HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-09-11, Page 6::..:..:.mss.=...,-.•-,....
°CSL WINGHA1']• rl / IM1YTMES, SEEMBEI 1'1, J896.
1631, ( D
DIO, R .
, a tiwd,nn mrs
`I''LI;;)iL3I:P 11, 131.11. 1 ' 1 t re of St• 1'austache htis re-, TESTIMONY WIT A _TRUE
FRIDAY, Sl, . `I l e G t
ceived from Sir Daniel Ly sans, keep-; R.ING TO T,FOle T E t ><,..1a1te
a r, er of the Tower of London,- .a box;. aOUTH AzdkatICAViCUlt ltd,
FOk. COLD ,,To> G ,.
at S. S. No, 8, loss. 11r, Med GRAND 'TRUNK RAILWAY.
'Kenzie was a very populr young
`man and Ida sadden deatIt' avlll be
• 'learned. with deep regrgIt by his
many friends in this seetin f .
0)l tinin,r the alit Ell Stolen from S
l'h i 1 1837. by troops' Wonderful Testinionials•
'.rill" MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE Ianstllc le t t 4 {
Iti'ri: DF, •r,) KAT tBUSH .\ then t:'nn[uanLle(1 by Sir Daniel. RIIPUyIATISK.--'1'lie 1
Ameiican. Rheumatic Ou'ru
.A. Boon to Humanity. I less, and acts quickly. t
Wherever there) aro sickly people with > reher and an nusolitto leu
! i
At the meeting he+lel to consider l la its and deranged nerves, Mil-, three days ;. worlds wundlr'
.tion or agriculture, 1Ir. t,arri's Iieart and Nerve Plll wl )o an t aceterns ovula
' • g'i It re effectual n,ediuino. ay res r '
e bled enervated exhausted, t r t.
t e tr `i W. A.d
) rtaut announcement Anderson UC C.Il.,ary,irT 1 . T. regarding
all itni u c overworked n,eu and women to A. ,
ed ,r
regatrding cult. storage. Jnr, Laurier, per[ect constitutional pourer. • Weak an( times I suffered untold )i ory. I tried
With other :numbers of the tluvern- to 1e girls and women soon regain vigor -1 every tnedicino under th sun -spent six
week in the hospital ruder speuiul
went, he said,ht►d t.i:acua:ed the platter ons hegltli' ' treatment, without any tial. i was
with persons irehitueel fted in givMoen
nethel. Electric Railway. iudnced to try South Au, iosul aheuwa-
S}nee then he tiiul,elf had given the _
Iinvestigation.He l
! WeR c A
the condition
#, 'll I i t C of rheltmntt In
Fisher, the llintote ut .1„z eu u Th t(1 a en ' gla •'l was orippled so ttL
1 Sevum..' use a stick to get rtbont,
'wont South
) safe, harm -
Ives instant
e in ono to
in the mast
and neural -
it I had to
'rites James
tie Cure. After using wo bottles I
subject lane t threw away say sttok a yen' to aur
me CONTRACT LET FOR THE BUILD- sold have wurlce(1 ovary ay swot., uud
C01111.1. notatgive the details Of nhtss TNG OF THL•, H. & 0. ELECTRIC thank was two and a half Ctrs ago.''
scheme at present, but al['i'.tn,, he a by RAILWAY.
KIDNEYS -"I belie it ssved my
'Would be Blade: etch session whereby ' lire," is the positive) to nanny of U.
a chitin of cold storage eccot1 moria- — James Mc1riee O[ Ja 'town, Huron
George Moore, of Elizabeth, N..J., Cu., Ont.. in speaking of he mirauul:,ud
tion from the }irEuropeur Canada to is the aontracter who has secured the cure of a complication f kidney trou-
est consenter in would be job of laying 300 miles for the Huron bins by the Great Sputh American
established. & Ontario Electric Railway, which is K'c}Buy Care. This gentleman was
He wished to have the advice ofso severely affected r t `kd the
the farmers of the House as to the to connect Port Perry, Kincardine,
quarantine question.. Toe health of Meaford and many other points.
the people was in the autnds of the Fifty or sixty miles of track will be
local, but that of the animals ander laid this fall, connecting Kincardine
the care of the Dominion Government and Goderich, Fleshertou and Men -
With respect to 'the health ofanimals ford and other intervening points.
inside of Canada, he had written to Promoter Pew, who returned J ester -
da from New York, says the entire
the Ontario Minister of a,;riculture line will be in operation next
for a conference on the question. year, and promises ti do a earlyusnext
}? '
The advantage the formerly held by our smer business, connecting as it
cattle in the Motherland had been will Central. Ontario with Lake
lost. How should our t,wil cattle be
protected from contagion fromabroad? Huron and the Georgian Bay. He
He would endeavor to recover their saps the wild scenery of tko Eugenia
advantage in the r.'ngli.h market. Ift valley from Flesherton to Meaford is
} I one lace
d Cha his uveiciau
had. to attend )un ('itis to a
.urine from him. '1'ue `list dose gave
hint relief, and halt a
and healing au'I strung
South American Kidne
Bey specific only, and i
claiu3ed for it every titi
thirds of all chronic di:
disordered nerve sent,
nerves and you will yourol the disease.
South American Ner •ino has proved
this thousands of timos.. It is a:powerful
nerve but and, in cu ges of acute indi-
gestion and dyspepsia, s e'l'ected mar-
vellous curds. Geo. \. bster of Forest
.writes : "Por a . nutabu or years 1 suf-
fered greatly from nervlbusnedd, twitch -
there was no hope of any change- he ,there is a drop of 474 feet in a mild "'g of muscles and w!leeptedsueds• 1
thought it advisable to make some tried almost every know reined~ with•
el anon in the present t}uar.sntine i t•r, and the sellas of c„ out vetted. 1. w
' arrangements. ••' cedes and waterfalls on the Av.., resort to try South Aulfarrau Nevoid).
!which follows the Wastes. The first bottle .benefited ate, and tine
Mr. Featherston ads Jcated the im- i
portance of a change in the quaran-t
uttle cured trim
11 obstructions,
bening the pads
()tire is a kid -
does all that is
•toes are due to
1s. Cure the
An unfortunate acciden befel 1Ir..
James. \lelllnn, of Welke' 't , Mile
engaged in 'play :ill.; lti ga
on Saturday evening lost
=tell between the Bob
lads and the Truax, lie
who is a Truax man wa
the hotuo baso when he
fell, with the result that
broken just above the
t ba
doctor pronounces it t
land a quare , •Ns- as indicted as a -lust
About a year ago John
and broke his leg, and
• 'CUl jail '
Walkerton t t
t(ltotiy e
e a.
He has been meonlflh[ ted
ent times since, the last
day forenoon. From pr
antes the leg will not ill
Howe wilt have to roma
long as he lives. At fir
like the idea of going to
he rather enjoys it.
tineregulation hetK en Canada and The Dituor Belt
bnttles curet. me. It is tOgrand medicine
nod I owe my lite to it•"
re1;u a ton a
the United States. Young cattle ; The dinner bell has no charms for a Huron and $uCtr.
steers are in demand on the other f dyspeptic or bilious person. To enjoy Mr. A. J. Wallace Itad the `and
side. If farmers evuld export thew :your fined, avoid i3yspepsia and dare
finger of his • right hand taken off
healthy action of the liver, nae Lax:t-
this fall it would he worth four or 'Liver Pills; small, sure, never gripe. Ono and the first finger broken by an
five dollars a head difference ill price. i pill after a too hearty meal removes alt iron pully falling oVa his hand.
Toronto aud,Egst b Ol a.M. 1:18 p.m
11:20 " 10:07 t"
8:16 p.'m ••vitt Clinton
Palmerston 3Vixod 7:20 '1 10:40 a.m I
London and booth 8:30 a•in. 11:10 '" 1
3:16 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
0101 0.311.
11:20 " 1
0:56 p,m, i
oto#WUU? niuoardiue 1f i'j) et),
1:18 n gn.
It was a 10:07 1
n Factory ::::.....-
U pa e n d {{ ° SL A
lipped and BANK
his leg was
nklo.. The
d brake.
1 Howe fell
11'aS C(ln[
$ a vagrant.
three differ -
hue yester-
sent appear-
nd, and J.
1 in jail as
t he didn't
ail, but now
On Saturday evening l last about
10.45, a bright glare as, noticed
about, two elites from Lt4
itl,rovedtobeafire oflf
of Mr. Duncan Graham,'1
loss, when the barn and
tents were completely F destroyed.
The Eire was first diseovcred on the
threshing boor and before; any help
could be secured the wild a structure
was a sheet of flame. Ile building
is supposed to have been pet on- fire
as no other cause can be ascribed.
• both
The barn and contents were
pretty well insured but .s nothing
was saved it is a very Ile vy loss to
Mr. Graham as all this se .son's crop
and his implements we're in the
barn. The structure wa' 40 x 90
with fine stone stabling Underneath.
.lir. Sutherland moved the appoint- i ill-effects. They Guru indsgesttos ren Ile has suffered e
Ment of) a committee to make a_ wive good appetite. lfrom
the injury.-Chesle
- memo. of subjects ,End offer suggest -
The annual meatal„
ions on agriculture to the Committee! ; •Home Surgery.
of Agriculture The following form ! Many a good animal has been lost
the committee : Messrs. Douglas, through neglect, which a little erten.
McMillan. MeCarthy, `Talbot, Tolmie . tion as the proper •titue would have
Richardson and Rogers. , saved. Neglect, very often because
•--•-- I one does not think himself a doctor, I On Monday - aftere.(tion Mr. J.
or beeause he dislikes to fuss with Butchart, of the 2nd conic of Stanley
• A Prominent Londoner. ±.net with an accident Y in Clillto11
Chase's Ointment is an inLeaden
al ablu sick, or wounded au
eme- animals. A few
stitches anti solve attention, even in whish may yet prove, serious. He
dy for Itching Piles end in my owed cast 1 • a rough way, may save a wounded had been getting some work done
it would pay 830 per box for it if could not , animal's life, or at least prevent an 1 at 'Tcdford's shop and h d just got
be otherwise had.
erablc pain
Free Press..
f the West
know and
le premises
oil. 2, Kin -
11 the con -
Cat, 4060,000
Capital, 91,350,000.
President -Jolts
• 0eid s
Yleu r
+-Is rulsus[I>ry
EVERY FRIDAY li'I'al Il\(3i
-ST run -
DIM te
tUS -
DIMte OPPICC, JbIMP141 t G:R6tE''?
Subscription price, $1 per yc r.iu move nos.
&DVE11T1antt° It
Space 11 )r. I O Bio.
One Colman $60 00
Hall „ 40 00
quarter " 20 00
me Inch S 00
;3 so. 11 me
$40 co fr•.,c i4 800,
Ln 00 1'2 09. 1 8 O0
12 00 00,
s 00
Legal and of her amnia adyu•tls
for fleet hem thin, and Sc. put line
iueertiou. MeastIred bylien wart
RA w 1eticus lac t1 lit, n
G. Loe 1 1 u or
Jonv Pnoorolt, olio. Boum, WAG eon, M P, A. T.
Woon, A. B, Las (Toro to).
Cashlor-J. TURNBUIL.
Savings Bank -hours, le to 3; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of 81 and upwards rocIvor'and intereut
Special Deposits also re ived at current
,` "
rates of it 43(138t.
Drafts ot
, Groat Britain and 1a United State.
bought and sold it
E. L. DICKINSON, Solici .r.
At the sitting of the As#tae Court
in Walkerton in the fall of 1891, or
just four years ago, one Donald Mc-
Leod of Kincardine township was
tried and convicted of bal'1 burning.
The evidence against him,joutside of
one witness was not strung, and it
was the pretty general opinion of the
neighbors that- he wits not, guilty.
Believing that if the Minisder of Jus.
tice were to examine into the matter
he would order McLeod's sentence.to
be commuted, his friends have had
petitions circulated, briefly, setting
Bruce Teacher's Association will be forth -the facts of the case, and pray -
held in Kincardine Model School, on ing for an investigation. , One of
Thursday and Friday, Wept. 17 end these . petitions was ch Witted in
18, cotillneneing at tens. o'clock on Walkerton and obtained about a
the first named clay. hundred signatures. Another was
largely signed in Kincardine . Both
petitions will be presented to the
Minister of Justice': by Mr. Jas. Mc-
Pherson of Kincardine. McLeod has
nine years to put in. •
Sad indeed were the circumstances
in connection with the Beath of.James
W. Boyd, youngest son of Mr.
Ile two or Moore Boyd, North Main street,, Sea -
forth, and a brother of Mr. W. H.
Boyd, of Lucknow, and Mrs. J. Robb
of Morris. When a young inan of
!seventeen he went tt) attend Tort;nto
Veterinary College, with the tihject
of fitting' himself' as a vett:1'iluu•y
surgeon, but he hail lily been two
months in the city When he eoutract•
ed typhoid fever' and fur seven
months lacy in Toronto general hos-
pital. Dr. Reilly, ur that, institution
said that in all his practice he lead
111.790 seen :s patient comae through
such aL ,iege of fever anti live. file
az and was
the atter
4. Ile sub -
rade of a.
r this OeeLl-
INCLUDING Books, 1?amphl' 0, Posters, B1
Beads, Circulars, 4c., dto., ex uted in the best
style of the art, at moderato pri'.es, and on, short
notice. 'Apply or address
MN 0
uo, Winahatn.
We aro pleased to announce 'hall ant Books or
ilagaainee leis with us for Binding') will have our
prompt attention. Prices for Bindl fig in any idyls
will be glye,, on application • the {I'xs Otflce.
JOHN Y> nn'coD1lt, ; unsightly sear. Even a fowl is some i into his rig, .when, th a horse got
160 ,S'ydouha1u St. 1 times worthy of a surgical operation.; frightened and started] before he
--_ •I If a chicken 7r young turkey is crop could pick up the lines. file was
i bound, it is almost sure to die unless, thrown out and fraet ' d
MOUNT HOOD. t treatment is given. A few lumps of! three rips.
Mount Hood, which has slumbered lard pocked down it's throat may So large is the fruit siccess just
from time intlnernoriel, and was sup- cause the removal of the grain, but, now that a special oxllless car fill
Iuron and
tan =date
,plums he.
posed to be extinct as a volcano,
burst out again with aL thunderous
roar, e:jaeting smoke, stearal and an
avaianehe of roaki. A }party of
twenty-one clii::here were nearly
• overwhelmed in the outpour, one
young lady, :lies Fay liilliu!; ttvorth, -
` being thrown 1n a crevasse fifteen I
feet deep, from whe'h she was
rescued Unet»iseiuu3 and with face
and hands bruised and bleeding,
This`ulount used n> be reckoned as
20,00:) feet above sea level, but that
'Was when the '.northern border of
Oregon, whertt It ~talion, to a
wilderness seidutn visited, and its
it is quite safe to open the crop and Ittaullud to the Loudon
reinovc the obstruction, then sew it klruce trains daily ru a
up carefully with silk thread and the iulnsense shiliulFnt o('
keep the subject (}loot ft'r at few day, iu,, made from points alll alone' rise
and upon a soft and nourishing diet,
line to Londonand utter places.
when it will go on and thrive as if One morning recently so 11any let,•
nothing had happened. lets td plums were weir tg sit that
station fur shipment to '.Brunt's, that
That Yarn About Rome. the express :;sly could mil 12,141 usual
There is no 'truth in the story that ail they had to flu furwakelc 3 ;m'th
1I, J.• .r cont sin c'nlisstL1'V°t0 to \\In;glt;i111 and tram 011 9.0'Tul'(,11tu.
Now Era.1
. 1 . 1a urlc,-
Rome to sec the Pope, in respect to
~moot question, The Dominion Gov•
eruntent will settle this (natter, with-
out any reference to Rome.
proportiun3 were at'Cut'Cllrigll' eS:1I" • "Billy" lori'ison,'Of Ifullet, met ago ,a :'J y(8rN, 5 mo"
gel'attcd. Inti p2t. !'lIt ascertained E
e'trht fa 11 700 ft•t„ v rtil )f With stn aceeident that ~Would .likely de ye, after a prelon5ei
'This week we -art) ustll4 i1 upon to
ree.,' .I the death 4•r llcs!IC i:illespit ,
sun of .\Ir..Junu (fllespiej who dit•4)
00 6 i•turda • :tfternuon I
Money to Loan o
S7 1)..°1.300
nits, t,(, p(r line
,roach ut.Leeyuetitr•
h be and:
rat tttou A d
So. per 112,0 for each eubsequect shin!° 'lei
Advortimements of Lost, Found, btrayotl,Oltuati A,
and B0e1110e4 Chauous Wanted, not ex ee,tit•a d 1I•
nonpareil, $t for not month, and 50e. for sax,
rubsoqu011t uwuth,
Llo, oa 2422(1 P,,rnls for Sale, not exceeding 8 lt)ltlp$.
$1 for must month, SOu. per subsequent m
Larger advertiseutonts ht proporti en.
'these terata will bo etrtetly adhered to
Special rates ler larger adrertIDemeldle, or to
Imager periods.
Adrortlsuutouts and local notices without epee
directions, win t•e inserted dirt forbid and char
accordingly. Tra(sator)• advortiaoneues mus IIs,
PR id 10 adrauue
Changes for contract advertisement'. Hetet be In
the glace by Wednesday 00002 to order so Ar s -
that week
• 8, G. BROWN.
Aso ['01115315.
Notes Discoiinted
Motley advanced en Mortgages at } pat sebtwlth
privilege of paying at the end of spy year. Note
and accounts collected. 4
ItOBT. 5 olNDOO.
Seaver Block Mitcham, Osi.
canto home aL m:.'re• wet
never able to shake a
effects,(lf this severe ilint
sequently le'wirrlcrl tett*.
baker and whilca
st,- at the potion in 13r,1,4:ie 4, Was ajr'ized With
s and 131 tnl)et ulalr n1Cr11iI8'it,d, ally ill , l,ird
illness' 'of of the IcinW1 attention of 1. is fseiends
n z •, , ha1Ve L:OSt hint his life had it not berm several mouths duretton.t. Deceased and all tIiar (11011ical skill could do
Mount Hood, in t})E, t.lic, or .dash
+ assistance a c
) tl' .1L :111
Ik-t of ,rlkeT, ,. ,' • •
r v'
I c tr' cted a r
alae time ago he n d
►llltd s. ' rin-
,H• ' • "find. 5c lIeleny ;Ill Y that.. who happened along' the road just , hint of all waft, r.n„ II+, vas
r tire the gr't;at Des f the timely assistance of a party 11c11 always enjoyed. god• hCaluls he sank •rapidly Until de't11 relieved
Inst in, cit „
AM c , , .
h t
very Mildly active.' Several meta. as the accident occurred the other severe cold which set ed on his
tions of Mount it'ik01' are Iecordecl evening. Morrison was driving along lung, and soon developed.; into con-
i that of 160=3 when streams.
the Baron •roar}. in aL covered buggy-sumption. His remains s' ere inter-
. notably , Ott theditch:Lnd
of lava eovereel the westarn straws = when the horse ran 1 0
St. Helena has citien rlutrded the skies threw hint out falling heavily on top
of Washington with dry volcanic of hitn. A party fromClinton
A ashes, but it k3 otherwise quiet and driving by went to his assiotance.
peaceable.. i 1 I• l harness
t''e . i t
married tine. loaves 1)'Itilhi ` fibra- his
need father, who tient ever e;beri,h
T ) F
in. f,.n.1 r etheluliral,e f tee .t ut!Ott of
day last. --Exeter .1.deoca I, •
hmeeting of th Catholic R-• "'""""°.."..."'. - ,1' _-.,-_e
At the , ,'" t
Mu.tualBenefit,Associaitio'n,; fCanada "
s"'a;nd Pon byspepsia and; Bb.d'• •
ted in the lexeter eemeter en Mon., a ct'.Itlfn' son,
Subscribe f
r the
it. VANSTO1(It,
ii BARRISTER, buLICaTt t, Etc..
Private anti ICoutpauy funds to eau at lowest 1i e,
int„rtst. No commission chart Mertga5os, t(ij*,
and !aro' property bout/ t and multi
OFY10E-Boaver Black W,No11
J. A. Mowro1 ,
BAIt1IS'rL:1t, 1 ..,
tt iughaw, out,
We will send the `'TIMES
to bona -fide ' n. 'w sub -
Ill getting 1.10 horse oil i t which greets every two
was so entangled in the harness tat ,
ivlltch tine convenedt Ottawa x
fell back Merriam a second Blood timOTS 1Y1' Ey s
Arg Ygu Trrbd.
l -e ace Ori c .••. 1
an' it buctune irecessaryT to cut last weelcr.:ildl. IBernai.d 0 ?Moil, of
tlili0, d
d ' aHttcicett j l erve ompou d is
t punkt e y
, jostler) that your tllnn.t i'a nut rich and {the fines befog C r.Tieasul•el• sof the Pa:ovinee c>€ (l uobee, t •
1 i a ve ought at be and WS It may i got up and Morrison released from ' iLt
1,111 the tine? '..'his enndttirnl Is`a two. in. •-'
McKillop t allHon,. eel
»oursr` 1 ng A t,
be 'f ' f t bottles of the •his position apparently not much
1 1.1.21 *id L.D,tO a eW
• }
rtai blood rite el•, lie x3'4 S t rseritrilla, the worse
were proposed for the Presi eltcy foe ;nnexcellecl.
the 4urretlt.te 'in tut, . alta. O'Con * c .e. .
scribers from n
the first
JANUARY 11 897
for the small um of
25 a
The TIMES is an up -t
date paper, all ;prints
at home
Y. P. S 0:E. -Meeting basement o
Presbyterian church every 13%iday evening
i t i tb
Subject for :ta}1teu1 )ee 'lth:. Gb ting
:alust„,apt of the Bible, Bent., ly 1.9.--1Iis
EPIVOR7tl1 L GLJE-tVleeting ever;
Thursday evening in•Lhe Methodist cliurel
Subject for '•t3ep'tetilber 109.17; Christiai
Friendship. Ninth clause oft pledge, J'
will endeavor, by kindly etvia 'cjts and deed;
lb cultivate the spirit et Cllriegftu•feiends.'
i'1io. x iit. 2.1;• ph. ly. Bl, 32; .1'Coe. xii:
' f.
.Ji,: Y:•11?„: Po- .Met in " crap' 7' ,sda
S crap;
i a ii ' t'6pi oU.I'
evonitJ l,>; Ili ,,7 pkt,.s . ifl' .. •
.'r •. , "`". ry"'1• ii I `
i 'r ' yj'
for the, aCcideut. T 'e Mr. dee, held, 6`.Ttft. pe to , ,
rl'houewndd write that .it)•itt'ss ;5treanalrlli.t r , ,,. , nett, witll:3' usual Iti7'Od SC\ , doclin-
has Corel then. ter that tired f, Ming by j bag^ 4 was wl e(,.c.(1
• 't
red i
Tried several me i-
. rid itis Tr v d
r tl s `)< Cs
e d
by HUU
1 great cures Ge'= s 1
! , r Ti ( re intelligence, ileo Ved ver
Iiool,'1a 11..L:s act Easily new+! promptly on cure: i n b The Sad 112 ' ' einem brit
ed to statiti, and Mr, Haels;ett Watt
O era r . i
New Bamberg, Ont., Under date'of
Barth 3rd,T696, writesas 1ollorts : NN
,t rleho;<clfn 1 elected. "I wit, trodbred for tWo .years
lrlefiu ill (1•t;llt'•ine means the power to g. y With :Bons ten Dyspepsia of the
none foot math relief. '>
'the btu: trod homed. l;nr(e ll,k ne.ictuche lr.1r111:1 1)14 )Vet ,ts un101091led tilttl'It.
by friends. on Wednesday by tele•, turdu'ItrledMsuutrseele rserr'e
i' t ' e: l isl'r 1i"alkdrto:l asses . ram announcin
est t chant fa t.V) pairs t,'e•r been the •l llltit)r LeaViO1 t v:}intn:)t on at doch J, '1\Iesenzie, son of the late vow' medicine oared ate,"
Mr..Tars. Dryden. '(;•Itr) t:l,t'rlit in r t ti Id g, I Compgilndvltybloodwh+inaEtread-
i gram, c the death of • Dlul:- i fill state; 'Sat I eta hippy tb saF
,g,'•(1 lei Kinloss ?r g ' a y
;ft,it..l for t:he l4 oars of age. This is a olid .revs Alex: iixoi eflzie of Beath Iain- ror sale in "GV'in halo b Goliri A THE COOK'S Bi;ST PialEM
n a
,tall,tala ace, of 18tH. lJ'aln)ling. • loss, and who formerly utught sebool Catobell, I.ARr3 lit` SALE I G/RtVADA.
E. L. Bi0K11 SOY, in
^_^---__-• LOAM.----- .--
Udlc24-1J•ysr Bleck. t) lugham ;
yl. G. OA1>•~ILON.
Odice-Corner llant4)to>r mid St. .A 1dr24w stralti%
opposite Colborne Hotel. 3
Gunlntou, • ONTARIO....
1i ENTISTIIT.—J, S. J E ROME, L. Dq S., t1 matte*.
l Is mauutucturtng Srstt•cias* sats + pp!
=.t^1;:..i/ tooth 2442 0120up LW they; eau be made
ie tee, UCnt1111e11. Tooth ratraoted
absolutely without pail,, by Ma new
process, guaranteed pe''le.tly Yate. , g
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block„ 01,koito Ella.
Brunswick 'lake.
ARTHUR J. IIIWLN, D. D. S., L. i d.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the P'ouusylvan
Lethal College. ,
Nu3x-1rill visit. B1, 112 usury lyedu•'.d;y--
Wfsuuaa, • ov resue
1_. DEANS, J)t., wINou.tu,
Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge
, ' 7 OLIN-CUREIL, WINar1AM, (?sr:.
Sales of Parn,'Stock and Farm Intpleutonts•0
actart .
f pall orders loft at the Tours prude promptly attend
ed to. Torula reasonable.
s GO' TO,c Y .,'. , , .! ,
{VIil:hti )iOU 0Ei 1✓ S1I.2V1:S AND 1 =III buI
, ron f,1- •' • •1 - .; ..
1:. • • ' Oppocit•o ( pt, 'rotor, •.:: '
l' WINGS111ti'!i, ,, . ::..• ' ONTARIO
Agency la 'ar ei a :.teat L dr '
Ag J 1, i ,a '. u gnu J- ,
a ', , • i
Wanted,.; fti Edea eWhf
thing totaatente
• P to ~y'Our //QetAua+ et v ritay urine -troll tsEalth3
rite 30HY llTXDl)tltOtURDN k CO. Patent Aat
• .nays wllahin,rt•u, D. 0., for their sii',eDo• tW OII•!
• ,Ikea list ot two hundred 111105tloh, wattlet4 ; ,.
3 -t... .
t y:•t
' SOOI}ITY 11IEETINGS. •.:•-, •
CtiT.VI alt,(rnd, ho. 2i, t;ahsidiat
■, U s Oider•Foecators,dneetathmoeconc
and Inst l'r)d9Y t ettI1(2 W titer), mOnG,, in' Ore
Cry's Meek- Visiting Met hren weloOtmt. W. 0
May, 0.11..11, D. Elliott, it. 8,
1 3 Ut,h}r t a'edeela, No, 49, Muer
• Zi ,,Oe ), Iht, first ,una .third MotfrlAy •lir
u'. art' 111011th, in tlw 0.1,1 Y4dlIWS pall. Visiting
,,.()Heel' tttiltttnO, J. lilurlby, CiiJct. By F.
L erdou, 11, s -tee.
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