The Wingham Times, 1896-07-10, Page 10" 1LTL ,V • ' iIOWIO.K.
I A very agreeable time seemed, to
IVIeIN-r•'t,QO be spent by all and wishes were ex-
.a.`.i� 1,r► .0 • •t pressed that it might be renewed
a another year.
Oa Friday last, July 8rd, the
annual Union Sunday School Pie•nic
! of the Methodist and Congregational
OF OUlt churches was held in Palmer's grove
I Turnberry, and in this pleasant and
G o
Wit a theprinciples u t cr lesoF quality,'n-
pt p q I appropriate locality the children r
e arid courtesy, This is why swings and other games to their
psttrotts pin their faith to us. F hearts content. Lunch was served
ndant facilities enables us to i at 1 o'clock and in the afternoon a
U:e y the confidence reposed in us, i varied programme was carried out
el an abundance of capital give ;under the presidency of the Rev.
the power to save money for our f Mr. Gibbons, the recently eleeted
t v e+tamees and make some for myself. I pastor of Salem Church
a very creditable share of success
d prosperity has crowned my i
worts so far in Wingham. GORRIE,
`sATUR IAY-BARCAIH DAY ' The merry-go-ronnd
K . Gorrie.
is stilt in
We offer these special values. A large crowd were in Gorrie on
Dominion Day.
Mr. Ettrnie Mooren, our fashion-
able tailor, has a bike.
The Gorrie Orange Lodge intend
going to Listowel on the 13th.
Mr. Wm. Stinson shipped a car
load of cattle and pigs on Monday.
Mr. Arthur Crawford who has
been in Toronto for a few weeks has
One afternoon recently Mr. Thos.
Il'[ash, Sr., while shooting at a crow,
received a kick from the gun which
broke his collar bone.
The annual pie-nie of the Gorrie
Methodist S. S. took place last
Thursday, the 3rd, a large crowd
were present.
.More than likely, enough of them to
Inst until 10 o'eloek on Saturday
{ 6 dozen Fine Towels worth 10e.
..for 5c.; G dozen Eine Jet Trimming
l worth 10c. and 12,e for 5c.; G pieces
All Wool Dress Serge worth 25c. for
190.; 6 pieces Fancy Crepon worth
18c:, for 12tc.; 50 pieces of best
.:duality of Print, 121e. for 10c. 2
r dozen Straw Hats worth 50c. 'for
35e.; Gents' Fancy Shirts worth $1..25
for 75e.; 10 pieces Figured Blouse
Silk regular 75e.. for 50c.; 3 pieces
Black Peau de Sove Dress Silk regular
iw$1.25 for 90e.; 6 pieces All Wool
French Delain worth 40c. for 25c.;
6 pieces of Fane Spot Severs Mus -
lies, regular 30c. for 20c.; 2 dozen
adies' Fine Tan Shoes worth $1.75
X1.115 ; 2 dozen Fine Black and
Tan, J. D. King's make, $2,00 for
$1,5Q; Handkerchiefs 2c.; Gents'
Collars 15e.; Gents' Flannel Shirts
,1.8c.; Ladies' Fancy Capes, $2.98;
1.426c. and 30e. Lace, all at 15e.; Silk
i 'Gloves 25e.; Toweling 5e.; Flan-
nelette 5c.; 20 lbs.. best Granulated
Sugar, .;1 ; 25 lbs. Bright Coffee
Sugar $1.00 ; 5,, cans Corn, 25c.;
. Good Tea, bleek or green, 25c.
,,Bring your cards along and get
a�tthem full and have your photo taken
`free by the Star Photo Co.
M. H. McIND00.
A Garden Party under the auspi-
;ces of the Methodist Epworth League
will be held on the parsonage lawn
on Wednesday the 22nd inst. Re-
freshments will be served from 7 to
9 p. m. The Brass Band from
Wingham will be in attendance.
•A11 cordially invited to eaten d. Ad -
!mission 20 cents, children 15 cents.
-Miss May Flannigan, of Seaforth,
visiting friends in Kintail.
Some of our young people are in
Habit of patrolling the street in
airs, until the "wee bona hours" no
doubt for fear that the burglars
who lately- entered the Amberly post
Office might take a notion to operate
n this section.
A football match was played here
ion Saturday the 4th inst., between
Kintail and Dungannon and resulted
.in a tie, no goals having been scored
when 'time was declared up by the
referee. After the match the visit -
jug team was entertained to supper
'at the Macdonald house by their
opponents. The return match will
be played at Dungannon on the llth
of July.
What proved to be a, serious awl- A somewhat unusual family re. '
dent happened to John Brown, of union was held nt the rc s dente of
Morris, son of Wm. Brown, of
Blyth, in having his right leg broken
below. the knee, by a piece of timber
swinging agai st it, while engaged
in the bush. rIe was at once remov-
ed to his father's home, where. the
fractured limb was attended to by
Dr. Ferguson, under whose care it is
progressing as favorably as call be
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins of
Kinlough Sundayed at Mr. Eadies'.
Miss Kate Eadie, of Toronto, is
visiting her friends around here at
Mr. Geo. Hutton made a flying
trip to Fordwich. What is the
attraction George?
The stone masons are busy build-
ing the stone wall for James Weir's
barn which he intends to erect next
Mr. Dunn is at present very low
with a paralytic stroke. His numer-
ous friends hope to hear of his
recovery soon.
A very destrnetive rain and wind
storm passed over this section last
Saturday doing considerable damage
to farm property. It blew down
Harry Armstrong's barn and com-
pletely wrecked his top buggy, and
also blew down Thos. Totten's
ba ,n •
IWhat might have proved a fatal
accident happened , to Mrs. Wm.
Robinsonnlast week, she was driving
a horse in a hay rake when she
was thrown out and dragged some
distance when the rake collided
with an appletree. She was pretty
well shaken up bat will soon be
around again.
Since the election, our village has
taken on its wonted quiet appear-
The farmers are busy with the
hay and the village fathers, who William Hammond, accused of the
murder of Katie Tough at Graven -
burst, will not be proceeded with at
the present sitting of the Muskoka
News Notes.
Goderich knitting factory is run-
ning full time with many orders
Wm. McCammon son of the late
ex -Mayor McCammon of Kingston
accidentally walked off the dock at
Clayton on Saturday night and was
Mr. John Beattie of Seaforth on
Dominion I)ay. The object of the
gathering was to celebrate the
sixtieth anniversary o° the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Seott, of
Seaforth. There were represented
four generations, The aged couple
were present, and were among the
most blithe and eheorful of the party,
All the surviving children of Mr.
and Mrs. Seott were prcent, These ,
Now that the fly season is near aro Iirs. James IIegg, McKillop ;
at hand the following plan of ridd- Mrs, John Beattie, Seaforth s Mrs. E.
ing the kitchen and dining -room of Thynne, Chicago : Mrs. Dr, Mae'
the pests issaidto beagood ono. lake Donald, Michigan ; Dr. Scott Robert
a small stove shovel, heat it red hot and Andrew Scott, Seaforth ; Geo.
and pour on a few drops of carbolic Scott, Toledo, and Francis Scott,
Eluevale. There were also several
sons and daugeter's-in-law, besides a I
host of grand and great -grand -
acid having previously closed the
doors and windows. In a few
minutes open the room and the flies
will be found to have entirely dis- children. Mrs, John Grieve, of
appeared. Only a faint odor of the Mcliillop who is now 87 nears of
fumes of carbolic acid will remain' age and who waft la. itlamaaicl to Mrs. '
Scott woe in attendance end is still
Mr. anis Mrs. Christopher L'ng, •hale and ,i Harty. It i, needless to
who reside in Not;.awasega township
seven miles south of Collin,wootl, =say that it was a ,j iyous happy
accompanied by the triplets of c+'laich meeting, The services of Mr. 1
they are the parents were in WWII on Henderson the photographer were
Saturday. The three children are brought into requisition and a group I
boys, and appear bright and healthy photograph of the family and also I
one of the whe'la company were
infants, of whom the parents arc,, i . _
very proud. Much interest was taken. a s^ Jag aseat. uu" z It/a'- u Ja_ssim`c"a�' 6,-� Uel
1 l I -�---- IIYI
Prove the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla -posi-
tive, perfect, permanent Cures.
Cures of scrofula in severest forms, like
goitre, swelled neck, running soros, hip
disease, sores In the eyes.
Cures of Salt Rheum, with Its intense itching
and burning, scald head, tetter, eta.
Cures of Bolls, Pimples, and all other erup-
tions (Inc to impure blood.
Cures of Dyspepsia and.other troubles where
a good stomach tonic was needed.
Cures of Itheunaatism, where patients were un
able to work or walk for weeks.
Cures of Catarrh by expelling the impurities
which cause and sustaain°the disease.
Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and
feeding the nerves upon pure blood.
Cures of That Tired Feeling by restoring
strength. Send for book of cures by
To C. I. Hood & Co., Propri-)tors, Lowell, Mass.
are tae best after•dlnner
Hood's Pills pills, aid digestion. 250.
2 Doors South of Post Office,
shown in the visitors by ownSPCOI) e
1 Piles Curad in 3 to 6 Nights. -Dr. r,`
Itcbing Piles in from 3 too nights. One s,
l appiication brings comfort, For Blind ��TILL, To THE pRoNT
and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also � ��
r , as m Eczema, rt '
general and ladies in particular.
Collingwood Enterprise.
Ales Stewart who was charged at
a l u
Agnew't: Otrtt.utent will cure all cases of .`
Walkerton with stealin,, a sheep out I cures ett.r, Salt R p
f the field of Mr. Andrew McLean 1 Barber's Itch, and all eruptions of the IGl
tn. ®6��q�►�v1b
his preliminary triad on I skin. 35 ate Sold at Chishohn's Drug r
Saturday. The prisoner gave no
Store, t
evidence himself, but one of the I Rheumatism Oared in a Day . --South
constables swore that at the time -of j ma ism and Neurnll,+la. radteallvcures to [1 •
his arrest he acknowledged to having j 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system
euma zm ur
American Rheumatic, Cure, for Rheu- 1,
stolen it He then killed the sheep I rs remarkable and mysterious. It re- JJ
. Ii
a H. VIN
Though the holiday season is passed for the
present, we are still doing business on the old rl R.
moves at once the cause and the disease �
in the field and drew it home in a immediately disappears. The first dose 14
light waggon. He was sent up for ;greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold at Cil
Chisholm's Drug Store.
trial. The sheep was of a very fine
breed and was valued by Mr.
McLean at $50.
Busier. . Ij'j
CAsEaeoaE-In Kinloss, on July 3rd, If
There died at her late residence the ,vife of Mr. Jerry Caasemore ; a son.
on Sanders Street. Exeter, Elizabeth, MARRIED.
relict of the late Thomas Taylor, on Br.Anw1N - EASTNfAN. - At "River ri
Tuesday last at the age of 71 years View.' Welland, the residence of the '
and 1 one month. Deceased has bride's mother. 00 June 20th, by Rev.
been in declining health for some ; Dr. Smith, of Centenary dethodist 19
time from the infirmities of old age! aur assiste bF ink W ir`.
but per en was quickened Bradwin, of 13amilton, to ice Maud,
complication of diseases. She was youngest (laugh ter of Mrs. Ni. A. East-
without relatives and depended
wholly on the neighbors to minister
to her wants during her illness.
she was rather eccentric in her ways
and more so of late years. Her
remains were interred in the Exeter I
Cemetery Thursday.
ar er at anwle r.
b 1 d k d by a! til' NI 1 lJ W/Aviar
Apples are so plentiful a crop in
Jiuron and other western counties
that it is feared that there will not
be enough to handle them at the
opportune moment. Mr. D. Can -
felon estimates that there will be at
least 500,000 barrels in Huron alone
with similar quantities in other
counties. It will require a good
your Doctor.) This is because it
staff of men to handle these when 1 is always palatable -always uni-
pickingcommences, inch the European form -always contains the purest
steamers eannottakernore than forty eNorwegian Cod -Liver Oil and
or fifty thousand barrels in a week. Hypophosphites. Insist
The probabilities are that prices will on Scott's Emulsion
be about 50c a barrel. -New Era. with trade -mark of man
On Monday morning just after and fish.
the engine had started in W. R. Put up in 5o cent and $1.00
Thom 's mill Teeswater Mr.W. sizes. The small size may be
p :w� enough to cure your cough or
Hard had occasion togo to �' �. '4^n."!
Hardy help your baby.
Ithe engine room, and while there
the throttle valve of the engine
Treasurer Holmes and Reeve
burst. A triangular piece of iron
Proudfoot, of Goderich, will leave
next Saturday for England to sell between one and two pounds in
the County of Huron debentures in weightstruck Mr. Hardy on the
that country. forehead and knocked him out of
I - the door. A nasty wound was in -
man. of Welland. -
Has been endorsed by the medical
profession for twenty years. (Ask
(len. Lawson, who served in the flitted by the flying piece of iron.
Confederate army with Stonewall but luckily as the iron struck so
Jackson and who for two years was high up it glanced off. IIad it
United. States Minister to Austria, struck him on the fore head a little
died at Clifton Springs July 2. lower down he would certainly
have been killed. His escape was a
It is probable that the trial of providential one.
have nothing else to do are busy
drafting out a cabinet of Mr. Laurier.
The Orangemen attended Trinity
ehnrch in a body on Sunday last.
There were a good many of the The grand jury at the Muskoka from surrounding lodgesJ y
present. The rector, Rev. T. E. Assizes in Bracebridge yesterday
Higley, of Blyth, preaehed an im returned a true bill in the case of
pressive sermon. John McKenzie, who is accused of
A union Sunday Sohool pie-nie in- killing John Scott at Severn Bridge
eluding' the Trinity School, Blyth, a in October.
While assisting in lowering the
framework of a barn on the farm
of Win. Taylor, Saugeen Road, Kin-
cardine township, on Monday last,
an accident occurred by which
David H. Qainn was killed and
Robert Norman dangerously injured.
They were lowering one bent by
means of block and tackle secured,
as they thought, over another bent.
Unfortunately, however, the tenions
rid the Methodist and Trinity! Dr. Valtyr Gudmumisson director in the second and third bents had
hools of Bclgrave, was held in! of the Copenhagen Archaeological decayed in the mortices and could
ndrette's grove, soma of the Museum; Prof. Erlingssen, also of not stand the strain. They fell and
age on Tuesday. A good num- Copenhagen; Prof, Gerad Foulte of the heavy timbers struck these two
of people were ;present and all 1 Washington Smithsonian, and Mr. men, all the others escaping with
o themselves nes o the v o e the rc aeo• the exception o m. air ,, .,
t. Swings were provided for I logical Muteum are in session at who received slight injuries on the
' v,nw at 1•ttle cool for plc-nicing that have been adduced to prove the back and his injuries are serious.'
ed to enjoy 1 1 t tl David 13 yl of OntarioA h pt` f W T for jr
rri i,c•tr<•11t of the children. The i Boston, Mass,, weighing the evidence atm. David Quinn was sti. uek an;
Good Fitting
r, o
-� -AND- THE- ii
zJ r
In all lines of goods turned out r
b� "sd ' re
Y� ^Y
G EO. 1-1 I RVI N
Iiia )
i Opposite Bank of Hamilton. WINGIIA:�I, ONT.
- ' `Lr-tr-��� -Z, p -E-- 7Flir'. rr' 7-arii 5.S�'- -zo-La n•
1 I..rti_5ctir. r_��.
laJE INT 3E10
' -baa.
ci nip doubt prevented many from that the Norsemen discovered Amer- The shocking event has cast a
ing• iea in the year 1000 . g doth over ie column y.
J. CLE & CC.,
Hardware Merchants
Successors to .1, A. Cline & Co,
IE3ic 4 1E . W 4 .
To save money in the purchase of
I have decided to go out of this line of business and will
sell at
The following
We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing
Machines, Washers, ],lingers, Bicycles, -&-c.
J. B. CU'M.MI111CS,
Victoria Street. �VING1IAM.