HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-10, Page 3ru : wIli GRA , I TIMES, JULY 1.0, 1.8V6
_ _.--- New Bulldings rev The Westera
'Aura's' I Fret Written Words, NbgRIETT 8E1±;GILEEi, STOWE separate contracting parties would � Veer.
i DEAF. be flee to make their own arrange• I The Western fair in Iaondon, next
Uroamen ,T11.AN;'r COMM t) 1
I Teal's. CABIN snack -tat eowei very notable exception—that Great and visitors, sh„ald the we€rther
• P THE ; � have It1 convent ta' • g ft1,VAl•abld for there as in
Int M. ,tNu razz- put import eldttes on all foreign the past twenty-nine ,years, The
, ArU'rrtrll o - '. 'nems with regard to duties upon Sel.,t�ituber is sure to take a leap
Omit. z�ort UM. TUEWOMV'i )%110 Will= TINT=foreign goods, there would be this fot•ward in the number' of exhibitors
eIll July, 17`Jt3, the 1)ratrite",t;•l , wan ConarSTlON U 1 i 1tllin would prove ct
ALYsis, articles which are of a kind largely New Buildings, which have been
rices h'ar'm which Buries 'rad buil
a.ittirerine; became so acute that he;
was advised t) go tO the Se;iSi(ie as a 1 feet 13 that tide would 111 empty tl10; ar'e the best on the continent fat'
last resort." writes Arthur Warren. I1111tfo.d, Conn., July 1. --Temic etti111y t of protective trim}f�exhtbitiu❑ purposes, and will be a
apropos id tttu approaching' eentett- ilecchur Stowe, celebrated as the a ttlus p grants sight in to es, n; -,and be a!
at'$ +,f Robert 13ixt•ns' death, in Jnl�• Author of"Uncleeo geit on of tthe w Iliclr wet aced o most importation
foreign a vieit to the Fair to see. The Utiles' f'ort'e Journol. 'die went ».t; sttil.cen with �,
off to 10ow un Sotw.,y Firth. .1i1 ',rain and paralysis last Friday. She t eouriiries. Wheat from Unktud Secretary who is responsible for this 1
t•honrhr� at this time were •:f 10.4 Wed at 12 o'clock to -clay, ';Mates and Russia would be taxed, 'evade has had the pleasure of see• I
the to lull Nett Elizabeth Beecher Stowe while Wheat flue. and India ding most of the pt•ineIp;l1 Live Stock ,
wile, whose condition wee . suit tt tts , sae born in Litchfield, Connecticut, would be free ; wool from Austral !Exhibition 13uildingsof ��nlcriea, ilt-
♦t•nrrtlut his fa ars, lie writr, caval' and 1lance would be tared, while chiding the great t
on leeching home that he ci,nid June 14, 181.3, and had consequent- ,, .. r 'out 1'lToi lc!'s Fair of
i tell 'stand, ';t're'y able to holrl:t ly just entered epee her 85th year. ; wool frorri Auetra'-ta, Canada and Chicago, and he states positively
fir' 1 a ) She g p • , that none of them ♦t ill' equal the
pen he wrote a horn of appeal, l,t.g- sixth
was the third daughter to sugar lIInit id SGatcs wholes .New Western 1 air Buildings,
ging' 1 ' 'fe' • rnuther' who wns sixth child of Rev. Dr, Lyman' I d' { They l t
Beecher, and upon the de
produced, in the colonies. Now, the erected by the citizens o! Lond'.ln,
be taxed,
rrs wt s , ' ` n
death of her • " while eottoll froth n la TI e, are construciec. tin r 10 very 1
onen froM (IsJein to um)tr she wm ' and sugar from Queensland woeld best improv( plane
to Durnf'rit;, its Jr.� n �t�:i5 iu nwthcr, tvasniltrced in but
it a of her ` 1 ; areafter without
ub- i
urgent need of her care, t ht y a ore old, hc. t 1 be free ; anti flour from Austria and! slleetion. They ;
the Inst words he ever wrute. { „•i•rtlydIUOther until her fttt.her'6' Hungary, cheese from France, eggs' stuctlon to the view, all having:
• ,et us nut forget t:hnt the e•xpir- second marriage, Her devotion tO from Denmark and Italy, and tfm1.1 circular bents, abundance of light t
1 it genius was the cause of the slave, whietl eventu- ;her from Norway and Sweden I and especially well arranged for i
frig effort of the failing „:
impelled by tender anxiety for hi, icily immortalized her,
originated tvattid be taxed, while flour, cheese, ventilation, awd every nuwess,u y ;
p > • ' g eggs and timber aceomodation and couvenieuee for 1
loving wife. In his ilyint; hours he free. her father's Intense feeling !'u►' weak' 11e free, These are but a few the animate and exhibitors. 1
'beggcd her, if his mind sheltie' term 'their sufferings. His sermons and ' lnstanees. The whole of these Our readers will be able to form ,
der,nt:o'Touch him turd th.ns Iden11 him prayers h,td. such an effect ,on the '
himself. It was as he wished.' mind of the imaginative anti sensi I articles, from the whole of these 1 some slight conception of' these i
to l countries and colonies, ere aclutittedbuildings from the albrevlrtted
The touch of hie Jelin wrh, the la. -t rive child that they made her from � free of duty at the present tnorncnt; description given below.
witl'ttiui1 which linitert Burns r,lrrir11 tett rlY Years l'�)e enemy
n l i ed,tltav slavery,
IU ilv ii I but it is stn " essential condition" of I These buildings in the first place •
With hitt to eternity, lie dh•d on In 18J
r of Ink 17;11;, in lint 'alis Stowe of Cieeinoati, and daring r Mr, Chamberlain's scheme of cone i form the fence on the west, eolith 1
the tweight tl'tll a the' Ilei, l,eS.(iellce there frequently visit- ; nter'cial union that we should. put het- 'and east sides to the Queens Park or {
thirty1 bib t year ui' his age. On tt Exhibition grounds. •
hr. ial his sou Maxwell, ell the shave St€trod, ttndsequirea the port duties upon all 'of them that E •.
was of his l,1 , �) n The 1. tttl(•, :glee}, mai :wine
♦ herr' The little fellow lived lel ialinnre knowledge of sn�trlac `rna.,led !come 1ne from fi�reigstl cmtulufacltul•c,rs ' di 1 r is i;30 feet long and 52
was 1 that wits so Conspicuously displ .. Imaking , the Brits , Buil 1 t
than three yetis. ,r Berne in her snhset}uel,t writing.... b'ng' pay a higher price for food, and the I feet wide, with five towers, and will
_� ],hc Scottish admiration t civ,; el ivee were frequently sheltered II > pay higherfol Wish rlriplt
1 w tris i British nlanufacturc is a a t accan:ulottatfou for
N' n
♦Vag Sf, gCe,tt that
children three suns and two t};tual,-1 u, Iter house and assisted by her
tens) were not suffered t:) }(now \fent. 11aail:alld hilt' brother, to escape, t0
Asabscriptio0ofsix thousam,l,1ollttr, C',tnada.
�>Dari es the
werinte sin cd836,
wag iYt mediati ly r,tieed 'Ftt' tltc,tt. tY. eft free t m
• • • } 1 mete through the streets et\
price for'raw materials, and Causing say 1640 animate, the •entire outfit
foreign nations to raise the duties o., '.ring vi.zibic: from. the centre of this
everything we send then'. There is ` building,
Ito mistake about what Mr. Cha 'ber-, The Machinery and Agricultural
lain means. He says that the tt t'cies 1 Hall is -100 feet long and 60 feet
Four year':; Inter, that is .n .)y• ttl wild ) tc should have to tax "would emu-; wide, fitted With fines of shafting to
1800, Carrie's well-known edition , t'1 Cincinnati, only the the. e,ity and the distance mud from •l ,leu earn and meat and w 1 and drive the exhibits. It is built on
the poet's1-esw•ur Ic s appeared..ti feta ; `1v� l Love, SLIII1I1O try ths order 1€un1E3 the satne length, parallel to the G. t
reaLrt> seven thou -a ml dollar:, uu,tt,, l ) sti"�ar, and perhaps other ztrles ut
,' eme mous consumption in tl}hs CUun- i 'l', lit platform, therefore no trouble � pA , Nr�ygy, Ty�rC �y�3 4 r u .+r; • t✓ v 4 � tJ.�. �rm'�e ��s• � f'+
for the family. These mors made ,,, � Trus towe anis . Miley a night t1 t . What proportion o ; say,. our , with heavy machines.
snug ed, fortune in thew deeds. Duly 1 1)er expectingt nto beta roused vbyitthe f, >, t:'a � ; t.p 1,...1,t�' , �i j. a
invested, the amount yielded a riledwheat-and flour ,you'd e taxed? The cirritl rc building is very fine„ •r � r•
t though comfortable nmintenence� howl Imre of an angry limb led. by Last year eve imported 78,636,000 i8P fest long- and 60 feet s fele, also $ r, el, 1,, . Vit; i t , 1
of Jean and her - children. .least 1 the agents of exasperated and cwt of weteat, of whi 4,562,000 , adjoining the Railway, and without
ber husband thirty -1 • i ' b t} view,
Burns survived �, fl t d l l
eight years.”
What is
Castoria is D. Samuel. Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine mor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures .constipation and flatulency.
Castors,. assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bevels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil-
,Iron, Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Lowell, Mass.
.` easterly. tatbe, beat remedy for children of" 1
which' am acq:tainted. I linpo tate day is not
far distant when mothers will edit ,i. tar the real
interest of their children, =dust; Cestoris. in-
stead of thevarlousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by toning opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
rl s..
thereby agents down their throats, y
diem to premature graves."
1)n. J. F. Kt:tCITELOs,
Conway, Ark,
The Carta
C;om:D ry,
"Castoria is Sowell adapted to children that
1 recommend it as superior Wang prescription
known to ma." IL A.. Ancm n, TL D.,
111 So. Oxford St., Lreotclye, N. T.
"Our phy3tcians is the citil,lren's depart•
mens have spv:a:n ht„hy of t::o:r expert•
cisco in tint: outside I.r..ettee with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known se rr';u1ar
products, yet wo aro free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to loot 'eith
favor upon it."
tt\1TLn Iles?tr.1L 2::n DT:G•1016 I
ATd.S11 1'. SMTrn, D,•'?.-••, -
�r 1 !•
a'e A;:un•cy �� �t�,,1:, :lvt.rr rr
'la-#?"?�9rt'..•,^i5'��++n 'tL;' K .,.. _..i.'��r:::T,:• '_ '"'�� �-«...r: �.- ..._'i.._:,�
de, tel�ttCd slavehalt1ET' Matters text caYue. from torel,n conslrles;' a single post too street le
went Pram bac' to terse. until it, and the clue ntity of ,flour imported spleuWel i it. �,
seemed to her as if slavery was was 18,.•",68,00 cwt of which 13,131,1 tphe horse betiding is amply
' g 1,110 feet lou with
--- 0teen, to extend itself over the free 030ewt came froui`tl e U immense,
Set:t,bs va. Thoroughbreds. 1 State;. Many benevolent, tender•
The scrub has its place. Tee hearted Christian men and women d d single BULBS went blind tine.' deaf to all arguments
' scrub farmer with ted conditions 1 tt1 0 tntit ]r,, and she concluded it WAS
may be Heat suited with thein. Ilt•c;tu:;w they didn't r.atize what it
Feeders buy them and tometinl('' "'di'y meant, She (determined; if
make: money on them. chiefly 1)ecauee , possible, to make them realize it,
they can be bought ebettper than 1
and, ustt result, in 1851 she wrote
improved cattle. But, to theinlpruv- t111c1w Tent's Cabin, or Life Among
I(. ed farmer. who can and deeps pr'tav l the Lowly." Neither :Alts. Stowe
r. , 1 ,0 r; ,�/ i c ;f Wil.
1 lilted States: 1 rise been g
alone. These fhgures give some ideal three large towers. It has box >t�'L do neat work 111 elle Job Printing business anct at
(it. 'tow serious elrllltlltel' it ti\ ouldbe ; 5trtll: On 008 side an
Ertl the. B Wavle 1 rices •t5 late as the lowest. If you are in need of any -
for, 1 s
the feed, shelter• and care they ought
- to have, the pare -bred -stock natural-
ly 00t0Ttterld themselves.
Impiety ed ea tau 441'. an a1'tific:e1
product. By providing Imre and,
better 1'ecd than that furnished by
nate a is the wild state, by ttmelior-
atin•• the ineleimellt'y of the ,vent ter
by morns of w•u•nt stablee and by
nor any of her friends had the least
cunct•l)tinir ut' the future that awaited
her hook, Frit' for a time it did not
appear to produce much impression,
anti elle became very despondent
Nevertheless, nrnl•ly half a million
copies were, sold in the five years,
following its first appe,tt•ance, and i
t,:1, been translated " into over•
taking advantage of the laws ut in ttattnry "'fere" languages. In
Crt a000 10 s3lgAc Unal\' SeleCth,r1 l .):3 Mrs. Stowe visited unl'Ope, and
and breeding Eton' those p10011 tut; , emelt in leen, end from both Jour -
the qualities lnust valued, 11014 he,,, neyts site ;gathered luateriel which
produced breeds far superior, frullt
was eke
utilized in her
an economic standpoint, to the Par -
literary },.rocltictiuns. 'These have
enc stock from which they epraug . bravo very Prolific, for ht)r pen has
Our beef breeds area vast int- been incessantly at work up to the
p•ovcilnent in size, form, fattening Met. lit•r husband died in 1536.
quality, early maturity and docility . ---
fromthe old white race with red ears
from which they come. They Mr. Chaniberlairl And Protec-
• British 'e le ff duties were i down the other. Every tale las P
put upon theeehie articles of •food been taken in the light, ventilation thing such a.
ut,taimed fi':n foreign countries. Of and comfort of the exhibitors, in
cuut•se, tiase colonie's would cease to this building.
put I'rote etive duties upon British i The poultry Building is the best
nrtnuf teretes but how much l of the kind, and furnished through
arc the result of aatifletal, or, it you I tion.
please, of improved conditions, and
to nesietain thetit at their est the
conditions e.s.urttiel to tlleil• develop -
menti roust be 100101tlitwit. Taken
out of their eie n0nt an f,tquit'ecl 1 ' tnoonshiue su�lu►tte of stn Imperla
battle with coeditilms foreign n to theit
I I Tl i. HE -1ll.i, NOTE 1-I EA l)�;, 1311 .1. H E;.%
ENVELOPS, , ti D1)1)c;I:Rs, 13u`,T-res
s POSTERS, ` of all
Or anything in the line: of i'-rinting. call or 3tt rite to the
slloul1 we gain by that? Oar out ♦with light miry wire coops MES Office, Win*lam. colonial trade is less dem one-third' sizes to suit the regairements of the old reliable 11 E *
of o f total. In 1891 the value of different Poultry and Pets. ' � � o,� , esese seetet�;,. , � `erste e,
our mports from British'% possessions) The Double Decked Grand Stand,
vitas #;11;3,910',000, while tliie value of; 3+}u feet long and 45 feet wide, will I
n spurts from fi,relgll coulntr.es was • great' Increase the pleasure ,�;., 1., •'
Y I � ftr �:►. ��``r : h �� �
,04,132,000' and in theesame year `witnessing the Special Attraetiolis
the value of our exports to British and fill a long felt Special
Tho 1'rtw- i `�
possessions was £72,640,00 , while , nee 13111 Wild West with 80 people ` .
the value of our exports to °.foreigli : 60 Animals and 50 tents, will be the!
countries wns £143,18•.1,000. •' .f the' principal feature ; this, and Sie
volulue of our foreign trade is 4111008 Hessen Ben Alis, Bong ]ions Moor- >
g 1 willgive Doll trs •
to an erson who will bring me
than twice that of our colonial trade,' ish acrobats will make the strongest Fifty y p
what SeIise is there in proposing to' attractive ever presented in London. a Watch or Clocli I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
aacriflce the greater- to the less? � The rest of the Exhibition Build -
Such rt sacrifice is involved in Mr..illgs are bciu;; remodelled and or better' than ever.
Chamberlain's scheme, because if we arranged so its to keep abreast of I
abando:►ed our Free Trade policy `the times and every thing is shaping
and put duties on articles which WO for a most successful Fair. Already
now admit duty free from foreign (quite a number of Exhibitors have Josephine St., Winghaln
countries those countries would; made application for space. Y
immediately retaliate byincrca.sln�', Opposite Macdonald
e very fair out of the Grounds Block.
their duties open our expot•ts to I and Buildings appears in the Priz e I
such an extent as to shut us out of hist which has loaf at rived.
here, of Commerce of the l.urpire on away any margin of profit. The' •owe -Notes.
A disl):ttuh Num Cairo states that
Tuesday, Mr. Chant bet lain had. the fact is that Mr. Chamberlain's pro- rlurinn .June were were 3,5J3 deaths
g ' about his > destruction of two -I
cotu•a,;w°to speak again poral means the, es throwing h,nuc,i c
thirds of British trade, the thrort 1a
of a vast number of British workmen
out of employment, and raising the
principal articles of their food 10
famine prices, His scheme, or
.it the Congress of the Cham -1 their markets, or, at any rate, to cut
nature, they aro no inure tt, bu 1)141
ed if they fail than a fi-h can he
blalnt.d for its inability w live out, or
Iniprovc'rl, np tn•(let0 farming; 011.1
improved cattle tete e,•unterp:lrt of
1 Customs Union, notwithstanding the
action of the Government in per-
manently closing the ports of the
United Kingdon ngailist Canadian.
cattle and New Zealand sheep. lie
deems of forming an Imperial
union to keep all the trade of the
each other. Ont• r. )neat tatt)tll the United• Kingdom and the eolontes
best Ilse neuro of cue eeee without the within the L+'ulpire, ur, at least,
other. and as we mimic() in
ou', reduce our imports from foreign
ds,a't`arnlint anti cruel,, t ,1e4 to a mere trifle, The
methyl c vont'
stock the pure•hreti most MOvtttt1)3)
supplant the serol).— Chicago Live
t e.
Stat. "
whole Empire is to be self support-
ing, all commodities that nny part
being obtained from the
other parts. tire
from every me enant woz et
surely plain enottgll to any under an Imperial 'Customs Union. This centp
tnln � € s ., b ,
g d
;foreign counties they will not bag' ( list of his failure.---Grlasgow'flat', farmer in Pickering Township an
dream of Protection is worthy of t1I
member of the ••stupid party." ; England's offer to submit the ques-
ir. Chamberlain has been "every tion of the occupation of the Island
thing by starts, and nothing long." of Trinidad to arbitration
> • But,
r body of Mr. James Ross,
r w a 1 rotcctiotlist. ,
He is u)
• of
Mover as he thinks himself be will l,lwyer, of Winnipeg, and brother
tied that the destruction of tree ; Mr. A. W. 'loss, ex -M. P., was found
'''rade is beyond his power__although' fleeting
in the Red Rivet' on July 1.
he late 1n many ways proved himself Yokohama itdvice3 of June 18
'requires we to retu•e then . power for mischief, There is not show an appalling toss of life and
. ) is i Mach feat of the British people being destt uction of pI ope s ty by the re
..._.___. _ f market t It h I 1 KV his fine c
i )lets.
, 1' amin Huff, an old eoldier
living near Niles, Miell., shot his
drtnghtcr•in-law alld then killed.
Brazil bac not yet assented to
Liver'. Ilis
a s' I
;di: about .1 anese earthquake and tidal
tva e
• 11.
that if we do not buy from 1 a.'e t s •Itunsw will ro tos♦tcll the tang Harry Westgate, •a ♦♦el
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, oonstl, I •
patron, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly tomo of the nianufactures by whien
cured b door's PIUS. They do their work we.live and with -which we supply
y markets of the world ? Ml`.
Chamberlain's idea is a Cornlnereittl
IUnion which would establish "praeti•
calix Free Trade" througdout the
ors n
cls And if that be so, what is to be- 1 tete First Deputy Reeve of that
easily and tttoronghly.
/lest atter dinner pats.
26 cents. All druggists.
Prepared' by C. I. Iiood & Co.,
'The onlY i'ilt to take with Hood's
I British Empire --at least that Is what
municipality, was found dead. annatho
Grand Trunk 1,ailway
Nearly every afternoon 'and eVen- Thltrsday niorn ng not far frons
in; h,1w'l- are played ors the Skating where the sideline leading to his
A,,tn-IM,ion's lawn, and so in•ereSt- home crosses the railway, a half smile
to 4peer€tram that en,st of the road to Liverpool Herb n'.
ink i+ the gatlle a d he was street by a
A MAN To star Canadian and U. S. grown
trcea,r,erry ,deers, roses, hrut>s,
hashes, ornamental trees and soe,l potatoes,
the only nursery having testing orrhrrus inCan-
ads• We give you tnr. benefit of our experience,
fir. '•w ` t' so Tour succuss is guarantee . 1. i an are not
F.• earning 860 par month and exprnses, write us at
events and Tradc•hlark-s obtained, end all patent once for ridiculers. Liberal cutnnreaions paid
buloessconducted for MODERATE Fi101 illy part time melt. 1�`arm(rs'80n- shod.) lock into
• •te vicinity of the Patent Office, this. 1t pays better than x orntng on the farm.
onffice is dmyfnthcimmeh y assert 1 ffersa chance for pt•outotluu. Apply note
innmmod 1, sketch
to 0' phot photograph
linen unsurpassed and o
Send model, sketch of pantograph of Invention, with and get choice of territory.
description and statement as to advantages claimed. STONE 8t WELLINGTON,
t?N, rhaeye is Made for alt °pitaon as to Toronto, Canada.
patentability, and vty fee for prosecuting the i
1' ton will not be caged far antp Me
patent allowed. "lxvzntoas GUIDs," con-
taining full information sent free. All Conn:awl.
cations Considered sa Strictly Confidential.
925 41 Streets WA'f,tn I
athat suit,
Suits For
fitlt ,
, give cnnl'or, to the
wenter and eatisfy
�VERCOATS, yourfrttry usouhad
better try un. Our
garment In Itkers
•RO p know how to du their
TROUSERS. work; c'en't think
there are any better
and yet Fre charge no more than others
do for inferior work. Hundreds of new
fall rind winter samples to choose from,
at prices about half what you have to
ay for old goods.
1 Bra styy
DAIN TILE, on hand. it is sold that
' other perms are selling at reduced If you think that a Tweed Suiteannot
I prices but WO cannot be undoraold: be properly 'made for $1 Spot Cash, pall
7a7mIrt Look at This,
' stain
he ;x
gg'� BROS.,
mrd, have lots of BRICK and furnishing their own cloth
,and our brick and tile are as goo
as any ma n the • province- \'Vet and see our work. Our terms are myth.
- can loll by the ear load or 10,000 ori �I Ij, ,r ♦ `
' fully Its low 'as aIle bo mr•;
° lumber Pur Palm. Opposite the t1acclonalti 131ock4
11,000 the u
()hissed anywhere We have elan It :trent 1
.r ell kinds of
]1yi°eo t til•: _y'e,t Srreot fel]co, In CTuc erleht It s suppose
.. while drtvin'' ken a T.
II I S ' he says. But the truth is that , 13 often hidden by those will essing passing train w 1 e Vt1tngthanf, May 1G,1AtlG.
Trade would be destroyed by his : the )lair, Wednesday night.
7.ortrelt,nta3s. proposal, which is that \vltile rho I
Sarsaparilla. I � �
W a"harn, Ont.