The Wingham Times, 1896-10-02, Page 5We a for •esent ugest ihown 3clal )TS. DES. A , RITINTTABLETS from 5c, to 25c. each NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, MUCILAGE 5O u bottle, INKS, PENS, EXERCISE BOOKS, SCRIBBLERS from 3.0. to 50, each. SLA.TES, SCHOOL BAGS, e.,e. reasonable prices CHISHOLM'S DRUG STORE WINOHAltl, ONT. R SOAP 50. a Cake. 0 • tily.i,$) .‘ :,- f„,d, _ po . ,, •- ,j L9 THIS IS AL wP., ) 3 41111••00.11. astoli111111MININIMII An old Greek water clock was a most. • ingenious affair, but was unreliable and far from a handsome ar- ticle. What a change in*2,000 years. Now we offer you reliable factory clocks f‘ir 42.41204:31. TCUES, LOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE OE) In the same proportion. W qdC H REPAIRINC • CLOCK ASPECIALTY Eyes tested free. MUNSHAW, ELLER and OPTICIAW. IK''.1111MISTAreiPINCESIZIP24° RtflES -AT- LEARING PRICES To make room for more 1R.,00:E11,2,TRIS GEO. GOOD. Sixteen rages Each ALL T We For tie ADV • atom Advertiser FOR 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. LY ONE DOLLAR To January 1st1898. Week HE NEWS OF THE WORLD. WINGHAM FALL FAIR. WII\TUJIAM TIMES, OCTOBER !.?, 1 Wagner, John Carrie, W .1 Currie; Colvert, P Fowler, Henderson Bros.; Alexander, H Bosman, W A Currie; POSTPONED. Llultivated crabs, John Elston, Moffat & Son; Six varieties named, 0 Hen - On account of the rain and the soft state of the ground, the directors of the Agricultural Society decided on Wednesday morning to postpone the show in live gook, implements etc., until Tuesday, Oct 13, when the prizes advertised will be awarded in these departments. The postpon- ment was a great disappoinment to the many farmers who came to town and especially those who brought steak ; had the directors any idea that the day would have turned out, as it did they would have gone on with the show but at the time the decision was made there was every appearance of being a continual downpour. The exhibit in fruit and vegetables was unusually good. Had the day turned out fine there is every reason to believe that the fair would have surpassed in every par- , ticular anything held here for s'ears. I The following prizes were awarded. i WOOLLEN GOODS. Five yards of Flannel, home made, Win. Robertson; Pair Blankets, home spun wool, C. Henderson; Pair Blank- ets, factory spun wool, Henderson; Bros.; , .Pair Blankets, union, Wrn. Robertson, Jas. Dow; Two skeins yarn, home spun, Wm. McCracken, Semi. Keringhan. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Two bushels of each -Fall Wheat, red, Andrew Fox, C. Henderson; Fall Wheat, white, A Fox, R. M. Hender- son; Spring Wheat, M 11 Harrison; S 11;White Pea, G. Moffatt & Son, II.A3orman; Medium white Pea, C Henderson; Large White Pea, Moffatt & Son, C. Henderson; White Oats, M II Harrison, Moffatt & Son ; Black oats, C. Henderson, Moffatt & Son ; Barley, six rowed, H Edwards, C. Henderson; Timothy, bus. Thos. Henderson & Sun, R Corley; Beans, white, one gallon, John Ainsley, W Taylor; Beans, any other, one gallon, W Taylor, Wm McCracken; Field corn, six ears. Geo Henry, J Ansley. HOED CROPS. Swede turnips, by weight, W Is- bister, C Henderson ; Any Other turnip by weight, 0 Henderson, Henderson Bros. ; Mangold Wurtzel, long, by weight, Wm McCracken, C W Taylor; Mangold Wurtzel, short, by weight, Wni McCracken, C W Taylor: Carrots, field, Wm McCracken. W • Taylor ; Carrots, table, W Taylor, J Ainsley ; Beets, long blood, John Nicholson, J Ains- ley; Bee's, turnip blood, Henderson Bros., Wm McCracken; Parsnips, Wm McCracken, Chas Elliott; Early Potato, Henderson Bros., John Gray; Empire State, J Ainsley, T Hender- son ; Mammoth Pearl, Henderson Bros.. C Henderson, Hural New Yorker, Henderson Bros., 0 Hender- son; White Elephant, T Henderson & Sons, C Henderson ; Any other potato, Henderson Bros:, 0 Hender- son; Collection of potatoes, C lien, derson, Henderson Bros; Onions from seed in 1896, Win ..McCracken, R Armstrong; Onions, any other, Wm McCracken; 0 Henderson; To- matoes,.Plum or Cherry, W Taylor - 0 Henderson ; Tomatoes, any other, John Ainsley, R Corley ; Celery, red Wm McCrackeiri.,W, Taylor ; Celery white, J A Morten; Wm Robertson; Cabbage, Jersey Wakefield R. Arm- strong, W Taylor ; Cabbage,' Flat Dutch R Armstrong; W Taylor ; Cabbage, any other W Taylor, Wm McCracken; Cauliflowers Chas Elliott, W Taylor Citrons, Geo Henry, Wm McCracken ; Cucum., bets, green or ripe John •Nicholson, Win McCracken ,• Musk yrielons, W Taylor; Green.Sweet Corn, six, W Taylor, Wrn McCraeken ; Pumpkin, W Taylor, R Armstrong: Squash, Wni McCracken, Chas Taylor; Col-. lection Garden Produce, Win Mc- Cracken, C Henderson; Extra entries, W Taylor. der, on, II Bosman, Other Fruit - Two bunches grapes, open air, Wm Robert 'son, A W Webster ; Pears fall, ere0Henry, 0 Henderson; Pears winter, A Fox, W J Currie ; Plums; Blue, Wm Nceracken, C Henderson, Plums Yellovri, Wm McCracken ; Quinces, W p„13,rockenshire ; Largest; and best collect, on of fruit, Bender - son Bros., C Henn'erson, DAIRY AND P Cheese dairy, Jas -Dew, Moffatt & Son ; Cheese factory, k„-;•eo McDonald; Butter, 5 lbs, Henderstm Bros., J Currie; Butter 60 lbs., A Harri- son, W J Currie ; Butter, J Nieholson, M H Harrison ; li oneY in comb, 5 lbs, Henderson ..13r0s.:i Honey, extracted, Wm Roberta:0o. C Graham; Bread, home made, .J Nicholson, Mrs McKenzie ; Oat cake, W Taylor, Moffatt & Son; Pickles, one quart jar, mixed, G Ireland, J Gray ; Pickles, one quart, any other, J Gray, Wm McCracken; Tomato Ketchnp, Wm Robertson, Mell'att & Son ; Three pounds maple syrup, Wm McCracken, Henderson Bros ; Ten pounds maple sugar, Win Mc- Cracken; Homutli & Bowels special A Tipling; Canned Fruit -Collection Wm McCracken, Henderson Bros, PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Foliage Plants collection, T C 1Graham, Wm Robertson; Green- house plants, T 0 Graham and A W Webster ; Geraniums, two, Wni Webster, A W Webster; Fuchias, Win Webster, A W Webster ; Larg- est and best collection of flowers and plants, T 0 Graham, A W Webster; Cut Flowers -Bouquet table, Wm Robertson, Mrs Tarnlyn Bouquet hand, W Taylor, Mrs Tainlyn; Floral design or ornament, Mrs Tamlyn.; Basket of annuals, W Taylor; Verbena Heads, W Taylor, T C Graham ; Pansies, T C Graham, Petunias, W Taylor; Phlox Drum- mondii, W Taylor, T C Graham ; Extra Eatries, W Taylor. •. LADIES' WORK. Coverlet, Sam Kernighan Geo Moffatt & Son ; Quilt, patched, Mrs Wm McKenzie; Mrs Tamlyn ; Quilt, knit, Mrs. W 11 Hele, Mrs Tamlyn ; Quilt cabin, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn; Quilt crochet, J Bridges, Jos Gray ; Tatting, Mrs Tamlyn, Airs W H Hele; Bead work, G F Sparling, Mrs Tamlyn ; Specimen of lace, Mrs Tarnlyn, Mrs Hele ; Fancy knitting, Miss McKenzie, Moffatt' & Son ; Embroidery on woollen, Mrs. Jas Burt, Mrs Hele ; Embroidery on Cotton, Airs Tamlyn, F G Sparling; Braiding, Mrs .1 Burt, J Bridges; Outline work, Mrs Tamlyn, Moffatt & Son ; Collection of work, F G Sparling, Mrs Hele ; Extra entries, Sparling, J Bridges; Quilt pieced, Mrs Jat Burt, Moffatt & Son; Alan's fine• shirt, hand made, Mrs 155 cars last week; the market was McKenzie. Aloffatt & Son • Man's Nervous People often Wonder why their nerve' are so weak; why they get tired so Why they 'dart it every slight but iudden sound; why they do not sleep naturally; why they have frequent headaches, indigestion and nervous Dyspepcia The explanation is simple. It is found in that impure blood which is contin- ually feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of tho elements of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve conanounde simply deaden and do not cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the true remedy iter all nervous troubleo. 00 A. Xiiteryeaelny Drink. Take one quart of the juice of rasp- berry, strawberry, currant or orange; filter it, and boll it gently Into erup with one pound of loaf sugar. To this add 1 3 ounces of tartaric acid. When cold, put into a bottle for use. Two tablespnonfuls added to m tumbler of water forms a pleasant beverage, By dim:dying belt a teaspoonful of narbou. ate of soda in the water before adding the syrup, a delicious effervescing drink is produced. Tho color of the syrup may be improved by adding a little soluble coohineal. To Stain 'Wood. It Is a fact not universally known that almost any dry pigment, lnixed with spirits of turpentine, will stain wood. It should be applied until the desired shade is obtained. Strong ammonia applied to wood will give it an aged appearance. The bett fluted .for carved Work 14 beea- wax linseed oil. Bowl. Barem-In Wingham, on •SW fe'Otit, the wife of Mr. Nioholas /3a1far a ama• Dalx LOn1DGS-Is Lower Vilinghaes.,tq Sept 3 eh. Samuel Lookariket egen 77 year, 4 d oaths, and 10 days. Mal ssasTen-In Berlin Imphal. afon.lay salt, 28, Wm, McAllister, Aged 49 yeArs, formerly of Wingbarn, Gre, on Monday Sept,. Idth l3enjarnin ging, aged 29 years. FARM TO RENT. A 200 acre farm to rent, well watered and tirst-olass buildings. Apply to box L. vvinguain, fl' Sarsaparilla VI BIG SAGRIFIGE SALE.: I. the One True Blood Purifler. 0 per bottle. • 'repared only by C. I. Hood Sr Co., Lowell. Mass. r Hood, ours Liver Ilia; easy to jtd sk-iiis take, easy to operate. 215e. al SUITS AT LESS TH.A.N COST pninting on glass, Mrs Hele Hender- son Bros.; Paiesting on pottery, Mrs rr B Ferguson, Hele ; Painting JI on silk or satin, Airs J B Ferguson, G Sparling, Mrs Hele; Collection sl Mrs Hele ; Collection of paintings, F photographs, G F Robins. LEATHER AND OTHER MANUFACTURES. it Pair men's sewed hoots, McLaugh- lin and Haugh; Pair men's coarse 1.A boots, Meletughlin and Haugh ; Pair L- driying mitts, Aloffatt and Son ; Orgaiis„T B Cummings, T 11 Ross. Live Stook markets. '11 Montreal, Que., Sept 28. -There were about 600 head of cattle, 75 calves and 10,000 sheep and lambs' offered for sale et the east end abet- ' toil. to-dsv,. The butchers were pre- ' T. Leslie's 0;d Si ed. sent in 10 rge nnrithers, but there re, 17,..10,0oztvaxemorat.exten STOCK MU -971 3E REDUCED. Has bought a 1(.. nt Tailoring Business at a s;.crifice and has !, ed to his o Id stand opposite the • QtrT:en's hotel. T,Iis is a genuine sale of first-class goods, no cheap goods tor advertising purposes. The 114. largest stock o' n 1:own to choose from. Give us a call. The prices •,'il Test you. Also a f,111 iu o'. s Fiirnishings at low prices. (...70. CARR, • Wingham. was no pereeptil improvement in trade and prices were n bout th • .-- saine as those peid on Thursday last quality considered. • A few head oil per the best cattle sold at about 3Th., And others about 31c do., pretty .1.c, good. Beeves were sold at from ' 2'e 0 31c, and • the common stock I • at from 2c @ 2.1e, while quite a few of the !poner bee* went at .7..c per Calves Wer, in good demand art' Alr. Jos. Richnrd paid $22 for three of the hest. Veal calves, un the market. Common celves sold at from $3 $5..54) 4.8 eh . Shippers are paying frniu 3e. per Ib. for good large st'keep.. Lambs sell at from 3c Cs; 31-,e p&r iha very few go- ing above 3ic per fie. Fat hogs con- tinue to sell at ab '3c@ 4c per pound. East Buffalo, N. Y., September,28 --Cattle-Receipts, 160 cars against coarse shirt hand made, 'Mrs Me - Kenzie, Moffatt & Son ; Night dress or shirt hand made, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs W 11 Hele; Pair wool socks or stockings, Mrs Wm McKenzie, Mrs W 11 Hele; Pair wool nits or gloves, Mrs McKenzie, Moffatt & Son ; Pair cotton stockings, Mis W 11 Hele, Mrs kikKenzie ;Rag mat, W A Currie, 5 Kernighan; Mexican or drawn work, IP Or Spading, Airs very dull ; choice fat smooth steers, 4.25 $4.49 ;"fair to good steers, $3.40 $3.65 god fat mixed but-• clierq' cows, $2.50 to $3. • 'llegs- Receipts 10 cars; market .'-fairly active; Yorkers fair to stioice3 .60 @ $3.65 ; roughs, common se... good $2.90 @ $3 ; pigs, common., to... fair, $3.50 (3.$3.30.• Sheep and'`fambe- Receipts. 406 cars, market fairly active; Iambs, 'good to choice, '$4.25 W H Hele; Embroidery on $4.50 ; culls and common, $3 @ ea 65 Can:Ida-lambs, good to choice Mrs W 11 Hole,: F 0 Sparling; Tidy, • F G Sparling, Airs Hele; Crochet work, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Hele; Sofa Pillow, A W Webster, Mrs Tamlyn ; Pair pillow shams, Wru Webster, Henderson ; Crewel work, Mrs Tam- lyn, Mrs Hele ; Darning wool Socks or stockings, Mrs *McKenzie, Mrs. Tarelyn ; Darning cotton ,,socks or • stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Tam- ' lyn ; Darned Net, 1P G Sperling, Mrs Tamlyn; Bracket lambrequin, F G Sparling, Mrs. Tamlyn ; Fancy :needlework, IP Ge,Sparling 1 and 2; Any doctor will tell you Berlin wool work, Moffatt & Son, that Professor Hare, of 1Airs TamIsin ; Three patches on pair jeff.rson Medical College, $•t.'50 @ $4.86; sheep good to • choice handy weight wethers, *3.60 @ $3.70; culls and summon $1.50 @ 2.95. • MAN fougusttortillinvel4114.1410101,111/111114VIIIHNINOAVII/M1491111111111111111.01U111#111M11111111114NI. fs fireAr • u.' ar._ IV" cils:-TT-Y-"Pt'' ON AND AFTER AUGUST FIRST . WILL SHOW THE PEOPLE OF scrofuia WINIGHAM FRUIT • Apples -Baldwin 0 W Taylor, Andrew 1410 ; Ring Peter Fowler, W Taylor ; Maiden's Blush Amos / Tipling, it Maxwell ; Lowe,ll, Hen- derson & Son, 0 Ilenderson ; North- ern Spy, Henderson & Son, 11 Bos- man ; Duchess of Oldenburg, C W ket Reports, Stories, etc. Taylor, Henderson Bros. ; Rl•ode Island Greening., R Corley. C Taylor : Ribaton Pippen, 0 W Tay- lor, M H Harrison ; Russet Golden, J Nicholson, M H Harrison; Russett tier good inducements to agents. Roxboro, Henderson Bros., ft Eos. ms, eto tOdrces- / man; Seek No Farther, Henderson Bros. M Harrison ; Snow,W A ERTISER PRINTING CO.,' CuWe, T Henderson & Sons; Blen- London, Ont. helm Orange, A Tipling, R Corley; Excellent Beading.... for every member oi the family. of pants, Mrs McKenzie, Moffatt & i Philadelphia, is one of the Son ; Log cabin quilt, Mrs Tamlyn, highest authorities in the Pair wool gloves, „Mrs AlcKenzie• ' 8itit quiatiff,yaeOrpFoild on . the action . of In Ys last work, John Pelton; Collectisinoskunak,i,uziiIIR, Mrs W I.1 Hele, Mrs 13urt, ., , i Speaking of -the treatment FINE AIel'S'I'"""I "1! kifilgbIC)Fala, Ile says: Oil painting, any ,• snnya., Isfiii)44P".toil'agr0! AT:47f tIIiV't,i:Zr tr,`,71 Sparling 1 and 2 ; irai%01.PFsk3,001pt)Letift.jgtin emulsion, au prepared us to La ing any subject,IP 0 Sperling, di '''' rt'fie also says that the IIele ; Painting on plaqinsar...Al5aj1,1" Itypophosphites should be Ferguson, Mrs Hele; PhifItiAglite011 ./v. kill CO bined V' lin the Oil. Bolting Cloth, Mrs Hole, I:leittlbirn ,_, , , , , , & Son ; Crayon work, clar', ,AIrs .1 zeOtE S imams:on of cod - Burt, F G Sparling; Crayon work, liver oil, with hypophos- colored, Mrs Hole, John Gray ; Pen. phites, is precisely such a cil drawing, Mrs Hele, Mrs J Bart; n Pen and ink sketch, Mrs IIele ; Hand s- repara,tion. _• -saaaa -sitaseseAialla • AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY WHAT A CLEARING SALE MEANS No Sham or make t o beleive, no goods makede.up to make a • . big cut. I i. in*many casei gol:-g into the middle. Next week we -wilt (vow prices t.lat will :,st.cni.,11 you. Call and see us and get o n r AI.A0DONALI) 111 a MCINTYRE, WIXGrAM.