HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-24, Page 6t� :Il'1tID4X JULY 24,, 189t, DAIRY PRODUCTS AT 'IEEE EXHIBITIONS. IsT J. W. \\'IIi,ATON Daring. the tint 15 days of August dairy products are usually prepared: for the :e'en Fairs. Contemplating exhibitors will do well t() note the following; 1. No important prize wits ever won by chance and ospeei:ally is.. this the ease with tiny nlanufaetured article such as butter and cheese. Every cheese and butter -maker, therefore, should have some definite object in view in preparing his pro - duet for exhibitor and should end'ea.vur to put his best skill and intelligence to work in tarring out a perfect article. 2. Take the patrons into your con- fidence and induct theta to take particular care of the Milk on the day when the exhibition product is to be made and when good milk is secured let the product made from it be a reflection of your perfect work- manship and intimate knowledge of the best methods to adopt in making a fine quality of cheese or butter. 3, Be very careful how a package of cheese or batter is finished. A badly finished cheese or an untidy package of butter does not stand much of a sliow for winning a prize and will indicate the makers sloven- ly and untidy habit of doing things. • 4. Aside from the intrinsic wnrth of the prizes won, alt exhibitions have a high educational value. If a maker is successful in winning the prize he has the satisfaction of know- ing that he was in a position to put a little more skill and intelligence. into his awls than his competitors and by knowing the method adopted Newt!' be able to put them into ' practice in his work during the year. The educational value is just as great for the maker who does not win the prize. On receipt of his score card he will find out in what points of quality his exhibit is hick- ing and by the knowledge thus obtained he will be in a position to. adopt better methods in his work during the year. 5. The dairy industry of Canada is an important one and our dairy- men should remember that the dairy exhibits at the leading fairs should relnber that the dairy exhibits at 1 he leading fairs should indicate to visi- tors from abroad, not only its extent but also that we make an article of the very finest quality. An Easy Care for Drunknnose. Drunken fleas. )'lorphine and Tobacco habit Wily easily be cured by the use of Th'i's Double Chloride of Gold Tablets. No efiart. is required of the patient and stimulants may be taken. is usual until voluniarilv'„iven up. Tablets way be given in •tt•ain! co:fee•with outthepatient's , knowledge. •1 eons guaranteed in every case. LrurSale .by all first class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of 31.00. Fur full particulars address, 'rife Ohio Chemiehl Works, Luna, Ohio. FOUND AFTER 40 YEARS WOMAN Wyfi0 SOUGHT TIER BROTHER IN ALL PARTS OF TFT E aVORLD LOCATES HIM AT LAST Patterson, N. J., July 11i. -Forty years ago .lir, yItir;,rl,rot Snl;th, wino now resides at N.1 35t. Marki•t-street, lost all trice of her brother, Robert Blackwood. She was dutermiited to find him, however and has Bever ceased in her efforts to do so. The postal authorities of countries all over the world have been com- municated \a ith and every resorce exhausted, but alt in vain until! a few weeks ago, when aIrs, Smith re- ceived official notice from the pro- vince of Victoria, Australia, to the effect that a man named. Robert Blackwood was in Hopetown, in that province. Site wr'.1te him a letter and today received a reply showing that he is her long lost brother. For years he has been equally arduous in his search for her but without as ail. Blackwood is in g ciraomstan- ees and promises to follow his letter in person as soon as he can arrange his affairs. After forty yearn' separ- ation a happy re -union is in pros. pest. 'Women who are weak and nervous, who have to appetite and cannot sleep, find strength and vigor in Hood's Sarsa- parilla, THE WINGH.AM'TIMES, JULY24, {SeltJ„ Llarl;z ' LZC roloisZIF IN UNIVERSITY COI,I,EQE IIAS FALLEN TO THE LOT OF DR, JOIINSTON A CANADIAN. The nearly established lectureship in Latin in University College has been filled by the appointment of Mr, C. W. Johnston, 13, 2f„ tof Toronto University, and Ph. D., of ,TQhn HgdkinS, Dr, Johnston is a Canadian and an honor graduate of Classics ofToronto University. After fielding with great credit for souls years the Classical Inastership in Brampton High School heresigned his position to take a post -graduate course in Latin Greek and Sanskirt in John Hopkins University the most cele- brated seminary on the continent for the training of teachers of ad- vanced work in science and litera- ture. At Johns Hopkins Dr. Jehn- ston won the highest distinction, He was University Scholar in Latin in 1892-93, Fellow in 189;-94, and Fellow by courtesy 1894-95. As a . "r State schools. Addressing the Baptist Convention of the Northwest, Bev, Alex. Grant said: If the Baptists held their peace about the much -talked -of school question he was afraid that the country would miss theta, and that the otitis() of the Lord Jesus Christ was going to suffer. Ile did not believe that the last election bad brought ns out of the woods,. Every time that the State made an invasion on the work of the church he was going to tall: out. When the luisarl* otified hands of the State officers were laid on the ark of God in any measure it was time for the country talk out. It was said chat there was an understanding between Mr. Laur- ier and his Liberal supportersin this country to settle this thing now. It did not matter Much how, so long aa it was settled and the Liberals could keep power. Thus the Baptist con- tention for principle was to be dealt with as a cheap thing, as a little thing, now that tbo Liberals were in and they understood each other. He offered himself as a member of tide substitute for one of the regular staff' loyal Opposition to any such settle - he has been acting Assisting Pro- nient to the question in Manitoba. fessor in Latin in Cornell University . He believed that to put religion highly recornended by Professor whether in the form of exercises or Gildersleeve, Prof. Kirby Smith and of instruction into the State school Dr. H. Wilson of the John Hopkins was to do the children incalculable staff, and by Profs. Bennet and Dery ' danger. In the Province of Quebec of Cornell. His scholarship will no the clergy had had their own way, doubt be a source of strength to the and the male population of Quebec Univerltity College and it is creditable was largely infidel today. Scotland to the country that. Canadians are had board schools, which were prac- bound so competent and well quasi- tically church schools, with the Red to fill our highest educational catechism regularly taught, and positions. within the last twenty-five years the most appalling l pp g de terioi•atiotl 'had come upon Scotland, The result of 'putting any measure of religious AS DIVIDED FORIIUNICIYAL PURPOSES. Instruction into the schools would be to give the clerics power over the To his Hon. The Lieutenant Gov- Youth of the country, and it would cruor in Council ; mean a fatal deterioration morally We the undersigned Commission- and spiritually. ers appointed under "The County 1 "If you love Manitoba," said. Mr. Councils Act, 1896" by the Lieuten- I Grant, "you have got to set your ant Governor in Council, to divide faces as a flint. Let us pledge our - the county of Bruce into County selves that we will demand that the council divisions report that having State keep its unsanctifltd hands off duly considered all the evidence religion. So far as State matters adduced before us, and having had' are concerned, I am an out and out due regard, to the provisions of the secularist. Thoughtful men of other said act, we have divided the said denominations are coming to recog- cr unty into nine county council niza the logicalness of our position. divisions, for the purposes of the What we have said has not been said act as follows: without its influence. When the 1. The first county council divi- commissioners of the Manitoba Gov-, sign to consist of the townships of eminent met those of the Dominion Bap - Albemarle, Eastnor, Lindsay, Buryone alternative offered was on Bap - St. Edmunds, and polling .sub -clivi - not ground. I believe that could' sion number Live, the townships of not have been done four years ago. Amabel and the town of 'Warton. I believe that spiritual reunion, per- snnal religion is dependant upon the way we settle this question." BRUCE 2. The second division to consist of the township of Arnabei except polling sub -division number five, the township of Arran and the village of The Students Copied. Ta I'S Listowel issomewhat excited about 3. The third division to consist of the departmental examinations which the township of Elderslie, pulling are at present going on at that town sub -division number five of' the township of Greenock and the high sebogl. The examiners are villages of Chesley and Paisley. Messrs Bothwell, of Listowel, Mills Theand Kilmer, of Stratford and Glassey , 4. fourth division to �.onsist of St, Marys. The trouble is that of the township of Brant and the,the examiners are insistingthat the town of Walkerton. • 5. The fifth division to consist of the township of Carrick and polling subdivision number 6 gf the town- ship of Cuirass. 6. The sixth division to consist of the township of Culross except poll- ing soh -division number 6 and Of the township of Greenock except regulations of the department must be carried out. The 'students had only been writing for a short time when it 'became evident that whole- sale copying was going on. This the examiners deterrnined to stamp nut and the Stratford men took the lead. Four or five candidates were ;1t411hrg; ,nl>-division number 5 andcaught in the act and were expelled rill: gilt igo o! 'rl;eswater, from the rooms and there examin- T. Tim seventh division to con▪ sist :ideas cancelled This was not • all, of „he townships of Huron and Kin - found soon afterwards others were Ions and the ilii a of I,ucktic '. found with notes up in their sleeves 8, The ei,:;hth dvisfontocoalaist ofready to drop on their desks when a the town of Kincardine and the (.0nvenient time should arrive. township of.Kineardine and tlie vill< '.here were evidences of a thorough age of 7'irertori, organization on the part of those 9. The ninth division to consist of writing, and the candidates were the township cif' Brune' and Saugeon . `pial nes that everyoneffound copying tired the villages of '''ort Elgin and 6euthannpton. All of which is respectively sub- ruirt.ed. Dated at the town of Walkerton, in the said county of 13rucc, this 1st' day of July, A. D., 18:)6, Sed. S. J. JoN•Iss, Jotrx Carson, COnindssionCI'S. —Wa lli erten Telescope, ation at the conclusion of tha would have his examination cancell- ed. Inspector Alexander who has chnrge of the' examinations in the county, has been appealed to several times and asked to reprimand the examiners for what they have done. The father of one of the boys judged to be acting improperly, asked the inspector to allow his son to con - Chum writing and have the ease decided by the Minister of Educe - examination. Mr. Alexander replied Are Yoi Tired • that he could do nothing but instruct All the time 2 This condition is a sure the examiners to obey the regulation§ indication that your blood is not rich and The Minitel. was then eommunicated nourishing as it ought to be and as it with by the parent, but the decision may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier Hood's Sarsa- of the examiners and inspceto_• was parilla. Thousands write that Hood's upheld by Mr. Ross. Sarsaparilla has cured them of that 1 tired feeling by giving them rich, red ' bloShe —Did yo•i know I had a stow Hoon's I'ltts act easily andpromptlybicye'e snit on the liver ani bowels. Cure oleic He -No, I didn't, Whcr have headache. you been limning C>'ver now. ram Rotes. People who serape and scour their trees just for the looks of it, and leave the loose bark on the ground where it falls, are aiding the enemy. If there are any insects among the Mark they tiro still there and out of sight of birds. * * ae The windmill will water the'stock, grind and chop tlio feed, irrigate the garden, and can be,harnessed in other ways at will. There are few farms where they will not repay the cost, If they can he afforded at all, they should not be called an expen- sive luxury.. • * is Grain farmers ana all others of the single erop variety aro coining to their senses by degrees. Ono at- terptin„g, to carry on a farm these times without the raising of stock of some kind finds himself running behind. Others make the real _profit off all that he grows. ;r * Thousand of tons of vegetable rubbish are annually wasted because farmers generally do not appreciate the value of a mulch. The very meaning of the word seems not to be understood. The tops of plants and trees want air and sunlight, but the root need shade and moisture. ae * ;t• Be careful not to use brine from the beef barrel in curing pork; no 'natter how thoroughly it has been boiled, it will surely taint it, Pork will not keep in a barrel which has once kept beef, though this rule does not work theother way, as beef will keep well in a pork barrel. * * * Persistent work pays in net profit and satisfaction. Weeds eat up .so ntnch plant food, and drink up so much water in a dry time ; and yet they can be kept down so cheaply with mower and smoothing harrow and weeder if we use our brains in the way of good management./ * * * When preparing the wheat ground arrange to let it lie for some days after working down fine and firm, so that the weeds will start, and then tear it up with cultivator or cutaway harrow and kill them. If this can be done two or three times it will help greatly in the future. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. imam 1 -oil A1011144 &i1031 Toronto itud Fast 0:04 a•m, 1:18 pan 11:20 " 10:07 " 5:15. p. Clinton Palmerston Nixed 7:20 " 10:40.a.in London and South 0:5Q a.m. 11:10 " 1 5:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m, Kincardine 31:20 man. 0:04 a.m. 1 1:18 p 1n. 11:20 " 10;07 " 0:65 p.m. BANK of HAMILTON WINGHANI. Capital, 01,250,000. 'lest, $050,000 Prosrdunt-Jens NTUAt1T, Viou•Presidont-A.G:, li.waAy. DI1?.EC'TOES Joan PRoOrOR,. Oxo, Ito.oli, wa GtsaoN, AI P, A. T. 1Vggn, A. If. LRx (Toronto), Cashier -J. TURNBULJ.. Savings Bank-Itoure, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. llowed, De posits Qf x41 and upwards received and Interest a Special'Ddposits •also received at current rates of ir.. stoat. Drafts on Great Britain and the United State' bought and sold 13, 'ILLSON, AOIs'N7 I•], L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Bogk,, Paniplilr•ts, Posters, li l 11 heads, Circulars, ego., &e., exeeutcil is x11. hest style of the art, at moderato irices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. G. BROWN, Tuns (Mice, wingham. BOOKBINDING. Wa are pleased to announce that ANY Books hr Magazines lute with us for Binding,, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will ha given on application to the Triage Office. , .Monty to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABL 1 RATES money advnncrd' on Mortgages at si per nentwhh privilege of paying at, the end of any year. Not, s end: accounts collected. 2i,u2T. 8IcIAND00. Beaver Block 1,Vinghau4, Out. i° WE STILL LEAD IN Barn yard manure increases the 1 r t�! wood growth of nearly all. fruit 1 ATCHE�. trees, while potash tends to increase 0 the fruit growth. The former can 0 • 3 Ir not be allowed to suffer at the ex- 4 pense of the vitality of the tree. )1 Without a new yearly wood growth the- prospect of fruit -would be greatly IF ' JEELER• reduced. a * * . f 9 • 01 barn yard. It is surprising that 1 SILVERWARE 1 Irrl,tlt J. lit+a'1N, D. D. good farmers do not contrive, that piI Doctor or Dental speedy ways to cure the matter. f3 Dental College.Such a thing is a detriment to the f 1 OFFICE---MACDONALD whole place, and an eyesore to the 1 whole country around. Clean it up and dram it o There is a way to overcome every- thing, even the nuisance of a muddy al f 0 1)1 1AM 1,111f$ --I8 P J LISIIED 1'.Y.EitY TRIDAT atoll x1N6} -•-•A't TUE- TI OFFiOE, JOSEPHIM t,r'i REE'V iS'INCr1IAI1, QX`iTA1t1Q, Sutrscriotiolsprioo,$11,m ;yc»i . , (vane ADVERTISING RATES: $rrcc 1 1 yr. 10 mo, 1 as a o. 11 n10 Ono Column 300 00 1140 00 1820 00 5 00 hall •' 40 00 20 00 12 00 0 005 Quarter " •20 00 12 00 i 0x) , 8 004 Unr Lu b ......._ ... 5 40 3 00 I 2 OQ _1 00' Legal 911,1 01 lot. naaim adr ertisemente se, per line for drat in septi m, and Su. pup Ilan fore,.ci.3ubaequent insertion. Measured by nonpareil 10.4e. Local anticus iSe, per il,e fol first ii eni•tion, ands Go. ppr line for cooh subpegtlont amt.: kr, Adrertisemente of Lost, Fqund, Strayed,Situatione.. and. i3usilp'•i Chances \Valtted, notocree.ling 8. lines. rump tr.11), $a rue 111'dt u»nth, a id 5)c, for each. subecgnc•,[ month, Bonen, ;old Farms is for Sale, not exceeding 8 lined' 31 for that mouth, 50c, per suhaugaent month. Larger advertisements in 1,+opurtian, 1 'these 1.1018 will bu strictly adhered to Special note,, for larger advertisements, or fo longer , ,,ei, 4,,. I Ado e, liruniunts and local notices without speorfl direction., will he Inserted till forbid and charged aceordine ,. Transitory advertisements must be paid n1 ads arise Change, us' contract adv crtteouleuts ;mat be in the other ll Wcdueadny noon, in order to appear that week S. 0. ituowN, PROpIniTOR AND PUnL1Bn■B DR \R MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET„ WiNonew, • R. vANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete., Private tinct Company funds to loan '+t towed. rata. interest, No rotnmieslpn charged, Mortgages, and tarn' property bought. and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WIN0r11M J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, to„ Whigham, Ont. • E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. nOLIOITO)t TO BAI(Y OF HAMILTON, MONHY TO• LOAN. Office-e-MO.0r Block. a ►Ingham. NI • G. CAMERON, NARI11SrE11, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANOEB, stc Odics-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opp)$ite Colborne Hotel, GOONA10 N, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. --.1. S. JEtROME, L. D. S.,WINe■1M. 4 ..•�yy Is mnnutactarmg firet•ctl!e sets of teeth as ubeap as tbuy can be Ixade in the Dominion. Tenth oxtraoted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perk. Uy safe. OFFICE : hl the Boavur Block, opposite - the Brunswick House. a., L. D. S., Surgery of the PonasylvaoL. ff. The soil, the seed and the work-�', OF CHARGE. ff man are about equally responsible Fr i for a good crop, but each one of these le must be at its best to get full. ad- i� WE.]GEA') OTHERS C� vantage' of the others. If the sower, �F Lr the seed or the soil is more than pro- • 'FOLLOW. ' • li portionately deficient, more than its 11 own proportion of the erop is likely 1 , r, to fall short. 1 IYI�IVL7�V3 * * * � THE OPTICIAN. • 1 Stirring the soil in warm weather 1' makes it wanner by.admitting the �•i� ,,'.i... ,•,_s,,,iz,� ,,,T;,��•7 outside air. It also. stimulates de- 1 I composition of any valuable matter I ' BLOCK. 1 EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE Nu'is-0'11 visit Blyth avert' Wednesday.. the soil contains, and thus directly adds to the available supply of fer- tility. Unless the cultivator is kept busy, manure .makes the weeds grow as well as the orop. *• ;e ,* Whitewash is the friend of the stable man. It absorbs the odors purifies the air of the building. It is the best of insecticides, and where the red mites abound immediate re- lief will result. Added to this is the pleasure of seeing things look so I bright, and the color can be varied I to suit the taste. "Going to get marrieg? What for ?" "Well, why shouldn't I? My ' father did so, and my grandfather didbeforeme." "I see one of those hereditary mis- i fortunes, I supp.lse." i Mamma—You' know, Johnny when matnnia whips her little boy she does it for his ovrn good. Johnny—Mamma I wish you didn't think so nmeh of tine. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. 1'.S 0 E. -Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Subject for July 24x11: Claiming the Prom. ises. Isa. 40: 25.51. EPWORTi•1 LEAGUE. -Meeting every Thursday evening; in the Methodist church. Subject for duly :30th : Great and Precious Promise ti '2 Peter i. 4,, W. Gifford, Lily Kinsman, Gertie Russell, ]!'rank 1Ii11, W. 13oubledeo, B. Y. P. 11.- -Wresting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. JOHN RITCHIE 4.3ENEILAL INSURANCE ADIENT \Visna AN, ONTARIO" fie DEANS, JI.. Wisouse, L10ENS:-D AIJCTIONEEn Feu Ttili COUNT?' OF ilUltu,\. Sales attended In any pert of the Co. Charges•- Moder:.te, OLIN CU1•tRI , 1•VINOi.M, ONT., LIOENSED AUCTIONEER Sales of Faru, Stock and Harm implementer Si. - specialty. All orders lett at the Thais otlice promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. G -O 'Z'O_--- FRANK SCELI's, . W)IE)tii YOU SET 12 S1IAVP.3 AND 1 RUB Fon $1. Opposite Norman's Hotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO Agency for Parisian Stcam Laundry, SOCIETY MEETINGS. G• CCourt Maitland, No, 5:1, Canadian • .—Order Order Forester...giversthe second For ' ''gfJ,..oitJ T -six year. and Iast Friday evening of awry mouth, in Ore. goryY's Block Visiting brethren welcome. T. J.. 0 Mehran, C. It. 11. B. Elliott, It. 8. DUNNS BAKINC POWDER L. L._wino., i., 0. 1,., :to. ;04 meets th i the ,4 1, Mall; visitor1vtI105,(;olly,v,5., W. AI.; \\ , J. Meaty, Ree.•Scc, ��ii _Camp Caledonia, No, 40, moot r �7s a (.dr the first and third Alonda� iu 'NEGBBK• S BEST FRIEND 1 Unhr.n ,,w1 u, cinhoe. , , V1tFLAnGEv SALE IN CANADA. GOtIun, Ruu..$i ,