The Wingham Times, 1896-07-10, Page 4it (� r 4 • THE WINGIIAM TIMES, JULY 10, 1£396. Cir E. WWILL1AMS CHEMIST DRUGGIST. ACT. G, N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Br"1rswick House. Wingbam, - - Ont e a ttg ant (thus FRIDAY JULY 10, 1896. GOVERNMENT RESIGNED. Sir Charles Tupper went to Rideau Hall 'Wednesday night and banded iin'bis resignation, and Mr. Laurier ,has •been called. He will probably make known at once his Cabinet. The reason Tory journals are say -1 Campaign Retrospect, 1 The solemn tolling bell on the ing such bitter things about Mr, l Whence this chatter? A rich bateh ' Lucknow Methodist church un Wed - Tarte is because he has done. i his ' held over. Given without note or nesday afternoon last, told the gad country so much service in exposing comment; I fact that Mrs. Davidson hall passed the ,et?rru ticxil of the tory party*.over to the great beyond. Deceased p East Buren will be redeemed. was relict of the late Robert David - 1 ta4t tlia4 they made hint trea- I 1 surer of their election fund shows I, Dickinson is the coming man. 1 son, and had been confined to bed t'or several months past with con - that he was trusted so long as he i Has the Doctor asked you. pet- l sulnption. The funeral took place remained in that party. sonally for your vote :• • to the Dungannon cemetery last The recount in the North Grey 1 "Thank God, there are no Orange - Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, election case has been concluded. wen among us, the Liberals." ED1TOR1:>,L NOTES. McPkerson ,(Lib.) has been sustain- ed in Hamilton. North Ontario gives McGillivary One. hundred and fifty-five new 1 The people want a representative bollots were added, 81 for Clark and 'who will do honor to the riding. 79. for McLaughlan, This makes; If you want to be on the winning Clark's (Lib.) majority 32. Judge side of this election, vote fcr Dickin- Creason's decision regarding ballots son. marked in the division alongside of . the candiidatc's name as similar to Mr. Laurier has come to Ontario to Judge McDougall's. deny what he has been saying in Quebec. The re-count of ballots in the Sir Oliver's letter to ?Jr. Laurier North Middlesex case was decided disappointed the Liberals—it was too before Judge Masson on Monday, canny. the judge taking the same grounds East IIuroil Liberals are already as Judge a'[eDougall did in the east becoming disheartened. East Huron York case viz. that any ballot that is lost to them. was marked on the white margin alongside the candidate's name The Liberals are boasting for a showed the intention of the voter to purpose—they are whistling to keep vote for that candidate, although not up their courage. marked in the disc. Judge Masson Hon. Hugh John Macdonald, declared Mr. Satz duly elected by a Minister of the Interior, we congratu- majority of 62. late you, and wish you every success. The Mail and Empire is making Evidently the Liberal party is itself -silly crying "Crucify the going to pieces, and McCarthy is French !" That paper backed up the going round �viNh a pail gathering up Bowel].and Tupper government • in the fragments. its attempt to buy up the French- The Liberals 'vainly imagine they Canadian element. The attempt will catch the Catholic vote through fails and so the Mail and Empire Sir Oliver. But what of M. C. Cam - turns on that race in its anger and eron's 3004000 P. P. A.'s ? (Con.) a:majority of one. chagrin. Had the attempt succeed Mowat might as well have taken°a ed the French-Canadians would now The new form of Dominion ballot be white-haired boysin the estim- pail of cold water and thrown it on was not.an unqualified success. ' ation of that organ. ' We have no the Literals as to show se plainly his Null returns from Saskatchewan , sympathy with any party whose want of hope in their success. give Mr. Laurier a majority of 43. indignation at that race is bred by Although the Conservatives will chagrin and disappointment.—Kin- not have the ,old Cheftain at their Fraser's majority in Lambton was cardine Review Independent Conser- head, the policy which he gave them increased from 14 to 40 by the re- votive. will guide them to victory on Jube count. 23rd. Major Beattie's majority in Lon- don was reduced from 118 to 41 by the recount. The Government "strong box" is Lot Minerve the chief Conservative The stampede from the Liberal newspaper in Quebec Province, in- ranks has started, H. Carscallen, Q. !slats that Mr. Laurier is too much 0,, ex -president of the Hamilton ' of an .Anglo-Saxon—is in too great Reform Association being the first now closed to Conservative heelers, ; but it is almost empty. • But yesterday the Tories made a bargain with the French Bishops. To -day t+hey:are berating all things French and •Catholic. - The Globe very aptly says Mr. Laurier should very seriously con- sider if it requires sixteen or seven- teen Cabinet Ministers to govern Canada. Conservative Journals have been most extravagant with advice to Laurier on Cabinet-making, as though they "knew it all" and he needed their, help badly. Conservatime Journals are magni- fying the horrors of the • "spoils system," fearing the civil servants who have fed so long at the Govern- ment crib wild be ,dismissed. When the government of Sir John Macdonald we.n.t into office, in 1878, twenty-seven thousand applications for positions poured in a very ; short time into the public depart- ments. A Conservative writes The World: "I think it the part of wisdom at this time not to make fools of our- selves, but accept our defeat like men and admit the series of blunders which led to it." The returning officer for Lisgar declared Richardson (Lib.) elected by 43 majority. There are, 198 spoiled and rejected ballots. Con- servative Candidate Rogers will apply tor a recount. Ratz (Lib.), North Middlesex, Mc- Lean, (Con.), North York, John Clark, (Lib.) N. Grey, McHugh, (Lib.) N. 'Victoria, Major Hughes, (Con.) S. Victoria have been offici- ally declared elected. The re-count before Judge 13e11 of ballots cast in the Bothwell election reduces Mr. Clancy's majority fr)m 87 to 59. Total vote polled—Mr. Clancy, 2887 ; Mr. Mills, 2528. Ma. jority for Mr. Claney rig, 'rhe story cornet from Montreal that because the Governor-General bat refused to sign a number of post election orders -in -Council, principal- ly appointments, Sir Charles Tupper will cling' to office until defeated by the Ilouse, favor in the Province of Ontario— MARKET REPORTS. WINUIIAFI. Wlingham, July 9, 1896. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs.. ........ 1 80 to 1 90 Fall Wheat 0 65 to 0 66 Spring Wheat 0 06 to 0 66 Oats 020 to 020 Barley 0 30 to 0 35 Peas 0 42 to 0 43 Butter,.. — ...... 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen 0 08 to 0 08 Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton, new 8 00 tol0 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 10 to 0 15 Tallow, per lb 0 4 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 41 to 0 05 Ohiokens 0 20 to 0 25 Ducks 0 40 to 0 60 Geese 0 5 to 0 6 Turkeys.. 0 7 to 0 8 Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 80 Wool 19 to 23 to break away. Others will rapidly to be ,acceptable to the Quebec Con- follow. servbatiwes. Take this cry, and put it side by side with the outcry of the Toros o Mail -Empire and the London Free Press—that Mr. Laur- ier is.at .creature of the French-speak- ing iQnebecers—and you see how impossible .it is to please those who are bc.iand to raise as much mischief as they (can. Fortunately Mr. Laurie' is a statesman whose record is such pleat he cannot be injured by appeals to ,either race or religious prej ad+ices.—Ex. • Tnn iaaore hopeful of our Conser- vative friends have still faith. in the saving power of the old flag, the old man and the ,old policy, especially the old man, Sir. Charles, they still trust that by some strrke of fate the Grits rnaM yet be kept out. They are hoping ,against hope. Here is the summing up of the -Conservative press which by the way does not ere by giving the Liberals more than their share. U2 4) V GC Provinces. co 7.9 Ontario 42 43 3 4 92 Quebec 16 48 — 1 65 Nova Scotia 10 10' — -- 20 , • N. Brunswick 9 4 ----- 1 14 P. E. Island 2 2 La — 5 Manitoba 4 3 — 1 7 N. W. T. 1 2 1 — 4 B. Columbia Eri U w C 4) o. • Totals 87 115 4 7 213 Young Members. Majority for the Liberal over all 17. • Mr. W. W. R. Me,Innes, the new Liberal member for Vancouver dis-i trict, is a son of Senator Mclnnes, of ; Victoria, and is but 25 years old. Mr. II. J. Logan, who defeated the Minister of Justice in Cumberland, is but 27 years old, and Mr, A. E. Dyment, the new M. P. for Algoma, is out 27 years of age. Each of these young men won noteworthy victories for the Liberal party. Then from Quebec there are at least three or four members between 25 and 30 years old. The Libet•,als are divided on the school question. Those who say they will vote for the Government measure cannot even be brought back to the fold by the promises of a Tarte. The Globe now asks : "Has Pro- tection made you rich ?" Well, no, not yet; but "we" don't have to go to a soup kitehen to get a square meal, as in the days of Liberal mis- government. We are under the impression, and there are many who share the im- pression with us, that the Doctor is very inconsistent to his public life. He says and does Many things which we do not like, but We will leave it to any competent judge—or let the Doctor himself be the judge—if we have ever said one ungentlemanly word of him. • ' And his essay must be read, in order that it may appear in Hansard, and then published in pain pliet fo.m and copies sent by the hundreds to his constituents in East Huron. One sentence delivered by the Dr. is worthy of note, which is 'that this was perhaps the last time he would speak on the budget in Parliament. Yes, Dr., that was your last time; East IIuron will know you no more •forever after the next election. East IIuron is a. representative riling. It should have a member of whom it could and would be proud. The member for this riding has now been .nearly a decade of years in the House, and except when he delivers his annual speech the country outside of his own riding never hears of him, and when he is left at home, as he will be on the 23rd of ,Tune, few will ever give the Doctor a second thought. imp e. WHEN U UP. R U N • Cs� at's our .4 DOWN dvice to every weakly, sickly, ailing woman and girl, and there's nothing equal to ,A INDIAN WOMAN'S BALM for purifying the Mood, .,L toning . up the nerves and building up the health. The crop outlook in Manitoba con- aa times to improve, and the prospects if for a. bountiful harvest are promis-, For .ale in Winghani by Cohn L. ing. Campbell. weer - BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED _AT_ GEO. GOOD'S SHOE STORE. Special Bargains for the month of June in all kinds of Boars, SnoEs, TuuNi:s and VALISES. The Rod Front Shoe Store, Wingham. See our Bargain Tables at 25c., 500., 85c. and 51.00. URNITURE. o you need anything i Fu .niture line this spring Bed ' oom Suites, Igor Suites, Chai , ideboards, Lo ges, Spring Beds o ' Matresses If so d 't buy u it you see what yo can do a S. GRACEY'S. CARP Everybody w or less). Call GRACES eau f Wools, extra f e an (36 inches ' de) an woven speci Ily to fi sowed and beady to la 11 ■ is Carpets (more cl see what S. Carpets in All latest designs. if necessary our rooms, down. Folded P per for Carpet •ning and Stair Pa. - is the best thin out for putting . nder Carpets. Wil last for years. or sale at S. GRAc ''S., BAS CARRIAGES. A n ce line of these most us ul articl .s at S. GRACLr's. Call a d see t.em. rniture, when bought in quan- ti es, delivered free 10 miles from N ingbam. I�LiL4 L1�'L�„t.:.�.�L4.'�LL:, L•JJ•�L� L�7l�L..'L !144 FOLLOW F THE CROWD KERR'S Lr GJJ lir il rJ '. GROCERY r imp And save money. See our r i(P price list this week : Iti Igl Granulated Sugar -20 lbs. for 81 00 rj r iJ Tapioca and Sago.. 6 25 I'r uF Rice .6 25 rl I ri .Barley ..9 25 Starch 4 25 Cry i Currant. and Raisins5 25 El. Tea Dust ..... 3 25 C(r-� 1 Oatmeal ....12 25 j APure Pepper.... 2 25 f,r'. 1 BakingPowder o 25 Mustard 2 25 �r Victoria Biscuits, ...3 °>5 p� Wine Biscuits .... 3 25 Ea p Broken Sodas 6 25 In Molasses Snaps 4 25 r (ii)Supreme Soop 7 for 25 ,l Large Bar Soap ... 3 25 rr ' Castile Soap .12 25 r' i u Corn Starch ........ ....4 23 l, - i P Bird Seed ....... , 6c a package !I 41 Best Starch ...... , i3 r �y� Pickles., ............10 a bottle Extracts 8al L Sardinos.... 5 a can r� Washing Soda 2 a lb. it Baking Soda 4 r,; Clothes Pins,.... ..,1 a dozens JNO. KERR r � f Winghanl, - Ont. Rl oporracima-- ,0'i': 1:: i'C -- —AT T11E-- 3 I C+ GG 2 2.." Buy your Clothing from John Ruettel & Sons, the CHEAP ANI) FAMOUS CLO'1'.IIING HOUSE IN WINGHAM. Already our busi- _ ness has doubled since the inhabitants of V\Tingham and surrounding country have found out that money can be saved by buying Clothing and Gents' Fur- nishings from John Ruettel & Sons. Rich and poor, we treat all alike. One man's money is as good as anothers. If you want to save money and be well pleased with a first-class fit, good work and cheap, John Ruettel & Sons, Wingham, is the place to buy your CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. We defy competition. Our prices are the lowest anywhere. We give no credit, hence we can sell you cheap. See our Boys' Summer Coats for so Cts.; Our Men's $5 Suits are Worth $8; Our Black Worsteds Suits for $15, made up to order cannot be beat for $20 anywhere else. We keep nothing but the most fashionable goods. IMMO HATS, N EC KT I ES AND SHIRTS. If you want the latest style in Hats, at John Ruettel & Sons is the place to get them. If you want a Nobby Necktie the place to get it is at John Ruettel & Sons. Shirts, we get manufactured to our own order. They fit, and are made ofthebestmaterialandarecheap. If you have money come to John Ruettel & Sons and buy your Cloth - in g and Gents' Furnishing. Money will do wonders. • •Money saved is money gained and at John Ruettel & Sons, rWingham, you can save it. 1 JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, Macdonald Block. WINGHAM. 1/fta'Olb' O1a1DAR.4a/bli 111111•1•111MEIMMOM- Another shipment or that good can. ned CORN we are selling so cheap, just to hand, every can gauranteed., '. Another lot of CROCKERY being opened up this week. Come and see it. •. Dont forget that we are the sole agents. for SALADA CEYLON BLACK OR MIXED, N. A. FARQUHARSON, CHINA IIO1USE. ZVIA'G iEAl1i, SHOES for JULY. SPECIAL LINES AT SPECIAL PRICES Hot Weather Comfort Shoes, Ladies' Hand Turn Kid Buskins, Ladies' Hand Turn Prunella Buskins.. Another lot of those Ladies' 2 -buttoned Trilby Shoes in, black and tan kid, turn soles, razor toes. Ladies' Canvas Shoes with Dongola fixings. Entirely new Men's Shoes in all the leading styles, laced and gaiters,. turn soles, Goodyear welts, machine sewed, standard screw and. pegged. Men's Working Boots for factory and farm. Boys' Tan Boots and Shoes very cheap. Children's Shoes in great variety. See our BARGAIN TAI3LFS at 5oc., 75c. and 95c. A lot of Men's and Boys' Straw and telt Hats for which no reasonable offer will be refused, Wilms, limon. GEO. GOOD :. The Shoe Were, Kehl Frron