HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-07-03, Page 6ng ani (limes IDAX JULY 3,180G. SI.R. LEONARD TILLEY, A= Olt' THE DIaTIi'GUISLIEU CANA- DIAN •-•J XNNR.1N InI:7ISTER wIlEN TIIE S, P. WAS I\TfOD1i0I;D. St. John, June 25. --Sir Leonard Tilley passed peacefully away at 3 o'clock this morning. His death, though expected by relatives and friends, was heard of with deep regret. He was 78 years old. He was twice married. His first wife was Julia Ann Hanford, daughter of the late Air. James T. Hanford; and in 1867 he wedded Alice Chip- man,. eldest slaughter of Mr. E. Chipman, of St. Stephen, who sur- vives him. Sir Leonard leaves five far the larger fish have not entered children by the first wife—lir, L. A. the river. With few exceptions the Tilley, Toronto; Mrs. J. D. Chip- fish taken have been little larger man, St- Stephen; Mrs. W. H. De- than the legal size. wolfe, Chilliwaek, B. C.; Mrs. T, R. A nian and women sailed a large $urpee, Winnipeg, and I11iss Julia y awl into port last week. The Irian once owned and sailed the schooner Dauntless, but had the misfortune to lose her, He was on his way from Detroit to Michael's Bay, Manitoulin Islands, where he owns a small boat which he will put out and use for fishing purposes. Mr. Manger, of the big mill, has received instructions from Mr. Ogilvie to shut up the big mill here as soon as the present stock of wheat close of the Revolutionary war came is ground. up. This he says will to New Brunswick. After attending keep them going until the middle of the Grammar School of Georgetown,August. Meanwhile the employees• path over Highland Sir Leonard, in his thirthteenth of the mill have received notice that y =� Mary. It is year, went to St. John, and vas at that date their engagements will A recent outbreak of pleuro- to loyal Jean Barns' our thoher should apprenticed to an apothecary, finally cease. The reason assigned for this Pneumd in .inhe la uggh England, has. turn, hlove for her and for enterentering business for himself as a step fs that the through freight rates resulted in the slaughtering of ninety her and for his children was very ing e took anr active part sia step the th P. R• enableg the .big firm three animals. Six were found to great. That is a pleasing picture of to shiphwheat from e�t Vitig m be affeeted. It is alleged that no him banded down by one who saw polities, and was one of the foremost zitevious ease had been known in him 'sitting in the summer promoters of the Railway League, as far east as ltingston, as cheaply eveningr organized to secure the construction as it can be brought by boat here England for over twelve months. It at his door with his tittle daughter of a railway from Sc. John to Shedd- ands i when ground up here the pro. seems strange how the infection in bis arms, dangling her, and sing - duet has the difference between here could linger so long withoutshowing ing tc her, and trying, to elicit her fie, In 1850 he was elected to theitself• mental faculties.' The little girl New Brunswick Legislature for the and these eastern points to contend died in the autumn of 1795, when City of St. John, entering public life her father's health was failing." as a Liberal. In 1851 however, he resigned in consequence of the result of a. local contest in which he was interested. In 1851 the Liberals won, and he entered the new admin- istration, thus beginning his long lease of power. He was a prominent temperance worker, and Was chosen Most Worthy Patriarch of the UC)DERICii, Tho caretaker of the central school hs.s placed 80111 pretty and comfort- able seats around a few of the trees r.. ...01440 "Si:. , THE WINGILAM TIMES, MIA A 5, i 06„. dresses, upon millinery, needlework BURN'S LOVE 1i'Oi . FUB WIFE. and. various t)pies of general and: - --- household interest, and the usual A ` U) WAs'Tt 0I' rortll.Alt 3Y;1ii'ATXI] departments are also included in the eon "lix(tltI,,#till i1[ARY." - on the front lawn. They will be, July Journal—which is unusually when painted, an ornamental adds- complete. No feature of it will "Burns has hetes hotly assailed," tion to the school grounds. appeal to lovers of the beautiful writes Arthur Warren iii presenting On Tuesday of last week the Me, more strongly than the cover—by „The Other Side of Robert I3urns" Matll dwelling- on the farm on the Maxwell Parish --printed in rich in July Ladies' Homo Journal, "be - Bayfield Road was burned to the tones of brown and green, on buff cause of his alleged Itifiliff:rem to ground. The fire occurred. at 5 r. M., Paper, Tly The Curtin Publishing WS wife [Jean Amiens', but the feet and is supposed to have been the Company, Philadelphia; one dollar ie he was ardently fond of her. Je;zn result of a defective chimney. per year, ten cents per copy. was true to him, and his true affect. Miss McDonald, who was on her ion never really turned from her. father's schooner the Iioltage, was '.lean twors'hipped ltittz�-literally wor- 44.4.44441. (i1tAi IJ TIwuNIt 1t:1I1.1yAY. ui.l';1;T FOR Ai:niv : 1r1:031 Toronto and Bast 0:01 a.m. 1:18 p.m 11:20 't10:07 p. tit..•tid, Cl! lion Paiute/sten Mixed 7:20 t`1l`:10 a m Iionciun and South 0:30 a.m. 11:10 '1:15 pan. 8:00 p.m. Itincartfine 11:'20 a.m. 0:04 a,nl. 1:18 pin, I1:'20 " 10:07 " 0:05 p.m. G-0 FRANK SCELT'S, ensue roe itj r 15 slum AND 1 mot CUT taken so seriously ill on the .cast Relief in Six Hours, --Distressing shiped hum. And when we study tole 61, voyage that she had to be moved to six hours y ttPlodder ti Soa tin AMEr.r0Atved in lii her devoted life we must agree that her borne. i i v Conn. " This new remedy is a grPat there must have been much that was News reached town on Saturday surprise and t'elioilt on aCCOunt t> its admirable in the character of a Man exceeding 1 r rue a woman.to the effect that the Cambria, was see ug pratuptnees m relieving p.,ln who was •iClOrrrd by t In the bladder, kidneys, back and every Bums: biographers have paid too ashore on the coast of Algoma, and part of the urtnaly llasaagea in male or tenuity attention to all this. 'Therethat though a tug held been Sent to fetnate. It <relieves retention of water pull her off she would not move, and pion in /mew It nlmoat immodia- is no use in apologizing for the de - Bass fishing has been the pastime this If you want quick relief and sure rests of Bobbie's life, but there is this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm s such a thing as insisting too heavily of our anglers the past week, but so Drug Store. upon them, * -} of Too much has been made in the thousand Tilley, Toronto two sons by his second wife, Mr. Leonard P. D. and Mr. H. 0. Tilley, survive hind. The funeral takes place on Satur- day afternoon. Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, IC. C. M. G., . was born at Georgetown, Queen's County, N. B., on •Aiay 8, 1818, and was a son of .Thomas M. Tilley and grandson of Sainuel Tilley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a United Empire Loyalist, who in the Stook Notes. stories of Burns' in of the "Highland In spite of the disturbed conditionMary" episode, and too little of what of affairs in that country, South he really felt for Jean Armour, and Africa continues to import a consid- of Jean's intense loyalty to him and erable number of cattle. Quite;.devoted care of hila. The real facts recently shipments of Shorthorns, !about Highland Mary will never bo Devous and Ayrshires have been ; known. They comprise the one made to Carpe Colony and Natal. !episode of Burn's life which is veiled * * * in mystery. But one can study the Cattle probably have not gone out ; poet's life closely enough to see that of the stables in such lean condition the persecution which in the early for many years as they have this days seemed to hopelessly separate spring. Pasture, however, has him from love drove him to Highland grown fast since the warm weather Mary for solace., and that Mary's came, and unless it gets checked with sudden death idealized that Higbtand late frosts, as it was last spring, lassie in his memory. There was cattle will soon regain their usual not much more to it.. Thele has, condition. been a sad waste of popular sym- * * * At the Royal Dublin Show Short- horn bulls met with a ready sale at from 35 to 60 guineas apiece. For Polled Angus bulls the demand was against in shipping hour to points beyond. The consequence is that on anything but local businessthe mill will lose money, unless different arrangements can be made, and at from present that does not seetn possible. 35 to re45 atelguitp pricas, es ranging bull, a Tke ciosinn of the mill will bee two-year-old, brought 60 guineas. distinct loss to this town, as we are polled Angus heifers sold very read - now without a mill which can make ilv at sitnflar figures. Kerry cows any demand for local wheat, small, + and heifers brought 16 to 25 guineas and. Jerseys 15 to 35 guineas a head. °k * * At a reeent sale of pedigreed Here- fords, in England, the auctioneer National Dtvision of the... Sons of i comparatively, though the aggregate 'r Temperance of America in 1854, In 1 of that crop may be. It is to be 1856 he was beaten on the liquor • hoped the efforts to avert this step in question, but in 1857 he regained the past may not be relaxed, and power, and in 1860 he became may yet prove successsful.—Star. ' leader of the administration, which dwelt on the prospects there were_ i position he retained till March, 1865. June .Ladies' Home Journal. for better prices in view of the exclu- { He took an active part in the nego- The Ladies' Home Journal for sion of foreign cattle by net of parlia- se,, tiations which led to Confederation, 1 July—an artistically attractive and znent. However the prices realized attending the conferences held in interesting issue—opens with a were not large. The highest priced ' His Ministry fell before the storm of Joan of' Are and tier Prince Edward Island and at Quebec. { sumptuously illustrated article on cow out of nine sold brought just homer by $100, and heifers sold down to $GO each. Young bulls brought $70 to $80. Store stock at the same sale sold for 13 cents per pound, live weight. opposition which arose when the l proceedings of the ]atter conference i became known. A reaction set in i however. Mr. Tilley formed' Apropos of the approaching centers• another administration, and in 1866 ary of Burns Arthur Warren pre - won the election. Soon after he Bents "The Other Side of Robert attended the conference in England Burns," revealing the better side of formed to procure a chart of union, the .poet. Ilezekiah Butterworth and he was in July, 1867, made a tells, in his engaging way a 13rook 0. B. (civil.) On the completion of Farm Story, "The Wife of Ben Confederation be left the arena of Bow," and Alice Wellington Rollins New 13runswiek, politics to become humorously romances of "A Town Minister of Customs in the new Dominion Cabinet. Front November, 1868, to April, 1869, he acted as Minister of Public Works, and on ii February 22, 1878, he was made f Minister of Finance, holding that position until the defeat of the Con- servative Ministry. He was appoint- eti Lieutenant -Governor of New Brunswick, and held that office until 1878, when he participated in ' the campaign which resulted in the Conservative victory of that year. ; He again became Finance Minister. 1 and brought in the high tariff 1known as the National Polley. In 1879 he was knighted. He remain- ed in this position until 1885, when #1 bis health gave way, and although e 'visit to London, England, gave him • scene relief, he was obliged to Mtge offiee. IIe was appointed " Lieutenant -Governor Once more, and i held that • office for eight years, resigning it in 1863, Since then he .las lived in retirement. Emma Asbrand Hopkins, who enter- tainingly writes of the childhood and rellgious life of the Maid. Hay )'ever and Catarrh Reileved in 10 to 80 Minutes. ----Otte short put! of tlibe breath through the illower, supplied yrItl finch bottle of Dr.Agnew's Catarrhal Fo'wdor, diffuses this Powder over the * * * In olden tunes, when cattle lamm- ed wild over the country, it was necessary for the cow to hide her calf in as safe a place as possible, while she was away in the opening picking up her food, because the Bicycle." A trio of poems of the calf could not accompany the mother p upon what must occasionally have field. framed in a (starving by W. been long trips in search of food. A Ilatnilton Gibson, and a musical dense thicket would serve as a good composition *"The Lyndon Polka" hiding -place during the another's —by Mrs. Frances J. Moore, are absence, and, as a further protection page features. Edward W. Bok against the attacks of aulinal foes, writes editorially of the girl between sixteen and twenty. and enters a plea for people who go to the country in the stunned' time to live as near to Natnre as possible. Lx Pt esident Harrison discusses the Department of State, bringing into review, also, be found in domesticated cattle. It our diplomatic an% consuhtr service, may also be noticed how cows about Great eaive when in the field will seek a retired spot, in a bush, if possible, and if such is not at hand the shelter inherited the tendency to cur itself up in as small a space as possible so as to escape the keen eyes of rape- elous animals. This tendeney can be seen in young calves of the present day, being one of the wild traits to and the Great Seal f the United States. In "Feeding a City Like New York" John Gilmer Speed makes some astonishing statements, oi' an angle of a stake fenee haps often presents surprising figures, and , to serve the purpose. --•-Farming. asserts that New Yorkers could live comfortably for four months itt ease sm Cured n a, ay.—South of a siege cutting off all their food .1L e i tie Itheumatie Oure, to,' Dhoti - supplies. Dr. Parkhurst speaks oiati8,n and Neuralgia, rttdicnllycures itt toroibly to young men in his paper 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon the system "A young Man's Religious Life," is remarkable find wy,aterlous, It and Mrs. A. 1). T. Whitney, with iuoved at rynce the carie anti tha diaenae immediately disappears. The first dose equal vigor and direetness, writes to greatly benefits. 76 cents. Sold at girls concerning beauty. 'William Ohisbolnl's Drug Store. Afartin Johnson's "Souvenirs of 9 Summer she let I)a t•ts is an artistic, Istie , practi- Agnes says does not enjoy play cal article----timele also, being at all." tepee of. the Ilse' Massages. Painless directed to those who will enjoy part' I wonder why? at' t l lfel to use, it relieves in- of the sutntrier soca new scenes. She says you borrowed her hat lrtlliy. 415';COpie'rneeen nasadaa e, Sore Throatee , "People Who Live in the Montt,,' "A and then went and got a seat in front • illitira nod Deafness, $350 Mous(,., ar,le,es on seasonable of her. Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nights.—Dr. Agnew'b Oiirttueat will sure all cases of Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One application brings comfort. For Blind ant Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cures 'fetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema. Barber's Itch, and all eruptions of the skin. 35 cts. Sold at Chisholm', Drug Store. Malice and hatred are very fretting and apt to make our minds sore and uneasy. --Tillotson. AT REASONABLE NATES Stoney advanced on Mortra;res at 4 pet eentwiih He—Funny, isn't it to -morrow to. uinl iie outs cacyi ot°ad the end of any year, Not, s d ay will be yesterday? BORT. avIQItV'Doo, She --Yes, but not so funny as the Beaver Block tlinrhatn, Ont. fact that yesterday to -day was to- morrow. c am iE.inie —18 PUBLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY 1►IORNING . —AT TUE-- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE' STREET W'INGHA111, ONTARIO. Subsoriilti9A Dries. $t pips year, ail aclvaug0. ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 mo, 1 3 m0, l 1 mo One Column 800 00 S10 00 1 $20 00 8 00' Hatt 90 00 20 00 12 00 8 00• Opposite I;omen's rrotol, Quarer " '20 00 12 00 7 00 800* Ono Ina 600 8OQ ' Q 1 1 1fY1:14GITA1<T, ▪ ONTARIO.' _ other o0 Acenty fur Parisian Steaui Laundry, l for fleet insoron, and 3n.perli�,lofor ctiauh subsequent: [q Local notices 10e. perlinopforifr t iEoulnsertion, and+ A. ! T Go, per rine for mucoLot,Fou subsequent , Strayer.. . 4 andBusiness Chances es Wu ted,idnot exceeding 8tiip s " ;! nonpareil, 81 for first month, and flOo. for each: aubaequw t month, douses and farms for side, not exceeding 8 sinew 81 for fist month, 50e. per subsequent month., Largo ad vertisrntenta in proportion. jj These tc ruts will be strictly adhered to Special rites for larger advertisements, or 10 fuser periods, Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will ho inserted till forbid and charged 1 accordingly. Tranettory advertisements must he paid innf os sissi Chnfores contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear Om, that weak Successor to HALSTED 8c SCOTT, Josephine Street - Wiigham, BANK of HAPIIILTON WINGHAM. capita[, 61,250,000. Rest, $6511,000 ,.'resident•-•Jo,N .5-'TUAKT. 1'icc•1'residont—A. t;. RAitAAr. DIRECTORS JOHN Paoaron, Gan. Roam, Wrt 01880x, 11 r, A. 1'. 3Yoon, A. B. lir, (Toronto). Cash' or—.1. TURNBULL. savings Rank—Iicurs.10to 3; Saturdays, i0 L Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. special. Deposits 11,10 received at current rates of it.:rest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United State, bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT B. L. DIOSINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDI1 0 (looks, Pamphlets, Fosters, li 1 JJLL Iieads, Circuiurs, sr., Am., executed in tho hest style of the art, at moderate prices, and on. Short notice. Apply or address S. 0. BROWN, Tibia t)Riee, 1Yinghatn. BOOKBINDING. We are phrased to a111innnc+1 that It Honks or M. gazhws lift with ue for flimfng, will have our prompt attention. Prices -for libeling in vny style will he given on applicatio, to the TIMM Office. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted Wanted—An idea rzlendis Protect your ideas: they may krtng you wealth. WristeWaasb ngto ,D, D. c$ fo th it eisse prize oder ■,QC list of two hundred inventions wanted. S. 0. BROWN, Paorsurren ANA Pcsres1XRR DR DIAODONALD, CENTRE STREET, VINenam, ONTARIO'. p VANSTONE, BARRISTER, 8o14ICITgit, Eto.. Private and CompanJ' funds to loan at lowest rata intermit. No commission charged. Mortgages, took and :arm property bought and sold , OFFICE—Beaver Block Wixawtx J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o„ Wingham, Ont, E ■ L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, DTC. SOLICITOR TO AAMC 01' HAJIILTON. MONEY TO, LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. Win,;ham. M G. CAMERON, JIARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, fico. Office—Corner IInnttlton and St. Andrew street!. opposite Colborne Hotel. Oocrtatorr, . ONTAare. DENTISTRY.—J. 8. JEROME, L. D. 9.,1Yia0r 'mum, Is teeth manufacturing as they Bafirst•olass n be made• 0e11110rafa in the Dominion. Teeth extraotedi absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed porle.tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the". Brunswick Hous°, ARTI U J. I.IiWXN, D. D. S., L. D. S., IDoctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College.. OFFICE-•-MACDONALO 0to0K. Nors._ttill visit131yth every Wednesday, fWE STILL LEAD IN flii WATCHES• i CLOCKS —ANL— 'JEWELER', SILVERWARE It A LA ASTI N E ALL SHADES. LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN TOOLS, SPRAY PUMPS, PARIS GREE, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. 1110 ciatvEiiLAND., PERFECT, GAE'3FI' CITY, i DOMINION. CLEGC & CO., i Hardware Merchants ! ; uecessot to J. A. Cline es Co. I iJ EYE. SIGHT TESTED FREE }-i' el OF CHARGE. ,tJ u1; fn WE LEAD O'XHI hIS it iii } `1 MUNSHAW,rti r} ktio sal A :rr `i ,7 asio.:it-Fait Yom' ror Tw° .ty- ix.._Years 111 DUNN'S -fiaKINC 'HE COOWs 3E8T 1" ROD LAH .Effie SALE IN OANADA. It/ �"CIIN RITCHIE +I GENERAL 1 IJn,4NCE AGENT wisonAtt. ONTARIO' p. DEANS, J,.., ti )NGnAJ,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUR TAE CO17iQx"11• OF aIURON. Dte. Salo attended in any part of the Co. Marge' JOHN CURATE, WINoaAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sates of Farm Stock and Farm Implements speciallty. ALI orders loft at tho 'MRS office promptly attend ed td. Terms r°aeonable. a SOCIETY MEETINGS, C. Or Court I orestera,ri tate tho etcbnd and last Friday evening of °tory month, 1u Ore. gory'. Block Visiting brethren weicome. Ta. Alel.oan, 0. R. R. I3, Litiott, It. S. Lr Winghnut L. 0. T,., No. 101, mot▪ e ■ O■ L■" first Friday h, every month in the OrarigtItoli; visitorsweleotne. J. 00117, V.S.,. W. At.; %V. J. Plenty, Ree. -Sec, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. 8. 0.1. -Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every J7riday evening. Subject or ipygait service), we a2unry/`Aatriotic Pt.i2: 1.0. Mr. Z' arguharson. ''PWORTII LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. Alt..1eSeventhJuly Clause of plc s Blessing P rov. 22; 1 Our, at 31. :Maggio Beek, 11. Y. P. IL—Meeting every Tueadaa evening in the Baptist chureb. 7