The Wingham Times, 1896-07-17, Page 10`rr . QTN1 3 c. avis, while rebate and other birds are feast,- �,e• het on the living mans. 1 1. As vile iusect breeds largely in rank ernes such, as is setel borderiug swamps it Wit 10Cik 011t for qu,ality before we :ts well to burn iamb in spring or fall. Clean cultivation and plea:ling up fetes° think of prices. If our prices look , simian it htha, because luality has eoinerts tilitatla be followed. Z. Where the worm has appeared plough the field to be protected, end as 'worm' collect in it, failirg, te climb the steep side you can deetroy them. Bohm, dug along the furrow et ietervale will trap many, as they move one,t ha bottom. 3. Wherever Paris. gree may b3 safely DICES'S' GOODS used, e, strong mixture (one poune to 75 AND siT.T.rs. I likey to be Arat attacked will be effective. gallons of water) sprayed, upou the plants Speelal lot of Fine Dress Goods, where massed togethermay be tire I and tbe Choicest of Faller Colored Dresi memy destroyed. lYlaterial, Exclusive D.ess Patterns, 5. Sometimes ocantiti2ps aro suet). that Fancy Silk and Wool ' Mixtures at thozteands may be cruffied under a roller. about hal' price on Satarday only. it will be obserred that they feed mein, Faney Linee wOrtil 660., 750., 85e. ly at night aud in demp cloudy weather, 90c., choice for 48e. mainlining hiddeu dmiue wunelliny days. )Deriug these warm days. it will be noticed been hid all day Laub.): Lai s, cLips, clods, been slighted:. It is simply, we know tho: bast places to buy and are satis- lied with modest profits. Another realm is, we buy all our goods for mob, ti ']len• you buy here you get the adr a.n lige of our cash buying. SAS' IDM- BARCjI DAY. • Drees Goods worth 65c., 75,,., 85c., t 0., elhuice Saturday for 48c.; Cream and White Lace, l0ineh. wide, worth 30e., !lt',c, and 40e. for 15c,; Ladies' Black Ilose worth 124e., Saturday, 3 for 25n.; 6 doz. Large Towels worth. 10e. anti 12c.. Saturday, 2 for 10c.; .2 (-11,z. Boys'' Suits, 22 to 28, worth $2.50 and 83.00 foe $1.98 ; 12 Men's , were united in the bonds of' matri- Suits made by our Tailor in slack 1 rnony. The ceremony was perform- timee, Scotch Tweecl, well lined, ed by the Rev. Hall of 13elgrave, at worth. ,e"16 and $18 for $12 ; Hanel- the home of the bride's mother, Mrs, kerchiefs, 2� •e.; Gents' Linen Collars, Rintoul. The bride was pettily 12;!c,; Gents' Fine Faney Silk, 250,; attired and was accompanied by Gent's Fancy Straw Hats worth 75e. Miss Carrie McGee, who acted as and 90c. for 50e.; Bargains in all bridesmaid, while the groom was lines Fine Shoes on Saturday night, t by his Bargains in Parasol', Shirt Waists Walker of ` ` Toronto.Their many and Gloves Saturday night. Bar- friends wish them a long life of gains in Remnants Saturday night. mutual bliss. Bargains in Groceries Saturday night. We are ready to stand the test of EAST WAW'ANOS13. A happy event occurred on Wed- nesday afternoon in the presence of about 75 guests when Mr, L I. Walker and -Miss Hannah Leaver Huron and Bruce. ,eomparison, even to the money back A number of walls in Exeter have if you �think that way at given out, on account of the dry weather of late. •The Grey voter's list which has just been finished and posted, con- tains 1,100 voters. E,9I. I9. c DOO. Store closed every nigh t at 7 o'clock except Saturday,. .4ii)IfIT1tON LL LOCALS. —The Army worm has made its ap- pearance in tits locality. They appear in myriads in the flats and on the road be- tween the bridges south of the term. They are a worm a little larger than the common caterpillar, but of a harder appearance. It is said that twenty-five years ago this section of the country was trouble.] with this particular scourge. Orchards wore stripped of all their foliage and the fruit dropped off prematurely. leaving the tre<s as bare as in winter. Some people were Able to prevent the ravages of the worm by rx :iatrring the trunk of the trees and thus • keeping them from getting at the leaves. -'01 this worm, Prof. Panton, 0. A. Coale;e, =-says: "While iuvestigating the fields of Wel- :land I found a fiy had begun to lay eggs pan til weans; ihesa a„gs develop • into 'Maggots' which destroy the army worm. During my examination of the worms this 1 morning I found this parasite was on their trail here, too, but not in such numbers as Ihad observed elsewhere. It is likely they have just arrived and will do good work in the next few days. I might here giye the life history of the 'army worm' (Leucarnia urupuncta). The larva (worm is about le inches in length, of a dull grey color, with black stripes and lines of white along the back. The underside of the body is greenish and the bead a pale yellow, with bzown lines on the side. When on the move they are very active. As soon as fully develop- ed, which takes about three or four weeks, they burrow into the ground and enter the pupa condition; this lasts two weeks, when the moths appear. The moth is fawn col- ored, with a small white spot near the centre of the front wings. The width of the wings when spread is about 1e inches. The moth lays her eggs in tufts of dead grass, but may be found upon blades of grass and even upon the cornstalks. This insect bas a preference for grass on low wet soils, but often feeds upon wheat, corn, and timothy. It will not touch beans, peas or potatoes, and 1 notioe from my feeding cages they are not touching tur- nips as long as oats aro at hand. Although , the moth are seen from time to time yet it Is rarely that they reach such numbers to ' cause alarm. In 1804 they appeared near I'etrolie, and destroyed 800 acres of oats i and 60 thus of hay. Tho parasite whieh fasllows them up and prays upon them is a ;1'&+rge tt'achina fiy (Nemoroea leueaniae) is will likely ward off an attack in fn rtraMDIas, 1 ti ',� :• :• wn: ru' has many enemies 0 rds. The little sparrow is'oing enemies, d *ark jest now slaying there on every ill Warden Thomas Strachan is the first to cut wheat in this section of the country. He commenced last Saturday July the 4th and reports a good crop and in good condition. — Brussels Herald. Oa MJnday the 6th inst., James. Davidson, of Colborne, rut six acres of fall wheat. The straw is of fair height, the grain clear and plump, and the ovt ner believes that it will thresh out forty bushels to the acre. Tiros Matter, Exeter, while put- ting paris green on the potato vines Monday, was accidently poisoned He took a chew of tobacco on which proved to be some paris green. With the aid of emetics he soon re- covered. Owing to the scarcity of pasture 11,1r. J. A. Edgar •of Lowick was was obliged to turn his cattle into his barley crop, and kir. Alex. Thom- son also of llowick, turned his into the fall wheat. The wintering of cattle will be a serious matter with. many farnurs this winter. Another old resident passed away on Sunday, July5th, in the person of Norman Mekenzie, of the 5th con. of Bruce. Mr. Mckenzie was a native of Argyleshire, Scotlond, and emi- grated to Canada in 1855. Thirty- two years ago be came and settled on the 5th of Bruce, .where he has' lived and prospered ever since. On Sunday evening last while wheeling home from Goderich, where he had spent the day, Mr. P. A. Maleomson, of Lucknow had the misfortune to break his right hand and receive a few scratches. He was going clown a hill a short dis- tance this side of Belfast, when his wheel struck a.rut in the road and threw him off. We have to record this week at) death of Mr. William ltfcCulloch which occurred at his residence in Seaforth on Saturday, July 4th, in the 68th year of his age. Mr. Mc- Culloch has been a severe sufferer for some months, an attack of la grippe having made dee inroads into his system which ultimately develop. ed into gangrene of the liver, which soon carried him off. Although a' severe sufferer the deceased was not confined to his bed until within a w days of his death, and on, the I 3rd of June polled his last vote. I r. McCulloch was for many years ngaged in farming in Mei(illop but wring the past several years had ved retired in Seaforth. T--- - -- ..,,,.'"V, "9 - ,.,,,,•••"" .,,h•,Maliki r'. .n► .,r, ... ^_.y„�,",.. , . si,.,,rw++- ,.. .,r,.s,, sanenw t.,i- I„ TUE 1V'XU(1.[AM "PINES, JTJLY 17, I8 )O. A number of young ladies in Blyth have formed themselves . into an organization to be known as the Pansy elub and have elected. the following cruisers President ;loss Annie t aruilton; secretary, bliss. M. anaorson ; treasurer, Miss Bigley. The object of the club is fur holding picf•nles. and other amusements. daring the summer months. When tho surveyor was laying out Edmund Square recently he bored a hole 'n a plank in the side- walk and drove down an iron pin to mark a corner. Some light. fingered indiv iclual has pulled the pin out and carried it off. It is a wonder that a person so fund of stealing or doing mischief dkt not complete the job by taking the hole, in the plank also. -Teeswater News, The voters list of the township o McKillop, for 1806 have been issued. • The total number of voters on the list is 885, of these 712 are c'li,'rible A sailor who must have lost his way on Dominion day in Goderich was found at daybreak on the 2nd sleeping on the West-st with a large , stone step for a pillow. goitre. ',MCKrr.vn —Xn Wingham,otiJ'uly 15th the wife or Mr. Jas. McFl elvie; n song eiBettoest—.In East Wawnnoeh, on July T4th, the wife of Mr. Wan. Porden; a son, rr MARRIltIn, V'amrea—Lraven—At the residence of the bride's mother, 'Hest Wawtinoah, on July 15th, by the Rev. ]kir, Hall, Mr. I, X. Walker, to Mise Hannah Leaver, both of East Wawanosb, tl i STILES —iu Winghatu, on. July 14th, hamas Stiles, aged 07 years, elk 1rlrrcneer.—In Win;;bam,ou July 10th, ylvia Peer', daughter or Mr. and Mrs, Wm, iMitehell, aged 1 yea; 7 nonthe f and 14 days. r (jw ev+rt to vote at both munieipnl elections ; t ell q� and election to the I.; ±iabLtiv' e . 17 tY I' i;;�9 SALE Assembly; 11th are entilled r., vote I —AT -- at municipal elections only, nnd• 27' at the elections to the Legislative Assembly only. The number o persons qualified to servo as jurors is 451 f1 a Gi a I The following quotations w give :some idea of what your m- ey will ' do for you in this store :. IBest Redpath Gr. Zola - ' Sugar I 50e, Tea dow221bs. for $1.00 50e, Tea l 40e. ., Peter Besseau a French engineer who worked in the saw mill of John Lockhart, near Teeswater, came to the city Tuesday morning on his way to Regina, N. W. T. Just as the train was about to pull out of the Union Station, Detective; Davis jumped aboard, and although furnis- hed with a very meagre description, picked Besseau out, and hustled him off. A short time before the train was due a despatch from Teeswater reached Police Headquarters asking for Besseau's arrest on a charge of theft.—Toronto Star. Some time ago Mark Clark pur- chased' a horse from one John Cameron, of Osbourn°. One evening recently several parties mot Clarke on the street and took the home from him and said it to Messrs Coward and Hogg, of Wincheslea, for 6150, Clarke foabidding them taking the horse. They traded the animal with one Wilfong, of Woodham who afterwords traded with a farmer in Blanshard. Clark traced the horse and took it from the Blanshard roan, who then had Wilfong arrested. Wilfong appeared before Squire Sne11, but was bailed for a short time. Yesterday Hogg and Coward were summoned to appear before the magistrate, but sooner than allow the case to -proceed they settled it, paying Clarke for his trouble, etc. to the tune of abort $10. 4••••••••••214 BULL FOR SAL The undersigned has fr Thoroughbred ,yrs] re'ull registered pedigree, rising;2 y r old. THOS. OD000If, Lot 24, Con. 10, hsiross. ''Teeswater P. 0. MOWS 40 ,.,. 32 20e. a 25 81 00 Corsets for 75 50e. ” " 40 And so on through the whole stock. Fine Dongola Oxfords for 75e. Compare there with Shoes sold by others at 81.00 and 51,25. Come and see and be convinced that this is a Real bargain Giving Sale. D. M. GORD N, Wingbam• / If LJ t ix 1.7M J PURE MANILLA, MAPLE LEAF BLIT BLUE RIBBON, RED CAPS I .! STANDARD, ',Are B EST and STE :LING, RrJ r�? CALL AND GET OUR PRICES BEFORE ORDERING. t. THEY ARE RIGHT EVERY rrIME, GEO. H. IRVIN, 1-1 "THE" TAILOR, Opposite. Bank of Hamilton. WINGI3A;li ONT. Ile ur Blood means sound health. With pure, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and d1- gestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and. Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula and Salt. Rheum will disappear. With pure Y9ur nerves will be strong, and yon sleep sound, sweet and refreshing; Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, That is why it cures so. many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health, p,ree vent sickness and suffering. Remember . arsa,p,� rflsa Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle, cure Liver Ins; easy ea 1-Uood S Pilin tee% easy to operate. Ma IV 10 PARIS Ed' COLIN A. CAMPBELL, TELEPHONE DRUG STORE, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, ONT. l• i3.7JiuiJ-"z4willffir` eLLa1ir ee— tj4t=ee'r.g P1 PJ P1 r 0 THS FREll THE BOSS TA C>� c�- Cl' r C�. f_ } Though the holiday season is passed for the Cly present, we are still doing business on the old r� '! plan of GIVING SATISFACTION IN ALL WORK, 9 WE GUARANTEE ocl eee- PARIS GRED, STRAY HORS " SCREEN DO Strayed from the pre. ' es of ;lobe Armour, between the mi +le or end of June, a horse, 8 yea s d, dark bay or brown, star in for - d, white epee be. Lind whither, fia ' .nt feet, mane light tot t ill gran i y, ac of kick m nigh hip. Any person giving Hardware Merchants information will be rewarded. JOHN MaLEN.NAN. Successors to J. A. Cline & Co. mane and tail, mark AND 1411 INF✓ S. J. CLEC & CO., 1 MN 00 1000 ---ANI) TIIE— OF WORKMANSHIP Irl all lines of goods turned out. r r ICS In order to we had to packages. Great Starch at 5c., e one thousand s now on Sale. 1000 Packages Corn S• h, Finest Quality... , , .. 50, Medium Lamp Glass. - ... , ... 8c, Large Lamp Glass .. , , . 4, .1,6 Fine Lemons, to- = y, per doz xxx Vinegar, p - gallon ,.........., - 5e. 10e. 30e. Bargains BOOTS and S OES, GROCERIES, ROCKERY, FRUI &c. 01C C.) Anil le M. JESSOP 8 CO., 01\l`T. 40X-31Eizkrthir To save money in the purchase of Aricu1turaL. r-- � mplements. I have decided to go out of this line of business and will sell at • LESS THAN COST The following ; NEW MOWER, NEW SULKY RAKE, NEW PLOW AND OTHER. IMPLEMENTS. THIS WILL BE A. BARGAIN We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Washers, Ringers, Bicycles, &c.. Js Y CUMMINGS, WINGHAM, Victoria Street.