HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-26, Page 44 THE WINGHAM TIMES .JUNE 26, 1806. G ■,�•WHAM "1)B. Dlac'I)0NALD held the floor in S9 tine House on Thursday for four CHEMIST hours and a half, talking against the N. P. Ile also talked on every con-, ceivable subject under the son. But • AND" 1 then ho did his party a service by 1 the length of time ho took to read D r.+�� G (. x his essay. And his essay must be t read, in order that it may appear i',n? i Hansard, and then published 1'1,1 `pamphlet form and copies sent by ACING. N. W.TELEGRAPH ast GO `Huron.hundreds One sentence constituents deliveredl�b g I the Dr. is worthy of note, which is opp. Brunswick House. 'that this was perhaps the last time he would speak on the budget in Parliament, Yes, Dr., that was your '�Nln f _ t i last time ; East Huron will know ti ea -•o more forever after the next elec- C..Y• ��•11• yyy II �•�pp t 16g t13 !'�F r ?tier Aft', Lietr.tii,on on Tuesday last IV'. 1r Advance,l�'ebruary OM; go ;) 3 lfacdopa,lil's majority FRIDAY JUNE 20. 1890. BRUSSEL'S JUBILATION. Wednesday evening Brussels had a jubilation over the victory cf Dr. E Macdonald in East Huron and the Liberal victory throughout the Bell who beat Dawson in Adding- I ford . High Treasurer? John I1 ee- Dominion. Large contingents were ton is a 1Vallaceite, being one of the' lands, vinghaih ; Chairman of present from all parts of the riding. ,•�Tobie Thirteen;, Medical hoard, Dr. Stanley, Brant- numbers made the best showing of Clarke 4.is lltlee lhtre!vht It major ford i As$9 h1.t4 tijedlcal Board, Dr, numbers from the outside points; of it of above 300i: tar �;11e combined 1 Yeti i t is l`agetown ; High Registrar, these there were five bus loads and f •h'4iellts 1) Kennedy , High �h Rev. W T McTav 1. . was 160 EAST WA.WANOSH. John Menzies is putting up a first- class barn this summer. The raising was on Thursday. x TtTRNBERRY. ,v Mrs Geo. Bryceermet with aserious accident on Sunday evening last. She was in the barn getting feed for the hens and fell down the stairs leading to the basement, striking on. her head and shoulders. There being no 'person around she lay there unconscious for some time. Mr. Bryce, who had been away for the cows, returning missed her and going in search of her, found her lying still unconscious. A doctor was sum- moned and it wets found that her arni was brcl,;en above the elbow, but it is not thought that she is linffering front any further injttrs; /• High Court e, 0•. F. Officers. After the Battle. Hamilton will protest the election. N. F. Davin is in the mighty flood. % : .w Sir John's old constituency, King- ston, elected a Liberal, Major Sam Hughes of North Victoria got a majority of 15. SYRINGE • See our Syringes, we have everything in the Syringe line: Bub Syringes, Fountain Syringes, - Abut Syringes, ass pingo, a• e. We can furnish you with a satisfactory I 13u11) Syringe for fifty cents, but we advise you to pay more and get a better. I one. Fountain Syringes are preferred ' by many to the Bulb, We are ready to iexplain their advantages At ONISHOLI 'S QR!. STORE 1 �IYIx(rrA.111, ONT. Ths goods that sell are the kind you want. Montreal, June 18.—The High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters was in session to -night until after midnight on the election of officers, over which there was great exeitment. The following is the result: High Chief Ranger, H. Gummer, Guelph ; High Vice Chief Ranger, W. J. Cameron, Toronto; High Secretary, Thos. White, Brant- , MARTtRT REPORTS. ivsNaitAac. Wingham, June 11, 1830. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 80 to 1 90 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats, Barley Peas 065 to 060 065 to 060 020 to 020 , 4 Qto935 0 to 43 Butter,.... ..,.....• Q ?i) to 0 11 Eggs per dozen b. b 08 to 0 08 Wood per cord.... .. • , , , 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton......., 8 00 to 8 50 Potatoes, per bushel 0 10 to 0 15 Tallow, per ib., 0 5 to 0 5 Dried Apples. per Ib 0 4� to 0 05 Chiokons• 0 20 to 0 25 Ducks. 0 40 to 0 00 Gee se 0 5 to 0 5 n' 0 7 to 0 8 4 75 to 4 80 19 to 23 Y d Montreal g ► ,.urkeys. votes 0 1S op s , ap1ain, 1S1'., Dressed Hogs A. R. Fr2tik M has a major[t�t et P beseronto; High Auditor, Thos.w. Wool 60 in East York. over McLean,A Sts Gibso><,Toronto; Exeeutiv'e Com - count has been demanded. 1 ttee,P. H. C. R.,. it. vliiott, P. J. Buchannan and Watkin's'df Viagra- i Jameson, W. J. Malley, R. Dowling and W. Renshaw. a, number of carriages, making in themselves a good sized procession as they drove into town. In the evening a procession was formed rat the Town Hall consisting of a bicycle corps and about 300 focctnrsen all carrying brooms and Wearing the colors of the Liberal patty. Headed by the baud they anar eKed to the residence of Dr. 'Graham, where Dr. Mac&.tnald was staying. The Dr. and leis friends Were driven to the hall amid. the enthusiastic cheering of the hundreds who had gathered in the streets. '.At the hall a suitable *programme -was given consisting ofibstrumental :Kind vocal music, re:u?tations and short addresses. Mayor Kerr filled the chair most eaaem athire�a tmia'them as only ttlkosc, p acceptably �.nd. succeeded in his P ' i al atmosphere. Mr. R. Cargo elan who have passed through. th�c, spent a number of days in and gracious and pleasantyway in keep- P- ing the pent =up enthusiasm of the Very affiaw�los °r eighteen years. around Teeswater influencing the audience whin endurable bounds. H The saksatirl services rendes • .5 - , individual. Misses Crooks and Wilson sang,' I~3on. Gee. \W- Ross during the • cam-' Mr. Noah Strome and Alex. Mc - The Maple Leaf ingeod voice, the l.paign i ev<e.tbeen generalty re ecgn�ir� j Kenzie, on the 4th concession, are Ktudience•jekning in' the chorus. Me ed. In steely every one of );he�con--+each going to erect a large barn in Sinclair, of Brussels, sang, ='Scot, ; •stituendiiesrin which he made a ,,tetrose- a few days. Wha Ha." A. ,quartette conststinr'i es siieceestaserched on the L0bei a1 Vegetation is suffering for want of of Miss Ainslie Stewort and Messrs.' banners_ j ii'ain and the grasshoppers are mak- Ross, Straetan and Cemeron, sang,; ilton, Kilty of West Httrci Arm- strong and, Hanna of most and West Lanab'toti, will Ilttee their de- posit. . Ellis, the victor in 't. Johns, is the editor of the St. betlites Telegraph has embarked in the tea business and theman who :dent a year in . taking orders for a firm in Wood - jail for comment on the action , ~tock. While in college he succeeded of a,Lsutdge. lin capturing a gold medal The Liberals •of. London claim Mr. Wm. Caslick, a few days ago, theme are 236 lt+ejlected ballots two- shot t?ourbirds supposed to be bitterns. thitats of oralek were marked ter They were strangers in this locality. Human. Reaar.¢se will be had iirt 1 )Ir. Angus McKenzie met with a seliions mishap last week while un- loading a barrel of salt, getting his leg bent. It will be some time before tie will be all right again There is quite a hill in the politic - Ota LROSS. Mr- T. J. Welwood is home from the Woodstock Baptist college and tire courts. _ cOur victeay t s so great and e•sasrn- p':ceate that w,e&e n afford to treateour tapponents evil 1r. magnanimity. 'We • In e yka.ttle there are gallant ing a clean sweep. j`Itule Bridannia".and, Miss Wilson, ,i We have a bear in the vicinity, he ld 'ifrii• h rah � Il d who has a s�,�eet• voieeeang a atrioti.'»so soldiers in the tic ine. only shows himself to a few favored n p -.a We ha tenet many but wha .t 'there ,ones. song. l •. Thos. Ballantine charmed the`;~"ire mmstlbr regarded. Dir. 11411+ r- Whooping cough is making the audience 8!aith his bt i es and lir: t `'on of at, the noblest Ron of ;young folks in No. 3 whoop it up in jA p <j them all, bat suffered atempo r>,ta•iy ire - S. Grace recited, 'We are alio igood style at present. „ ••-verse: Mr. Innes, one of tl'te. add b,_ liberals Mcgether, a e•aardhaulm Wellingtons, Mr'. Tarte it ,y, �T�, '�,La;, t;;��,.,,.�•-Vi=a aaa,.. • Five minute addresses were given a''r`���� b , in Beadtarnaia Mr. Lovell ii t ITst11- l by Mayor McKenzie '.Wingham and il ,ll - Messrs. Staachan Gilson Armstrong• ,• and,.tr- ',IV, Dawson in Ad. if a,cn, �� fr r"'' attdl las"• 1ppit b 1 5� i -r tr l'F R.; € 'GET YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED —AT— GEO. GOOD'S SHOE STORE. Special Bargains for the month of June in all kinds of Boors, SaOES, TRUNKS and VALIS1 S. The Red Front Shoe Store, Wingara,• Bee our Bargain Tables at 25c., 60n., A60. and aresionsatiomminagszogienmEMEICa y no means ea st r -Dane, Ronald,. Brom/Ia.:and Blair. .,Martin & W:innipeg—these t teat asci A messxas e!from 131 th and a letter,i,3osaes t bits aper the eethusi farm of from Thos.. Gibson,..M., I . I . extend- .-the gerkeottivaictory. Tli y a ns lot ing congratulations ...end expressing dead ; eksayttia not even steep. regret at net being 'able to be pres put were road by Mr.zfieott. The defeat of Mr. Tame is . )Liles of When Dlr. Macdotaa21 was called' •the regvlettirlEe features of the tremendous a treendous ovation was i;r� ; e lora. fe�l{Dl>:�c;kily undertook to so- • en him, the.audienee ,rising to their;. ctleent at Tory strongitoCd, le? tying 'feet. On. ,coming ;forward he wast *zafer ostastitiencies to ethers. ft ,{rresented. .nvitjt bogcets by two, ;s`vas not esutisely surprising, there !fore aretty littleatots and when order was.rhat he watsatiefeated, although m:neic '?stored he made an eto.luenr ten i 0 be regretted. The victory in s ?;minute addiaess. •¢'¢�uebee was.�tiue in no inconsiderable The mee�ing was brought ht to a , degree to e4ae r leudid worfc done by close by singing the national anthrnu.! Tarte in organizing: the anti _ ".flapper fortes ran the Provmnoe. 10 GDITOMAL .NATES. ' mon was sat eet;ed to more slanders Mr. Tarte. Asi of C:ttii':�r of irepersona.tiort are report �ltxreevy+f n the rias Sncttrradr the from Morris and Grey. We hostility of the p rty which was pro- • aasr that if the chargeik true that fitri-g by the ral4laery of the treasury foe guilty pares will belp^,nnished. that would have been going on Tnrs is fairly' warm weather we until to -day but for his efforts, He having just now, but its going was made the mark for all sorts of > be a pretty cold day fel. someone slanderous accusations, although not an atom of evidence was put Morrow.—Guelph Herald, Uonser- forth is support of any of them. Me. efotive, June 22. Tarte should be in Parliament beside yx WE owe an apology to our readers the leader to whose success he has kerning• taken so inneh space in contributed so much.-{xtobe. columns during the past few - - in carrying on a controversy The Body of Mr. D. I3. Golsen, a the Advance. We had given student from Nova Scotia, who w• Ater of that journal credit for attending the Ontario B. than and a gentleman, and College, Belleville, was fr. eed with deep regret that we G. T. R. track near " piled to admit that in this he came to his Mist lamentably deceived. known. i1 COAL 111 f TURURE. 1�1�� Do you need anything in the Furniture line this spring? Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Spring Beds or Matresses If so don't buy until you see what you can do at S. GRACEY's• CARPETS, Everybody wants Carpets (more or less). Call and see what S. GaaCEY can furnish Carpets in All Wools, extra fine and latest designs.;.. (36 inches wide) and it necessary woven specially to fat your rooms, sewed and already to "bay down. C 111 C÷ —AT THE — Or GG2 .." ;. Buy your Clothing from John Ruettel & `'` Sons, the CHEAP ANI) FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUs1, IN WINGHAM. Already -our busi- �y' ness has doubled since the inhabitants of Wingham and surrounding country have found out that money can be saved by buying Clothing and Gents' Fur- nishings from John Ruettel & Sons, Rich and poor, we treat all alike, One man's money is as good as anothers. I you want to save money and be well pleased with a first-class fit, good work and cheap, John Ruettel & Sons, Wingham, is the place to buy your CLOTHING AND GENTS' FU NISHINGS. Folded Paper for Carptie't0ining and Stair Pads is the best th5ng•out for PCarpets. under Will lastror , years. For sale at S. emra wr.i BABY CARRIAGE& A nice line of these uu-lfi'efu4. articles at S. Gn10EY'S. aill1;.:nd tt see them. . P iture when bought in qt, .:n - We defy competition. Our prices are the lowest anywhere. We give no credit, hence we can sell you cheap. See our Boys' Summer Coats for 50 Cts.; Our Men's $5 Suits are Worth $8; Our Black Worsteds Suits for $x5, made up to order cannot be beat for $20 anywhere else. We keep nothing but the most fashionable goods. HATS) NECKTIES AND SHIRTS. If you want the latest style in Hats, at John Ruettel & Sons is the place to get them. If you want a Nobby Necktie the place to get it is at John Ruettel & Sons. Shirts, we get manufactured to our own order. They fit, and are made of the best material and are cheap. If you have money come to John Ruettel & Sons and buy your Cloth- ing and Gents' Furnishing. Money will do wonders. Money saved is money gained and at John Ruettel & Sons, Wingham, you can save it. Macdonald aedonald Block, WINGHAM. JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, Strawberries Here. BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, FRESI , HOME-GROWN STRAi�TBERRIES MMIIMAMPMOMIIMIV Berries are grown only Ia few miles out of town, you can de-' i pend on getting then. fresh. Berries picked this morning and you have them. this afternoon by leaviu 3 your As these urns , titles, delivered free 10 miles ipskn, f' ' .er with�Vin,rham, 1 p,A, ,1+ttviiirfl [ AFr r•� ,r1 AT KE1 s Si t�-• ,-p� g u OC!i RY GR i We deity1d I�RICa., otljr La ifl OIL to r , 0T C'�,L o fT. 1-1 the toN- any part rl, lr of ,1'11- C al � is •I N. A. liailfLi JOILADOENT (GT- 11131R CFARQRSON f INA HOUSE. 1VI11rGHAl1[� ,� ---- . . •G TO �` Vi .�fs1.�3.eSS CA R Shoe usiness By keeping just what you want in perfect fitting, well made, stylish and reliable Boots and Shoes and selling the same at the lowest possible prices. R YOUI A .astr;tom`, 'gingham, ,arta on the Whitby •; ,�, death, is not' li►tat 130 -' g `rral. Ont. i Suit in FIT iso for the GENT 'TU'RN JOGS it lowest prt es. Geo. Ca S Opposite Chisholm'' Drug Store, Wingham. TUNE BARGAINS. a series of bargains in all We commence on Saturday classes of BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. - We have made preparations for a big month's business. Don't spend a dollar on Shoes until you see what we hive to offer you. It will cost you nothing to insect our stock. BARGAIN TABLES AT 25c., 50c., 85c. and $I. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. ivalr/4/444,106'='i'4) 'Vaughan'. GEO. GOOD, The Shoe Store, Bed I i oluiti*