HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-31, Page 6g =limo I'liIDAY ,TITLY 31, 1813'). It B11ncis Cows. ,A. NEW DISEASE WHICH THE iii u,'i'1g ftIARD is INV1 i'I(i.lTING. The Provincial Board of Health is investigating a new kind of cattle disease whit 1 seems to be quite pre,, valeta Land is boeoming serious. It is a disease of the eye, and it not attended to at once ends in permanent blindness and in sone eases has resulted in death. Dr. Bryce has examined one herd well the struck what t Aust provea where the disease exists and is. mals- y 1 a n ing a study of the specific nature of good well. When they got throu;;h i f the d%seuse. He recommends that drilling there was a small flow of l the diseased cow be isolated as soon * as; <tncl at least a hundred feet of as that( is anysus iisol ofo the cliff• oil in the well. It was then securely pcapped and little was said except ease, that there. was a small fiel'w of gas, but when yesterday they finished o the quick well, it was admitted a good flow of oil was strifek. When drilling was Commenced upon the Quick well a pipe was run about a p utile and a half from the Foster well, f to supply them. with fuel. The burst- , r ing of this pipe about a mile from • Toronto, Ont., July 22.—Over 250 the supply let out the secret. Oil Moderator -was thanked for his ser - was gushing out at a great rate. and vices. Tate Clerk was a,utl'orizud to hogs at the Government piggery, near ; a great pout was formed in a small the River l'u'mber, seven miles from , tail a special meeting of Presbytery city, been found to be in- ravine along the road, where barrels for the induction of Mr. Maxwell at thiseci ywith, have the and the en- were going to waste. The pressure Kinlough, the date to be fixed by the tire heard the cholera, been he slaughtered ; required to force the Foster well tot Moderator and Clerk, in case the call and diseased carcasses burnt. The; so great a distance shows that the shall be accepted and the following well must be a good one. What is • pens also have been thoroughly dis'called shooting the wells will also arrangement was made for the ser - infected and all precautions taken to i greatly increase the pressure The vices. The Moderator to preside, prevent the contagion. The hogs i Mr. McLeod to preach, Mfr. Malcolm were bought at the Toronto cattle oil has been declared by an expert, ' to address the Minister and Mr. A. market on the 29th of May. They . : to be�far *superior to the Petrolia oil, McKay the congregation. All appeared to be perfectly sound! and very much like that produced I Mr. Hartley tendered his resigna- but an the wayto the piggeryat the American. wells. There is no The one t doubt but that Iota of restage will tion of his pastoral charge. Thi, of the animals became exhausted b resignation was laid on the table and and showed great difficulty in breath- i take place, and it is snprOSt d by Mr. A, McKay' was appointed to cite ing. None of the others showed any those who profess to be experts in the congregation; of Biuevale and si ns pf fatierue. 0n the follpyviner toil that the territory lies to the east Dulles to appear for their interest at g b and north east of the town. the next regular meeting of Presby - day several 'were taken with the same complaint and a number died., tory at Winghalm, September 15th The Government veterinary was; For Oyer Fifty 'Roars at 11.30 1, m. called in. He dissected two of the! AN OLD AND WELL'l'I:rr.D REMEDY. -1 Mr. A. McVay . reported having Mrs. Winslow's Sootbing Syrup has beau dead animals, and after a direful I used for oyer ft[ty years b milhans of visited the • congree•athin of Enols OIL. N A x G O F H ItFiA,lkl 1V'. T . N 111('I1 kl.0yr IN TIM' NATURAL OAS REGION 011 ESSE1,1. Leamington, Out., July* 22.—The Ontario Standard Oil Co, have been exceedingly fortunate in striking a a large flow of oil about a mile east of this town, upon the farms of Jas. Foster and Cornelius Quick. The country to the south and: west of Leamington is rich in natural gas, and it has always been supposed that adjoining a field of natural gas will Tho found oil. �. hp colo an r have p y several gas wells in the gas territory and began testing the territory east of the town, ostensibly for gas but anxious to strike oil which would bo a lnueh richer fuel, IIt the Foster 1 THE WINOJTAM TIMES, JULY Vii:, 1896, Presbytor Y of Maitland. . A regular meeting of the Presby tory of Maitktnd was held at Wing halo, July 21st, 18;)U. Rev. !x. I3allancyIfe was appo111te Mloderatur fur the ensuing,' six month and presided. , The Revs. K. McDonald, D. me Naughton and Ewen. ategueen bcin present were Invited to sit as eorres ponditre members. The Session records. of Molesworth, Walton, Whitechurch, Oranbrook and Langsid() were attested as care- fully and con, eetly'kept. 'Phomas O. Miller, of Westford. Student of the ii niversit y of 'Toronto was recommended to the Assembly's Rome Mission Committee for Mission- ary Work in the 'logic Mission field l'or ills /yiIat01`, Mr. A. McKay presented a call rom the united charge of North Kinloss, R.iversdn.le and I'anniskillen n favor of Rev. John M111xvrull, llnister without charge, Stanton, Ont. The eail was supported by Dlessrs. W. Malcolm, Kinlough and ampbell, lilr•eradale and is unani- Mous and Hearty. The stipend pro- inised by the congregations is $520 with.use of manse and 8150 is ex- ected from augmentation ofstipend unci. The call was ,sustalneci:' as a egular gospel call and ordered to be ransmitted to Mr, Maxwell. !Il tering► 1�.1(iers. M r. Sutherland was gr'ope'd leave by lite. Presbytery to retire 'Pile' lil'Nt regular meeting rvlil be d held at yViugimin wt Ttie:ll•ty, Sep• s teulbee 15tbi at i 1 lie) a. ill. .!ell; ;\1AcNAn:3, Clerk. Lneklluvv, July 22, 18;l(i, ,A New historical Work, FIOtir CHOLERA. THE DISEASE AT THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT PIGGERY— ovET 250 ANIIIALS SLAUGHTERED. study of the entrails pronounced the mothers for their child:en while teething lcillen, that they are anxious for' disease to be hog cholera. He order- ' with perfect success. It Soolbs the divine service every alternate Salt- ed the whole herd to be slaughtered,.l child, . 4in i L to l uuif is th!o t;e�c rari,du bath evening and willing to contri-' and ' 58 bogs were destroyed an(t : ' , Y. butt towards the Ministers stipend or Diarr_ cox. Ts pleasant to the taste. pend their carcases burned. It is supposed §obi by Taruggists In every part of the t $70 per annum. The report was ' the hoe's contracted the disease from world r' • travelling in manure cars, in which value is lncalulallle. Be sure and tisk I It a 1 b rase no other kind, , y -rive can t, a i,ottle. Itis tee^iy eel azul aclo t I. . 'went ped Me - infected hogs had been carried from for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, ,11111. wit- more( y • Messrs. A. Mc - the Western Stflteo, Sure to Win. stroying the Michigan peppe.rinint, charge of North Kinloss, Riversdale eat. merit That is why Hood', Saran- and the prediction is glade that and Enniskillen—Carried. Grasshoppers Kay* and Murray*, that tory make application • I mittee on Augmentation The grasshoppers have been de - for 8150 on behalf of Canadians who love t Iris country have within late 1't'aVd n sitlkelled tU ltd V;t1tte historically'. 1t may be deemed a late .iwalcetling, but we may b4 content that the slce•p, of r cora liar at Inst beet, disturbed. Writers stteh its Kingsford. Read MVs, Edgar, Miss Pita.; Dean Hari is, Judge 1)eslirisay and others, 'lave been prying; towing the musty records of national or local history, and giving to the press buuks woi thy of the time and the past which they reveal. To these names are now to be added those. of Robina, and K. M Lizard, who have a work of except- ional interest in the press, shortly • to aclpear beariug the wellkllown im- print of William L'rigg, of Toronto. The writers have chosen a field than which, in many respects, Canada presents nope better to the historian. Their work is entitled -In the Days of the Canada Colatl.any" and it is in brief the history of the Huron Tract, Many interesting charaetcrs made their way into that secti,rn of the Province between the years 1827 and 1850—later than the last named date the work does not carry us—and their striking personalities lend a picturesque and ot't dramatic interest to the pages et the volume which describes theta and recites their doings and sayings. The story is well sustained. The writers have Written eon amore, in a most delight- ful style, .and evidently have •ntade extensive col lateral reseach. -In the Days of the Canada Company" we are convinced, will rank among the most r'aluable as. perha ps be the must interesting and readable, of the histurioatl works that -have been offered to the public. The first Chapter opens with a synoptical sketch of the influence upon the Colony in the Napoleonic times,;itnd thence we are c.tl•ried on, step by step, through the workings of the Canada Company. The trials assn stamina g stt uuna of emigrants of .all classes are set forth ; racy anecdotes of personages prominent then and Liu stfn ; still abGund ; the develo i - of the country is portrayed in GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, Toronto.and East Palmerston Mixed London and South Kincardine DRPARI trott AIII1IVE 1'ItOMJ 0:0.4 a.m. 1:18 p4n 10:07 t3:1C p. to .-1')a Clinton 7:20 " 10:4i1 a.nl (i;50 s.iat. 11;10 " i3:1G p.m 8:011 p.tn. 11:20 a.nf • 0:04 a m. 1:18 p in. 11:211 " 10:07 " 0:05t p,tn, BANK of HAMILTOil WINGHAM, Capital, $1,260,000, B03t, 1Qii0,0Q0I President—Join erunar, Vk: t.erealdaut.-A. li. RAMSAY. DIRmoroRs JOHN PRocron, 0110. 110A0,1, Wm GIBSON, 11 Y, A. T. Wool), 1 001 A .Errs(Toronto). , 1s Mahler—J. TURNI3UIIT. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 31 and upwards received and interest Wowed. Special Deposita also . received at, current rates of lr...reat. Driuts on u'reat Britain and the United State, bought end sold L. WILLSON, AeaN't E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB POINTING IN(:i,UDING Books, Pamphletz, Posters, 111 1 Heade, Circulars, ecu., oto., executed ht the heat style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or address 5, G, BROWN, Tions Office, 1Vinuham. BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that env Books or Magazines lett with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on apptication to the TU.rae Office. .Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATE'S Money advanced en Mortgages at 5/ pot contwith privilege of parfait at the and of any year. Note a and accounts collected. ROBT. 1taIc8NDOO. Beaver Meek Wi,oham, Ont. � �r IL WE STILL LEAD IN Fr WATCHES 7� meat { the J, l•eslrV- i the clearest 1ltannel' fl'Ulll the point !FJ 1 9 1' to the corn- ot view of fireside history ; and the I. • of Stipends tone throughout is even and hay to- r CLOCKS, the united ward those who either Inado the '� The people reeogniZ6 and appro,:iate asitia. has the largest sales iu the world, there won't be enough of the pane -1 A letter from Mr. Rose was read Brit in medicine means the power to ent herb harvested to flavor a stick are. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures—at,No• of old fashioned red and whi tc es mite utely, permanently cure. it is the One rue Blood Purifier. Its superior merit; Nearly one•ttilid of the world's suis• 1 an established Cast, and merit wins. ' ply of peppet•nlint cone's from Michi-1 — 1 gan, and the failure of the crop le. HOOD'S PLLLM are easy to take, easy to that state would amount to little less I perate. Cure indigestion, headache. 'than a public calamity. The uses of, ----- I mint are almost as various as those of sugar. They touch human nature VENEZUELA'S CLAIM. S PRrSENTED BY COUNSEL STORROW —COMMENTS OF THE LONDON TlitiES. London, July 21.—It is stated at Venezuela's brief prepared by unsel Storrow and presented to Venezuela Commission, as well the British counsel, is the most im- rtant paper that basso far appear - in the case. In this brief, it is' hoed, a true divisional line in eordance with the evidence is laid wn. Mr.. Storrow contends that re has never been any British ereigty in the disputed territory; t the Dutch never gained the 'test foothold in the Orinoco in, and therefore did not trans what did not exist in Great tain and also claims that the ntburgk line lutd by Lord Salis- ry was a forgery perpetrated by tish Government 20 years after olnburgk's deg* nlmenting on the Venezuelan the Titres says that it contains ing but a series of unoroved pro- ems which are with very few ptions, directly contradicted by conclusions of the British blue on the Venezuelan dispute and testimony there referred. to. Standard says that the general. of Venezuela's case WAS to be ted contrary to web ascertained ledge. The Chronicle says: (sold be unwise to 'underestimate nportance of the brief'. If it ,ry red well and good, and ten. et e ncr the better, if sank of it our diplomatic demands be directed accordingly. in all its stages from infancy, when 1 an infusion of the herb is pie- t scribed as a specific for stomach I ache of every variety, through the soda mint period of youth to the mint julep delights of maturity and1 old age. The "inost nauseous potion of the apothecary finds an accept- able disguise in the alluring pun- gency of this friendly plant. The mustiness of negleeted cupboards and attics surrenders to its_ balmy odors, and wherever it is gathered in wisps and shelves it fills the air with a grateful suggestion of freshness, cleanliness and comfort.. Hon. Mr. Harty I11. Ilon. Mr. Harty, who was taken ill a couple of weeks ago, had a re- lapse and is again confined to his room. No person now is allowed to see him and a special attempt is be- ing made to keep that par;, of the Parliament Building especially quiet. Mr. Harty will leave for a long holiday 'when he is able to leave his own room. Birth on a Train. A Swedish emigrant woman, 21 years of age, gave birth to a healthy boy on the Canadian Pacific Railway westbound express near London, Friday. Mother and babe were removed to she C. P. 1t. hotel on arrival here, and are doing well. The woman was accompanied n tedher husband. p by u bank.. They are travelling from Sweden to Chicago, to make a new home in the west. bidding a kindly Christian farewell to. the Presbytery. Mr. Ahura)* was appointed interim Moderator of the session of Ashfield congregation. Mr. J. MacNabb was appointed to declare the pulpit of Ashfield church vacant at a. date to be fixed when intimation is given bF the Presby- tery: of Inverness of the induction of' try. Dose. The supply of Ashfield Corigrega tion was left in the hands of the: Moderator and session. Mr. Murray was authorized to Moderate in a call to Ashfield congregation whenever they were ready. Commissioners to the General Assembly reported their attendance and diligence and received the ap- proval of the Presbytery. The supply of North Kinloss, Rivorsdale and Enniskillen was left with the Moderator and Session. Rev. John Stewart was Commiss- ioned by the session of Knox Church Kincardine as re presen tative Elder in the Presbytery and Synod for the ensuing year. The commission was accepted. The Presbytery appointed a special meeting to be held at Ripley and within Huron church then on Tues - clay the 4th day of August at 11. O'clock a. ni. The following were appointed standing commissioners for the year: I'inance,Messrs. McLennan, McKay and MaeNabb; Horne Mission, Messrs Murray, G. McKay, McFarlane and their Presbytery Elders; Sabbath Schools, Messes. Ballantyne, Forrest, Hartley and their Presbytery Elders; Church Life and Work, Messrs, Whaley, Ross, Matte, Sutherland and their Presbytery Elders; Exam- ination of Students, Messrs, A. Mine=' Nah, Malcolm, Perrfe and their Presbytery x resbytel } 1'�Idura; Y. P Societies, i4tessre, IIail, Anderson timid their Presby"terc'Elder,; ftutistic,e;tiesses. M(1(Cc!.1:i.I eh ric)t1:,it1r(,ly country or marred tj)cmiselves.• A careful sifting of evidence adduced has evidently been made) regarding the then vilified Canada Company, with the result that justice is done to both Company and public. The threemost interesting people, perhaps that ever came to Canada— tho Dunlop brothers and the woman whom the elder made his wife—are set before us in a life like sketch, with such chapter titles as The Spirit of .the Times; Canada as the Company ]:bund It, From Champlain `to Goodling, Huron's. • Age heroic, 'he Canada Company vs. The People, The People vs. The Canada Company,. The heart of Huron, A Social Pot-Pourri, and and others as of 1803 receives 0 valuable answer in this volume. The book will be embellished by maps, portraits, glimpses of historic and pictuesque scenes in the fine old County of IIuron, etc., and will be in style and make-up fully worthy of this subject matter. The appear. ance of this really brilliant work will be awaited with general interest. A Pair of 'Ent. "Now you know the details of the affair," said the doctor to the lawyer a few days later, "what would you advise me to do about it "Go back to your practice," re- plied the lawyer, promptly. "You have no case. Ten dollars, please:" "Now that I have told you the symptoms," said the lawyer to the doctor a few days later, "what would you advice me todo?" "Go back to your practice," .re- plied the physician promptly, "You have nothing seriously wrong with Ten 1 en dollars. pleasr.,", Thus it happens that two man rn•e culling each other robbers.—Chicago •Erenitlg 1't+tit. ' I.,y �] JEWELERS Jt 1 9 G- .21 ��1� �j- rk fill c l i R vYAi A P73 E ■ r ARTHUR J. littt•IN, D. D. S., L. D. S., GGG ��� 44411) II ■/��■ N r Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pettsylvan ' Uuutnl College. 1 Illi OFFIOE•••MAODONALO BLOCK. .� ;d Nu -x-14 ill visit IikIth every u•ednedd'y. '� EYE . S1SIIT TESTED FREE C .� OF CHARGE. C ..lit 1f 3! 11.fa1 I )111t$ —1S PUi+L1sli k n 1 VE1ZY lI.lII)AT* ATOBN1IQ —AT TM:— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEpHIhk STREET. W.INGIRAM, ONx11ItIU, SUbaoriptiotu prate, $1 per Year. in t: nuance, ADVERTISING RATES: Space 11 yr. I e mo. 10 u n. 11 Ino Ono O 1nann 300 00 340 00 I ;20 00 • 8 Go, Half 40 00 20 00 quarter " 20 00 12 00 11 Ou 0. 00 On7 on 1. 00', One Web t f I 000 •� 800 f_ I Ott 1 00 Legal and ot :or casual advertisements, Re. per line for ant inso,•tion, and 8e. purling1oruoeh subsequent; insertion, notices 10e. Iper linefortil st insertion, and, 0c. per Ifue for each subsequent mecrtic, , andaBusine Advertisements Chances res Wa tedof Lost, ,1eno texceeding 8t linen nonpareil, 8t for first month, and 50c, for each Nubsequent month. Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, 81 tor first month, 30e. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or to longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without epeolf directions, will he inserted till forbid and oharped. accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisement, might be in the thet office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear S. G. ItROWN, PROp1HRTO,, AND PUBLISH'S. DR MAODONALD, CENTRE STREET, WINoman, . �. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SULICITOII, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate. interest. No commiasfon charged. Mort,p, •es, and .'arm property bought and sol.! OFFICE—Beaver Block 1YzNouA14 ONTARIO, J. A. MORTON, BARRISTaR, Witigham, Ont. E. L. DICICdNSCN, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANIC OF ILtITILTON. MONEY TO, LOAN. Oflice—Meyer Blank. Wh,gham. �Mt I11STEIl, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c O0ieo—Corner Ilmn+Iron and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. GUDNaIOLI, ONTARIO. G. CAMEI,Ox, DENTISTRY. -J. S. J Et1.0b1E, L. D. S.,1v INONAet. J•� : Id manufacturingtlrst.class nets or ':''•"•"s1.•ig:-w teeth as cheap athey eon bo made '.r1 in the Dominion. Tooth extractedI absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed pone. tly safe. OFFICE : In the Raaver Block, opposite the, Brunswick Rouse. �I. rd ir rr `J til WE LEAD OTHERS I fii 1N`OL1.0W. rj Fq striking partly indicate the interest - matter which is to be found in them. Professor Ramsay Wright's circular L. rr THIS OPTICIAN. [It rt 131 -MT-a re4t ate tertt- Sea YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening Subject for JOY ;list: Little kindnesses. Luke 7: 30-47.—`tie, Imley. EPWORTI1 LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist churn,. ubject for Aner.+uet i;th:—Systematic and Proportionate (living. Eight clause of ledge, "I will itmfor God with . try sub- ace as He has prospered me," Prov. iii, 0; Cor. xvi. 2,—John Kerr. Th Y. P. U.— •Meeting every Tuesday venin!; in the Baptist chnroh. • p ,L 1 e For Twe.Ity-Six Years DUNN'S POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGoSV SALE IN CANADA. J CHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN1 1Y,hOHAN, - ON'Ig*IO. ne DEANS, JR..IVINGIIAM, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Tmt COUNTY 01 HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargett• Moderate. iUIIN CUIIRIL, WxxottAM, Oar., J LICEN3E0 AUCTIONEER. • Sales of Fara, Stock and Farm Implements s specialty. All orders left at the Timm office promptly attend at to. Terms reasonable. FRANK SCELI'S, wnnElta YOtr OUT 12 SIIAVES AND 1 I>ctni OUT' Fon $1. Opposite Iiormun's Hotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. SOCIETY MEETINGS. C�Court Maitland, No.23, cenadian . ■ r �.---Order Yorestersmeets 0,e second, and mat Friday avenin:; of every month. in Gro• gory's Block Visiting brethren welcome, T. J. McLean, C. 1t, 0. II. Elliott, 0, S. LO 1 Wlntrhnm L. 0. L., No. 704, meets• w ■ ." first t'riday 1,1 every mouth in theOrantrreIIa1I; visitorsweleor,o. J.Gally v,S.. W. M.; W.J. Fleury, 1te0.•80°, ' ' Camp Ca:edonia, No, 40, moot0, tJ. Q.` `the fist atd third Monday ing orCO3 1n0 .th, In the Odd Yellows Ilan.. Visiting brethren welcome. J, Murray, Chant. H. 11... Gordon, 'tees -see.