HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-31, Page 1VOL, XXV.---NO. 1279. WINGHA_lI TIMES. WINCrHIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DULY 31,1896. WE SELL CHEAP. HOMUTH & • BOWLES. STOCK - TAKING PRICES. We are busy taking stock these .days and if ever there's a time to break prices on any lines it is right now. We are: offering special -prices Ito cash buyers in all lines of. goods. Things that are needing Nov. Not ,old, shop worn, out .of date goods, Ain bright, up-to-date stuff. The .quality of the gods and the lightness of the price inspire the buying. We are Clothiers, as well as Dry Goods men, Boot and Shoe men, as well as Clothiers and Gropers as well as any of the others. We want to particul- arly emphasize our Boot and Shoe Stock, anything and everthieg you may need. For the Home, for the Street, for the Field The prices are right, the :goods are right and our reputation back of it all. Remember these prices are n.ot for Saturday night only or any other night.only, but are for everybody and. from Monday morning to Saturday night. THINGS FOR MEN. Tweed Suits for $9 00 regular $11 to $12 Black Worsted Suits, 14 " 18 Fine " " 16 " 20 to 22 FURNISHINGS. White Laundried Shirts 75c.regular $1 00 Col. Regatta Shirts ....59 " 75 " ...69 " 100 Balbriggan 23 30 44 " 60 Four-in-hand, Ties 5 " 15 to 25 Derby Knots 5 " 15 to 25 Linen Collars 15 " 20 to 25 Fedora Hats 75 " 1 00 to 1 25 150 "200 to 225 75"100to125 /1 150" 200to225 Cetton Hose 10 " 15 Cashmere liose....23 " 30 ,/ " Stiff Hats MILLINERY. Trimmed Hats ,{ 44 11 11 Shapes. Sun Shades., ....15"25to50 Sailor Hats.. . ....15 " 25 to 50 Flo were .....,.. 10 " 20 to 50 40 regular 75 65 " 1 25 95 " 100 100 " 175 125 " 2 00 15" 25to50 S`L'AP]L]JS_ Flannelettes,,,, ,... 41 wort Flannelettes 51 '• +, 61 " " 9 Grey Cotton ........ .... 5 ,5 Towelings Gingharns Ginggbatns Prints. Print, ... WASIL GOODS. Zephyr Cords 20 regular 25 Col. Pelisse 20 " 25 Zephyr Ginghams. , .. 16 " 20 Cream and Col. Spot Musliu20 , " 25 Ladies' Blouses and Shirt ' Waists ...... ... . 89 " 1 25 100 10 h5 8 10 128 Marriage Licensees Issued by PRANK PA.mt asON, No 23, Vic- toria Street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. We Have Heard from a large number of our custo- mers and they have all signified their intention of paying us a visit during the races. We will be pleased to see you. The races are an assured success. Entries are corning in freely. Our civic holi- day falls on August 5th but we open all day and have foreign and domes- tic fruits in abundance. Also all kinds of refreshing drinks and ice- cream. Remember the place. City Restaurant, Macdonald Block, - - Winghatn. W. A. JOHNS. FALL ,TERM, SEPT. lst. THF Commercial School in Canada is the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. A course of study at this school has placed hun- dreds of ambitious ^"•ounr loon and women on the rnaa to success. Write for our circulars and see what others have done who have been hero. It will help yi,u to decide in our favor. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. New Ads. McIndoo's—Au st. Chisholm's—Inf nt Foods. McIntyre's—C1e ring Sale. W. A. Johns— Have Heard. LOCAL NEWS. —Council nieets M4day night. Big snaps at Griffin's, Cups and Saucers 75 cents per dozen. —Regular meeting Court Maitland, No. 25, C. 0. F. to-nigit (Friday). —The lacrosse club re making arrange- ments for a match with the Walkerton club on Civic I3olida —On r ynit' the Lucknow lacrosse 'am cam o r to play the home team an were defeat d 3 to 0. Why do you not have a nobby bicycling suit, when G. H. Irvin makes them so cheap. —Two loads of t e member Wingham Epworth gag Bethel League Wedn day —When is the crfc benedicte and bache We are anxious to see of the ut to et mat en the ors to ie plaPed off? a good match. Bacon, long, clear,old by . the side at the Wingham Packing House. Choice 5/, extra choice G. G. MaTTeezne Proprietor. u —Messrs, Ainbro , Campbell, Bowles 7 and Griffin went to Orangeville on the 10 early train Thursd y morning, to play a 6412 1• tennis match.,e;�; /f 41 121 GROCERIES 22 lbs. Redpath's Standard Granu- lated Sugar for 81 00 25 lbs. Yellow Sugar 1 00 61bs. Tapioca 25 6 lits. Sago 25 6 lbs. Rice 25 5 lbs. Currants, 25 5 dozen Clothes Pins 5 4 pkgs, Corn Starch .. 25 3 lbs. Can Apples. 7 Best Brand Lobsters 10 M's_ Best value in Teas to be got in Wingham. Store closes at 7 o'clock except Saturday night. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. WE SAY 1, CHEAP. .v a+p1 KDMV?1 J ORBS, Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters at Williams' Drug Store, 25e. —Business is:lo Mr. N. old ti horse ing up in some quarters rson will abandon the and cart and put on a —55 J. H. and been in tr on Tnesda tting stalion owned by ulmage and that has Detroit arrived horse ng lamed himself. —Veal c t , mutton chop and prime stake at r sable prices. Boy call for orders if regal ed. The best only, is kept at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market. —Tall corn is no and aiscussion. W that were of good lei 10 feet 8 inches, w swear which. -,This office is it McEwen for a ba Unfortunately the was out at the tin judge as to their qu that remained. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Paris Green absolutely pure at Williams Drug Store. —The Salvation Army will hold special meetings on August kb nd flth. Led by Brig. Margetts from ender). A ,good time expected, they will ilso have a stall where you will be able t get a cheap lunch and fruit In season, A young man ie foolish to play tennis in ordinary clothes, when he can get a jaunty washable tennis suit from G. H. Irvin at the right price. —From the firet th assurance that the Win would surpass the mos tions of the associatio your hat and look at i Wednesday and Thursd 6th. re has been every ham races of 1826 sanguine expecta• Put the date in every day. Next , August 5th and —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. J—Thos. Leslie who gents' furnishing and town for many years, 11 stock to Geo. Carr, the Mr. Carr will take poss ises now occupied by M first of August. the subject for rivalry beard of some stocks th,8,feet 10 inolies or are not prepared to lcbted to Mr. John ltet of harvest apples. writer of this article and he was unable to ity by the few coves —On Sunday even g next in the Con- gregational Chureh, ev. Mr, Mason will deliver a sermon on etting and gambling. Subject: 4+Christiani y and the Race- course." Both friend and enemies of this public evil are invited o attend. has carried on a tailoring shop in s disposed of his Iorth end tailor. ssion of the prem. Leslie, about the —Parties who require printing of any kind, should not forget that the Trull office is the place o have it done right and at prices consistent with good work and fair profits. —On Friday last General Manager H ayes and General Superintendent Mc- Fugan, Superintendei t E. H. Fitzhugh and Superintendent of M tive power, F. W. Morris, passed throu by a special car on a tour of the L. H. & On their return from Kincardine, the were met by a num- ber of business men, t the station, but did not come down into he town. Heathfleld's Healing Balsam is a sure cure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. —What might ha dent occurred at the Frances streets, wh pony became frac phaeton in which w her mother Mrs. Ill the shafts became d. riage or the ladies v most perilous positi came off unhurt a whiffletree no dama� Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters cures headaches, 25e. a package. been a serious acci- torner of Victoria ani n Mr. John Dinsley's C. E. Williams sells pure Satisfaction guaranteed. —Camp meetings Wingham, begin On, conducted by Pastor Geo. E. Fisher, as Mieses Wood, Tiubni� Meetings will be hell o'clock and two or t held on Sundays, A to attend. drugs. viIl be helrl' + Lower on d , A I 7, P W ,'1 t, d ,Lvengelists k nd E. Bongard. very aveuing at 8 ree meetings will be 1 are cordially invited Clearing sale of window screens. Screen door complete, 90 cents, wind'w screens for 30 cents at D. Suemnire1Nn'S, —Some complaint large stones on the e sary damages to li larger stones that ter stantly work to the s their being raked or a year. Josephine s1 improved in appear fringe of grass and the edge of the sidew s being made of the reete that do unneces- ht carriages.These in the grarel con- rface and necessitate eked off once or twice •eet might be greatly nee , by having the eeds tha *row along 14, cut .ff. — Notice of Wingham sundry—All my customers who have + onnta with me •ivill kindly prepair to same inside of ten days from 1st of A ust. R. J. BreseewIELL. — At a special meet' tendents and Assista the five Sunday Sc(I Tuesday evening Ju resolution was unan Whereas: The c eral services and oft parades between t o'clock on Sunday a of frequent occuren vices hold at the tin materially with all this town, often ca ance of one half, effects of such art entatiyes of over bers take the pos ale and Society iably unnecessar are such that the day, we urgentl- ests of our Sunda ious and upset the. arranged for at a e Mrs Linsley and flict with �lie,sch ughton. Fortunatelychurches. Aftern we think, he hel tached from the car- o'clock p. m. as ea ould have been in a the town who can n. As it was they lug this reform wil rd beyond a biotics funeral or other en of school services e was done. '`!%`> their respective pi that the people go ested in S. S. work tion is called to glad to have all s in the future injure our Sund g of the Scperin- t Superintendents of ols in Wingham, on 2Sth the following mously adopted: stom of having Fun - Society services and e hours of 2 and 4 ternoons, has become and that suoh ser - stated interferes very he Sunday Schools of sing a loss of attend- esides the undeniable actions. We the repres- 00 Sunday School mem- tion that Sunday Funer- rades are almost invar- But when circumstances must be held on that ask in the beat inter - Schools that they be hour which will not con - 1 service hours of all the on funerals if held can, just • as well at say 4 lier and if the clergy of 'd very largely in effect - refrain from accepting agements at the time nd so announce from !pits, we are satisfied erally—who are inter - will, when their atten- his thoughtless evil, be 1i/services so arranged not to conflict with or Schools. —The work on the ddition to the Union Factory is being rapi ly pushed to a com- pletion. During the past week the walls bane been run up. It s a two story brick building, 75 feet long y 57 feet wide and will give an additions floor space of 9550 feet, 40 feet front of ie grodnd floor will be used for an office a the rest as pack - and shipping room. ee second flat will be used as a finishi ; room. It is just three weeks since the ork was commenc- ed and the flooring is n w all laid and the roof which is a felt and gravel is on. The addition will add materially to the appearance of the factory. The Union Company is o be congratulated upon showing so much uslt as they have in putting up such a building. With a steady increase of trade such as their goods must demand, the U on Factory will continue to be a great enefit to the town. Turnip Seed. All varieties. True seed, at Williams Drug Store. —We are glad to wel ome back to town that genial gentleman, ohn Wilson, V. S., who has been on a bo iness trip through Manitoba and part of t o territories. Mr. Wilson says that the r in in the West has been something mare Mous this season.l In Winnipeg the recur surpasses anything that has ever been exp •ienced by the old- est settlers. lvof 6 ys in succession they had rain. The cro s on the high lands will be good, but tl flat country will suffer very much, and to grain will suffer from rust, On the hole, he says, the crop will be forty per nt less than last year. He reports Iia ing seen many old old limonites, who we glad to see him. He is now ladened ith greetings from friends to friends all r ady for distribution and no doubt he will b beseiged for a time by those who have fri ids in the prairie provinces. Health, comfort and satisf tion assured to the wearers of J. D. i &Cc's. hygen- io ventilated shoes, th axe superior in res eotfor sale Wingham only by every p , D. M. Gonnol. If yon want f cannot make a town than a over his st fresh. His f ice cream p confectionary you atter deal at any place in 1V1cKelvie's. He turns quickly and it is always s aro prime. Call at his A rata v/ In our last issue which occurred in on Wednesday of Mr. John Elliott by a board th saw at which he struck hint in the 10 At the time of going Elliott had rested w night and it was hop he would be around a few days, but the hen upon him, and he p Deceased was 46 year unassuming man wh of those with whom 11 Ile was born in Lo or about fifteen year the Township of Connty. Eight year and moved to Wingh in the Chair Factory worked constantly. bor of St. Pauls. He ham Tent of Maccab this order. The fun last Sunday afternoo est seen here for sot widow and four chit girl. The sorrow sympathy of their their sudden affiict Accident. e recorded an accident the Chair Factory last week by which as severely injured flew from the was working and en part of the bowels. 0 press last week Mr 1 during the previous by his friends that sin in the course of of death was already sed away on Friday. of age and a quiet always made friends had any dealings: don, Ont., and lived on lot 11 con. 8 of rooke, in Lambton ago ho left the farm m where he got work n which he has since ecoased was a mem- I elonged to the Wing - es and was buried by 14,1 which took place was one of tho larg. time. He leaves a ren—threeboys and a ng family have the many friends in this n. Parse 1 ars. Miss Wilson, of A wood, was in town Thursday, John Hession, of T. onto, is home for his vacation. Mr, D. Geddes, V, Lucknow, was in town on Wednesday. Miss Robinson, of and Valley, is visit. ing the Misses Roder Miss Carrie MaoD naid is home from London for the holid s, Miss Aggie Mulie lar, of Goderioh, is visiting friends in to n. .;¢Mrs. Dodds is speu ing a few pays with hoe son John in Seaf.. tu.* Mr,Samuel Grace has,returned from a three weeks trip to M nitoba. Mrs. Morrison and .on, of Bismark, ace visiting at Mrs. T. 1? rbes. e'/Miss M. Fessant s visiting friends in Walkerton, Chesley nd Durham.',,'/ Miss Orr, of Wro -eter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Borde , in town at present. Miss Maude and 0 •veLaidlow, Seaforth are the guest of th.ir aunt, Mrs. Jas. A. Cline. 3Ir. and llirs. J. C Johnston, and son, Freddie, of Goderich, re calling ou friends in town. Miss McDonald +ncl Mrs. John Bell wheeled to Seaforth 01 Saturday, return- ing on Monday. Mrs. McNaughton, ife of D.'licNaugh- ton, M. P. P., for N. I ruce was in town on Wednesday. Mr. Horace Hudson, of Wingham, is th e guest of his grandfatb<,; Mr. Wm. Lawrie. —Maitland Observer. • - Mr. Hey, 314, 1Aiiiat eit)litaster of Bar- rie Collegiate Institute is spending a few days with Mr. Harry s avis. .41/.;Miss A. K. Ross, Mr , Alex. McGregor, Mrs. Thos. Elliott and Mrs. John Elliott, were in Port Elgin this week.,'" Rev. Mr. Perrie anc Mrs. Perrie were the guests of Mrs. W. u. Bell for a few days this week. Mr. P•rrie was invited by Rev.Mr. McKenzie to .ccupy the pulpit of Geneva church last Sa ' ath, but owing to ill health the offer N not accepted.-- Chesley Enterprise. .A. Prominent .Lawyer says: "I have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my 'wife has boundless confidence.' CO\IMUNI ATION. the same time uld ebuso the old pat.iareh's hone to rattle in time grave. I for 'ne, and there are many More, .w uld like to know' what great or la tlable act 01' deed • the Orange 0 der has done, for Canada in the pa •t or the present or what they are 11 'ely to do - in the future fur t'le apse of religion, civil and religion liberties. ANOTH I FAIR PLAY GRIT. CANNOT BE PROTESTED. THEIR POSITION •EYOND DISPUTE. While we heat on every side about protesting t lis and that, it is impossible to get petitioner who will protest against the success that. has attended th l labors of the Directors of The "Western Fair" at London. They i ave worked well aI3d are now reapin ;• the benefits. of their toil. The New Buildin , s, which have, been erected at a co t of over ry 30,000 are not only a Bred t to them but to the Province of Il ntario, as none fitver exist for the . irpose for which th' are intended, utd will insure a vel;y large inerea ' in the number of°exhibitors of p. 'e bred animals of 1t.11••kinds. Eve! y owner should be"b11 hand with his stock, and. shgiy his appreciati' n for the advance- neent of stable see mmodation, and also see if there is of something- to ienkn that that wit be useful around ' hope. The -New Gran. Stands, which lrold twice tl' number of the 010ones are of the latest improved pat rn;.and will fill a long felt want of the numerous vi 'tors who patron- ize'tttie''°Pair ann ; Ily. To insure • thein >`ieing taxed to their utmost earateity;+the Attr' tion Committee have doubled their fiorts of the past and have secured t e .greatest and best list of attractio is ever presented. in' London. Paw ee Bill's Wild. West Show and Mr. 'ican Hippodrome the • Grand Milit ry Tournament, the Genuine Garel os fiunous polus Throwers, Mexico, Vngnelv,, Flat - Headed Indians, a d their :tssl..cfates of Scouts, Gui s, Hunters and Trappers, eighty 'ersons and sixty animals. Sic Ilas .an lien Alis great - 'est; of all troupes o ,Moorish Acrobats Gt1 ns pinliers, Pyi : mid Builders, &c., ever brought to A erica. t is the intenti.n to make every ;d 1 the .big day : commencing Mon- day, evening, ente t• tinments will be aivim, and the lou Wings all aglow with 'Electricity Is II be open to the 'pulic: '1 he.Secretary,. Mr. 'Thomas tt. B'1'otevne, will gla ly mail either a I'riie'ist, aPro, amme or a very hall1 .,map of W stern Ontario, on ret ipt of addres of any of our rea .614. DEAR TIMES -1• i11 you kindly allow the a sma.l -gparee''in your valuable paper, in •der, ko eptiree,t a-. correspondence in tl e Journal, O'er, ' the signature of "F: it Play`let•rti'- �; The title is a . goo one, in pti,,ji, could not have rhos 11 t mor -e isuit-,, able nne for their lame is *legion' but however careft 1 he may be ,"in. order to conceal is identity :,tile. velvet foot cannot hide the •deadly:. claw. No matter how this scribe may endeavour o cover hinikelf ' over with the hair hides of.,i'a\en-, ous beasts yet the oice is stilt the .. voice of Jacob an ' the motiveis that of Jacob's. 1 e must be $hick. in the belt indeed f he has followed closely the affair of this country for a reasonable t me hack and not have discovered, t at this organiza- tion whom he ch .mpions has been playing fast and hose on many occa- sions ; and if the individual whose desire is that matt rs should not be different finds hint, • If criticized along with the mass he h ' s no one to Maine but himself for be ne in that com- pany. The indi idual is always answerable for t e action of his organization unle s he repudiates such action. No when Fair Play 'Grit makes refers ce to the church he immediately gets into deep waters for he cant of point to any one act of the church .ut what has been in accordance wit the teachings of that church. B t we cannot say that much for th s 'Order'. We do not require to go back a great dis- tance to find that reat organization presenting to tl e world a most lamentable sight, enough to make men and angels weep, cutting a, most sorry figure i ldeed; so much . so that many of til more reasonable had great reason t blush, but the i great rank and le still cling to I their idols. It dos not cut any lee to a right thinks g people to' have the Prince of Ora ge and his good deeds paraded b fore them in this nineteenth centu y. The Jews of old could boast, and that loudly, of having Abraha as their father, ' and yet their co dueiu and action at 1 ' . Picked p IA Sea. i • iarantine, S. I., July 27.—The Ilatburg-Americ, n Line Steamer Georgia arrived ft.m Stettin and re- ported that en Jul the 22 at noon a dory containing ti o men was sight- ed and shortly aft rwards they were taken on board. r• his was in lat. 46. 01, long, 48. 48. The men were Alfred and Will am Kiddy, two brothers belongin - to the fishing schooner G. H. E rnest of Lunen.. burg, N. S. The lost their way on Monday morning, July 20 during a dense fog. After he fog lifted they were unable to lottc their schooner and were blown a vay for nearly two days without foo and. but little water. Dien engaged ' 1 digging the water- works trench to he Boys' Separatte School:', at Guph, came aeross a human skeleto t. The plot around the old church once used as a cemetery is still the resting place of many of the rude forefathers of our hamlet, With the bones discovered on Tuesday was the iron portion of an old flint lock weapon. All the wooden part was completely gone. The bone have been re -interred in. the R. C, cemetery, and the remains of the wettpon are at the school.