HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-31, Page 8M. IT THE WINOHAM TIMES, .JULY 3J, 1.896. • aa NE,,,rhaDoo, Andrews here last Sunday. ia.1.; Andrews of Wroxeter. faking Atethodist church pulpit in AUGUST. REAP THE HARTEST NOW THIS .STORE IS THE FIELD. The Harvest was never so rich Bargains as thi a store is this month. evening. The Quarterly servieeof the eh will be held a Kinburn on Sa Morning next. There will be service here in. the morning. Poisoned by Xvy. the Tie very many friends ofBrincl- tile ;pal Bates, of the Woodstock Baptist , 1College, 'will regret to read the urea fallowing • report taken iram the nday i Toronto World "Rev. S. S. Bates, ' )39 of College .street Baptist church, I received a telegram Monday request- ( ing him to come immediately to Mits- . holm to the bedside of his brattier, sels Arriving' - be learned that his s - blather, Principal J. L Bates, of Iva, Woodstock 'Baptist College, had been seriously poisoned by poison lvy, •-•"- Pain was first felt in the thumb, but quickly spread throughout the body and, ' although three doctors have been in constant attendance, his recovery is despaired of," GLENNNAN. Air. James Scott: wont to Bra Clearing out odd lots and remnants, last wok. Everything that we can find any ex. Mr. Dann, who had a para suss at all for parting with goes riow strok.o soinci tiu40. ago, is slowly at quick clearing prices. Sales are Prolng'. growmg greater. Popular approval Mr. aml Aim, Wm. Graham, Qf stamps the place a perfect success. Lion's IIcad„ are visiting at Airs. It so:ve, money while it satisfies criti. Anderson's. Oal: taste, Mr, Henry Abraham, who has It affects Dress Goods, both cotton been at Wiarton for some thne, and woollen for the present and fall returned home on Saturday. wear. Messrs. Fax and' McKay bad a It affeeta aaajang and wearing bee oo the farm of Mr. John Weir appal et of all kinds, pulling out willows. They got quite it ;Meets everythiag that is at all a lot Polled. sura Some of our fair sex wor We have a few cards left for pleasant smile for a few days parties wishing to get their ph to , week, Why ? Because ioIs taken. Call and get one. 'Dunlop was in. onelnitiat. NA bad accideptairepPened to 1George liel<ay0 She was return SATURDAY—BARGAIN DAY.Ifroni picking beri)fes and 111 gets over a fence fell, breaking 131ack and Colored Dress Serge all pitcher she had and cutting, her Weer worth 50e, for 35c.; 5 pieces wrist besides giving her a severe Table Linen, extra fine, worth 85e.- ( baking' for f,'30.; Ladies' and Gents' fine Cashmere Hose worth 50e. for 35e.; MOREIS. 0 Mens' Bicycle Suits worth $6-50 • Mrs, W. G. Harland, of Clinton for $4.25; Aims' fine Tweed Suits is visiting at j, G. Pyle's, first line. worth $10 for $6.50; 10 dozen Towels ' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. -Fyfe were worth 10e. for 50., Saturday only; visiting friends in Clinton last week. 10 pieces of Veiling worth 20 and 25 Misses Lil. and Nina Isbister have ocents for 10c.; Handkerchiefa 210., returned home to spend their summer Faney Prints 4e, extra good Prints vacation. last color !lie; Shaker Flannel 4c. Miss Mary Findlater, teacher GROCERIES: 22 lbs. best white Olen Ross Hastings, is spending. h ;S•ugar for $1; 25 lbs. light coffee v adon under the plareparental roof. asugar $1; 35c. Tea for 250. in Black John MeEwa 40.146tVitiVe, painful aand Japan. accident on Suny night which h Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes, compelled hini to carry around 'Gents' Furnishings and Gents' Stiff pair or motors- that are not we and Soft Hats, all straw hats at haif mated. He was riding on hor Xusuramee. Illustrative of the erockety busi- ness fire insurance is, is the fact that E. R. 0, Clarkson, of Toronto as assignee, has issued writs against e a four of the leading insurance com- Jest prudes for $1,500 each, It is also ton •learned that by virtue of the policies applying on the exhibition stables irs. in Toronto, lately burned, not more mg than ten per cent. of the insurance ing could be _collected, The Mail and. the Empire of the 14th of this month says: Aid. Leslie presided at the meeting of the Exhibition committee. Mr. Withrow and Mr. Hill appeared and addressed the committee on the question of spending part of the in- surance money on Machinery Hall. The loss on the stables hasbeen fixed by the adjusters at $10,058. It ap- pears that a , stupid blunder crept into the insurance policies when they were being placed on these buildings, which may prevent the ei.ty from realizing more than ten per cent, of of their value, provided, the insurance or 'companies stick to the strict letter of tbe law. A subcommittee, consist- ing of Ald. Leslie, Sheppard and as Dunn, was appointed to look into the 11 matter.—Gnelph Herald. se priee. back when the hsrse lost its footing The above prices are goad for all and stumbled down an embankment. day Saturday, We would like to The weight came on the under !egg see you in the morning, larger : the rider with the.above result,")•" assortment and smaller crowd as A social was held on the grounds M. H motamys and in the stone school house on Wednesday evening the 15th ins "--.1•'"L".----.."----------.-------- it was conducted by the Sunda XINLOSS. , i Shoot and the proceeds were for its ag 'benefit The large number who at - sad accident took place on the tended spent a very enjoyable eve 'farm of Mrs. Jos. Waddel, 4t11 con. ing. After tea an excellent pro- of Kinloss, by which his son Henry, gramme was given. It was con - a boy about 13 years of age, lost, tributed mostly by home talent and his life. They were engaged in was indeed a eredit to the neighber- drawing in grain and the boy was hood. backing the wagon out of the barn when a part of the rack gave way : and threw him to the ground. He , ' WHITECHURCH. fell on his hcad and 1?roke his neck. ' Mrs. Merles, of Wingham is visit - . Mr. Warldel has been deeply affected ing friends here. by accidents. Some years ago, a Rev. Geo. Leech, of Toronto, is spirited. team ran away and killed visiting at the Methodist parsonage his wife and since that time the and will conduct quarterly services same team nearly killed himself. cy Sunday 2nd, Algoma Nines. letter bas been received at the Bureau of Mines from Dr. A. P. Coleman, who left the city some weeks ago to explore the mining districts of western Algoma. The a letter was written at Fort Francis y ----- i Whitechurch corporation has been BLUEVALE, putting; in drains and sewers on main street and it is hoped they will Mr. Archibald Paterson has pur- nowrepair the sidewalks, before an clamed the south half of lot 16' con. 7 accident happens. of Turnberry. . We are glad to say that Mr. Via! The garden party on parsonage Paterson has recovered from an , lawn 00 22nd was a success' al - attack of sunstroke. I though the threatened storm in the Master Bob Acheson who was ' early part of evening, no doubt kept badly kicked by a horse two weeks ' many from attending who would ago is recovering nieely. ; otherwise have come. Thewing- ! ham brass band rendered exallent Miss Maggie Hartley and Mr, i David Hartley have gone to visit music and the ample supply of good their uncle Mr. David Hartlein 1 things from Epworth Leagues and tt Halton county. i Mr. Johns' booth, made welcome and Dr. Janes White, Mrs. White and happy a large gathering. Proceeds ehild(WAlontour, Iowa, were visiting ; over $50, ! the doctor's aunt, Mrs. F. B. Scott, of . Amidst the ery of hard dines this village, last week. I there is a noticeable prosperity Our football team were to piny !among our agriculturalists. In past with Wroxeter on Thursday even.' few years great improvements have ing o? the last week but the ; been made in houses, barns, and fenes, etc., some are becoming Wroxeter boys eame a night too t soon. The Bluevale team is now , excellent amateur gardeners both in ovveis and fruit. A walk for instance over Mr. J. AlcCIenagbans farm is an example of busy industry LONDESBORO. in this line making a cheery home Mrs. Young has been visiting ,for visitors and family, friends in and around Winghanr thisl last week. 1 joseph Embree. a West Garafraxa Mr. Chas Meyers of Hensall was farmer, charged with. a serious in the village on Tuuesday trying crime, felt his arrest so keenly that to Sell his property here. ' Ihe hanged himself in the Guelph ', . The members of the Presbyteriajail n, • Endeavour held a social at lir.! Windsor has adopted the curfesv Onimettes on Wedrcla iessy evening !by•law, and hereafter children will Miss Lena and Irinna Perin of net be allowed on the streets .after BeIgrave are visiting with their , 0 o'clock at night. The fire- depart - Miele and aunt, Dr. aridilitIrs. Agnew.' meat will atrin tend to the ging of I The members of the I, O. G. T. the curfew bell. l'he by-law was hada. box social on Tuesday even- ' passed on Monday night by the 1- illig last ntid Peport having a good emelt in deference to the wishes of r. ttae. the Women's Christian Temperance Mr. nail Mrs. Andrews of Wroxeter Union and the Society t f Christian Ware tin- guests of the Rev, Mr. Endeavor. waiting for a call to Wroacter. on the Rainy River, .Dr. Coleman having reached that place after a canoe trip down the Seine River from Savanne Station, in the Canadian Pacific Railway. He reports that a shaft has been stank to a depth of 80 feet on the Sawbill inine, Saavbill Lake,and that the vein at the bottom of the shaft is six feet wide and shows gold all the way acres. One important feature of the mine, he says, is that it is situated in what the geological survey map show to be hornblende granite gneiss of the Laurentianformation. .As gold has been found in grey and greenish Laurentian granite or gneiss, he is of the opinion that the area of rock known to be gold -bearing has been greedy extended. Ile visited the Lake Harold gold mine, and found it to be progressing steadily. At the Foley mine, near Shoat Lake, the shaft had attained a depth of 206 feet, and at this depth the vein was wider than at the surface. Some 325 feet of drifting had also been done, and the vein was proved to be continuous at each side of the shaft. The value of this mine may be imagined when the doctor says that free gold comes up ie the ore buckets. The Ontario Alines Com- pany have recently taken over this property., and besides Laving en- gaged a large force of men, have given orders for the erection of a 20 -stamp mill. While laborers were at work cutting out a Government road in that vicinity they laid bare quartz vein on the Ferguson proper- ty, and Dr. Coleman says that it looks as though it would turn out to be a rich one. He will 1'011111ln lit Algoma for some weeks yet. Three tollgate houses wereburn- ed in Essex Connty by farmers,. wbo took that metbod of expressing their opposition to the collection of toils on the highways. . HODGSON—In Turnberry, on July 23, the wife at tilr. Peter Hodgson; VW.a.sY—In Boat Wawanosh, ou July 29th the wife of Ur. James Wiley; A .11/IVTOUL—In East Wawatiosh.on Judy aathithe wife of Mr. Henry ItIntoul; 00r3,Letr WEIL ifEr,r4ror—In Wingham, on July f,.)4t13, JQhn . that, aged 46 years, ix), elVYLIF,—In Wingham. on July With, I izabeth Jane, daughter of Wylie, aged 3 years end 13 days. s.P T1 Smarfrzua—In Wingbein, on July 30th, infant (laughter of Mr, Morris Smeltser, _aged 15 matins. \ii, VRalsuois—ln Winaham, an July 29th, Eva Martha. infant daughter of Alr,. A. Priebois. aged 7 months and 10 clays, *GRAY- lo Morris, on July 20th, Leo, nard Gray, aged 82 years UP BULL FOR 8 The Thorough b pedigree, rpo ereigne( A Te as for sale, a shire Bull, registered OS. Wt, Lot 24, Con, 10, Cuiross ater P. 0. PARIS GREEN COLIN I. 171,4E1, ciF40,1Euribc):NT reat Reduction Sale TVW'STI COW' DRESS GOODS, Many lines in Dress Goods selling at Half Price. Print and Summer Goods at Actual Cost. See our sc. and 7c, Cottons, usual price 7c. and 9c, Al! Now is the time to secure choke, high priced Teas at the following figures : soe, for 4oc,; 40c. for 32c.; 3oc, for 25c., &c, Remember we import our Teas Direct, therefore can give un- equalled value. 4Ur JECACNC, IFt Take the following as a sample of our prices, Viz.: Best Redpath Granulated Sugar, 2 2 lbs. for $1 ; Best Tapioca, 25 lbs. for $r ; Fine Layer Raisins, 25 lbs. for $1, &c., &c. Everything goes for the Pruning Knife is applied to every line. I.D. NI GORDON, Direct Importer; Winghami... -41Z•tt.Tegl.L.77121.721-721-Te V.:1-7,4111,..1 (I mil L rigE ppm I) I Ili "ia I I I tin Ey, ivtfrivefrivaAk,"„ws, A. CAMPBELL, TELEPHONE DRUG 2 Doors South of WINGHA1VI, STORE, Post oftiee, ONT. CUT TEL 11311‘tir 3E1P rwii IRVIN ri THE BOSS TAILOR. W41.41,164/%41/44441erto, Though the holiday season is passed for the Fl present, we are still doing business on the old'61 , plan of GIVING SATISFACTION: I ALL WORK, ,*"wi~vstAws4,, WE GUARANTEE Good Fitting PURE MANILLA, BLUE RIBBON, RED CAP, STANDARD, and STERLING. LI MAPLE LEAF, PARIS GREEN SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, J. CLECC & CO., Hardware Merchants Successors to J. A. Cline & Co, ATCH FOR THIS NEXT WEEK. '1'. *IL iritIC)•• Agent for Farm Implements. —AND THE -- Es 0E1 • OF WORKMANSHIP In all lines of goods, turned .11.1:4frivavivevvilkivivw CALL AND GET OUR PRICESEFORE ORDERING. 0 THEY ARE RIGHT EVERY WM :'11 GEO. H. IRVIN, "Tut" TAIL OE, Opposite Bank of Hamilton. WINGHAU, ONT. 33:r4u- ociaulurvocifE; . To save money in the purchase of mplements. I have decided to go out of this line of business and will sell at LESS THAN. COST The following: NEW MOWER, NEW SULKY RAKE, NEW PLOW AND OTHER IMPLEIVIENTS. THIS WILL 8E A BARGAIN. We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Washers, Ringers, I3icycles, &c. J. B. CUMMINCS, Victoria Street. W/IIGIIAAG