The Wingham Times, 1896-09-11, Page 5Il
Good Spic:: you must have or your
pickles, ac,, it tot turn out as satis-
factorily as u expected, We have
only one kind, The following are exact-
ly what their : ales imply :
ALIJSPICE, • ole and powdered,
CINNAMON, vhole and powdered.
PEPPER, wh e, bleak sed red.
tW1€1�4 �A?I,
ONT. ,
We do not he'd outset%es responsible for opintm,e
expressed by the w iter of any communication.
To the Editor oftho W' ,sham Times,
DrAu SutsLe
the crime yo
with. "That s
so saith the Ad
weeks ago.
disturb your sle
nothing if not b
title assumed by
pondent; he sim
and apes a li
. I3e dots not den
throws mud,
sehool boy arg-
rgHs describes my
as tb the stature
Advance as most
commends the s
an honorable
strange ethics
would have the
the 12th ofJuly
proved and ci
four in this neigl
of the high n
these gentlemen
.densly expectin
the carousals an
annually held tl
or forty year -
gentleman elan
these people, W
casiou of Toron
the beginning
the year of,gra
these people
Brampton." T
of such a high
scribed next
dailies as "Ru
in Brampton,'
Orangemen ",
that is in t'
proper." On
meeting of the
lingwt;ad last
of officers, we
the Grand Se
ham) that th
the box the
Monkeying w
peculiar noti
proper. He
lieve that Mr.
2,000 or ov
June, was co
solely. They
West York
ade with
new uniform
religion whi"
society from
majority of Ci
require soznet
little more rel
in their Lupin
spent in remo
their own e
looking aftet
brothers' eye.
sneering at
Roman Caths
Jatlssionary w
This would au,
The Rev. 1)
lecturing in C
a few evening
the Mousse a.
Oretlgei ons, d
of the Mara
10-dity as it
Again, let
dhere people
people tell es
t•iinival ignorance is
and I are charged
all not be tolerated,"
ince ,of.a couple of
0 not .allow this to
p; these people are'
astful. 794 is the
last week's eorres-
ly denies everything
tie near the vulgar.
that the Advance'
t aseends to the
meat, to quo que.
bantering remarks
f the editor of the
mean and low, but
d editor in calling
competitor a liar;
these surely! . 794
orld to know that,
elebrations are I'm --
s the• last three er
boyhood asinstances
ral pla ne to which
ave attained, evi-
the public to forget
orgies that were
e previous thirty-ifve'
But is not this
ing too much for
read that on the oe-
o's Civic holiday .at
the past month, in
e 1896, as number of
ied themselves to
sir conduct there was
rder that it was de-
rning in the Toronto
ans Piot,"Rowdies
etc. 794 claims that
elieve that everything
e lodge is right and
the oeeasitm of the
Grand Lodge ' in Col-
pring, at the election
read that the vote for
retary (Mr. Birming-
•e were more ballots in
i there were votes.
th the ballot boxes is a
n of things right and
ould also have us be-
Waliaee's majority of
✓ in West York last
:posed of Orangemen
must be very thick in
A church par-
a brass band in
s an evidence of the
h is taught in the
otstool to throne. Tho
ristian people would
ing more Ohristlike; a
gion in the street and
ss; a little more time
ing the beam from
es and net so much in
the mote in their
Leas ridiculing and
ho religion of the
les -sand more real
rk amongst them.
ely be store consistent.
. Ilirshey, of Boston,
Church, Toronto,
ago an the Prince of
range and the Ribs of
dared that the power
of Rome was as greet
:weighty years age.
r e
ask what good have
otiofi Can any of these
True they We eon-
gently stirritg up religions strife'
Amongst th it fellow Cattediitns.
They ride th" Protestant hors 01.
though they ere the very eelenesit
:al,Proteetanti et every election, and
only them. itnese Nati: Grey..
One would thi , k that these people
Were the onl Protestants and all
outside the pal
true faith. "Y
yott ye sons of
have uta beliav
outside of Tor
and West,or
Quebec Bishop in Bel rates on
they vote for the Tupper candidates, S
were enetroies of the
take too much upon front the Rainy
Aaron." Would 794 seems i 'vorably'
that the Orangemen country.
to Centra and East Posters are 0 amounting the, auction, C. Ha
did not swallow the annual fat11 show of the "East WAWA,. mallett, The
a tnandain nt? Did nosh Agrictilttzr 1 Society" to be held. disposed of to
ept, 24th and. 25th. for $83(3.
and did not Sir Charles say that he
life for the bill if
ould like to hear 794's
the Orange vote in
this question, They-
er the fact that Dr.
ea.led to thorn as
e to their advertised
o interfere with Man -
management of the
act is mentioned -both
' the Advance.and his
It seems to tickle
But alas! he received
4. Something to be
To be arm in arm
n Catholic Bishops of
cing Roman Catholic
ols open their own
sisters in Manitoba.
consistent with their
assuredly these people
, last and all the time.
many others, of the
is society at least is
interests of the corn -
pt to defeat the ends
would argue that Miss Eliza C gg of Listowel is the
e society during the , guest of her ousin, Miss ;Maggie.
oof against that as -1 Hooey, this wk.
society growing? II Misses Ella Neill and Ruby
have no means of Crittenden s seeded in securing
from having tI eves- I Second and T rd"Class certificates
arge portion of On -'respectively a the recent examin-
would, give hi
necessary? I s
explanation of
East Huron o
seem to gloat
Macdonald a
Orangemen, tr
principles, not
itoba in the
schools. This
by the editor
their pride,
it not," says
proud of sure
with the Rom
Quebee in fo
Separate Se
brothers and
Something so
Protestant pro
Yes sir, mos
are Tories, firs
I an still, with
opinion "that tl
not for the best
munity, and is
of jusiice." 79
the growth of tl
pact decade is
sertien. Is thi
I doubt it. I
knowing exeep
led over a very
tario. In the r
will show m
'recently orga
shote him two
He also cites t
creasing inter
celebrations, a
Why Mr, if til
every sideroa
better for eith
Does' he sup
tend the .12th
are in sympat
Manly go-fo se
.go laecause oth
seethe tnasqur
that :all who at
every Fall go t
These pe9Plc
Much betters ar
any 'that liasy
justify their ass
reasonable arti
' Mr. M. Wad
scaffold in his
recovering very
Mr. D. Ross
Threshers; who
horse last wee
•Mr. • J N. ickell is away to
Osha,$a being s mmoned to see his
father who s -suffering from
Miss Dow fro Guelph is visisting
at Mr. Jno. Mel e's.
The Misses Tu •nbull, of Exeter,
relatives of M:r. . Caslick, is visit-
ing in the neigh orhood.
Mr. F. Crowe i suffering from
attack. of malar]
T e Canoe Upset,
Peterbor ', Sept. 9.—Last night
Mr. .Alex. Wherry, Inspector of
Public Sell • :Is for Teterboro', was
drowned in e river at the Grand
Trunk Rail vay bridge over the
river near th locks. About 9 o'clock
he and Mr, Chowan were canoe-
ing in the vi nity, and when padd-
ling up stria their craft struck an
obstruction d over -turned, Mr.
Chevron, who ' annot swim, managed
to strngglo ass •re, but Worry who is
an unusually == pert swimmer, was
drowned. Th deceased, who was
about forty yef •s of ago, was a native
of Leeds Cntin , and came to Peter -
Isom' a year a' o. Iie proved to be
an excellent in pector, and was get-
ting the school into first-rate condi-
tion. IIe leav s a widow and seven
ubtldren, the e est of whom is nine-
teen years of e.
tral districts if 794
one , Orange Lodge
ized, I tbitnk, I. •will
at have disbandecl,
fact of the ever in-
t in the 12th of July
being another proof ofo
S.S.S,S. ,1 4
•e were a lodge on b f .Au No. T
it would not make it g
justice or society. good conduct
ose that all who at-
eral proficiene .:
of July. celebrations 5th class; „ : rks obtainable, 209.
y with Orangeism? Thos Fergusol 186;, 4th, marks
and be seen. many obtainable, 20 ; Lizzie Lathers 14t,
rs ga. Many go to David Teskey 41, Frank Douglas,
do, Does he suppose 135, Etta Bur , 71. 8rd sr., marks
end the Blyth show' obtainable, 37 ; Elsie Teskey 329,
see the exhibits? Mary Lathers, 322, Bertha Dennis,
will have' to brine. 'a 2241, Jessie G. loway, 154, 3rd jr.,
ument forward than 'marks obtain Ie,'355• Wm. Lathers
been produced to 757 Maggie 'Finlay, 214, Lizzie
alt upon your most Ga]loway, 12 , 2nd sr.,marks • oh-
e, minable, 360 -Wm. Trimble; 284,
ASCARA SAGnADA. Alex. Finlay 250, Alex, Sangster,
116, Baker P rmeroy, 100. 2nd jr.,
marks obtai ibis, 395 ; Wesley Y in-
L1tGSS . lily, 295, •Ch .. Finlay, 267, Mary -
Pomeroy, 23 , Geo. Dennis,. 201,
Wm. Niekle, 48, Joe Greenaway,
93, Jno. Holt haus, 84.
salons, l
The July el
the factory 0
A mumber
ed the Harves
Salem on Tue
ese was shipped from
Friday lust,
oni our burgh attend -
Horne. Festival at
day evening last.
g is the school report
wick, for the.. month
o report is based on
unctuality and gen- `
1 who fell from a
rn some time ago' is
f the Ross Bros:,
was . kicked by a
is able to be out
Mr. R. L, Stew
High School has r
his duties there.
The Foresters h
ly painted by Mr.
V `'Mr. MacDonald it the. iotel s in
a very critical co, clitio 13y the
breaking of at, pepbottle ix weeks
ago his arm *vas ut, and it has
never healed.A
s Mr. Edgar Con .e• is attending
Goderich High SCh iol.
;,f,;Mr, and Mrs. A... Mnsgroveand
family of Wingha , spent Labor
Day visiting, Mr. John Musgrove
Ttirnberry .4'
Mrs, McDonald ad ohildrea of
Chesley have retitr ed home . after
visiting Rev. Mr. '. s.
Miss Bertha lr'ar ow of Goderick
-it Visiting the Mis' - Mae.
ONE ! ON ST lt>rA7d.
readers, that it
I will mail in a
of a genuine,'
which I was p
health and manl
suffering from n
weakness, night 1
en parts. I was
the quacks until
mankind, but tha
well, vigorous an
an make this certain
to all sufferers. I
:--Please inform your
vritten to confidentially
ealed letter, .particulars
onest home • cure, by
rmanently restored to
vigor, after years of
rvous debility, sexual
sees and weak sbrunk-
bbed and swindled by
nearly i1ost faith in
x heaven, I am now
strong, ?and wish to
eans of cure known
have nothing to sell,
awl want no mot :y, but being a firm
believer in the uni •ersal brotherhood of
VALE. man, I am desirou of helping the un-
. fortunate to raga n their,, health and
rt, of .Alexandria happiness, T. pram so you., perfect sec -
turned to resume racy and as I do no. wishexpose my•
melt either, please a dress, imply: P. 0.
11 has been fresh• Box 388, London, • t,
John Farrow,t(yiea gg,'t:h
siltsat nimbi
ing in the In
.at('orettto this w
rge quantiti
chapped frost th
the, mitts here.
°tali wheel se
over in this vi
Mr. ,t'no. 'Iasi
Forest City Busi
Mr. 11. Msic
from here are
stria! Exhibition
*flogs are being
Kippen station to
ing is practteally
u is.atbending the
ss College.
enlute returned
Iver District. Ho
repressed with the
BL 'H,
Mrs. Dallas o
visiting at the Co
Our voters' list
again and His Ho
has been appoi2t
the eornplain4.
Sacrament of
was administers
On Monday
Company WWI o
of tanks that we
A large anm
are taking it th
Toronto thiel tit
ap Monday M
harvest than
Trinity Church
Mr< Mark Tar
Geerge's Chur
officiate, A 1
taken up towar
Regular Meet
of the C. O. F.
halt on Tttesda
On Monday ;o " r tewnsn)an, Mr.
Jos, McGuire, o'tered his house a nd
household good ler sale by public
ilton Wielding the
rick residence was
fr. Geo. Denstadt,
Wingham, way
reitl the past
as been appealed
or Ridge Doyle
the 23rd to hear
he Loads Supper
in St Andrew's
uroh on Sunday
evening our Fire
filling np a couple
getting low.
r of our oitizens
Industrial Fair in
rning the Annual
vieg service of
i11 be held. Rev.
teeter of St.
h, Godtrieh will
Iaal "offering will Le
tK the church debt.
ng of the Members
s4 held in Watson's
Is never done,
sxt4 weariaom
impure and u
Win, and roe
muscle and t1
this condition
aro run down,
Than because
physician says
edy is in buil
nerve tonic, bi
like 1-laod's Sass
Peculiar to ire
climate or life,
work, nervousu
thousands have
Oman' st
io r,k
nd it is espeeially wearing
to those whose Wood, is
!it properly to tone, Sno-
w he wasting of nerve,
uo. It is more because of
et the blood that woman
a'+, Norvoun,
.6 work itself, B,ery
nd that the only rem -
up by taking a good
purifier and vitalizer
rilta. For the troubles
at change of season
o resulting from hurd
s , and impure blood,
ud relief and cure in
Sart:. parifia
The One True mood
Prepared ouiy by O.I.
Purifier. $1 per bottle
ood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
nod s Pilin lithT the kioudly s�upxnlxapatake
Live stock 1.VAariaet,.
East' Buffalo, 1
Cattle closed dull
butchers' heavy
sold. klogs close
Sheep and lambs
Montreal, Sept.
about average at
toir this mornin
amount of bueinee
was very little .ex
of. Receipts anc
follows :-600 c
$3.25 live weight'
sheep at $2.50
sheepand $1 (ii
calves at $2. ® $7
Toronto, Sept.
was quiet to -da
easier for choice ;
was steady. Re
including 1,251s!
calves and 1,`
were steady, r
mand and prices
the quality was
Best cattle sold
31e up to tha
cattle were info
3e, and a few ch
lb. Seven cars
Montreal runrke
Sheep were st
selling at 3c pe
steady, at $? (
sheep were not
Bogs were ens
hogs, and 9e per
paid ; 3c for thi
ib, for light; stoi
Y., Sept. 7.—
nd weak for all
steers, but bulk
• steady ; all sold.
closed firm ; all
.—Receipts were
ho east end :that -
and the usual
was done. There
ort stock disposed
prices were -as
ttle at $1,50 ®
1,000 lambs .and
live weight for
'for lambs ; 160
each according to
.—Cattle market
king were ie
other live stock
pts were 70 ears
eep and lambs, .40
0 hogs. Cables
we was fair de -
were steady, .but
of up to the mark.
4e, but some from.
prim, Butchers
r demand, at 2e ®
ice sold at 3.4e per
ere taken to the
dy ; export sheep
iii. Lambs were
.50 each. Butchers'
er for best bacon
was the top price
k fat and 311c per
were not wanted.
Who is the ho
is the man who
streets upon whi
schools in which
perhaps you wer
you keep up the
worship. He is
a hoose which op
your property. l
paper that is pa
en it; he is the nia
to swindle yot>4,
nothing else, woul
bears his share of
government; stay
sunshine and dar
prosperity and
are but few of th
patronage should
hotme merchant.
nth Aim,
e merchant? He
1ps to pay for the
you walk; for the
your • children or
educated; he helps
hurch in which you
e man wlio builds
ancea the value of
very subscription
ed has his name
who cannot afford
Self interest, if
prevent this; he
he burden of good
right with you in
nese, in days of
dversity. These
reasons why your
be given to the
apple., don't
in the skin.
Away thrive
tin the
when the ini
and longs ia
nor, or inju
coughs. Sm
with hypop
heal iaitam
hranes. Th
it is betbre
has been d
hottle is e
slinary col
t to preserve
The germs of
rapidly there.
of constunp-
soil for work
ruised, made
by coldsand
Mueds merit -
time to take
ugh for an or.
G] C7,. cin0-A_P.,1R, rd
Has bought T Leslie's Merchant Tailoring Business at a Tfj
ir sacrifice and has removed to his old stand opposite the %;
Queen s hotel. This is a genuine sale .of first-class goods, E
t?� no cheap goods got up for advertising purposes. The iP
tiI largest stock of woolens in town to choose from. Give us j
a call. The prices will interest you.
jT. Leslie's Old Stand.
4Fogiirl'g C "r .i 27ruro. ,.Y :yi if: =74.7 7--04 x4,4979-49'- f- st 974-zo.5021
Also a full line of Men's Furnishings at low
Wingham, Ln`
No Sham or make beleive, no goods marked up to make a
big cut.
TMEM 3K1\171:PM
in many cases going into the middle. Next week We will
quote prices that will astonish you. Call and see us and get
SO gots soot
Avow A Illstnahessostoteleliteish, one