station, Massachusetts i g1t• i t
i cultural College
OUL' 1llStltu ion, Arid at the recepttop i pat, let him stay away. whatever -Is the bestan¢mostpalatableprheparatiodn lf
of Lord and Lady Aberdeen she pie I exalninatic n tests there in ' he, he late stomalCaH
L. Emulsion
r._ Shanlrocl?; and a cultic of verses 0 study, l -C I p steadily FIs prescrlbed y the leading physicians of
varying bases of the eastern que ,• { Canada.
"Within. 12 Hours After 1'Ilul tit Y , ! as a 1)ttpi] s alt - y
tion and warns the country, looking Dose Tho pion Left Me"—Rhee- poatiy commemorating the oceasiuil siluii,l. Ile ma idl
to weakness of the fleet and the unpo, madam of seven Year's „an graciously ret f his time and clothe for the ex- The Di & L. Emulsion
polarity of England, against isolated I have been a victim of rheumatism ceived,—Goderich Star. amination tLt the last hour. 1Rr,ch is
an app rite.
> Cod Liver il, agreeing with t e most e -
which he 1'efers to this jii`oved flkle-
ness of English public opinion ori the seated the latter with a pretty pot of cannot, rvi. bout a real disposition to s.
," r f Ilept 5 i v :o his work The
Com•"SS.:.+.. i. _.....-,.... 3'S
c Standing. • both of which were gl < c, y most 0 11S 1 I ,marvellous flesh producer and•will give
action against Turkey. He eon- for seven years. being, confined. to bed Ic Cs can he be l.ept out
g: '' t could at a time unable to turn my- beset. DAVIStimes by sayin,,. The flee for months ,
force the Dardanelles but• only with self. I have been treated by many
Two `gentlemen,' put up at one of
the hotels in Goderieh and refused to
pas their account next morning.
When accosted by a visitor one ail
then pulled a razor and as a result
the two strangers were brought be-
fore the Mayor. One of them Was
allowed to go while the other was
Oned $1 and costs and both ordered
to leave town.
u. of the temp -Sec 8a. Si per Bottle
tations by which idleness is pese . Be sure you set I & LAWRENCE CO,, LTO.1
the genuine MONTREAL
He may require habits of self- ,...ese <1tti,,easeyttl,• 1, 11A,i'1u,..1<
dulgencei aid extravagance at' i
'hysicians in this part of the country,
heavy loss and at the risk of none of whoop benetftedo
me. I had no
! entailing a general war, on which faith in rheumatism cures advertised,
our national existence would hut my wife induced me to get a bottle
be staked, Forcible action else- of South Amerioau Rheumatic Cure
where than at Constantinople, by the from iter. Taylor, Druggist, of Owen
Sound. At the time 1 was suffering
1 seizure of material guarantees, in- agonising pain but inside of twelve hours
stead of preventing, might aggravate after I took the first dose the pain left
the chances of a massacre at Constan- me. I continued until I took three
tinople and entail the partition of the bottles, aucl I consider I am comole te-
1 d S' d J 17 \?eLeod Lefth
y cure . tgue
I Ottoman Empire betweem the l u Ont. void at Chisholm's Drug
d t powers, by which we ,would have Store Winghatn, .
I much to lose and nothing • to gain, -
they would make an important _` I •
except a most dangerous inheritance
,Rance in the direction and tower s im ossible to defend." Huron and Druce.
publish -
:the gaol to which all their patriotic p David Saunders, formerly publish
;Aspirations and then In t MESSAGE TO . e1 of. the
- ritual furore t Wroxeter paper, will re-
Nem steadily tending. a eedevd $500 from the Chosen Friends
NO BARRII✓R To 1rR>✓>✓ coil a>1 t l Proving that true Honesty and He lost the use of his right arm
ICATION. true pb.11anthropny stilt exsst. Through paralysis, and it is only just
'The very existence of, such a c that he should received assistance.
r grecs as that, the fact that that If any man, who is weak, nrvous anLast week gentleman ;grain
the representatives of the comme bebilitated, or who is sufferingfrom anyColborne hada a
of the various troubles resulting fromsprig taken from a
of Canada and if the West Indies youthful folly, excesses oroverwork, will a pear tree that measured less ;that
Australasia, South Africa, and take heart and write to me, I will send
their great Indian dependent him confidentially and free of charge thirteen inches in length. On the
in London the delega the plan pursued by which I was restor- sprig were ton,pears eaeh of which should meet ed to psrfect health and manhood, a when taken of and weighed iii
of the commerce of the United Iii years of suffortng from Nervous Debility the scale at eleven ounces.
. dem was evidence that they bad t Loss'of• ; Vigor and Organic Weakness.
Ment annihiliated space, a I have nothing to soil ,and thoretore The other day Mrs. Cantelon (late
great" c.
that the distance which separa • want no money, but has Itknoow throuuglQ of Goderich township) came in tali.
o With a needle y
my OW experience ow o sympathize
th m was no longer any barrier
th 1 sufferers I am glad to be able tact h which. penetrated
ibl tbe bonds between them w re am well aware ,of the prevalence and toe and entered the boae Tho
strenghtened and multiplied. 2r • quackery,
ua sery, for I
myself was
I nearly lost faith in needle bt slat orf tihol'1 and could not
thought that further knowledge mankind, but I rejoice to say that I am easily be retllovecl, • No serious re
might tend to complete the aro- now perfectly well and. happy once more sults will follow.
meat between then, and it wouldtherefore to make this
with such
their free communication. Ins , to assist any feilow•being to a cure. 1 the fleshy part oilier foot under the
and am desirous IIs
certain means of cure known to all. If ia, vourg son of John Essery,
Us -
you will write to No you can rely upon borne, met with a painful accident.
being cured and the proud satisfaction The little fellow was playing around
of having been of great service to one in
need will be of sufficient reward for my the barn yard, when a colt kicked
bring within the range of practicjl
which had been cherished by all th
greatest and most patriotic statesntani
both at home and in the colonies!
when they might reach a union in
which Free States, all of then
,enjoying their independent instincts,'
would yet be inseparably united iris
defence of common interests for the
' pursuit of mutual obligations; an
ties of affection, o ,
held would d by
blood, and of religion. He had stat
( ltl 't
r. d mu
ed the lone an
prol>osa s which would be laid boforb
then! and he could assure them that
their petitions would be noted by
the Government.
trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send his face hrealting his lower law bad
Coastipstion Cured, -
C'ax'rs--I was in very poor health for
over four years; +1 gator said it WA con.
stipation. N•11, t.'.it to spend for nisch
cash Y bot tl2r,• . a of 1;. 11. 13.
took it roguflarl'. : , ,tri certify that 1 ant
now in the vr't health and Erle]
very grateful 1, , ., r• : rienit;i,, Tttnottx, growing an acre of Corn would, In
Uontreal, Que. rho writer's judgment, fully balance' wa
St tcey of Turnberry was engaged
in drawing stone nn his farm, one of
the horses backed up and stepped on
his right leg, causing a severe com-
pound fracture jus. above the ankle.
joint. Both bones were broken,
one protruding through the flesh.
Ile will be laid up for some time.
A very pleasant but sorrowful
feature of the Young Peoples' ser-
vices in St. John's Church on Thur -
day eyening of last week was the
presentation of a beautiful piano
lamp and a quarter oak table to
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, by the mem-
bers of the congregation, on the ever
Hf then^ departure to their -new
ome in Chatham.—Brussels Post.
ii Mr, B. D. Cameron of Lueknow
v rlho was the delegate from the local
ceurt to the Ontario High Caurt
meeting of the Independent order of
Fpresters, In tbe City of Ottawa,
some time ago,lias just been appoint -
Provincial Deputy High Chief
liktnger by the Grand Board. This
an important office in the Soelety,
a11(l w`o extend our congratulation to
Mr. Cameron.
sc silver to ewer• postage and address, 1y. It will be some Inolitlis before
he will recover.
A. very pleasant event took plaee
at the rdsidence of Mr. John Mire -
3rd 'concession of Kinloss, on Tues-
day' evening, Sept. 15th, when
their youngest daughter, was united
to J.
, Dawson.
fn marriage
ceremony was preforllted by the
, U'y
11 fisted
stets ass
' will n • bb ,
• eI ti McNabb, gal m y A, Its .
the v. ,
1 he
v. he
grow a considerable area of hay, and Rev. h'. A. McLennan,
depend on this crop to Suck large land d Air. '1'Ilonias Murdoch, a resident
tent for coarse feed. duo t e of t3iddulph and Luean for the past
should be made to produce three rill years, died on Friday, 18th inst.,
tons of hay, equivalent to about 5I his rs, dente, Main street Lipa.,
three thousand pounds of digestible
matter per- sere. Similar land plant- aged 70 years and four months.
l? equally welllnauured His e Conveyed to the
ed to corn and eq y
would probably produce fully four
pie t 1<
digestible ill.
thousand pounds of„
per acre, but the increased cost of
Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rockwood,
Course Feed For Whiter.
Among the most economical winter
coarse feeds for dairy stock can be
mentioned corn, barnyard millet,
'a beans.
hayand sol
r Ls land not easily affected by
in t, '
all events 1$e is estranged from busi-t
ness habits l.nd loses three or four
precious nears of life. Places in an
office or lee battik, he is under ef-
fective discll,line, must keep bis
regular houjrs, and do his legulal
work. M "gime. it he has received
On Friday evening while Mr. T , a goo,d'scbn
1 education incl has an
active mind j his mental ilevelopmen t
does not stci4 >; ire reads books and
newspapers land imbibes something
of the generir.l knowledge of the time.
It is not now as it was in former
days, wheal knowledge was to be f
found only i the lectnrr.-room of the
University • rofessor, If however, '
you determine Mint your son shall'
go to a univ4rsity at all, let hien go
to a great university, where he can
have first rat
atmosphere c
science. Tosenda promising hr,}'
to a one•horse university is to flip.;
his promisee away. An in,t'lnee
might be cited of a wealthy Ameri-
can who, having endowed a urn: -horse
university 00 eceleaiastie'tl grt>nands;
sent his very, promising son to 0
university of ;another kind.
o teaching, firstelass
find the stilunlatit,g
f a seat of learning' and
On Saturday morning the 19th
inst. Mr. Andrew McKague of Cul-
r,.ss, another of our old pioneer sett-
lers of the township, bade farewell
to this vale of tears and departed to
the spirit land. Mr. McKague had
been failing in health for more than
a year previous to death, but it was
only about a week before the sum-
mons came that alarming symptoms
manifested thele
has caused universal regret throng-
for n on]
• was
not t
t tty
fine 4
throng -
community, 1
he well-known but respected in the
highest degree.
Mr. Hugh McKeclmie, of Paisley
is in town this week visiting his old
friend Mr. Malcolm McLean, post-
ematns were master. Mr. McKeelmic was born
Presbyterian cemetery on bauble in 18l11, notwithstandin which feet
I i ,sb;i
by 115 conveyances, he is yet active and vigorous. II(,
Bill, followed i -
besides a large number of pedestrians and Mr. McLean, studiedothe Gaelic
n which he alphabet at the knee g
- high esteem 1 1
the 11
showingg ,
Highlands ' the
li hl t
't in w<a
< s held by friends and neighbors. Dominic away
..._ - "i'-,.,,,... ,,.. . . ani,_ . _ •tee '
I2 a very rsmerkablo remedy, both for i13-
1•:de:1,11in arc? rX
, ivAL
MA, tW
rel a v r1 its knell action to reneve distress.
A. ,...vi .ER is a sum euro for Hoye
1 Throat, Card Gt li t+,
rant s
2 ntt.r
a ,
!'112xn 3
lA a
blit r ,
Q nits
•.:dt t•.o and an May,s t'm1,11
es. ,
g^, A 4! V T E, b 6tf 5 151EST retie+
,L .allli i, +lile••.•sa-' °t.• r2iV lumen f.r Fbt•:t•
.t ' in 11310.!40,' l - `*15311801
15, Pain
111 17
•ttttatand Neuralgia.
f•141 ITz4;, int-t'BtrrMxAntY the.
1..•••p, '^'`=..v.,)1 k f a' 11tIh2r4'1'
:w.,. '• t 1.¢', 4' tl'Y Aon 1 i,:,r,]rNT 113.1Ri+
i • mi , -1 r 6..•ttair.cs. a<'rats, l,.,raino, Savero
•1 Pet, i 4 .+ '
. • ' ' '•''`...ty' ")A• tg,;otr 1 F1' 1110 'r [1 ofrthe
1,, : r9. ; 1i*Yi,uta,r, t1:ii at►`, n,td>tt
i . _ _ t,;;, ,. ,., r, 1t.ea?i1'h1e0 ::mays nt bund.
cu t nal itrterintay or externally t41th
, ,::,,t 1 101W.
wo if
... tu:.3 etYAlltre:n(C.LE:h.t IRut11e
VI'IItY liano1, liar-r1.11A, ;i() 17ltN1.13
The modern sta:lci-
Tc, 7amily Med.i-
c^c : Curies the
dbxnlnorl -day
ills of aa:laanity.
re err, w Wail L'inq.yn Citizen.
"My c1anteiter olly, has for more than c year
hem troubled iv .h sevea•0 sy atm own of hinny
dit:eaae. bite h cotistart ttnd acute 1'ahlsin
hor back. be, n•. 1 to 13,1: 1.0 • et r its Pina01
and ailno't one„t( i .1,- u. It f•ttme fitly .pre-
eutodher fronl a°t 1r 1' 1-! tc 1,A1,,e,.d shnfound
study abhn'uovete,.e , 1' p l..510 She
no 5)41t!'0,lain
nuts:i;rl I...* •= httcil. 'Th.1 •
ars very 2 ,r r) tiro tr,d 1.11 belt t', enr :lie wad
moult tro,0,led 'ti1.: 1 - C11u; 0.,:•31 pulpitotbx.
5143 was cuult-:etk,l a 14 Tu out in 1.0 'y ut:d.1:aft
tir 11 ,tai' a o1':>i d.1 1 •e 010:0 1;'1121' mother
alt. i a1y, :q , en me r „oft:lJ alarmed as .,he
. 3 J.t y, 1. 1 i t, o 1frcl1rr 3n
111, .' , 1 t/ i, ' 3 > e. f,rd cane
ho .1.. to 1111 11.1 tt r t rd lie !0 her
taste, to. s,1 ,. t 3 ti ow.rerout
e,9 ,die , 1, 1 1 t t I'30 li tiucy
til s 3.'.4 "1 - , t I1nye
abaewi i , 't rl2 Wl'•ch
, 1, r, 'i1 t-.2 title
let f1 it 5, „ : t , 01, ,•tai,11 flat
1:e / 1.1J 4' 1010 14 Ir.
y].,, , tartars
rti'Hd a !( 4 1<„t• of
her f)i + .11 of t cooing
roiney t. t t f' ':•. 412.1,, and
far nit r1 . a I. , 1.3:s 21,10;,,21 the most
fit, ,r,, . i(44 130' i0 t a t;a 1 at
:.1.1,1 t .••x r1 . it ..r.,1 , kt it, the pills,
ani 11 o 1 i.•'.,'!1 inill. n1 sire • they
restoty 41,' t l 1;..111 that 1•1,o t+utas me
to i,cej• ,t••: b.,, 0 1 1 1121 ,1 t e all the t toe, in
r ,ee II_.1 o -• aid o •t not civei,ablo.
1'• c, 1 i o-- a ..t iii.,1 t1'e Ithats the.
'{3 • ut p, ,'.,.t, f, t' r 'Plitt tm21 cos„
rtt 1 1 ,....I. frit lis,ro 1e tett •cd the
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11' '1 eir.1 nil. !1(431 ha. fon le
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.11Va''' (i 1.t. , •, 3 I r t'r'V fa111t1'
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4 °,'tin
1 ,,,....,,, , 2 ,•, „• wife rood dart Iurl . i
ta. •l, 1 t 'tit i 9. -ty 1.1':;51:[ o1 1 (112.!•1122:
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v'r t , 1.1 hit 1♦ i .1 f• q.• tLo w,,.olufut tu
PPPy,' a,ii•t•' Pills, V,1'ha
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1.0 4 t t.:,. 1 a , 1. vt4,) years of. 330'O. en
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1 R re.Otlent 5
'l f , . 1, r: tL tr+, ai'tt county e
1:0:1;,/t 'il''4 , 1 41111110 trl11,o5wt1, alo11 run
, h A • •; ,'d1 , 41 .1, at10'1 believing the en.rua
b:' tin:, ,023 to:etWitl'tl tilt+ 4151115 it). 1t111.0iI tea
4119• 4.1i2,,'3. ail 410 Oath, nntl according 4o th
t12tt..,e15stra Juiic(11 Oaths lt:
O N. i431 ;
'rate' + milli 2loelarool boforo me At *to 11
of St. ltlarl'o,t in till County of Perth, tenth
dayofMeech,A,i7„ 8G
t sgd, civ .lz.ro s
Onbcaoxima anion®x ini6'h court of taao