HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-10, Page 1SIF
VOL. XXV.---NO. 1276.
17,60,P!,, •ik
If ever there's a. time to break
prices on any kind of goods and if
sater sellingason cr it is JTJST
values and greater g
NOW, between seasons as it were.
We are clearing the way for fall, and
want to have the stock as clear of
,Summer Goods as ever possible.
Marriage Ltoenaes
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, NO 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Newspaper prices mean little or
nothing unless you see the goods that
.are advertised. We want you to see
these things and make all the con -
orisons you please. That's the test.
1Ekamine carefully the qualities.
We've had enough experience selling
goods to know these values to be ex-
,ceptional. Compare them with any
?other you come across. That's all
we ask.
Tweed Suits for $9 00 regular $11 to $12
Black Worsted Suits, l4
44 2022
Fine " " 16
Paris Green absolutely pure
Williams Drug Store.l To the Editor of The
neysweeps were in Sir,—Permit me to.
and mire] out tee readers a most pitiable
ewiek House to the jail here (having bee
ed to Loye. ' i vagrant—not for any c
i r h an be:
—A. pair of chi
town on Wethjesdo
chimneys of the Bru
tune of "The Girl I
—A meeting of
Turnberry Agricult
ate +rano
he Directors of the foreigners travelling
rel Society will be . animals, bears, nlouk
held on Saturday xt at G o'clock p, m. ! taken ill in Toronto,.
oke known to your
ease. There is in
committed as a
me) an unfortun=
iging to a party of
with preforming
is, etc. She was
and left' in St.
When suffioi-
as sent (about a
but hor people
before, and now
found. The wo-
d ciispair. The
equally ignorant
own language, or
o about him, and
to retrace his
e. Anyone who
enation as to the
will be doing an
, and oblige.
renes, Jailior.
don't count when you u can get cool- A fall attendance of hectors is requested. I Michael's Hospital the
gents' furnishings, try Webster et Co. ? fortnight since) to Barri
ing drinks, ice Bream and fresh fruit For first-class tailoring and cheap 1 ently recovered, she
at Remember the place, one door south of had left here some tin
no trace of them can be
Noir i man is wild with grief
We have Pine Apples and Rasp-
berries coming in, in abundance.
Try our Cream- Soda of any flavor.
City Restaurant,
Macdonald Block, -
White Laundried Shirts75c,regular $100
Col. Regatta Shirts 5`9 " 75
" 69 " 100
23 "
Balbriggan.......- ••-• 44 " 60
Four -in -band. Ties 5 " 15 to 25
Derby Knots 5 " 15 to 25
Linen Collars ..... • ... • 15 " 20 to 25
Fedora Hats..i.,• ,•7J" 100to125
,4 " . • ,, E;,...1 50 " 2 00 to 2 25
Big Hats .... • .. • .. 75 " 1. 00 to 125
„ .150 " 2 00 to 2 25
10 " d5
•Catton Hose 30
Cashmere Hose, 23 "
Trimmed Hats
FALL TE1t11L, SEPT. 1st.
/ /v
Commercial School in Canada is the
A course of study at this school has placed hun-
dreds of ambitious young men and women on the
roan to success. write for our circulars and ,,co
what others have done Who have been hero. It will
help ycu to decide in our favor,
11. A. Graham's grocery store.
—The Band boys
new quarters in the
will entertain the ci
concert once each w
the summer.
,4 44
40 regular 75
65 " 125
95 " 100
.100 " 175
.....•..125 " :200
Shapes. ....15 " 25"to 50
Sun Shades... ...... ....15 " 25 to 50
Sailor Hats...... • .... ....15 " 25 to 50
Flowers.... ...............10 " 20 to 50
4, worth 5
Flannelettes.... . ; .5e ' 4. 7
a lanne1ettes.. 61 "
' 44
14 .. ..... ..... 7e 4,
'4 ...... 9 "
Grey Cotton. ...... .••• -•••e „
44 5 1l
Towelings ............ • • • . 8 „
Ginghams .10
Ginghams......... . 0 "
Prints..... ........8 44
'Prints ..... .
WASH. dsOODS. 20 regular 2
Zephyr......20 2
Col. Fellatio • • • • " 2l
.Zephyr Gingbams......... 16 " 2
Cream and Col. Spot Mnslin20
Ladies' Blouses and Shirt 0 44 1
W. J. ELLIOTT! Principal.
New Ade.
for July.
der Twine.
save money.
ow to get rid of flies
1s—Clearing Prices
Geo. Good—Shoe-
T. Clegg & Co. --B
John Kerr—How
C. Campbell—Par
J. H. Chisholm—
H,omuth and Bo
ave moved into t
Inglis building and 'i husband I presume to be
izens to °•n open air unable to write even his
k during the rest of to speak that of the peo
I probably without mea
at steps. in search of his w
Prof. ray
f Gray's Herbal Bitters
I can and will send mein
Williams' Drug Store, 25e. I whereabouts of the trou
is—On Friday eve
Mrs. Brown, had his
the falling of a pile
the new Shaw Block
was not broken.l'
ing the little son of
leg badly jammed by
lumber, in front of
Fortunately the leg
lieatlifteld'''s Healing Balsam is a
sure.eure for the worst cold. At
• Wplittams' Drug Store.
-Mr. Jas. Collins as taken suddenly
ill while standing in front of the Queens
Tuesday evening las : Heart trouble was
the cause. We aro lad to. know that Mr,
Conine is around a in: a,`
act of the greatest ebari
Barrio, July 6.
P. S.—Will other pap
Word has been sent t
ing that a party answer
scription bad passed
were last seen between
Lucknow on Sunday la
Mrs, Robert Miller, of
visiting her sister, Mrs.
County Road and Arid
Ainsley, of Wingham, wa
Monday. ijj''
Miss Campbell, Toronto
brother, Mr. Colin 0
Telephone Drug Store,
Mr. Cliff. Ruettel is ape
days at hie home in Kinoa
Ruettel is taking his place
Rev. D. Perrie will to
after next Sunday. He a
will be away about four w
e;;, Mrs. (Dr.) Horsey has
Sound, where she will
Horsey who is on his
China and Australia.`
be Base Line, is
. herr in Whif;-
re please copy?
Mr. Sissons stat -
ng the above de-
hrough town and
hitechurch and
School B ,ard.
A. meeting of the Sch ol Board was held
on Monday evening in t le Clerk's office.
A. Morton, C. N.
1. Moore and T.
—Parties who require printing of any I ietembers present: J.
:s ! Griffin, Wm. Button,
Tenders for the erect
were received from
Kinsman, $236; M. Ro
kind, should not forget that the ' nu
office is the place o have it done right andd
- at prices consistent with good work an
fair profits.
—The members 'Wingham L. 0. L.
No. 794 have decid d to celebrate this year Wilson, 0280; Wm.
at Godericb. A pedal train will leave McGregor, $275.
Wingham station. n Monday at 8.15 a. m. Moved by Griffin, se
The fare to Goder h and return is $1. that the Tender of Wm
C.E. Williams sells pure drugs. —Carried.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Moved by Abraham
Moore, that the water c
—Coun MaitlandNo. 25, C. O. F'' lots recently purchased.—
Moved by Button, secon
that Wm. Moore be super
Moved by Moore, sec
that all games be prohib
grounds during summer
A Prominent Lawyer says: any resolution to the co
"I leave eight children, every one in good ,
health, not one of whom but has aken
Scott's Emulsion, in which my
iioundless confidence.'
—Slight frost..
,-Bushels of cher:: es.
—Haying almost one..
—Pasture all dee `dut.
Big snaps at Gii fiiiii's, Cups and Saucers
75 cents per dozen.
Master Will. eld was badly 5Calaed
Saturday by hot lad.
in Clinton on
is visiting ber
pbell of the
ding his. boll,
die. Mr. Bert.
his holidays
d Mrs. Berrie
gone to Owen
be met by Dr.
return trip from
Town Coun
The regular meeting of t
was held on Monday night
Members present: 1\
Reeve, Councillors Rea
Golley, McLean, Her
Shaw, Gordon, Forbes.
Minutes of last regu
meetings were read corre
Treasurer's monthly
read and adopted. •
Petition signed by T. A.
rate -payers was read, pra
to take no further action
the granolithie sidewalk
of Josephine street.
As the petitioners repr
half of the taxable prope
Council was forced to
posed work.
A petition signed by
others, was read prayin
take no further steps t
olithic sidewalk on eas
Councillor Shaw exp
signed the petition, bu
work and would -there
name from the petition
tioners with his name
either half of the fr
taxable property.
Moved by Councill
Conn. Gordon that 1
lay granolithie sides
of Josephine street
mice with the bylae
Mr. Webster was
sidewalk leading in
Victoria street.
The Mayor expl
had no power to
cepting by a fro
The Finance
the fc1owing we
Mrs. Harrison,
freight, $16; J.
postage $2.50, e7
John Dickson, $
Irwin, $5; Jos.
$1; John Hanna
rent P. 0. dra
printing envie)
son Brass Man
W., $5.40; Bel
McLean, firem
salary, $8.34; J
in $2; Robt. Led
grounds, $8.75;
was in 1 hall, $2.50; J
$20.59; Andy.
weeks, 75c; W
$18.12; Smith c
and window sh
Blackwell, rep
Reading, stick o
printing,' $1.25
McLean & Son,
property con.
repair to sprin
Light Co., lig]
on of a water closet
he following: R.
ertson, $274; Jas.
alsh, $220; A. G.
ended by Button,
Walsh be received
econded by Wm.
et be built ma the
ed by Abraham
ntendent of the
attepded the Pref
body last Sunday
over one hundred 1
annual sermon was
—Excavations a almost completed for'
the addition to the nion 'Factory. -
-A number of 0 fingernail attended the
annual service at Belgrave on Sunday
last. .
Why do you not have a nobby bicycling
suit, when G. H. Irvin makes them so
—Twenty studen a are writin on the
Commercial and •unary ex mations
here this week.
Buggy in good repair sale at a bar-
gain. - A. U. Ronrasov.
—Swarts' Hotel 1 being brightened up,
exteriorally, by a co of paint. Mr. Jas.
W. Inglis is the artis
—The Sabbath Sol ol pie-nic in connec-
tion with St. Paul's hurtle was held in
Tamlyn's grove on iesday.
Turnip Seed. All varieties. True
,seed, at Williams Drug Store.
,20 lbs. Redpath's Standard Granu-
lated Sugar for • • 1
25 lbs. Yellow Sugar .............
6 lbs. Tapioua .......... • , ...... .
6 lbs. Sago .......... ...........
6 Ibe. Rico .. • • • ..• "'
5 lbs. Currants,. ...... ....... •
5 dozen Clothes Pins .............
: 4 phos. Corn Starch • • •'
1 gal. Can Apples.....
3 lbs. Can Apples, ............
Beet Brand Lobsters ..... . ...
yterian church in a
aornrne. There were
embers in line. The
preached by Rev. Mr.
At the request of
and manufacturer
in all, I hereby pr
ust 5th a Civic H
of the Town of W
25 —Veal entlets, mutton chop and prime
5 stake et reasonable prices. Boy call for
orders if required. The best only, is kept
5 at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market.
A young man is foolish to play tennis in
ordinary clothes, when he can get a
jaunty washable tennis suit from G. H.
Irvin at the right price.
No. 25, C. 0. F., will
eetrng this (Friday)
end Visiting brethren
July 7th, 1896.
early ever oral -lent
e to • , sixty names
Vednesday Aug -
y for the inhabitants
o. MCKExzns, Mayor.
! —Carried.
A communication wa
Boiler Inspector which
caretaker with power to
Moved by ,Button, se
that the statement of t
accepted, but that it b
them so as to make the
ante with the Public
Prof. B
headaches, 25e.. a package.cres
—On Friday evenin a pair of beers pas-
sed through the town 4 nd caused a flutter
of excitement among
the population. The
by the usual pair
with women and chit
to have been unusoall
particular troop as
horses and wegons to
walking became weal
deyed" in a woods neo
—Court Dlaitland
hold its regular x
evening. Members
aro requested to aft
7 ---At e. meeting f the Directors of the
10 turf,club associati n 011 Tuesday night, J.
McKelvie obtaine by tender, the sole use
of the grounds for be selling of ref
ments on Aug. 5th and 6th.
If yon want fruit or confec
cannot make a better d 1
town than at McKe
over his stock quick'
fresh. His fruits are
ice cream parlor.
..-.Mr. J. W. Hogab
er of the Lower j
spend his vacation
.SSEI 110O ir Exeter.
cotnpanied by his
a I xeter. They will
T 3 — - -
Best value in Teas to be got in
We are ,prepared to bt'ty any
,quantity of good Cherries.
Store closes at 7 o'clock exceptl,
Saturday night.
Gems Di T. •"'RED P casinLV.,
5 iviere, 1'7e wish the
e canine element of 111 r Wm. Babb, o
were accompanied
f hard looking men mg in town.
'en. Fortune seems Miss Solery, ofMiss Vanstone.
Percy Gifford is s
et Forest.
Arthur Helm, of T
this week.
Miss McInnis, of •
M. Gordons.
Lose—Between Win
a parcel containing Dr
Trimmings, Hose a
bears D. M. Gordon's
the parcel to D. M. G
favor will be oonferre
benign towards this
hey were provided
'ive thein a lift when
some. They "Sun -
The Thi
Kincardine Orange
large posters announce
tion on the 13th of Ju
West Bruce is interest
grand success and the
full force. These will
lodges from other cou
1` given to lodges brie
Orange celebration so
enary you I dine has been et sue
aiIl pi turns I equally successful es
and it is always 1 rates and time tables
rime. Call at lois 1 to Kincardine on th-
and convenient tr
Ih, the popular teach- ldine is one of the
IVhightail School will lake and her people
in Manitoba. lie is i' make visitors feel a
inter, Miss Hogarth,time. Every Ora
trait a brother at Lar. I friends, are coreiall
4i a pleasant trip, ' oardine for the 13111
ham and Wroxeter,
ss Goods, Linings,
Mitts. Wrapper
ane. By returning
don's store, a great
on the customer.
len have sent out
ig a grand celebra-
y. The county of
in making it a
clges will be out in
e supplemented by
ies. Prizes will be
ing bands. Every
far held in Kincar•
ens and this will be town.
oriner ones. Railway Mrs. Geo. E. KI ig is at present spend
ere out and visitors ;`int; a short tun with friends in Owen
Sound., ;r
Rev. L. G. Wo
aro spending a fo
old peeishiners.
Mise •l-iall, of
in the Public
residence of Mr:
Mr. Sam. Vance,
town Thursday.
Mr. 3. McNeish,
toe n this week.
Mrs. S. McLean
town on Wednesd
Mr. and Mrs. C
the parsonage, DI
,'Miss Lille Kins
visit to Sarnia an'
,'`M-rs. W. J.
visit to friends in
Miss ,Lennie
ing hor holidays
Miss Coventry,
her holidays at 1
Miss Good has
rejuvenating infl
Miss 7essie D
MoLo•ly, of Wetf
e Town Council
ayor, Deputy-
ing, Robinson,
amen, Hanson,
nded by Button,
ted on the school
olydays and that
trary be rescinded
received from the
as referred to the
neled by Griffin,
e assessors be not
referred back to
report in accord -
Scheel act.—Cs.r-
nding bis holidays
eswater, is in town
ply, is visiting at D.
Mitchell, is visiting
neardine, is visiting
of Lucknow,
bett, Fergus,
an is on an extended
leuty is at present on a
lder, Chatham, is spend -
t her home, in town.
of Toronto, is spending
r home in town.
one to Barrie to test the
ence of the lake breezes.
itchol and Miss Maude
el, are visitiq friends in
was in
were at
Moved by .Robin+ o
ing be paid in full,
Moved by Hanson
that the report of ti
as amended be ado
Mr. Sam. Merrill
band was heard
lights to practice in
Moved by Deput
Coun, Reading, the
band the sum of
balance of the year
By-law No. 277,
to meet current
Bylaw 278, reg
reed and passed.
Bylaw 279, am
by-law was read a
W. J. Fleuty as
hall nn Sunday of
of the meinbers o
Council adjour
ar and special
ted and approv-
tetement was
Mills and other
ng the Council
towards laying
the west side
sented more then
ty on this side the
bandon the pro-
Dr. Tamlyn and
the Council to
yards laying gran -
side of Josephine
oeconded by Reads
seconded by Shaw,
Finance Committee
ld on behalf of the
siting for a room and
-Reeve, seconded by
the Council grant the
52 per month for the
pay rent for room. -
6, to borrow money
pauses was reed and
eting pound, lees WM
ding and defining street
d passed,
d for the use of the
mem for the services
L. 0. L.
—An irnportan
in the laws rel
change to take e
Heretofore it has
one ef the parties
to make affidavit
an issuer of mai
after the date
paeties to the i
personally make
ained that he had
was in favor of the
ore withdraw his
He said the peti-
ff did not represent
itage or half of the
change has been made
ting to marriage, said
ect on August 1st, 1896.
been necessary for only
to the intended marriage
o necessary facts before
Inge licenses, but on and.
mentioned above, both
tended marriage must
ffidavit to the required
facts. It is of co rse not necessary that
both parties silo ld appear before the
issurer at the san time, but until each of
the parties has made the affichwit the
license can not b issued.
r Shaw, seconded by
le Council proceed to
alk on the east side of
advertised in accord -
heard asking for a
his property from
ined thee the Council
lay a new side week, ex -
age tax.
ommitteo reported and
xeceived end considered:
Ferguson, salary, $75,
ullard as special consteble
relief order, e2; P. Fisher
acturieg Co., repairs W.
Telephone, 50c; Thos. L.
s' salaries, 65; T. Manuel
n Kerr, repairs town hall
t, work cattle pen and
Robt. Aiken, work, Fire
. Brock, work on streets, es
dard and Mr. F
Page work on streets,
Pethick, nails, etc, e9.68
and advertising, $1.08;
umber, streets, $22.03 and
fe18.71; R. J. Blackwell,
of 11., Lediet, $8.75 is refer-
irmen of Property Commit-
ma,tion es to time. The
J. Blackwell, $2.25 is referred
ell and the nceount of C. J.
5 end the a as. Morrison Bress
5.10 are to be paid when cer-
acconets to be paid all of
Hanson, seconded by Herds -
Mr. Ledict teceive pay for four
day's work.—Carriel.
by Golley, eeconded by Forbes,
eceoutt of It. J. Blackwell for
ler be eta 10 full,—Carried.
A Bright
The followi
Welland Trib
pretty and fag
place at 12.30
"River View."
ing home of M
the bride's mot
est daughter,
united in man
Bradwin, of 11
was given awa3
Eastman, and
March" was pla
into the room.
was tied by Res•
of Centenary
Hamilton, assi
Parker Bell,
interesting eeren
in the presence
groom. The h
decorated with
plants and flow
roses and smilax
ing a very ple
bride wore a b
heavy brocade D
mut with chiffon
bridesmaids wet
Lizzie Eastman,
cream silk La
with chiffon and
Miss Topp, who
cream Sicilienne,
and lace. The
supported by his
une Wed ding.
0. is taken from the
ne of last week •
ionable wedding took
uesdav afternoon at '
elland, the charm-
er, when ber young- •
Alice Maud, was '
Alton. The bride .
by her brother Mr. ,
e "Wedding 'Bells t
ed by Miss Wycett, :gt
bridal party filed ',
The nuptial knot '.
Dr. Smith, pastor eF
Methodist church,
ny was performed' .
f about one hun-
ts of the bride and
se was tasteftilly
large variety of
's, among which.
bounded, prodnc-
sing effect. The
.coming dress of
chess satin, trim:
Ind pearls. Her
her sister, Miss
ho wore a dress of
downe, trimmed.
atin ribbon, and
vore a dress of
rimmed with silk
groom was ably
the Bly th Stan -
auk Misener, ex-
t. The groora's
e was a supberb
Ind to each of the
ve a fancy stick
Master Loth°
as page and the
rformed the part
sts sat down to a
won, which was
e marquee on the
expert supervision
of Hamilton. The
e bride and. bride -
posed, where many
words were spoken,
merous and costly'
ride spoke 'volumes
ity and esteem in
lid showers of, rice,
arty Ged-speed the
left by the Grand
train cn an extended
-he prineipal cities of
dey can Immo cheap
rettiest places on the
ill do everything to
home and, have a good
union, hie wife end
invited to book Kin -
f July, 1800.
The accoun
red to the oh
tee for inf
account of 1
to the Cott
Reading, $1
tified to.
The oth
which is
Gordon, c
man, tba
'thee tli
ing spein
and wife, of Toronto,
deys in town with their
lenheim, a cornier teacher
School, is visiting at the
John Ritchie.
reeve of Wainfi
present to the bri
silver tea service,
bridesmaids he g
pin set with pear
MeLelland acted
Misses Overholt
of flower girls
sumptuous inn
spread in a lar
lawn, under th
of Mr. Newport
usual toasts to
groom were pr
whilst the n
presents to the
of the popul
which she is h
of friends.
and many a 1
happy couple
Trunk evening
tour to some -of
the east."