HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-08-28, Page 37. Suing The I accabeea, Ail�r resting suit, involving the Bel of tt fraternal insurance society when a member is killed for the insurance or acs it result of a cotispirecy with that end in view has been commenced in Port unroll, The case in question is the insurance of the life of the late 1)r. Pope of Detroit,, for whose murder Ms wife is serving n life sentence in Detroit House of Correction and a man named Bruesoau, at Canadian, as an accessory, twenty-five years in ,Teck - son prison. Pope carried $3,000 in the Maccabees in favor of bis wife, who assigned her el:iiia to it legal grin in Detroit, The supreme ofiieers of the Maceabecs refused payment on the ground that Airs.. Pope murdered her husband for the , insurance nd the Detroit attorneys eomindhced suit for the amount. The case will be hotly contented. • Disasters of 18911,. Disasters, accidents, crimes and tragedies have been unusually num- erous this season. The daily press has for mouths been loaded with accounts of them. Tbe tidal wave 'UJ `rVi. 1;.1'1...1 TIMES, AUGUST J, , .69 6. IW,Li, Bal.cttt', Bitten by a Cat, A jJm11 ! s [JR Es 1'7111inin Douglas llalfonr, the inie� 11•ene, a younfr ti)1'tati-'eatrald P ovinctni Treasurer, was horn on' daughter of O, Pinault, furrrli r•1x of Atte% 8, 18111, at Forfar, Scotland,' the cotton mill, I1o11nednte, B3rent- Would be few Were it not for iter lie eyes a member of that 1%ineardin-' ford, was bitten by at eat recently .cher ante trains—Power Saila: to Men and Women ri.lilte, Were the Great South, American Roraedio$ In Every teens°, No case of rheumatism or neuralgia of so long standing that it will not succumb to the wonderfulSonth American Rhea - tootle Cure. Mrs. John Beanment,Elora, Ont., says: 'Tor lG year l have been an shire family of 13itif'ours, his father ' and is • now severing frr)rn a sevens being David Balfour and his Motherform of blood poisonirig, from which J'anct Doutal. Corning to St. Oath- it is doubtful if she will recover, arines Ont., at the age of six, with Tile little girl was playing! at a bis parents, be was cdueaterd at the neighbor's (Mrs, Deyle's), end she flrantham Academy In 1874, at1 was frisking with the Menial, when! faiosse 1 le, Mich., lie took to • wife It, turned on her and gave her a Josehphino, eldest daughter of Col, . ,severe bite on the ann. The mein - I+', T. Brodhead, an ambitious woman ; her shortly turned black and swelled. and one who has afforded her hus-i Medieal aid was sent for and it wrist intense sufferer frons rheumatism. At band much aid in Isis on ward =well t found that she was suffering front times confined to any bed, I doctored in life. A journalist by Profession, i blood poisoning of a seriousnature, with all the local physicians,.but with most despaired vP. I was induced by it Matltesoit the St, Catharines 'Daily lemon, friend to try South American Rheumatic and Weekly News,' and two years! tittle or no relief y recovey WAS RI- )ie' in �$� �, establish e •yriLli a11r• j i 110 little one is in a piegarlous con, Cure. After taking a few doses 1 was .later he and Mr. John Auld started' ror over Fifty near., able to sit u_p,and when four bottles d it is remembered that the pain was so intense- at times tbait I could not be moved in heti, I can but say that icy cure ie •a Wonderful one." The meet insidious of all diseases are. perhaps those of the kidneys, and it is botll the Ste)'atherities and Anthers - only within a few years that advanced burg Public School Boards, and for medical science has stepped in, and haat twelve years president of the South successfully coped with the ravages of Essex ri ricultural Society and those dread disorders. The thousands ga y of oases which have been helped and. S+'ariuers' Institute. In 1879 he was been taken was as well as ever, es when the A►nheraburg "Echo,` which the! Air Orn sive WALL -Tafel) n 1 e'lrs taY.-- two have ever since conducted, Mr. Mrs, Winelow's Soothing Syrup las been Balfour always took a great interest used for over ilffy 'oars by )trillions -of 'n ices educational cI ag •ict t '• 1 inothetsfor.thetroltildr,u cvlsileteething i 1and i ti era with iserietit rouct:ass. It sooi,hs. Lbu inatters, having.been, eb:uriiian of child, softens thevonte, allays 1,11 pain. cores wind eoiie. and. is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste.. Soll.•hy Druggists m every part of the. world. '1'wenty-rive cents at bottle. Its value is incalulable. Ile sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, sad tate no other kind. for Infants and Children. absolutely cured in the use of the great an unsuccessful. candidate for the in: Japan swept 30,000 persons to South American Kidney Cure is :,roof legislature in South Essex,. but was death in one fateful hour, War and that the proprietor of the formula which elected far Mut constituency slit t�481 fever in Cabe constitute -at 'twist, and Oyes to the world this. valuable healer bloods* page of human slaughter, diaetaseaaundi thorough speaks rho gra t 1834 he and baS succeeded the Hon. lire. Bay1 eld tile seat ever Tbe horror that occurred near hies- traps jia discovered. A.. Williamson, lantyne, as speaker of the House, cow at the celebration of the. tzar's Customs Ofil:cerf Kineatdine, Ont.,. a bolding that position till about four coronation, when a in'tllti.tude ' of prominent. citizen of that Iowa, lends his weeks ago when on Sir Oliver testimony to the great benefit derived a ,' people exeitemen crueller" t he crowd,to ein was froru ire use. "I car. nighty recerumend �lllowat's removal., to , Ouster, be this stte0itic as the greatest oY boons to succeeded the IIon..J. M. lk)'ibson as one of the most peculiar disasters yet suffering humanity for: all affections 0f Provincial Secretary. In religion, recorded. On this. continent the the bladder and, kidneys.,. it cured mei Mr. Balfour was a Presb ter). when ,all else failed." ,, Y ilaQ VASA notable and dramatic calamity Piths dyspeptic ---who does not pity His falnrly consists of four boys,; d during• the year so far Was the des- liar a B'tnaelated, weary, gloomy, suffer four• girls; the oldest son, now" alas cent of the terrific tornado on St, ing agonies in mind and body. And feet} years of age, being a pupil at Louis. Surpassing that in aggregate how many poisons theta are egie tiara the Guelph nUMber of victims throughout the all of these the w ems, and. neglect to Agricultural College., s;Ive them the„ medirsal aid - needed, and- • country was the hot humid wave in an almost incredible time are drawn. that swept over the continent e t; il " the Rocky Mountains a we ] S such cases. n i gives quick. relief, and :lxissszis. 1' Unmans Jro;, Tonoxao. i a 'testi•S/Abo",.,4. h.'° �/+ �Q n peraistonoy to its use is always rewarcled ; Darn Sxi:S,-1`here is light in Asia after ' While these things. aro so, scieaee TilERS, Do You Know two 1Partigorie, Pften:lan's Drone, Ctodfrey'a .Cordial, many so•eailed Seotraiag $yiairio, and snort remedies for Children are compnse`si of opium or morphine ))e Yon Know that op u=and morphine are stupefying nereotie poisons line Ton Know that is most countries druggists are not permitted to sett narcotic;{ without labeling them poisons t Do Ton Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child ttnlc#as.yoi: a your physician know or what it Is composed a Do Ton Knwerthat Castoria Si a purely vegetable preparation, atld that a list of Ito ingredients is puvalshed with every bottle? Do You 'Yirnr that Caetoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Dunne' Pitcher, That It bog been In i;,;et9r nearly thirty years, and that more Castorra le noir sold than. of ell other remedies err ohlidren combined 7 Do You Know that the Patent Orflce Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and )mist Ionians to use the word sf Claatorla'� audits formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 7 Do Yost Fits ow that one of the reasons for granting this government proteotionwas because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely1aaran1gas? Do Von Knew that 35 Ovorago doses of Castoria are furnished for 3S cents,! r one coat a dose Do 'Von iEtto'z' that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbrokon rest,. Tei3� Lboao ik$�tt;e aro worth ilnowing. They are facts. ek ago, ("nth American Norma never furls in Light iuAsia•--it'shineatClearl Same Old Story, Pour little children, two girls and at boy of Mr. Johnston's, two finites south of Cannington, and a little girl of eft*. Ilarrison, who lives on the ad jninint; farm, were playing in the barn. It. appears that at short • time ago Mr. Johnston had bought a new ;tin,. and during the play this I afternoon his little boy was telling 1 his playmates. -about it, and went to get it to show them. ,,' Ttie gull, whierl was'Ioaded- for elle first time the previous eveping ,,was put where ` it, was thought the e'iiildren could. not possibly.get • near le; - but •Setae I- way the boy rnanaged toget it down • Tile foe-piton/3 eiginotnrx, n9. le ,on every wrapper. . ,a •i7t•9't+''�•+•,i9 n.�: 'i�l+r. r PICT,cht3 �s..'CrN��'Sk'31:07/ 4 'Ftyns, rr „g. r, .tri':.' '.;"7! .z*a rV� .""'� ,.,�`,"• : `.�'"''.r.`. - ^,"R ,...•- - #creeping off hundreds of lives and whito taking it through the barn i ' 1 door, by some mischance it was dis- hy a cure "I suffered agonies from ° an and the Luau that- advised nits - #t•- charged the contents lodging in the hasexterminated many of the ene- a 14 ggravated indigestion and dyspepsia!"• your Heart anti' Nerve. Pills • was a,friend heard of 'Mr,. Harrison's little daugb- mins that formerly preyed upon the says W. I'. Bolger, et Reurreew. Ont. 1 indeed and truly a friend in need. Before his ` faintly, while 't hes' i some was induced to use. SouthAmerioan I started to take them I was lanvuid, cases introduced new perils. $at cured the of sufferings which had baffled was beclouded and I could not colleg,t my the•tendeney, in spite • of the iatter, every. treatment before it" ' thoughts, T had gene though an operatioii is °reduce the mortality fist and' --'---w- ! xn erahlopo of relief but atilt titn,iinod assure reater longevity. Composer of Kathleen. llrCaTour- I generally_ broken . up, my appetite was g g , gorie and"I was alnico without hope or Ween, < •ambition, -, Prof, Crouch, ,the cgmposer -of the: Now I feel thoroughly rebuilt, through' •famous song, 'Kathleen M Win-61aen' the use of tliilburn's:'B.eart and Nerve who died recently at Baltimore, aged Pills, and •it tack i,n1y'tlsree or four weeks 83 ears was a native of London to do the work. • years, , ... .'• :.• ,I•otten• think of the j+egr � uffering Z� Ens;•. ' d•Ii5' father was ar eor poser -of. might have escaped had 07145 known of instrumental :musie and one of the miseries Heart and Nerve rims in tuts; leading violtneellists at the Royal • but I am gratefiiyte be restored to health at last, and gladly roco amend tbq-znedi- Italian.Opera,, His another was the , )tie Haat' cure&zne, .w:- daughter of ea cclebritted London Aai.osi: iV+raz:ns. Artist, •".. , ` methods generally of tlid adininistra- barrister. At the a age' of nine he Pasadena, Cal, tion of the affairs of 'Rhodesia by eernweiieed i is•pro£msional career• at No Fight. ' the British South African Company, the. Royal Coburg Theatre. Be - ::pietoria August 21 --President Mr. Blake's appointment to a coin- joined 'other ' theatrical companies, Kruger, of the Transvaal Republic, mitten, of such far-reaehing impor- but sutisegnently. entered the mer- , " p tante and whose doings will attractin stories interview, declared 'tent onthe shunt service as a common seaman. stol•ies attributing hostile intentions the attention of all the world is a While still- at the Royal Academy, op tate pert of the Transvaal are high compliment to the great Cana- his services were frequently in de- absolutely inventions spread by dian's standing in the Imperial mend in Buckingham Palace and, people who were angry because °Eeg- Assembly. Mr. Blake's mind is Windsor Castle, and the phenomenal admirably adapted for the considera- ability there displayed led to hispr.r- land and the Transvaal could not be tion of a subject ofteis nature which motion as "gentletnan" of Queen pushed into war with ash. other. neds the calmest and most careful. Adelaide's private band. Fame came In conclusion, b© exnressed the Trans - deliberation from every point of to him on the melodious echoes of vel opinion that warn between the will view. In such a coriimittee it will "Kathleen Mavourneen" a song real Republic and Great Britain�vill be of great advantage to have a• founded on a story written by Mrs newer fake plaice. that Great Britain which will be so State for the Transvaal Republic, in ter; killing her instantly. The Minton alai y, w tel l n Nervine as a last resort, and two bottles weak,.sleepless and nervous. illy •bra'in children were from 8 to 12 years of age,' ilon. Edward Blake. The Globe announceseditorially that Hon Edward Blake ::has been appointed. a member of the Imperial Parliament Committee, which will investigate the cirenmsta.nees attend- ing the Jameson raid and :the member who represents so splendidly Crawford, whose autobiography was Dr' ' J. Leyds, the Secretary of appearing in Captain Marryatt's Metropolitan Magazine. The success of this ballad was spontaneous and lasting. prominent a feature in the inquiry to be canducted. It is doubtful if any Parliamentary committee of modern tunes has bad imposed upon it duties approaching in importance those which will fail upon Mr. Chamberlain's great com- mittee. The future of South Africa banga upon the recommendations it may make to Parliament, and it is mot too much to say that the destiny of the Empire itself lies to a great extent in the bands of the group of. gentlemen who will proceed to in- vestigate the doings of the South. African Company. All the world will follow their proceedings with the closest interest, and Canadians will not be the less interested be- cause ono of the greatest of their countrymen is a member of the com- mittee. A New Combination. As their name signifies, Lau -Luer Pills are a combination of laxative principles with the beet liver medicines obtainable. They cure Sick Headache, Constipation, l3iiiousuess, Liver Complaint,. Dyspepsia and ail deranged • conditions of the'SiomaiCh, Liver and )Bowels. Belated Protege. Various churches and other bodies Why Some people nail. have recently taken to passing reso- lutions condemning the choice made by the late Dominion Government of the site for the new Dominion Re- formatory for Boys. The spot chosen was near the village of Alexandria, in Glengarry, and those who oppose it hold that it is ilfsuit- able, 'Their view is that a place of this deaerlption shottlti be located (rear some pity, so as to insure its better supervision. The protests came to late They cam scarcely be crowned with success naw. The eonstruetion of the riew reformatory was well under way before the Laurier Government cable into power, and it can hardly be hoped that these eleventh hour pro- tests will result in the pulling down of the reformatory, and in having it an interview just published expresses similar sentiments. Ile denies all the rumors of recent troubles be- tween the two countries, and the assertion. that the Transvaal has negotiated a treaty with a foreign country in contravention of the Anglo•13oer convention. In conelus• ion; he declared that the Transvaal Republic is doing its best to secure complete harmony all round. No en e When you take Bood'S Pills, The big, old-fasliA toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you ante pieces, are net in it With flood's. VIttsy to take The world is full of people who have failed because of Dyspepsia, Biliousness isle( t)onstipation, which are responsible far pine -tenths of life's tniseries, Murdock Blood Bitters cures these diseases as yell as ell other diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood in 09 cases out of 100. • I 10 ets.Cures Constipation and Liver . Ills—Dr. Agnevr's Liver Pills . are the most perfect,made,'and cure like magic, 1 Steil Headache, Constipation, Rilious- nese, Indigestion and. all Liver Ills,. 10 cents a vial --40 doses. Sold at Obis. holm's Drag Stare. Postage Stamps, • ' Con plain% has frequently" been made'\a the Post Office Department of late 'to the quality of the mucil- age on t e postage stamps. The de- parti]nent 1%ats investigated these com- plaints and th a circular just issued - to postmasters `t is stated ththe adhesive substa eis. all rig and that the fault lies retty mates with those. who use the stnips./� In` many eases it has been aiiiile'vered, that. before axing stem to letters they have been soa Wet to an undue ti the postage stem that a large should be ap care be tak they shout In eon cent sta ) p, questions has just arisen a poin as to whether or not a change int color is advisable. Recently a pr•orhinent Ottawa barrister was charged by an officer of the depart - Merit that he had been using 3 -cent stamps that had been treated with acid, the inference being that they were cancelled stamps which had been cleaned. Had it not been for the high professional standing of the gentlemen referred to a .prosecution might have followed, as within the past year or so many parties have been prosecuted for using cleaned. stamps- When the matter was brought to the attention of the gentleman referred to he was able to show from stamps in his ;possession that the one cotnplaitied at was a Thar Maccabees. specimen of several others heldt by him, and, which .he had discovered itt his pocketbook where they had been hidden- for some months. Dar- ing that period they had completely eelition of the Supreme Commander, lost their salmon eolor and taken on on Septembr 4. The Great Com-' a much darker tint. For prnteetion =ander of the State of Itew York) therefore of theeonittlunity generally` thq Great Record=keeper of the same Hire Muloc3C should see to it that a State, Sir Knight Seigle, and the' ehange is made in the colot' of the Great Record -keeper, Sir Knight, stamp which is perhaps More used Blaney, of Pennsylvania, have been ; than any other in Canada. invited to bo !,resent. The picked team who are to perform the ritital- i 0olic Curtis. istic ceremony are in constant study.' Them boli, -1 was very bad last summbr It Is cxpeeteC1 that there will be at with colic incl It few doses of CVild• Straw- 7j kJ "WW 11iVtlW1 We. clo neat work in. the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are ill need. of any- thing such as I;.1:'i•ER' H EA17s, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, • E1\vi~Lol'S, • POSTERS, DonGERs, BUSINESS CARDS; Qt• anything, in the line of Printing, call ar write 'to the old reliable TIMES Office, Win Ilam. ,owv%vAtAve,elawowe. 104 • $50 A D. 'd ail water or I will' (rive Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me ent. t ni using a 'Watch or Clod: 1 cannot repair and make to run as well as, it is note fintended 1 entity of .moisture ! or better than ever.. sed to them, and'if there is no reasonewhy not adhere to Ietters.°t,� .H A L S E 1 PARK, etion with the present The Meccabces of Toronto have engsged. a lerge room over the Con- federation Life Building for the re - pposite Mas tonald Block. The iiiinractiate relatives in Eng- land of Mr. R. S. Willbuna, of have had more thaatr the usual share of beaeavetnetits during the past five years. In that time there have died his (ather, mother, eider and younger brothers, elder brother's wife, six children (ont of seven) belonging to a sister, :and now on the 5tk inst., the sister's lambacitd. Josephine St., Wingham Caveats and Trade•%rarla obtained, and all parent business Carduoted for MODE):ATIC FRES. My elite is in the imtaedia'te vicinity of the PetentOlice sad myt'atititiei fear seeurirgpatents are unaurpessel Sead modal. sketch orpkotegrapkaf iaveation with descrption and statenteat as taadvartailos belated. K!• 21fi ritkego #x mode for oft •fritttu» me to id easy to operate. is true ta moved elsewhere. The time to take least 1,000 members of the order berry cured me. I am Wein reeommend- nno date in every respect i pia iaction and to insure a change was present. The Star of Bethlehem ing it as the heat remedy ever used, 1 °Mood's Pills, which aro Selt,ttertain end sure. All w- I when. the site was first seleeted, 110W Tent is making preparation for its oannot speak too highly of it. Uns. AWARD VIM AnggAIS. Wit. C. L twit & Co., Lowe 1, MOM. , over a year ago . -anneal cheap exeursion to Detroit. Berlin, Ont. 11314 oull.rins to take with lioad's sarsiparina, PUY-PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS entific certaintx, tried end true, teething tad healing in at effects. Bouchette, Que., report 4 letter that ryurroctorst cured WS. O. Corcoran of clironicroid in chestand bronchial tubes. alSo cured W. O. biceeenbet n lonroteraling cold. Ms, J. HOTTY, Chemist, 318 Yortge St., Toronto, writes: Art general cough end lung ems VleY- Pectoral is a meet invaluable preparation. has Oren the iittnost satistattion to Ail 'Who have trial It, many having spoken to me of tho benefits del iced front its Aso in their families. It is snitablo Tor ohl or views boing pleasant to taste. Its sale with tne has beta worulerrni, awl I esn Ale aya reconutiond, it As e. Sale anti reliable Collet Medicine." DAVIS A: LAWRUNCt CO., Ian. Sole Proprietors tl SUITS, For Suits that suit, igive comfort, to the wearer and ratiefy your friends,you had ' OVERCOATS, better try Use OUr T- ROUSERS know how todo their work ; &MI think there are any better and yet we charge no more than others do for inferior wor gunfire& of mu fall and whitee samples to OboOSO fora, at prices about ba f what you have to pay for old goods. Work donsfor parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Settee tot be properly Made for $1 Spot Cash, call and see our work, Our terms arc oath, Oppoeite the Macdonald Block, Wiz,,liam, Oat, alas