HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-09-25, Page 7Os
0 "*'E' IR, .c,--_ !lays aside every apple of even and
moderate proportions.
ICKLi i • Mrs. Mathew H. Elliott was visit-
ing last week at Mr, George John-
C;AL,I FS HOC fiC SPICES. I son's, of the first line of Morris.
TUEWIN(i.IAM TIMES, s Ii y' 1 .i HER
• Good Spices you must have or your
ptekles, &o., will not turn out as setis-
faotorily as you expected. We have
only ono kind. The following aro exact-
ly what their attmes imply
TAlt1AICA GINGER, whole and
.P0 Sit,
4fala`>L'l(;P, whole and powdered.
<:INNI MON. whole and powdered.
PEPPER, white, blank and red.
CARLIC, 8,o.,
wriGIA mt, rl''NT. o
40.1r4, 1
IMaster .Geo. Crawley who. has
been rusticating with lift'. William
' Currie for the past.two years, went
to Toronto lfair. George differs
from the cat, for the cat came back.
The Far'mer's Club met on Tues -
i day Sept. 15th, We have not heard
! what subject was under discussion,
The peacefulness and quietness
which the 12th concession has so
long enjoyed, was broken the other
evening about dusk by the distant
rattling of a waggon. as it drew
! tearer it took the form of a light
! waggon containing a man decidedly
I under the influence of liquor. Be -
I sides. trying to sit on the seat, he
was endeavoring to speed his horse
which necessitated the dexterous use
of' a large gad.
Wheelmen sl-oulcl keep their optics
skinned while passing through the
swamp below the salt well, it is as
full of holes as the afores.lid party
was of spirits.
Mr George McKay who has been
working for Mr. Wm. Currie this
summer, has departed for his home
near Whitechurch.
Miss Mary Barker who has spent
the summer on the 12th concession
left on Tuesday for her home near
Mr:, Irwin Elliott of Elma is visit-
ing at lir. Mat. H.'Elliott at present.
Mr. John Elliott, wife, and family
took in the )fair at Goderieh on
Mr. Andrew McDougal is laid up
at present with billions fever. We
hope for a speedy recovery.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Anderson spent
Monday in Bluevale.
Miss Elsie Robertson, of Tacoma,
Wash., was home on Tuesday to
attend the wedding of her sister.
Mr. John Menzie is laid up with tt.
sore face.. dS,s:. ,,.,,.:,.;;>
VOne of the prettiest weddings that
has taken place in these parts for
some time occurred at the home of
Mr. Adam Robertsons n Wednesday
23rd Sept., when VA sister, Bella,
was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. John A. Menzies,
of the 10th of E...st Wawanosh. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
W. T. Hall, l3elgrave, in the pre-
sence of a host *of invited guests and
friendsAffliesbtidi'°lool ed lwi sgme.
in a neat and becoming costume of
cream cashmere with lemon -chiffon
and silver trimmings and wearing a
beautiful wreath of white flowers.
She carried in her hand a bible and.
was attended by Miss Lizzie Menzies
sister of the groom, who was attired
in a dress of Nile green with yhite
toile and silver trimmings. She .wore
a wreath of pansies and carried in
her hand a lovely bouquet. The
groom was ably supported by Mr.
An old Greek water
clock wast a most
ingenit.us affair, but
' was unreliable and far
from a handsome ar-
ma ticle. What a change °`D
in 2,000 years. Now
we offer you reliable
factory . clocks fJr
W ATM1F 4,
3E VV ELR1 q Q7. Q[
In the same proportion.
Eyes tested free.
1 TY,..... >» .. _... -.... - .. ......
4 ,/NS'+1 LY iVi'i,.,.+.-
The many friends of Mr, George
Stevenson are pleased to see him
around again having received a Weis
from a horse,
Corn cutting is the older of the
Miss Mary 5, Harrison, of Seafortb,
is visiting her brother, Thomas, this
Miss May Sperling of McKillop is
visiting her uncle, lir, George Hall,
at present.
Fall wheat is looking well in this
Mr. Chistophor Dale bas erected a
new wind -mill on his farm which
will be of great convenience to him
as he is the largest cattle feeder and
land owner in the township of
The farmer of this vicinity have
all threshed 54,nd are more than
pleased with the yield of their grain,
What is needed to add to their pleas-
ure is better prices.cure all Liver Ills and
Nearly all our young mere with, H000I, S PHIS sick
Headache, st cents.
Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott have
returned from a pleasant visit the
Industrial Fair. s >'* I`''"
Mr, Simon Howlettd the mis-
fortune to be thrown ft in his buggy
one night recently. Had it net been
for the courage of his wife matters
might have ended muchnior'e serious
than they
Mr. Thomas McClymont took in
the London Fair last week.
Christopher Skinn has com-
pleted his job on the school ground
at No. Q;
Mss, Robert Currie was among
the visitors at the Toronto Fair.:
Mr. Hodgson, barber of Wingham
is at boron sick at .:present. We
wish bun a speedy recovery, .
Messrs Rintoul and Currie shipped
a carioittl of hot ses Tait week.
The'aaIt well has closed again, no
doubt to give Will's chance to get
his plowing done.
The many friends of Mr and Mrs.
' J. J. Elliott of Clifford, will be phased
to learn that they have been blessed
with an addition to the fancily; a
boy this time.
Mr John Elliott is opening the
drain for about 20 rod from the
corner at the schoolhouse.
Threshing is now the order of the
Master Garfield Wray who has
been residing with his uncle Mr.
Daley of the gravel road f,..r the
past two years, left on Wednesday
for his home in London. Garfield
will be greatly missed by his many
friends and schoolmates,
Owing.to the frequent rains and
line weather the fall wheat is look-
ing well. -
It only requires buff an eye to
6lediclaal value In a bottle of hood's Saran,*
par!11a than In any other preparation,
!dors skill ns required, more care taken, more
oxpouic Incurred 10 its manufacture.
It costs the proprietor and tho dealer
More but it costs the consumer lass, as he
gets more dosesfor his money.
mom curat;vo power is secured by its peculiar
. combination, proportion and process,
which make 1t pecuThir to itself.
people aro employed and more asses oc•
cnpieii In its Laboratory than any other.
wonderful cures effected wad more tes-
Vimmials received than by any other,
saki. and more increase year by year
are reports(, by druggists,
people ar taking Flood's Sarsaparilla
today than any other, and more are
taking today than ever More.
More and STI F )Jeno 1131131.111$ might be
given wit
The Ono True Blood Purifier. at per bottle.
the last year or so have taken to
themselves helpmates. The few i
Live Stock Markets.
Who remain single if outward ap- ; Montreal, Sept, 21. -Dullness was
pearances count for anything will the prevailing feature in the live
soon enter the ranks of their . morel steels here this morning, and cattle
fortunate brethren. ' Even some who ` disposed of, although in some cases
once tasted the sweets of married of choice quality, were mainly for
life and for years have been out in. • local consumption. Sheep and lambs
the cold have again volunteered to !.were not as numerous as usual.
re-enter and then we hope will par- 'The arrivals and prices were as
sue the even tenor of their way. !follows: -650 cattle, at 1.4c II% 6 e
Our catth king, Alex. Montgom- per ib., live weight; 600 lambs and
ery has again bought a handsome ' sheep, at 21e, « 3e, live weight, for
lot of stockers and has high hopes ' sheep, and $1.50 G $3 each for lambs
that the cattle trade will boom next 100 calves at $3 L $7 according to
year. size and quality.
Mr. Samuel Howard, formerly of, East Buffalo, Sept. 21. -Cattle -
this place, who has been prosecuting Receipts, 155 cars, against 275 cars
the lumber business in Muskoka for a week ago. The market opened
two or three years, and a fair . dam- I slow and the trade was draggy
sel of that district whom he has i throughout ; choice fat smooth steers
made his partner lately, visited his • 5,54:.50 G $4.60 ; fair to good steers,
mother who resided here an,d re-! ,2,°3.50 G 43.70 ; fair lots half -fat
•ceived a rousing welcome' in 'the i heifers, $2.50 @ $3 ; smooth fat cows
shape of a charivari. As Mr. How-! 03.10 • $3.60; c.+unnon old cows,
ward was one of our most highly' $2 @ $2.25. hogs -Receipts, .100
respected citizens and one who has ears, market fairly active ; Yorkers
still a warm, part in our affec- good to ehoice, $3.45 «' ;;3.50;
tions, the young men who disgraced • rough, common to good, $2.75 Ce)
themselves by their words, and deeds , $2.90: pigs, common to fair, $2 ,v $3.
on that memorial night, might Sheep and lambs -Receipt, 42 cars;
better have been listening to the market, active, lambs good to choice
wholesome counsel of their mothers $4.75 @ $1.l)0 ; nulls and comtnon,
than,aisturtiing the peaceful slum- $3 25 /l' $4.15; Canada ltstubs, good
hers (if our citizens by their midnight to choice, $1.90 @l $5.20 ; sheep good
orgies. 1 to choice handy weight wethers,
;$3.65 at 43.85 ; culls and common,-
'yr -. _. gliii "S%:nils- .t'
STOCK MUST BE : .'.1DuO.,',D.
al Q. C.A." +
Has bought T Leslie's Merchant Tailorin'' BusineFs at a
sacrifice and has removed to his o ld stand c)ppc its.: the
31 Queen's hotel. This is a genuine sale of first-class goods,
no cheap goods got uCi for advertising purposes. The
largest stock of woolens in town to choose from.. Give us
,a call. The prices will interest you.
1iis3 Kate Kin
cord where she wi
Miss Lizzie and •1 iss Susan King. and shipping :steers; three ears of
Master Charlie Snyder of Shayton heavy cattle not sold. Hogs closed
Michigan who luta 'Spent the summer steady to strong, with a good clear-
with his grand parents here returned ;ince; pigs, 03.3E @ $3,30, a few
home on Wednesday accompanied Yorkers sold at $3.55 at the close.
by his Aunt Miss Susie Collie. Sheep and lambs -Supply light, all
Miss diary* Scott is visiting in Sea- sold, but 42 ears on sale, including
forth. :15 cars Canadas ; market quiet but
Mr. Geo, E. King of Wingharu strong at an advance of fully 25e
'VALE. !$1.50 Its $22.50,
bas gone to Con- Cattle eluaed drill and roe e20e
1 joid her sisters below early gaut.nLioirs fur neavy
Also a full liae of Men's Furnishings at low rri-cer-
p T. Leslie's Old Stand.
1 u
14= 5 ' -'r5,•-"-t? ''ir'.-,''=i? ifi1 ni; :`>"-'r.-.ry--Ics. ti%. `ir C-r5^ . 9"',:ehFr
W inghani.
Aclain Robertson. As the bridal was visting his unelu ties ,John King on good Iambs, and 10e, on sheep, al -
party filed into the room the wed-
ding march was played by Miss
Speirs, niece of the bride. After the
ceretlipny the eomptiny,sat down to
tables most heaautifnllylaid and ar-
tistically decorated. The presents
were useful, numerous and costly,
including a cheque for a large
amount from her brother in Wash-
ington, 11. S: We extend to Mr. and
Mrs. Menzies our heartiest congrata-
X '0 D' vICH.
A Strome has purchased J. Dona-
ghy''s lot north of the railroad and
has moved the old 4t.anse to it, which
he intends to renotili,te..
The Epworth League intend hold-
ing their prayer meetings on Friday
night during October, instead of
Sunday night as formerly.
The Iiowiek Fafr will be held
here on Saturday,'Qet. 3rd: 1t is
always a decided suecesS here. The
directors are enlarging the palace
and are doing all they can to make
the fair more successful than ever.
Donaghy's new block is com-
pleted. Dr. A. M. Spence has taken
possession of one part for a drug
store and A. McCurdy, hardware
merchant, is moving into the other.
The Ladies' Aid of the .Presby -
torten Church will .give a tea and
entertainment on the night of the
IJarvest thanksgiving services
will be held in Trinity church on
Sunday next. The pastor will
tell that
who has been ill during the past though sheep moved slowly, and the
week. - e ! market for them was a profitable
.lies. Robert Dunces is visiting Lt r one; some bucky Canadian lambs
daughter in W000stud. sold at $1.25; good to extra, $1.90
Miss Annie'i'houtpsotn of I3russels @ $5.30. Sheep, $3.''5 ( $3.75 ; all
,pent Snnday with Miss:lggie sold and closed firm.
Miss Till;a Moss daughter of the i
Cablegrams have, been received
Rev. Mr. Ios3 was successful in , announcingthe murder of Mr.
passing the j un:or Leaving exemia ,Re sheet to Thibet and
atiun, and has returned to the God- ' y I missionary '
ericlt'aaigli Sehout tri study for a the abduction of his wife, formerly
third class t'ertiticate. _ I Miss Susie Carson, M.D., of London,
.1 merebnnt of Dunnville regain- Ont. The last word received from Mr.
ing ai cutters"advertisttd to laser alp Reynhart was dated ai K.umbum, in
lictutts at the Ressiu ligase Toroutu January. The country* was then in
the first few days of the • Exhibition. the hand of the rebels, who were
About twenty persons applied mad ravaging it. Mrs. Rf yuhart's ttsedi-
Mr Wtn. Grey jr. of ibis village was. cal skill would cause the ' reliefs to
ohosen, and be Will rcteeive an excel- preserve her life.
lent l u'v
preach service at 10.30 a. m.
re's sight: From Toronto to menta food rather than
Albert Wilson, the Warwick
murderer, who escaped from the
Toronto asylum a week ago last;
Saturday, altli who was captured at '
his house, near Arkona, and brought
to the county j•til hereon Saturday is
being taken back by Mr. Geo. Scott,
one of the keepers of that institution,
who arrived Saturday night from
Toronto. Wilson left Sunday
tnoruing,quite contented to return to
the asylum, and while in con-
versation said he ran away because
he wanted to see his folks at home.
He arrived at his home on ' Wednes-
day. Sept. 16th, and remained there
until Saturday, when he was brought
here by the loeal police. During his
trip from Toronto and his stay at his
house Wilson ,said he did not take
con. ''.i tions
In some conditions the
fain from. the use of Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil
is- rapid.^ For this reason
we put up a 5oc. size, which
is enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful as a
trial for babies and children:
In other conditions gain
must be slow, sometimes
almost imperceptible,health
can't be built up in a day.
For this Scott's Emulsions
•' smild:F4'BR;,IIUMI15111111111111!HAryI/b6l n11111J;R'.'III;IHIAIl11/C1141111111JIIN111111 1
1 any precaution ' to keep out of the inust'be taken as •n.ourish-
No Sham or' make beleive, no goods marked up to make a
big cut.
'3E11 -1M1
in many cases going into the middle. -Next week we will
quote prices that will astonish you. Call'"and see us and get
The Governor-General has eesn re- peep 1s , ,medicine, food prepared for
commended to commute the capital Ai•kona 11e took the country ro»uis',
8e,]tent s ens the boy Kearney, eeutene.d with the exoepti0n b5, An occasiO}59k! tir4d and weak digestions.
r 1st tit IJtndaay. h.'
p Chemists,
r g pp p est of the distance.. Sarnia Observe?. some so w., ; ,..., . s«..tut ai.e.
The fine animals et an extric inch lis dill be sent to the Kinaatogl stlo
each shear while the a to iclt --. ar►tisr- for lila
it will soon bo show limo. to w. hanged on Octobo I, ride along rile road ho walked t