HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-10-02, Page 1TUE_WiNGUAM. MMES
VOL. XXV. ' '-NO. 1287.
Bawaz Marriage Lieenees
Iss .;ed by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vie-
t c ' , street,Winghanl, Ont. No witnesses
, eg rred.
The intelligent
.and vicinity incl
most careful buy
'They are keen
-quick to encour
prise. Some e
'thrive on doubt
goods and dation
great business wi
'favorable verdict
buyers. The ear
has, every hour si
went been co-op
• shown the public
,ties of retailing.
warded us wi`oh
that makes succes
A brand new s
grade of goods t
to s;expect. , Th
ready is ddlilird
anything ever sh
experience is one
ing power is anot
that the people 1i
the most fashiona
here for Fine Fu
Coats; you run n
'here and what's
-is brand new.
Are the deligl
Beautiful, Nob
All th.
e lea
Silk and wool'
IA Suitable Li
40 inch wide
Training an Commercial Science and
Shorthand can be obtained at the
The heading Commercial School in Western On•
tarso. Thousands of former studonta now in suc-
cessful business life- Write for prospectus.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
ublic of Wingham
es the wisest and frlsLRS
s h. the country. .'
detect ' humbug
e worthy enter-
ablishments may
1 prices, derelict
methods, but no
grow without the
f the clever close
r of this business
cc its commence-
ation. We have
e grand possibili-
he public has re -
heir appreeiation
ck and a higher
n you have reason ,
assortment' now ,
in advance of
n before, more
eason, more buy-':
er. We've found
e our prices and
le ladies now come'
Capes, Best Fur
risk in buying
ore every garment '
FLU 1tL and
in largest qua.nties and best
Give us a call and be pleased.
of all the ladies,
and Stylish, Fit
New Ads.
London Aevertiser.
Miss Boyd -Millinery.
Ruettel's-•Fall Tweeds.
Miss Wallace -Millinery.
Alex. Kelly-StrsyHeifer. °
J. W. Walker -Stray Sheep.
Chisholm- Writing Tablets, etc.
MoIndoo-Saturday Bargain Day.
D. M. Gordon -Bargains for To -day.
D. Stewart- Farm for Sale or to Rent.
Meyer Bros.. -'Queen -Top' draft heating
-Mr. Paul Powell has been appointed
collector for Tu •nbe: •y in the place of Mr.
Black, resigned.
-Promotions examinations for the
County of Huron will be held on Thursday
and Friday,. Oct, 22 and 23.
K= -Mrs. i3a11apb, of Culross, who has
anteed. been ste.ying at Mrs. Helm's while under
the doctor's care, is improving slowly.s.
-The Kickapoo Medicine Company
strack town on Monday and we, giving
novelties, Bouelis, nightly entertainments in the Temperance
enures Tweeds and 1
Garnet, Bro
Navy and B
36 inches wid
•Our ordered c
full operation,
with the orders
teed, the choice
worsteds to eels
Another BO
Tbings are con
shape. We're c
special lots of g
whenever the a
you get benefit.
10e. to 2
effects, -The Sons of Scotland meet Monday
night, Oct. 5th Membeis are requested to
attend as there is important business to be
brought before the Court.
-Rev. Mr. Mason and Mrs, Mason gave
an "At Home" to the people of his con.
gregation and their friends on Friday
night. A most enjoyable evening was
spent by all present.
-Merchants should bear in mind that
in order to secure a' change of ad. their
copy must be in the office not later than
Wednesday noon. By. observing this rule
they will confer a great favor on us.
-"The Divinity of Man" will be the
theme of Mr. Mason's salmon in the Con-
gregational Church next Sunday evening.
A hearty . invitation is extended to all who
are interested in helping men to true life.
,,r -Mrs. Malloy, an old lady of Howick,
who is 05 years old was in town on Tues-
day and marketed twenty-one pairs of
woollen mita, of her own knitting and for
which she had both carded and spun the
wool. .
New Tweed
25c. WORTH 35c.
Garnet, Brown,
Navy and B1ac1.,
42 Inches wide for
:5e. Elsewhere 35o.
or Ntlet•111111010110111....1101C1.100,1!
ling department is in
can scarcely keep up
tyle and Fit guaran-
of Tweeds, Borges and
from, Tweeds ail wool
40c. up.
and SHOE Bargain
ug our way in great
nstantly running acmes
de at special prices and
antage turns our way
e will save you from
on every pair.
Our Milli
success. Cal
orders. Ev
tip tool;'
BOI91xT� -
y Opening was
y every body a
and leave your
thing new and
Pall Elxhibieions.
1''o•`dwieh-Oot. 3,
Ktnc''aine-Oot 6
Blyth -Oct 6 and 7.
Drngarnon-Oct. 8 and 9.
Mrs Gen. Barrett and her fonr child-
ren who have been spenc:ing the past year
at her old home is rl a nberrv, left for her
home in New West nlnster, B. C 'n the
third of Septembe- and reached her .,esti•
nation on the math. She spent Soaday,
Sept. 6th in Brandon, Mao.. w'th her
father and four brothers who. had per
arranged for the meeting.
-In another column we publish a letter
from Mr. J. D. Ronald, of the Ronald
Manufacturing Company of ftrut;sels, criti-
cising the purchase of the Beak and
Ladder Truck by our Council. No doubt
the gentlemen who had the purchase of
the tuck in charge will be able to give a
satisfactory reason for accepti'lg the offer
of the Waterous Company.
-The latest number added to our ex-
change list is the Mexican Sportsman,
edited by .I. H. Cornyn, with T. H Grieves
as Manager. The copy before us is volume
one, No. one. Its articles are relay and
full of spice. If the course which the
Mexican Sportsman has mapped out for
itself is accomplished it will no doubt fill
"a long felt want" in that far off IZepubio.
1 -Prior to his departure for Kamloops,
B. C., the friends of Mr, Fred Bradwin,
entertained hire, royally at the City Res-
tanrautnAfter the dejeunar had suffered'
to the Ernest possibility of the operators,
the bedding oratory poured forth in volum-
inous vocabulary unsurpassed by the elo-
quence that breaks forth during the delib-
erations of the city fathers.. Fred's friends
wish him success.
-The Wingham Orchestral Club dis-
coursed sweet music at Homuth tri Bowles
Milli eery Opening last Monday evening
and it was generally considered by every-
body who he d them that they never
played better., every number being well
rendered. The differentparts were taken by
Sae Me,•rifield, coronet. Jas. Huggins, 2nd
coronet, lst violin, M. Homuth, base
violin, M. Park, clarionet, A. Robinson,
trombcae,.). Cerruti), snare drum, Thos.
Dodos. We hope to hear them again in
the tear future.
-The directors of the . Agticultisral
Society regret,., that ox -account of the
rain they were forced to postpone the en -
Whit in live stock, implements etc., until
Tuesday, Oct. lath. At tbe time the
decision was made in the morn`` -ug a drizz-
ling ram was falling and the probability
that anyone would come in from the
r•,ocetry was entente fact up till noon
there were scarcely as many on the streets
as on an ordinary business day. There
were a great many people disappointed but
'the directors acted for what they consider-
ed for the best interests of all concerned.
The directors will meet on Tuesday' ; next
at 2 o'clock sharp at the Queenre 1 p e1. A.
full attendanceis requested, ^`
We Invite al our ratifier. to ront•iba a to file
column, arrival and departure of guests, move-
ments of well-known proi.le, business mien e;,c.,
Send a postal card to the Times or send a note
to the office.
Sties Kate Ilombly, of Palmerston. is
visiting friends in town.
Mr. R. Rolle, of Listowel, was in town a
couple of days this week. . .
Mr. J. M, Turnbull, D. 5., of Gode•ach,
was in town on Thursday.
Mrs. Jae. Burt, of Durham, is visiting
her sister, Miss Sutl erland.
wise Jessie 1 K filar, of Ealgrave, is the
guest of her sister; Mrs, Jos Gray.
Mr. Chas. McIlarr'v and Editor Stewart,
of Teeawater, were in town Weduesday.
Fax Concert.
The concert in the Opera Hall on Wed-
nesday night was fairly well attended but
much smaller than the usual fair nigh
audience. Mr. Sim Fax in "I'm Premier o
the Day" makes a good Laurier and suc-
ceeds well, in patching some of the Premi-
er's well known attitudes. "The Belle of
the Evening" was well received being a
selection that hail not been given here
before. Mr. Fax can scarcely be called a
success as an elocutionist and would pro-
bably consult his own interests were he not
to Attempt that line of work. Miss Steven-
son has a clear flexible voice and almost
pleasing manner. Her numbers were all
Lyell received, "When the Heart is Young"
is a particularly sweet song. Mr. 1Geo. L
Angus though a young man is fast earning
for himself a reputation as violinist and
already will compare not unfavourable
with Canadian musicians of the first rank.
Owing to a sprained wrist, Miss Nello Mc -
Hardy was unable t., take hec part of
the program as piano soloist but provided a
very able substitute in the person of Miss
Little. of Teeawater, one of Miss McHardy's
pupils, Miss MaHardy was able, however,
to act as aocompanist in the other numbers.
An Afflicted Family.
Win. 14IcAllieter, of Bloomingdale, died
in the Berlin Idospital, of typhoid !ever,
er .
on Monday, Sept. 26, and was. buried in the
boundary cemetery 10 Grey,, on Wednes-
day. He was 47 years of ageand leaves a
wife and two children, a boy and a girl,
a led 6 and 4 years respe- divbly. Mr. Mc-
Allister was well knowa iii this vicinity,
where he rved for some time, haying left
here about f;teen months ago. Of a fanc-
ily of twelve, be is the first to pass to the
great beyond t' ough at present his brother
Thomas, of Bloomingdale, end a sister,
Mrs. McDonald of Kincardine are both
down with the fever. His mother brill
lives in Grey. Mr, Benjamin Xing, of
the boundary line of Grey and Morris, also
died of fever on Monday. He wall 29 years
of age and leaves a wife and two children.
The two funerals met at the cemetery
snaking a most' impressive scene. Both
Mr. King and Mr. McAllister were mem-
bers of the Brethren and a unio i memorial
service was held; a service never to be for-
gotten by the hundreds who were present.
The afflicted families have the deepest sym-
pathy of their many fiends.
The Affegt of the Boom.
-John Duckett has traded his 50 twee
farm, just south of the town in Wawanosh,
to Malcolm Lamont for his 80 acre farm,
just across the road in Morris, and received
6700 au cash. This deal now/' gives Mr.
Duckett 272 acres in Morriss;,
We are in receipt of of a raoy article on
the Millinery openings, by four g.rls of
Bluevale. As our "Occasional Editor for
important occasions" had already soot in
considerable copy, part of which was al-
ready up, we could not make room for the
impressions of these young ladies but will
be able to do as next week.
-On Friday night last,
a certain por-
removed a valuable thermometer from
the front of C. A. Campbell's Drug Store.
Mr. Campbell does not feel inclined to
be at the lots of the instrument and would
advise the person who took it away to
return it at once and save trouble.
---Tio weeks ago, Mr, Ste wart MoGee,
clerk in the attire of Mr. John Henna, re-
ceived a kick from the delivery horse,
from which an abuse has resulted. Mr.
McGee will be laid off duty for some time.
Fortunately for himself he had taken out
an accident policy onlya few hours before
he received the kick,‘
dise plumes, ospreys and birds, and to add
dash and brightness, sequin, quills and
buckles, rhinestones, steel and jet orna-
ments, with ribbons and a few flowers just
to keep a whiff of summer with us.
Under the able supervision of Miss Rey-
nolds we found taste and stylishness pre-
vailing throughout this department.
We were part'cularly 'taken' with a large
hat of green and white velvet, rim of green
Chenille gimp, tam crown of green gimp,
over wuite ostrich tips and c,prey at one
side, making a very lauuty bead..near in-
deed. Two toques, one of green and black,
and the other of black and white, were
snug as well as stylish.
Three brown beauties get equal admir-
ation, they wale large hats, and trimmed
with varying colors of glean, shot effects,
and sequins. The draping and cecorarions
ware quite effective, the wind.,w being
1orgeous in autumn tints, and many little
nick -knacks tor home decoration, so dear
o the heart of woman.
Mac. OREI:N'tl.
How we do dote on anything real fresh
ither in idea or form. For this reason no
doubt the little star shaped hat met our
joint approval. It was of black velvet -Our
points of the stat traced in steel gimp; emir
derneath was a quilling of heli pink rib1 ep,;
and at the back which was slightly raised
it was knotted to hold a few pretty bkaek;
coque feathers. The gentleman pronogpes,
ed it 'a daudy' and that was certr.ilylly,
quite an expression. offs
Other ]tats that took our fancy; a gym
in shot effects, tarn crown and plumes,
another in green and brown with steel tri t-;+, ; regular 5 Frid
minas, and some dainty little velvet bop,- -50 pail' of TACO
Look out for
this st
.Alai* A INS ,in
re this
FRiDAV, 0 ° OBER 2nd.
The Goods
cutting will se
are some of th
you can find t
10 doz. ladies' Lo
Vests special 35'
10 doz. all wool 11
25c,, Friday
20 pieces all wool t
nel, special 15e.'.
10 piecee 32 inch
ettes, 10c. speci
:40 pieces 36 in. gi
9e. Friday
10 piezes tweed Dr
ust be ::old if
them. Here
bargains, but
m ail over the
. Friday 22e.
fey Flan-
Priday 121e.
Friday 7e,
60c. Friday . 49c.
s Goods
5 pieces serge Dr
25e. Friday
New and stylish
nets. The arches of Sowers added grettety,
to the decorations, the window beiug vp
attractive only that coil of variegated creed.;
was terribly suggestive ; but then you'd
never thiuk of a snake when you see ..1
frarniug a pretty face. • Mrs. Green aims
Mise McEwen ought to be congratulated
upon their diephty. • --
IiO.;di9iit AND EOWLES. i•
This firm certainly showed good judge
ment in retaining the services of Miss Doy14
for their millinery is certainly the 'correct ,
thing.' A few of the 'gems' were, a bright-
rightlittle bonnet of chenille gimp, shot
ribbon steel ornaments and a little bird
perched saucily at the back.
The new buzzer blue is rich and warm
looking as shown by a toque of the velvet
and ribbon_to match. Brown and pink
combinations show prettily in some large
hats. The`dove grey velvet with green
velvet and steel tiimmiugs, savored of
church wedding,(may we see it there) while
the many little bonnets in black and coh-
trasting color will make many a matron's
face look youug again. The decorations
were tasteful and varied. The large floral
horse shoe over themirror, we trust will
have its meaning fully exemplified.
Simplicity, nattiness and style as Miss
Wallace truly knows the secret of corn•
biniug•were exhibited here. Noticeable hats
were two turbans a black and a green one
With rim of chenille gimp, crowns of
velvet and trnnrned high at the right side
well back, with ospreys on the black one,
and plumes on the green. Some of the
large hate have roses et velvet nestling in
against the hair. which is always smart
looking. Two hats of hunter's green
velvet, black trimmings were particularly
rich looking. Here we saw such dainty
linen table pieces, to be worked with silks
in neutral tints. It is these dainty gal -ails'
which give a home n homesomo look you
The Hook and Ladder Truck Purchase
TO the Editor of the Totes.
DEAR SIR -Yesterday I visited your -.new
Hook and Ladder Truck. On Oct. 31st,
1895, our firm tendered your town for a
far better outfit, price $23O, or with large
Copper Bobcock Extinguisher complete
added, 5300. This spring we renewed the
offer, took Mr. Sperling into our shops.
showed him our ladders made .totally
different and very much more reliable' than
those you have got. Our Extension Lad.
dere are hoisted by rope and pully., roller,
with brass boxing each side and steekdogs,
and while going up have attaohed -permit.
ant guy poles with Towmoor turned swivel
joints, perfectly secure. Our ladders are
made of Douglass Fir, imported from,B. C.
best timber in the world for such work,
besides are made totally different to secure
double the strength. We don't paint and
putty to hide defects. All are oiled only,
to proove them perfect in quality. You
might as well compare a small hand engine
with our modern fire steamers, es compare
the respective ladders of yours and ours -
yours $260 ours $250. Your pull down hook
is not as.massive as it ought to be and
there is no appliance whereby men can'
hook it onto a burning building tailless the
mon are fire proof, all of which is fully
provided for in our better and stronger
appliances. In the face of; what we
actually :showed Mr. Sparring and gave
him a copy of enclosed picture of our trunk
and then go and look at yours and you will
say such al order was downright folly. A.
certain Canadian Manufacturer got an
order for two fire engines from Toronto at
$2200 over our tender and'in testing proved
a failure. Why our tender and guarantee to
do better work in every solitary point was
put in the waste paper basket is a conun-
drum all honest men are asking, What is
the reason? Singular that 11'lanicipal
Councils gouerally don't seem tobuy the
best and cheapest offered. Enclosed press
reports prove what I say.
Brussels, Sept. 25th, 1896.
Whether or not the boom has come to
stay for any length of time is difficult to
say but certain it is that already its influ-
ence is beginning to be felt. Nob so much
in the financial world perhaps but in the
sooial and literary world. Youths inflated
with the exciting tales of camp life are vi-
brating in every nerve impatient to be off
and hew their fortunes from the rocks in
that wild and woolly west as did the
Western press
famous fortyu)ners
is fast adopting the off hand, uncouth ex
pressions that rival the heroes of Brete
Hartes' Roaring Camp. Tho Ledge pub-
lished in New Denver, 13. C., thus an-
nounces itself "Feilow pilgrims, all, the
Ledge is located at New Denver, 13. C.,
and can be traced to many parte of the
earth. It comes to the front every Thurs-
day and has never been snow elided by
cheap silver or raided by the sheriff. It
works for the trail blazer as well as the
bloated and thicken fed capitalist. It aims
at being on the right side of everything
and believes that hell should bo adminis-
tered to the wicked in largo doses. it has
stood the test of time and the paystreak is
gro.ving wider. A Vein of job printing is
worked for the benefit of,humanity and the
Editor. Come and see no brit do not step
on the fighting editor's bull pup, he i
small but savage.
Our enterprising town was all astir and
aglow on Monday eve, when nearly every-
body sallied out to enjoy the pleasant even-
ing and see the sights, which consisted of
windows and warehouses being decked out
in Eut 15 was notala dress 000nfinedlttotnthe Millinery s.
straw•etark anyday." He meant the
opening alone, for all the merchants seem- 'coque feathers. Keen eyes almost ostia -
ed to have naught the spirit of the times.
cited him.
The display was certainly creditable to the
up-to•date business men of Wingham. But Oa our feet
of course the main interest was centered closed down for
in the Millinery, and the owners of these prices We wee
Iseveral departments must have been more it asci intend to
than satisfied with the crown's of admiring shot of it all is t
spectators of both sexes. at wholesale price
A. word as to the prevailing styles. In dollar per hundr
mantles the cape is still a general favorite flour at $1.60 an
but the short jaunty cloth coat will also at $1.60 per h d
hold its own in public opinion. We see down prices a
capes developed in velvet and cloth both next knock
plain and profusely trimmed in fur, in eetsold an.
otter, seal and black or grey astrakan, per cent 1
green onne ,
We are sorry that lack of space prevents
us from speaking individually of the diff-
erent disrlaysof the merchants. The dry -
goods, jewelry and china exhibits were cer-
tainly very fine, tempting many of the
more susceptible sex ,.to break the last
The orchestra dispensed sweet music at
Homuth and Bowles. The ladies actually
stopped talking during the selections.
We aro pleased to note that Mrs.
Hanna's milliner has come to s Youth
and beauty sere duly appreciated in Wing -
The babies were prodigies both in point
of behavior and anatomytely.
The crowd was so sprinkled with the
sterner sex we wondered -but of course
they came to see the "bunnits".
There was a man who said "Sick feath-
ers, I could git fist as good aronn' the
special 25c Frid
10 doz. 5 clasp Col
Ladies fine Don
• $1.25 Friday..
y $3.75
et Steels
la Shoes
The Direct Importer:
Try SHAW'S Mea.s.
Geo. 11. Irvin m tikes a first class fitting
Munyon's Ner
Drug Store.
Buy a prime
• Munyon's Rh
William's Drug
Fall is uheady 1
from Geo. H. Irvi
the best.
If you have n done so already, try.
H. F. Gordon's t ilet soaps -best lilt the
mal ket.
Munyon's spepsia Cure at
William's Dru tore.
FRESH OYSTERS MoKelvie's. Served
in the usual style, apes and peaches by
the ton arrivin 01
Prof. Gray's Herbal Fitters at
Williams' Dru S re, 25c.
There is no roc or a fifth butcher, Geo.
Shaw always 1ae best meat that can
be got.
Prof. Gray's
headaches, 25e a . r ge.
The Star Photo Co'` , r Block, have
unrivalled facilitt s for a ying enlarged
portraite in cray , pastel or water colors.
Brion within lir reach of all. .Beware of .
inferior work off •ed by agents land others.
Frames..te snit a sizes and all poukets-
Star Photo Go., iugham A�.d Harrl'sten.
Samples en view tt etcher audio;
_Monsoon Tea at
,Cure at William's
tet at Shaw's mea
umatism Cure at
re, order a nobby sus
His work is alway
again after having been i
epairs anwith crushing
born in ebusinese. Like
wi it and the up -
t + e are selling retail
A good flout at one
Our best Ontario
best Manitoba mixed
e These are knock
mea ,Something and the
wn is tl t we will not be uti-
gnarentee be from 20 to 25
er than th
erbal Bitters cures
-Parties who require printing of any
kind, should n forget that the Twins
office is the place o have it4lone right and
at prices consis et with4good work and
fair profits.
Heathfteld's es.ling. Balsam isa
sure eure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Dru tore.
-For first-cln.. • tani)oring and cheap
gents' furnishing_ , try Webster ea 'Co.
Remember the pl e, mile door south of
R. A. Graham's C .ery store.
D. M. Gonion 1jyes the best value in
carpets, oil cloths, bents shoes, and pure
fresh groce.ies. A trial will convince.
A I'romiel nt Lawyer says:
..1 ',Ave eight c i1thon, vr'1:y one in good
beal+li, not one of ' wheel lint Las taken
Seett'1t hteulsion, in. -which rev wife bre'
boundless cotiadai eaa
- Y
Tons of grapes e cotnine in daily at th
Star 1Zestant•ant at d still. Chore's more to
follow. Every da Til+'' a bargain day with
ue but look for spa thing ereeial on Fair
day. McRelvie's the old reliable stand.
We do not 'trete d to sell below cost; no
Haan can do so art carry on a business, but
wont which
1o '
we do sell on a clo. mnr in-�•tx, It. Invite.
n IlY.
j with the launbiest little fur caps with a can affo : to do as we manufacturers i The beet plaee in Wingham to get the
military dash to make it both beceming and seee one many cusers the tlliddlo newest and most stylish dress goods and
and popular. Boas in feathers and fur are pro$t, always this if not r sated. 1 mettles for the least money is at
� greatly worn. Jori i CARR, t D. M. Groomes the Direct Importer.
The heavy mixed tweed effects in dress our ez Feed Emporium .
geode seem to lead and so they should for
Ranter wear. No particular shape or color Best Manitoba ns
seems to predominate in Millinery. In fact hundred. Best Ont
every freak of fanny can be fulfilled ; green hundred. A good
black, white•'AYitd brown, however seem still at $1 per hind
itis. We see feathers in pro- feed in proper
week and coque feathers, para.
a be tie
1 t1 II, Irvin lits
our at $1.60 per come time and kn
o Plour at $1.50 per win n he says that
flour oiled L illy in any thing it) hi
other flour and best market for rp
Canis . obi e to give the be
1''eed Emporium, b uyir.gto his elute
. A
n. .10
Mot an
cn in the trade for
s whereof he epeake
rennet bo undersold
Hue us he buys le that
it, cash only, he is blette
etie of lose and eared