The Wingham Times, 1896-08-28, Page 4THE W TND. xAM TIMES, ATUGIJST 28, 18 6.. E1 WILLIAMS :EXIST -- AND. — DRUGGIST. Wr gather from Sir Charles Tap• per's speech on Monday, that lie is not infallible after all and that be is like the rest of us, capable of snaking mistakes, and sometimes very great ones, lie frankly admits that he was wrong' on the school question. He said: "I am free to confcse that 1 entirely overrated the importance of this question, In the light of what to 1•, 17l has occurred I am in a position AUT. Gs N. W. TELEGRAPH CO frankly admit that I greatly ove rated the importance of this questio of remedial legislature, ii * app. Brunswick HouSe. I bad the conviction that it would be the cause: of deep resentment on the part of the great beefy of Boman Om Catholics if the Parliament refused to carry out the law and cetrstitution as expounded by the highest tribunal in the Empire. * * * * I can- not but feel that it is not unlikely that it will be much, more difficult in the future to induce gentlemen to sacrifice their own judgment to some extent and the feelings of their con atituents to somite extent to maintain a policy, that, when subjected to the test of actual experience is not found to have the importance attached to it that it was believed it should have." What is this but a co/IR:Is- let/that the Conservative party"' bid for the Catholic vote in their dogged determination to pass this bill. Sir Charles was convinced that the Catholics would greatly resent it it Parliament refused to pass sash legislation and in order to hold their resentment in cheek, he "sacrificed his own judgment, to some extent, he "sacrificed the feelings of his own constituents to some extent." and be- cause they did not snap at the bait then comes all this post-election howl of French domination. IN last week's issue we published a summary of the changes in thenew school regulations. It must be evi- dent to anyone who has given the subject thought, that there are too many changes in the course of study for the senior forms of the public school and in nearly all the high school course. We cannot understand why so many changes are necessary. The time for experimenting should be * Hingham, , a ktittOam 'gimes !!`#tIDAY AUGUST 55.180G. MDITORI:,L NOTES. Is the North Grey victory an evidence of French domination? Tim Tupper, Wallace, Binning - %pi, Macdonald, Taylor eombinatfon idtlet work. Tan bottom seemed to have fallen dot of the Wa,'lace boom in North Grey, almost before it was begun. THE results of Tuesday's elections were most satisfactory. Hon. Wm, Patterson has a majority in North Grey of 420, and the Hon, A. I3. Blair 694 in Queens and Sudbury, N, B. le Loom, BUYERS are shipping lambs to Bt}ff'alo and obtaining much better prices than they could in any Cana- dian market. This does not look as though it would be aa unmixed evil were better trade relations ex- isting between us and our neigh- bors. Tnn formal opening of Parliament took place Thursday marked by a brilliance beyond that of any session for a long time. The fashionable ladies of the capital and several passed and pu pils beginning in the from other cities and rural eonstitu- lower forms with a certain goal in cosies gracedille occasion with theirview at the end of a Nur or fire presence bedeeked in their rich and I yegi'st.e Ur.6e, should have an accur- ate summer gowns, lending ate knowledge frora the beginning, of an added charm and impressiveness*hat studies they' will be required to the function, Hon. J. D. Edgar I to take to reach that goal. If Mr, Hugh John Macdonaldis cote pleased the French members very • trectlyreportedinhisChatworthspeeeh much by repeating his first address 1 as referring to the 4e11001 question it as speaker in French after delivering was certainly an unfortunate and it in English. Possibly no speaker 1 unstatesmanlike utterance:, He is of the House of Commons ever before ' credited with havingsaid that at elected bas been more acceptable to first he declined office tender Sir Charles Tupper, but at last yielded ~then Sir Charles pointed out that he (Sir Charles) had never said"no" to the late Sir John Macdonald when the latter was in trouble and new that he appealed to his son, the son should not forget Sir Charles Tupper's loyalty to his father. This decided hint and though he was still in favor of national schools, he felt constrained under the circumstances to forego his own views on account of 11 •the members, irrespective of political bias, than Hon. J. D. Edgar, M. P., for West Ontario. Even Sir Charles Tupper who has seldom been known :.o say a sweet thing of a political apponent said he believed the duties )f the high office of Speaker would me discharged with great ability and Impartiality. Itl;r>:ER; No to the cry of Quebec 1-ornination The Mitchell Recorder lays:—"Take the ease on other Sir Charles Tupper's appeal. Ac- `'Iround, of nationality or religion cording to this statement Mr. Mac- donald room. or `mac willing to sacrifice the is own ovine. ad fo =cession for the cry that is now place intereon llests ofrmwht t he conscientiously reins, made the satn, substance and believed to be a harden and an iu- hadow of the Tory party campaign justice, all for the sake of helping the lftc, 4f ill, Quebec representation friend of his dead father. Such a course could be dictated only ,aurier And Tarte alone lire French i by a perverted notion o£ moral duty. aid Catholic, Mr. Fisher is English i Too much of that sort of thing has nd Protestant; -Mr, Fitzpatrick, is,characterize the actions of the per - deli and Catholic, and Mr. Joly, sons at the head of the Conservative 'rench and ?retest int, Of those i parby during the pest years. Prin- fithout ,portofolio Mr. Geoffrion is l ciple, justice:, cou:itry have been sold :Tench and Catholic. Mr, Dobell is in order to reward fri iidd nglish and Protestant, while Mr. !until honest, upright Conservatives nett Is Irish. If this representation !have refused to Acknowledge such 4 indicative ref French domination, P leaders and have united in demand - that would you call the old state of!ing that they be turned out of office. Maim when there were four or five Fweight Fronchmnen and Catholics in sleep l fined By Eating Sand. 1 7e Cabinet of Macdonald; ` Thoinp- ; Ridgetown, Aug..25.—(Special.)--,• en or Rowell, led by Langevin or !Dr. David. Green, veterinary surgeon • iapleau fe 'Mere is yeti another was called the other day to see a ,.mint. Why raised a howl about flock of sheep, Solite eighty in num- attholfe Laurier as the dangerous her owned by Louis Leland of Atd- sad of a very dangerous Cabinet;r borough Townsnip, The majority 'hen it is but two short years since of them had been ailing for a week far more extreme Catholic held or so previously, and a number had slime office in the person of Sir ' died presumably of cholera. Dr. n Thompson ? The Liberal Green dissected several of the dead never raised even a whisper sheep and found from one to one and nit Mr Thompson because of his a half pints of sand in the stomach •m. `Why do the Tories raise and intestines of each, which had set wi now agaitlst Mr. Laurier be- up a violent infianlatim of the inner of hie?' lining of the 8f011111 eh and intestines, producing death, The presumption is that the recent heavy rains had washed up quantities ot'sand mi the blades of grass and thus inflicting the injury from whieh so many sheep have died, In the same section many cattle have died from the same cause, The doctor thinks that great ears should be taken, during such heavy storms, of sheep and cattle, TOWN of WINGHAIVI To VIE OwNlsns OIr 'Imp j,?nor :wrza5 ALONG 'rua WI3bT SION OP „ JOSBYIIIHI: STUNNT Ii>•.rwla3N PAraro): AN)> Aran, u STiori:sY ANA ALONG JUI EAST SIDI; OP ,)OSHPIIINN Srai,r:T B1;Tniar:N P.tinrcl: Brains ANO TM: GUANO 1:UNK IIAILw.1Y, TAKE rloTiOE that the MurO'pnl Council of the Corporation et the ToWn of with:ham intends to Construct concrete sidewalks along the said west Sitio of Josephine street and along tike s+id least side of Josephine street between Patrick street end the Omni Trunk itaiirray, between Vatrick and 4Ifre streets, and to assess the (loud costes Hereat ups :n properties frontial; thereon and to be b .Sated thereby, arecrdlu;r to the cost I'd the te in front showing the ruents, and the ar as they cao be sad assessment roll, the flier, of the Muni. of each property, and that stet+uaun lends liable to pay the 111 Id ass unmes of the owners ther ,f, ascertained from the has t are now filed in the odic o cipality nod are open fu inspection Elu434401 odice hours, The ascertained cost el the, proposed work is $031.43 and the estimated. "coat of the rirape,rhy worse alOnl; the. East silo of Josephine street is 3i439.3,2 and for the pnrpese• of paying the 1141110 dcbet:tures shall be honed ppayubl, in fifteen eyunl annual payments, convepintr both principal and inter'eat, and 010 atsnunk of said payments skull he raised IV a sperle, atmtutl'a'ssessolent nn the void properties, according to the cost of the work in trout attach property as store-eht. A Court of Rerisiob will he held on Tuesday at IQ o'clock in the forenoon, he the Council Chamber In the said Town, fur the parpn.c of hearing complaints alrain,t tie prepnscd 1:ssesslneuts, or accuracies of the frontage myaeurementa, or 1.ny other complaints Which persons intoru'ted missy desire to snake and which is cognizable by the Curt. J. i3. Fl,lliGOSOl4, Clerk, Dated at winghatn tido 17th day of August MO. WINGHAM ATHLETIC GROOM COMPANY (Limited.) TAKE NOTIOS that the annual &meting of the share t.hien o a Wing. ham Athletic GrounCo, , nnited,)will be held at my ofii e i %he Town of %Yingharn, on Mo + . , the ?th day of September, A. r t X896, at the hour of 7.30 p. m., to receive the report or the Directors for the past yeltr, • to elect Directors for the ensuing ye..r and for the 'transaction of such ,other husinests ae. may collie before the meeting. Dated at Winghatu this 25th day of August, 1896. R. VANSTONE, Secretary of the Company; HOLSTIEN DAIRY IS 1KE.EE TO STAY. lye under.tand interested parties are'sEtroaiiiliq the report • that we are not likely to be long• in tie business. we ben to assure thepeople of Winphant that wo 116111 marked in the milk bnsinesv to stay, that we art increasing our business aai►y,• th ti our anlik is clean and pure. Our cuatnaeea are nor beat reeinrmendation, • • SEED WHEAT.. subscriber hada quuntit of the famo . "Dawson's Golden C aft" fall wheat r sale. Price per t ushel, 90 cents. '1' following is tali _ from they 'Guelph A• 'cultural Ce ege report: "Dawson's a Iden Chaff stauds'first in yield of grain er acre among all the varieties tested. In 1 •5 it yielded 48 bushels per nor: 1894 it gave 18 bushels per acre In than the average of the eight}' r 1 les testo', and 5 bushels per acro mor= than the variety which stood ne t below in yield. The Dawson's Got.en Chaff i• suite distinct from all o ler verities own, heads bald, and ite in color. 141 straw is medium i length and the op has a golden • pearance. It is unit 'mously prono ced•the most attractive ariety at th' station by five judges a o ex• ant: • -d the standintr (main, Pftirrlit Creast, Lot 26, Con 7, Calross, •• .Teeswnter, P. SPECIAL. GUNS, RIFLES. - AMMUNITION. CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, I3BLT.[NG and FITTINGS, MAdrt N olts, PORTLAND CEMENT; CALCEMINE PLASTER, WHI=TE LEAD and OILS, E3UILDERS • HARD WARE, LEH iGH VALLEY COAL, A.t ra SIZES S i N STOCK. J. CLEOC & CO>1, .Hardware Merchants Suceossoi s to J. A. Cline & Ce, 1AB1 E'T P0itTS. WINGIIIBEAaI, Wingl)1In, August 37th, 1890. Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 the 1 75 to 1 00 a`sll wheat,.,,,, 0 00 to 0 91 Spring Wheat 9 00 to 0 61 Barley.: k , • f. 0 50 to 0 20 . F3�k.,r/�',,g0 50 to 0 55 Peas.,,..,.,.:,,.,,. ,, 0 40 to 0 40 Butter,,,,, , 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen........ �. , , . 0 08 to 0 08 Wood per cord , , , , , , , . , , , 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per tonompo tt 8 .00 tole 90 Potatoes, per .bushel, old0 10 to 0 15 T ow, per Ib 0 4 tc 0 4 Dried Apples, per Ib,,,,,,,, 0 31, to 0 21 Chickens .. 0 20 to 0 25 DuQ1te 0 40 to 0 00 Geese 0 b to 0 5 Turkeys., .... 0 7 to 0 8 Dressed Hogg ., 4 75 to 4 80 ' li)latr..,. fik QtaittWillefilelliessealeletelaelloisteesieleseileairteliWir CLEARING PRICES' To make room for more GT -7,00 G EO. GOOD. CLOTHING N. IT PAYS TO ? 01.11CYPIIIINTal OL.OTEti1& ---AT TJE-- . 0 JV C2 2 leibetAkeltetaeorelfebeeela t6.'74Buy your Clothing from John Ruettel & Sons, the CHEAP ANI) FAntous CLOTHING le'''J� HOUSE IN WINGHAM. Already our busi- • ness has doubled since the inhabitants of Wingham and surrounding country have found out that money can be saved by buying Clothing and Gents' Fur- nishings from John Ruettel & Sons. Rich and poor, we treat all alike, One man's money is as good as anothers, If you want to save money and be well pleased with a first-class fit, good work and cheap, John Ruettel & Sons, Wingham, is the place to buy your CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. iq h..l.teat Imminent tofu* la Cmad , andtr tiro mannuement of its founder. STUDENTS EVERYWHERE SUCCESS- FUL. Nettle Park, Windsor, has changed .her position and is now Stenographer for Stanton & Morey, Wholesale ttanufauteriu,r Clothiers, Detroit, Mioh. $10.00 per week, Clifford Yeatoi, Geste, Jost placed as a stone• grapber with Malha.icat Supt. D. L. 4 N., Iona, Mich, Arch. ticYlear Tetrolls, temporarily as steno. gra pher with A, H. t3hsupeesy. Barrister, !otrollo, Eva finance, Kinr:ardi, e. temporarily ar steno. graphes with Sut4,riend, Innen Co., Chatham, EVERY GRADUATE ?LACED IN GOOD POSITION. IT PAYS TO ATT.N) THE BEST. College re epens ter the fall tarns on Tuesday, Sept. I. h''.r 04,11400, addrew. D. bM.LACICLAN t Co., Chathans, Gat' NEW CROP TIMOTHY SEED, AMERICAN 'PLYMOUTH 0 BINDER TWIN., SCREEN DOOR REERIGATOBS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Also full line of BAQUET LAMPS at very low prices. SMITH• & PETHICK,1 BEAVER BLOCK, WINGIIAM, - ONT. A ATER U Y may suit the boys but en older person should have so'nftething better. Our time keepers are of the best reli- able makes and you will not be disappointed when you get one of them, Our stack is always new and of tjie beat quality, and we are selling et prides thet su- nrise even the bargain hunt - ter. Our REPAIRING has always sloken for itself in the past Our work is always satisfactory. PATTERSON. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. We defy competition, Our prices are the lowest any where. We give no credit, hence we can sell you cheap. See our Boys' Summer Coats for 5o Cts.; Our Men's $5 Suits are Worth $8; Our Black Worsteds Suits for $15, made up to order cannot be beat for $20 anywhere else, We keep nothing but the most fashionable goods. I -#ATS, NECKTIES AND SHIRTS. If you want the latest style in Hats, at John Ruettel & Song is the place to get them. If you want a Nobby Necktie the place to get it is at John Ruettel & .:Sons. Shirts, we get manufactured to our own order. They fit, and are made ofthebestmaterialandarecheap. If you have money come to John Ruettel & Sons and buy your Cloth- ing and Gents' Furnishing. Money will do wonders. Money saved is money gained and at John Ruettel & Sons, Wingham, you can save it. RHETTEL '& SOU, Macdonald Block. WINGIIAM, J ST A YEAR sine€ I tools possession of tb,e CHINA HOUSE' and -I thank my many friends for the liberal patronage they have extended to mc. It is a source of satisfaction to know that trade has continued to grow until I find it necessary to, put on a delivery waggon so that you niay rely on i t ng your goods promptly delivered. Soliciting a continuance of your trade, I am Yours truly, N. A. FAR U ARSO , CHINA HOUSE. WINGRA A 1ew Grocerytis tore x/rizir 1NG PILIVL, G"M-m-tORG i GOOD Begs to announce that he is going into the Grocery Business again. Having just returned from the cities after buying a complete stock of the best and freshest Groceries that money could procure. Having no extra expense for help, rent, heat, or light and understanding the grocery business thoroughly, the public may expect to get solid bargains in Fresh Groceries from the very start, Our'Grocery Business will not in any way interfere with out• Boot and Shoe Business, except in en- abling us to Bell shoes cheaper than ever we have been doing. We do not wish to Wait months or even weeks for a Grocery connection. We want a big trade from the start. We know the sten) of the times to well to thin,: of asking anything, blit 'the very closest profits on our goods, Farmers; selling mos at. Vie. to 17c, a bushel and expoit Battle at 2c. to 3c, per ib., cannot afford to buy liberally pt high prices. It would bel like redticeyourexpen.,e accouna candle at t ®It will`e flask set tiro just n fawu htbpggnt) Ms. leaders that we will loll cheep. but everything in both our Grocery anti Shoo stooks Cut claim they prices lout keep tip the quality will he our rotto,and selling t.00te aura shoes and grooesioa will be our business from this forward, Thanking yeti for past support amid bespeaking liberal share of your patroHaga is our now Venture. Yours Respectfully, WiugJtant. GEO. GOOD, Q roev , itnd Slues .»jttC