HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-26, Page 8THE -MINIMAX nmES H. MC1NOO, 1 1IO'i4ICK. The crops in this neighborhood look fairly well considering the long draught we have experienced and wench has not been relieved by any YOU heavy rains since sewingthee. Fall wheat, however, and timothy and Witiaaut sacrificing quality and clover altltoogh a little better than only offer you the newest o!' lust year which peeved almost a total failure in this locality in spite high cl:tality merchandise, however of present and past .experi- Wc ll bought and marked at ence and trusting to a beautiful Pro- •vidence some of our farmers are prices to warrant quick turn- advcnteally enlarging their barn over. You know values pretty `aceonodation• lir, Geo. Underwood last Thum - nearly as well as the merchant day- with the able and willing assist - does. We're back of every- ance of 70 men made a large addi- tion to his barn and lair. Linklatcr a thing we say. Better do as sail I;trger one next day. Mr. others are doing. Come and Russell Barris proposes building a baa straw shed to join his barn next y I week while Mr, Taylor within a few days will erect a r,ew barn within a Special. ,l>CS t short distance of his recently erected i handsome house. We hope that For OT Saturday: future abundant crops will warrant 1 their preparations to recei�-e it in W hate and Cream Lace, 90e„ 25c,. ! sticeessful farm crops, a matter el 30c. and 35c, for 15c.; Ladies' White importance for whilst in England Underwear worth 40e., 50e. and 60c. they are not en•'oti ul for 25e.; Ladies kine Cashmere; J .' g a period of Hose worth 50e. for 35c.Ladies' commercial prosperity, this country t :for noon Sill. Gloves, black and colored worth. i years s to come will be de - 30e., 40e. and 45e. for 25c,;' Ladies' !pendant on the success of its agricul- ture fir our national prosperity and Kid Gloves, black and colored worth i . $1.25 for $1,00; Ladies' black and wet is incumbent on our Senators of Fine Shoes,r creed tan Hose rth roundtoe 2 uo tea' Ladies' andl elleytbelonever a to make olitical such party rovisions $2.50 for $1,25 ; Fine Parasols, plain i calculated t their!and frame advancel s and which cell a be and fancy worth $1.25 for 95c.' ate the rogress of this aleatpetu nd Fancy Dress Crepons worth 1Sc. for lane octant fnrtustry. 15c.; 2 dozen Assorted Leather Belts p worth 50c. and 75c. for 25c.; Men's HIS INJURIEu FA T L. Dark Tweed Suits worth $5.00 for 1 • $3,95 ; 20 lbs. No. 1 Granulated 1 Sugar for $1; 25 lbs. Coffee Sugar !SIR LEONARD TXLLE WILL NOT RE- COVER FROM THE WOUND. for 81 ; Fine Japan Tea worth 40c, per lb., 3 lbs. for $1 ; 12 Ladies' Spring Capes worth 0.00, $4.00 and St. John, N. B., June 20. -Sir $5.00 for $1.98. Leonard Tilley, who came to the city Ali parties not haying a card airyesterday from his summer boarding Rothesay; suffering from his photos will please ask for one and place la have your photos taken free. foot which he injured a few days ago Store will close at 7 o'clock sharp tjle after effect of hardlexpecteto wounder from except Saturday. His condition is unchanged to -day M. H. Mc NDOO. though, after arriving in St. John, he became considerably worse. It is not believed the disease will prove GLENANNAN. immediately fatal. Mr: and Mrs. A. W. Lincoln visit- ed friends in Gerrie last week. Mr. John Scott went to Toronto , to see his sister Mrs. Stewart who is t fence in the Agnew murder trial Dr• seriously ill. A few of our Citizens took in the Clark, Kingston, and Dr. Richardson C. P. R. employee's excursion to of Toronto, testified as to the mental Owen Sound Friday. condition of the prisoner. There Miss Margaret Jane Scott who was opinions were that the young attending the Ladies College at mans mind was weak, and that he London, has returned home, as practically an imbecile. WE SAV To Bang On October 1st. Lindsay, June 20. -For the de - The Methodists of Beimore held a Iawn social at the residence of James Mulvey and had a very enjoyable time. BLUEVALE. Miss McIlwain, of Wingham,spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Andrew Holmes. Several people in this vicinity took in the excursion to Owen Sound on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott, of East Wawanosh, were visiting at Mr. R. N. Duff's this week. • Messrs. Bert Bailey and Dan Macdonald, of Molesworth spent Sunday in this village. The weather for the Methodist picnic was all that could be desired and a very enjoyable time was spent by those present. The junior football team of Wing - ham, came up last Saturday and played with the Bluevale team. The Wingham boys won. The young men who went to Anaconda two weeks ago have arrived there safely. They went by boat "from Sarnia to Duluth and en- joyed their trip immensely. At 2 o'cloek Wednesday morning, when the result of the election be- came known, a bon fire was lighted in the middle of the street and cheers for Laurier made the welkin ring. MITI Stook rxat•Itats. Mr. Justice Street charged against the prisoner, John Kearney, especi- ally on the imbecility part of the de- fence. and the jury after being out two hours came in at noon to -day with a verdict of guilty. His Lordship sentenced Kearney to execution on October 1. i Sudden Death At Stratford. Stratford, Ont,, June 24. -Death came very suddenly to Mr. Wm, Workman, hardware merchant here, about five o'clock Tuesday. Ile was in his office, and had just picked tip the evening paper to read, when he I was stricken with apoplexy, and fell back in his seat unconscious. Medi- cal aid was immediately at hand, but he could not, be roused, and was conveyed to the hospital, but never regained conciousness, and passed away this afternoon. Mr. Work- man was 60 years of age, a son of the late Dr. Workman, of Toronto, and had been in business here since 1865, He leaves a wife and seven children. Battle of Beaverdams. The 83rd anniversary of the battle of beaverdams was held under the auspices of the Thorold and Beaverdams Historical Society Thursday on the High School grounds, Thorold. The proceedings were opened with a complimentary dinner tendered by the society to Last .Buffalo, N. Y., June 24.-- . the speakers and invited guests at Gattic----Receipts, about 10 cars; noon in the City Hall, and at 1 Market dale and slow. Hogs- o'clock Mr. J. P. Merritt, historian, Receipts 15 ears ; market quiet, but conducted a party over the battle about steady ; Yorkers, good to grounds describing the routes of the choice, $3.65 Cr 83,75 ; roughs, troops, incidents of the battle, etc., common to good, ea Ces 83.10; pigs, by the way. At 2.30 o'clock all common to fair, 83.50 Oa x3.55. assembled at the high School Sheep and lambs -Receipts 6 cars ; grounds, were addresses were deliv- market a shade firmer; lambs, good eyed by the following ;-Capt. ''to Ovine $4.75 Cry; 8(s culls and Cruickshank, historian, of Fort Evie; eoixttnon, ':.*"2 75et w8.i)0 ; sheep10. C . A. Rowland, M. 1', 1',, of Toronto;good til entice handy weight Miss Agnes Fitzgibbon, grandditugh• Wetlu'rs, 1.1., t $1.25: culls and ter of Laps. Iritzgil;hcn the hero of common 81.25 (r, ; tl, , Beaverdams; .1. G. Currie, St. (lath - JUNE 26, 1896. erines; W. M. German, M. P. P., of Welland; Dr. Jones, of I.lagarsville, a decendant of the famous Chief Brant; Wu', McCleary and others. 13esides the addresses the following patriotic songs were rendered ;- "British to the co.e," sung by the author, S. T. Church of Toronto; "Fair Canada," by David Battle of Thorold, sung by P, C. Creggan ; "The Shamrock, Thistle and Rose," sung by Capt. W, J.Fry, of Quells - town, Ireland. The accompani- ments will be played by Miss Fallen. The Boy's Brigade eolltributcd choruses and drills and were present- ed by Miss Fitzgibbon with a banner and a prize to the best drilled boy in the company. News Notes. Mr. James Scott a Camden town- ship farmer, was killed by falling off his waggon while hauling rails,' The animal diseases bill, under which CanacUan live cattle are ex- cluded from Great Britain, passed its third reading in the botue of Commons by 232 to 75 votes. On Saturday the scaffolding used by the plasterers working on the new First Methodist Church, London gave way and four men were thrown to the ground. Mr. Amos Bring had had his hand badly torn and bruised The otheiis, however, escaped injury. Frank S. Pollock, a former resi- dent of St. Marys, who has been a contributor of prose and poetry to some of the leading Canadian jour- nals for some time, left for Cuba. He will furnish a series of articles for some of the leading American papers on the situation there. ONE lill.ON.PEST DnAu +'D1TOR:---Please inform your readers, that if written to confidentially 1 will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest home cure, by Which 1 was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunk- en parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith iu mankind, but thanks heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I ant desirous of helping the un- fortunate to regain their health and happiness, T promise you perfect sec- recy and as I do not wish to expose my- self either, please address, simply: P. 0. Box 398, London, Ont. Lieutenant R. E. Peary has made final arrangements for his trip north with a party of scientists. Peary said that he had chartered the steam- er Hope whose tonnage is 350 net. She will be commanded by Captain Bartlett who has already made two Arctic trips. The Hope will leave St. John N. B., on July 10, and on July 12 will make her final start from Sydney, Cape Breton. Four turkeys were confined in a pen and fed on meal, boiled potatoes and oats. Four other of the same brood were confined in another pen and fed on the same article, but with one pint of very fine pulverized char- coal mixed with their food-tnixed meal and boiled potatoes. They had also a plentiful supply of broken charcoal in their pen. The eight be- ing killed in the same day, and there was a difference of one and a half pounds each in favour of the fowls which had been supplied with the charcoal, they being much the fattest and the meat being superior in point of tenderness and Savor. --Poultry Chum. , There is ease for those far gone in consumption -not recovery -ease. There is meg for those iaot far gone. There is prevention for those who are threatened. of Cod.'liver Oil is for you, even if you are only a lit. tee thin. 5CA I T'3 I?rIULSION lies been endorsed by the medicatprof,ssion for twenty years. (cask your ,toase.) This is because it is always ppaktiebk--alwayys urtiferor- alwaysmatt:7Rthepuresit Norwegian "M411,0 ();14tid Hppopiosph;rer, Insist 00 Scett'q Liippifittt, with trait -liar ,baa and rah Dr. Barber, of the 1liinico ,Asylum is in a very serious condition, the result of a cat bite received the other day. Tito institution cat had kittens and on the day in question the batch was attacked by a dog. The cat turned on the dog and two were engaged in a tight which would probably have ended in the cat's death when Dr. Barber came along and attempted to separate thele. The cat then attacked him, biting hien severely in the areal. Blood poisoning has set in and the doctor's arnx is swollen to the shoulder. Dildo, `' I{1rGsLi In Winghatn, on dune 20th, Diehard Kingsley, aged 84 years and 9 months. N,I7ouur4;aay--In Wingham, on Tues- day, June 25t1r, George Edward Double. day, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Doubleday, aged 7 years, 9 months and 5 days. liedioin I a valuein bottle 1 a ort ofTa I od. S r +, ,ass,. parillys than in any other preparation. More skill is required, more euro taken, more expense incurred in its manufacture, It costs1 e proprietor t t Proi r etor and the dealer but It costs the consumer less, as he gets more doses for his money. More curative power is scoured by its peenliar combination, proportion and process, which make it peculiar to itself. More people are employed and more sauce oe- cupied in its Laboratory than any other. More wonderful (tures effected and more tes- timonials received than by any other. More sales and more increase year by year are reporteu by druggists. More people ay taking ]food's Sarsaparilla today than u.ny other, and more are taking today than ever before. More and sr5L4. MOUE reasons might be given why you should take Nlore Sarsaparilla The One Tine Mood Purifier. $1 per bottle. Hood's nitre all Liver Ills and i a00%'s Pips Sick headache. 26 cents. C,11,141E113 Drag Ron Just arrived a new stock of STEARN'S Nf N E PEE ':f ES All the latest odors. Try CAMPBELL s HEADACHE WAFERS 25c. per box or 2 wafers for 5c. A CURE GUARANTEED. COLIN. A. CAMPBELL, TELEPHONE DRUG STORE, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, ONT. OR D Is offering the most complet- and styli h stock of H TS, SHI nd TI To be ► td in town ,r city. S't1i AW HAI 5 FRr M 5c, UUP, BOOTS A >t SHOES Our large trade oots and Shoes proves clearly tha our styles and prices are eerrect. GRO ER ES. As usual . + r stock is resit and pure and a e sold at v •y elase prices. Iia rains this week, i;:•t fi0 ¶N'JA toll= 40c. 4 c. " 3150. ' eas at regular prices are he sue in the market. Lai 0 of NESS' CANNED Coniv, whit 1 These best v sloe wbe sold Flt 5 cans for 25C, Sar 'eduction in every department. One price only and that the lowest. 1). 1110. (4O1 1)d)11i, Winghain. t���i,.:.�i��"-i.��Nbi'>r?�1"'13"'tc�-"'fiai'"'�':!�^C7�""'�.#f#1�"� r'1✓"�.4: Wit; .:'"iw!_"i�:.�1is�€ x='I „sit": FRON t WE 1.i ill i Irl 1 In rtjl rG� GEO. H. IRVIN 'Pp Opposite Bank of Hamilton. 'Pp ,l, ki EO. H. IRVIN,; Cry THE BOSS TAILOR. iric easeeleeseasessaAalasealiels Though the holiday season is passed for the l ' present, we are still doing business on the old l plan of GIVING SATISFACTION IN ig ALL WORK, L GUARANTEE 00d. LOT - 7' r�. i! ----AND TIIE- BEST OF WORKMANSHIP In all lines of goods turned out. �ry QJ,ttobik. � ., uL CALL AND GET OUR .PRIDES BEFORE ORDERING. THEY ARE RIGHT EVERY TIME. lit I " THE " 'TAILOR, W INGHANI, ON'L • �`�� ���r���r�r � �rt�rr�7iu,•=tili���c-�,�=fir.-'.:.:stir_ "lr=y�,7 ,� tt_7.5� �.; To save money in the purchase of I have decided to go out of this line of business and will sell at ricultural "{ � r LESS THAN COST ", The following : • NEW MOWER, NEW SULKY RAKE, NEW PLOW.AND OTHER IMPLEMENTS. THIS WILL BE A BARGAIN. We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Washers„ Ringers, Bicycles, &c, Victoria Street. J. 13.0 UNIMINCS, WINGIIAM. i LEARIJ:»G SALE tfrig froEui e --•--,tS ND -- U61AT COST. After a period extending over Go years of business life, - I have decided to retire and will sell off at cost, All my excellent stock of Goods, consisting of TWEEDS, �;�WORSTEDS, S SERGES, OVE CAt.A.ING, &o. Either by the Web or in Suits. These Goods are of excellent quality and of latest style, the most of the • stock having been put in this Spring. As the entire stock must be eleared • out, we are offering SOME SIIORT LENGTHS 1.1MSS lei°OST, THIS IS No FAKE. CALL ON US. \ YINGHAM, ONT.