HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-09-11, Page 3GOLO UR. SILVER. YOU'D GIVE ALL TOU HAVE Oki )30TH To BE RESTORED TO HEALTH ---DR, 4GSTEW'S SPECI- FIC CUREaREATR ?OR RS EC IC axlraEx�'Ts. HEART DISEASI .--Rolief in thirty minutes is twist alartning cases of heart trouble: A, strong statement to make for Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, but it is borne out by' the tessimony of thousands wi:o today proalairn thein - ;selves snatched trout the grave by its wonderful curative powers. If the heart nutters, palpitates, tires easily, it indicates heart disease, Be warned in time. Use this surest and quickest cure ; it never fails, James Allen of St. Stephen., N. B, writes : "I was troubled with very severe pails ie the heart, pain in the side, and shortness of breath. I became completely exhausted with the Least exertion. Doctors said wy case was a hopeless one. I procured a bottle of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart. A few doses gave me permanent relief—six bottles entirely cured me, and to -day 1 am well, and strong as I ever was. 1 think it the best medicine on earth for heart trouble." CATARRH.—It goes right to the seat of the trouble, attacks the disease, re- moves the cause, atomises out and heals the parts quickly and permanently. Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder doeal all this and its no hearsely. The slaves who are freed from thist•loathsonte malady, by id this poeitivo curie, aro singing its praises ' day in and day out. "I am 80 years old. I have had catarrh for 50 years, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cured me, and I look `)poo my cure as almost a mitacle," says Geo. Lewis of Shamokin, Pa. A simple cold in the head may be the first step to ohrouio catarrh, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is harmless and easily applied PI'L'ES CURED IN THREE TO SIX NIGHTS. --Dr• Agnew's oiotweut will cure all clues of itching 'piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One application brings coin fort, For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless. Also cures Totter, Salt Rheuw, E came, Barber's Itch, and all eruptions -at the whin. 35 cents. ft ,TEN:CENTS CURES CONSTIPA- 'TION AND LIVER ILLS.—Dr. Ag- new's Liver Pills are tho most perfect n ade, and cure like magic Sick Head- ache, Constipation„ Biliousness, Indiges- tion and all liver ills. 10 cents a viral - 40 dosea. Sold by T. H. Chisholm. Crushed to Death by a Train Near Campbellvllle, A man named Thos. McCarthy, who has been working in the vicinity of Canipbellvillc for the past few days, was killed on Wednesday afternoon. ITe was seen walking along the- track in an intoxicated state, by two farmers, who were plowing in the 'vicinity. When be reached Mr. Christie's farm, about a mile and a quarter below Campbell - he was walking en the centre '-5of the track and was struck by the engine of a way freight going east. The top of his head was taken off and both his legs were amputated a little below the knee. Ile was picked up and taken back to the Junction, where an inquest will be held. • The engine driver states that he saw the man on the track and kept up a constant whistle, but he paid no attention to it, and the train was going so fast that it was impossible to stop it before reaching the man. The deceased was a stranger In the vicinityand it is not known' where elle came from, The only relative he is known to have had is a sister who died a short time ago. . . For, Over Fifty Iteara As( OLD AND WELL TRIED REM-^DY.— Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething in with 'perfect success. it Booths the chili, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drilggists in every part of the world. `t enty-tiro cents to bottle. Its • value is, incelulable• Be au.re and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. White Savages. • • Africa is ever revealir.g new mar - vets. Interest in'the pygthies of the Congo forest now passes. to a tribe of . white 'savages; •idi5covered ri6,tht in the heart of tire eo'nttnelit; Hien with blue eyes and •Iitiht'hdfr, ' as. fair `as t the blondest • Salton.: They see said *V,to =be, terribly fierce; • haul'mel, in a figlyt. .• VIE WING 1!.\M TIMES, SEPTEMBER Ji, i896. Ix}troulilotlon 4t Itinlotlg, The Prsbytery of Maitland at u. special In 'ting in the Presbyterian church at(.iiintouglt on Sept. 1st, in- ducted dui Rev, Jno. Maxwell, lately ordained ittissionitie,. at Lion's Ilead Presbytery of Owen Sound, into the pastoral el rges of the united con- gregations f North Kinloss, Rivers. dale and 1' iniskillen. There was a fair congre ation present. Rev. R. IL,ceod preached an ex. cellent.ser on an..lerelnialt 3; 15—"I wilt give y i pastors according to mi heart, w ro will find you wi knowledg and understanding The preae er spoke of God's iutere in the chu ch in providing such pa tors, their pecial functions and wh God expe s of the people, The Reg. A. Mackay presided and put ques ons to Mr. Maxwell, of the formula, Well he answered satis- factorily. The Re . I. ilieDonald sat with the Presb ter ;y. Rev. J• Malcolm delivered the charge to the newly inducted pastor dwelling n the duty of., atways setting f th the great central truth of the ospel, "Christ and bald crueified'j ; to preach with simplicity directnesf and tenderness. Re dwelt on the it>ipor•tance of pastoral visit- ation, the necessity of' diligent study mid voice culture, to have the heart fired with the holy spirit and lead a Holy life. Rev. ' . Maclay addressed the mongrel, -tion and spoke of some of the' r' - c ar• et a ei s_1 i c., of good hearers • They ale regular and punctual in' attendance. They fear God, are reverent and prayerful. They are attentive and obedient to the mes- sage and will support the Gospel at home a0 d abroad. They will re- spect and encourage their minister. Such hee'aret•s vv iU have a Godly minister, will enjoy faithful preach- ing, wild confidently' look for the outpouring of tho spirit, the conver- sion and isanetificatton of souls. A curdiat welcome was extended to Mr, Maxwell by the congregation by a hearty handshake as they were were returning from the church. Mr, Maxwell enters upon the duties of the pastorate in these united congregations under the most favorable auspices ,and tno happy and harmonious settlement it is con - Wendy hoped will be crowned with. abundant blessing. The church here 4 a neat and eom- Mcdious wilding Spittibly furnished and has aid excellent basement for Sabbath 54001, eta. The services of praise is lid by an efficient choir with organ accompaniment. After the close of the public ser- vices, thelnember•s of the Presbytery elders and their wives, were invited "'i to a lunch in the basewent, prepared by the ladies of the congregation. The rielOepast so kindly • and so llospitabl, r provided was much enjoy - VERACIOUS DOG TALE,. TA* 41s4" Mastiff Sucees,pemt la Itiaglug the gieetr1 I3etl lvftit Iiia Itiose. "I'll tell you a dog story thiat is hard to believe and yet I give yo}i my word that is is abrialutoly true. ow, you doubtless remember that on tIlirl stnaaa eve there was considerable u4ilso in the streets, tiring of eracicora, eta.. '.T'his was, I noticed, very Annoying t my big mastiff, who is kept in a s alt stable. yard 00 nay prenrtses. The do however, was, I thought,seorire, as it w s confined by a high wire netting and fe o. bligod to n ao0onni and after , sat up in 1 wait for here clone ' n another I a doctor,' ling at the 1 tat hour, 1 I imagine i 100 -pound the gate - 11 with hiq . o laud been I coachman d, finding f uself, 'I'll he rest.' I, of course, invitedlithe in u eaeartoil him through the house tor/ over/ I through the wire Slotting an p quarters, where I found he ad broken I probably gone out to investigate the ' Cliristntas bombardment, but he had for ottten the i way back .and so mailed nig up," I nisei, a SW/sal/0s AshoIre.. Our rock-buund ;oustsno longer she1. I ter that dryad personage, the wrecker, r but the writer has in past yel►re talked with ninny an old fisherman' who well remembered the day when ships were sys- tematically lured to dostrueti sn qn cer- tain parts of our shores. i But even in these humani:karian days a wreck still brings much 'refit and em- ploytnent to those who dwelt by tbo ahem It Whom it °sours. C13aritabls;iiuetituokins II nowadays pay 'thornily, let tilt$ first place, ' for the housing and pr.vinlele of those ! j shipwrecked persons who are brought t , saho e; and then the ur)nyt of salvors "; 4`'l that comes down to look i'Je4 the wreck 1 is also beings with it golden *Moleylnult :4 for the local oouutttlnity. Tiasi',ewrgo, for instance, requires ti5nshippina turd cert- I l ing, and, after the stets` has Isubslded, the process 9; gutting out stick` a cargo entails en amazing amount of rrmunora- tive labor, for often enough it Imo to be parried many mils to the nearest point of railway eolnntunleaiton. But even after the wreck has ,'been en- tirely gutted of machinery citrgo, and all romovabio fitting's—them, by'the way, are generally sold by auction fiat some. point near the wreck—.and the mere hulk len, co the Wind one waves, the ,poopb1 of the diitriot still eentiaino toderlvo profit, for huge quantitles of timber conte ashore, and aro utilized for a thousand different purposes. At various Aoints on our coasts tho writer has seem whole dwellings which have been ci nstructed t of the wreckage of snipe, e nc ``During the evening I was th go out to summon n physician of the illness of wy little g1r1 st coming hack about 11 O'olook s- dressing gown and slippers t the doctor's arrival. Presently a a long ring at the hall and tt and another. 4'Thitt's not t said I to myself, and, grum idea of callers or business its went to the door. Opening my surprise M sowing my mastiff standing with feet post, ringing the electric b nose. It was evident that reading the papers that th had left about the stable li himself looked mut, said to h proem the button and he'lldo I ONE DUDNEST MAL . DEAR +'nl..rolz;--.Plonse 'aorta your{ • readers, that if written to ea tidentially f t wilt mail in a sealed letter partieuIurs of it genuine, honest lion euro. by j which 1 was per111110eatiy restored to health nod ninety t Igor. " ter years of suffering from nervone delfility, sexual iveakoese, night Itwseesaud Nair 8141'011k- . en parts. I was robbed met :swindled by the quacks until I tivarly "est faith in mankind, but thank I nv o, T ani now well, viIlOrn0S 11,1,1 :A 4'0111N iunl wish to t make this certain itw,uls 0 mire known to all sufferers. I,live nt hints to eell, and want 00 money, but ,,)tint; a firm believer in the universe I 1 atherboad of man, I am desirous of boll inn; the un- ; fortunate to regain their het,lth and happiness, T p1J111itie 5'101 perfect sec- recy and as I do nut wish t) expose ply. self either, please address, Imply: P. O. Box 388, London, Unt. 'x Oysters. b Now that oysters "R" i , it is well to know that the sejek is unusually large andq uality good. The ex- port to Europe has increased withal the last few years, .and about three thousand barrels at shipped weekly to London and Lis 'spool. It takes between three anti fur years for an oyster to attain t arketable size. The teed, so called by oyster men, is planted in tile Ad bottoms where it stars for three years. Then it is a long, ungra bful object saltily and is transplanted to bottoms where it spends its timeor three or four inonths in aequiring, acquiring,a flavour and • x improving iU 111 ti,' s ) ' y 1 aI' . ance 1 >7 } pe by cultivating u r )1,1 tat `inti to /lid form - Phe oyster spit %vns 111 July and August, and one oyster will have 1,000,000 eggs. ed and a••sociable time was spent, which slfall long linger in memory. We eobgratulate these congregat- ions on the kind and friendly spirit manifestted among them, which augurs ,yell for hearty eo-operation in promoting the highest interests of each congregation and the cause of God generally. J\o. M.toN,vzn, Clerk. Lueknot', Sept-, 2nd., 1896. Idako tho Tdost of Y ourself. 1tis the duty of every mail to make the oil of himself, Whatever his capacities maybe,"he is sure to find some place where he con be useful to himself and to abets. hut fie cannot reach his highest usefulness with:.kut good health and ho cannot have good health without pure blood, Tho blood sire fates to every organ and tissue and 15 leil 1t 1s pure, rich and healthy it cassia health to the entire system, but if it is ,Apure it scatters disease wherever it ilo5vs.1 Flood's Sarsaparilla is the one true' blood•purifier, It cures salt rheum, sero^ fula, go,tarrh, dyspepsia and rheumatism beeanln these diseases have their. origin 01 the bigot .t1, Writs %for Husband Freed. • - Virga. Emmett, of St. Thomas, is noonkerving a sentence of 23 months ilr t *8•••Central Prison, for having m01 wives than the law allows. 7 m eft had married three different i wonxrtn. MI's. Emmett No, 1, the legal,' Wife of the bigamist, is now eircll ating a petition for his release, thendili he has served only a few inoil•tl ' of his term. During the trial this Altman was very faithful to the prisou4r, and pleaded hard for the judge , o'�be lenient, •10e, i0�Froe Samples gisesen away in Right Chase's'I idney-Hirer fills are the only kidney pills known 5vitli sufilcleet merit to guarantee the proprietors in giving away hundreds of thousands of sample packages free. Ask your druggist for a sample if yoor kidney's or liver is derange``, 1t . . . t ., asy '"to TAO asy, to 'Operate • Aro fotlturoe peculiar to Hood's -111s. Small in • size, tasteless, eflicleet, thorough. As one man *aid: tounever know you.IIIS 1N� have taken a pill tin itis all WO." 250.0. I, Hood & Co., 1roprlaters, Lowell, Naas. The only pills to take; with Ilood'e `;srsalaartiirt iB1C1jCLe TEETH I Latest Comptaini: Fa5hionabl Amongst Those Who Travel A-'t'C1Seel. afeto the h© eastern About the he -fact re- ia way hi- ss affected "receding ntists, ac - talo, are ioelwomon to matter It may be something pecul� eastern oll)nnte, to the dust of; roads, or to some peculiarity eastern method of riding, but mains that down Philadolpl cycle riders are in largo numb by what the dentist`s call gums." Tho offices 'of the d cording to it Pliiladelphian's' overrun with s'iieeimen and wi who want to know what is tl with their teeth. They oom lain that they have more and more exp sed ivory surface for every day that the live, and that unless some remedy i speedily found they will all either soda be tang; toothed, or will lose molars, incisors and calcines altogether. } The story goes that it,took the dentist' a long time tq find sent that •f the . Duni'• plaints came 'only 'from riders of the 'Wheel. They put two and twb togeticer, and have put a 'peremptory step to the riding of wheels in the tsiiake1 City until `i tliay 000 evolve a remedy /or bicycle •�22:y���1,�y7i • �` 1 • teeth. • D_i t'11Ci,BtL a�.al lt,;r Chlo:ago dentists laugh at •tithe• -start',' • fjELTJNGf.uld and say that if there ;Are such _ thinba as • i i Ti• 7oT� r_ t bicycle tooth in 1'lilii}doipllit ttloy:atyiistl•? 1 t��T�• �ii.:ir�:c.'�,t .lid .i•?r" ra••-eltvtat ..- 1 L }taiE s v. ,e4Ooloo.'exeozo What is i