HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-10, Page 2-•' • -+ '•-..�Y n.•AIMTMMew%,.M,.rM.,aMMM,,,M'M+VPeq•!f.IAMYTM'v'w M, ' , .. „N..!A•M•fM
c t
l , • e
i \ h
(.o t f dare owl :loop
ia•'itt tint tern Ltl t JJ t 111thotreii deem,
•t1t 't tine her t Jut ! Tn tt-too evont,h
Iron„ i"o tun• ;moo.; i\ t:t hom:I 1,'uad,
i\ever bunk tint u:
'tit h to the RHO
That wa•i
ti!',; ice •at 1'o'lma:by ntbue,
A stranger came to i'e7talhy shaft:
Lo1•d! t.1s e how thettslru•r,; tau:;l1ettt
Wit1Ye In tho noltar and stilt int the hat,
11 ith his shitdog bents tool ]dos silk (•ri%Ut,
Pinkly!: his c his way, ;071
Stepping, on tiptoe to Netntark- amine.
roofs amidst
1 f $.
trees; eS
on tho to
at 111111 time two right,
11111 is
esti to
1 t.
Just then oho Venwli took to
the uaua;
sllo grounded just as fa huge fat sow
. knuckles quietly ere stretching himself.
"All atistok. lorrafl!” sings out Bill .!%10.1, -
tit( with 4a loud silty laugh.
Wo were a brig; of n 111111 i1 1i and ei;ltt •
tons, 41114 there was .tooling to he stone
with poling; nor was keclt;Lug; guilt.- to
help 115 at tills the j first gaartel' of elab,.
l't>n," says John Bunk, coming aft and
speal;iug checrfuliy, "there's )1)l coil t0
make nny worrit over this filr.Utitg job,
7`1le tctg;'s hound to be caniiug along i4foro
sundown, ally how, blue t1H%t village
hero?" says Ile, pointing. "31
t brother
ivas + that irr,
t t•'1 , t
\t i1 c t ,
alt .r. 1 .t .lin !mast! of
11s, own, ('doled the `Bight Bells,' ;toil see
no 115 we'1'0 hard i 111 .fast, I shltli take the
toys on 1a visit to hits nod leave you anti
'illiaru to look 14rteir the ltt3s."
' :Suppose the tug s ouid come along to
said L
"Shecould ,r
1 11nt )
t„ with ua; till the
c floats 1t us," saai(i e. I slob.l let g1)
he a1 etU)1• for seettri y and go ashore."
Ile naked like a 3 eklc"ss old Anti, but
vas tipsy, audio no ulpertoreasou with.
`Ito situation i)
loll tho i••r ,
1 of 1 i i enough
let •
87 3
was safe f tlgl!
„ f
far as ocean and i tauter went; nothing
tela hart her as she' lay itig(1-cJ, tilled on
et feat bilge. \re clewed up and let the
tLl t `
t 1 f 4 hong•'..r
1 l h
its rigging r n
1 and a
•� 31)t- •. 1 then drop-
t >-
ped the anchor, afterivllich told Bunk find
the others cleaned the msel re ,tp ata got
the boat over and went away in her, sing;
ing songs, leavitlgmertatd\1 i11h1ms to look
atter the brig. ''
It was ten o'clock it{ the morning;, a very
fine hot (1113, I went into the Cabin for n
smoke, and )tf er lounging an hour or so
whilst tilt boy boiled:a piece of beef for
our diluter I stepped „oft deck and found
filo sea tons already half way out of the
bay, with twenty lines of foaming ripples
purring not 1a quarter of n nmi1e off, and
Touring from Leaden, so he said: t
7't'a5 it ('0tm.•1' they dug - b
t or t tbtu•1
t load?
Whore. ., a 1?
t, a'
find it?
1 12 iNone?
d t
l' E
k tried 1Cl\v't••
with a xllnyel slight he get subtle?
PtonpiagC so m0011 I•
Was hood for the spine;
And, wasn't it warmish in nommen- aline? 1
'Twee like two worlds that .riot that flay.,
work]. of
the world of Allay:
And tIte grimy lads Arlan the reel.itig shaft
'Nudged 1,E(1 rt ,
4C. other, )l and rt•
t1 ill I •,
grinned 11 and ch ff fJ
u Ls a ed, .
"trot 'alto nt1 onto" t
"".t (1)05112 of mine!"
So ran the banter at Pe outwits- mine. t I
And Carlll:rae Bob,the Pennerb3; wit,
Told Mtn facts shout the pit, rut
How they bored. the short till the brimstone .(1
11 It
Warned thele from tapping;
Ifo wouldn't say
3 1111
lila they c ,
t 5 ),
c .
t )•�
.it for
Tp dig no deepOr in Yennarby•
Then, leaning over 1anc1 pecrin, - in,
He was liuls
nting nut what ite td was tin,
In the ten -foot lobe; a crash, av or,
A gr(Lspiug hand and a splinte el bat,
(ante in his strength,
'with the lips that last hod!
Oh, the pole faces at I'enuilarb)• haft!
Far down on aL narrow ledgo
They :.520 hint cling to the oral 'ling edge.
"Wait ait for the bucket! lli. ratan stay!
Titat rept ain't safe; it's worn a. '13y!
Ice's taking els chance. the ehannel 0f the river was a' Pv:ady plain,
Slack out the line! coaling out from the hold and through the
Sweet Lord be with them!" c old I'ennarey dry mud like a lame of water till it beet the
Mine. wash of the yellow brine and melted into
""He's got him! Ile has hila! Pa with a will!
it. The brig lay with 11211tI1C0111forttlble
Thank Cod: I;e's over and breo toe oil. list to starboard. When tile mud should
And ! memo 11 he; Lord sakes now! u hat • t:;;,4r tt"CII, come a -dry it would be an easy jump from
Blowed if it ain't am - London aw 1I! her alecks to it.
Your beam is right At half -past twelve' William came be -
If your coat is tine; low with my dinner, ad'ud I told the lad to
Gfi a WS your hand!" cried P • •b,. Il
[Cooyrigllt, 1854, by the hog.]
1)O\,T lee no signs
of the tug;, clo you,
Toni?" `Said the old
skipper:John Bunk,
t rolling up to ale
companion I
I3e was
it the cabin
and was rratller tin- l
•3, with fixed stareand
out with his Inure and eat with me.
munched together, taking it easy. There
was nothing- to be dome on deck, 00 sig
the ell no 1158 1'
ie t
n,mind put t toher, e
if silo should .leave Into sight, and
time lluilg heaty. After dinner Ila
on a Iooker smoking .anti 1L'ill{aul s
11(11 it \171N( HAM P,1 1 S, JULY 1.04
^.m.1).,-„n•,w•.r...-.w -v... .T, .. +v1•,�•MMW►4Y
-+•,01...,.,01 .-.^-..•,-... ,... �--.. ....- -•-•T ..... MYr
.-.. :,.. • . , ...:,....,«..': T.--..-,.« ` . ..... �-w�4M: T!!h�1w•n.+.Ya+M17�IT e.•!,'fi
CnI)y1•t1;Itt, liitl5,
CIA1)rl'141i I,
i Sunbeams 1'a11121g ta111nt 1111(1 soft town
1120 c1Q)'o of t1 long, glowing, giori
s1n231108 day, shooting through trans.
013t hangings 1) 4
1 off 1s i, 01(- . ,
] 1 1I,
Y(1 loaves (ma
gi �<
g s
t(1 Y
s1( i
l U ,
f 1'4'Si
ion long yasetohh1114tlaws )221)011 hila-(iL'011
0(1 turf nod dusty roadway, blaming
smouldering hostile on tiro \vast Poco of
ohurch tower, resting caressingly 012
ohbulnly.pQts, 1•oafs and gwrrot wing
a dazzling t !,
itt from o t Ir -
a`5 i 1 western 1 RCfa ll 1 •
t I wind
panes, while the $U11•bal'e(1 streets bol
MY in 0001,. sloop shadow 1111(1 toiwos
b( ut
t to
nbreathe fr.
i and au toil think.
restful, pleasalrt thin 5. Sulubca
PaLt7r •
by t, r'
1U 1 or •
w endows a
tossed book ug0n the 1 111 Opposite
open p(1) 0ah(ultult, \vhtro tui tailor's salt
et a tls•1ill2g, Il4rgeo•y(d enc heed', lna(10
heart iilint wit It Mogi/ 21t 111(1 thong
Of sunlight mom ,.•
C t if •
, 1 and 3 i eta+ •
s (•
01' ]31et1(lu12( wooels and id SLQpus Ito woull
1j coo, n0 1)1010,
Tho strteas bOg1Lu to cent with leisurely
stops of tired people strolling' ill tho 0001-
1:(1 floss, "mets ftotltud. 8oft0nut(1 yob distinct
Ig on 1114 pie,lsalzt still ail •n•ith the hides -
Qi crihad)lo tonal quality s('` distinctive of
suoimor time. Tho tall` its sou hoard
snatches of talk rising 111 s pleasantly to
3' oho window with the NMI of his father's
1) pipe an(1 Cho sottn(1 of 1 s father's slow
e stops on tho pavement, \v Toro 1(0 puce
IIe with roiled -up shirt sleeves, 113x(1 nnlT0
toned ,
o t I cl waistcoat, stopping Noty a•1ut aga
to Oxchtingu a word with L passer-by.
e Ovor the way- a large titivate boost \vi
✓ twa doors was sot :noon. Ito shops. O
t door stood yt•ido and off'( •4d through
t` bock doorway a glimpse 1 foliage an
gardOn turf, t1•anslupont i the late stn
shine, suggestive of 111111 to strotchos f
wood (al)11 meadow 11n(1 11. ssy Stro12n1.
was the (100tor's house, 13v and by p8.
haps tbo doctor would stop over tho way,
ruin up the Creaking stairs, fool the lad'
pulse, chat for telt minutes and run ba
again. He afton (lid this.. it was aiwa
t possibility P Dill
to I
I k
tY forward
7.11 boy 0 O\ tw CS <r
(. cleiolppiu„ 1trallquil Philo- ;
sophy; tho pleasantOst thi gs in life, he '
thought, caro tho things tat may occur
and Snnletinlos do. ',Choy to also the sad-
dest; but he was not old cifongil to kno\v
Tho doctor's old reel brick house was a
s0urco of perennial pleasure, a tranquil
stage on lvhicll dramas ware shown but
seldom play( (1 tIl •
� that would l
1 tt 7
t\ ( :mu
0( O 1
li El11tz hl• ,
E Ult(' tI c ' •
1 tE
� lot! 111'
a hQf a
1 lt4r Q
to t
1 la(1 U
u f to u
I )ud
y I uu b01 . •
41 )
Vl ��• soil ( w
g, 1., bay, i8hoso slthseciuc1)t tnjoxn)o1)
In 01
111 !
2lalPks 1
t •
By 31A I l'E1' j GRAY.
TIM Iii TI(` ` ,
, or,
1 '
t T T
1,1 ,
1 TI
1 I, tltt �` '
t, l I Tl'cltr nom, I
i(tg: '1'11oso \t'h0 i)nllcil flonris:letl 112011
0111'8 (1rtn1k04417, `.he 1) fish 011(1.28 to t1 st2ancl
w12e11 within easy hal. ink, distance 122
though old Bunk was tr king a look at nue
as I stat in the top. on n 1 was W022c1erittg
wlutt t did \ t tIt1.1>
thore. 4
I roared out; "For Co I's stake )1211101 how
The, 3'Qtl COtnQ aboard! .t•1lc C'fi 11Ce11 0, blown,
Mg tiger in this brig 81 .ce 12(1011117
_� what;" yelled Bo' ik, and the seamen
pulled L
t little C (: "`
k )4C
p 1 tit
it was still brood fin ling elaylig(11, and
the sun hung like a 114 '0 blood red ta'rg
ores the 011114son sett. • t'
"A. what?" shrieked 1)1211.
• "A tiger! 1 . tiger!" >� )lot
f )t'ttr '
z 1 tl
t.t I
n � b
lowed, pointing to ie brute 1124(1 11
crouched on tint for ast10 1liddelt f(•o
the boat's crew.
""Brunk again, Tont or is it sll15tr0
this timet" sung out ld Book, stow -tin
up in the host and 1211, 11111g to the rook!
of her..
"It's Milts] William I yelled.
Witeu I said this the beast, .attracted b
the noise of yokes or' i' the side, got; t1
of to 210t44rious eil'(rwcscunt drink out n
tho glass ph3'sie-In(tls4)3, Was also tanto
lizingly visible.
""11001ec 1 }Ioroco 1" Atalled the doctor's
wifo, her w1(1to figure awallowtel up in
the groan 12100ut gloom beyond tho 11(4rdelt
'filo do(ttor supposed himeol1 #n ho mad-
ras img the Standard i)1 the summer 12011224 ill
otls WO (1011pa1(3' of (a 8110t't 1)1110k 1)1130 1121(112
110- 81111111 \vhtto dog. But, ill this ho was 11128-
/n. I . Ile •
1 t 1`
! � y51h1i
but t •
t lT
t 3( lel )
i � fen (
n front a long
1 t
dusty '(k t[ 1
01,1(1 t, 1 i 1 cc, or rather ru2rnil <tf Jour -
1103 4, Ilisihead hull fnllall fnl•wal'tl 41x1 his
in chest, tun, Standard wits slipping ova leis
the autstrttcllta legs from (lou 11utp hand,
tlla and his Moo (lropinitg its (1et1t1 as1105 on
t\vs . olio dog's look and the gravel path from
tt AL1(
1 l iwl it c
OW Wil110 rl)ytlnnl0l)taliifltj-
021 nt18 sounds that gave ploosillg 1Ssuran00
folk of ;L good man's sluzJtber played upon 1110
of sunnnor nil'.
/no ' '"IIo:rctee I" cried tho doctor's wife.
"Lazy 'Lacy foll w !" and tint little dog jumped
An up and barked, ".Ay—hum I" z)ttttt(red
sat 1110 Hooter thickly, as he opened and otos-
ins eel his heavy eyes, ""no night. boll -
111 heaven 21!
Through roi
3 1 11
us,, g now open (tours of garden,
and 8Lroot the town stomas floated in ; as
1 oy whistling, the far-otl'roll of to solitary
(tarritage, murmur of voi0C5,, Ito church
clook striking ill lordly 10hrur0 nine feel,
low strokes on tho tr014101008 waiting air,
and then—a long woo- off, a sharp mho.
Tho olick grow shnrpelr, yon fuller, it
broadened and was to clic.: no more, tho
echo 00(15011, and tho 1ai101's son recogniz-
ed in' tho fuller sonority of the strokes the
• hoof -heats of as galloping horse on the
hill, *boy gniokouod down tho stoop de -
scoot, grow 1021(101 and holloivels over the
y 1
� .s1,k7.I,
u Stephen Adams stood still In `10 road,
s tho briilla o11 his ham hrowli ' 1111, 4111(1
f started stupidly atm' tho doctor's dog-
. Cart, .A. grnl2t sob broke from 1118 brood
blown 01)0st, tllo b1110 striped shift of
whi011 -was open; it 1121s a sob of r01ie1.
Then he looked at oho cob, and, going
Over to t17001d-fashl0nodinn, relic of past
coaching days, tho host) and CroWn, cal•
led the osticu 11114 Itoip.od him rub tilt colt 1
down, 1m/sot/lug tho girths and 1dllsing
tho .mouth,
13001oh0dy gave him a slat which Pitt
on hal consciously; .olscu
z itht4
1 11(1 1
Ana tl0 hocalled
1 (
y 1 c1 t
or to •a
for a elft il.
t a TI
, 1112114poured P1111 o )N
111.11 31
down ]l
l it �'.
y the u cel � throat.
"'Ile clone it in half an flour. Some,
110 said, looking hard at oho oob,
"A, rare good war, glivner," the ostler
retluUccl, patting And .smoothing the
ti ant noel,, tend n dart good
on to stay. But t yo�t'vu took it all out
of on s •
, tlaclu ain't 1Ltf (a kick in all his
four legs."
Adams looked thoughtfully 1)t the cob(,
eonslderi11g, how 1)1ueI1 go was loft in
hint, and then, talking a Faroe' the doc-
tor's man lead. brought 111)11, fixed it to
the 5844110, food tho ostlor )n171 lu(1 tho
horse briskly away, walking hint clown
the street,,
over i
v tho brid,.,t sad up the bill
before he nlountod 11•nd trotted Wong the
lovol, slowly :1t first, an(1. then more
quickie through t110 4'00i111 6111814, and
dewy sgeuts of livid nit(1 lu,(iguroly,
Hnnclrnd8 of years 600)tm'd to have pas-'
sod 5111(11 he 1.tartett in 1.110 ov(7ning- sun -
shim) 0n that meal, brealt.no0k gallop,
spul•red by o;,;emi0( of fear.
t..iu toll to lhiliaing uvor fall that baad-
and loo2(0(1 over the 1. 115Jtrlc rail at 111
111011, anti o1(1 131ni1i in. 421111, - saw lt.
stared for r moment 01 two as though h
had been blasted by a . truko of lightning
Tho other three relic vs theft saw th
beast, and if there WAS- ley drink it2 tllei
hearts oho fumes of flew out 1)t Um
sight, and lett them ober men. 't'hei '
postures were full of wild surprise and
terror 211111st, they teed. Old ]3unle
roared: •
"Ilan 110 killed the bo =, d'yersay?"
Eh lies there dead," -cried I, pointing.
IIe 13ast1 t snored sine "(first saw Iriul,"
"Has he been eating 11i111?"
t -
fn hridgo, and full and .strong' on the hard
1 stroot road ivitll a confused ring of echoes
ell ; from oho housos. The people turned at
z20 ; oho sound of the lu11(I, ever -quickening;
to gallop, to 500 t4 strong, flrnlly-ltaokod Cob,
d streaming with sweat, fleek0d with foam,
11- rod of Nostril land with blooding mouth,
u ridd0n by a hatloss IN1LI1 in shirt 8100208,
I- tear along the street a1111 thunder up to
: the doctor's door, whe•0, pulled on 1)is
1 haunches, 110 stopped and so0nlod to shoot
s his rider to the ground, No sooner dict
bac . tllo matt touch tho dusty road than. he
at ( r
q 100
ys�, x, tcalring;1)t the bolls ltabni-
lod Nlg1t" and "";surgery," leaving oho
panting, stroauling horse 10- blow noisily
and shako himself on his quivering legs
with (loivu-droopod head. Tlio surgery
boy Ieisurely finished his notorious drink:
nod even rinso4 the glass boforo respond-
ing to tho furious ringing of the bolls,
faintly serious to see how long and how
loud the num could or would ring. The
doctor's wifo jumped nervously at tho first
not "\ol.,
the table with as pipe In his mouth,
Presently I thought; I heard a noir
something )roving; in a scratching so
way on deck. I ltstetteci and then he
walling, A Iittlo latter, happening to
cooking at William, [ heard the s
noise, and that monte11 I fancied a kin
sha(lnw passed ON the"glass of the art
ittle cabin skylight. '
1 said to William: "Sep on deck,
ui, and see if nnybody'4 come aboard.'
He went
tl , and was hot greet a nein
owe 7
�S" •.
veil t. 17 71,
e mistt
the Jtiek Strve115, 1, sung out
y up- `'For• God's 811110 don'tleave me up here."
tat at I cried.
"Tom," shouted 13nik, "there's only
e of 11'411 -thing to defy; there's an old gout hi
rt of 1113' cabin, and yer711 fibel a. powder flask
moi told ball in the, locket. We mast keep
be that tiger a -watching us over the bow
also whilst yon run below tap(1 shut the hatch.
d of By lifting; 1110 lir. yowl be able to shoot
'my hint 1118(1012 the sky. rht. Conte you
clown note as fear as 3.Ou (luu:st wi(ilst 5143
fixes the 1(ttetitio1 of tui$ brute upon our-
) y selves:"
ute I at once dropped into he rigging,'vhere
y logs a bit, They
.es after that long
descended Cal •
dltl 5
re(ttll iessiy Watch-
,at under the bow,
lifted oaf' made els
Ifrom th
fresh fr
/ would
ately Iran- ,
g11 his legs
are fretne(1 2
len I .ward hila scream shookin
'he shriek was full of terror and ag
anti froze my blood. I r' shed on clerk
to the flgnre of Wilful under the p
f a large yellow tigerl started madly
' S
hough r • ,
;, 3 113 ..eases were all greet \yr
nd reporting a nightmare. But the big tl
east turning its bead spied 1210, Swept
Ie,uks with its tail, Crol eked in cat -1
• the IoiS r part of an 1)
, egg• lis hat was a
U5$E tali an bruslled the
"ly. I stretched and p1n3'e(l 21
r0" were as stiff 1122 haildspi]
and s1)e11 in the nlraintOn.
aiv down as the stieerpolo,
as ing. 7.'lley pulled the
ung an(113i 11 Martin with
lough spearing at t• a brute's head. It
toned its huge month nuc. showed its
112en2e el11148 111)011. t11e rata; old 13un11
ssed tuna snapped at it, then roared out
1118: ,
"`N oiv's your time, Tom," whilst I heard
ek Stevens sing out:1
"Back astern. The fired cat's going to
tit'ith the nimbleness tf terror I (bopped
the deck, and pllssect like a shadow to
e hatch, unnoticed l r the boast, In a
wrong : way. Id e
wore a thick shawl round his neck
and WAS wrapped up in (L IQng monkey
jacket, albeit five were ii, the dog
days. I31 a1 word, Bonk was 1 skipper of a
type that is fast perishing our Home
"No," said I, "there's no sigli of the
"Then bloomer.," said it f "If I don't
work her up .Myself! Wit is afraid? I
know the ropes. Get ami ships in tho
fair -way and keep all on, an 1 there 7'are.
And mubbe the tng'11 plc us up as we
X 0."
"Its all one to Tom"' sok I.
Our brig, was the Venus 0 :Bye, a stump
topgallantln2Lst coaster, eig t3' years old.
'We were in a1 big bight of 1 e const, head-
ing for a river which. flow past a well-
known town, whither ivy+ were bound.
The bed of that river 1v ut int a rein
the 01
way and was corning for 3120. oke int
With al, roar of terror I sprang for the to
main rirgiing and i11 a few bre14tb1ess
moments was safe in the top. Ja
It was all sheer lnu(1 now to the very
forefoot of the brig, but th' half of her lay ill
afloat in the stream of th rivet: I saw
the marks of the beast's p: vs pitting the to
shiny surface of ooze and 'and; the trail 111
etune 1(1 a straight .line fro t the land
the rigett of tee: village Is•here Bun
br0thet• lived to the starboard bow of t
brig. The beast had sprung; easily aal)oa
}\'e were not ill India, nor in Africa. n
in any country where such Anise yello
horrors os that flourished; therefore, on
covering my wits (12111 my breath whilst
to moment I closed the coli$lpanion door:s,theu
k's entering 131nk's cabin found the gun and
he ammunition. T loadedthe piece, and get -
ret. ting( 0n to tlio cabin table, pnt'21)y head
or into the skylight and b(i' i•1ec1 out to 'let the
w others know 1 WAS going to shoot. My
re- voice attracted the tiger; it turned, and
looked down over the rim otz the top, I
guessed that the tiger had broken loose
m some show or 1nen:1g01'li, and had
ode for this idesperate wast of land to
cape the hunt that WAS (Mob less in loud
y •1fte1' ilini. But I could not .get any
nlfort into me out of the reflection that
e had stranded on Englisii 11251ead of
rican or South Americo]) until; down on
ek, now crouching close beside the boy
thout, ]lowevel, offering to. touch the
otioalless figure, was a notss{i'e savage
1st, apparently a lnaneater; and it was
the swine to Inc whether it had sprung
through about three utiles :of nmol till it 20
sheared into the laud and ,Rowed into a es
proper looking river will banks of its es
ovr'n. At fiaod the water c '•ened the lend co
but the river was buoyed, nal when once e0
you had the Iaud oil eithe hand land the Afw
bay of mud astern the 1 lotage to the de
town WAS 110 more than a 71 atter of bracingwi
the yards about till you f sten into one 112
long reach whose ext•remi - was Tainted m
by the red wharf you moor it alongside all
V e were six of a ship's „stdo of. all
p 5 c m1Ta123`. John ab
Bunk was skipper; I, Ton 1'is11, was the trc
111ate; the others were Ili _Martin, flack
Stevens, a man 11a111ed Ifo nes', 42nd a boy 011
called William. On boar crafts of 11118 ed
sort there is vera' little di. splice, and the
sailorstalk to the ealitau 1122 though he 4iv
Iived hi the forecastle.
".John," sings ottt 13111 - 1)t In my
o12211 off the banks of tun India't river o
sited across this breast of Feeds.. slim
of a 5ha(vutal('s caste.
he boy lay as though dead, 41n1 I turn
sick, fearing to 803 the creature eat him
'as going to call, thinking 110;510111(1 an
er me, then reflected if Ito was not (le
voice might 041112224 hint to Move, an
ug the tiger upon hint, and so I lay s
lent in the'top, now staring clown, the:
glaring rotund upon the scene of stud 4111
at the distant blue crescent of lea for tit
help that was nowhere visible.
Presently the tiger got 1)p,14 t4, passing
thebody )ods' of the lac., stel)1)erl with its
supple gait into the bows. I tool: my
ebance of shouting to 'William., but the lad
ate I yelled
(105 11 (11i111en, arnd. drI saawain rthe asplend d hor-
)•ibl0 be:e;t in the bows ,'ro2ing at ate, and
still the lad remained lifeless. Ile was
upon his taco, with 1115 (211ns 0111, ns
t1Utt;gh 'rti!i 21161(15 were mailed to the deck.
I loosed for bloc 1, but HAW none. •
The most awfatl time that ever passed in
1223 titztc 11051 went along. T'�]'`'e tig0r
roamed the deck silently, s112e@.finis at
r3•tbing, mice obeying; its hoko head
the et,rnl,anion way, and T lmay'e(l with
my helli't it would go below, that I
rho skim to the bate.. 1.1111 secure it. It
tv fell brad aur, sod going to the boar
tped azul. smelt 1tint. '1'11(3 very blood
e WAS curdled, for I; made sttre the
was about to eat the hod, 'Some -
us I broke out into the 11oisiestranring e
screflming ley' pipes C011ld set "bhp in
t0p0 of driving the brute overl)oard,
tween five and six o'clock in the ven-
he tido hard :undo so Its to cove • the
mud, sand I saw the brig's boat spite ach-
t 't. , casting
Ins eyes over the greasy- v ii0w surface of
the water, tr,:1u)iing sesor�wards, "are ye
going to try for it withou`' the tug?"
"Ay," answered old I3u)4 .
"And quite right, tory. o good a -mes-
sing about hero all day," ye Jack Stev-
ens at the tiller.
2111: 12104 WAS fiat midi ti ',elate
ban the .r1) riv
� , but it rose, about a1 couple
miles of, curving. into a 'ocit of glaring
chalk, with a smla11, \vel-I(:ows1 tow'
sparkling in the clz .tante 'lee 1L handful
of frost in 11 white split.,- The horizon
astern VMS broken b3• the uovil:g bodies
of many 8111125 in fall )ril, sad the slty
low down was hung with ithe .aur,: 01
va111211?(1 steamers as th(tlgir1tle sty,.. .•;s
cobwebs black with dust
The etroant was the 111111 •• of the Hood,
Ohl Bunk went forward int the boils, cove)
and the brig flapped forwattlo creaking into
like a basket on oho small I.:dr of the steal- all
To water. r
IOW ter. V"(2 01011121(4 he' galls, 12)1(1 miss
'rfatOlreclfor ourselves. Jolttf,I3unk, try- (ii,i
frig to look dignified' with t,(le drink in 7.r7)I
flim, stared stately ahead; son theles sing- fn m
fug out to the helmsman to 1),,k t, and then be'•'15
:to starboard, sand so we washed 00, fairly turn
stenosing aunt
21 C0as1 WAS the 1
y boat, and I3e
22uct a Cosy Ingo
2 TI411) TII12000I7 TIM 'si rLIGIIT.
with 4wa3'ing tall came wi t Velvet tread,
crouching in a, springing pO tore. I leveled
• the gun, steadying the barrel and taking a
ad cool, deliberate 1{ln—Por I Was safe 1 --fired,
et (ted the instant I had fired,'avit11Ott paus-
1- ing to sue what had happened, I loaded
1 11121in; but before I could pr8$ent the piece
d for a second shot the boost, who ivas now
Ie o11 the side of this boy, lurch' el and feti
Bitting the river`s .south, an
.safely for JL refile, till the f
within all c ((87 so.:.1 of our 51
you mu* the spire of a2 church
I fired a second 81161 1nt0 it11 Alai then a
third and a fourth, and now_ shonting to
let the
en know '
1t tut
e bri t•
1 C i a
4K i'
and dying, SUlli
3 g., ran on deck, 1m1d• 1)utting the
muzzle of the gun to the-.creature's,glaz-
ing eye, fired, and this did itsi mtsines%, for
just one spasm rain through , and then
the terrible, museult21 bulk lay motion-
The meta cause scrambling riboarcl. 'We
filmed the boy over (42141 took *.fiat below.
Shortly afterwards the tug 11 too in sight
arta too let oho beast Ile whits \ve got our
amcitpr and rtlaucenvered ty 1t .t( he tow ,
rope. I am sorry to say tho b w; s dead.
On our arrival (( 4o0tor 01Ln33'ratd looked
at him, ands crowd tumbled( aboard to
view the beast. There wast n a scratch
on the lad; the tiger had, n 'or touched
Wm; the doctor' said he had led o
( of syn-
cope y
4:o1>e caused by fright,
The owner of the tiger *1
Bunk. with the law, ani. ask
•entcne1 old
for a hull-
deed' guineas. Bunk start#1 'William's
mother upon him for c0mper cation for the
loss of her boy, and shortly aiteruotr(s the
showman went broke.
Ullgh; n11 act hOl'o, a
scene thorn, suggested endless combina-
tions to bo worked out ,by
framework of the daily do
was LS tL Sw
1 a hy' i
visible. ,v i .7.11
C 1)U.
bo lighting of windows al:
blinds. The tab10 ill the no
llo fancy; the
ostio c0u10dy
scone iroulct
descent of
to the right
of the door was laic. for supper; he eangilt
of 14
y r'
white •
fa" O C1Ut1 .,,a��
I, glitter Of ailw07C s<' ,r,(,;_.
and glass, end color of rod -shaded caudles
ready to bo lighted. The doctor's young
wife stood by the table, smiling faintly
and putting the last toncci to a cool and.
pleasant arrangement of
ndorost greens
of crisp lettuce, tmansp out ivory of
cucumber., 511e11 white of young oulon,
•Fad '.��=
THE InanetG s1u'14 8100» BY Tito TABLE.
and deep red of radish. ° Such a salad, in
the pretty porcelain bowl that had been a
• w011(11ng present, such, a salad, she
thought, as ivoulct surpr110 the doctor and
1111 hint with delight and )mL120 hila re-•
alo hand could
rightly n iont his xial salad r1A.ndz it (lid st 1priso
hi111; brcauso silo hod tilled, In gonor0us
piontitudo, exeollunt clear (11(42108 oil, leis.
taking it for olive. Thotioetor's wife had
yet to learn what Craggily may Hoar the
Honeyed peace of early eonjugai felicity;
so she went on falntlyiismiling, adjusted
Icor slices of hlaz•(1-boile egg to perfect
symmetry on tho top and daintily ('1'ossod
the spoon and fork nbav;», all ullcoaseiotts
of the doom that luvkednwithin tine bowl.
A che0rful poll spun od through the
open window across 1110 stroot, tho kind
of pop that inspirrs •1'(allici0tts thirst on
a1 hot day, cOnjurlug 1tl..• visions of cool
and rudely claret, Surf-11ko creaming of
bright champagne, or '01021r amber and
ivory froth of the honest native drink fdr
which the blanks of Trent aro justly re-
nownod. Tito amiable gurgle that follow-
e4 as 11)0 doctor's wifo. poured the olnrot
into the tall. stint cup 80 in121)41iblo (,1180
to herself. Sho liked filo rlmi(18 to be out
of :tit o\'eltiugr, if (oily toigive her an oppor-
tunity of impressing the d0etor with duo
respect for
1 het lrousc11o1cI capabilities,
Ono last touch to tho bowl of fresh IOSOA
41 fl tn)Uv's 01110 1111d tacked under the
peat of Out doctor's clog :can, another to
tho potato, adorning oho cold fowl,. a
light pause to consider the a1dvisability. of
Lighting dandles, and slut -Wont out, slim
and pretty 111 her white gown, softly sing -
Ing to herself, to oa111 tho doctor to supper,
'while the tailor's son watchcd tho gas
outfit into flame ili the tfiurgery and wit-
,,• sse4 tho exoentIOn of a liteakdowl, t'tma>
RE WAS.sT TI1E A00,,, I:\' A\ INSTANT.
r1ed passion -
his pipe/hod
sharp peal, the little dog
atoly, t to doctor dropped.
1 math/ aL taco.
"Colne directly; the chic
with the pipe; old Gratin
tooth-n.chc; Pray ring 14
'Where is that scamp 01 a
lntir0d with sarcastic cosi
consort) taken
Jones has the
tittle ltmacr.
Hora•co you shoal not ro," Mrs, Now-
; num decided. "..You'vo had oothing to
1 eat; you aro tired out, and such a salad.
I "Conto to supper, befoi the ice melts'
111 the pall, I'll say you ire—"
Ilimo, all night. I'm at Introit, I've got
tho smallpox," grumbled tho doctor,
I steadily moving all the! time, not supper-
, wards, whither his wifo -Mod •to draev
boon Immo half an houri Am a s aye?
novor cot?"
! "Anti Um claret you o
dear. And tho salad,"
stable fit to go."
&rod yesterday
p horso in tho
passed shwa he wont for,li 142 . • D-
ing dew that day, Own upon puha!,
wero still some acres to cart; thy honds
could go on to tho carting when tho dow
was fully deied; in the ow:ultimo a
quartos. of 010 clowy grass at least might
be down—tho whole must bo down before
dowfall, ane thoso wires oi well -made low
cartoel besides. To mow one field and
cart the Other—that had scomed the whole
aim and problom of oxistonco in tho
g. Anti Annie to worry hint with
her petty wants 3 ust than I Ho had flung
hor off with a snarl when sh e raised horself.
from the pillow on ono arm tow called
after him as he was leaving the room,
only half awako, his heavy eyos full of
atop. Money! W0111011 W01`0 always
wanting 3nonoy—at tho wrong timo, What
if Janes wagos were a. wook ovordue?
Sho could wait ; but that heavy, over -ripe
grass could not Give Annie tho koy to
his stroog box to got it? A. likoly motto".
And Cm wood that had got Into the cows'
pasture to bo 80011 tO bosidos. Why hadn't
Annio told him of tho taste in the butter
before? Who but a women, would wait
till that morning two)! breakfast:to men-
tion it? Who wouldn't have sworn?
Thoso acres of rich waving grass, stiff
agoinst tho scythos, and that invidious
weld in tho pasture seemed. of small
moment 110W. Tho whole dairy and the
year's bay mut better have gone—boforet
that evening's tragedy took place.
They .hod boon married ton months and
it had not troubled Stephen to see A11/110'S
rounded checks sharpen, and pato and the
cornors of her young rod month droop;
itowas only nature, Ile thought And if
she WAS found crying 'at times, why it
Ayes the way of young wivos on tho road
motherhoou; so ho was told. These
woman's troubles had to bo born(); what
olso woro W0111011 1nade for? To bo borne
quiotly, 'without troubling mon. Wives
must not bo spoiled. Men had troubles
enough out of doors; they wanted peace
aiSloi°13:oleihonght in tho morning—but now•
his ;thoughts Wer0 changed.
In spite of his moroseness and evil
taper, Int had beon a happy man in tho
ginniug of that day, What would ho
t givo now to drag himself from sound
cop in the:morning coolness, and drow-
y dross and hurry forth, to bo
ck by Annie'? To bo standing in tho
co, sweeping the looe bright scythe
ientgh the stiff thicegrass—to
cc downward, bouottth the hedgerow
k 121 a pleasant doze, hushed. by the
nt rustle in the cool greon campy
ove—balf dreaming, half thiuking of
ppy things—of heavy hay crops, nearly
ed, of glorious weather and consequont
fling. on of blossomed wheat plumping
trot heavy oars Of bark*, and filling '
-husks AS W011 AS of the lucky chance.
tt Ow child was not to bo born till har-
t was done, the dairy work lighter and
unnt. loisuro , baud, It would not
to have Annie ripstairs in barvost
ing time, with twenty cows in milk,
rk first, and by next slummy the boy
Stephen, ' holm:tad, continually above
cob's trot on the dusty highroad, "do
en, Stophon. Indeed, it's Natio' 1
Please. sits it's Mr. Adams, of Thorn- toss
ly, and come at once and Itoto rotlo hard 1 41,4:
and bis horse is blowed," panted the 1 "'''
surgery boy. list
Tito tallor's son 1vas excitod, he hoard
not only filo loud, continuous ringlog at
tbe ettrgcnn- door, but the uogont soon/ions
ot tho hatIcss rider who oW leant, polo
beneath the broWn of hist "awn, wet face,
panting against tho do --post, staring
vacantly at tho opposite indow, regard-
less of the comments and 1 quiries of a lit-
tle group of loungers, including tho
tailor, willIo the bloom, horse snortod and
ehook Isis quivoring flanks anti mine
thienen loose on his neck.
Presently tho num, after a word With
tho doctor, 3110Voti heavily' rom the door,
and, taking tho cob's brie 0 on his atm,
led 111111. slowly up and tio , n tho road:
Tho doctor and his wife, to latter con,
spittoons In /tor Whitt dross moved quick-
ly about tho surgery as 1 consulting,
10001, opening drawers and brass-botmd
mahogany boxett, tilting things out and
ranking up a parcol, kvhilo tho surgery
boy fled liko ono WA:sassed down tho
lottpt to the paVentent at. tho door, 'When
the dootor es quiokly h • pt into the tart,
stowing the pare(/' und r the seat and
driving off with a less( ills clatter and
rattle doWn -dot, eohoing trod, over the
bridge and up the hill 1 to thio silence Of
the **cot stunnior night.
0.f all things lie ecomplaining
woman; and tho quorulons tom . of
Annio's volco irritated him, Ile knew
that he was not good-tomporod, was on_
should have known it too, and forborno
to woru him. A wholonlay often passed
Without a word front hitit ; meant no
know it was only his Way. Telt ho
woro but spared, ho would bo kinder,
Ilo turnea sick, and Massed Itis Emits
Into the tired horses side. Tho possibil,
his Weary trot Stoplion thotight ho Might
bo too late.
Tho tailor's son Wits still at tho
Tim`, watching tho stroot letups sparkle
out tho dusk, and a low silver stars
point tho polo strip of sky that ran like a
river botwoon the blaok roofs. Bo saW
the untested suppor in tho opposito room,
whero no ono remembeked to draw the
end eaUght the gleam fit Mrs.
Newman's ',Mao gown as site passed the
it the
irerdon, waiting for her husband.
And always, ho SAW the spare sinewy.
2121110 of, Stephen Adams:: his eon -burnt.