HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-24, Page 2LAM TimEs, JULY -116, BXR KER' S LUCKU lilt 1iRtk:T.Itstar1'1;. Copyright, 1805. A bird twittered. The morning sten ablating ihrougtl the .openwindow was apparplltly more potont than the cool Mountain air which. had oily caused tiro sleeper to curl a littitt more tightly to his blankets. Barker's eyes opened tnst'nt- ly upon the light, and the bird nu the Window ledge, Like all healthy young animals, he would have tried to sleep again, but with his momentary contei- ousness came the recollection that it was his turn to cook the breakfast that morn- ing, 1212(1 he rc+grotfulle' rolled out of his N. bunk to rho floor Without to stopping 11 l pi dress be (pooed the actor and stepped -out- SUM, senure in the kliowledge that he was overlooked only , by the Stomas, and plunged his head alit shoulders in the bucket of cold water that stood by tiro door. Then he began to clatbo bilaself, partly in the cabin and partly iu tho open air, with a lapse between the put- ting on of his trousers and coat, which he employed in bringing in wood. Rak- ing together tho few emb.rs on rho ad- obo hearth, not without a prudent regard to the rattlesnake which had encu been detected ill hanuding the warns ashes, he began to preparo > • cast By this 1 rolenlf p p >. time the other sleepers, his partnors, atacy and 1)elnorest,.youug 1110n of about his own age, worn awake, alert aud Il,z• ily critical of bis progress. "I don't este about my quail on toast being underdone for breakfast," :iiia Stacy, with a yawn, "and you needn't serve with rod wino. I'm not feeling very peckish this morning." "And I reckon you can knock off tho fried oysters after the Spanish mackerel for ale," said Domgrest, gravely. "Tho fact is that last bottle of Votive auci Marcia we bad for supper wasn't as dry as"I am this morning." Accustomed to these rogular Barme- cide suggestions, Barker made no direct reply. Presently, looking up from the fire, he said: "There's no morn salora- tus, so you mustn't blame oto if the bis- cuit is extra heavy. I told you we bad none whon you went to the grocery yes- terday." "And I told you we, hadn't a red cent to buy any with, said Stacy," who was also tro:ssurer; "put those two negatives together and you luako the afiirmative— saleratus. rias freely and bake in a hot oven." Nevertheless, after a. toilet as prim- itive as Barker's, they sat clown to what he had prepared, with the keen appetite begotten of the mountain air, and the re- gretful fastidiousness, born of the recol- lection of better things. Jerked "beef, frizzled with salt pork in a frying pan, boiled potatoes, biscuit And coffee com- posed the repast The biscuits, however, proving remarkably heavy after tho first mouthful, were usod as ulissilos, thrown through the open door at an empty bot- tle which had previously served as a mare for revolver practice, and a few moments later pipes were lit to counter- act the effects of the meal and take the taste out of their nloulshs. Suddenly they blear the sound of horses' hoof:;, saw the quick passage of ,n, ridor in the open space before the Cabin, and the smart impact upon tbeatahle of some small object thrown by him. It was the regular mooring dalivery of the coun- try newspaper. "Re's getting to be a mighty sure shot," said Demorest, approvingly, look- ing at his upset can of coffee as be pick- ed up the paper, rolled into a cylindrical wad as tightly as a cartatidge, and began to straighten it out. This was no easy matter as the sheet had3t evidently boon rolled while yet damp ,from the press, but Denlorasr, evcntuall + opened it, and ensconced Minton behind it. "Nary news? asked Stacy ''No 1 There never is poly! said Denlor - est, scornfully. "We ?ought to stop the'. paper. "You mean the papa man ought to. We don't pay him, said Barker, gently. "WelI, that's tho sane thing., Smarty ! No news, no pay! Hallol he continued, his eyes suddenly riveted on the paper. Then, after the fashion of orclinary humanity, he stopped. short and read the intorostingitenl tohabseil. When he bad finished ho brought his fist and the paper toggether, violently don upon the tabic. "Now, look at thist TAlit of luck will you! Just think of'it. Hero aro we— bard lots men math 1 s of tithe, c too •—grnhbin' away eta this hill side �lilce niggers, glad to got (hough at the end of the day to pay for our soggy biseufts and horse bean , a c iron o nd just look what falls into the lap of Houle lazy, sneakin' greennorn who never did a strolto of work in his 1120. Here are wo—with 120 foolishness, no airaenor graces and yet men who would (lo credit to twice that amount of luck, and 'seellt born to do it, too—and we're set alto for porno long, lank Welt -Wiping Fcrub who just knows ,t.'..•' Cno1 to tit down on bis nfl}ce stool and bold otr to a bit't>f paper." "Wl at's up now?" • arknd Stacy, with tiro c it, ld ;mess begotten of familiarity with els partner's Q$ rbv"g aiC3. "Mien," :mid Icmr n(t reading: "Anothor unpreeuter twit Mal has taken place in the share; of tiro Yellow Ham• iner's first ext0nsion loirte ei.-.ce the sink- ing of tae, now shaft.. It way quoted s• $' 5 e terdt►y at ten thousand dollars a foo.. When it is renom peri d that scarcoly two years ago the origins shares, issued at fifty dollars per' siinico, bad dropped to only fifty coots per slatre, it will be seen Ila; tF.(,au who •iter(# ableto t hold on havoof agood thing." axg "What mine diel you car?" asked I'3ar•k- er, looking up meditatively from the ;dishes he was already.tvnsling. "TipC11ov Hammer first octonslon,! returneduri(1 tore s Ir tly. "I useel to lritl0s(>110 shatos in that, andI think I have there stili," ;,aid Barker, musingly. "Yes"," said Deanorest, ,prolnntly, "the parer speaks of it hetes We un(lorstancl, " ," 1 + ountinuc(1 reading alt7'uc bra .. u lc ixi . l G to , r g elllGOnt fp110tciti e1, George e I► kpl, otherwise known as 'Get Lott Ba11•er,' and' Clstaoklehead" was ono of the fortun- ta.te intttviduals." "No," said darker, with a 4100 flush at innocent pleasure, "It can't say Glatt. How could it know?"' tatacy laixglletl, but Demorest coolly continued. "You didn't hoar all,, Litton 'We say was one of thou, but having thready sola his apparently use - lose eartifieatos to our popular druggist, Jones, for corn plasters at a reduco(i rate, he is t;uablo to realize" "You may laugh, boys," said Barker, with simple seriousuoss, "but 1 really bonevo I havo got 'ern yor. Just wait. 1'11 see!" He roso nod began to drag out a Well-worn valiso front under his: hauls. "You sen," be oo Umtad, "they Were givmn to me by an old chap. Iu re- turn for—" "For .,,.. sa iu_ his It r � s i'p 1 y cicbLying; the Stockton boat that attorwar(is blow up," rut urned Demurest briefly. "We kn'>w it all. flit hair was white and itis hand trembled slightly as he laid these, sharps in yours, sayIng, and ;you 11OVOL' forgot tho words: "Take ''t,ul, young roan, and, "— "I''or lending hint two thousand dol- lars now," cotltinn,lt, lh►1;(er with a simplo ignoring of tholntorruptlou as bo gnittly brought out tIIh waist% "Two thousand tl glltus I" repeated taoy. "\Won did you have two thou- sand dollars?" "When 1 ou Ifirst left 'Sacr mOnto— 1r o year ago," said Butter, unstrapping tho valise, "How long did youkhave it," said Do- nlorest, incredulously - "At least two days, I think," rotnrnod Barker, quietly. "Then I met that man. He was hard up, and I lent him my pilo and took those shares. Ho died after - wart s. "Of course he did," said ,Demorest, Fovorely. "They always do. Nothing kills a luau lucre, gniekly than an action of that kind" Novel:thetas the two part- ners regarded Barka rummaging among some loose clothes and papers with a kind of paternal toleration. "If you can't Mal them t bring out your ,Govern-. AI:OTlIE11 t'NPI%ECEDE\TED MSE RAS TAKEN PL+tCE Ir THE StrAP.ES OF THE YELLOW, went bonds," suggested Stacy. But the , teat moment, Slushed and triumphant, Barker rase from his knees and cane to- wards them carrying some papers in his hands. Denlorest seized them from him, opened teen, spread thoin on the table, examined ;hurriedly the date, signatures tont transfers, glanced again quickly at the newspaper parag.• rph, looked wildly at Stacy, and then llst Barker, and gasped: "By the living hickey 1—it is so l" 'B'gosh! he has got 'ern!' " echoed Stacy. "Twenty shores, " continued Do1:lorest, breathlessly, "at two thousand dollars a share—oven if it's only a part—is two Ilundroti thousand dollars! Jolvsalen 1" "Toll ate, fair sir," said ataoy, with sparkling eyes, "hast still left in yonder casket any rare jewels, rabies, sarcenOt or links of lino gel ? Peradventure a parrl or two may have been overlooked 1" "No—that's a11," returned Barker, simply.. "Youplyhear him! Rothschild says 'that's a11.' Prince Estorhazy says he hasn't another red cont—only two bun - tired thousand dollars." "What ought I to;do, boys?" asked Barker, timidly glancing from one to tiro other: Yet he remembered with delight all that dayand for o many a year after- wards that be only saw in their facos un- selfish joy and affection at that supreme metra 1 e t. "Do?" said Demorest, promptly. "Stand on your head and yell! No. stop! Coin here!rr He 0 o seiz ed both t Barker .(,r an(l Stacy' by the hand, and ran out into the open air. Here they danced violent- ly with clasped bands around a small buckeye, in perfect si"enco, and then re- turned to the •cabin, grave but perspir- ing. "Of course," said Barker, wiping his forehead, "we'll just get! sono money on those certificates and buy up that next clam] which belongs to olct Carter, whore you know we drought wo saw the indication." "We'll do nothing of the kind," said Dot]torest Sl " dceidedl y . ' u ain't i n it r. That ]no .ey is yours, yticl chap—ovary cent of It property ecqu!red boron rear " nage, you know, orad tile only thing y , ttnlldoistobacl—ci •• l.,' tiara Kollsr 7tl you ell o (► crime of it in this i . •< . p Gtc if o1A-Ll.oh 1,010. No!" "But we're partners," gasped B(trltor. "Not in this! The lltillost we can do for yott, Opulent Sir—;:hough It i11 becomes tis horny -banded' sons of toil to rub. shoulder/1 with Dives418 perchance an Cu 20 dine With you—to taste n pasty and a gloss of 111alvoisio—at spino restaurant in Sacramento—when y0ti've got things fixed, in honor of your ratan to aiil u totem But more wool1 become "But What are you g•oing to (1C?" said Barker, with a iraIf•]ly teetat1, twit frightened smile, "Wo havo not pet looked' 1e'ocluh our L- -,lu¢gt►ge," earn .uelnorestt with. lnvinc- iblo gravity, "and there's a seerot roost •—t► double.fond—to 1n." ortmat �p ttoau , 1c11pwn only tan 6k11sty itr►gu which. has. not br-en tlisturilotl stupe 1 bolt itU: nacos trot punto 111 i?ag;luia. iutre niay he ti, few first dobanturos of Kral, or what 11011, OM there,!' ; "1 feltsormie strange liisc•iike Kotula eraiwos its 1uy dross sett t110 Other day but ltellke, they are but poker oltips,r, told Strtoy, thoughtfully, An uneasy fooling cr(+pt over Mlarbter.. The color winch. had tofu his froth (hook 1•nturued to it quality, trail he turned bis oyes, Away, Yet hp had scan 'nothing in itis companions' oyes but tsffeetiou— motheton aporta,iil .kind of tondocpm- 1tiiReratit a that deepened his Unetist- Mott "I suppose," ho said.. desperately, atter a pauso, "'I ought to go over to Bloontville and moat+ some inquiries." "At the bank1 old chap! at the bank," said De lloreat, orlpbatically, "Take rely a(tvluo and don s go anywhere o1se. Don's brdfathe a •ord of your luck to lv Ana do ' anybody, .471 1 pe 3 t t 1 2 ill Or , v you do, Ito tempted to sell just now; you don't knew how high ti it stock'A going to junip yet," "I thaugllc," sta lnrrod Barker, that you boys might Him .o go over with loo. " "We 'can't afford take another 11011- day un grub wages, nil we're only two to work 10.11 57, Fail Deiiiorust, with n slight increase of col 1r and tho 2llatest tremor in his voice, 'And it won't (to, o!d chap, tor us to be tool planning . round with you oit tiro heels of your b c5 11 a tav yGa 1( 0 14 05 a e2i vlta� l lgood fortune. For overyboiy knows wo'ra poor, and sooer or ltus every - yon er -yon first caul; to us. "Nonsense s" sold alter, iudignantiy, "G.isn,l, lay boy ' said. Deanorest, ('hmain, "Thu frozon tru i, old man!" said Stacy. Barker took up , ds lent with some stiffnoss and moved towards the (1(01'. Item he stopped irrasoiutely—mi irresolu- tion that; seemed to .Cpmmunioato itself to hia partal•s. Therm Wa3 ib lilomeut's awkward sllonco. 'l'i'en Denlorest suit- tlanly seizoct lotto by tat, shoulders with a grip that was hall a ' toss and walked hinl rapidly to the opt. "And now, don't stand foollu' w .h us. Barker boy, but just trot oil like e Halal/mu and got your grip on that ortuno; aud when • you've got your hos its it, hang on like grim death. k'ot 'll"—he hesitated for an instant only, p ssibly to find the_ laugh that should hob li accompanied his •speoch—"you're suro tdt�j. tind us hero when you act back." • hurt to tho quick, but restraining his footings, Barker clapped Ids hat on his head and walked quietly away. The two Partnere, stood watching hint in silence until itis liguro was hat in, the ant -Jer- boas!). Then Uhoy spoke. • "Like him, wasn't it?" said Demo - rat. "Just him—all ovor!" said Stacy. "Think of hint having that stock stow - .M1 away ail these .yealls and nova even butheriti>r•his dour old hood about it." "Anel think of his wttut)ing Go put the Whole thing into thi's rotten hillside with us!" "And he'd havo stone it, by gosh, and never thought of it again! That's Int t w t Is o # i 1 i h n. conviction »� o that u th he was now , lot u to aua rich man t moat" 1 ria o n,s n t, a l 1 t i , 15 ioyaltto bis n P ar ars o 5 wh o >?1 i 0 would partners,. 1 w 1. l still any° l t i 1f w lelpatl, Bat 1t poaurrocl to 111121 now, in. bis half•11urt, halt;Vougoful titato, that they bila ofton jolted hint about 1.%1tty, and perhaps further eon- 1denco with thele Was debarred, And it was oply duo to his dignity that 1)e should 110W see Kitt' at once: This was easy enough, for iti the natlya 1l "lt'GOSIt, 1111 r1 S GOT 'F.\I," simplicity of Bcontvli a and the economic arrangements of hor f ;hor, she occasion- ally Y 1 all, warted ups a rho. hp,el table, Half the town was always actively in. love with hor; the other half had boon, and was silent, cynical, 'hut hopoloss in de- feat. For Kitty was Mut of those singu- larly pretty girls oc;Ctasionally met in south-western frontierkoivilization whose distinct and original itifiuoment of face anti figure were so romortabre and orig- inal as to oast a doubt on trio sagacity and presoicneo of one parent and the morality of the other,, yet, no doubt, with equal injustice. a But the fact re- mained that silo was slight, gracoful, and saif-contained, and Itiovocl beside her stumpy, common fattier and hot faded, CUmmonplaco mother n the (lint:]g-room of the Booii ville no o1 like some dis- 5 ii i, h L Ll i t 1 u of alien. o th.lo partners, fS. n trtnor- 1 r byvirtue,erhir s f tl e 0 1 it collage edu- cation anti refined nu jurors, hod been ex - conformity noticed lfy Kitty. .And for s011le occult. reason, the more, serious, perhaps, because it hod no obvious or logical presumption to tho wvorid general- ly, Darker was particularly favored. ..He quickened his pace ancl.as tiro flag- staff of the Boomvilie hotel 10so bofolc hien in the little hoiloyv ho seriously de- bated whether he had;not bettor go to the bank first, deposit; his shares, get a small advance on thein to buy n (IOW necktie or a "bolted shirt," in which to present himself to Miss Kitty; but re- mombering that ho had partly given Iris word to Demorest thathe would keep his shares intact for the present 110 .abandon- s ed this project, probably from the fact • that his projected confidence with Kitty was airoady a violation of Dotnorost's iu junctions of soorocy, and his conscience was sufficiont•1y burdened with that l broach of faith. But whoa he reached the, hotel - a strange trepidation overcame him. The dining -room Nus at its slack water, be- tween the ebb of breakfast and bofore the flaw of preparation for the midday wool. He could not have his interview with Kitty in that dreary; waste of reversed chairs and baro, trestt:alike tables. and she was possibly ongagecl in her house- hold duties. But Miss Kitty had already seen him cross the road, and had lounged into the dining -roma with an artfully simulated air of casually osamfning it. At the unexpected vision of Itis hopes, arrayed in tho sweotest and freshest of rosebud sprigged prints, his hoartfalter- ed. Then, partly with' the desperation of a timid ratan and partly through the working of a half -formed resolution, ho clot ber bright smile with a simplo int quiry for hor father. 113iss Kitty bit her pretty lip, sn]ilod slightly, and preceded hi11i with great form:tiny to the office. Opening the door, without raising nor lashes to either hot father or the visitor, she said, with a mischievous aocontirg of tho professional manner: "Mr. Hark- er, to see you on business," and tripped sweetly away. And tnis slight incident precipitated the Crisis. For Barker instantly made up his Mind that he trust purchase the next claim for his partners of this man Carter, and thud be world bo obliged to confide to ]situ the details of his good fortune, as a proof of his sincerity and his ability to part; for it. Ile slier so bluntly. ly, Castor wassJJa shrewd busluoss man, and the welt-kittown simplicity of Barker was a proof of Lis truthfulness, to say lothinr of the shares that wore shown to him! His soiling price for his claim had bean two I]tuldrod dollars, but here was a rich customer who, from a more foolish sentiment, would be, no doubt, willing to pay More. Ile hesitated with a bland but supotlior smile. "Ah, that was my prioe.at My last offer, Me Barker," ho said, suattiiy, "bus you sso things aro going up siti`oo then." Tho keenest duplicity is apt to fail bo - fore absolute simplicity. Barker, thoroughly believing liitn, and alroady a littlo frightonocl at itis own presumption —not for tiro amount of the money in- volv0(1—but front i:i possibility of bis partners refusing his gift utterly, quick- ly took advantago of this locus peniton- ciao. "No 0 nntter, troth," i !7 e said hur- riedly, riedly, "perhaps I .had bettor consult my partners first; in foot, t0 added, with a gratuitous trutltfnlub¢ss all his own, "I hardly know wllatho$ they will take it of a ale, think so I I11 Wait. !t. ,r Carta r r was stagger ci This gq would dearly notel o. 1•I p •e00 r vO o(i hi lnself with an ins in .: inuat s>1ii1. g 0 Pott pulled me up too short," M. Barker. I'nl a business lnaur but, In t it all! what's that among friohds? I . you reckoned_ I ive m word attwo II ;, bared—Why, My3 nr there 5a r e o I ,. no Moto t — y it tiro alritrn s yours. I'll make you ut a bill of sale at (Ina: 13111," itosita d Barker, '"you see I haven't got the in or yet, and—" Barker." "Dear o1(1 mail !'' "Good o1c1 chap!"'• "I'vo been wontloring if ono of us oughtn't to havo Bono with him. He's just as likely so pour tea money into the first tap that (pens tor it," said Stacy. "Tito more reason why we shouldn't prevent hint, or seonl "to prevent him," Said Demorest, almost fiercely. "There will be knaves and tool: onough who will try to put the idles of our using him into bis simple heart without that. No. Let him clo as he likgs with it—but let him be himself 1 I'ci rather have ]rim come back to us, oven pater • he's lost the money—his old self, atnd empty-handed, than try to change the tuff God out into hila and make him hoe like others." Tito tone and manner were so different from Demorost's usual .brevity. that Stacy was. silent. Afti+r a ,pause, he said: "Well, wo shall miss hila ou the hillside, won't we." Demorest did not reply. Reaching out his hand abstractedly he wrenched off a small slip front a sapling n0"sr Klin and began slowly to pull '10 ]eaves off one by ono, until they were /114 gone. Then he switched it in the air, struck his bootleg smartly with it and t said, roughly: "Come, let's go to work," and strode awa. 11loayntimo Barker on lids way to Boom- vilie was no less singul4 in his manner. He kept up his slightly-. fectod attitude until ho had lost sigh of the cabin. But, being of a simple attire, Iris oleo• tions wore loss complex. If ho had not seen the undoubtod look f affection in tho eyes of his partners to woniti have t 1 na ine c1 that ti my r'. g wee enrolls of his �J good fortune. Yet why had they refused his offer to share it with thorn? Why had they so strangely assumed that their partnership with ]1i111 had closed? Why had they declined to go with him? Why had this looney—of which he had thought to little 7bnt1 for which he had cared so little-•-ahangcd Ilona, towards him? It lull not changed. him—he was the same! He r0n>oiaiberc'ct how Croy had often talkacl Hort laughed o et a "prospective stroke" in mining si d speculated what the would d , y o w • its •lr t 0 ]r1U7t 0 And no h ,r Y wtn "luck" uck hit:, , occurred to ono of thorn, individually, the effect was only to alienate them! lie could not n)ako it o111 1 Ile was hurt, t otut¢c— y oddly enough he tons contemns now of a certain power within Ilial to ]lust and wound in rotrihtltion, Ile was tiolr; he would let 1110111 see he 00111(1 do Without them! Ho totts quitofree notv to rill' k only 111 n Fellnd Kitty!' a lit. ! ata itmust be rear( d that, With t all the young gentlon"nn s slanpliolty and nnselfishnoss; with allbiis loyal attittitlo to his partners, his firs thought at tho n1OmOnt he graved l ' 1 e( t!o fact lY oYhl P s•e t tt nth was of a young lad , It writ •It 1tty Carter, the daughter o tiro hotel -keeper et Boonville,. Who 0 ned the claims that the partners had utuaily caroted. That a pretty gtrl'e taco eilould flash utoon �" "Mtotoyf'- aimed Carter, bluutiy,, what'e thatltmong fronds? Gitnur0 your nate at thirty days—that's goo de ou g1 >ror 1ne. A»' we'likell fisenisttlehing thea hdolt all thin flow -^nothing wl)itu ��rro.1i r(1 bout it, And bolero tiro bowil- aoreti auci t oubtful visitor could protest, ii had tilled up a promissory note for 'I•larker's signature, and himself signed a bill of 55110 for the chain, "Woultt you like, to take your partners by surpriso about this yor littlo gift of yours?" be added smilingly, "Well, 1r1y mossongor is starting for the Gulch in five minutes; he'sgoing by your cabin, and he can just (trop this 13111 o' sale, as a kind o' sottlea fact, on 'eel afore they can say anything, son? 'There's nothing lila actin' on the arpill those, sort of things. An(1 (lon't you hurry 'bout. shout, either. You 5100, you sorter OWC us tt friendly coli—hnviu' ,7;k1:00 ltlralppod inter the ]tocol only as a customer—so t'o'll she here coot and 110cl:on, as the old 1t'o.na)) is busy, why bitty will try to make the til°,e pass till then by playiu' for you on het naw phtlu.,r Doighted, yet)orbewildorod by the unex- pocta(1 invitation and opportunity, Bark - 0r neohaprpally signed the promissory note, and tis' mechanically addressed the . onvolopo of the bill of sale to Damorost, which Carter gave to tiro messunger. Then he followod his host across tho hall to tiro apartment known as "Miss Kit ty's parlor." Ho had often hoard of it as 1. 8(0)02(011 impervious to the ordinary guest. Whatovor functions the young girl (ltisar111011 at the hotel and among her father's boarders, it was yagnely 1111der- st od that sho dropped p them on crossing that sacral threshold, and b'icanio `"Miss Carter." Tho county ju(lgo had boon on- tortaiitod thorn and the wifo of the bank manager. Barker's Admission there was consequently an unprecoclontod honor. He cast his eros timidly around the room, rodolont autl suggestive in vari- ous charming little ways of tho young girl's ?reggae). There 'MIS the cottago Piano, which had been brought up in so0tions on the books of •mules from the foot of the luontain; there was n crayon head of Minerva, clone by the fair occu- pant at the ago of twelve; thorn was a profile of horsolf done by a travelling artist; there tvoro nett little hi pretty (rhino l tllalll � :] •A e t and many flowers, notably a faded but still scooted woo(1laud shrub eIFE \IEroun NOTE AT 80 DAIS. whioh Beaker had presonred bar two weeks ago, anti ovor which Mt:s .Kitty had diiscreat•ly thrown her. white hand- kerchief its he 0htcr0(1. A wave of hope passncl ovor aim, at the act, but It was quickly . spent 58 :11r. Carter's 'roughly-. playful voted iutroducacl ]7110. "Yo kin 'Mivo 11i1: Barker n tuuo or two to pass tinio afore lunch, Kitty. Yon kin let htio see whltt you're doing in that lluo." But you'll have to sit up now —for this young I11512 IS CO100 later s0111e property, and will be sa.shoying round in 'Frisco' aforo long with a bilott shirt and at stovopipo and bo givin' the go by to Itootnviile. Well! you young folks will excuse ',no for awhile,, as I reckon I'ite:lust toddlo ovor,and get the recorder to - put that bill o' sale -oils record. Npthin' liko squarin' things to onet, Mr. aka, " As ho slipped away Barker felt his heart rink. Carter hurl not only Woolly forostailud him with the news and taken away his excuse for a confidential inter- view, but had put an ostentatious eon- struotion on his visit. What could she think of Liar now? Flo stood shamed \ i • ate - I�r THE TOUNG MAN IIAD CO\ID INTO I'IIOi E 1 1Tx and embarrassed before ber. But Mist Kitty, far from noticing his 0mbarrasrnent in .a Helston (roman re. gardiiig the "hors d,' :untidiness of tipr nom whhad ndl' r$ hor s quit r q tt SOME S Uteri Carter," etanunerei i13Irk+r ", 1 c , '%u ., oe *-•h i L s et etre i F e t d. But Miss C U 117 11tt saW y perfectly; He wanted to toll trot, and, soeiug her, he askest for her fathorl Not that it mode the slightest (litteronco to hor, for ber father woul(i havo boen sure to have told her, It was also kind of hor father to invite. lain tolnuohoon. Other- wise she Might not have sceh hien before ho loft Boomvl11e. But this was more than Barker could stand. With the Sante desperate clirect- 110AA a11(1. simplicity with which he haat atyro:whoa hor father lie now blurted out his whole boort to hen Ho told lfer how be bad loved her hopolessly front the first tiino that thoy had spoken 0 - paler at tho 0hureb pionio—did shm ra- 111011tber it? How he and sat anti wor- shipped 1101 — and nothing else at at Wrath! How lior voice in the church choir bad sounded like nu angel's; stew bis poverty trod lits uncertain future had kept Mtn from p 11t t seeing , hor attar, lost he should bo tomptod to betray his hope- less passion, Flow, no soon as 11e realiz- ed that ho had t► position—that his levo for hor need not make her ridiculous to worldly, c+yes-410 canto to tell her all. Ho did not even daro to. bopo, But she would bear hint, at least—would she not? Indeed, there was no gotting away from his boyish, simplo, outspoken dec- laration. In vain Kitty smiled, frown- ed, glanced at her pink shooks. in the glass and stopped to look out of the win- dow; the room was tilled with his love-- it ove—it was encompassing ber, and, (10spite his shyn t rust seamed t i a 51(0 c to be almost embracing her. But she managed at Last to turn upon h 10 a fnec that WILS now as white and grave -as his own was eager and glowing. CFIAPTER II. "Sit down," she said, gently. He did• so, obediently, but wonderingly. Sho thou opened t110 piano andtook a soot upon tho music 81001 Lavoro it, placed sono looso sheets of music in .the rack and ran hat fingers lightly over the keys. Thus introuohod, silo let hor ]lands fall idly in. Igor lap, and for the first time raised hor oyes to h ie. .owlistontoaa, be gooda and don't t interrupt! Thom 1—not to near; you ca11 hear what I have to say well enough where you aro. That will do." Barker had halted with the ohair he was dragging towards her, anal sat down. "Now," said Miss Kitty, withdrawing her 0y0s anti looking straight before hor, "I beliuvo everything you say; perhaps 1 oughtn't to—or, at least, say it—but I do. There! But because I do believe yon—Lt seems to too all wrong! For the very reason that you give for not having spoicon to mo hefore, If you really felt as you say you did, are tiro solo reasons why you should not speak to mo You w- You see, all this time you let nobody• but yonrsolf know how you felt towards 3110. In overybody's eyes you and your partners hnvo boon only the three stuck up, exclusive, college -bred men who mined t► poor 01(5i1n iu tho gulch, and occasiolanlly calve hero to this hotel as customers. In evorybody's eyes I have. • boon only the rich hotel keepor's popular daughter, who sometimes waited upon you—but nothing more. But, at least, We were then pretty much alike, and as good as each other. And now, as soon as you havo beconie•sncldonly rich, and, of course, the sttparior, you rush down hero to ask no to ao'knowledge it by ac- cepting your' "You know I never meant that, 1iliss Kitty, " burst out Barker, vehomontly, but his protost was drowned in a rapid roulade from the young lady's fingers on the keys. Ho sank back in his chair. • "Of course, you neva meant it," she said, with an odd laugh, "but everybody will take it that way, and you cannot go • round to everybody in Boomvillo and make the pretty declaration you have just made to me. Everybody will say I tt0eepted you for your money; everybody will say it was a ;►ut-up job of my father's. Eveyrbody will say that you throw yourself away on lee. And I don't know but what they would be right•. Sit down, please! orI shall play again." "You 800," 8110 wont on, without look- ing at him, "just now you like to re- member that you fell in love with mo first as a pretty waiter girl, but I1 I be - mune your wife it's just what 5011 would liko to forgot, And I shouldn't. For I should always like to think of the time when you canto here,whenovor you could afford it, and sometimes when you couldn't, just to see ate. and how we used to snake oscuses to speak with each other over the dishes. You don't know what those things mean to a ' w011tan tvllo—� r She hesitated a moment, and then added, abruptly: " But what does that matter ! you would not Care to o reminded of it. So," sho sold, rising it with ill a rev �• o smile mid Pgrasping .ill her g sp a i r Bands tightly behind hor, "It's a good cleat better that you should begin to for- a it now.. Boa good boy, and tato my dvico: Go to San Francisco. You will . moot s0mo girl there in a way you will of afterwards regret. You aro young nd your riches—to say nothing," she sided in a faltering Voice somewhat in- coherent with the mischievous smile that playod upon her lips, "of your kind and simplo heart—will secure that which tiro world would call unsolfish affection from ne moro equal to ou, bu t wouiaad ways olievo was only bought if it 051210 from "I suppose you are tight," ho said, im 1 . Py Slip 1 snood quickly at g him and q yhe' r eyebrows straightened. Ho had risen; is face white and his blue eyos wicloly pened. ""I suppose you aro right," ho ent on, "because you aro saying; to 3110 wbat my partnors said to nut this morit- n When offered . 1 if ed to gshore nr Wealth y ith them— .. o d G now y� as to •4 � ne9 l .sly --ns Y offerecl'to share my heart with volt• appose that roti are both right; tliltit ;hero must be some curse of pride or el sones do ti d u the Pmoneythat i have of --but I have ono v t felt it t a 5' nd h to tit-dQfty not He With rue." tho b g a .n a a O 13 n1 s pink ill one spot a d bllgod hor to tak, h and sot;down in ex 4 ctly tho san10 place o seVoral articles wa oxc0edin l c' w gy delight g ed, Tn fact sho did not relntlmber eve, having boon so plea d before in hor life i These h n t i s wore a ways s gcul 1 tl k octad W Justlike P the 1 went 1a for instance. I was quite Cool last night—and now I s was Aust stifling. And to dusty 1 Ha, Mr. Barker notice(" the heat 0oullnt 5 from the ale — h or perhaps, h s beings orf p r cl f3 man, he—with a '.0azz1113g vmile—wit, above walking now f It was sr kind 01 hind to collie herfirst ant toll her father. �"'t teall7 Worried to telt only—yeti— [CONTINUED.)