HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-08-28, Page 8Fy ctI (D00 5c. ].M H. 1 gurope. On of hit, daughter" is I Married the Han. Mr, D ben a. mem her of the new Liberal Government atIOttawa; and another is the wife of the Ilon, Mr. Kirkpatrick. Lieu,• tenant -Governor of Ontario. 79 dozen Cotton Hose, ribbed and plain worth. 122-,e., 15c,,18c, and 20c,. Your choice on Saturday for 5 cent$, Don't miss this opportunity, for Saturday only. Sizes 5, 51, 6, 6,41- and jand 7. -r- TWINIgr TIE WINUTIAN TIMES, AUGUST 7tMO. EVERYWIIERE YOU GO,, EVERYWHERE YOU TURN In this store you have to dodge a temptation to buy. The counters and tables swarm with purse -per- suading bargains. Elegant Nest Fall Dress Goods opentn; up at 25e., 35c., 50c. and 75e. per yard, New Fall Mantles now ready for Four Lives Lost. Huntsville. Aug, 22. --Last night about. 11 o`clock this village was visited by fire whish caused the loss of four ,lives and seriously endangers a fifth life. The premises burned were owned and oecupied by Mrs. Quaife, a widow, with whom resided her daughter, Mra. Phillips, widow of the late Bernard Phillips, and her four children. Visiting her also at the time wore Mrs. Spencer Quaife and the Tatter's two children. Short- ly after the occupants of the house had retired an alarm of fire Was given by N;va Phillips. Mrs. Phil- lips and Mrs. Quaife, with maternal solicitude, at once ran upstairs to try to assist their children to escape. They were not seen alive again, inspection at very close prices, selling however, and it is surmised that at $3.50, $5'.00, $7.50 and $10.00. they were overcome by smoke, and An irresistible bargain in Flannel- losing consciousness, perished. All of the other occupants succeeded in I We will send the TIMES getting. out with the exception of to , bona -fide new sub - Mrs . S. Quafie's two children, who scribers from now until perished in the flames, Jessie Phil the first of lips, daughter of Mrs. Phillips, was . burned so badly that her life is in JANUARY 1897 danger. ®97danger. The building being a frame one burned so rapidly that 1 the brigade could do nothing to save , it, and devoted their efforts to saving 95 CENTS the adjacent dwellings, in which �! @07 they succeeded. Jessie Phillips, yotinnest daughter The TIMES is an up -to - of the late. Mrs. B. Phillips, died to- , date paper, all printed ELECTION EX?EI S Ill *Arran or! The Inatrytela 1Aek Sr Till% Con aTr or lir 293 •P Ju. a, 18,90. An &balm of the de tlolnexpeowee Pete the mad elocdot it Telegraph and te1 Livery accoun Rent of hull • or me Printing adrerttet'K.. Postag •,, rera• .Ai eaponses' In TITS Paax IMP Or; TOR togtent of .the *tee. Wald, , enndidato at the Returning Meer: coeunts..... ...,3 $ 91 SO 09 20 00 . 10 OS 11 W 11009 'Mt 42 o v, I Agent. ad at wtnghtknc, 22n4 Jona, 1890. J. A. MO Ninon FARM TO RENT. WINGHAAt Mr. . r-c»i I , CIDER AND JELLY MILLI - THE DIRECT IMPO 'E•R The undersigned intends running the Vingham Cider and Jelly Mill, on Tuesday ttnd Wednesday, August l Bth • THIS ���1; r f� G U R - ^--- and 19th, and August 25th and 0th, 1$90, and everyday following until the end nt the reason. Bring along your apples and get them manufactured int. jelly, 1!i'ASTINGS at RITCHIE. Wingham, Aug. 0th, 3896, A 200 nor farm to rent, well watered and tirst•olass buildings, Apply to box 125, Wingham, Ont. 5 0 MEN WANTED to Subscribe for the H � IS, ettes. Special drives in Boys' School Suits, a bargain at $2.50. New styles in Gents' Soft and Stiff Hats, Ties, Shirts and Collars, New Fall Carpets and Lace Curtains. Large shipment of Boots and Shoes. Gro- cery stock complete with Fresh Groceries. SATURDAY -BARGAIN DAY. 79 dozen Cotton Hose worth 12?,., 15, 18 and 20ets. for 5c.; 20 pieces Wide Lace worth 20, 30 and 40 cts. for 15 cts.; 10 pieces black and color- day at 3 o clock from burns received , • at home. ed Cashmere worth 50c. for 353.• in last night's tradgedy. The lower I :SUBSCRIBE AT ®NCE. 10 pieces black and colored All Wool half of the poor child's body was for the small sum of Serge worth 25 and 30c. for 19c.; frightfully burned. This makes the 25 pairs Ladies' Fine Corsets worth fifth victim of this horrible holocaust. 75c. for 35e.; 50 pairs Ladies' Carpet Q Slippers worth 75e. for 35c.; 10 pieces ONE .167.4)1\ EST /MAN. new Fall Tweeds worth 60c. for 38c • .; DEAR EniTosl:-Please inform your 4 pieces Extra Heavy Table Linen readers, that if written to confidentially worth 55c. for 38e.; 10 pieces Heavy I will mail in a sealed. letter, particulars Shaker L' laitnel worth 10c. for 7c.; of a genuine, honest home euro. by 10 dozen Towels worth 25c. for 18c.; which I was permanently Jeer of e health and manly vigor, after years of 22 lbs. White Sugar, $1.00; 25 lbs. suffering from nervous debility, sexual Coffee Sugar, $1.00; • 50c. Black, weakness, night losses and weak shrunk - Green and Japan Tea, very special en parts. I was robbed and swindled by for 35c. Bargains in all departments the quacks until I nearly lost faith in p , mankind, but thank heaven, I am now on Saturdays, all day. Store closes well, vigorous and strong, and wish to at 7 o'clock, except Saturdays. Pro- make this certain means of cure known cure ticket for free Photos at to all sufferers. I have nothing to bell, alid want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of M. �q (9e MoINJOO'S. man, I an, desirous of helping the un- fortunate to regain their health and happluess, T promise you perfect sec- recy and as I do not wish to expose my - A Mother's Heroism. self.either, please address, simple: P. 0. Box 388, London, Ont. Last Sunday, Mrs. Hubble, wife of ---- . a farmer living near Deer River, in Dr. E. Adams, Reeve of Embro, is out Chandos Township, and her two as an independent candidate for the daughters went to the river to bathe, vacant seat . for North Oxford in the One of the daughters was teetering: Ontario Legislature, in opposition to Mr. on a board, which overhung. the , Pattullo. �.d PARIS GREE NEW IMPORTED MANTLES fir, Are opened up and we will be pleased to show them to all in-. , tending buyers. They are very stylish -are the newest designs I -and of excellent materials. Still the prices place them with- in the reach of all. We can give you a very nice serviceable garment for--- � $3.75 AND $4.00 i But if you want a better Mantle, we have them in abundance. Do not think of going away or sending away to the city for your Mantles or Capes for we can give you better value in new fashionable garments than you will get in the city. You can i help your own town by buying at home. 'Please call and inspect our stock. COLIN A. CAMPBELL,. 1) M CORDON The Direct bupurter, Wingham. k ' G7 If] TELEPHONE DRUG STORE [� f' 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, - e, I �1 ONT. OVO OKS river, and slipped in. The mother Senator Lougheed has introduced a plunged to the rescue, and immedi- a bill to amend the insurance act, which provides that all polimes of insurance ,tely the other daughter swam t0 negotiated by United Sta„eo companies ',her mother's assistance, in Canada shall be payable its legal ten. - The mother and daughter became der of the Dominion. -exhausted, and the mother, fearing President dclen7.ie of the Toronto. her weight would drown the other Railway Company informed the commit - swimmer,. pushed her away, and bid- '•G .ding her good-bye, sank to her nee as a condNtion of a Susudsy oar•17 .death., service. The Seri whom the mother was t\ 9r, Nicholas Awre1-. Ro�istrar of '171. t.� SUITS AT LESS Ti -IAN COST. lir �1 "' .r v returned •r � from y�' England. and the: remains of hie wife. • 1.1 Jack -at -all trades don't count for much. That's the We sell everSithing required for a eoMplete secret of success at (fid ] A Specialist is at the head of every branch of busi- and SLATES. :� ness. We've increased our facilities for the. GJ ..LL [Vorld, school outfit. TEXT BOOKS, in every branch, COPY BOOKS, PENCILS, PENS, RUBBERS tee et Council that the comp+ny won)dl `not submit to a payment of ektra mile-N�i e Lr11 u SCRIBBLING BOOKS 5 c2 9 IJ rf� aki . � . . lothln A patent BOOK COVER given away with tij very school book purchased from us. it We have had to do it. Our business continues to grow, and no wonder. We buy cheap. We turn over a large 0 stock in a year, at small profits and so we can make it go S 1 W i:Tno�v �� f and for ourselves. CALL AT THE POPULAR BOON • I�, or you 't, r` a� x. OSS.. •P. - - There is economy in buying u i�u �?r�a ra�uf1iC? 7�T��,uaSALE u a�rur� CiC7 r�lu7 tl �'t BIG SAG RI IG ,'', trying to save, was also drowned. Wentworth Ocie nt-. t led • 1 ' ilii The bodies were recovered Sun- day evening, in 20 feet of water, who died and was em"a'tt,ed in his STOCK MUST BE; R 'DITCED. rs ?J absence. were removed from the vault. ''�J_� F.•G-=-1 to the cemetery chapel. COMMON our Ill Clot ..•..FROM US-• r7 J lr r GEO. H. IRVI �l Death. of a Senator. NJ171 1 J aarC/Ld Tut" TAILOR, �r11 . The telegraphic despatches Friday r' meKa:.zne.--In teen •hair,. on > ugust Pias bought T Leslie's Merchant Tailoring,business ata 11:11,1 Opposite Bank of Hamilton. WINGHAM, ONT. c'- afternoon announce the sudden death 2:rth thrl wife of Mr. D. Mcilennte: a s+on. sacrifice and has removed to his old stand opposite the LJ ' (1 grt,t,rl ' of Sir David Macpherson, while at ; :Dct.r,.�ttn -In Wingham ons Angust::lr Queen's hotel. This is a genuine sale of first-class goods, ti L�� ns� ,� �r ���;ill.I> r.T .�--�e;.., e, ter- , �r- J C sea enroute from Europe to attend to 2Gth the wife of Mr. Joseph Dullard ; a► it his Parliamentary duties at Ottawa. son.' L!; j no cheap goods got .up for advertising purposes. The The deceased statesman had al- '•. r.,i.pTT-In Ingersoll, on Aug. most reached the age of 78 having the wife of 12r. R. Elliott; a son. sotip been born in Inverness, Scotland on Sept. 12, 1818. He came to Canada in 1835, and having married the the daughter of Mr. William Molson of Montreal, began business as a railway contractor, being partner of the firm of Gz:,wski & Co. In this and other business he was very successful and amassed a fortune. He was interested in and a direc- tor of many financial institutions. t From 1864 to the Uaion lie was a j member of the Legislative Council. of Canada, for the Saugeen division, i and in 1867 he was called to the Senate of the new Parliament then i established. For many years Sir David took much interest in public affairs. At one time he was Speaker of the Senate, and in the troublesome times of the Northwest Rebellion he Was Minister of the Interior. Ile VOW an ardent Conservative, but Utterly he has taker little part in the r t.nagenient of tile -Tarty, and has ,de,d. quietly in the south of 'WILL CURE OR RELIEVL INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING OP THE JAUNDICE, HEART, ):RYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF" VIE SALT RHEUM, STOMACH. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS OF'THE ISADACRE, SKiN, BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, YSPEPSlA, DROPSY, ' And avers' seeded of dimmed St' s' from disordered PER, KIbNET!'$, BTO1'000. SOULS OR •31.0011." _r1 largest stock of woolens in town to choose from. Give us C Pa call. The prices will interest you. . r_ 1 �, so a u ine o en's urnis ings at ow prices. sl CLH 1� GEO. C A : 9 : G T. Leslie's Old Stand, Wingham. ,,,,,,,,_,_,,,,,,..-,,,,,,,-,,iit 7r.��,- irYw�lr �lr -1ti7-G��.t�c 7=..tr »5 rr w Al fill f TVI F h 1 it I have no time just now to compose an ad., but if you want a PIANO, ORGAN, SEWING MACH- INE, WASHING MACHINE, WRINGER, BIND- ER, MOWER, SEED DRILL 'or anything in the implement line. Remember I am ahead of all opposition with the largest and best assorted stock of the best goods in the west. I keep re- pairs by the ton for all leading plows. Office and warerooms opposite P. O. T• 9r reO b Agent for Farm Implements. P. S. -Have' 13 yellers experience in the business. c��J•. ]3 'I1 T .2 , 1111=1.- .. GQI_" Is a Business or Shorthand Course in the FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, London, On, New and elegant aportments are being prepared for us in the now Y. M. C. A. building. The whole of the third floor has been leased from the Directors for a term of years. With increased facilities and revised and strengthened course, we should easily maintain the reputation earned as being the Model Business Training School of Canada. Drop us a postal for catalogue and particulars. College re- opens September 1st. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal... . IN 'TRE- "ICTING-;RAM TIMES,"