The Wingham Times, 1896-09-11, Page 1INGIIAM
OL. XXV,-_*N0. 1284.
S1 .4 YEAR IN Al)VA.NCI+ ,
We are too
TQ write an a
same we want
Our stock wa
AeVer prettier
,above alI, neve
just now.
There are t
We want just to
busy opening
but all the
tell you that
never fuller,
nor better and
cheaper than
ee lines that
— AN
We are openit
of German Tail
ties and Wrap,
.hundred from
up, guara steed
quality. Be s
9 ' )
up two cases
r -made Man -
about two
yle, fit and
e and see
Issued by I I Lztlr
Wrist street,Wing
• LIIMII. Sal, sister.
ATaxeo1, No 23, roe Rev. A. Y. i-Iarsi ii+ rernoviat* from
am, Ont. Newitntwttes Blu.rale and Mill Iseil •y pgbliq auction his
valnabhr prepsrty con ietieg of household
furniture, horse, cow, mage, itrrplor>aelute
etc., on Tuesday, Sept. !2nd. For further
particulars see posters Josue Cvi *ia,
FILL TE a, SEPT. int.
Commercial S
--Lark weak we ins
wrong date for Belg
appear that the Net d
[nada', but thin mist
the directors front hol
net in Canton be the J Anyone having article
war tail to see the prize It
dates, Sept. 24 and 25.
- ONT.
A course of Studyit this school has placed hea-
dreds of ambitious ne men and women en the
roan to sneers. W e for our circulars and see
wbat others have dol who have been here, It will
help pat to decide it' our favor.
W. . ELLIOTT, Principal.
PL t atnd
C R,APEt.i
in largest q ' ties and best
Give us a call and be pleased.
Peter Deana' Au
Jahn Currie—As
John Carr's—Flt
Alf Nicholl's—W
IOU Sala.
tion Sale.
r at coat.
dding cakeedm.
day Bargains.
few French China.
—Court Maitland F day night.
—Mr. A. Graham li:. received the con-
tract for the rest of t e granolithic side-
walk at 13c per foot.
—The granolithic wa
7osephine, street fro
street, was completed
ks on 'both sides of
Victoria to John
—C. 0. C. F. Monde night. Full atten-
dance is requested as mportant business
should be brought befe the council.
—Bell's furniture fa
down during the week
an opportunity of att
tory has been closed
o give the employees
nding the Exhibi-
—When the atdewal
the north end of the to
of constructing the net
would be well if the co
old plank in constre
walk so that should we
season people will not 1
the mud as they were
--Tho duck 'hooting
day, Sept. lot, and en
open season for grouse,
fowl or partridge, wo
plover, or any other w
bird or animal, inclu
squirrels and bares does
15, and ends Dee. 15.
for quail begins one mo
others, on Oct. 15, and e
Dee, 16,
srtantly gave tike
ve fair nmaking;iit
would corse ale
ke will not prevent
ug a ilret,claes felly.
of merit should trate
. Remember the.
s aro torn up in.
n for the purpose-
granolithic walk;
oil would nee the
ting; a temporary.•
rave another wet
tramping through,
during the past:
aeon opened Tuee-•
Dec. 15. The
heaeants, prairie
icock, snips, rail
terfowl or game
ng black or grey
of begin till Sept.
"he open season
th late'• than the
ds the same day,
Pall lexhibi one,
Kincardine—Oct 6.
Elytb—Oct 6 and 7.
Brussels—Oct. 1 and
Ripley—Sept 29 and 8
Paisley—Sept. 29 and 0.
Belgrave—Sept. 24 an 35,
W ingham—Sept. 21) a . 80.
Walkerton—Sept. 22 d 28.
Dnagennon—Sept. 20 and 30.
Goderiele--Sept. 22, 2' and 24.
The Ladies' Aid of th Methodist church
has been fortunate in a. wring the services -
of Mies Afarietta La Del , B. E., a graduate
of the Philadelphia. Se ool of Elocution,.
whe will give a recital in the Methodist,
church, Tuesday avenin ,, Sept, 22nd. Mice.
La Dell is a oharmingo ocutionist and has,
made herself a favorite wherever she has,
been; she comes well recommended by,
the press. The people of wingham and,
vicinity should not fail o hear her.
'p .,�$u.l�I•a
/ A daring burglary w committed in thee
township of Morris on Friday night last..
The burglar made hi. entrance into the.
house of Mr. C. G. Lar pbell through the
cellar. Mrs. Campbe 1 , woke while he.
was going through I. a drawers of the
dressing case in their b drown, but was.
afraid to awaken her h - and until after
he had gone. He to Mr. Campbell's
pants from fireside his be ' from the pockete•ot:
`e'e—On Friday last wh e jointing staves at which he carried off a s er dollar, a lgl:tg.
the cooper shop of McL an let Son, Mr. Geo of tobacco, and a pent r. After ho had,
Cartwright got the poi is of two of his gone out of the room t .... Campbell aware -
fingers taken off., ed her husband but th. hief had mada•hts
escape. The satneni Mr. A.. Campbell's,
house was entered, 'between two, and,
three dollars stole. From there the
marauders wont t home of Mr. R.
MacGuire's. Th=.y ford an entrance into.
Mrs. Walter Green, o Winchem. who the cellar but as there tr_s no inside cone
has been visiting her sr : er, Mrs, Robert nection with the house they were unable
Henderson, the past tw weeks, Ieft for to gain an entt nce. U on menhiatfore it.
her home on Tuesday.- oderich Signal. was found that a buggy bad been, driven,
Charlie Ross mot w' h a painful 11°°'''between these places £rot , which it woeldl
dent at C. P. 12. station n Wednesday. In No further trear that acee gl
of lare °has re nBence beot en,
rennin;; across the trebe tripped and ( discoveued.l<y;%'
fell acroesa rail injurin his side. Fortu-
nately no bones were b..ken. r ; A. Veteran ore.
t/ While exercising on
on Wednesday evening,
ceived a severe kick on t
lay him off work for sot
of his Demo colts
r. Jas. Angus re -
e aide which will
The Dress G odsrare ahead ''
of any other se son. e
`—On Tuesday morn ng, Editor Brown
lead the misfortune to 'et his right hand
aught in the Gordon press resulting in
wo broken fingers wh oh will necessitate
eft handed editorials £''r a few issues. •`,
—The Salvation ' rmy will hold a
ipagic lantern service i S. A, Barracks on
Friday evening Sept. 1 th, led by Ensign
Scobell of London. •Subject "From a
match girl to an Arm Captain. All are
—The Secretary of be Turnberry Agri-
cultural Society has m. fled a copy of the
Prize List to each m mbar. Those not
members and wish'. to exhibit at the
show on Sept. 29 and ;0 should apply to
the Secretary for a co
This week t
open, nearly a
will need a ne
and Shoes. j
what Homuth
give you then
save you from
five cents o11 ev
means a lot to
e schools will
the children
pair of Boots
st come and see
Bowles can
for. We will
n to twe:nty-
ry pair, That
Shop early. We will de-
liver promptly.
,, Store closes at 7 o'clock • except
Saturday night.
"Ni'WE "-'.1. $\IBA].'.
---The following is a
who) visited the exhibi
Dawson, wife. and da
A. Ritchie, J. A.r Cline
Burkholder. Mn. and
W. Grey, W. Vttuston
--B. W. /tannin -tan,
the managers of the
bas disposed of his p
street, and leaves this
Ho intends to start a
burgh. We with l'im
success in their ri
artial list of those
on this week : Alex
ghter, R. Gordon,
It. Q. hell, Mrs.
Its. T. Russ. \Firs.
and Jas. 1<lcl�elvfe.
at one time one of
Goderioh Foundry,
operty or Victoria
vook for Wiugham.
nacbine shopin that
nd his family every
v home.•--Goderich
---Some important rsiness leas followed
Mr. Chamberlain t. his retirement et
Salem, Mass. The In est energetic of Cab-
inet Ministers could scarcely expect to
divest himself entirely of affairs, nor has
Mr. Chamberlain atteptcd to make his
holiday in direct rupti e With hisminister-
iel work. leis prose eo in the united
States is (greeted to be associated wick
intorviews, bearing on Canadian relations
to his rellvorein proposals and the i'aoifrc
cable scheme.
- A long and eventful li wasbrought to a
close ou Monday Sept. th, when James
Ferguson passed away, .i . his `37th year, at
the residence of his son.i -law, S. Irvine,
lot, ti, con. 6, Morrie: Dteceasecl•ecan e
from Perth, Seethe/4e' : " 1816, with 1 is
parents, who came out et the time ofty e
emigration of dischi}r'ge soldiers at tl4e
close of the Napoleon 'nears. Althou l
very young at the, 1:. c fiegld, reneenbee
until the they of iiia dent seeing the bon-
fires blaze on Scottish h is over the victor
of Waterloo. ;'His fatite settlea,n Lanar
Co. there being at that'' me only, one lo 1
house in wiiat is now th town of, Pertly-
For man�yy"years deceas'd•° 'as enga;ed in,)
the 1uniler business in at •rgoant. lit d hd
togethdi' with a Mr. .1 n i Lanyon, 'n,n
smuttier man were the rst Europeans
exploree-tbe-•\Mississippi River •=im'K letien'
About twenty•eigbt ye rs ago he moved
his family to the count of Huron living
for two years nearLuol ow and afterwards
at St. Helens. Six ye re ago he moved
into Winghanr but Al •s. Ferguson dying
soon diterwards and tl e fancily all being
grown up, he broke up houso-keeping and
has since lived with h' : children. Ile knew
no illness during his li until &week before
hie death, and few w 're more crept and
agile than he even in is old age.: -..:f *C:
Ferguson saw active rvice in the rebel-
lion of '37, being pre t at the famous
Winct-mill encounter. He acted as fore-
man on one of the di sions of the Rideau
Canal during its cons ruction. In his boy-
hood days he Was set iol•rnato of Malcolm
Cameron, father of A . C. Cameron, At. P.
Messrs. A.F. MoLar. , Al, 1'., for North
Perth and Duncan ergnson, Postmaster
of Perth, are nephew s of deceased. The
members of the fate' y surviving bitty are
R. 13. I''erguson 'lroslov, William of
Morris, Mrs. Archie McGillivary of town
and i.lrs. Irvine of It orris,
•Farming for 8, prem
the Bryant Press, Toron
cent number. It opens
readable elesoription of
for agriculture in Ont
governmental enterpris
aseoeiation, gi,ing an ac
forks Department of
its work, and of many
and societies that hale
advance agriculture in
different live stock amu
rut dairy associations,
tutee, stet This arti
nearly sixty pertreits
leading article. take
Heavy Horse Trade,
povertehed Boils, How
lot Poultry,. Draining
them illustrated. 'r'
Iyear inolodee a numb
\Dairy Indoetry, the S
)Reef Industry. the Po
!Methods ,of Tillage,
!Special Salle, etc. We
Tog" ' to oar farmers ant
Iwertlr many times eve
fp:rice, which is only 31.
er (published by the B'xa5utito Corn
is a rnagnifi, Relines, asking p
t with a full and kis carne from
et ie being dope the east side of:Jos
io by 'noel's et rick street to prat'
e. a.,1 roluutery
ount cc the On-
rlculttraw, and- of
been termed to
ntario;,snch se the
iatieus,.the differ.
be farmers' insid-
e is iiiree,ttcated by
nd viswa; Other
np the SS'g'o,the
e Enriching or lin-
o Make Mtsney eat
Mayor stated
now w ekiltg a, a
grot,nd that them
reputed to him
Council, board -
smatter. He t
the walk not
Clerk stated tis
have been decide
lead signed the p
the petition, and
ads, etc , many of f ber of parties o
program., Inc Coe ton Mr, .Uolmee' c
r of article,. on the A petition st
eep In,lrsetny;. the the merchants,
k Industry,. New :Council to grant, t
:citable Suds fog of erecting suite,.
cowmen* "Ilik•rna.- • their places of on
etockmen,.ne heiaex Meters, fiord
the su+&seeeptio .. by the Council o
0 (urging the ueeessi
I for Golley tlroegte
;merchants to pro
tie -posts.
Alloyed by Co
,Deputy -Reeve K
the petitioners he.
to put in poste of,.
'feet above the side
jform sire and to
Young. Feople'e 'direction of the
ndeavo+vr, oh the
HI givar ant "&ti
ple of that, oon-
ening. Art] inten-
—The Rev. 'Harry E.
etiie•Cvongregetional chs
'series of sermons during
any evenings on ''The L
,relation to modern life.
be the first oil the ser
Minna Father,'
The members of th
Society of Christian
Eresbyterisn ebnroh
Home' to the young pe
gregntion on 71'oasday e
eating program is being
Harvest Home cervi
St Faut's church, mor
'Sandal next. The ch
caller desera.ted, and n
with be both itstereetin
On Monday evening
,o, teeters in the °hare
to'tlte ell country. '
•to,ltave the entire debt
In, the eourse of e. few
.hep wilt hold a. servi
oonsecvattng the bail
Mason, Tactor e$
Ch, will 1 preach, si
the nexttfevn' Suri.
rd's Prager"' in its,
Next Sunday wii3
e, subieet;. 'The
s will li'er heltll iia
Mg and *veniirg.orm
oh is beitsg:artiiahli-
doubt the servin,
and profitable,.
The Mayor eons
Works Committee.
, of the work being;.
Coun. Golleyyi,,.
IWdrks Commitsee•,.
iwhick lead to e..kies
'the Mayor and Goa
'Clerk was also fort
The Financial::
then read as follow
he Rectory wither* fling hose to lire anti,
on his recent- tzriip' lgrave! to cattle.ppn
he wardens, expect l salary, 38 34; Thos
iped offuthechtu, h, f Vannorman, salary,
aye when.l the. itis- ' clock 35c.; BeIUI?el
for the • piirpose,oli ; phone 65c.; lee In
ng. i1f10.; A4uuicip .l
i1 58; Smith & fte
dow blinds ll3y.JAs
walks 82 19; Win
'lights for Angnst
et reundd--•Mucor,\work of streets,
tterson.7J 51.44.6,.814; �! telegraph section
iss Ditta1°y 1 .7 ,6 2,, Its 75; A. M.25, 39 �Robi
N. T. Ritchetree p
$S; k.:4lcGregon
walks $21; 7.oa, B
Aug, 13, 01;, V. Va
ti 15; Canadian A
re sideweilas 11'5; An
to fire el; ,J ohne01
W. W. 13,3;.06:,
614 0'J; Lewie Bol
1118; E. D. Bolton,
John \Nilsen, ofiL:
express 33o. statio
Oornyn printing.;
./IlleKenwie, beat Mies
.Miss Macdonald beat
,Miss. la Gordon beat
leinal, Miss L. Gor
, Ladies doubles —
;annelid and L. McKee
. Misses Di
beret Misses L. Gordo'
dew and Miss Gordo' beat Mr: MacLeod
antll Anise Pattereon, 2, 6, 4.
lerr, Griffin end Mi s McKenzie beak Mr.
Mr. Campbell end les Mecdenald beat
Semi—finals—Mr. eiffin and Bees
Kenthe beat etr, Mor and Mies, Gordon
Fina/e, Griffin an Miss Melnenain.; beat
Campbell and MIss A
Genelemen eineles. first rout -Ann -Bowles
Griffin beat Bast o 8, 6, 6, ni
Campbell beat M den 6, 1, teen,
Semi-Anals.—Gri 1 beat Resales by de-
Ceentlemens den ea.—first round.—
Griffin and Carthpbe 1 beaa Warden and
Final—Griffith end anipbellibeat Bowles
and MacLeod, fie 3, 8,
The Tennis Club a nt to. Listowel
Labor Day andi were d eateed by the fol.
lowing score.
Livingstone and y,. L., beat 13owles
Singles.—Martin L„ beat Morden, W.,
Livingstoen, L beat Bowles, W., 6, 4,
on beat Miss. Mae -
e • beat, Mimes. bean-
andateattersom. 41;
To n Commit.
The regular m ting of the Council was
held in the Co neil chamber, Monday
Alembers pre cart ; — Mayor, Berm,
Deputy -Reeve an Councillore Dore, Gel -
ley, Forbes, Hans n Kling and Gordon.
Minutes of last .egulat meeting and the
two subsequent s cial meetings were read,
approved end sigi
Treesurer's mai lily report was read and
Communicetioe were received from
Messrs. Robbins al d Hutbhison re use of
hydrant on Victor street. lleferred to
Executive Conunit cc with power to act.
From 0. J. Readin resigning his position
as Councillor. Lai on table until next
regular meeting. 1 rom B. L. Drckenson,
re mortgage on pr ierty connected with
Loan to Union Furniture Co.—Referred to
',t lir, George I even, mid his cle.ughtor.
at, of the Timer /star
ht ill WOUld he better for. l .
be pot down until, nextri,
Ms.. Guest could meth, Wise Nellie tfroemr and Miss Maggie
ohs to the number whe PAnderson spent Sornlay with friends in
ition as- Mr. Guest lied I'Wooanosh.
u14 hove seen the ranni- b vim, Doyle be
presented, asking the : Miss Remind teener. vrho has been
e privilege to merchants irfeiting Mre S. . Thrown, returned to .
Fergnson. fe home after.
returned and ist Alain
0100%14, of Whitechurch,
rename -ore service in the
h'CITV Friday last.
it w,oalin he better for Dee Anderson. hen has been spending
de weights and abolish i'lite lest few we s with hi. father, has
'returned to his h mein; Philadelphia,
Gorlaa.„ seconded by
Wroxeter, missed
lirendrsv on his bicycle
ttr• iii°1?ta height' °f 2•i 'Of beffiebell het en tile Wroxeter and God.
put down under the C7t" P
„ nf the d i recto nil. Huron and Ontario ;
eetteof the company and'
nta by, that Committee. !gene the "Tam " orelL
• a. verbal report„d r".1
ed,dieensehm between '1014°°nte _11.
ad.brouglat in no report frirry,,,y. ee, the in
who, woe appointed to •
,Motake a baud. Glitnese Gomm' mover and Dr. Horsey will
ramittee's report was4;uceonepopy Li Htmg;Chang to the Pacific:
Joinhgu•wklil. lwes.rbeadmriaewtaA rest on his return to China.
phone Co., nes of tele, Gen. H.
!lark vrork on streets, !
Pall is (Ore dy here,. oi der a nobby suit
His work is always,
ifications for sidewalk, tb,-etlilleete.o"
days, inspecting side- ;
lard. special constable. Muuyon's Hyspepsia. Cure at
penmen, relief orier,, WilllamIS ?ILK Store.
Efatbeeson drawing nese; en the usual epee: Grapes end peat:he:1,1)y
de Ce. supplies for tbe ton arriva
yeller- ice hall eee 54
onnanielee out sidewalk,
in makes- a first class fittiuse
Neme Cure at Williame4
Plieoreatism Cure at
rug, Store.
If you .uctu
menet melee Lehetter deei »,t any ptomain
iiying,ons sidewalk 014
foiebier $9; A. -ossi. town thin' McKelvie's. En turas
pant, aei 05; 61 40; John, over hie et, .k. qtaicely thud it le alai/ye:
fresh. His e ants ere prime. Call at his
614 McLean & Son,,
roe cream te lor.
e G, Brawn, minting
Prof. Ars Herbal Bitter3 at
Shaw itiw • has the beet, meat, inlet can
be got.
so as to b e re the swim when 3,o:ego to the
Do lice cerried away by any bogus
ShaW'S ha galas are always ziobi. He
leads that de. MONSILAW the eeweler.
rent eertified awes that
account be paid less. 68e
una be laid on tkenablie
„seconded by (lending',
pted read.,
es, en the Erten aide of
seconded. hy Reeve,
so unleaded an to, leeve
raillery expense% of the
e Fire. Wotan, tn. Light
ad and receined.
y -Reeve Hennes, second-
, that the Catmeil pay
the sum aUla00 to meet
door comp
for ile,cen
al's Herbal Bitt:eRs cures
at Sreeseetneees.
kind,. shoe
offiee ire the
flee: peofits
mire CUP
cohtum, arrival al d dcpateuzs of guests, move. gent& fur
Sena a postal car to the. Toots or Sold a note, """
,Mrg. W. Barra Isla Toronto,
ee Mr. John Stewa. t wee in Lucknow over.
inspector Robb Clinton was in town
this week.
'Mr. Alex. Rit hie spent Sencley in
Miss Roberte arriston is visiting at
Mr. Compete.
Mr, Miles, of W lkerton, is speeding
few days in town.
Mies Carrie M aonald has returned to
school in London.
Mrs. W, Patte son is taking in the
Toronto exhibitio
Miss Mabol 1
Brussels this wee
Mr. Itna
Queene Hill on V
Licence Inspec
detsold and guarantee to bo from e0 to 25
next knock clown is that we will not bo un -
Pee cent lower Mitre the lowest we
ene afford to do We are miannfactiimea
lend sue our ina»y'custoinerra the initidleit
Prat, alweye Vets if not reneated.
jonn 01110,
who require en:eating of any
d not forget thee the Mete
lace o heve it done right and
neistent with lewd worle end
ld's Healing Balsam is a,
for the went cold. At
rug Stom
et -class to:noting and cheap
he place, one door goalie of
grocery store.
Beet Manitoba, maxedi doer at nI.30 per
hundred. 13est Oenerii Flom: at el.50 per
hundred. A. good grale flour celled
at el per hendred. All other flour and
feed in proportion. Jong Cann
Flour end Feed Emporiam.
.A. Peornirtent layer eayst
"I have eight ohildr \every one in good
health, not ono of wh but has taken
Scott's Emoleion, in hie rnii wife has
boundless confidence.'
Oft our feet agaio having been
prices, We were born in th liiilsiness. Like
it and intend to stay with* itvl• the up-
shot of it all is that WO are -elN,ng retail
Wien was visiting in at wholesale prices. A good 1 or at :one
dollar per hundred. Gor be4 Ontario
flour at I)1.10 and oin: best Manitoba mixed
ltinoc.r.Ross will drive to
at 71.60 per hundred. These are knock
o'r Pai810Y, of Clinton (16wn Prices and mean sutulthing and the
Rev. If. E. Mac n and Mrs. Mason have
Aliss Harrison id friend, of Walkerton,
were in town 0111 ednesaay.
to visit with frien s in Ohio, IT. S.