The Wingham Times, 1896-07-03, Page 1WINGIIAM TIMES.
NO. 1275.
Sv Bowles
June month, as you know, is or
ought to be the cleaning up time of
stocks and we are determined that
.our stock must be as clean as quick
prices can make it. We will carry
nothing over. Our
Stock is the Best in town and we
can suit the most fastidious tastes.
The prices right in line, away down.
From 20c. up. All Wool. We would
especially call attention to the Black
Goods in this department.
Trimmed Hats from 40e. up
Shapes from ..... . ..... .. 15c. up
Sun Shades and Sailors from .. , .15c. up
Flowers from ... .....7.00. up
This stock must positively be
cleaned out regardless of our loss.
• At cost. Latest Goods. Good quality
and perfect fitting.
ST .PIJJ ; S _
Goods that you are needing all the
'tq c time :
Flannelettes,widest width .7c worth 10c,
• Flannelettes, 27 and 28 in.
light and dark6i `° 8
Grey Cotton,lightland dark 5 a 7
Towelings 5 e 7
Ginghards 8 e 10
Ginghams 10 124
Prints .......... 8 " 10
Lines in this stock are all•ull and
we will sell Childs', Misses and
Youths' at prices that are bound to
please you and make you buy.
We are doing the leading Tailor-
ing Trade in town and we can suit
and fit you in any style of garment
and at any price :
Tweed Suits from $0; Fine Black
Worsted Suits, $14 to $16; White
Laundried Shirts, all sizes, 75c. were and
are worth $1; Ties, four in hand and
knots from 5c. up; Linen Collars, all
sizes, 15c.; Fedora and Stiff Hats, latest
styles, 75c. to 161.50; We have 75 Stiff
Plate, a little, just a little off style for
25o. each, they were $1.75, $2.00 and
$2.25. We want to get rid of them.
At the Grocery Counter you can
20 lbs. Redpath's Standard Granu-
lated Sugar for
25 lbs. Yellow Sugar
6 lbs. Tapioca
fi lice, Sago
'6 lbs. Rice
,' 5 lbs. Currants .......... ....... .
ead,),i dozen Clothes Pins
Toilet Soap, big bar
Best value in Teas to be got
$1 00
1 00
We aro prepared to
quantity of good Cherries.
Store closes at 7 o'clock except
Saturday night.
t W1; ,1::' L CHEAP.
buy any
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATI'+RSON. No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
don't count when you can get cool-
ing drinks, ice cream and fresh fruit
W.. _ J -01 -11 -T'S
We have Pine Apples and Straw-
berries coming in, in abundance.
Try our Cream Soda of any flavor.
City Restaurant,
Macdonald Block, - - Wingham.
Commercial , c/�in Canada is the
A course of study at this school has placed hun-
dreds of ambitious younr mon and women on the
road to success. Write for our circulars and see
what others have done who have been here. It will
help ycu to decide In our favor,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
New Ads.
Mclndoo's—Saturday bargains.
Central Business College—Fall term
Sept. 1st.
—Messrs. Clegg & Co, have engaged the
services of Mr. uoksrnuth, of Alruira,.
Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters cures
headaches, 25e. a package.
Elliott Taros. are building a brick reei-
dence on the lot opposite the Catholic
Messrs. Rintoul
been to the old c
and Gibbons, who have
entry with cattle, have
Paris Green absolutely pure at
Williams Drug Store.
—We are pleased learn that Mrs, W.
Jobb has so far reco red as as to be able
to be out again.l;,
— Mr. Itobt. Mali oo is becoming quite
a wheehnan, makin his first down town
trip on Monday.
— Messrs. Aamil n & Burchall shipped
five oar loads of the to England on
Monday, via the C. . R.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed. .
—For lack of spa quite a lob of corres-
pondence and other interesting matter is
crowded out of thi ssue.
—In last week's
Gillespie shipped
intended to say M.
;sue we stated that Mr.
utter to Montreal, we
Wrn. Armour.
Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters at
Williams' Drug Store, 25e.
V ---Mr. Wallace m with an accident to
his bicycle on M day, having several
spokes taken out of he front wheel. afe
—The front of th
to be of red pressed
by the contractors,
Shaw Block which is
nrick is being run up
IcGregor Bros.
— For first-class tailoring and cheap
1 gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
Council, Mond night.
Peasant i having an addition put
to his residence.
• —Mr. A. Dawso.
after a painful thr
is able to be out :again
at trouble.,•
—D. McDonald hipped another load of
hogs to Collingwo on Thursday.
Big snaps at Griffin's, Cups and Saucers
75 cents per dozen.
—The Loyal 0 angenien will have a
grand meet at Sari 'a on the 12th.
—Rev. Harry M son is moving into J.
B. Cummings' resi ence on Shuter Street.
—W. McNash aught a black bass in
the river, which veighed 2 pounds 13
Why do you not have a nobby bicycling
suit, when G. H. Irvin makes them so
—F. Patterson iiputting a brick found-
ation under his re 'deuce and otherwise
improving it,/
—Mr. Sandy Itosl
'list for the past fear
around again. e\
— A .horse belonging
Turnip Seed. All varieties. True Whitechurch, was tie
seed, at Williams Drug Store. Clegg & Co's. hardwe.
—John Swarts' trotter, John Nelson, and becoming frigh
took third money a the raceain1Vlt.Forest of the tieline and wo
on Wednesday. for thetimely interfe
has been on the sick
days but is able to be
— Rey. McKenzie,
preached in the
morning and evening
—Returning Officer
make official returns
the Deputies had ne
f Orangeville, Ont.,
resbyterian church,
n Sunday last.
Clegg was unable to
n Tuesday, as two of
ected to make proper
Heathfleld's Healing Balsam is a
sure euro for the worst cold. At
Williams' cure,
—D. McDonald, th p -town butcher ac-
companied the, excur on to Owen Sound
last week and enliven d the journey, to the
Scotch element espe Tally, with thrilling
notes that stir the iemery of a thousand
— A goodly numb • took in the Sarnia
excursion on S turday last. One
hundred and twent four, tickets were sold
between Hincardin and here. The train
arrived here on th return trip Tuesday
morning at 4 o'oloc A. good time is re-
Parties who require printing of any
kind, should not Forget that the Times
office is the place . o have it done right and
at prices consistent with good work and
fair. profits.
—Geo. Roe went
to attend the race.
fast pacing mare, M
Durham on Tuesday
, taking with him his
ss Garfield.
A young man is foolish to play tennis in
ordinary clothes, when he can get a
as bio tennis suit from G. II
Irvin at the right price.
jaunty v .
—A cow•owned b Mrs. Dales was struck
by the late train uosday night and so
badly shaken up t t it was found neces-
sary to kill her.
—Lost—Between the Beaver Block and
St. Paul's church, on Saturday night, a
morocco card case, with silver mountings,
containing cards bearing owner's name.
The finder will confer a favor by leaving
at this office.
—Veal cytlets, mutton ohop and prime
stake at reasonable prices. Boy call for
orders if required. Tho best only, is kept
at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market,
—There has been
past few days of
match between the
of the town. In f
fellows have come
have changed singe
the boys more than
the old record. W
come off.
orae talk during the
orking up a cricket
enedicts and bachelors
ewer contests the old
ut behind, but things
hen and it might give
hey could do to keep
hope the match will
Mr. John Holmes,
in front of Mr. J.
e store on Monday
ned, broke the snap
d have escaped but
nee of a passerby.
LOST—Between Wingham and Wroxeter,
a parcel containing Dress Goods, Linings,
Trimmings, Hose and Mitts. Wrapper
bears D. M. Gordon's name. By returning
the parcel to D. M. Gordon's store, a groat
favor will be conferred on the customer.
—The interior of
will undergo conside
to fit it as aresidonc
Mr. Oarbould. Me
brose and Morden 1
the commodious d
e Bank of Hamilton
able change in order
for the new manager
srs. Dickinson Am-
ve taken rooms in
e)ling of Mr. Web-
Say—Jimmy McKelvie keeps a great
stock of fruits of all kinds from peanuts
up to watermelons. Loads arriving every
' day, fresh as when picked, and his ice
oream and summer drinks are always
right. Try thorn.
—Saturday evening
met tho late train a
man by the name
Marys. The arrest
strength of a mes
man's father who ca
and took the lad
no oriminal charge
but evidently the fatl
to the young man's
took this means of bri
Chief Vannorman
arrested a young
f Stafford of St.
was made on the
age from the young
re to town on Monday
come. There was
against the prisoner
r had not consented
holiday trip and so
iiging it to a sudden
lbw.---- •
--Court Maitia
attend service in
Sunday next at
are requested to
at 10.30 a. m. sh
—On Monday
ed one of the fins
slaughtered her
animal, a four
by Michael Va
825 pounds.
No. 25, C. 0. F., will
be Presbyterian chnreh
o'clock a. m Members
eet in the Court room,
vlr. Geo. Shaw slaughter•
a beeves that have been
for many a day. The
ear old heif(r was fed
son, Cnlross, and dressed
IProminent Lawyer says:
"I havo eight children, every one in good
health, not one of whom but has taken
Scott's Emulsion, in which r• v wife has
boundless confidence.'
—Reports come i
round of the gro
Pastures are alread
and one farmer rep
begun to feed hi
hoppers are very
aging pastures an
of Saturday an
troyed many of th
—At the regula
land, No. 26, C. 0
were elected for t
It., T. T. McLear
C. R., M. Beckwi
F. S., D. M. Gor
Chap., John Coo
J. W., .J.. H..Ellis
J. B.; P. Roderu:
from all the country
t need of more reie
beginning to dry out
its that he has already
stock hay. The grass.
umerous and are dam -
late crops. The storms
Sunday nights des.
m however.
meeting of Court Malt -
F., the following officers
e ensuing term: P. C.
; C. lt., W. G. Gray; V.
b; R. S., H. B. Elliott;
. o; Treas., S. Gracey;
er; S. W., John Holm;
t; S. B.f Isaac Hughes;
In a circular
Department dat
Public School In:i
apportion the L
early as possible i
order the grant w
23rd, so that in
would get the gr
owing to neglect s
funds hare not ye
township treasure
School Fund.
sued by the Education
June 12th, the County
eetors were directed to
islative School grant as
June. Acting on this
s apportioned on June
ny cases the teaoliere
before vacation, but
mewhere the necessary
been received by the
—Any person c. templating a summer
trip should' not co plete arrangements be-
fore seeing "Pen nd Sunlight Sketches"
a useful book iss ed by the Grand. Trunk
Company. We h .ve been favored with a
copy for which ve are indebted to Mr.
John Nicolls, ti Wingham G. T. R.
Agent and are m h pleased with the book.
It is copiously ill stratecl with pictures of
the favorite sum er resorts in Canada as
well as other pl es of interest. It con-
tains one hund ed and thirty pages of
matter descripti e of Canadian points of
interest and h
and traveller's g
—A. very plea
Cook's Presbyte
occassion being
J. Coventry, of
Church, of Gal+
son, pstor of the
attended by her
try and Miss
while the gro
Mr. T. A. Th o
was becomingly
dove colored su
den silk and chi
looked pretty, M
lie nil green
hat trimmed wit
tips, while Mi•
crepon muslin t
and ribbon with
trimmed profuse.
was the recipie
elegant and valu
high esteem sh
friends. The gr
maids each wit
with pearls. Th
night train thr.
after which they
they intend resid
two or three other W.
place in the dance.
ruled off at Lucknow
they were not a junto
team played one man
en, and the baseball t
ighamites got first Plummer and C
beleerosse team wa li preside. Principal
on the ground that ,ton.
team; the football
host and were beat -
am swore off in the
middle of the game, 11.'nking they were not
getting fair play, and 11 carne horse with
blood in their eye for ucknow. The pic-
nics were well attende and proved to be tt
very pleasant outing .r all who partici-
pated. Three wheel ,n who tools in the
Port Elgin sports bri a favorable report
of the days proceedin, s, there being a big
crowd and lots of sp rt, The firemen re-
turned in good spi its on the 8 o'clock
train Thursday even' g, having won first
place in both the ho=: and hook and ladder
Ed. Inglis is hom
F. MaCtetaneon,
Mr. P. Fisher wa
R. Vanstone was 1 Palmerston on Thurs-
Miss Kellie Mac onald has gone to Owen
Miss Jennie Be 1 is visiting friends in
Mr. Jas. Duffield
in London,
Miss Eva Dawso
parental roof.
sa Miss M. I. Bell,
to Glasgow, Scotia
Miss Annie Ste
weeks in Mien. Crai
W. T. Fyfe, teac er, of Kincardine, is
home for the halide
for his holidays.
Toronto, is in town.
in Goderieh on Mon-
nd Miss Duffield are
is visiting under the
Turnberry, has gone
art will spend three
Miss Milne Bell,
guest of Mrs. D. M.
Dr. and. Mrs. Kin
Wednesday at her o
YM, McIridoo and
to Goderich or Dein
Mrs. Pilgrim and
are visiting at Mrs.
a. Mrs. (De.) Keine
visiting friends in Sti
Mrs. John Forst
bourne to spend the
D. McKay, who ha
States, returned hom
Miss Dollio Elliott,
ing a short time with
in town.
Messrs. Geo. and T
who has been visit
returned to the city.
s also a complete railway, Mr. Sam. Fleury, o'
ide, with rates etc. porter spent a few day
friends in town durin•
Miss Dulmage spin
London, Miss Wallac
Dinsley in Toronto
Bradwin in Welland.
man, of Sarnia, spent
d home.
It. Vanstone wheeled'
Mon Day. aY;%''
child, of BrantfoYd,
y and children are
throy and Sarnia.'a
has gone to Shel-
st with Miss Simp-
ant event took place in
fan church, Toronto. The
he marriage of Miss M.
Toronto, to Mr. H. W.
by the Rev. Wm Patter-
church. The bride was
sister, Miss M. L. Coven -
A. J. Johns, of Wingham,
was ably supported by
•son, of Galt. The bride
ttired in a dress of rich
ting trimmed with Dres-
n. The bridesmaids also
ss Coventry was dressed
uslin with large black
chiffon and black ostrich
Johns wore a pretty
mmed with cream lace
arge cream chiffon hat
ly with roses. The bride
t of a large number of
1'7Rev. Wm. Lowe,
Knox and Mrs. Jno. Ss
for the old country, T
time in each country.;
L. J. Brink, of Tees
on Friday, he was ac
little seven year cid
bike with the skill of al
been in the Western
on Saturday even -
f Ingersoll, is spend-
er old acquaintances
os. Scott, of Toronto
ng friends here have
the Palmerston Re -
with relatives and
the week:4)."
Dominion Day in
in Goderich. Mrs.
nd Mr. and Mrs.
Tessrs. T. Bell, A.
arta left on Monday
ey will spend some
ter, was in town
ompanied by his
n who controls a
old head.
The schools closed fo
tion on Tuesday. The
all over and the juyenil
ly Free Lances for the
teachers are to be co
promptness in getting
the summer vacs, -
examinations are
s are comparative -
time being. The
-tended for their
ble presents showing the through with the
was held by her many I examining of promotion papers and giving
m presented the brides- out the reports; couple e disappointment
a gold crescent pin, set being better for a pu nil than weeks of
happy couple left by the suspense followed by di
igh the western counties in the end. Woareplea
vill return to Galt where lish the report in thi
may be the means of s
ng. some pupils, for a fe
y was celebrated in a luck will be in store fo
leasostyle. The Metho- time; they must not fee
in Tamlyn's grove, the buckle in with renewed
had one at Zetland and to conquer next Lim
cock's grove. A great pupils are busy o
ighboring towns so that since Thursday, a
premium. rive wheel- ate writing here.
examiners are:—Priuci
—Dominion D.
sort of go as you
dists had a pic-ni
the Baptists in P
many visited n
liveries were at a
men took in Gode doh. The hand went to
Belmore. The F omen to Forest and the
football, baseball nd laoresee teams to
Lucknow, and tl e rest of the town wont
somewhere else o tried to keep cool at
home. Elliott g. first place and Dodds
aeeond in the bicycle race at 73e1more and
rnoM III 'I
To remain in
Gillvary, Gertie
Emma Patison,
Wade, Dolly Drev
Pelton, Bina Cas
Harris Coad, Cha
Third class to
Oliver Watson,
Clifton Gifford,
Chas, MoMannus
5130; Mabel Dreav
Donald Stewart
Mary Begley, 521'
Durmnn, 504; 11
Durniou, 495; L'
Carrick, 490; IN
Jerome, 470; P
McKinlay, 429
From junior t
J. Lee, 699; A. 5
591; M. Marlow
L. Little, 572; L
563; J. Patterso
Walsn, 543; E.
D. McNaughton
C. Davis, 521;
508; T. Young,
Homuth, 488;
489; W. Carter,
Robertson, 462;
Bride, 457; E. P
Gillespie, 432; 7.
A. Bond. 424; B.
P. Sparling, 410;
388; W. Raby, 38
eron, of Brussels, will.
Musgrove going to. C'lin-
forth class:—Millie Mc -
ash, Carl Burkholder,
May Pattison, Graoe
, Wm. Armour, Stephen.
:more, Jessie Davidson,
. Moore, W m. Aikens,
ourth:—Geo. Gray, 757;
146; Eva Gracey, 028;
621; Roy Forster, 607;
583; Winfred Gillespie,
r, 578; Morris Ross, 566;
550; Tom King, 527;
Herbert Walsh, 508; J.
alter Bell, 502; Margery
zzio Barber, 492; Agatha
illie Holmes, 474; Lorne
rrl Sparling, 443; ,Jennie
Jessie Hamilton,. 422,
senior: --D. Gracey, 670;
therlan8, 503; L. Dawson,
587; M. MoDonagh, 582;
Gilchrist, 570; E. Gregory
402; C. Elliott, 551; M.
rown, 542; A. Hamilton;
594; May. Robertson, 522;
Park, 508; L. Patterson,
507; A. Leinster, 505; L.
. Bullard, 486; H. Stiles,
76; D. Whyte, 473; Mand
I. McDonald, 458; A. Mo-
p, 949; J. Nixon. 440; M.
499; E. Postiff, 425;
arker, 416; E. Lemmex,
. Elliott, 399; G. Haines,
; E. Currie, 386; M. Mc -
Senior second
r 3
Shirk, JOo; Laur
451; Irene Davis,
Grace Smith, 414;
Bell, 393; Willi
Davidson, 353;
Stiles, 377; Edi
Seyffert, 363; 1
Armour, 339;
Hough, 485; Ai
cocks, 444; Roy
426; Geo, Moor
408; Maud Ilan
390; Lille Kerr,
Fred Russell, 3
Tommy Cartrig
350; Mike Flann
321; Ruby Burkl
From junior se
Annie Pilgrim,
Ariel Park, 394; T
Jackson, 366; Ma
Hughes, 356; Herb
Gilchrist, 347; Har
Pcaren, 341; Beatri
Little, 824; Toni St
mes, 322; Roy Barri
316; Olive Ferguson,' 06; Mabel Mcllwain,
d, 291; Earnie Fair -
to junior third;—Lillie
Martin, 473- Mabel Ross,
42; Jennie Murray, 439;
Bella Taylor, 408; Chas.
Roderus, 392; Davy
ra Saint, 387; Sextus
In Beemer, 3677; Harry
illie Coutts, 355; 11 Tay
oy Inglis, 322; Boland.
a Gray, 457; Griffin His-.
my the, 439; Peter Deans,
, 410; Edgar Henderson
it, 393; Gertie Wellwood,
88; Olive Mainprize, 378;
2; Lora Flannagan, 365:
t, 360; Nettie Linklater,
gan, 329;Jennie Gannett,
oleer, 1315.
nd to senior second: ,
0; Maggie Nixon, 417;
rbie Sheriff, 382; Jean
el Ellison, 365; Annie
Jerome, 249; Annie
Constable, 343; Elva
e Carruth, 327; Myrtle
es, 329; Winnie Hol-
e 313; Willie Conerv,
294; Eldon McDoni
field, 281.
Recommended. -1
Griffin, Eddie Elliot
'Frank Cody, Bert La
'illie Jobb, Burville
, Katie Sutherland,
g, Bert McNaughton.
From senior part SP
book:—alarjorie Gor
Edna Fairfield, Resell
son, Pearle Moore, Lill
rnonr VrI TD VI
juniorpart sec
second:—Bert Kling, A von Raby, Minnie
.Barber, Mabel Whyte Essie Huffman,
G. Kerr, Geo. Moyer, L sslee young, Pres-
ton McBride, E. Hicks F. Pattersou,-T
Hughes, M. Sutherland, ,ora Sherriff.
MVIorley Dreaver,
ll, Bertie Mend.
John Mitchell,
ng, Lot Belden,
tt, May LIoyd,
e, Lucy Lang,
Johnston, Adre
-end to junior second
on, Nellie Harris,
Walker, ! .'Pergu-
e Marlowe.
senior t`t
nd to ser io Ii
appointing reports ,
d to be able to pub-
FROM viii TO vrr I
From part first to par
week's issue. It
oiling the sport of I Merrifield, Percy Herr,
days, but better James Raby, Lester Sm
i Merrifield, Willie Lott
these some other j Charlie Lediet, Robbie
discouraged, but , Albert Elliott, Ethel Ell's
vigor, determined 1
Messrs. Plummer, Blyt
'The results of the En
about the 20th of July.
The earns. for Form 1
day and Form '2 on
The entrance Alice Coad, Jennie Sin
their exams. r Edna Hoffman, Edith
ut 80 pupils Brisbors.
The presiding !
1 Musgrove and ; Rheumatism Cured
ll,merican Rheumatic
1, and Shearer of ; in tither) and 1Veuralgia,
1 to 3 days. Its action
ance will be out is remarkable and my
moves sit once the can
immediately disnppea
vill begin on Tues. greatly benefits.
iursaay. Messrs. Chisholtn'e Drug St
a Day. --South
are, for Ilheu-
adically cures in
upon the Osbert,.
terious. It re -
and the disease
The first dose
cents, Sold at