HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-08-28, Page 7HARUISTON.• Tl?�r arriaton Grain Syndicate Java ads large shipments of grain last and this week. They are not Inalciug lnucli. ' The. eleven -year-old on of Mr. • John Grieve, of this town, while wrestling with a companion one day last week bad the misfortune to fret iris arm broken:. On Tuesday, Dowling Sc Leighton's factory hands, together with their wives and families, sweethearts and the old Chief and wife, picnicked at Pike Lake. Mr. John Eakins, one of Harris - ton's earliest and most successful grocers, but for some years past a resident of London, is back on a visit �L to his brother, Mr. Thomas Enkits, 1 and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. George Douglas arrived home from a six week's trip through Mani- toba and•the Northwest,on Thursday ,night last. .Mr. Douglas spent some lime among the ranches and did a little ranching himself. On Saturday night about 11 o'clock the barn of Mr. Armstrong, •ti.. TILE WINO RAM TOMS, AUGUST Toto Feeling Orows Ancient Order of Foresters.. I• IN FAVOR of conn trronaeE AND $70,000,000 Assrr ►. 11lr.'Daniel Wood, Chief Ranger of AGAINST A VAST I'ASSFINGER; SIU - Court Pride of Huron, No. 7865, A, Gedeon Pineault, in. a letter to 0. I�'., has given some interesting Saturday's Globe, says: "P aotical information concerning this old find men here believe that Instead of go- well tried institution. It is now t06 ing in for the fast service the Laurier years old and is not an experiment Government should drop it and spend bp,t. a tied reality, Its nteniberiihip moderate sum in establishing a over 900,000, meeting inc 8,a442 • vIOE, a system of cold storage. Mr. Lockle Courts, tests sectile in t e i Wilson the representative of the surplus of over $70,000,000 of which 0 1 and S. fl ' ay For quick 4 easy wort For c nesst, sweetest ,a, whitest clothes Surprise Is best Best for vc Day For every use about the house Surprise best and cheapest. Sym for yourself. Patrons on the recent deputation, over es , is it , •Died Frohn 'ri.ght, a led His �'+ x%w• talked over m n the Patrons wanted the, s. soeletyii1 Canada hold adily il x+70,18 r firs ". • Aug t 21. ---.Airs. litaritL he Ailsa Craig Banner has the Government to fix filo ocean rates, society • lsuranee carried by Godermh, $1,000 of tt died are frct►u fright, J following interesting write up of tt Fixing Mitransportation •t record possessed by no other , of rt ti►c in recent wedding On .lot „ d b tl a dt'cdvct y s station rates is a task every Chtistila\v e ° Monthly nicht. no Ministry could undertake, any t, ,arc . The cause y. • • is • g , old undertake to fix soeiety in rho world.. 1 he Aneietit herhouse.She noticed the blaze hast the slumbers (:f the peaceful and more than it cor le fat'. al" was £ 1 pct urines trans': Order of foresters is 'wherever the .and called help. rest -loving inhabitants of Ailsa Craig It would. o o sic r, when were distnib ported. possible cautiful ritual, liberal k last . Was ust taken out + oyesnmen , . aiding the steamship companies to and funeral beneli.Is, it is ag boon to Airs. Christfli►+v fell ever dead. to g e plan x a , or something of that sort. Ocean world, i $9 every minute, and bers of some wrecked, menagerie tut j The Biggest Ifnostrn Hog. which itis now alleged were the l rates may be reduced to some extent' benefits over f I d •ed(more of less by modifying the tariff so as to allow 1.yet added the it►ag•nifleent sum of I There is a hog on exhibition attempts t d the I - :l with full Noma- � °� , I�auf man � , sulky the price n the eom_ .+ i ld b $$lore for the of Britain has -been ' unfurled. being saved by neighbors and the a sufferer from Heart Cx t however, in return for ed by unearthly '�'eHs cat- calls, druin•solos on ancient tin cans varied with doleful and dis-; cordant noises, which were supp(' ed 1 at the time to be made by the Mein- Government, ein- With it b its f 1 last article ` a ,it St ac perfect their cold storage, to claim sound insurance , lead been the right of fixing maximum rate 'the working plan throughout the diseasea Last year it paid out m ' •1 l other'de i eteamel stat ••7••••••.••••• • •l��••• • • •••• e,,,�t,eZZef for •• ,.%ZZng • o Trozzbles '� • • •�%� EMULSION•: • 1 In CONSU,IIrTION and all /ENO• a DISEASES, $pianism oristoolo, u GOIrGi[r IONS OF APPETITE, 't' at t1 is o f one run t i►EtsIL1T7 . lire benents of iilt9 1 13a 53 CO its i:nniense reserve' , Texas according to the I youths to sing; some wtlri •e t ®articiear, the blandest. 1, pistols By the aid of The "D, k L" Emulsion I base got National Provisioner, which, is per• 1 constable. othes grasped iea that the *rid ora hacking lug oou"h wld,b hnd trou{ied mefor haps, the largest living hog in the and clubs withries a hunk. gnd Leve gained trou 1ed2ne in Fifty years of success in curing Diarnc�oa, r,p eight. Inked this hitaulsion ao troll I +pas gl a 411111 Dysentery, Cholera, Oolio, Cramps. Bowel P ® • when the time camp around ioaake t ). • i fall eau known world.. It is four years old,. I�'eniaris were coming, i b • Robert T. Ir. wlNGILt , C.Ii.,Montreal. • situated about a mile the side bound as it stands, the N. •of Marden, was struck by lightning P. discourages cargoes from England and burned to the ground, together co g s c to the export rate. *With the contents consisting of eleven £ an pigs, four calves, and all this summer's crops. On Saturday, August lst, Jacob EIaester, a wealthy farmer living on the 18th concession of Minto, had a calf die upon his farm. It was too late to skin the dead animal and It was left over until Monday morning, -when Mr. Haester proceeded to skin, it himself. In the process be inflicted a slight cat on the calf of his leg and thought nothing of it. On Thurs- day the leg began to swell and pain considerable. Dr. Crandell, of Clifford, was sent for, who, as soon as he saw the leg, told the unfortun- ate man to get his will made. Five l considering astse theyenormous emann'distances other doctors were summoned and con t dads aver 1 d r all declared that even taking off the I leg would not save him, and the and us a Complaints of sler'e ane , But the notion amongfarmers a j P and was raised in. Robertson count 'was only a eat 1+. stamp • Dr. bowlers Dxtract of Wild ago, retail, r+}lose first wife 50c. and stnrrBottle cattle men that the steamship coin- 1 Strawberry as the best remedy in the Texas. When sold, six months a„o, DAVIS& LAWRENCE CO., Lro., MONTREAL ponies.eis wholly growing unf inch at then ex market. It saves children's lives. 1 the hog weighed 1,43.0 pounds. This I died on the '7th of July Nat , o A IS ��•EN� ,•• ®'• tense is unfounded. Two of Cows and Dairying. . ' hog is eight feet three inches long, found two whole weeks of single the companies have had a very There is a field for interesting.• four feet one inch high, measures six lilesseclness two rnuelt for his con- ar , speculat Norwegian in the Thee. of the feet around the ne., prevailing around the body and{twenty-three of August hadet • stitution and nthe espou ed night of the Mrs Jane type Norwegian cattle. P type e isa cetwasly ryrs The feet around large thes those forearm, of a corn- Craiglsisterbof buxom tthWidow1 to Prof'es or tiered that those ports are open t e semblance was very"striking. ycar rgond, and that the volume of head and upright horns, long, thin mon ox, and' the leg bone larger McDonald, of Itiairn. The nuptial ocean-going traffic reaching them Is I neck and west a-sha ed body, and than that of the largest steers. He knot was tied at tbe Methodist par - while than the g P y. 1 sonage, and a two dollar bill to the far and away „ i spotted colors, with white prer+ailiug, is Poland China and Red Jesse volume reachingd Montreal,o ,while l apt once fix the observer's .attention. He eats corn like an ox, takes the l "boys'''secured peace and quietness their pilotage and other chal•ges are � hismouth at once and for the newly wedded pair. less inproportion. e' for Canadian rail rated, they are' about as low eat- different experience. If New or Boston rates are often lower than Canadian rates, it should be remem- bered different result WKS that he died on Friday and was buried on Sunday last. CONQUESTS FOR MEDIC11t SCIENCE. A Bad. Heart—Chronic Catarrh— Vanish at the Touch of Dr. Agnew's Wonderful Cures. laI tried Dr. Agnew'$ Cure for the i to- ay. 1 su T 1 bilious fever so much that I was out .of my se with the s en..e population to draw freight from. All these matters will be reviewed, however, by Alr. Fisher, a practical farmer himself, and his brother - fanners may rely that he will do the best that can be done under the circumstances. Thankful to B. B. B. Dain Sats,—I am thankful to Burdock Blood Bitters that I ani strong and healthy ffered from Biliousness. and cows have splendid udders, whole ear in mon t Mr. James Mc' ill, of Hallett, near I 'th yellow skin and well developed eats the cob as well as the corn, corn wr , to ordinary 'nkr from forty to fav ears o C ta,nce has ti squash that pro- I Heart and obtained immediate relief. have taken four bottles and now amo. •entirely tree from everysymptom heart trouble, and I hope that this statement may induce others troubled as I was to give this most valuable remedy a trial," writes Thomas Petry, of Aylmer, Que.. You can readily verify. any testimonial quoted in commending' this wonderful discovery of modern medical science. Thousands have tested its curative qualities atter having "doctored” for years and were pronou• nc- mind night after eight, but I am now ntirely cured by the use of two bottles of B. B. B. NEnnIE 1. Ki by P.U., Ont. �. RRAY �� `�i MAN'S FLORIDA WATER teats, touch superior ing E G �y Ayrshiies, Among these are other at a time. There seems to be no', raises to surpass all former monsters .;'4v eer�sT. animals whose colors resemble the surplus flesh on him, and physicians el of that species of vegetable, and one ��%'mess rnklIANT are often horn who have examined the ho„ sap 001 that would prove a worthy attrac +to„T ra-RE54iiNG Guernseys. These .l• •, •h o, At.a. less, and are quite a puzzle to me. can easily .be made to reach 2,200 c tion at the coming fairs. When Air•. 1 any i n THE McGill measured it this week be `. PLRF UM s F.oR But those resembling Ayrshire$ seem pounds. Tim present owner paid h 10 ciid has been reached the immense '' r : 7 r' to declare that they and the Soots �„�200 foi$1,500 the log, found it to have tell :..,. �• 1 00 for him He has a t sic feet anti it is still '-;���`'` ancestry. May not policyd reached g =' 1 vine as are full cousins and have a common offered ,� proportions o . the old Vikings fire on the animal for $5,000. I rowinc at such a rate as to be ,• have taken their cows across to No other hog it is said evera ' almost visible. On the same�� arra,, •=.n ri7rr„���, t. Scotia us well as their horses to the such tremendous proportions. this one are a number of others all aid, �xl� „r state lll9i i Shetlands? That the nearest districts measuring from four to six feet in 1 �' of Scotland • are now occupied by i Charged with Embezzlement. 1circumference, and they were all -- How to Escaper Lightning. Here are some seasonable "Don'ts” for use in thunderstorms. Remem- ber that the dangers from lightning based on well known physicial ed hopeless cases. If ae a last resort it ;art • has proved such a boon, what sufferings' causes. Lightning is merely eleIts ct], be spared if, when the slightest '• city ' in a stateed of explosion. e on. Its uneasiness at the heart is experienced,1 freaks, So , Dr. Catarrh --"I I Heartshouldlunot feel o were tried. seemingly unexplanable, are really doing amy duff did I not recomment d was I founded on physical laws and condi- Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to every ode,," I tions. These laws and conditions writes George Lewis, Shamokin, , ,are simple, but for pay very yaheed ande think that an average of 80 ri t probably, few persons every 100 whose eyes will meet thisee is to p lesser or greater degree affected by to them whenrant c heavens uphe upheaval burst and a is onlyone forth in a T this insidious disease. There' keel arrows of Jove shoot overhead sate, sura and harmless cure se s Ifo the rate w of Jove miles a second. •light's Catarrhal Powder. No case so I at rules based on licond. useehtthe that you can afford oca to neglect o remedy. No case o acute or I ing followingacourse,are worth past - deep seated that it will not relieve and ing in your hat r stowing away :absolutely cure; no catarrh remedy has somewhere ill a mental pigeonhole. worked such marvellous oodxead�of it, j remedy has m had has much g ' the high endorsation l Don ti crawl into a feather bed; beds and the remedy s and have oftett1beenstru bylightning. aof medical trot hotel it enjoy , a crowd; crowds Doti t stand in Don't lean rilesa while Dr. , your case is not hof attract electricity. sinew's Catarrhal Cure is to be had• ; lightning has ' Do Lightning Rods Protect? I against an iron p'liras The • Mitchell Advocate says t-- j;an affinity for iron. Don't sit by an 4,‘Many have lost confidence in the l open window; lightning comes in at Arany rods since in open widows. Don't wear corsets; bfficacy of lightning an became known that the barn es destroyed! lightning.eorset Don't sit in fraffinity nt t of an for Lehman, Huron road, \v lightning has by lightening a few weeks ago, : open fire -place; g although rodded. Enquiry into the i g reat attraction for fire -places. Don't Matter, has led to the dis-1 sit under a chandelier. Don't go matter, however, lightning always covery that the rods were very much !into a cellar; e g tnin g toI the out of order, and that one of thein ; follows the pip was actually rounoff n this shape `l tthe w nd Don't rling past the big build- feet from the ground. danger of ling makes a path for thunderbolts. a building runs greater cin struck by lightning than if no ; Don't year concludercheap jewelry; elec brass 16 being and to this over ' an easy In rods were in use, be surely' fact, it is safest to wear no metallic ,sight, we think, mayI .attributed Mr. Lehman's loss. Mr.. appendages. Clegg, who has done an immense' Think It Over• amount.of coding this year, informs i s he hasp never rodded, of 1 with Veuehia record, etr oures knew Hotel's I� building, when properly rodde , 1 Serseparilla? Dont y injured by liglitbning, and this Hood's Sarsaparilla; the One True Blood See i Pariiier, hasp is as well as other , that is has power to cure, oven atter all .seams to be the opinion of the best j roved over and over again, • authorities in this t•h•-•+ • wont however, ;other reined' s cnk© It a have ri gftPa la counties. Itnr t ' after blood you may grid Carelessly.. t not ioolling I with the utmost confidence that it will repairs, often 1,. ,,IA to fires and then do you good, the fault is 1^I\' attributed. to Hood's Pills assist digestion. 25 c's. :something cite. Highland and Polled -Angus. cattle, ; while the Ayrshire district is farthest . 1 xpert Auditor Edwards, of away, has no bearing upon the ques- Toronto, has just completed an . ex - tion, as these localizations are'quite amination of the of books of Gueh, and City Treasurer Harvey, modhrn. P The. dairy interest is very import- acting on informi�vioon furnishedr amprc�on by antto es the Norwegians, as the oun- the by Saturday tor, swore out two informations - theircs are largely supportedthe treasurer, first, with .their cattle. Cheese is cne of their charging chief articles of food, only contesting the embezzlement of $$175.16 from primacy with the fish from the fiords the itao9th 1888,ni and rivers. aaowby March, in con - The farmers of the valleys often vection with the sale of the Guelph have high mountain pastures, where Junction railway bonds, and wliehith the cattle are driven for summer it is alleged, Mr. Harvey app feeding, like the Alps in Switzerland. his own use; and seoond, the embez Here are houses called "saeters," zlement of various sums of money where those who attend the'eattle amounting in all to some $10,000. live and make the cheese. High up i The preliminary trial will take l on the mountaln3 we went into these place on Saturday. and found tidy girls prepairing the ! Some time ago Mr. Harvey hand - curds and pressing the cheese by ; ed over securities to the t Council ., to being stones that atturnfi' hutt withht a , the the value of seinee of property, in view of turf supposed root' and a fire without a claim -'the revelations of Auditor Powis' ney would be a poor cheese room, I report. Whespecial pc alt Was i drum d Ed but I saw stow clean such ayplace wards gotwork, may be and how cleanly are all the i wisest by the CoC ouicil his toeuo suspend.Mr. faesurp s• Ine thismresaces,I have these] saidvtl atpending the defalcations charged t. It is far surpass the similar pl seen in Switzerland. The 'cheese' will run that some r.$20,00 .arvey basis retained thus made is of excellent quality and 1 stood commands good prices, while it - counsel for \,he defence, and will fight furnishes an excellent accompani- I the present charge. went to the coarse "flat bread" of 1 the upon peasants' fare.—James Wood, in tee l s a visitwee f oar the lik we are ed tnonstto Country Gentlemen. record in the taking away ' of Mrd•. Collins of this village whose spirit grown from one seed. of big sgo rill will hare to bustle up 1 or Mr. McGill will leave thein all in the cold. The growers Shipping Live Fowls. To put a lot of fowls into a well - made coop, on it warm day, and send them to a distant market, is to incur a risk of loss. There is nothing saved by utilizating every square inch of space, for when the coop 's crowded the fowls must remain where they happen to be in the coop when the car is in motion, hence they can get no water nor do they know there is water at the other end (of the coop. A large number of the live fowls that reach the market lose took its flight from this world of care on Tuesday morning, The remains were taken to Atwood on Thursday. The bereaved family have the sym- pathy of all in their affliction.— Vidette. On Monday two boys, Geo Hud- son and John Bonfield the elder being only eleven, called at Miller's stables and said that Hudson's mother wanted a horse and buggy. The outfit was handed over, but it not being returned in the evening a call Was made on Mrs. Hudson, who +deot - Ny . V., FAMILY KNOW NOV: THAT 4.710) Is a ver;, romaritaole romedy, both for IN- •TE)1t --' a.nd EXTETNAi, uce, and won- derY.l in its quick action to relieve distress. weight on the journey*, while wit ielaimed all knowledge of ordeim„ them are quite a number of dead the carriage. The telegraph was ones. __ then used, and the boys traced from While 011 the way to sit Mrs. Clinton to Seaforth and finally to Wh t, Mrs. Wm. Lucknow, where they were appre- 1! 'French on Thursday last, bonded. On Wednesday the little I doper, of using , was overcome by ones were before the P. AL, charged i lie heat causing a rush of broad to with stealing a horse and buggy, and were remanded to Friday for further evidence.---Goderich Signal. I is a sore cure for Sero Throat, Coughs , Chills.T+>ierrtaa•n, Dysentery, Crauiva, Cholera, amt g,dI 1 aou..1 eotuplututs. lR PAIN -KILLER ALFA: is known BERT 5e21 lSttiinNei 0LCcor c,Slouuasu and Neuralgia. PAIN-KILLER TER is r sQREST1�i:AA,.Y file lV- ; WEST IllallIE14T DIA PEI. Iti1'ln-^S Frt.EDY AND rE1t4IAlIEnT EELIFY to all roses of urtaises, Cuter ,Drainer Severe Elicits, eta. P1y�,rq I A ' 'R is the 'well tried n 1 lis 'iA. 'I, trusted friend andlln Mechanic, warmer. 'Planter. Suitor. ilArrtseIlyrtela&1 Inters/any 'with Cal0 certainty o f relief. e Bowan, of Imitations. Take none but the. utile.u� . rMtRY DAVIE." sold everywhere; Vnuv LARGE BOTTLE•1, 50 C s TS the head, She is now suffering aom. the effects'which has Caused pr tial blindness. nlocks C ell the clogged :avenues of the Dowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually, without weakening the system, all the impuri- ties and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correct- ing Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ouaness, Dyspepsia, Headaches,Dizziness, Heartburn,Constipa- tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision. Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and Cenral Debility; all these and many other similar complaints yield to the 'happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD SITTERS. T,, SNE by sal bretdlt►r TAMED RN aDat yoRoK7C EDEN. riEiiLe RS. C" ► 41 z R•I•P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi - eine: Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. DO 'S Sidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Xidney remedy iu pill form, the euros they have made, and the lame they have attrtned have opened the way for a Bost of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been cured of E Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine, those whose lame back is now free from pain, triose who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the use of Doan's Kidney xe ELLS are the ones whose opinion is valuable, When scores of such people come forward and tell publiely Doan's Kidney cured them aftertotherr means failed, itille li>t evident that the only Cx,4aE , for Sidney Disease, Bladder end Urinal" difficulties, Lame Back, and the number, loss results of discitidered gidneys is Doan'%: gidney Pills. Bo sure to gab Doan's. Price fifty cents per boa, For sale b