HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-02, Page 4iE W1INRA ' IMES, OCT - E. EMI Li live, lli r. ltohorts, ' opportunity for his views which grasped in a ma advancehis or promote the best count*. His contention lernment would, It GGIST ; rather than Beset.• had rushed on a t out taking time to interests involved, able position, and forth with force a 1 D A D hos been ;given airless utters, ice of o has very properly ner calculated to prestige and interests of the ACT. C. NA. ELECRAPH CO opp. Bruns Wingha 1, at the new Gov - e been censurable ng of praise if it rid' measure with - consider the vast is an unanswor- ne which was set d originality, THE BUSINE ck House. The best busines t minion are con@ 011 t a marked revival fall, and with the beginning of the d• year of the decade. ip'i L 1n g( � � fi t1j J When merging f 3ff)1Y, OCTOBER 2, 189:1. @IMO ti A GRE VI` deal t of the 1I )(tie of 0 up with the askin questions. Sir .fit Mr. Foster, for ins let a day go by w extracts from the of speeches of mit porters delivered the last ten or then asking w authentic, wheth agreed with the by followers, w went has acted the promises speeches. Such q up time -and to but beyond 1 displays of the the members o give answers w completely ups) serve no goo questions whist formation as t in public matt and so forth. interesting of par•lidnu•nt, b Cttracts from \tet eoty ped re has not charge words in whit Igo were toad tot even fur th ,apital. s_L N.) VES. nueh of the time l umons is taken and answering of' bert Tupper and anee, can hardly tilout reading lona; newspaper reports stens or their sn any time durin fteem years, an tether they wer r the governlnen opinions expresse cher the govern such marked and p sion, it is to be ex terns, both large move with consi though probably th those whe dare to Manufactured sto d e b e pretty well dispos industrial enterprise ly appeal to the co doubt have the bes °peeing advantage. It is to be hoped t der of affairs will no P' !nature of' a boons, fo g i had enough of the d follow an inflation. e rising of the tide, h t caused caused by ti projects, which is a d be reckoned with, - next June may be accordance wits this country with s contained in the enrich a few, b estions serve to take Certain to fml,ove bstruet the nta.ny who eng n no doubt, is well for us to cling to amusing business hopefully, ndouhted ability of of wisdom to keep the government to dangerous investni ich turn the tables the questioners, they purpose. Pointed Your correspon elicit valuable in- ,tri stating that Ti what is being done line, had been rob s, in regard to trade is no truth in the r •e among the most D maid 1{oberts the proceedings of to (:anal L from tl the reading of lois, Seoth nil, live year Id speeches and the, tt the cot Iter of the Iv that the minister and a quarter fro his memory with the tried various way utterances of years alnfigiity clonal° andd MOI 0 UTLOOK. men in the Do- ently expecting of business this wn of 1897, the most prosperous om a period of traeted depres- cted that con- ed small, will rabic caution, race will be to somewhat swift. s have been of, and the which prompt. sumer, will no share of the at the new or - partake of the surely we have miseries which Such a sudden wever, may be ' boom in mining •eady a factor to nd which before airly swamping hemeai, that may will be almost sh, if not ruin, ge in them. It at in the fall ut it is a part o at of the rus urs.—S. LIS. nt was in error os. Garness, 3rd ed of b8O. There port. and wife came Corporaera TAKE wife Highlands of G"tinct ago and settled straneets el �< of he preached v the Rev. Mr. 11o. A, very quiet at the resigen Mitchell ''tin'' week, On h Annie was unite, Wal;er hawk. rile nuptial knot was tiedy the 1 ev, Mr Stewart of Delmore, o the s tisfa:tion of those present. We lei the young couple long life and hap iness. The work on M . Dunn's new house is being pushed r pidly on and when finished will add ; reatly to the op, rearanee of our t wn. A 'very pleasa party was held at Mr. Win. Bair s where the boys assembled with t eir fair ones and tripe ;d the light' fantastic tilI the wee sola' •hours r f morn, when they all dispersed we satisfied with the night's sport. BER 2, 1896. nt next Sunday by MA.71,K'0111'8,' 11b"t,riaArit•"i#/yawl:1r''0"rti, s of Brussels. Wiagh m October lot 836 ddin,g tool: place Corrected 1).7 P. De le, "roduoe .Dealer, fl • of 1Ir. .Andivw pir • r 1t) tbs.ri0 to x 75 3. shay evening of last "s'1' .,...,.,, 0 60 to 0 60 I eldest daughter in marriage to Mr, HEIFER ASTRAY. A stray heifer came onto the premises -of the undersiued let 26, B line, Tnroberry on o.• alp at Mat 14tb of September; a snts0 grey two y -ear .,id hes et.. The owner may recover the same by paying cxpemes. ALEX. KELLY. FOR SALE OR RENT. JrARbi of 00 r' res,1ffirdose township, Bruce Co., 76 acres cleared; streatn of seri. g water, two good wells; now windmill, good house, large bank barn, )nod stables; two acre bearing orchard, 2 mhos (rout Whitechurch station, 4 from Lucknow; an excellent opportunity for doleg a profit. Lie dairy bustness. Apply to Mrs A. Stewart, Lucknow•, H. A. Stew.,rt St. Thomas or A.C. Stewart, Teeswater. URT OF REVISJ OF TIIE V• ` ERS' LI OF THE TOWN . NGHAM. NOTICE is berety gi ' that a Court will be held Pursuant to the Oat. .o ers' Lists Aets, Ib80, by His Donor the ire of County- Court of the County of Huron t the Town all, winghan., on tea Eight Day . October I1:19s, a 0 o'clock in the forenoon, Eo snd determine oiorad omissionsntht.'ote a List of the :Hun' apality of \\Ingham for ISH . All ,rsona having business at the Co t ere re - qui d to attend at the said time and pin J. 0. FERCUClerk o. et.. .11tieiati Dated this 24th day of Septeu bed 1s a.af Wi OWN OP WINGHA LONG THE WEST' SIDE. OF .T014E- P RICK STREETS. ere surely of no tise, suecessful in the ina malting of politica, he could do bette,r birth. Consequent! • for Duinferndin, Se (IV lest. Ile has w there on the train c Ll a week in the wi during' the summe thinks this better tit in the Land of the,3 ELECT N ABUSES. The other d in the House, Mr. 'Fuer threw me light upon the tethod used b the Tories to secure 3-eleetion. e International Rath ay was freely made use a to this • Boys ha books of passes given .cm, and. anyb y who wanted to avel could do o free of cost. Over 16 voters vven etou alone fr tee thing too d. Guysboro. ted for seven )ught in 1)1 • 120 miles le voter. . Gibson 3itable inlet Val men Met departme single frel lent pass m MEMBER 1;to Globe anlike Ross flober has. tak versan able ft part f1 independent, litS•CrVti.- heir 110St Wit4110.4. Tile A game of Web Seaforth on Month): into the county she Unions and the °L the latter importin outside, and the Guelph. and with place in Antigonish succeeded in defe inutes in which to A c°"eut 1, refused permission. the P114Piees the ss and people were see''ess• The ver eks of 20, while heen secured and to add to i to travel at their sp"re ne special train was . Sur" nr" .order to carry a le Atiehiga" for s , turned home and ded that he bad her father in his orders were 0.en MOdt:r1CIL th IS we Mr, Bock who t train should be day, in order that the 3faitland Obs ht vote for the has deeided to ates, midst. We teust .secure a goill sit R EAST TO - DUCE that the Modell, Council of the of the Town of Win am intends to tine street betwee John and Patrick tir said JOhn 8,11,' Fifties streets a• upon the property n said John and ltat• he market square which otpality and that a state, s liable to pay the 8 Iiti 8 of r,he owner thereof, so taitted from the last rerketi r filed in the ottica of the li • alid Is open for inspection e work is *1147.52 01 ed Out of the gtheral constructing the pro. Patrick streets and For the purpose of (teen equal annual and interest And be proportion to on the saki Wetitit Way h flay of October 1890, at, the our of 10 in the forenoon at the Town I in the own of Wingham, tor the' purpose earing plaints against the proposed 4888$8111 It3, or de - 4th line, a mile to assess the al costs tbsreo abutting there° And to be b Brussels. He the one portion the walk rick streets and i front ol ment showing the Nil assessment and the far as they can be list assessment roll, is Cierk of the Munici during (Mice hour The estimated ost of which 5477.63 is be prat. funds of the Mu icipality posed sidewalk yet. John A in front of th narket snitar paying the e ts of the propo, tures shall issued payable in of making the although very he concluded the land of his he took passage rk when he gets 3 and will get ter and XI -8s. the htnou of said payments less tt, he can make he paid y the Municipality as at the 1 rt of Revision• will be held sai as played in 3 28th between', 9 retLconiphiints'which persons iliterest,d in: Goderieh teams titer °Inside help ting the fortner held here under o pains has been make and which is cognizable hy the O'n RE Large t of Stearn's me time has re -1 who has been FINE , now . assisting . •occry store. on is moving tO have just ar to attend to his r. try the luta been editing esmove from our 11 PCP for some dine I Onlia prmter and we 0 eovry to lase 11/11). .e cartoon in thel Inspector attention to the aryl expresse 11 • 4elf highly satis- shion Willett Mr.' fled with the progt eis of tne scholars -on, M. P. for DO and highly Nem= soled .our teacher n the new House. to the tilligethk for th excellent work he is doing. That s elks well tor Mr. Giltnoms are - with public affairs-, well sermon to a la rge 0 ngregation in no, awl take a congrezation feel sorry th5t be is 5 with him hurelt will team Ow ent,er„ leaving' them but he tn. syRue OF COUGHS paruff ES tved. Come and atest odors at S1 ' ; TJ c+at. ...,., 0 toato. 0 It 1 Oars, new, , 15 0 in to 0 1!1 �. O,tq, ala 0 16 to 0 18 >" Earlov .... 0 80 to 0 35 ,.. 0 88 to 0 38 , , 4 10 to 0 11 ,,.. 0 10 to 0X9 ..,, ,... 1 25 to 1 69 9 90 tol0 09 , old..,. 0 25 to 0 90 ,new .. 026 to 080 . 0 2to0 2 0 20 to 0 25 040 to 000 0 5 to 0 5 0 7 to 0 8 ..,.,,, 4 76 to 4 80 , l9 to 23 E utter ki'f;t per \Foie, Wool per cora..., Hay per ton, new. Potatoes, per bush Potatoeo, per bush e'•l•t r, 'hat' lb. 0 4 to 0 4 D '-d Apples, per at. '.e 7) c?,1 r3'-eee ... ,.. Dreesed Hogs. , ... Wool DQ YOU WA it is easy to pay off a pay rent. A 5800 loan pays off principal at other sums i0 v omit ti eu to eight years, Fir arty only. Ask for prospectus, The Zquitab1e Savi CLITHIN at the 81 NEW FALL T TO BORROW? OVERCOATIN oau on our plan as it is to osts $7.50 per month, and Interest m eight years; n. Time of payrnent linsit- mortgage improved prop. E. SMITH, Ae,u . u, Loan a Bu.11diug Luso IT P CANADA BU cTt Stilt leads alt Canad for training, and fi graduates. John Pierce just Bookkeeper with Ch 0. S. Andress as St Grand Rapids, Mich. itobt. Newton as St same elty. ' Milling Co., Chatha YS TO #NCSs COLLEGE OAT. 0 Contemporaries in super. ding choice positions for aced as Asst. Steno, and hum Manufacturing Co. o. with Western OR Co.)... no. with the Evening Press, Josie Eberts as St no. with Stevens, Campbell, IT PAYS TO' For Oaralogue, ad NEW TI AMERIC PLY BIN SCREEN RE ICE CRE • ATTEND THE BEST. $ MoLACHLAN Co„ Chatham, Ont READY BEAD GENTS' "TS' y��rS: UR are arr'ving daily. Our s the town of Wingham. I suis from RUETT.EL & THEY MUST FIT, THEY M ST BE CHEAP, .EY MUST 33E GOOD, If not satisfactory nn.ney cheerfully refunded. lee' t W W'.a'lle Z' BEDS, } is, 9 LOTHING, SHINGS, ock is the finest ever shown in you want a first class fitting SONS is the place to get it. Come and see our READ SUITS, nothing to b In GENTS' F always keep 4 MADE OVERCOATS and Come in and see us, o tronble to show goods. Also f BAQUE at very BEA WINGHAM, ENS just large sto goods an offering away do est novel (f?X'f% WOWSae his Si 0 SA ME Buy your -and birth ents wh can got DRUG STORE. SE— R AND WINE1 OP Buy from the Ca and you w OTHY SEED, 62 fai Macdonald Block. OUTH JOHN R CLOTHING' HOUSE 11 save money. ER TWINE, RIGATORS, FREEZERS, II line of LAMPS ow prices. The dishes weren't broke have received the first install! fall trade and must Make roo and Choicest Stocli of Staple Wingham. • RTHICK, GROCE R BLOM." always the best we can proc ONT. The IriEpt growing at TERSON of new CHINA HOUSE thelat- BOOTS a t prices ies in SILVER TARE M SH sent of, Crockery and China for for it by getting out the present us make room for the largest and Fancy Crockery ever shown IES, e and at right prices. JEWELRMt ver— E KNIVES, AM LADLES, 0 FORKS, T FORKS em. edding ttypres- e yo -ti 11') best • • PALL and W arriving lar IN ow i MEN'S LONG BOOTS 1 BOYS and 'TRUNKS AND V val is very complet3 a a IT rIplaC))1E is steadily d SHOES e quantities at special sin RLS' SCHOOL BOOTS. USES at REDITOEV PRICES. wrscostc, .d oki 0 t1,0011, Rim •