HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-31, Page 3n 1'VI U HAM TIMES, JULY 31, 03V6.
'1?110 Eleotrze Railway,
'1'ne prospect$ for the Electrics
Railway are brighter than they
have been at any time eaittee the
beehtning of the agitation. On
rJ i tu'sday last, the members of the
eolupany held a meeting in Toronto,
-' when the whole situation was gone
over, and steps taken to have the
preliminary bu.iness pushed right
through. '1'be company now know
wlicatm they have to deal with, and
they also know exactly what eon-
dititnts Bre to be fulfilled on their
'part, belie ti the metre eterstwill
begin work, C)ue condition i:i that
a 001'0110 'h survey tee inatle, along
the proposed route, from one end to
other, That contrition will Boon be
fulfilled, for a competent engineer f
was engaged to do this work, land
lute already began operations,. It •
will take tuna about 110 Biles to 1
finish the survey and will cost ehOU,
So much interested are some of the
townships to the east of us itt the
project that two of thein have volun- I
tarily contributed the turn of .1,000'
each to help it along. This gives'
the company plenty of funds, and
has put fresh vim into diem. ]n
stt'ikingeolitrast to the enterprising
spirit manifested by these townships
isthat <,f some of these in our own -
]ocality, and te;pecially Carrie:. 'flies
Carrick council have; refused to
grant a free right of way, though
what they hope to gain by this
refusal it is difficult to see. The 1
one result will be that the road will :
simply avoid Carrick altogether, and
wilt reach Teeswatei by was of Cul-
ross. This is just what Tetaswater •
wants, and Mil may in that event, •
which appears to plttt'iilig the dog
in tate maser game, Mill he lett out
in the cold. It melees but little
diffeitence to y'i'alkertcnn, weei,i,r the
road eons through C:u nick at alt or
not,,;and if the people of that town-
ships would prefer to iieulain out in
the ibackground,vtney ;can have their
wish. But it is mode than likely
that when the electors see what they
have missed, they wild get back at
the present members a•if the council,
by electing to leave tlhent itt home,
and it would only serve thcnt j
Personality of 33ryan,
Mar. Bryan is a man of consider-
able personal magnetism incl fine
presence. The resentbianeo between
Ilia and the late Samuel J. Randall
has been remarked by many. He
Is about five feet ten inches in height
weighs. 180 pounds and has Clark
hair and diad,: eyes. His jaw It
heavy and square and he is smooth
shaven. 1118 cheek bones are pro.
teinent and his forehead square.
lie is an exceedingly pleasant
talker and is fond of defiling in well-
rounded phrases. Ilis speeches
abound with poetry. He is of Trish
extraction, but his people have lived
in this country for more than 100
years. In religion is a Presbyterian
but believes in the entire separation
of church and State. Ho steadfastly
opposes bringing religion into poli-
ties and politics into religion. He is
8 teetotaler.
1[r. Bryan is tee outspoken enemy
of class legislation and believes that
the Government has fully answered
its purpose when it protects every
citizen in the enjoyment of life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
and leaves him joist as free as
possible to exercise. his ability
ihdnstry and economy. He is a
believer in local_ self-government,
and was eniphatidally opposed to the
Federal election law because. iG
&eight to take a'ivay from the local-
ity the control oif`Congressiona[ elec-
tions. He favors • bitnetalisnt and
believettin a twig for reyenue only,
and denies the right of ('rover e -tient
to take front any ratan by meatus of
taxtttieu any money not needed
for Government expenses, or to tax
tame ntan Ito enrich another. He is
(apposed to 'bounties. - and senbeidie s.
He made his main fight against the
MelKiatley bill, denouncing et:as the
must iitfaamou$ conspiracy ever
ever Dutton pted against the consum-
ers t,f ;this country.
Mr. Biwan's wife, who Etas been
as ellesc •figure in all his pnblic • life,
cannot :go unmentioned. •f3he was
Miss M,ery E. Baird, ant twos the
only daughter of a prosperrous mer-
clnatlntt •csf3Perry, I11. Shelhas a pure
hancleoiue thoroughbred face and is
wittrild:a woman of rare amental en-
downn eat. After thegirth of her
first 'child i1rs. Bryant ibegan the
study ,of law, with her th eband its
instru.etor•, taking the course 11T'e-
serIhetllby the college hem which
he grad nn ted. She wee admitted to
the bar in 1888. She tiger thought
to praictitise. Her only n otiive was to
'id her 'husband in hisltide work, and
she .00,/ht oe safely orated with at
east half of all there •,is _good and
honest and successful in the Nebras-
ka. man.
O?W HON i C 11IAN.
MIA Ei)I'1'or.:-•-Pit•8Se i1frtrn, your
reader,, that it written to conlidentially;
I will mail in a settled letter, particulars
of a t;enuin', honest home curt). bv1
which I was permanently rertored eft,
health and manly vigor. crier yearsntl
keutrferiug from nervoet:a •t.tHhili y, sexual
lwoakneis, night loaver,+,:nd weak shrunk-
en Laart't. I was robbed and swindled by t l
the,guacks until 1 neatly lost faith in
mankind, but thank .tit+avers, f sin now
well, vigorous and strong, and wish to
make this certain means of cure known
to all cutferers I hate, :nothing to yell,;
and Oant Lit) tnouey but being a firm
believer in the univerexd brotherhood oe
man.•I ant desirous of helping the un-,
fortunate to regain their health and
happiness, T promise emu perfect sec-
recy and as I do not with to expose my-
self ehher. please address, simply: P. 0.
Box 3t18, London, Ont.
A few evenings since, Charles Lee
Of Goderieh, visited Clinton, and
' returning rather late, an the dark-
ness heel a bad upset atihort distance
east red' Taylor's school. C. L. does
trot know r letter he struck any-
thing Or anything struck his wheel,
for he found himself itt the ditch
near the place mentioned, after
being there, as he thinks, nearly,
two hours. On regeilling his sense
be pioreuded to the nearest farm
whew. he was kindly received. A
return tit the: spot showed his
'wheel to`htt badlybroken alae hat
there was m,thial,g near it to show
bow the nc;cidc ire, oeCnred, unless, as
prig' he ve'iild►)) aenr'ti, the wheel ran
• straight inti' the ditch. ft such was
• the case theta ane cell understand
.not only the broken wheel, hut the
badly hrti[,ed fori iten:I that caused
two funirs.inee'nsihilit•y. •Cherliu ie
getting' alum; all right and' expects
in a•few days to lit: n1)11: 0) juin in
1110 club's parades.—Star.
Is caused by torpid liver, whlclt prevents diges•
tion and permits food to ferment and petrify in
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
Xnsomina, nervousness, and,
if not relieved; bilious fever
or blood poisoning. hood's
els stlmu1ato the store eh
Huron and Brace:
The youngest child of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Whitehead, of Walker-
. This makes
Mrs. White -
1 ton, diad on Sunday.
the sixth child Mr. and
{ head have lost.
The dive year old so
Fold, Exeter North,
fences staid broke his
little d1edi1ow is doing as
he expected.
Tae Sliest load of this season's flax
was ru:e[.ved at the Brussels still en
i' ridiiy cif.last week. • It was grown
On 11, Pe.�trsou's farm, Grey township.
Flax is etgood crop. The gill will
be starting up in the coca a of a
week or so.
Wednesday morning while Wm.
Kneeshaw, of Goderieh, was work-
ing on the jointer at the Organ
factory, tt paiece of maple flew back,
striking hieleft hand knocked it
against the tuuehine, the result il Wing
, the severing of a finger in the
1 middle and the loss of the tops of
two otherrs..
n of Mr. Win.
fell from a
anui. The
well .as could
vote was taken at (1nderich on
'i'hua•sday- for the Paining of it, loan
towards the extension of the water-
, works system, and getting' the sup-
( ply front Lake Huron; also the
introdnctirn of the incandescent
system of lighting and it complete
i system of sewerage for the. town.
The by-law was carried by a large
; majority.
I On Tuesday afternoon of last
week, Iev. Joseph Edge joined it1
, wedloeks bonds, Allic B. Whitehead
and Wallet' Anderson, both of Kin -
• dine. The ceremony any tool: plate
in ixoderie.le, many friends of the
bride being present. The lady was
for .lone time one of the ,assistants in
the tioderich P. 0., and while won -
sense the liver, cure headache, dizziness, eon- pyin, Mutt position Wilde many
The only'P els tit; takewithhood's sarsaparilla.'"Instill .
I A little daughter of Air. James
AIe(xeo, of Blyth, had tho misfortune
to have three of her toes taken off
by the knife of the stave chopper itt
the salt block on Tuesday, She
was standing near the machine when
someone set it in motion and caused
the accident,
The 1Viarton Canadian says that
the southern and eastern shore of
Colpuy's Bay are covered with dead
grasshnpers, to a depth varying
from 3 inches to 1 foot, The hop-
pers have been drowned and washed
up by the waves, and the odor from
the cl'eeaying bodies is rather un•
Mr, D. N. McKellar, of Blyth,
received on Saturday the diploma
and ,bronze, medal awarded him for
cheese exhibit at the World's Colum-
bian exhibition in Chicago in 189$.
Both are exquisite pieces of work-
manship. ,lar. ;1feKellar was one of
nine cheesemakers that receive
these awards, each having obtaine
99:1• marks out of a possiole 100 fo
cheese made and shown by them.
On Thursday last. J. 11. Heather
of Exeter, met with a ver
painful accident while working on
the Rennie Week at Hensafl, whie
doubtless will prevent him fro
working for several weeks. He wa
working on the scaffold and in som
manner missed his footing and fel
to the ground, a distance el' aboa
14 feet, sustaining a compound fro
turd of the right arm, a ;severe bruin
on the (forehead and ,was otherwis
badly shaken up.
J. D. Ronald, of Brussels, was on
the null fated express that collided
with at'freight train sot Thamesville,
west elf London, last week. The
engin ter of the express was killed
having. his brains ,dashed out in;
strikiin;'.tagainst a eadlvert in jump,"
ing horn \the engine, after he had
sho't;off steam and mew that a e9fli-
sion'was iiltevitabl+e. The tireplan
had;his arni b.roken in his leap for
life. None of the passenger f were
seriously injured, although event
were badly shaken up. T cause
of the smash -uk iwtts a piisplaced
switch, it is said.\ t •
(One day last wdel:, asjttir. Robert
[Ira,bkirk was at his 1 other Mat
thew's, on the noaath \r(tfid, near Sea
forth, helping to ,dr itfiv in hay, h
!pitched one of his 11 nes. a -young
animal, to the rope irttt,ched to the
hay fork, with only a halter on. A
soon as the walnut saw the hay conn
iug up off the 1ca, behindt;it, it go
faiightened, and becoming unman
egeable, it got .sawn the sidit of the
approach to th ' barn door \taking
Mr. Habkirk 'with it.* Thehorse
was badly cu and Mr. Habkit�,r con-
siderably br'tiaed,, but.is now getting
around all '1ght. 1
A new einseett has invaded the
County of Bruce 'that is beingsougljlt
by fmantels. It battles ens cepeel a1Iy.
o bugs and is effectual n5(t Were they on liberty, incl kept
ie pest tfrom the potatosmosey er.grl[teses where, they would
D first made its appearance p,htain a fuueh greater amount of
s i nS Diva
1'r to Silver,.
The free coinage of silver on one
hand and steadfast adherence to
gold on the other as tilt, Ont: Stall -
(lard of value, is the great is•ne on
which the I)etneeratie mid Itepubli•
can parties of the United States
have chosen to light out the contest
which is to decide which one tf the
two shall hold the reins t•f got ern -
went end direct the pulley of the
country for the next ia't'sidential
termof four years. Ile ie „i .lc the
difference between them as repre-
sented it these two iesut•s i:, is well
illustrated in the statt'nlent male by
.lir. (Jarrett A. llulru•t, of New
Jersey, in accepting lois nc,ntinntion,
tor Vice 'President, tualde by the
Republican Convention, To the
eonantittce wbIch peewees' ilia withhisttuntillation hesititia "Uncertain-
ty or instability as Ill the looney
question involves tiro, t rt•rit es (' Ilse-
quemces to every eit;s:''n amt to
every interest of the ei untr� , The
gravity of this situation caner', be
over-estimated. There can be eo
fin anela 1 security ;no business stabil-
ity ; no real prosperity wh(•re the
policy of the governmenr, is tit all a•.
matter of doubt. Gold is the one
standard of value ;inutile" ell eelight-
cned conliuereital nations, ,all fint'n-
eial tranxactions of wha'evee charm:-
ter, all boniness entec•p.Ise, :ill in
victual or corporate transactions are
,ldjust.wl to it. An honest (foliar
worth hundred etntsevet \' where
cantata life eleeetl out of li.fr••y-t.hreo
emits word, of AWN',i,lus a legisla-
tive ties. Such to debasement of our
currebel• woelt>t inevitably produce
incale(tanrhle 1054, alapallitig disaster
aact aattml,tual dishonor''
/. ilei E'i y Cure tor Drinnknners.
Dretenel t nite.,a, Morphine and Tobacco
habiteaaxv rtewl� lm cur, ti by the use of
Hint t9 1.11)Ie t:hlorideidf Goltl Tablets.
N.srtf•,m ai„s required of the patient and
stianvbanl' tarry be taken art usual untie
vnlet•ed'tsutvfv elven up.• 'Tablets may 1>e
girtld•i„ a it•Li „I' enll'ee went hout the patient's
itnsrvviltud;:e, A cure out' ran 1pod in everycarer it„r sale by till Hirst tease druggists.
or 'trills 1.' .,•rat ,an receipt of •� 1.:1(1. For
full Ilvn•tu'ulnPr4 Odd The Ohre,
Chentit'i•I Worms, •[•salla, Ohio.
Soma Notes on Peo.tuig Poultry,
Were ca`: he no donhr, dart chick-
- • ens 'thrive, hetter;on cooked than en
e raw food; !wilco the value of prepar-
ed Itiisctitt heals. The. reason for
not di Melt It to determine,
s!'finIs when cooked a rem ore easily
- I digested, a td the venues elements
!cortta.ined tlae,rt;in are more •repidly
leseintilnred le the stomlaeh. It is
idenrira11v the sante with human
, beings. f rlo not tueen to say that
we,eould neteligest grain if it there
eaten [n a raw state; i,nt this would
fries sunup greed ter exertion on the
pert of our digestive organs, and the
result would be herder 1uus1e,
which i. 1ltlneteessery to many at
least. 8,0 it is with fowl, and chick -
for eager
With pot
Tan garden n Tote t , but 11 18 exa,rei-e. and asnil'elled to find their
now being transplanted into gardens olv,il tiaotl t•Iteitr etieitgth .of nlusele.
ata over the counttsy. It is a dill- w sttI i ht essetteiial to them. But as
mend shaped insect with a long the !chief pnrtiti'tt of what fond they
beak. It makes a business of spear- eonsunii• during the whole term of
ing the potato bugs and living on their natural life will he artificially
their blood. It does not harm the sell+t'il!1,- it would be it waste of
vines. It is green an color. I nlahlrt•ieI to produce t.l'nt enn
1a'ront the.followiug •dispatch from never ho nepii•red, At the same
Toraonto • it would :seem as if the time WP urns not.etbrry this practice
much talked of 'eieetrie railway to to tits extreme; otherwise the nnlscles
be ;built in the western r.art of will be unduly flabby. and fail to
Ontario, and which wiail touch sever- perfonta le:Terly dlieir vati:as tune
al paints in this couasty, with its tint's.. While, theerefote, we may
make !cnfr., i.e., cnokeel foot the has's,
accomplished fact. The despatch 'a certain proportion of haul grain for
nays: "A party of engineers have chickens is henoiieiad to tuaintain the
left the city to commence the survey fra.nae inial organ, in proper condition.
of the route to be taken by the These remarks do not apply to soft
Ilurontaario Electric I:..ilaa.y. They vf•getn1.i, . roots, erg•,, which cnntain.
will go over the ground between a targe Amountof n (theme, and are
Port, t Pert v, Walkerton, Kincardine, soft, as they contain f tries of nutri-
Meaf'ordand Goderieh. Their work me)it are lost tea consider -
will be completed in about sixtyable extent if eooked.
days and track laying will then be
proceeded tivith immediately.
termitnation atGoderiele is to be an
For Weak Backs,Lame
The Old Stew.
I Backs, Painful Backs or vile Y ushalong•—Tett know the any
proverb, 'natant, "She that giveth tolkind of Bad Backs, Manley's
the poor an' untbrtunit lendcth to tha' Celery -Nerve Compound is
Lord.” ,�` the Great. Back Strengthener.
are. Sharplcy—You area Iola
Wm. Rbrfers, s Ottawa Street,
proverbs, I r,ee,
Tobitft"rwrites rteof haveen1etie-. es,mwle brought troubled with
a lame back. some
up o11 'ern. ' .;
Mrs. 1,htu pity—
rl>,e1r, perhaps,
yott are familiar with the old sjtw 1
Petit^ --What old yfi.w, tna'at r
Mrs. Shtu'pley-•71'he one behind
the wood house dt17r,
of the doctors I consulted called it
Lumbago; others Eidoe Disease.
I received no benefit from their
treatment. Nine months ago /was
lucky enough to try Manley”,
Celery -Serve Compound, and, after
taking' two or three bottles, the
Data entirely left me, and I have
had no return of It for a months
But he was ge.•-•-Cleveland P1,Ain 'A. Par a to 111 Wile hath by Colin A,
Dealer: ' Catllpbell.
for Infants and Children.
HIn'rtt' ria*v' olvovrva'btn a of ("wrier/9. with the patronage of
amillinrta ofyorionn, r'nrmit UN to sp*nh of i•t'tithont guessing.
XtXt is no nostionably the best remedy for 'infanta and Children
the world has over krtn^,vn. it is harmless. Childress like it. It
gives thorn health. It will stave their lives. In it Mothers have
romethinx which iv r:'•isnlvately safe mad praotioaily perfect arty
obild's medicine.
Cnstoria sleeatrn-s, ^'ovens.
Caste, la marry: x e•%:'rf: bnosa.
Castrtrin vt•evortty vont+tin; Roy' Curd.,
Castori+s cures PiarrlL.caa and Wind Colia
Castor's , e11 -cos Teething Troubles.
Castoria Durres Constipation and 7'1sttndeno.
Castorin nen+rali:sc+s the effects of oarboaio acid gas or poi+tonons .air.
Castor's floes not contain morpbino, opium,er other narcotic property..
C storia as+isnilates the food, regulate. the stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Cartoria is put np in one -size bottles only. 1* i+ not sold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything also on the plea or promise
that it is "just as rood" and "will arts ••.,r Lever- purpose."
See that yon get C-A--T-O-R-I-A.
The foo -simile
signature of
is on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriat,
'011. 'Oea"itr0 ad"%/ 1AtiVre•tisu4, Qy'aosa•';pYt.
37,171 s
L a
'We do beat work in the Job Printing business and at
prices as sow as the lowest. If you are in need of any --
thing such as
O: anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the 0
old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham.
$ 5 R E NAT
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
Josephine St., Wingham
Opposite Macdonald Block.
Wanted—An Idea
Who can think
of some simple
thing to patent?
Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN wi:DDEaBuBN h CO. Potent Attor.
neys Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prise offer
end list of two hundred inventions wanted.
Sundae afternoon as Mr. Irwin
was driving• to the Clinton cemetery
the rig carrying the pall -bearers at
A. J. Pattison's funeral, he had a
decidedly unpleasant experience, and
one which it was feared at first 'to
be serious. Just as they were going
down the hill at the limit of the
town. the holt an single -tree broke,
allowing it to strike the legs of the
horses, and caused then. to
become unmanageable. Instantly
the pall -bearers all jumped
and saved themselves, but Mr.
Irwin retained the lines, when
the tongue dropped, caught in the
ground, and he was thrown head
first from the rig, as if fired , from a
eatapult, alighting fairly on his head
and shoulder •, he was picked up
and taken home in an unconscious
condition, and as the wound did not
bleed, fears wereto •tin
en 1 a ed that
the blood. might clot and cause -
trouble- however, his many friends
were pleased to learn, on Monday 1
morning, that he was out of danger,
and in a few days will be none the
worse of his adventure.
Caveats and Tradc•bfarki obtained, •••,d all patent
business conducted for M(nwn•iTP. b'idR:I, hiy
office Ls in the immeliate vicinity ofthe Patent Office
and my facilities tor securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and statement as tonevantagc.. claimed.
2,', charge is mode f..r erre opi n tart rts to
pateutabilitr/ and rev fee for prnsecnting the
application will sao9 be (Hari. for anal the
patent la allowed. "Iavx,noxa' Gutna; , con-
taining full information sent free. All ConlmunL•
cations Considered as tttrrctly Confidential.
926 F ['trent. WAA9II:iGTon., D. el.
For Snits that suit,
SUITS, give comfort to the
wearer and eutisfy
your friends,you had
OVERCOATS, better try us. Our
garment makers
TROUSERS.odont kwnowrk;howttdotheirthink
there are any better
and yet we charge no more than others
do for inferior work. Hundreds of new
fall and winter samples to choose from,
at prices about half what you have to
pay for old goods. Work done for parties-
furnishing their own cloth.
If you think that a'I'weeed Suiteannot
be properly made for al Spot Cash, call
and see our
, V
Our terms are cash.
1 /BS ER '& O.,,.
Opposite the Macdonald Block,.
Wi»'*ham, Ont.