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The Wingham Times, 1896-07-03, Page 4
c1 E. WILL%AMS, OEE11IIST • AND — DRUGGIST. TILE WING RAM TIMES, JULY 3, 1896. t _h e an' A1r,o�tA hada great snow under what t'done. n ptta tltebatalvheree m son was aged to attitude of r� cd•t AFi . Dr men ned He was removed of the bishops; i£ they a$9uni conciliation they Utay `fOr the Conservative candidate, Air. t working and telt him what bifid Macdenell,on ue a y. happened, noved to the succeed in keeping in the fault those who have deified the church in polrl►I getting about twelve hundred of a house and medical assistance hastily ned but nothing could. be cal matters. Our foregathers fought ! majority, sutitmo , for the privilege that Quebec now . It uta, not be out of lace at the done, and he died soon after Ei a y p those ; we honor the memory of of age and .t deceased 1 ose who gave us the heritage we 'I present moment to 1i�eaonald came o'clock. The decoased was 59 years ti enjoy; let us at least be maguani- that when Sir John a I His Lordship Bishop Du1Floulnt mous enough to credit our fellow into power in 1878 he appointedo1 Niagara at countrymen with sincerity , Royal Commission to inquire into I was installed Bishop g purpose in their conflict. God help 1 the rets of the Mackenzie admirals- - Hamilton. the party allegiance which blinds to ! ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO' app. Brunswick House. Wingham, - - - Ont Ce �i�zn�l�am (Chas k'ktIDA.Y JULY 3, 1896. bl the persistent i ti raJohn'shopes and ex - countrymen, one tel d U P bigotry that would lead any pectatiens, that commission designs to honesty of the Mackenzie •ation. The thing was unprect t. ` _ _ ----- onrt e t ode all that is reasonable, 00d in i12A1 determination to see nothingtg Contrary to Sir pte our ) tench fellow a tit' men the ptl a dteat MAR REPORTS. attribute base and low I ed the people Quebec in tlieir. the eo le of , !Government, and its report was con- attribute 20 to 0 66 0 (iG to 0 GG Sir Charles I venientty shelved. Granting, how Spring Wheat........... • . struggle for civil liberty. pats p 30 to 0 35 Tupper' bid, and bid high for the ever that such an inquiry was neces Dailey. • ... • , , , 0 42 to 0 43 20 P staking this 1 more is an support of Quebee, staking secured the nory Tlie Batt , o 08 to 0 08 political life it ; f parliament for years 1 2,, t support of the bishops and would have been supported by the people but for the over zeal of the former. Mr.Laurier, on the other hand was traduced by the clergy e over, characterized as a traitor to his church and his race. Is it then within the bounds of reason to say as some have said and as some I s have contended that Mr. Corrects y Flour per 100 Fall W1,eat Armoi1Ai1. wingliam, July `2, 1890. Deans, Produce Dealer. lbs.. ........ 1 80 to 1 90 0 65 to 0 66 CARD OF THANKS. FELLOW ELE(,TORS,—As the smoke of the political battle of the 23rd of June has passed away, allow me to congratulate you upon the magnifi- cent agn n cent victory of, the Liberal party East Huron and throughout tson the Dominion. .We have g o rejoice at the triumph. of Liberal principles, under the wise and pru- dent leadership of the Hon. Wilfred Laurier. We now look with confidence to a the beck of the clergy, as s sagacious adminstration of public follow a shepherd. Whether or not, affairs in the interest of all classes there was any ground for such an assumption in the past, we are not • and conditions of men• p1epared to affirm or refute, but this For your faithfulness to myself, we know that oil two nccasions at personally,I thank you most cordially least, Quebec has given an object lesson worthy of imitation byboth and sincerely. G t and Tory in Onta y • It will be my highest ambition to serve you to the best of my humble ability and to keep constantly before fine, the great principles of Liberalism which our fathers fought to establish. • I remain yours sincerely, . DR. P. MACDONALD. journa Laurier was, all the time, in. league with the Bishops. Such an asser- tion is worthy only the most warped imagination, an imagination itself full 'of intrigues of the most diaboli- cal and inconcievable form, made in defiance of all ss n moot reason,the product of disapphaointment been and jealousy. Quebec e n accustomed to think of Q a here the • people followed tory in 1,878, how much Liberals j.Peas p 10 to 0 11 er inquiry requiredi Eggs per dozen......., •• • - o 0 0 in and out t, p�.Wood per cot ..1.. 8 00 to 50 have, with good reason, charged the, Hay pot ton...... .,. . u10to015 now passing Potatoes, per bushel.... 0 5 to 0 5 government which is t dishonesty Tallow, per lU.... . • • • • • 0 4 to 0 05 rvtth acts of fi g - y Dried les, per ]b.•• � 25 away a ran Let them now take lie pp o 20 to 0 and affr tion. Chickens ""': 0 40 to 0 GO a leaf from the book of Sir John highs ; :: ; :: 0 5 to 0 5 Macdonald and establish a searching i Geese..... 0 q to 0 8 into all those transact-' Turkeys.. 0 77 to 04 80 investigation Dressed I-Iogs. • • 15 to 23 tions which show have so loudly thde Wool .....................• nountry and th trruh the people in their country charges.—Witness. rovince w BRUSSELS. Owing to the railway difficulties and other causes; the'Orange r nge cele- bration proposed n Brussels on the 12th July has been cancelled. st is hoped that in '97 we will be more successful. himself A sneak thief was helping• BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED —AT— GEO. GOOD'S SHOE STORE. Special •Bargains for the montli of June in all kinds 'of Boos, Snots, Tuesxs and VALISES. The Red Front Shoe Store, • wii.gan; See our Bargain Tables at 25c., 50n., P5c. and '1.00. to cash at the bar of the R re • House Wednesday when caught in the act and made disgorge. He may be made sweat for it. An interesting tennis match was played on W. M. Sinclair's lawn on Monday • afternoon between Li ri T1o. towel and Brussels men, termina t - government is a good thing and ing in as the people rule "' the Itttter's favor. A n the parte so but party number of ladies were present to the parties but when the P y witness the game, in the course of attempts to run the people it is only which some fine playing was ex.-' by making a bolt, such as Quebec hibited. rnade,tbat the country may be saved, I closed up his store on A. Saturday Davisvis leftd Monday for s Party lines have always been too thetrong u Canada, even long before Sutorville, near Watford, where he t glen days The p It is not has been in buisness for many years. so in England. people there He took the balance of his stock are swayed by appealing to 'their with him. 1V Ir. Collins has inten- reason rather than to party bigotry. tions of going into buisness here on There, it is not unusual to see ahis own account. genial constituency turn over majorities of George Hogarth;' the hundreds, in the course of a Eery months ; butoperator and baggage man at the here such a thing Brussels depot has been ofiered the would be astounding unding ; in Ontario it G. T. R. agency at Otterville. If has rarely occurred. We need not accepted he will move in the near seek far for a reason. Aman who M.lIr. Hogarth has been in changes his party allegiance in this B futuresseus r the past eight or nine country is looked upon with suspic QUEBEC. :The part played by Quebec in the recent election is worthy of f held te. Whatever position it may have politically in the past, whatever truth there may have been in the assertion that it was entirely sub- servient to a domineering hier- archy, it has now placed itself on record as standing for purity in I ion by those whom and he. is hounded by those he has forsaken and branded with every vile epithet that tonguecan find. We do not pretend to say that this is done by one party alone, but we have lacing instances in the cam• p eahas joined year. He will carry with 'him the les of all. political life and in doing so has to the hierarchy, practically, to mind her own affairs. The Bishops p to frtom one end of the province other with scarcely an exception, _ our enemy during the past sty. favored the return of the Conserve tive government and urged the people to support the Government candidate, declaring. it a mortal sin for any Catholic to do otherwise; and where it was found that they could not frighten men into voting. of Why were men like months. Wallace, Weldon, Sproule and Mc- Neill read out of the party by the leader and drubbed and cursed by Mrs. Graham, who wet e I. every machine politician, of that Dr. andnrting tonaive , Sunshine, I persuasion, in the Dominion? What just to their atistanve. The buggy 1 was their, crime ? Only that they wasano ee down, the horse buggy had dared to have the independence I as if dead, but on • the doctor's rte them to •tis of hearty wishes What might have been a bad accident happened on Friday even- ing 10 o'clock. As ing shortly Mrs. Ireland and Miss Sarah Forbes 0 were driving home from Seaforth the horse ran away going up the hill ! " past Melville church, and, turning sharply round toward the station, the buggy upset and the two ladies ,ere thrown violently to the ground. URNITURE. you need anything 1 Furn ure line this spring? Bede rl • Suites, Chairs Side , oards, Loun Spr • g Beds or .If so don't i y inti what you can o at S CARPET Everybody wan or less). Call, • d s GRACES?' can funis! Ca Wools, extra ti• = and late (36 inches wi' eto tit your it woven specie y sawed and al •eady to lay do • Folded Pa ! er for Carpet linin Stair Pads s the bestthing out last putting u der Carp years. Fur sale at S. GIrAo1Y's. es, a tresses you see GRACEY'S. rpets (more what S. eta in All designs. cessary rooms, 0D0TE11N0 oDQTEEIG —AT THE -- GG 2 2..„ B I G ,N1g1,ir©©1+' Buy your Clothing fr111FAl1oUy Ruettel CLOTIIING Sons, the CHEAP AN HOUSE IN WINGIIAaz. Already our buss- nets has doubled since the inhabitants of Wingham and surrounding ouIClothing ern and out Fur- nishings money can be saved by buying we from John Ruettel on}, Sons. as Brood asl poor treat all alike. O well If you want to save money cheap, and John Kuettel & Sons, ased with a first-class fit, good work Wingham, is the place to buy your CLOTHING AND C L�O�T' H , . • GENTS FURNISHINGS. We defy. competition. Our prices are the lowest anywhere. We'give' no credit, hence we can sell you cheap.. See e aour Wo &rth. summer Coats. for .5o Cts.; Our Men's $5 to order cannot ber Black Worsteds Suits for $z5,- made up beat for $20 anywhere else. We. keep nothing but' the most fashionable goods. • and or as they dictated, stronger means of character which for bis were used. There may have been be mere voting machines for party a time when the people of Quebee exigencies. Though these men have been opposed, abused, and have submitted to th -would arrival on the scene showed sig recovery and attempted to rise, so the doctor promptly sat on his head until further help reached hint. Ether of the ladies was hurt e• man , ostracizied by their former associates BAB Au attic] see t. CARRIAGES. e line of these most.useful s at S. GuAOEY's. -Call and Ism, urniture, when bought in quasi - les, delivered free 10 Hiles from 'Ingham. gil t.--6ire•LL_ui "i.7� " HATS NECKTIES AND SHIRTS. youIf want the latest style in Hats, at John' Ruettel & S Sons is the place to ;get them. If you .,want a Nobby Necktie tie the place to get it is at John R ettel .&.:. Sons. Shirts, we get manufactured 1te1ialandareclleaporder. If,Y They and are made ofthehestm< your Cloth, money come to John Ruettel & Sons and buy in& and 'Gents' Furnishing. Money will do 'wonders.. Money saved is money gained and at John ti uettel•& Sons, Wingham, you can save it. JOHN RUETTEL & SONS,. W INGHAIIZ: Macdonald Block. Another shipment of that good can-, ed CORN We are . selling so 'cheap, n auraryteed. just to ).and, every can g Another lot of CROCKERY being ; _ ` o ened up this Week. Come and s I it. agents 1 Dont forget that we are the sole.age for SALADA LtuL�:,~_,� J 11 1},CEYLQN �ri L1, Li rr', I, GET YOU i BLACK OR v 11 QUHARSON, [� [r � � � 'A • 1 ` " A 1 dlrlNtxHA1fI il 41 it l CHINA IiOYJSI . ---, 4 Fri $uz.Dil�i� 10:** (� Il.e dates of the hierarchy, but evidently . the time will come, if it has not come i beyond. a few bruises ; the dash" P already when the more honest in the board of the buggy was broken but a brighter "(lay* has opened "ii for , up to rite horse escaped injury. le have that province and the byher I c It them blessed,land halll th m as �i very quiet wedding, at which declared, most ncef9 at' lly [ sal,tout• s of their party. We want ly the near relatives of the con- vote,. that heticef�xr the Bishops , more such men, on both sides the must keep their own place and house and not until we get then, in at the that they, ear no longer coerce their nten of independence, then of broad flocks into following whom'soe1 er views, nten who place l country' P � untilt they choose. It is the privilege of and have nOt, men to sit in the church to pursuade but not to our arliament wilt we be following coerce : her weapons are weapons of the e ample of that country conciliation and love, not threaten- whose government ours is largely ing and force do `5 tg on resent took I C3 trading parties were present, place on. Tuesday evening residence of the bride's brother, S., �� T. Plum, when his sister, Miss Ella. ','11 our J. Plum, and Nelson 13. Gerry, � enterprising young hardware mer- chant and tinsmith, were made man i and wife by the Rev. J. L. Kerr. �'J] The bride was the recipient of a ll and when she attempts patterned. , number of handsome wh o )nave the �- j ts, and the happy couple, to drive men to pride that againsthest wishes of all their friends, the {, which national revolts, when . EDITORIAL NOTES'. r took possession of I • sante evening. toforce then to give up Macdonald hid a hard ii�•11t 1 their new lro to on F' lora street and , a n ' East Huron, u he lzed to hear she will drive them sterlingrepresentative r , • rune 18th, t open and irreconciliablerebellion goes down to the new Parliament of the sudden death of John Hannah the ranks at agnosticism. Globe.Milner living on she attempts Dr. a the blood bought privilege of liberty' in but won and 1 1 settled clown at once to married life. of conscience s 1 useful and The village was shoe into • r 1e , o Thursday evening, and into . the lith Of Morris 'Whatever may be -the ultimate out- ` The majority of the I.iberzls over oriel rvelT known in this village.' ,. come of the recent trouble i estimat About I o'clock in the afternoon �ilnph m it is evident that the f tom p Y mighty voice dee u [' �[s QIL1 Shoe Business, A f' By keeping just whay wantSin perfect and sellinging,t well e made, AT I 'fit stylish and reliable Boots ERR'S i the lowest possible prices. }JUNEBARGAI TS, alL'GROCERY Saturday a series of bargains in ,l We commence on Satu y ala classes of We deliver COAL , BOOTS AND SHOES OIL to any part of r�, the town. ANO. KERRY are 1n all outer parties is variously • A ou people have, as tared ed at from 14 to 22. It will not beof feeling wellhe went to a shelf not �h tie and took down the Ont. TRUNKS AND VALISES. We have made preparations for a big month's business. Don't spend a dollar on Shoes until you see what we have to offer you. It will cost you nothing to inspect our stock. BARGAIN TABLES AT 25c., 50c., 85c. and $i. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. GEO, GOOD, The Shoe Store, Rend lerColtltt 'with cue mr against the undue interference of the known detlnitely low 1 r wrong bottle and swallows so o n �yiw�g 11rnrn. carbolic acid before he was Aware of, church. it may end there, it may stand numerically until fuller re- , ot ; mach depends on the attitude turns are in.